Aging Matters Issue 3 2014

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No 3, 2014

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PLUS: Professor Imre Zs.-Nagy talks about the benefits of centrophenoxine The power of light Dr Ward Dean answers your questions



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Some people may find this issue of Aging Matters™ rather technical. I will admit that we aim the standard of each magazine at the ‘educated individual’ but obviously it is not a medical journal!

Welcome -Phil says thanks for finding the time 3 The story of GHRHs and GHRPs -Dr Walker updates growth hormone 4 Centrophenoxine, memory and aging -Professor Zs.-Nagy is interviewed 11 The power of light -How lasers benefit health 14 Dr Ward Dean Q&A -Dr Dean answers your questions 19 Featured products -Best sellers and new items 23 Testimonials & Explanations -Nice people, nice comments 32 Complete product A-Z list and prices -Find everything in-stock here 32 Condition cross-reference list -Find the right product for you 45 Contact details -Get in touch with IAS today 50

But every now and then, I feel it is necessary to delve into the background of products and protocols, to ‘prove’ as it were, their scientific and clinical benefits. In Dr. Walker’s excellent article about the story of GHRHs and GHRPs he describes the latest evidence how these secretagogues and agonists are ‘overtaking’ the traditional GH injection regimen. We are also delighted to have Professor Zs.-Nagy tell us about centrophenoxine, his research and his membrane hypothesis of aging. As a gentleman who practises what he preaches we take our hats off to him. We also have information about how lasers can benefit health, and of course there is Dr Ward Dean, our medical advisor answering your health questions. There is a lot to take in here, but we hope that you will utilise the Aging Matters™ magazine as your reference guide and keep it to hand!

Phil Micans, MS, PharmB Editor, Aging Matters™ Magazine Medical Advisor: Ward Dean, M.D.

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Declaration: The IAS Aging Matters™ magazine is intended for IAS private club members and focuses on the latest international nutritional, hormonal and drug therapies to help combat the signs of aging. These signs include the physical, mental and internal changes consisting of the diseases and disorders such as cancer, arthritis and senile dementias etc. However, the main focus is upon the prevention of such aging diseases and disorders for the ‘healthy-aging’ individual. Copyright 2014: All copyrights are acknowledged. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted for illustrations, photographs, artwork or advertising materials while in transmission or with the publisher or their agents. Disclaimer: All educational information is offered under IAS terms and conditions. This information does not replace the advice of your physician and restrictions may apply in some countries. The opinions expressed by the writers may not be those of IAS or the magazine. All prices shown are in US Dollars and are for reference purposes only and they do not include taxes (where applicable), nor do they include shipping & handling fees. Prices, conditions and terms are subject to change without notice. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Synergy- the story of GHRHs and GHRPs

Fig. 1: Growth hormone is released from the pituitary gland in “pulses” resulting from an interplay of stimulatory (growth hormone releasing hormone) and inhibitory (somatostatin) signals from the brain. The pulses decline during aging, especially with loss of the nighttime surge of hormone release during slow wave sleep. The age-related decrease in mean serum hGH is primarily due to reduced pulse amplitude

By Richard Walker, M.D. Background – Age-associated hGH insufficiency: It is well known that serum titers of human growth hormone (hGH) decline during aging and that replacement of the hormone opposes many maladaptive changes in the body associated with senescence (Rudman et al., 1990).

Originally, the most obvious and logical approach to therapy was administration of recombinant hGH. However, while effective in opposing undesirable changes in body composition and some other aspects of aging, hGH administration also brought with it certain undesirable side effects, abuse potential and regulatory liabilities (Walker, 2006). Furthermore, its administration as a bolus injection prevented simulation of the physiological pattern of secretion which is an important aspect of the hGH functional profile. Endogenous hGH is released in episodes that are essential for normal responses by its target tissues. These pulses attenuate with aging (Fig1). In contrast, exogenous hGH administration produces constant, non-physiological exposure that can result in tissue hyperstimulation, organ hypertrophy, hyperplasia and tachyphylaxis (Fig. 2). 4

Fig 2. Subcutaneous injection of recombinant hGH results in elevated levels of serum hormone that result in constant nonphysiological stimulation of peripheral receptors. Intravenous administration has the same effect except that the hormone is cleared from the body more rapidly. Constant exposure to hGH resulting from pharmacological administration increases risk for side effects.

Paradoxically, exogenous hGH can also exacerbate aging in certain tissues such as the pituitary gland and brain because it presents strong negative feedback upon higher levels of the hGH neuroendocrine axis that “shut down” cellular functions causing disuse atrophy. Specifically this negative effect can be seen in those cells that secrete growth hormone releasing // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

hormone (GHRH) from the hypothalamus, and those that produce endogenous hGH in the pituitary gland called somatotrophs.

GHRH/Sermorlin: The use of secretagogues is currently favored as a physiological approach to age-management medicine. The evolutionary history of molecules currently available for hGH replacement therapy is quite interesting because the discovery of one was intentionally directed, while that of the other was totally serendipitous. Search for the structure of the first secretagogue, GHRH, identified two forms including GHRH-(1-44)-NH2 and GHRH-(1-40)-OH that were extracted and fractionated from human hypothalamic tissues (Ling et al, 1984). Subsequently, structure/activity relationships showed that the same amino (NH2)-terminal, 29 residues of both molecules is involved in binding to the GHRH receptor, is responsible for biological activity and that the intracellular second messenger affecting molecular events initiated by GHRH is cyclic adenosylmonophosphate (cAMP). Based upon this information, the synthetic analog, growth hormone releasing factor 1-29-NH2 (GRF1-29NH2) or sermorelin was developed for clinical application. In vitro studies demonstrated that sermorelin binds to saturable GHRH receptors on somatotrophs, initiates transcription of the hGH gene, and supports hGH production and secretion by an intracellular mechanism involving cAMP. These findings indicated that GHRH and its analog sermorelin provide the same, primary stimulatory signal controlling hGH secretory dynamics in the pituitary gland.

Fig 3. Evolution of molecules representing a second type of GH secretagoue (from Mueller et al. 1999)

GHRP/GHS: In contrast to GHRH/sermorelin another

hGH secretagogue was identified using a novel method of discovery that was unrelated to extracting and fractionating tissues. Instead, the molecular structures of known neuroactive peptides were chemically modified based upon the assumption that some might be related to GHRH. Presumably, modest molecular changes in the known neuropeptides would reveal the structure of GHRH. Accordingly, modification of the opioid pentapeptide, metenkephalin resulted in synthesis of the first GHRP, Tyr-D-Trp-Gly-Phe-Met-NH2. However, its ability to release hGH from pituitary cells in vitro was very weak, causing many to question whether the modest results were simply contamination artifacts. Nonetheless, continued research resulted in synthesis of a group of molecules with ever increasing hGH releasing potency that ultimately was found to represent a second, yet unknown hGH secretagogue totally different from GHRH. The evolution of these molecules is presented in Figure 3. Because of their chemical structures, these molecules called GH releasing peptides (GHRP’s) were found to not be GHRH nor analogs of it because they bound different somatotroph receptors and employed a different intracellular second messenger (PKC not cAMP) (Fig 4). Based upon these differences and reminiscent of the relationship between morphine and endorphins, the search for an endogenous GHRP ligand was undertaken. Finally, in 1999, more than 20 years after GHRPs were synthesized, a growth-hormone-releasing, acylated peptide from the stomach called ghrelin was discovered (Kojima et al., 1999). Although

Fig 4: Separate but interactive receptors for GHRH/sermorelin and GHRP/ghrelin exist on somatotrophs using complementary intracellular messengers to “fine tune” release of GH from the pituitary gland (Lengyel, 2006)

present in the stomach, ghrelin was subsequently shown to be distributed throughout the body and to display various functions in addition to GH secretion (see van der Lely et al, 2004). Data from early studies investigating the mechanism of action and relative potency of GHRPs on GH secretion in vitro were equivocal. Not knowing at the time that there exists a synergistic relationship between GHRP and GHRH the early tests gave a significant underestimate of GHRP activity in vivo. In fact, the new molecules, especially GHRP-2 were actually capable of increasing serum hGH more than GHRH // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


when tested in animals and especially in humans (Muller, 1999). The enhanced potency of GHRP in vivo suggested that it might be synergistic with GHRH and/or inhibitory upon somatostatin. Evidence for this fact derived from animal studies in which endogenous GHRH was absent (Pandya et al. 1998, Popovic et al., 2003, Tannenbaum et al., 2003). One definitive demonstration of GHRH/GHRP synergy was provided using mice in which the GHRH gene was destroyed (Alba et al, 2005). Chronic administration of GHRP-2 to these GHRH knockout (KO) mice, which was very potent in intact animals failed to stimulate somatotroph cell proliferation and GH secretion or to promote longitudinal growth in the KO’s. The data unequivocally demonstrated functional synergy between the two secretagouges in vivo. Since GHRP-2 failed to reverse the severe GHD caused by lack of GHRH in KO mice, it seemed that it must require at least some endogenous GHRH to be effective. Having this information about GHRH/GHRP synergy from in vivo studies, we repeated the earlier in vitro studies, for the purpose of characterizing and differentiating the responses of primary cell cultures from rat pituitary glands to both GH secretagogues. Pituitary glands were collected from three month old Sprague Dawley rats, minced and enzymatically digested. The dispersed cells were plated, incubated for 24 hours after which time the primary cell cultures were washed with buffer and exposed to 10-10M sermorelin (GHRH), GHRP-6 or GHRH + GHRP-6 for hourly increments up to a maximum of 10 hours. GHRP-6 was readily available at the time and was used in lieu of GHRP-2 since their mechanisms are exactly the same. The GHRP’s differ only in potency. Controls were handled exactly the same as treated groups except that GH secretagogues were not added to the cell cultures. In these studies, intracellular and extracellular GH concentrations were estimated by Western blot analysis while GH messenger RNA (mRNA) was measured by Northern blot analysis. Consistent with earlier reports, GHRP-6 alone was a very weak releaser of GH from pituitary cells compared to GHRH alone

Fig 5A. Comparison of hourly increases in GH concentrations in media containing pituitary cells and GH secretagogues.


Fig 5 B: Mean concentrations of GH in media containing pituitary cells after 10 hours exposure to GH secretagogues.

or GHRH + GHRP-6. Only a slight, statistically insignificant increase in extracellular accumulation of GH occurred in media containing cells exposed to GHRP-6 compared to unstimulated control cells (Fig 5). On the other hand, intracellular concentrations of GH were greatest in rat pituicytes that were exposed to GHRP-6 alone, compared to their controls or to those exposed to sermorelin or GHRH + GHRP-6 (Fig 6). These observations suggested that either translation of the GH gene was occurring more in unstimulated and GHRP-6 exposed cells than in those exposed to GHRH or GHRH + GHRP, or that the latter two groups were secreting more GH than the former two. The latter possibility was confirmed

Fig. 6: Intracellular concentrations of GH in cells exposed for 10 hours to GH secretagogues alone or in combination. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Fig 7. Ratio of extracellular to intracellular GH in pituitary cells exposed to GH secretagogues for 10 consecutive hours. Data show that the amount of GH leaving somatotrophs exposed to media or media containing GHRP alone is relatively small, whereas it is significantly greater in cells exposed to GHRH and especially in those exposed to combinations of GHRH and GHRP

upon subsequent analysis. In fact, the ratio of extracellular to intracellular GH was the same for control and GHRP-6 exposed cells, whereas it was significantly greater in those exposed to GHRH or GHRH + GHRP-6 (Fig. 7). This observation means that there occurred an increased release of GH from cells exposed to GHRH and GHRH + GHRP-6 compared with GHRP-6 alone. Finally, exposure of rat pituicytes to GHRP-6 was associated with increased accumulation of GH mRNA approximately equal to that associated with exposure to GHRH. Mean concentrations of GH mRNA in cells exposed to GHRH + GHRP were greater than for either peptide alone (Fig 8)

Fig.8: Effects of GHRH and GHRP alone or in combination on transcription of GH gene in pituitary cell cultures. Both secretagogues stimulated accumulation of messenger RNA compared to control conditions. Combination of both secretagoges increased mRNA production more than either secretagogue alone.

The results showed that GHRP stimulates transcription and/or translation of GH mRNA thereby increasing the gene product and GH intracellular stores. However, GHRP alone does not stimulate GH release. Instead, when GHRP is tested in vitro, GH leaves the cell passively due to increasing intracellular GH concentrations that eventually exceed the threshold for spontaneous release. This conclusion is supported by the fact that the ratio of extracellular to intracellular GH was the same in control and GHRP-6 exposed cells. Thus, unlike GHRH, which actively promotes GH release, GHRPs have minimal effect on GH secretion, but significantly affect its production. In this sense, GHRP-6 is not a secretagogue, per se. This fact explains why the GHRPs appear inactive when tested alone in vitro or in animals lacking endogenous GHRH. However, GHRP enhances the secretagogue effect of GHRH/sermorelin by increasing intracellular stores of GH which provides a larger pool for active release by sermorelin. GHRPs also directly enhance the GHRH secretory function, as indicated by the robust release of GH in response to initial exposure. In any event, these results in conjunction with in vivo studies demonstrate that for GHRPs to be clinically effective, the sermorelin/GHRH receptor must be active. Conversely, sermorelin/GHRH action on somatotroph cells is not influenced by blockage of the GHRP receptor demonstrating the primary and secondary/modulatory roles of GHRH and GHRP’s, respectively (Kamegai et al., 2004). This information is particularly relevant to clinical applications for GHRP-2 in aging because GHRH titers decline but do not disappear completely as we grow old. Thus, GHRP-2 can be used by itself in early, age-associated hGH insufficiency to restore effectiveness of the remaining endogenous GHRH through synergy and thereby to promote recrudescence of the hGH neuroendocrine axis and oppose maladaptive effects of senescence. However later in life, when levels of endogenous GHRH become critically low, then an appropriate clinical approach to restoring GH neuroendocrine activity would be to provide combinations of sermorelin and GHRP-2 as seen in (Figure 9).

Fig 9: Effects of 24 hour infusion of GH Secretagogues on GH secretory patterns and IGF-1 levels in elderly men and women. GHRP-2 has a greater effect than GHRH on increasing the amplitude of GH pulses. Attenuation of these pulses is a significant detrimental change associated with aging. (Bowers, et al, 2004)


In addition to its synergistic effect with GHRH, GHRP-2 simulates the normal, physiological secretory profiles of hGH which is markedly pulsatile in all species that have been studied (see Muller et al., 1999). The pulsatile pattern of secretion which is essential for hGH efficacy becomes blunted with age and it eventually ceases. This effect is more due to the dynamics of endogenous GHRH secretion than to its absence from the body. Relevant to the previously mentioned synergistic effect of GHRP-2 and endogenous GHRH is the fact that GHRP-2 amplifies the naturally occurring pulsatile GH secretion that becomes diminished as the relative concentrations of GHRH decline with age (Figure 8). In the short term, i.e., over a period of 24 hours, Bowers et al (2004) showed that the combination of GHRH and GHRP gives best return to pulsatility, but over the longer term as pituitary recrudescence occurs, then the need to administer exogenous GHRH along with GHRP-2 may become less significant. This is true except in cases of severe GHRH deficiency. Then oral GHRP-2 (Walker, 1990) can be supplemented with sermorelin sublingual for chronic therapy.

progressive muscle weakness with actual loss of lean body mass that contributes significantly to frailty, loss of functional mobility and independence as well as increased risk for development of intrinsic disease (Doherty T., 2003; Roubenoff R., 2001; Roubenoff R and Hughes V.A., 2000). In fact, erosion of skeletal muscle mass occurs in as much as 30% of the population beyond the age of 60 years. While sarcopenia is known to result from multiple factors, including age-related GH insufficiency, the need to develop effective and safe endocrine therapies to oppose its progression is obvious.

GHRP-2 Safety: Published reports of the beneficial effects of potent ghrelin analogs such as GHRP-2 include its ability to stimulate appetite and growth (Mericq, V.N., et al. 1998; Laferrere, B. et al., 2004), control gastric motility and secretion, modulate pancreatic and immune functions, glucose metabolism, cardiovascular performance, sleep and behavior (see Van Der Lely, A.J. et al. 2004). To be an effective agent for opposing the unending progression of senescence, GHRP2 should be used as a daily, on-going component of therapy. However, this recommendation for chronic administration of the peptide raises the question of compliance and especially of safety.

While Body Mass Index (BMI) and total body water did not change significantly in either treatment or placebo groups, total body fat was significantly decreased from 34.46 ± 1.23 % at baseline to 31.31 ± 1.11 % at the end of GHRP treatment. Visceral fat decreased from 11.84 ± 0.66 % at baseline to10.15 ± 0.67 % after 90 days of GHRP-2 administration. There were no changes in total or visceral body fat within the placebo group.

Extensive literature review failed to identify any reports of general, reproductive or cancer-causing toxicity for GHRP-2 in animals or humans. For the most part, lack of toxicity has been reported in peer-reviewed studies performed for therapeutic purposes (Bowers et al. 2004; Pihoker et al., 1998; Van den Berghe et al., 1997) even when administered at relatively high daily doses for as long a year. A study in pre-pubertal children using 900 µg/kg GHRP-2 orally, twice daily was without any adverse effects (Mericq et al., 2003) and it has been chronically administered intranasally without any evidence of side effects (Pihoker et al., 1997). Thus, while effective for its intended clinical benefits, the risk of dose-related adverse events occurring at the therapeutic doses was non-existent. In conclusion, the findings of studies reported herein, taken in conjunction with a history of three decades use in human subjects without a single report of toxicity in the peer-reviewed literature, support the view that the peptide is safe and effective for age management.

GHRP-2 Efficacy: While GHRP-2 mimics many of the

physiological effects of ghrelin, it has received greatest attention clinically for its potent hGH releasing activity. One possible application for that effect is treatment of sarcopenia that occurs in everyone as they grow old. Sarcopenia is a serious and global threat to health and quality of life in aging populations. Characteristic of sarcopenia is spontaneous and


The possible benefits of GHRP-2 were tested in a double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial involving 75 healthy subjects ranging in age from 40 to 68 years. The following data resulted from that 90 day study (Walker and Saini, 2014). Mean concentrations of serum insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) significantly increased from 103.54 ± 1.94 ng/mL at baseline to 120.47 ± 2.10 ng/mL after 90 days of treatment. In contrast, there were no significant changes in subjects receiving placebo.

Muscle mass was significantly increased from 41.88 ± 1.28 Kg at baseline to 44.13 ± 1.24 Kg , while forced vital capacity (FVC) significantly increased from 71.84 ± 3.18 % at baseline to 83.77 ± 3.70 % at day 90. There were no changes in FVC in the placebo group throughout the course of study. Finally, using Quality of Life (QoL) measures, GHRP-2 treated patients reported having increased energy, improved work ability/capacity, increased confidence, improved physical fitness, increased resistance towards illness, increased sleep duration and overall feelings of happiness. A few of the subjects reported having reduced back pain and ankle pain while others remarked about improvement in skin texture and radiance.

Conclusions: Because of their effects on body composition, GH secretion, appetite and energy metabolism the GH secretagogues such as GHRP-2 and sermorelin are appropriate for various applications in age management including treatment of sarcopenia, a major threat to health and vitality in the elderly (Doherty, T.J., 2003). Thus, the need to develop effective pharmacological interventions that may prevent or partially reverse sarcopenia, is evident. Since GH secretagogues are known to stimulate production of GH by the pituitary and also to restore natural, physiological, episodic release of the hormone, they have the potential to complement resistance exercise as well as amino acid and protein supplements as another beneficial factor for opposing many age-associated dysfunctions. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Literature Cited Alba M, Fintini D, Bowers CY, Parlow AF, Salvatori R. Effects of long-term treatment with hormone-releasing peptide-2 in the GHRH knockout mouse. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2005, 289:E762-E767. doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00203.2005

Popovic V, Miljic D, Damjanovic S, Arvat F, Ghigo E, Dieguez C, and Casanueva FF. Ghrelin main action on the regulation of growth hormone release is exerted at hypothalamic level. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003, 88:3450–3453.

Bowers CY, Granda R, Mohan S, Kuipers J, Baylink D, Veldhuis J. Sustained elevation of pulsatile growth hormone secretion and IGF-1 concentratinos during subcutaneous administration of GHRP-2 in older men and women. J Clin Endo Metab 2004, 89:2290-2300.

Roubenoff, R., 2001. Origins and clinical relevance of sarcopenia. Can. J. Appl. Physiol. 26, 78–89.

Doherty, T.J., 2003. Invited Review: Aging and Sarcopenia. J. Appl. Physiol. 95, 1717–1727; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00347

Rudman D, Feller AG, Nagraj HS, et al. 1990. Effects of human growth hormone in men over 60 years old. N Engl J Med 1990, 323:16.

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Roubenoff, R., Hughes, V.A., 2000. Sarcopenia: current concepts.J. Gerontol. A. Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. 55, M716–M724.

Tannenbaum GS, Epelbaum J, and Bowers CY. Interrelationship between the novel peptide ghrelin and somatostatin/growth hormone releasing hormone in regulation of pulsatile growth hormone secretion. Endocrinology 2003, 144: 967–974. Van den Berghe, G., de Zegher, F., Veldhuis, J.D., Wouters, P., Awouters, M., Verbruggen, W., Schetz, M., Verwaest, C., Lauwers, P., Bouillon, R., Bowers, C.Y., 1997. The Somatotropic Axis in Critical Illness: Effect of Continuous Growth Hormone (GH)-Releasing Hormone and GH-Releasing Peptide-2 Infusion J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 82, 590–599. van der Lely A, Tschop M, Heiman M, Ghigo E. Biological, physiological, pathophysiological and pharmacological aspects of ghrelin. Endo Rev. 2004, 25:426-457. Walker RF: Sermorelin: A better approach to management of adultonset growth hormone insufficiency? Clin Interventions Aging, 2006: 1(4):1-2. Walker RF, Codd EE, Barone FC, Nelson AH, Goodwin T, Campbell SA. Oral activity of the growth hormone releasing peptide HisD-Trp-Ala-Trp-D-Phe-Lys-NH2 in rats, dogs and monkeys. Life Sciences 1990,47:29-36. Walker RF, Saini R. A 90 day Clinical Trial of a Medical Food for Treatment and Prevention of Age-Related Sarcopenia. Drug Design Devel Ther 2014 (submitted for peer review).

Mericq, V.N., Cassorla, F., Salazar, T., Avila, A., Iniguez, G., Bowers, C.Y., Merriam, G.R 1998. Effects of Eight Months Treatment with Graded Doses of a Growth Hormone (GH)-Releasing Peptide in GHDeficient Children. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 83, 2355–2360. Muller E, Locatelli V, Cocchi D. Neuroendocrine control of growth hormone secretion. Physiol Rev. 1999, 79: 512-575. Pandya N, DeMott-Friberg R, Bowers CY, Barkan AL, Jaffe CA. Growth hormone (GH)-releasing peptide-6 requires endogenous hypothalamic GH-releasing hormone for maximal GH stimulation. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998, 83: 1186–1189. Pihoker, C., Badger, T.M., Reynolds, G.A., Bowers, C.Y. 1997. Treatment effects of intranasal growth hormone releasing peptide-2 in children with short stature. J. Endocrinol. 155, 79-86. Pihoker, C., Kearns, G.L., French, D., Bowers, C.Y., 1998. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Growth HormoneReleasing Peptide-2: A Phase I Study in Children. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 83, 1168–1172. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


GHRP2 An oral growth hormone releasing peptide to increase GH production Special offer 120 ml bottle normally $159.99, for a limited time $145.00

Sermorelin A sublingual precursor to release GH into the blood Special offer 30 ml bottle normally $199.99, for a limited time $180.00 Offers valid until June 30th 2014

The work of Dr Richard Walker highlights that these two orally taken agents are highly synergistic and when combined significantly enhance growth hormone release. *Restrictions may apply in some countries. All information is educational and does not replace your physician’s advice and is subject to IAS terms and conditions which may change without notice.

PM: “Professor Zs.-Nagy, thank you very much for taking time to chat with us today about your Membrane Hypothesis of Aging (MHA) and the effects of Centrophenoxine (CPH). Can we start please with what I believe is a wonderful quote? I understand your mentor, Professor Fritz Verzár, said that aging would be understood when the question of why it takes longer to cook an old chicken than a young one was answered! Can you explain to us what he meant by that and how it shapes your MHA?”

Centrophenoxine (CPH) and the Membrane Hypothesis of Aging (MHA) An interview with Professor Imre Zs.-Nagy, MD by the Editor of Aging Matters™ Phil Micans; herein referred to as IZSN and PM. Imre Zs.-Nagy was born in Hungary in 1936 and took his MD degree in 1961. He had been university Professor of gerontology at the University of Debrecen, retiring by law at age 70. He spent various periods abroad in research institutes, altogether about 15 years in Italy, USA, Japan, Germany and Switzerland. In 1982 he founded the interdisciplinary journal, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, and was its Editor-in-Chief for 30 years. He formulated the Membrane Hypothesis of Aging (MHA), which is a comprehensive explanation of differentiation and aging of postmitotic cells. The MHA offers a basis for the experimental influencing of brain aging, in which Centrophenoxine (CPH) plays a crucial role. CPH is incorporated into the brain cell membranes where it acts as a site-specific, local hydroxyl-free-radical scavenger by donating the 2 loosely bound electrons of its N-atom, protecting in this way the adjacent protein compounds of the plasma membrane from non-desired cross-linking. Due to the very low toxicity of CPH, this intervention is feasible in humans for very long term use.

IZSN: “Verzár invented experimental gerontology during the early fifties. He mentioned the problem of cooking an old chicken jokingly, but also considered it as a serious question. He studied in detail the heat-denaturation properties of collagen molecules and established that the triple helical molecule of collagen is stabilized, in great part by H-bonds, when they are synthesized. However, part of these weak, easily cooked bonds are transformed later into much stronger covalent bonds, being more resistant to cooking. He calculated that about 10 H-bonds become covalent per collagen molecule during the 2-3 year life-span of rats. Verzár extended these observations to other cellular structures, like nucleo-proteins. My attention was devoted to the cell plasma membrane. Why? Because it is the most compact structure of the cells and displays quite remarkable changes during aging due to its physicochemical composition. These membrane changes involve altered lipid composition and a linear slowing-down of the lateral diffusion of all membrane compounds. This leads to intracellular dehydration. These changes are particularly important in postmitotic cells like brain neurons. These small changes mean a lot in the long term because the cells gradually undergo serious, quantitative losses of their functional ability, proportional with the progressive and destructive character of the aging process. The intracellular density increases very seriously, slowing down all enzyme activities.” PM: “So I understand that these cell changes that take place as we age reduce the efficiency of enzymes, with diminished capacity for nutrition to enter the cell and waste to be removed from it.” IZSN: “Right. The consequences of this reduction of enzyme activities leads to a slower turnover of proteins, increases the accumulation of lipofuscin, and the development of functional disorders seen in memory loss, Alzheimer’s and many other issues.” PM: “And did your studies lead you to look into any developments that could help the cells remove lipofuscin?” IZSN: “The removal of lipofuscin was described in the sixties in CPH-treated experimental animals. CPH was already considered to be an approach to slow down the rate of aging. Unfortunately however, the mechanism of action of CPH was misinterpreted. People assumed that it promoted acetylcholine synthesis, but this was a mistake because it was shown later that the dimethylamino moiety of CPH is never trimethylated in brain tissue, i.e., it does not increase the availability of choline. We have shown by ESR-spectroscopy that CPH acts // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


as a hydroxyl-free-radical scavenger, protecting the membrane proteins against these radicals.” PM: “And how successful was CPH in your trials?” IZSN: “We not only prolonged the medium life-span of CPH-treated rats by about 20-30%, we demonstrated a significant improvement of the physicochemical membrane parameters that were deteriorated by aging. During the mid-seventies, human auto-experiments with CPH was started and it has been maintained until now, with remarkable personal observations.” PM: “So lipofuscin deposits are reduced with CPH? What benefits does this provide for patients?” IZSN: “In clinical terms, CPH is beneficial for humans. We performed a double-blind clinical trial with 50 residents in an old-age home; 25 men and 25 women, with an average age of 77 years. They suffered from dementias of medium level. (DSM III, Category 1, ICD No. 299) The patients were randomly coded in verum and placebo groups. For the first 2-weeks all of them received placebo tablets. Meanwhile, their initial performance was measured by the Nuremberg Gerontopsychological Inventory (NAI). This was followed by an 8-week period of treatment either by 2 g/day of CPH, or placebo administered under double-blind conditions. The NAI and all laboratory tests were applied to them during the last week of this treatment, with their code only revealed after the definitive evaluation of the NAI tests. In the verum group we obtained a significant 48% improvement to their memory functions, whereas in the placebo group only 28% showed improvement.” (Arch. Gerontol. Geriatr., 9, 17-30, 1989). CH3 Cl








Above: CPH Molecule

PM: “Now I happen to know that you have been using CPH for a long time, probably longer than anyone else. Would you care to comment on that?” IZSN: “Of course. Already on the basis of the animal experiments and some human auto-experiments started in the USA, I began to take 500 mg CPH/day when I became 40 years old, which was in October 1976. I was aware that aging is a gradual process, i.e., one cannot expect rapid changes, like our American colleagues did! As a matter of fact, they stopped the CPH treatment after a short period of 4-6 months because they did not feel rejuvenating effects. Instead of this expectation, I wanted to see whether CPH is able to slow down aging, therefore, I continued taking CPH until the present day, i.e., already for more than 37 years! Today, I am sure that CPH has helped me to maintain my working ability, in both a mental 12

and physical sense; at age 78 I still perform very well.” PM: “Naturally we should ask if there are side-effects or contraindications when using a CPH supplement.” IZSN: “Together with me, my family members, friends and other persons who have been taking CPH for many years, I can say that all of these persons have had positive experiences. We have not experienced any adverse side effects of CPH. I did not know of any cases where people have stopped the CPH treatment because of any inconvenient side effects. This indicates that the interpretation of the mechanism of action of CPH according to the MHA is realistic, namely, CPH improves the site-specific, local protection of the membrane proteins against oxidative damage, as described by the MHA.” PM: “On the other side of the coin, do you believe there may be other agents or protocols that could be beneficial when used alongside CPH to slow down aging?” IZSN: “I am conscious of the late biochemist James South’s article stating that CPH plus regular clear water could hydrate cells effectively, but of course, I have to mention the effects of the recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH), too. During the last decade, rhGH has become available on a wider scale at reasonable prices. Its beneficial effects against aging are in full conformity with the MHA. It is well known that the membrane of each type of cells contains receptors for hGH. This explains a lot of so far unknown effects of this hormone on the cell membrane. As a matter of fact, rhGH causes intracellular rehydration and improves many functional abilities, which are otherwise damaged during aging. The readers may find more details in my paper.” (Arch. Gerontol. Geriatr. 48, 271-275, 2009). PM: “I fully appreciate that you have officially retired after spending decades at the forefront of geriatrics and gerontology; may I ask you what you think of the advent of antiaging medicine and the direction it is going today?” IZSN: “I am deeply convinced that antiaging medicine will have a brilliant future. Antiaging medicine may well prolong life-span - but if it brings about only a better quality of life at later ages, then by itself it will be a great success. If one calculates the costs of orthodox medicine treatment and taking care of elderly ill persons, it is predicted to be useful in economic terms for human society.” PM: “Professor Zs.-Nagy, you have my deepest gratitude for sharing your knowledge with us today.” IZSN: “It was my pleasure.” // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


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The Smarter Way to Combat Mental Decline

Cent-Pro™ $24.00 each ($5.99 off) Centrophenoxine is a Nootropic or smart drug proven to increase brain power, improve longevity and create an overall sense of mental alertness. Centrophenoxine ‘cleans out’ Lipofuscin the build-up of potassium in the brain, heart, lung and skin cells that accumulates over a lifetime, improving their function and their longevity. Pioneering Centrophenoxine researcher Imre Zs Nagy uses our Cent Pro, so if you want the experts choice you need our Centrophenoxine. Offer valid until June 30th 2014

and portable device for personal use, the Vielight®. Let’s examine the health benefits of this amazing innovation.

From intravenous to intranasal to Vielight®: Evolution of the blood illumination method The original method of blood illumination, developed by Russian researchers in the early 1980’s, involved inserting a canula containing a cable that delivered low level laser light of specific wavelengths directly into the circulating bloodstream through a vein in the forearm, as shown below. Figure 1 (right): Intravenous blood illumination method

The power of light; the Vielight® intranasal light therapy By Leslie J. Farer The healing power of light has long been known. But the process of irradiating the blood in one’s body with laser or LED light for therapeutic purposes may sound a bit futuristic, (if not strange!) to most Westerners. Yet, it has been going on in various stages of development for over 30 years - first in Russia, and then in China, where it has made huge strides through knowledge gained from intensive medical research. The original Russian intravenous blood illumination procedure was reworked by Chinese researchers into a non-invasive technology that delivers beneficial light through the nasal cavity and circulates its healing potential throughout the body. Hundreds of clinical studies show that intranasal light therapy not only supports overall health, but treats an array of conditions, from cardiovascular to neurological and immune disorders - all while delivering potent antiaging effects. Now, all of the therapeutic potential of this fascinating medical technology has been harnessed into a user-friendly 14

In the 1990’s, Chinese scientists began experimenting with irradiating the bloodstream another way - by inserting small low level laser diodes into the nostril, instead of injecting the light into a vein. As shown in figure 2, the nasal cavity contains a rich network of blood vessels and is bathed by considerable blood flow, making it an ideal location for illumination of the bloodstream. Figure 2 (left): The nasal cavity is rich in vasculature

The technique became known as intranasal low intensity laser therapy (ILILT). Later work also employed non-laser generated light, such as LED (light-emitting diode) and infrared. More recently, the technology was further refined to produce a commercially available version, the Vielight® 633 Red, which comfortably attaches inside of the nostril (Figure 3) and illuminates blood flowing through the nasal cavity with LED-generated low intensity red light at a wavelength of 633 nm. The device is light-weight, portable, and easy to use at home (no doctor’s visit necessary). Figure 3 (left): The Vielight®: comfortable, portable, and effective

Most of the hundreds of clinical studies on intranasal light therapy (also called intranasal phototherapy; both are general terms which encompass laser and // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

non-laser LED light) have been performed in China, where it is widely used and distributed, with an estimated ten million devices sold. Although the technique is largely unknown in North America and most European countries (perhaps because most of the studies are in Chinese), it is a powerful healing modality that will no doubt gain popularity in the years to come. Let’s take a look first at its mechanisms of action, and then its many applications.

Intranasal Light Therapy Acts by Multiple Mechanisms Irradiating the blood with low intensity light to modulate, (i.e., either stimulate or inhibit) biological functions, a process known as photobiomodulation, promotes health and stimulates healing by restoring homeostasis, or internal equilibrium. Homeostasis is a term used to describe the tendency of the body to maintain constant and stable internal conditions by adjusting its physiological processes. This balance is disrupted in cases of disease, and can be re-established through the use of intranasal phototherapy, which circulates its healing effects throughout the body. Various mechanisms have been proposed for this restorative effect, including the generation of ATP, the cellular “energy currency” that transports chemical energy within cells to support metabolism. Low intensity light also spurs the production of singlet oxygen, a type of ROS (reactive oxygen species). At first glance, it seems that the production of an oxidative compound would be harmful, rather than beneficial to health. But ROS’s generated in a controlled manner at low levels play a part in a variety of essential physiological processes, including a cell signaling pathway known as redox signaling. Through redox signaling, singlet oxygen alerts the body to activate endogenous antioxidants within cells, (1, 2) a process that occurs naturally during illness or physical injury to stimulate the immune system and repair mechanisms, as well as in response to light illumination in the red spectrum. The result is an overall antioxidative effect that exceeds any potential free radical damage by singlet oxygen. In particular, intranasal light therapy, through the process of redox signaling, has been shown to stimulate the production of SOD (superoxide dismutase), (3) an important antioxidant enzyme that may also promote longevity. Low intensity light also improves the redox potential

of cells. Without going into too much chemistry, this refers to reactions involving the transfer of electrons between chemical species, in this case the oxidized and reduced forms of the niacin analogs NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and NADH. Intranasal light therapy increases the ratio of NAD+/ NADH to a more favorable value (3) characteristic of healthy cells. All of these mechanisms – and there are undoubtedly more - occur at the cellular level in response to illumination of the nasal cavity, but their benefits are transported in the bloodstream throughout the body for an overall beneficial systemic effect. It should also be mentioned that, according to traditional Chinese medicine, some of the therapeutic effects of intranasal phototherapy may be mediated through meridians, or channels, that form a network in the body through which qi, or vital energy flows. Any blockage in qi causes pain or illness, and low intensity light may act to restore the flow of vital energy throughout the body. Now let’s see how the therapy can be applied to treating particular conditions.

From high blood pressure to insomnia: Intranasal light therapy treats It Many Russian studies on intranasal phototherapy focus on treating rhinitis (4) and sinusitis, (5) but most of the work in China has been directed to treating cardiovascular, neurological, and immune diseases. These studies all used ILILT with various types of low level lasers to irradiate the nasal cavity. However, it is thought that equivalent results may be obtained using low intensity light from an LED source. According to the manufacturer of the Vielight® 633 Red, a calibrated LED diode will produce the same biological effects as a laser diode. Therefore, the clinical outcomes obtained in the studies below can potentially be achieved with the Vielight®. ILILT has demonstrated enormous benefits in improving key risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. First, it enhances blood circulation by normalizing red blood cell aggregation (the “sticking” together of red blood cells) and lowering the high blood viscosity that results from the clumped cells. This enables the blood to flow unimpeded, allowing red blood cells to deliver oxygen and nutrients efficiently throughout the body. This is associated with the release of nitric oxide. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


gic neurons in the substantia nigra portion of the brain. One study on Parkinson’s patients found that treatment with ILILT returned a marker of cognitive decline to normal levels and improved symptoms in 86% of patients, (13) a finding that was corroborated by another study. (14) In patients with schizophrenia, ILILT was found to potentiate the effect of medication by quickening its onset. (15) ILILT also Figure 4: Red blood cells before (aggregated) (left) and after exhibits pronounced analgesic effects. In patients (free-flowing) intranasal light therapy (right) with chronic headache, migraine, or trigeminal neuILILT also reduces the high lipid levels associated ralgia, ILILT improved symptoms in 90% of cases with vascular diseases. In one of numerous studies and increased blood levels of β endorphin, (16, 17) a on cardiovascular disease, patients with coronary brain chemical with greater analgesic potency than heart disease and stroke who were treated with ILILT morphine. ILILT also has applications in treating significantly improved with treatment: total chodiabetic neuropathy, where it has been shown to lesterol fell by 15%, triglycerides declined by 9.6%, enhance the effect of drugs. (18) high-density lipoprotein ( “good” cholesterol) rose by 12.1%, low-density lipoprotein (“bad” cholesterol) fell In addition, intranasal light therapy has immune-enhancing effects and may potentially be used to treat by 9.2%, and both blood viscosity and red blood cell aggregation were lowered. (3) In other studies, ILILT illnesses ranging from influenza to cancer. Further research will undoubtedly reveal additional applicatreatment increased cerebral blood flow in stroke tions of this powerful medical technology. But perpatients (6) and myocardial blood flow in heart haps one of its most compelling features is its impact attack patients. (7) In addition, the positive effect of on longevity. ILILT on red blood cell aggregation and circulation may lead to lowered blood pressure, which may also Antiaging effects of intranasal light therapy be achieved by the light-stimulated release of nitric oxide, a substance that relaxes blood vessel walls. According to the free radical theory of aging, oxidative stress is a primary cause of aging due to the ILILT is also effective in treating a wide range of accumulation of DNA, tissue, and organ damage neurological conditions. It is a welcome alternative over time. We saw earlier that low intensity light ento side-effect-prone sleeping pills for the large prohances the production of SOD and combats deleteportion of the population who suffer from insomnia. rious oxidative reactions. It follows that by restoring Studies show that ILILT increases serum levels of oxidant-antioxidant homeostasis, intranasal photomelatonin, the pineal hormone that regulates sleep, therapy may extend lifespan. We also saw that light (3, 8) and improves polysomnogram (sleep study) stimulation boosts the redox potential of cells, with measurements. (9) One study found that ILILT an increase in the ratio of NAD+/NADH. A boost significantly improved sleep in two to four weeks in NAD+ may lead to higher activity of the sirtuin 82% of patients and without side effects (10) - an ins (SIRT’s), a family of enzymes with key roles in impressive result that surpasses the track record of metabolic homeostasis and life span regulation. (19) most sleeping pills! Also, as mentioned earlier in reference to insomnia, Alzheimer’s is another disease that is often not intranasal light therapy increases production of mesufficiently improved by drugs, and is a good indilatonin, a hormone that typically declines with age. cation for intranasal light therapy. ILILT has been Besides its sleep-enhancing effects, the hormone has shown to decrease levels of blood amyloid beta, (11) been shown to prevent premature aging and increase the main component of plaques in the brain, and life span, (20) at least in part as a result of its antiincrease scores in a test of memory. (12) ILILT also oxidant and anticarcinogenic actions. All of these shows potential in treating Parkinson’s disease. factors contribute to the potent anti-aging effects of Parkinson’s is a major neurodegenerative disorder intranasal light therapy. characterized by a progressive loss of dopaminer16 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Summing Up It’s now clear that intranasal light therapy is a powerful healing modality that acts through a variety of mechanisms to rebalance the body’s physiology and restore homeostasis. It not only treats a wide spectrum of diseases, but safely promotes overall health, in contrast to the side-effects, toxicity, and lack of efficacy associated with many drugs. The good news is that this innovative technology has been condensed down to a hand-held, portable device, the Vielight® 633 Red, for home use. The nose-clip applicator fits comfortably on either nostril and delivers therapeutic LED red light at 633 nm for 25 minutes, after which it automatically shuts off, so it can conveniently be used when reading, working, watching TV, even napping. What’s more, it’s affordable - a modest one-time cost that will enhance your health for a lifetime.

“...the good news is that this innovative technology has been condensed down to a hand-held, portable device...” References 1. Hulten L M, Holmstrom M, Soussi B. Harmful Singlet Oxygen can be helpful. Free Radic Biol Med. 1999 Dec;27(1112):1203-7. 2. Soberman R J. The expanding network of redox signalling: new observations, complexities and perspectives. J Clin Invest. 2003 Mar;111(5):571-4. 3. Liu TC, Cheng L, Su W, et al. Randomized, Double-Blind, and Placebo-Controlled Clinic Report of Intranasal Low-Intensity Laser Therapy on Vascular Diseases. Int J Photoenergy. 2012: Article ID: 489713. 4. Tulebaev RK, Sadykov ShB, Romanov VA, Khalitova GKh. Indicators of the activity of the immune system during laser therapy of vasomotor rhinitis. Vestn Otorinolaringol. 1989 Jan-Feb;(1):46-9. (in Russian) 5. Kruchinina I, Feniksova LV, Rybalkin SV, Pekli FF. Therapeutic effect of helium-neon laser on microcirculation of nasal mucosa in children with acute and chronic maxillary sinusitis as measured by conjunctival biomicroscopy. Vestn Otorinolaringol. 1991 May-Jun;(3):26-30. (in Russian)

7. Jin F, Dai H, Zhu P, et al. Preliminary study of efficacy of intra-nasal radiation with low-density semiconductor laser. Beijing Medical Journal. 2008;30(1):16-19. (in Chinese) 8. Xu C, Wang L, Liu J, Tan Y, Li Q. Endonasal low energy He-Ne laser treatment of insomnia. Qian Wei J Med & Pharm. 2001;18(5): 337-338. (in Chinese) 9. Xu C, Wu Z, Wang L, Shang X, Li Q. The effects of endonasal low energy He-Ne laser treatment of insomnia on Sleep EEG. Prac J Med & Pharm. 2002;19(6): 407-408. (in Chinese) 10. Wang F. Therapeutic effect observation of intranasal low intensity laser therapy on insomnia. Journal of Community Medicine. 2006;4(3):58. (in Chinese) 11. Jin L, Shi B and Zhou C. The effect on serum amyloid beta protein of patients with mild cognitive impairment after semiconductor laser therapy. Acta Academiae medicinae Qingdao Universitatis. 2000;36(3): 175-176. (in Chinese) 12. Xu C, Wang L, Shang X, Li Q. The treatment of Alzheimer’s disease with hypoenergy He-Ne laser. Prac J Med & Pharm. 2002;19(9): 647-648. (in Chinese) 13. Li Q, Song L, Guo K, Yu Y, Ma S, Shen L. The effect of endonasal low energy He-Ne laser treatment of Parkinson’s disease on CCK-8 content in blood. Chin J Neurol. 1999;32(6):364. (in Chinese) 14. Xu C, Lu C, Wang L, Li Q. The effects of endonasal low energy He-Ne laser therapy on antioxidation of Parkinson’s disease. Prac J Med & Pharm. 2003;20(11): 816-817. (in Chinese) 15. Liao Z. Nursing patients of schizophrenia treated by intranasal low energy He-Ne laser therapy. Journal of Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2000;12(3): 140. (in Chinese) 16. Li Q, Guo K, Kang J, Jiang B. Clinic analysis of endonasal low energy He-Ne laser treatment of 39 cases of intractable headache. Acta Academiae medicinae Qingdao Universitatis. 1998;(1): 53. (in Chinese) 17. Li Q, Guo K, Kang J, Jiang B, Wang Y. β endorphin research for endonasal low energy He-Ne laser treatment of ache in head or face. 1998;Chin J Neurol. 31(2): 91. (in Chinese) 18. Li X, Lin X, Duan H, Wu H. Effects of semiconductor laser irradiation in nostril on peripheral neuropathy diabetes. International Medicine & Health Guidance News. 2006;12(2):11-13. 19. Guarente L. Sirtuins in aging and disease. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 2007;72:483-8. 20. Anisimov VN, Popovich IG, Zabezhinski MA, Anisimov SV, Vesnushkin GM, Vinogradova IA. Melatonin as antioxidant, geroprotector and anticarcinogen. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2006 May-Jun;1757(5-6):573-89.

6. Xiao X, Guo Y, Chu X, Jia S, Zheng X, Zhou C. Effects of low power laser irradiation in nasal cavity on cerebral blood flow perfusion of patients with brain infarction. Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2005;27(7): 418-450. (in Chinese) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Natural Healing With Vielight Intranasal Light Therapy

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The Life Light

Vielight Intranasal Light Therapy is a way to stimulate the body to re-establish its natural internal balance or homeostasis. The light illuminates the capillaries inside the nasal cavity. This stimulates the body to heal itself and resets the systems to their healthy state. Offer valid until June 30th 2014

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$275.00 each ($24.99 off)

Dr Ward Dean answers your questions

We are delighted that Ward Dean, M.D., one of the world’s foremost antiaging physicians, has agreed to answer our readers’ questions. Full details about Dr. Dean can be seen at his website:

Dear Dr. Dean Lyme’s disease seems to be both a difficult disease to diagnose and to treat. It seems hard for me to believe in this day and age that a tick can be the cause so much trouble. My doctor is not convinced that I have Lyme’s; however I appear to have many of the symptoms including fatigue, muscle and joint pain, headaches, frequent chills, and neck stiffness. My job entails being often out and about in the Canadian wilds. Can you please recommend anything that can help in this situation? (I’m a 44 year old man). D.D., Canada Dear D.D., One of the problems that you’ve already encountered is the difficulty of making a Lyme diagnosis. The spirochete that originally causes the disease may exist in several forms, and literally “hides” within the immune system. Although there is no universally accepted test for chronic Lyme disease, I often use the Lyme Immune Tolerance Test (LITT) from Pharmasan Labs. The LITT measures the body’s cell mediated immune response to B burgdorferi-specific antigens. The diagnosis of Lyme disease remains a clinical diagnosis—i.e., a combination of the history of the illness (especially, a known tick bite), and the presenting signs and symptoms. Therefore, try to find a physician who specializes in (or is at least knowledgeable about) the diagnosis and treatment of chronic Lyme. Treatment is often frustrating, with patients responding better to one or another treatment protocol than another

patient with similar symptoms. One of the best books that I have found for Lyme diagnosis and treatment is The Lyme Disease Solution, by Dr. Kenneth Singleton, M.D.— himself a long-time sufferer of Chronic Lyme Disease. The first approach to treatment is one or more courses of antibiotics, with varying degrees of effectiveness. I have found, in addition, that oral and intravenous mild silver protein to be effective—often in combination with the immune-balancing effects of low dose Naltrexone (4.5 mg at bedtime) and baker’s yeast-derived 1-3, 1-6 Beta-glucans. Beta glucans have been shown to prime and enhance the effectiveness of the immune system in all species tested to date, including humans. The increased resistance to infection is not pathogen-specific, and extends from weaponized anthrax to flu viruses.1 Beta glucans (like naltrexone) can be used in conjunction with antibiotics, significantly enhancing their effectiveness against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. 1 In his article in Current Aging Science, a portion of which was reproduced in the first issue of this journal, Professor Paul Clayton alerted us to the enzyme lactoperoxidase (LPO) and hypo-thiocyanate (HOSCN).2 LPO and HOSCN seem to enable our immune systems to overcome virtually every pathogenic micro-organism (bacteria and viruses) against which they have been tested. Nevertheless, these substances are virtually non-toxic to humans or pro-biotics—making them a near-perfect antibiotic system. IAS offers this remarkable new approach to overcoming just about any infectious organism, in its lactoperoxidase/ // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:



• Campylobacter jejuni (14)

• Escherichia coli (10)

• Aeromonas hydrophila (8)

• Yersinia enterocolitica (4)

• Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6)

• Klebsiella pneumoniae (13)

• Capnocytophaga ochracea

• Klebsiella oxytoca (10)

• Selenomonas sputigena

• Streptococcus agalactiae

• Wolinella recta

• Streptococcus mutans

• Enterobacter cloacae (12)

• Staphylococcus aureus • Salmonella species (12) • Shigella sonnei (15) • Listeria monocytogenes • Acinetobacter species (40)

Viruses • Herpes simplex virus • Immunodeficiency virus • Respiratory syncytial virus

• Neisseria species (20)


• Haemophilus influenzae (20)

• Candida albicans

hypo-thiocyanate product, 1st Line™. I believe it may be equally efficacious in helping to eliminate the Lyme-causing bacteria. The microbiology and biochemistry involved in the mechanisms of 1st Line’s effects are too complex to address here, but are described in detail in Professor Clayton’s articles available on the IAS website. I hope this information will be helpful to you. Ward Dean, M.D.

References 1. Clayton, P. Novel therapeutic strategies in infection and cancer management. Current Aging Science, 2012, 5, 218-224. 2. Clayton, P. The age of antibiotics may be coming to an end—what can we turn to? Aging Matters, 2012, 1, 21-23.

I am a 64 year old woman who has been recommended to take a statin to lower my cholesterol level. From my test I have been informed that I appear to have above-normal levels of triglycerides, homocysteine and CRP. I am aware that these markers are a risk for cardiovascular disease. I am rather surprised by them because I am not overweight; I do not smoke or drink much alcohol and would say that my lifestyle is quite healthy. Therefore, I am keen to learn of which supplements could help me correct matters? (By the way I have not taken that statin drug yet). C.K., England Dear C.K., I believe you are wise not to take a statin drug, and can easily normalize all of the above markers nutritionally. Niacin (nicotinic acid, vitamin B3) is the safest, cheapest, and most effective lipid lowering substance there is. It will not only lower your total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol, but it raises HDL (“good” cholesterol) (something statin drugs do not do). Depending 20

on your levels, I usually recommend doses of 500-1500 mg per day, although doses as high as 6,000 mg have been used. Niacin causes the release of histamine, which results in a harmless but bothersome “flushing reaction” of redness, itching. The reaction is temporary, and goes away with continued use. [Ed. – IAS has Xan-Pro™ the most potent form of niacin]. Another little-known way to normalize cholesterol is by supplementing with the mineral magnesium. Most people are magnesium-deficient, which I believe results in the epidemic of hyperlipidemia which we seem to be experiencing. Magnesium supplementation mirrors the benefits obtained with niacin, i.e., lowers total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides, and raises HDL.1 It is nearly impossible to overdose on magnesium, as an excess will cause diarrhea. Therefore, I usually advise my patients to titrate (slowly increase) their magnesium intake to “bowel tolerance,” and then decrease the dose to whatever keeps their stools comfortably loose. Those with severely impaired kidney function should not supplement with magnesium, however. [Ed. – there are a wide range of bioavailable minerals in Quinton® water]. Homocysteine is a by-product of methionine metabolism, and is a cardiovascular risk factor in itself. Homocysteine levels can be normalized by supplementation with vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid, and anhydrous betaine (trimethylglycine [TMG]) - about 5 grams per day. C-Reactive-Protein is an indicator of inflammation in the body. It can be reduced by anti-inflammatory herbs such as Turmeric and Boswellia, aspirin, niacin, and omega-3 containing fish oils. [Ed. – IAS has CurcuminSR™, Beyond B12® and Krill oil]. Ward Dean, M.D

References 1. Seelig, M.S., Rosanoff, A. The Magnesium Factor, Avery, New York, 2003

Dear IAS: I was wondering if Dr Dean can recommend anything for helping with a leaky gut? It seems to stump western doctors. Many thanks. S.B., Oregon Dear S.B., For those not familiar with the Leaky Gut syndrome which is not a diagnosis that we learn about in medical school - it is an increasingly common symptom spectrum with a constellation of symptoms such as bloating, gas, cramps, food sensitivities, chronic diarrhea and constipation, skin rashes, headaches, brain fog, memory // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

loss, cravings for sugar and carbs, anxiety, and joint and muscle aches and pains. It is thought to be caused by a hyperpermeable (“leaky”) intestinal lining that allows larger, undigested food molecules, yeast, toxins, casein protein from milk, or other proteins in nuts, grains, or eggs, and chemicals normally found in foods (such as Phenols and Glycerin) and all other forms of waste that your body normally doesn’t allow through the intestinal lining, to flow directly into your bloodstream. These “foreign substances” are absorbed into tissues throughout the body, causing inflammation, often causing the production of antibodies against these invaders, which may result in immune dysfunction (i.e., immune deficiency or autoimmune reactions). Symptoms of Leaky Gut vary from person to person depending on the level of damage and the tissues being affected. If left un-repaired, leaky gut can lead to more severe health issues like inflammatory bowel disease (including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, migraine headaches, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. There is a strong body of evidence pointing to leaky gut as a major cause of autoimmune diseases including Type 1 Diabetes, as well as malabsorption of vital minerals and nutrients including zinc and iron. Leaky gut has been hypothesized to be caused by: • Poor diet: Refined sugars, processed foods, preservatives, flours, and flavorings introduce massive amounts of chemicals into the body that may be perceived as toxic. Gluten-containing grains may damage the intestinal lining. • Chronic Stress: Chronic stress may result in a suppressed immune system. This increases overall gut inflammation leading to increased permeability of the intestinal lining. • Inflammation: Any type of inflammation in the gut can lead to leaky gut. This can be brought on by low stomach acid (which passes undigested food into the small intestine), yeast overgrowth (Candida), bacteria overgrowth, infection, parasites and excessive environmental toxins. • Medications: Any prescription or over the counter medication can irritate the intestinal lining. • Lack of Zinc: Zinc is a critical piece of maintaining a strong intestinal lining. A deficiency of the mineral can lead to the mucosal lining losing strength and becoming more permeable. • Dysbiosis: This is an imbalance between beneficial and harmful bacteria in the gut. The overuse of prescription antibiotic drugs, tap water with chlorine and fluoride, and the lack of probiotic rich foods contribute to this imbalance.

Treating Leaky Gut requires a multi-faceted approach: • Diet Restrictions: Reduce or eliminate sugars, starches, grains and any other irritating foods- this alleviates inflammation and starves the yeast overgrowth. Reducing these irritants allows the intestinal tract to slowly return to its normal permeability, stopping the flow of foreign substances into the blood. • Nutritional Supplements: A good broad-spectrum multi-nutrient formula, with large amounts of vitamin D and Zinc will help the intestinal lining return to normal (assuming the irritants from the diet are removed). Small intestinal permeability is often increased in patients with Crohn’s disease. In a study at the University of Padova in Italy, scientists sought to ascertain whether zinc supplementation would improve intestinal permeability. 12 Patients with quiescent Crohn’s disease who had increased intestinal permeability received oral zinc sulfate supplements (110 mg three times a day) for 8 weeks and were followed-up for 12 months thereafter to monitor relapses. 10 patients had normal intestinal permeability and did not relapse; of the remaining two who had increased intestinal permeability, one relapsed. The scientists concluded that Zinc supplementation can resolve permeability alterations in patients with Crohn’s disease, and that improving intestinal barrier function may reduce the risk of relapse in Crohn’s disease. • Essential fish oils have also been shown to improve the condition of the intestinal mucosal lining (omega-3’s greatly reduce inflammation, among their other benefits). [Ed. - IAS have Krill oil] • L-glutamine supplements strengthen the lining of the small intestine, and the amino acids proline and glycine can help heal damaged cell walls. [Ed. – take a look at Nitric-Pro™] • Aloe Vera Juice, Licorice Root and slippery elm soothe the mucus membranes that line the digestive system, acting as a bandage. Other herbs like ginger and peppermint can also be beneficial because of their anti-inflammatory properties. • Probiotics: A good probiotic with “friendly bacteria” will stop the proliferation of bad bacteria and yeast (candida), heal the gut lining, and help nutrient absorption. I recommend at least 100 billion units of probiotics daily from a high quality brand. [Ed. – Probiotics can be found in Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens® and also Beyond Fiber®] Sincerely, Ward Dean, M.D. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


1st Line


complete kit $79.99

glycosylation and mitochondrial decline.

Featured products

UPDATE: ACF228 is now also available in a specially designed mouth inhaler. The ACF228 Breathe-Easy can help those worried about their lung capacity and function, to help protect against oxygen deprivation and hopefully avoid the need for long term use of corticosteroids. In addition to the original ACF228 formula it also contains glutathione.

For further details about ACF228 and much more besides we recommend Dr. Lippman’s latest book ‘Stay 40.’

1st Line™ (thiocyanate) 1st Line is an exciting new and all natural weapon in the fight against various types of infections including viruses. 1st Line contains a patented formula that when made up with water becomes a drink that contains thiocyanate ions.

Adrafinil (Olmifon®)

Thiocyanate ions (also known as oxythiocyanate) are the same molecules made in body’s airways and passages, for example they can be found in tears, saliva and milk and they literally form the body’s first line of defence against all types of bacteria, yeasts, fungi, flukes, germs and even viruses, helping to destroy them on contact. Consuming 1st Line helps to flood the bloodstream with thiocyanates, but unlike antibiotics 1st Line does not attack self-molecules, in other words beneficial floras are not disturbed. Clinical trials have exposed that 1st Line can help quickly to combat various infections relating to helicobacter, pneumonia, soft tissue infections, upper respiratory tract infections and bronchial infections. Other doctors have reported to us that their patients with various viral infections are asymptomatic, even months later after using a few doses of 1st Line. “...thiocyanate ions are not toxic to human cells... and have little if any effect on probiotic species, making them a near perfect antibiotic system.” Professor Paul Clayton

ACF228™ Dr. Lippman was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work to measure free radical production within the body and as everyone knows free radicals are unstable molecules that cause a lot of damage associated with aging and degeneration. The result of Dr. Lippman’s work is unique to IAS - ACF228 (this stands for ‘antiaging complete formula’ version 228). The capsules are designed to neutralise damaging free radical production and help to reduce other age related damaging effects such as

Adrafinil works like modafinil- it resensitizes alpha-1 receptors in the brain to be more sensitive to noradrenaline. This heightens awareness and concentration to prevent narcolepsy (sleeping in the daytime). The results can be quite remarkable, leading to heightened states of awareness and attention, whilst at the same time not affecting sleep patterns nor causing ‘highs and lows’ that were associated with the earlier form of stimulants. Adrafinil is not recommended for continuous use past 3-months unless liver enzymes are being monitored.

Aminoguanidine (pimagedine) Aminoguanidine is internationally recognised as the most potent AGE inhibitor currently available. The abbreviation AGE means ‘advanced glycated end products.’ AGEs are cross linked proteins that do not work efficiently/ correctly and are seen in a number of disorders including diabetes, heart enlargement, skin discoloration and hardening (particularly in smokers), cataracts and even arterial stiffness. (If you want to see glycosylation in action, then cut an apple in half and watch it turn yellow and tough). Our aminoguanidine tablets also contain vitamin B6 so there is no need for extra supplementation.

Andro-Pro™ Andro-Pro contains the latest cutting-edge nutritional ingredients to naturally boost free testosterone levels. The most unique ingredient added to Andro-Pro is the recently discovered fructoborate. Fructoborate is a boron derivative that according to Romanian // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


studies is helping to alleviate bone loss and arthritis; but perhaps the most interesting clinical study was done on 13 men. They were given the equivalent of one capsule of AndroPro daily for 60-days, at the end of the 2 months, on average these men experienced serum level increases of vitamin D by 19.6%, DHEA-S up 56% and free testosterone rose by 29.5%. In addition, Andro-Pro also contains the supporting agents of zinc, B6, magnesium and high quality tribulus terrestris. All factors in improving free testosterone production. Adding DIM-Pro 2™ to your regime can help to reduce estrogen levels and therefore improve free testosterone levels even further.

ATP Boost™ ATP-Boost provides 20mg of ATP, the body’s ultimate energy molecule in each capsule. In addition, ATP Boost contains a unique combination of the nutrients acetylL-carnitine and R-lipoic acid that increase mitochondria energy production without the increase in damaging oxidation that usually follows. The result: enhanced energy reserves and reduced aging at the cellular level.

BCI program Dr Garry Gordon is a world expert in detox and chelation (the removal of heavy metals). His oral BCI program is a world leader. Made up of 3 products, it not only provides the right natural materials to help lock-up, remove from tissues, transport through the body and excrete toxins, but also a plethora of protective vitamins, minerals and oils that have been designed to make it as easy as possible to have the most comprehensive all-in-one package.

the gut from the body. Simply add a scoop of the powder into your morning cereals or blend it into your power drink.

UPDATE: For those who want to get metals out of their skin, use Beyond Clean® version 2. This powder is simply added to the bath tub and contains both EDTA and zeolite. Here you simply relax your toxins away!

BEC5 Curaderm® BEC5 Curaderm cream was discovered by Dr. Bill Cham on the Oceania island of Vanuatu. Dr. Cham noticed that when the local farmers rubbed the plant called the ‘devil’s apple’ (found in that region and which is related to eggplant) onto the backs on animals that were experiencing skin cancers - that they had considerable success in its removal. It is known that BEC5 Curaderm has now been used by more than 80,000 patients, all with remarkable success. Clinical trials in the UK and Australia have confirmed the ability of BEC5

The eggplant cancer cure by Bill Cham Ph.D. covers all aspects of BEC5 Curaderm treatment.

Curaderm to regress non-melanoma skin cancers within weeks! For example, one open study with 72 patients had 100% healed skin cancer lesions within just 13-weeks of applying BEC5 Curaderm cream twice daily.

Each sachet in the Beyond Chelation Improved® contains 3 vitamin/ mineral pills, 3 chelation/ detox capsules, 1 omega 3 fish oil capsule, 1 omega 6 & 9 evening primrose capsule and 1 brain capsule containing gingko biloba and phosphatidylserine. This is a superb daily nutritional supplement just by itself, but to avail yourself of the full program you should add two more agents; Bio-En’R-Gy C® a unique high-strength and stabilised vitamin C powder that can be added to water or juice. It also contains ribose for your heart health along with MSM, betaine and bioperine to lower inflammation and problematic lipids. Fundamentally, it is this product that transports the toxins from the tissues sites that Beyond Chelation Improved® has released, ready for them to be excreted. Then it is over to Dr Gordon’s Beyond Fiber®. It contains the best forms of fiber, specifically extracted from brown rice husks and Jerusalem artichoke, in addition with EDTA. This product enables the body to defecate the toxins collected into 24 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


“BEC5 Curaderm is a topical preparation which is safe and effective, an ideal therapy for outpatient treatment... It is a cost effective treatment for both primary and secondary skin cancer care.” Dermatologists at the Royal London Hospital Examples on opposite page showing examples of patients before, during and after treatment with BEC5 Curaderm. A typical treatment period from start to finish is 8 weeks. Furthermore, BEC5 Curaderm is known not to harm healthy cells, therefore only destroying cancer cells on and under the skin’s surface.

The most commonly expressed initial reports are that glare is significantly improved, (for example night driving is much safer) and color perception is enhanced. What’s more evidence is mounting that Can-C is efficacious for all of the following disorders: cataracts, glaucoma, presbyopia, corneal disorders, eye strain, ocular inflammation, blurred vision, dry eye syndrome, vitreous opacities and lesions, diabeteS mellitus complications, contact lens wearers, (regarding the last point in the list above, Can-C inhibits the accumulation of lactic acid which has greatly benefited those who wear contact lenses, because it enables them to be worn for longer without pain).

“What’s near perfection? BEC5 Curadermit’s a treatment that works nearly every time. It’s incredibly simple to use, has no adverse side effects and is inexpensive compared with other treatments.” Jonathan Wright, M.D. BEC5 Curaderm is known to be effective for all the following conditions:

• • • • • •

Basal cell carcinomas (BCC) Squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) Keratoses Keratoacanthomas Age spots Sun spots

Left: A woman’s eye shows the cataract before treatment. Right: 5-months later after use of Can-C eye-drops (two drops twice daily), there is no longer a visible cataract and eyesight has improved. Dr. Kyriazis book, ‘the cataract cure’, details the usefulness and evidence of Can-C eye-drops. Now available from IAS as a FREE e-book:

UPDATE: To achieve the best possible results in the quickest possible time, use HemaGel® and tamanu oil following the BEC5 treatment.

Can-C™ eye-drops Can-C eye-drops are the original formula for use in cataract and contains a purified and racemized form of n-acetylcarnosine, a natural di-peptide with potent antiglycating and anti-oxidant properties that prevent lipid peroxidation.

“I am so grateful for the development of Can-C eye-drops, not only have they significantly improved my own eyesight, but many of my patients report most favorably about them too. Now we have a real alternative to eye surgery so Can-C can be considered to be a genuine breakthrough.” Richard Lippman, Ph.D.

Can-C Plus™

Patients in trials placed 2-drops of Can-C into their eyes twice daily. After 6-months of use, 88.9% of patients showed improvement in the clarity of their lens and 90% saw an improvement in their visual acuity. There have been numerous reports of cataract shrinkage and even disappearance with documented evidence that Can-C eyedrops remain effective (and safe) more than 24-months later.

Can-C Plus capsules are specially designed to be used alongside the Can-C™ eye-drops to aid and even boost their effectiveness. As there are a few supplements that can block the action of Can-C eye-drops, Can-C Plus capsules have been carefully designed to avoid them. Three Can-C Plus capsules a day can be taken with food, with or without Can-C eye-drops, although for maximum benefit it is recommended that they are used together. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Centrophenoxine (Cent-Pro™) Like all good antiaging supplements, centrophenoxine has many useful features with few side effects. From a memory and cognition viewpoint, centrophenoxine has demonstrated significant improvements, most notably its ability to speed up the process of memory recall. One of centrophenoxine’s most noted benefits is its ability to effectively and quickly remove a cell toxin that accumulates with age (and Alzheimer’s disease) called lipofuscin. Lipofuscin can make up parts of the socalled Alzheimer brain plaques, but it can even be found in the brains of ‘normal’ aging people as well as other organs such as the heart, the lungs and even the skin- where it forms part of the so-called age or liver-spots, the brown flecks found in ‘aged’ person’s skin. Indeed several weeks of centrophenoxine supplementation has seen removal and lightening of such spots. “Centrophenoxine has shown many facets to improve conditions related to my membrane hypothesis of aging, for example its ability to improve brain-performance, survival time in animal experiments, and to remove the cell aging-pigment called lipofuscin. It has been my antiaging supplement for more than 30-years.” Professor Imre Zs.-Nagy

CoQ10 (coenzyme Q10) CoQ10 is a universal energy agent that has significant protective qualities for the heart and the cardiovascular system. An important point- anyone taking a statin drug to lower cholesterol must also be taking CoQ10 since statins lower CoQ10 levels.

UPDATE: Our CoQ10SR™ is a slow release version combined with cyclodextrin, a new technology that enables greater bioavailability by improving the passage through the stomach into the blood. It has been clinically shown that CoQ10SR™ has up to twice the bioavailability of ‘regular’ CoQ10. Thus depending on how you look at it, CoQ10SR is either double the effectiveness of CoQ10’s of the same dose, or half the price of CoQ10’s of twice the dose!

Curcumin™ By harnessing the power of the natural healer, curcumin, (found in turmeric) we have access to a wide-ranging set of positives. From bolstering the immune system, to moderating inflammatory responses, it can also act as an anti-viral and an anti-fungal agent. It’s even been found to have the ability to 26

counter many conditions including a very recent study as an antidepressive.

UPDATE: Our CurcuminSR™ is a unique slow release version that is much more bioavailable than regular versions.

Deprenyl (selegiline) Parkinson’s disease is characterised by the loss of the brain neurotransmitter dopamine. Deprenyl helps to prevent this loss by acting on the specific enzyme MAO-b. Professor Knoll also believes that deprenyl very significantly increases PEA (phenylethylamine) and that this may have an even more significant function than the MAO-b inhibition, (for more details on this please read Professor Knoll’s excellent book on the subject- ‘the brain and its self’). Professor Jozeph Knoll of Debrechen University in Hungary- the inventor of deprenyl

In addition to improving dopamine levels, deprenyl has also been shown to help rebalance serotonin, noradrenaline and acetylcholine levels and whilst the uses remain ‘off-label’ deprenyl has been used for Alzheimer’s and even cancer treatments. Our focus here is upon deprenyl’s enhancement of dopamine, which is a key brain chemical responsible for drive, focus and well being and even libido (especially for men). The experiments of Professor Jozeph Knoll dramatically extended the lifespan of rats who were given deprenyl. Even the first rat to die that was treated with deprenyl died after the last rat not treated with deprenyl died.

This graph highlights the loss of dopamine with age, on average 13% per decade past the age of 40 for the average person, but far greater for those suffering from Parkinson’s disease // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


The idea behind the antiaging use of deprenyl is to use very small doses regularly in order to help maintain healthy dopamine levels and thus improve cognitive function and help to maintain function at a better level for much longer.

UPDATE: The Dep-Pro™ liquid can dispense selegiline HCL in small quantities as 1 drop = 1 mg.

Esnatri™ cream (bio-identical estrogens) Esnatri cream is the world’s only bioidentical estrogen cream to replicate the work of Dr. Jonathan Wright. Dr. Wright has highlighted that the ‘average’ woman produces estrogens in the ratios of estriol 90%, estradiol 7% and estrone 3% and these are the exact same ratios found inside Esnatri. Each 1ml of Esnatri cream provides 2mg in total of the triple estrogens and it enables a precise, natural and indeed bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for women concerned about the menopause. IAS provides dose and timing advice from Dr. Wright for both estrogens and progesterone with every purchase. The additional use of bioidentical progesterone should be used along with an estrogen replacement program. For further information on estrogens we recommend one of Dr. Thierry Hertoghe’s Hormone handbooks.

Glutathione is principally synthesized inside the body and is relatively poorly obtained via the diet. The Advanced Cellular Glutathione supplement is a spray providing nano sized particles for sub mucosal absorption to create instant bioavailability.

Hair-Pro™ Hair-Pro is the very latest development to help induce hair growth. It contains the absolute latest cutting-edge growth factor technologies. Hair Pro is a unique proprietary topical liquid blend that includes finasteride, (the DHT blocking drug used orally for years as a hair loss treatment). It also contains a plethora of amino acids that act as hair growth factors including bFGF, TRX, VEGF and IGF-1. In addition there is aminosyn to promote protein synthesis (hair strength), hyaluronic acid to aid hair hydration (thickness) and dexpanthenol to cleanse the pores of the blocking fat- sebum which can block nutrition from the hair root. It’s a unique and potent formula to battle alopecia. UPDATE: Use it in combination with the Scalproller to improve uptake into the scalp.


GABOB (Gamibetal®) Technically it is the closest legal molecule to GHB. Its approved use in Europe is to help with epilepsy, but like GHB, GABOB has been shown to improve growth hormone release significantly when taken before bedtime. GABOB does not have the ‘sleep inducing’ effects of GHB, but it can cause some sedation if taken in high doses.

GHRP2 GHRP2 is growth hormone releasing peptide number 2. It is a potent releaser of HGH for fat loss and is particularly synergistic with sermorelin. It is best taken in the morning, by swallowing 4ml of the liquid. Up to 10ml may be used for shorter periods of time.

UPDATE: The work of Dr Richard Walker highlights that GHRP2 is particularly effective/ synergistic when combined with sermorelin.

Glutathione (also see ACF228™ Breathe-Easy)

Glutathione is a potent antioxidant that helps to prevent damage to important cellular components that can be caused by reactive oxygen species such as free radicals and peroxides.

HemaGel was created in the Czech Republic and specially designed to help improve the treatment times of wounds, scratches and cuts, reducing the start-tofinish treatment time by as much as 50%. It does this (1) by absorbing harmful and damaging free radicals and (2) by helping to absorb blood and puss extrudes, thus also keeping the wound cleaner. HemaGel is recommended for use after BEC5 Curaderm applications to speed up the skin’s healing. It is also as an excellent product to have in the First Aid cabinet- just in case! Simply apply the HemaGel daily onto a cleaned (and disinfected) wound, and then apply a bandage over it.

Hydergine (ergoloid mesylate) Hydergine is an extract of a fungus that grows on rye called ergoloid mesylate. Its approved uses have been to aid persons with memory disturbances, Alzheimer’s disease and even for persons who have suffered from electric shock, drowning or suffocation. This is because hydergine stabilises the levels of oxygen in the brain. It has been shown to improve oxygen levels when they are too low and decreases levels when they are too high. The result of this optimised oxygen availability in the brain is an ability to do more mental work without becoming tired. Accordingly, hydergine can be a good // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


tool to battle through boring paperwork or a long drive home in the dark. A fascinating animal experiment showed a special ability for hydergine to improve mitochondrial condition. The mitochondria are vital organelles found in every cell of our body responsible for the generation of ATP, the universal energy molecule. Unfortunately mitochondrial efficiency declines as we age. However, an Italian study highlighted that old animal mitochondria can be improved with hydergine supplementation. The Bertonin-Freddari et al, 1994 study highlights that hydergine can improve the size, volume and number of mitochondria in old animals- towards the youthful example; as is shown here the difference between young, old (without hydergine) and old (with hydergine) is significant. Hydergine also stimulates the growth of dendrite nerve fibers. These connective strands are known to decline in aging. This is another antiaging feature of hydergine. Some have even linked the density and numbers of dendrite fibers to the level of I.Q. In summary, hydergine helps to protect against conditions of hypoxia and peroxidation, important factors to guard against a stroke and generalised brain injuries. Hydergine can extend the boundaries of mental workload and energy, fighting against boredom and may even provide some groundwork for raising the levels of intelligence.

Melatonin (MZS™) Melatonin is one of nature’s remarkable substances. It is made in response to darkness by the pineal gland. Melatonin’s benefits to help overcome jet lag and shift work have become quite well known and indeed it is useful for this purpose since adequate melatonin availability enables our bodies to be correctly in tune with our circadian rhythms. These circadian rhythms dictate our hormonal cyclicity and this cyclicity ultimately determines our aging and our level of immunity. Unfortunately melatonin secretions decline with aging. Professor Pierpaoli has published widely on melatonin, principally through the New York Academy of Science and at the meetings of the Stromboli conferences on aging and cancer- which IAS is delighted to support. What is important to know about melatonin is that Professor Pierpaoli advocates a 3mg dose to (his words) “put the pineal to sleep.” In addition, it is also vital to use a melatonin that produces a night peak of melatonin that is the same as the peak produced by the pineal itself. Thus he has achieved using specific excipients in his own formula ‘MZS™’ (which also contains the additional synergistic ingredients of zinc and selenium). 28

This graph highlights that Professor Pierpaoli’s Melatonin Zn Se formula mimics the night peak of melatonin. Note that sublingual melatonin tested peaks too soon and that time released formulas peak too late. Here are some before and after Fundus photos showing the benefit of Melatonin Zn Se. They highlight dramatic improvements to both wet and dry forms of macular degeneration. In a trial published in the New York Academy of Science, 110 eyes, (100 patients) with both wet and dry forms of ARMD were treated only with 1 tablet of Melatonin Zn Se nightly. After 6-months 90% of the treated patients’ eyes had significant improvements to their condition. This is simply remarkable compared to the current approved therapy for ARMD which involves injecting the eye quarterly, (costs $1000+) with 50% improvement at 24-months! For further detailed information about melatonin and Professor Pierpaoli’s work we recommend his book ‘the key of life,’ it is now available as a FREE e-book from the IAS website.

Minsaw™ MinSaw has been updated numerous times, but now it’s in its best formula ever. MinSaw provides all of these proven hair growth and protectors in its latest formula: • Minoxidil: Perhaps the best known agent to help stimulate hair growth, which it does by increasing nitric oxide promotion in the root of the hair. In doing so it delivers more nutrition for the hair to grow faster. MinSaw has the most potent amount of minoxidil at 8%. • Vitamin C: Helps stimulate hair growth and ‘clean’ the root bulb. MinSaw contains the active form of L-ascorbic acid. • Saw Palmetto: This herb helps to block the damaging effects of DHT, a known hair growth restrictor. • Resveratrol: The remarkable protective agent found in red grape skins has recently been noted to help induce hair thickness. • Melatonin: This has been documented and patented to help prevent hair loss. • Retinolic acid (also known as tretinoin). This super high strength vitamin A improves skin condition by enhancing blood flow to the skin. In the same way, this ingredient // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


improves the blood supply around the hair root, helping it to be stronger and healthier. Just apply a small amount of MinSaw daily to the scalp and see the results for yourself in a few weeks time. Use it in combination with the Scalproller to improve uptake into the scalp.

MSH2-Pro™ MSH2 is the abbreviation for melanocyte stimulating hormone (type II). This hormone has a direct effect on tanning the skin and if used regularly will darken skin- even without exposure to the sun. In addition, MSH has been noted to enhance libido and suppress the desire to eat. NOTE: MSH use should not exceed 2-sprays per day and must not be used by persons with hypertension, (high blood pressure).

Naltrexone The results of low dose naltrexone, (widely known as LDN) therapy have been remarkable. Originally, the use of naltrexone was in the management of dependence on opioid and alcohol. But it was Dr. Bernard Bihari in the 1980’s who first used low dose naltrexone for the treatment of HIV and then for a number of other autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease and many immunological related diseases. Many MS patients have reported an improved quality of life. A leading study has established that by maintaining regular nightly LDN, less than 1% of the MS sufferers experience fresh MS attacks. IAS supplies the LDN dose of 4.5 mg.

could be efficacious in the treatment of autism and even schizophrenias. But it is perhaps its ability to enhance bonding between partners that is likely to attract most attention. Oxytocin increases ejaculate in the male and has significant libido enhancement effects in females, including the inducement of multiple orgasms. We have worked alongside Dr. Hertoghe to create a practical and efficacious sublingual trouche (a gel like tablet). Typical doses are 5 to 20 IU. (The square troches can be cut in half from corner to corner easily).

UPDATE: Oxy-Pro™ is a new nasal spray version of oxytocin (delivering 10 IU per spray) in addition to our 20 IU sublingual trouches (Oxy-Sub™).

Peptide Bioregulators These are the very latest technology from Professor Khavinson in Russia. They utilise highly specific peptides extracted from Danish bovine sources. These peptides have been shown to be a short-cut to protein synthesis by activating directly with their receptive genes. Therefore their action is to ‘reinvigorate’ their respective gland/ organ, to induce their biological reserve and essentially rejuvenate their processes. 1.Bobothyrk® is the peptide for the parathyroid. 2.Bonomarlot® is the peptide for the bone marrow. 3.Cerluten® is the peptide for the central nervous system (brain). 4.Chelohart® is the peptide for the heart. 5.Chitomur® is the peptide for the bladder. 6.Endoluten® is the peptide for the pineal. 7.Glandokort® is the peptide for the adrenal glands. 8.Gotratix® is the peptide for the muscles. 9.Libidon® is the peptide for the prostate gland. 10.Pielotax® is the peptide for the kidneys. 11.Sigumir® is the peptide for the cartilage. 12.Stamakort® is the peptide for the stomach. 13.Suprefort® is the peptide for the pancreas. 14.Svetinorm® is the peptide for the liver. 15.Taxorest® is the peptide for the lungs.

Oxytocin (Oxy-Pro™)

16.Testoluten® is the peptide for the testes. 17.Thyreogen® is the peptide for the thyroid. 18.Ventfort® is the peptide for the blood vessels.

Oxytocin is a hormone produced in the hypothalamus and secreted into the blood by the pituitary gland.

19.Visoluten® is the peptide for the eye retina. 20.Vladonix® is the peptide for the thymus. 21.Zhenoluten® is the peptide for the ovaries.

Oxytocin has been described in detail in Dr. Thierry Hertoghe’s latest book- Passion, Sex and Adventure, the oxytocin story.

Oxytocin has pain curbing abilities and could be efficacious in fibromyalgia. Other studies are highlighting that oxytocin

The recommended course is 2 capsules each day for 10-days (total 20-capsules). For general health support this can be repeated again in 6-months’ time. Thus only 2 boxes are required for a year! For those in greater need the 10-day course can be repeated monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly as needed.

UPDATE: An intensive course is 1 or 2 capsules twice a day for 30-days. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Piracetam (Nootropil®; also see Anacervix®) Piracetam was the very first nootropic, (commonly called smart drugs) to be developed. Despite being one of the very first products that IAS offered when we went online in 1991, it remains one of our best selling products today! Why? Because it is a very beneficial memory agent that has a great safety record, with very few side effects. Plus, it is cost effective. Piracetam has been shown to be safer than salt. This may be because it has a very small impact upon brain chemical levels and helps to improve electrical communication across the brain’s corpus callosum. The corpus callosum is the bundle of nerves that separates the two hemispheres of the brain. In medical terms piracetam is used to improve short term memory and to treat a wide variety of senile dementias as well as autism and Down’s syndrome and can also assist with travel and altitude sickness. Note: IAS offers the original UCB brand called Nootropil which is available in tablet and liquid form. The liquid form was specifically designed for children (it is sweetened with saccharin), but its advantages include being able to titrate low doses (if required) and also aid any person who has difficulty swallowing tablets.

NEW: A great value generic piracetam is now available under the name of Pira-Pro™.

PQQ (pyroloquinoline quinone) PQQ is the most newly discovered vitamin. In more than 200 studies it has been shown to improve overall energy levels, cognitive function and memory, reduce mitochondrial degradation and increase skin elasticity. Furthermore, it acts as a neuro and cardio protectant and helps to enhance nerve growth.

Progesterone Progesterone is often the ‘missing’ hormone in the treatment of female menopause. What we mean by this is that whilst estrogen treatments, (see Esnatri™ for details) are often considered as a primary replacement hormone for women, progesterone is often forgotten about. The best known action of progesterone is its ability to help build bone mass. Progesterone levels fall rapidly in menopause and contribute to osteoporosis. Progesterone is strongly advocated to be taken in combination with any estrogen replacement program. 30

UPDATE: Our progesterone strength is Pharma grade. At 5% it is twice the dose that is found in US health food stores. Progesterone levels decline in women with age; in some cases progesterone levels are undetectable! We recommend one of Dr. Hertoghe’s hormone handbooks for further information about progesterone.

Releasing-Pro® Releasing-Pro is a unique nasal spray that is designed to carry GHRP-6 into the bloodstream. GHRP-6 is an analogue of Ghrelin that has been shown to have significant enhancement effects on IGF-1 levels.



Retin-A contains retinolic acid, a pure form of vitamin A that enhances blood supply to the skin’s surface and transforms the thicker, tougher skin into more youthful looking, elastic and fresher skin. Retin-A is the cream of choice for cosmetic surgeons to speed up the wound healing of cosmetic surgery and scarring etc.

UPDATE: We now also supply the new Retin-A® micro-gel which is designed to sit on the skin surface and release slowly.



Sermorelin is a breakthrough development in the field of growth hormone (GH) replacement. Sermorelin is the bioidentical molecule used by the pituitary gland to stimulate the production and release of GH into the bloodstream. Sermorelin is not GH; GH is a complicated molecule consisting of 191 amino acids. Sermorelin is a chain of 29 amino acids. Importantly it is the first 29 amino acids of GH, the part responsible for activation. This is what makes sermorelin stand head and shoulders over all previous agonists of GH. Sermorelin is GH site-specific and therefore very effective. What is more, sermorelin has a negative feedback loop (unlike GH itself), so the issues of overdosing and safety associated with injections of GH are minimized/ completely avoided. Sermorelin is stable at room temperature and efficacious when used sublingually. These are additional factors that favor sermorelin as the next generation of GH activators. We are excited to introduce this sublingual liquid version of sermorelin which has been created // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


with the close cooperation of Dr. Richard Walker of SARA (Scientific Applied Research into Aging), a world renowned antiaging expert.

UPDATE: Sermorelin is synergistic with GHRP2 or GHRP6.

TA65® TA65 contains a highly purified specialized extract of the Chinese herb astragalus. What makes this supplement totally unique is that it is the first natural substance that has been proven to act as a telomerase activator and to extend telomeres in humans (in-vivo). Telomeres are the strands on the ends of chromosomes that shorten each time the cell divides. This is a significant part of the destructive process of aging. Animals with longer telomeres enjoy a more productive and healthier older age and appear to live longer. TA65 production is carefully controlled by TA Sciences, who purchased the technology from the Geron Corporation. Whilst other substances have claimed to delay the shortening of telomeres, only TA65 has been clinically proven (and published) to actually lengthen short telomeres in humans. If you want the cutting-edge of antiaging supplementation and the best possible chances for longer telomeres, then TA65 is currently your best (and indeed only) clinically proven choice.

Thyroid (Armour®; Synthroid®) A decline in the secretion of hormones from the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) can result in poor concentration, confusion, memory problems, cold hands and feet, weight gain, menstrual problems, sleep disorders, dry skin, thinning hair and low energy levels. An underactive thyroid is also a major cause of a common painful musculoskeletal condition known as fibromyalgia. Aging often leads to hypothyroidism. One of the most famous thyroid experts, Dr. Broda Barnes, stated that as many as 40% of the adult population could be hypothyroid. Thyroid supplements come in two forms; natural supplements and synthetic supplements. It is almost always better to use a whole-natural thyroid extract because the synthetic versions usually only comprise one of the thyroid hormones, (such as, T3 or T4), whereas, wholenatural thyroids cover a fuller spectrum of thyroid hormones (including T1, T2, T3 and T4). For further details about thyroid we recommended one of Dr. Hertoghe’s hormone handbooks.

UPDATE: ERFA now available in value 500 tablet packs.

TRH (Abaris™) TRH is a hypothalamic hormone (technically a tri-peptide) whose real uses and benefits are just coming to the fore, primarily after research conducted by Dr. Walter Pierpaoli, the physician and scientist who exposed the benefits of melatonin to the world. Dr. Pierpaoli’s research suggests that TRH is a ‘master’ hormone responsible not just for helping to adjust thyroid hormones (its principle recognised role), but in helping to recorrect many imbalances throughout the body. For example in his animal experiments TRH supplements have encouraged old animals to: •

Re-establish spermogenesis, (reversing the age-related dysfunction of their testes).

Correct kidney dysfunction, (a significant finding for renal issues).

Correct pancreatic dysfunction, (a significant finding for diabetic issues).

Improves many lipid profiles and aids weight loss when used over a few months.

IAS is delighted to be the first organisation in the world to offer a sublingual TRH tablet.

Vasopressin Vasopressin is a porcine extracted source for this pituitary hormone which has a number of interesting roles. Its approved medical use is to prevent frequent urination in conditions such as diabetes insipidus. For example, men with prostate conditions can benefit by less trips in the night to urinate. But vasopressin is also responsible for the laying down of memories in the hippocampus and it has been used to treat amnesia. In particular, it is cited by many for memory imprinting, this is the learning of new material before it is experienced. Therefore taking 1 or 2 sprays into each nostril 15-minutes before an exam, meeting or lecture etc., can induce a better detailed recall of events later.

ZeoGold Enhanced® ZeoGold Enhanced is the latest zeolite formula from world chelation and detox expert, Dr. Garry Gordon. In this new ‘enhanced’ formula Dr. Gordon has included the highest grade of zeolite for detox purposes along with the methylation agents and now added hydrogen for enhancement of energy. // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Product A-Z listing Here is an alphabetical listing of IAS stocked products. See our cross-reference list of disorders that relate to these individual products. Much more information is available from our website including full ingredient/ excipient listings, doses and side effects etc. If you need any further information or can’t find what you require, please don’t hesitate to contact us. The inside back cover has all our details.

Testimonials “IAS has shown great vision and leadership, as an organisation focused mainly on the provision of contemporary medical interventions against aging, and in also supporting the SENS Foundation’s efforts to hasten the development of much more powerful future interventions.” Dr. Aubrey De Grey “IAS is an outstanding resource for the finest, most up-to-date news and information on healthy aging. They also offer products of the highest integrity and efficacy. In fact, IAS is the world’s greatest source (often the only source) for the most cutting edge and advanced nutrients to ensure optimum health span and maximum life span.” Nicholas Perricone, M.D.

The following index underneath certain products means that known restrictions apply. For example: Not shipped to UK Not shipped to EU Not shipped to Japan Not shipped to Australia (or New Zealand) Not shipped to Canada Note: For use strictly by IAS private club members - IAS terms and conditions apply. All information is educational and does not replace the advice of your physician. Prescriptions are necessary where required by law; other restrictions may apply in some countries.

“IAS has a history of making throughout the world crucial, but difficultly accessible medications available to patients. IAS is one of the pioneering societies in antiaging medicine that has helped this new medical specialty move forward.” Thierry Hertoghe, M.D. “I am a 77 year old Physician who has practiced medicine for nearly half a century. My antiaging research has permitted me to overcome serious health problems. Everyone can do this, but it requires specialized knowledge and the highest quality products. IAS is a vital link in my antiaging program because they continually provide both accurate information AND the high quality products we all require, if we are to achieve our maximum intended useful lifespan.” Garry Gordon, MD, DO, MD (H) “Every adult has the right to take care of his or her own personal health as he or she chooses. In the 20th and 21st centuries, this universal human right has been nearly obliterated by an ocean of nanny-state regulation and deliberate suppression of information by bureaucracies, with hidden and not-so-hidden agendas. International Antiaging Systems is a beacon of useful health care information and a literal island of freedom of health care product choice in our otherwise un-free health care world.” Jonathan Wright, M.D. See all professional and public testimonials at:

32 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


1st Line™ (OSCN, thiocyanate)


5HTP (5-hydroxy-tryptophan)

Anastrozole (Arimidex®)

1 complete kit retail $90 IAS price $79.99 Item Code: 675

5HTP-Pro™ 60x 50mg capsules retail $20 IAS price $17.99 - Item Code: 327


Glucobay® 30x 100mg tablets retail $29 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 373

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (see ATP-Boost™)


ACF228™ 45 capsules retail $60 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 621

NEW: ACF228™ Breathe-Easy 1 inhaler retail $150 IAS price $139.99 - Item Code: 810

Anacervix® 30x 420mg capsules retail $25 IAS price $22.49 - Item Code: 163

Anastrozole 28x 1mg tablets retail $149 IAS price $139.99 - Item Code: 849 Anastro-Pro™ 28x 100mcg capsules retail $35 IAS price $32.49 - Item Code: 779


NEW: Andro-Pro™ 60 capsules retail $55 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 758


NEW: Ani-Pro™ 20x 750mg capsules retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 777

Adenosine Triphosphate (see ATP)

Arginine (see Beyond GHS®; Nitric-Pro™), Argireline (see Crème-Pro™ Smoother), Arterial wave velocity (see Bio-Clip & Bio-Cuff)



Adra-Pro™ 40x 300mg capsules retail $60 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 775

Artem-Pro™ 90x 100mg capsules retail $25 IAS price $22.99 - Item Code: 642

Ascorbyl palmitate (see Crème-Pro™ Protector, Crème-Pro™ Smoother), Astaxanthin (see CrèmePro™ Protector), Astragalus extract (see TA65®)

Aglomelatine (see Valdoxan)


Aldosterone 15x 125mcg capsules retail $105 IAS price $99.49 - Item Code: 687

Alfalfa (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Allicin (see garlic), Alpha lipoic acid (see lipoic acid)

Aminoguanidine (pimagedine) Amino-Pro 100 x 75mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 303

Aminohydroxybutyric acid (see GABOB), Aminophylline (see Crème-Pro™ Cellulite), Aminosyn (see Hair-Pro™), Amphoteric surfactants (see Nanogen® shampoo, Nanogen® conditioner)

ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)

ATP-Boost™ 60x 20mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 821 ATP-Boost™ (see ATP), Azilect® (see rasagiline)

B12 (vitamin B12) Beyond B12® 40x 2mg sublingual tablets retail $30 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 477 NEW: Cromatonbic® 8x1mg i.m.ampoules retail price $20 IAS price $17.49 - Item Code: 951 Barley grass (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), BCI (see Beyond Chelation Improved®) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


B-Cure® laser 1 Unit


BEC5 Curaderm®

Bio-En’R-Gy C®

Beetroot (see Neo40®)

Bioflavonoids (see Wobenzym®), Biological age measurement (see Bio-CLIP™, PulmoLife®), Bioperine (see Bio-En’R-Gy®), Biotin (see Beyond B12®; Beyond Chelation Improved®, HRT Plus®; BCI; Nitric-Pro™), Blood oxygenation measurement (see Bio-CLIP™), Blood pressure measurement (see Bio-CUFF™), Blueberry extracts (see Andro-Pro™)

B-Cure® laser 1 Unit retail $795 IAS price $749.99 - Item Code: 850

BEC5 Curaderm® 20ml tube cream retail $140 IAS price $129.99 - Item Code: 403


Milgamma Mono® 30x 50mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 273

Benzoic acid (see Gerovital®), Beta alistine (see L-carnosine), Beta glucan (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Nanogen® serum), Betaine (see TMG), Beta sitosterol (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Beyond Any Multiple® (see Beyond Chelation Improved®)

Beyond Chelation Improved® (BCI) Beyond Chelation Improved® 30 sachets retail $80 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 351

Beyond Clean® v2 (Calcium EDTA & Zeolite)

NEW: Beyond Clean® v2 32 oz. bath salts retail $70 IAS price $69.99 - Item Code: 881

Beyond Fiber®

Beyond Fiber® 504 grams powder retail $50 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 436

Beyond GHS®

Bio-CUFF® one complete kit retail $150 IAS price $124.99 - Item Code: 715

Bio En’R-Gy C® 200 grams powder retail $60 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 591

Boluoke® (Lumbrokinase)

NEW: Boluoke® 60 capsules retail price $108 IAS price $94.99 - Item Code: 839


NEW: Bone-Pro2™ 60 capsules retail $39 IAS price $32.99 - Item Code: 870

Borate (see Andro-Pro™, Can-C™), Boron (see Andro-Pro™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, BCI)


Parlodel® 30x 2.5mg tablets retail $29 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 58

Bromelain (see Digestif®, Wobenzym®), Buxamin (see GABOB), Calcium (see Bone-Pro™, BCI, Nitric-Pro™)

Cabergoline (Dostinex®)

Dostinex® 8x 0.5mg tablets retail $99 IAS price $92.49 - Item Code: 612

Beyond GHS® 75 tablets retail $90 IAS price $89.99 - Item Code: 353

Caffeine (see Crème-Pro™ Cellulite), Calcium (see Bone-Pro™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Nitric-Pro™)

bFGF (see Hair-Pro™), BHT (butylhydroxytoluene, see ACF228™)

Can-C™ eye-drops


Can-C™ 2x 5ml vials retail $45 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 456

complete kit retail $1300 IAS price $1299.99 - Item Code: 653

34 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Can-C™ Plus

Can-C Plus™ 90 capsules retail $40 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 629

CoQ10SRTM (Coenzyme Q10, ubiquinol, biquinone)

NEW: CoQ10SRTM 30 x 100mg slow release capsules retail $30 IAS price $25.99 - Item Code: 824

Carboxymethylcellulose (see Can-C™) , Carbidopa (see Sinemet®), Carnosine (L-carnosine, see ACF228™, Can-C™, Can-C Plus™, L-carnosine), Catalase (see ACF228™)

Copper (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Cortisol (cortisone, see Fludrocortisone, hydrocortisone), Cranberry extracts (see Andro-Pro™)

Centrophenoxine (meclofenoxane)

Crème-Pro™ Cellulite


Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer

Chlorella (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Choline (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, centrophenoxine, krill), Chromium (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Chromium polynicotinate (see ACF228™)

Crème-Pro™ Protector

Cialis® (tadalafil)

Crème-Pro™ Smoother

Cialis® 4x 20mg tablets retail $90 IAS price $82.49 - Item Code: 296

Crème-Pro™ Smoother 30ml pump cream retail $69 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 831

Ciproxin® (ciprofloxacin)

Cresote bush (see ACF228®, Digestif®)

Centro-Pro™ 60x 250mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 243

Cerebrolysin® 5x 5ml i.m. ampoules retail $99 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 595

Ciproxin® 14x 500mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $32.49 - Item Code: 948

Citrus bioflavonoids (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Cocos nucifera oil (see Nanogen® conditioner)

Crème-Pro™ Cellulite 30ml pump cream retail $34 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 828

Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer 30ml pump cream retail $44 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 829

Crème-Pro™ Protector 30ml pump cream retail $59 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 830

CurcuminSR™ (turmeric extract)

NEW: CurcuminSR™ (slow release) 30x 125mg capsules retail $25 IAS price $21.49 - Item Code: 841

Cycloastragenol (see TA65®), Cyclodextrin (see CoQ10SR™), Cyprenil® (see deprenyl)

Cobalt chloride

Cobalt 100x 200mcg tablets retail $55 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 646

D3 (vitamin D)

Coenzyme Q10 (see CoQ10)

D3-5000™ 100x 5000 IU capsules retail $19 IAS price $12.49 - Item Code: 843

Colchicine (Colcrys®)

NEW: D3-Pro2™ 12x 50,000 IU capsules retail $30 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 842

NEW: Colchicine 40x 1mg tablets retail $24 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 835 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Deprenyl (selegiline)

Jumex® 50x 5mg tablets retail $65 IAS price $54.99 - Item Code: 35

Dr. Gordon’s Organic Greens Organic best of greens® 10 oz. bottle powder retail $35 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 688

Dep-Pro™ 20ml/ 300mg liquid (HCL) bottle retail $90 IAS price $84.99 Item Code: 746


Dercos® (aminexil)

Avodart® 30x 0.5mg tablets retail $89 IAS price $82.49 - Item Code: 276

Dercos® 200ml bottle shampoo retail $25 IAS price $22.99 - Item Code: 17

Desmopressin (also see


Minurin® 2.5ml nasal spray retail $39 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 229

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, see krill), Diapid® (see vasopressin)


Digestif® 60 capsules retail $20 IAS price $16.99 Item Code: 626

Di-IndolylMethane (DIM, see ACF228™, DIM-Pro™), DIM (see ACF228™, DIM-Pro™), Dimethicone (see Nanogen®)


Ebixa (see Memantine) EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Beyond Clean®, Beyond Fiber®), Eldepryl® (see deprenyl), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid, see krill), Ergoloid mesylate (see hydergine, nicergoline)

Esnatri™ cream (bio-identical triple estrogen cream)

Esnatri™ 50ml 100mg cream retail $55 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 25 Essential Daily Defence® (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Estradiol (see Esnatri™), Estriol (see Esnatri™), Estrone (see Esnatri™)

Finesteride (also see Hair-Pro™) Finesteride generic 28x 5mg tablets retail $40 IAS price $37.49 - Item Code: 749

NEW: DIM-Pro2 ™ 100 capsules retail $50 IAS price $44.99 - Item Code: 844

Proscar® 15x 5mg tablets retail $45 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 67

DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol, see centrophenoxine, Crème-Pro™ Smoother), DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid, see ACF228™), DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide, see laetrile), Docosahexaenoic acid (see DHA), Dostinex® (see cabergoline)

Florinef® (see Fludrocortisone)


Doxycycline 8x 100mg capsules retail $25 IAS price $22.49 - Item Code: 164

D-pantethine (see Can-C Plus™), D-panthenol (see Nanogen® conditioner)

Fluconazole (Diflucan)

Loitin® 7x 50mg capsules retail $39 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 307

Folic acid (folate, see ACF228™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Beyond B12®; Dim-Pro2™, HRT Plus®, Lithium-Pro™, Nitric-Pro™), Forced Expiry Volume- Lungs (see PulmoLife®)


Fludro-Pro™ 100x 20mcg tablets retail $20 IAS price $17.99 - Item Code: 759

36 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Fructoborate (see Andro-Pro™), GABA (gamma-aminohydroxybutyric acid, see Gamalate B6®, picamilone)

Glutathione (also see ACF228™

Breathe Easy)


Advanced Cellular Glutathione® 2 oz. spray retail $45 IAS price $42.49 - Item Code: 832

GABOB (also see Gamalate®)

Gamibetal® 20x 500mg tablets retail $39 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 402

Glycerine (glycerin, see Can-C™), Glycosides (see BEC5 Curaderm®), Grape seed extracts (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Resveratrol-Pro™), Green tea extracts (see Resveratrol-Pro™), Growth hormone (see HGH)

Galantamine (Reminyl®)



Hawthorne Berry (crataegus, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Neo40®), Heart rate measurement (see Bio-CLIP™, Bio-CUFF™)

NEW: Neurontin® 100x 300mg capsules retail $49 IAS price $44.99 - Item Code: 875

Galantamine Pro 30x 8mg tablets retail $79 IAS price $69.99 - Item Code: 825

Gamalate B6® 60x 250mg tablets retail $24 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 27

Garlic (see see Beyond Chelation Improved®)

Gengigel® mouthwash

Gengigel® 150ml bottle liquid retail $20 IAS price $17.49 - Item Code: 550

NEW: Hair-Pro™ 2 oz. spray bottle retail $180 IAS price $169.99 - Item Code: 765


NEW: HemaGel® 5 gram tube cream retail $20 IAS price $17.99 - Item Code: 820

Genotropin® (see HGH)

HGH (human growth hormone, somatropin, see IGF-1, Sermorelin, Beyond GHS®, GABOB, GHRP2, GHRP6), Humatrope® (see HGH), Hyaluronic acid (see Hyaluronan, Crème-Pro™ Protector, Gengigel®, Hair-Pro™, Novisyn®)


HRT Plus®(pueraria mirifica)

Gerovital-H3® 5x 5ml ampoules retail $59 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 258

Gerovital-H3® 25x 100mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 29 GH3-Pro™ 60x 100mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 360 GH (growth hormone, see HGH), Ginkgo biloba (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Glucophage (see metformin)


NEW: GHRP2-Pro™ 120ml 120mg liquid bottle retail $175 IAS price $159.99 - Item Code: 872

GHRP6 (see Releasing-Pro™)

HRT Plus® 60 tablets retail $50 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 496

Hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid)

NEW: Novisyn® 30x 5ml liquid sachets retail $30 IAS price $25.99 - Item Code: 900

Hydergine (ergoloid mesylate) Hydergine® 30x 4.5mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.49 - Item Code: 32


Hydro-Pro® 100x 5mg capsules retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 760

Hydrogen (see Zeogold Enhanced®) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Idebenone (also see Crème-Pro™


NEW: Ideb-Pro™ 60x 30mg tablets retail $24 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 492

Lithium (orotate)

NEW: Lith-Pro™ 100x5mg 60 capsules retail $30 IAS price $22.49 - Item Code: 905

IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor, see Hair-Pro™ also see Releasing-Pro™), Indol-3-Carbinol (I3C, see DIM)

L-methione (see ACF228™; Can-C Plus™), L-proline (see Nitric-Pro™), Lucidril® (see centrophenoxine), Lumbrokinase (see Boluoke®), Lupine extract (see Nanogen® serum)

Injection packs


Intramuscular kit 30x pack retail $29 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 439

L-Tryp-Pro™ 50x 500mg capsules retail $20 IAS price $17.49 - Item Code: 666

Subcutaneous kit 30x pack retail $29 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 438

Lysine (see Nitric-Pro™)

Inosine (see Beyond GHS®), Inositol (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Iodide (see ACF228™), Iodine (see ACF228™, Beyond Chelation Improved®), Isoflavonoids (see HRT Plus®), Ixel® (see milnacipran), Jerusalem artichoke (see Beyond Fiber®), Joint-Pro™ (see Hyaluronan), Jumex® (see deprenyl), Ketoconazole (see Nizoral®)

Longevity Maca 175 grams powder retail $40 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 851


Krill 60x 500mg gel capsules retail $45 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 584

Laetrile (amygdalin; VitaB17®)

Maca (lepidium meyenii walp) Magnesium (see Andro-Pro™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bone-Pro2™, Digestif®, Gamalate B6®, Nitric-Pro™), Malic acid (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Manganese (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Mastic (see Digestif®), Meclofenoxane (see centrophenoxine)

Melatonin (Melatonin Zn Se®) MZS™ 60x 3mg tablets retail $29 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 701

Vita-B17 cream 50ml 1% retail $95 IAS price $87.49 - Item Code: 763

Note: The UK can order in Pounds Sterling at:

L-arginine (see arginine), Lasers (see B-Cure®, Vie-Light®)

Memantine (Namenda®; Ebixa®)

L-carnosine (also see ACF228™; Can-C™; Can-C Plus™)

Carnosine 60x 250mg capsules retail $30 IAS price $24.49 - Item Code: 784 L-citrulline (see Neo40®), L-cysteine (see Nanogen® conditioner), L-dopa (see Sinemet®), Lecithin (see Crème-Pro™ Cellulite), Levodopa (see Sinemet™), L-histidine (see Can-C Plus™), Lemon grass (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Licorice (see Beyond GHS®, Digestif®), Lipoic acid (alpha version see Beyond Chelation Improved®; R-version see ATP-Boost™)

Memantine-Pro™ 42x 10mg capsules retail $105 IAS price $89.99 - Item Code: 826

Melanocyte stimulating hormone (see MSH)

Metformin (Glucophage®) Dianben® 50x 850mg tablets retail $29 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 382 Metforal® 50x 500mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $22.99 - Item Code: 42 NEW: Metformin SR® 56x 500mg tablets retail $30 IAS price $27.99 - Item Code: 874 Methione (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Milk Protein (see Bone-Pro2™)

38 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Nanogen® serum

Milnacipran (Savella®)

Ixel® 56x 50mg tablets retail $80 IAS price $74.99 - Item Code: 400

Minerals (general, see Quinton®), Minoxidil (see MinSaw™)

Nanogen® 30ml serum dropper MEN retail $55 IAS price $54.99 - Item Code: 890 Nanogen® 30ml serum dropper WOMEN retail $55 IAS price $54.99 - Item Code: 891

Nanogen® shampoo


MinSaw™ 30ml bottle topical liquid retail $45 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 728

Miroestrol (see HRT Plus®), Mito-Pro™ (see ATP-Boost™)

Moclobemide (Manerix®) Moclamine® 30x 150mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 39

Modafinil (also see adrafinil)

Nanogen® 240ml tube shampoo MEN retail $18 IAS price $17.99 - Item Code: 888 Nanogen® 240ml tube shampoo WOMEN retail $18 IAS price $17.99 - Item Code: 889

Needles (see injection packs), Neurontin® (see Gabapentin), Nettle root extract (see Prostate-Pro™)


Neo40 Daily® 30x lozenges retail $60 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 790

Alertec® 30x 100mg tablets retail $180 IAS price $169.99

Nettle root extract (see Prostate-Pro™)

Modiodal® 30x 100mg tablets retail $160 IAS price $149.99

Neydent toothpaste

Provigil® 30x 100mg tablets retail $200 IAS price $189.99

Neydent toothpaste 50ml tube retail $18 IAS price $15.99 - Item Code: 118

Niacin (nicotinate, niacinamide, see vitamin B3) Note: This product is only available via faxed orders, please use order form at the rear of this magazine. Or you can order via:


Molybdenum (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), MSM (methylsulfonomethane, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio-En’R-Gy®, Nitric-Pro™), N-acetylcarnosine (see Can-C™), N-acetylcysteine (see ACF228™, Can-C™ Plus), NADH (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, see Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer, PQQ)

Nitric Oxide Saliva Test Strips

MSH (melanocyte stimulating hormone) NEW: MSH2-Pro™ 5ml 500IU nasal spray retail $79 IAS price $69.99 - Item Code: 905

Naltrexone (Navcol®)

Naltrex-Pro™ 30x 4.5mg capsules retail $70 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 637

Namenda® (see Memantine)

Nanogen® conditioner

Nanogen® 240ml tube conditioner MEN retail $20 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 886 Nanogen® 240ml tube conditioner WOMEN retail $20 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 887

Sermion® 50x 10mg tablets retail $50 IAS price $47.49 - Item Code: 489

Neo40® 10 saliva strips $25 IAS price $24.99 Item Code: 866


Nitric-Pro™ 225 grams powder retail $40 IAS price $36.99 - Item Code: 792

Nizoral® shampoo (2% ketoconazole) Nizoral® 60ml bottle shampoo retail $15 IAS price $12.99 - Item Code: 437

Novisyn® Hyaluronic Acid Novisyn® Hyaluronic Acid 30 x 5ml liquid sachets retail $30 IAS price $25.99 - Item Code: 900 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA, see ACF228™, Digestif®), Norditropin® (see HGH), Oat grass (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Omega 3 (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, krill), Omega 6 (linoleic acid, GLA, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, krill), Omega 9 (oleic acid, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, krill), Oxythiocynate (OCSN, thiocynates, see 1st Line™)


Oxy-Sub™ 24x 20 IU sublingual troches retail $85 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 660

Oxy-Pro® 5ml 500 IU nasal spray retail $65 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 823 PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Gerovital®), Palmitate (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Pancreatin (see Wobenzym®), Panthenol (pantothenic acid, see vitamin B5), Papain (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Wobenzym®)

PEMF (Pulsed electronic magnetic field) Please contact us for the range of professional equipment currently available. Further details are available at

Penicillin (Penilevel®)

NEW: Kidneys (Pielotak®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 869 NEW: Liver (Svetinorm®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 894 NEW: Lungs (Taxorest®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 959 NEW: Muscle (Gotratix®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 NEW: Parathyroid (Bobothyrk®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 NEW: Pancreas (Suprefort®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 892 NEW: Pineal (Endoluten®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $110 IAS price $99.99 - Item Code: 884 NEW: Prostate (Libidon®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 854

Penilevel® 20x 250mg sachets powder retail $34 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 95

NEW: Testes (Testoluten®) 20 x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 855

Pentavita (see Nanogen®)

NEW: Thyroid (Thyreogen®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 883

Peptide Bioregulators NEW: Adrenals (Glandokort®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 853 NEW: Blood vessels (Ventfort®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 868

NEW: Stomach (Stamacort®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 896 NEW: Heart (Cheloheart®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 898

NEW: Bone Marrow (Bonomarlot®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99

NEW: Bladder (Chitomur®) 20 x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 897

NEW: Brain (Cerluten®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 867

NEW: Ovaries (Zhenoluten®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 899

NEW: Cartilage (Sigumir®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 893

NEW: Thymus (Vladonix®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 882

NEW: Eyesight (Visoluten®) 20x 200mg capsules retail $90 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 856 40 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Phenytoin (Dilantin®, Epanutin®) Phen-Pro™ 30x 25mg capsules retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 786

Phosphatidylcholine (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Crème-Pro™ Cellulite), Phosphatidylserine (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Phospholipids (see krill), Phosphorous (see Nitric-Pro™)


Phos Pro 60x 100mg capsules retail $55 IAS price $47.49 - Item Code: 692


Pramiracetam 40x 300mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 451


PregPro™ 50x 100mg capsules retail $25 IAS price $21.49 - Item Code: 335

Procaine (Novocain®, see Gerovital®, Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer)


Progesterone 50ml 2.5 grams cream retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 789


Propranolol (Inderal®)

Pimagidine (see aminoguanidine)


Pic-Pro™ 60x 50mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $17.99 - Item Code: 184

Piracetam (also see Anacervix®) Nootropil® 20 grams 100ml liquid retail $25 IAS price $21.49 - Item Code: 50 Nootropil® 60x 800mg tablets retail $30 IAS price $27.99 - Item Code: 205 Pira-Pro™ 100x 800mg tablets retail $24 IAS price $17.99 - Item Code: 873

Inderal® 30x 40mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 34 NEW: Prostate-Pro2™ 60 capsules retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 871

Pueraria mirifica (see HRT Plus®), Pulsed electronic magnetic field (see PEMF) Pulsed magnetic therapy (PMT, see PEMF), Pygeum africanum (see Nanogen®, Prostate-Pro2™)


Pyridox-Pro™ 60x 50mg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 449

Polyphenols (see grape seed extract), Pomegranate extracts (see Andro-Pro™), Potassium (see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Gerovital®), Potassium iodide (see ACF228™), Potassium iodine (see ACF228™)


PQQ (pyroloquinoline quinone)

Pyroloquinoline quinone (see PQQ), Quercetin (see Digestif®, Resveratrol-Pro™)

NEW: PQQ-Pro™ 30x 20mg capsules retail $40 IAS price $35.99 - Item Code: 837

Cerbon 6® 60x 100mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $21.49 - Item Code: 167


Isotonic® 24 oral ampoules retail $40 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 681 Hypertonic® 24 oral ampoules retail $40 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 682

Pueraria mirifica (see HRT Plus®)


PulmoLife®1 Spirometer + 4 tubes retail $160 IAS price $139.99 - Item Code: 781 PulmoLife®25 additional tubes retail $25 IAS price $19.99 - Item Code: 782


NEW: Rasagiline-Pro™ 30x 1mg capsules retail $95 IAS price $89.99 - Item Code: 827 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Reboxetine (Davedax®)


Red algae (carrageenan, see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Red clover herb extract (see Prostate-Pro2™), Red yeast (see Beyond Chelation Improved®)

Selepryl® (see deprenyl), Selegiline (see deprenyl), Selenium (see ACF228™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Dim-Pro2™, MZS™, Prostate-Pro2™, thymus)

Edronax® 60x 4mg tablets retail $69 IAS price $62.49 - Item Code: 22


Scalproller® 0.3mm roller kit retail $75 IAS price $69.99 - Item Code: 762


NEW: Releasing-Pro™ 5ml 500IU nasal spray retail $89 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 904

Sermo-Pro® 30ml/ 30mg liquid bottle retail $215 IAS price $199.99 Item Code: 714

Reminyl® (see Galantamine), Resveratrol (see ACF228™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Crème-Pro™ Protector, MinSaw™, Resveratrol-Pro™)

Shave grass (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Silicon/ Silica (see Beyond Chelation Improved®; Nanogen™, Wobenzym®)


Silver protein (ACS®)

Resveratrol-Pro™ 60 capsules retail $30 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 647


Retirides® 30ml 0.025% cream retail $39 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 254 Retirides® 30ml 0.050% cream retail $49 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 764 Retirides® 30ml 0.100% cream retail $59 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 74 Retin-A® 20ml 0.100% micro-gel retail $79 IAS price $72.49 - Item Code: 744

Retinolic acid (tretinoin, see MinSaw™, Retin-A®), Ribonucleic acids (RNA, see Cerebrolysin®, NeyDent®), Ribose (see Bio-En’R-Gy®), Rice bran husks (see Beyond Fiber®), R-lipoic acid (see ATP-Boost™)


Rulid® 10x 50mg tablets retail $29 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 635

Rutin (see Wobenzym®), Saizen® (see HGH), Salicylic acid (see BEC5 Curaderm®, Nanogen® shampoo)

SAMe (S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine) SAMYR® 20x 400mg enteric-coated tablets retail $69 IAS price $62.49 - Item Code: 231 Saw palmetto (Serena repens, see MinSaw™; Nanogen®, Prostate-Pro2™)

Advanced Cellular Silver 200® 2 oz. spray retail $39 IAS price $34.99 - Item Code: 596

Sinemet® (l-dopa & carbidopa)

Sinemet® 50x 100mg tablets retail $59 IAS price $54.99 - Item Code: 596 - Item Code: 81

Solasodine glycosides (see BEC5 Curaderm®), Somatomedin C (see IGF-1), Somatropin (see HGH), Spirulina (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®)

Stablon® (tianeptine)

Stablon® 60x 12.5mg tablets retail $69 IAS price $62.49 - Item Code: 748

Stevia (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®), Superoxide dismutase (SOD, see Nanogen® serum), Syringes (see injection packs)


TA65® 30 capsules IAS price $218.99 - Item Code: 755 TA65® 90 capsules IAS price $599.99 - Item Code: 754

Tamanu Tamanu 50ml bottle oil retail $29 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 724 Telomeres/ telomerase (see TA65®), Temple viper venom (synthetic, see Crème-Pro™ Smoother)

42 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:



Ambramicina® 16x 250mg tablets retail $25 IAS price $22.49 - Item Code: 143

Thymus (also see peptide bioregulator)

Thym-Uvocal® 90x 200mg capsules retail $115 IAS price $99.99 - Item Code: 691

Thyroid (also see peptide bioregulator)

NEW: Nature® 1¼ grain 100x 75mg tablets retail $49 IAS price $44.99 - Item Code: 902 NEW: Nature® 1½ grain 100x 90mg tablets retail $55 IAS price $47.99 - Item Code: 901 NEW: Nature® 1¾ grain 100x 105mg tablets retail $59 IAS price $52.99 - Item Code: 903 Nature® 2 grain 100x 120mg tablets retail $69 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 460

Our natural thyroids include: Armour® 100x 15mg tablets retail $49 IAS price $44.99 - Item Code: 411 Armour® 100x 30mg tablets retail $59 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 468 Armour® 100x 60mg tablets retail $69 IAS price $59.99 - Item Code: 7 Armour® 100x 90mg tablets retail $89 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 594 Armour® 100x 120mg tablets retail $99 IAS price $89.99 - Item Code: 410 ERFA 100x 30mg tablets retail $45 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 736 NEW: ERFA 500x 30mg tablets retail $150 IAS price $129.99 - Item Code: 876 ERFA 100x 60mg tablets retail $60 IAS price $54.99 - Item Code: 737 NEW: ERFA 500x 60mg tablets retail $195 IAS price $179.99 - Item Code: 877 ERFA 100x 125mg tablets retail $90 IAS price $84.99 - Item Code: 738 NEW: ERFA 500x 125mg tablets retail $260 IAS price $249.99 - Item Code: 878 Nature® 100x 15mg tablets retail $34 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 613 Nature® 100x 30mg tablets retail $39 IAS price $32.99 - Item Code: 324 Nature® 100x 60mg tablets retail $44 IAS price $37.99 - Item Code: 323

Our synthetic thyroids include: Eutirox® (T4) 84x 100mcg tablets retail $29 IAS price $24.99 - Item Code: 662 NEW: T3Pro™ (T3) 50x 20mcg tablets retail $35 IAS price $29.99 - Item Code: 314

Thyrotropin releasing hormone (see TRH), TMG (trimethylglycine, betaine, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio-En’R-Gy®), Tocotrienols (see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Tribulus terrestris (see Andro-Pro™, Beyond GHS®)

TRH (thyrotropin releasing hormone)

NEW: Abaris™ 20 x 5mg sublingual tablets retail $240 IAS price $199.99 - Item Code: 793

Trypsin (see Wobenzym®), TRX (see Hair-Pro™), Turmeric (see curcumin), Ubiquinol (see CoQ10), Ubiquinone (see CoQ10), Urea (see BEC5 Curaderm®), Urtica dioica (see Nanogen®)

Valdoxan® (agomelatine)

Valdoxan® 28x 25mg tablets retail $150 IAS price $139.99 - Item Code: 690

Vasopressin (also see desmopressin)

NEW: Vaso-Pro® 5 ml 500 IU nasal-spray retail $75 IAS price $69.99 - Item Code: 838 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


VEGF (see Hair-Pro™, Nanogen® conditioner, Nanogen® serum, Nanogen® shampoo)

Venlafaxine (Efexor®)

Venlafaxine 28x 37.5mg tablets retail $45 IAS price $39.99 - Item Code: 488

Viagra® (sildenafil)

Viagra® 4x 100mg tablets retail $85 IAS price $79.99 - Item Code: 90

Vielight® laser

NEW: Vielight® 633 inter-nasal laser retail $299 IAS price $298.99 - Item Code: 958

Vincamine (see Anacervix®)


Intelectol® 50x 5mg tablets retail $19 IAS price $15.99 - Item Code: 91

Vitamin A (beta carotene, palmitate, see Beyond Chelation Improved®), Vitamin B1 (thiamine, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Nitric-Pro™), Vitamin B1 (see benfotiamine), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Nitric-Pro™), Vitamin B3 (niacin, niacinamide, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, CrèmePro™ Cellulite, Nanogen® serum, Nitric-Pro™, picamilone; Xan-Pro™), Vitamin B5 (panthenol, pantothenic acid, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Nitric-Pro™), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, see ACF228™, Andro-Pro™, Beyond B12®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, DIM-Pro2™, Gamalate B6®; HRT Plus®, Nanogen®; Nitric-Pro™), Vitamin B6 (see pyridoxamine), Vitamin B12 (cobalamin, see B12®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, CrèmePro™ Moisturizer, Cromatonbic®, DIM-Pro2™), Lithium, Neo40®), Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol, see D3, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bone-Pro2™, Prostate-Pro2™), Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio-En’R-Gy C®, Digestif®; MinSaw™, Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™)

Vitamin E (tocopherols, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Can-C Plus™, DIM-Pro2™, Nitric-Pro™, Prostate-Pro2™, Resveratrol-Pro™), Vitamin K2 (menatretrenone, see Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bone-Pro2™), Wheat grass (see Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®)


Wobenzym® 200 tablets retail $75 IAS price $72.49 - Item Code: 381

Wormwood (see artemisinin)

Xan-Pro® (xanthinol nicotinate) Xan-Pro® 50x 150mg tablets retail $20 IAS price $17.99 - Item Code: 552

Yohimbine (also see Crème-Pro™


Plain Prowess® 100x 5mg tablets retail $59 IAS price $49.99 - Item Code: 94


NEW: ZeoGold Enhanced® (zeolite and hydrogen) 50g powder retail $65 IAS price $64.99 - Item Code: 950

Advanced Cellular Zeolite®2 oz. spray retail $45 IAS price $42.49 - Item Code: 833 Zinc (see Andro-Pro™, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Can-C Plus™, MZS™, Nanogen® shampoo, Thym-Uvocal®) DIDN’T FIND WHAT YOU WERE LOOKING FOR? PLEASE CONTACT US WITH YOUR REQUIREMENTS.

Vitamin C test strips (Vitacheck-C®) NEW: Vitacheck-C® 50 strips retail $15 IAS price $14.99 - Item Code: 774

44 // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Condition cross reference list This cross-reference list highlights individual products that have been used to treat & prevent various aging disorders. Note: It does not mean that all these products are synergistic together.

Free radical: ACF228™ Glycation: Aminoguanidine Hayflick: L-carnosine, TA65® Membrane: Centrophenoxine Mitochondrial: Hydergine, PQQ Neuroendocrine: Metformin, TRH Rotational: Melatonin Telomeres: TA65®

Antibiotics (also see influenzas & infections) Ciproxin, doxycycline, penicillin, roxithromycin, tetracycline

Anti-depressants (also see depression & wellbeing)

Lithium-Pro™, milnacipran (Ixel®), moclobemide (Manerix®), reboxetine (Edronax®), Stablon®, Valdoxan®, venlafaxine (Efexor®)

Anti-glycation (see AGE)


HRT Plus®, maca, Quinton®

Anti-inflammatory (see inflammation)

Addison’s disease

Anti-oxidants (free radical scavengers)

ADHD (ADD, attention deficit disorder, see mental stimulants)

Anxiety (see stress)

Adrenal fatigue

ARMD (see eyesight)

Aldosterone, Peptide Bioregulator- Glandokort®

Aldosterone, hydrocortisone, Peptide Bioregulator Glandokort®

AGE (Advanced Glycated End Products, cross linking of proteins)

ACF228™, aminoguanidine, Can-C Plus™, L-carnosine, metformin, pyridoxamine

Age Related Macular Degeneration (see eyesight)

ACF228™, Active H-minus®, ATP-Boost™, Bio-En’RGy®, glutathione, idebenone, melatonin, pyritinol

Aromatase inhibitors

Anastrozole (Arimidex®), Beyond HRT®, DIM-Pro2™, progesterone

Arterial (See heart, arterial & blood) Arthritis (rheumatoid & osteo)

Gerovital-H3®, krill, Novisyn®, pregnenolone, pyritinol, SAMe, thymus, Wobenzym®

Age Related Mental Decline (see cognitive)

Asthma (see Allergies)

Aids (see HIV)

Autism (also see chelation agents)

Alcoholism (also see compulsive disorders) 5HTP, L-tryptophan, memantine

Oxytocin, piracetam

At-home therapeutic kits

B-Cure® laser, Vielight® laser


Bio-En’R-Gy C®, pregnenolone, Thymus, Wobenzym®

Back Problems (see spine)

ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, see Lou Gehrig’s disease)

Bell’s palsy

Alzheimer’s (see senile dementia)

Beta blockers

Amino acids (including di-peptides)

5HTP, ACF228™, ATP-Boost™, Beyond GHS®, L-carnosine, L-tryptophan, Nitric-Pro

Beyond B12® Propranolol

Biological age measurement Bio-CLIP™, PulmoLife®

Anabolic (see growth hormone & testosterone)

Blood disorders (see heart, arterial & blood)

Anginas (see heart, arterial & blood)

Blood pressure

Animal use

Can-C™ eye-drops, deprenyl, L-tryptophan, peptide bioregulators

Antiaging (as impacting on a particular theory of aging) Calorie Restriction: L-carnosine, metformin, resveratrol

Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, oxytocin, propranolol, vinpocetine

Bone problems (also see joints & arthritis)

Andro-Pro™, Bone-Pro2™, Esnatri™, Peptide Bioregulator - Bonomarlot®, progesterone, SAMe, thyroid

Breathing (see Lungs) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Cancer (also see anti-oxidants & radiation)

1st Line™, anastrozole (Arimidex®), artemisinin, BEC5® Curaderm, Bio-En’R-Gy C®, bromocriptine, CurcuminSR™, D3, DIM-Pro2™, HRT Plus®, laetrile, melatonin, metformin, naltrexone, progesterone, Resveratrol-Pro™, thymus, TRH, Wobenzym®

Cardiovascular (see heart & arterial disorders) Cataplexy (sudden fatigue)

Adrafinil, modafinil, picamilone

Cataract (also see eyesight) Can-C™, Can-C Plus™

Central Nervous System (CNS) Peptide Bioregulator - Cerluten®

Chelation agents (removing heavy metals, also see detox)

Beyond Chelation Improved®, Beyond Fiber®, Bio-En’RGy C®, centrophenoxine, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, L-carnosine, zeolite

Cholesterol (see blood disorders) Crohn’s disease Naltrexone

Acarbose, aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, benfotiamine, krill, L-carnosine, metformin, Nitric-Pro™, Peptide Bioregulator- Suprefort®, pyridoxamine, TRH, thyroid

Diabetes insipidus (see urination) Diagnostic products (see at-home diagnostics and at-home test kits) Dieting (See weight loss) Digestive issues

Beyond Fiber®, Digestif®, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, Peptide Bioregulator - Stamakort®

DNA support (also see telomeres)

CoQ10, D3, krill, L-carnosine, Peptide Bioregulators, PQQ, Resveratrol-Pro, TA65®

Down’s syndrome

Melatonin, piracetam

Dr. Gordon’s recommended products

Beyond B12®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Beyond Clean2®, Beyond Fiber®, Beyond GHS®, Bio En’R-Gy C®, Dr Gordon’s Organic Greens®, HRT Plus®, maca, silver protein, zeolite

Chronic fatigue syndrome (see mental stimulants & physical energy improvement)

Dr. Pierpaoli’s recommended products

Cognitive (also see memory & senile dementias)

Dr. Wright’s recommended products

Alertness: Adrafinil, modafinil Creativity: Aniracetam, piracetam, pramiracetam Focus/ concentration: Deprenyl, desmopressin, phosphatidylserine, vasopressin Energy: ATP-Boost™, centrophenoxine, picamilone General support: Gerovital-H3®, vinpocetine Intelligence: Hydergine Work load: Hydergine, thyroid

Compulsive disorder treatment (also see alcoholism)

5HTP, Gamalate®, L-tryptophan, picamilone

Cortisol alteration (also see stress)

Aldosterone, fludrocortisone, GABOB, Gamalate®, hydrocortisone, Peptide Bioregulator - Glandokort®, Gerovital-H3®, phenytoin

Cross linking (see AGE) Deep vein thrombosis (see frequent fliers) Dental (see teeth & gums) Depression (also see well-being & anti-depressants) 5HTP, aniracetam, ATP-Boost™, CurcuminSR™, D3, deprenyl, Gerovital-H3®, Lithium, L-tryptophan, milnacipran, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, pregnenolone, SAMe, thymus, thyroid

Detox (also see chelation agents)

Artemisinin, Bio-En-R-Gy C®, Beyond Clean®, Beyond Fiber®, DIM-Pro2™, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, zeolite

DHT alteration (dihydrotestosterone)

Dutasteride, finasteride, Hair-Pro™, MinSaw™, Nanogen’s®, Peptide Bioregulator - Libidon®, progesterone



Melatonin, TRH

Esnatri, cobalt chloride, progesterone

Energy improvement (see physical energy & mental stimulants)


Boluoke®, Wobenzym®


GABOB, Gamalate®, phenytoin

Erectile dysfunction (also see sex-libido & premature ejaculation)

Andro-Pro™, cabergoline, Cialis®, Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, oxytocin, Viagra®, yohimbine

Estrogen alteration (both increases & decreases)

Anastrozole (Arimidex®), cobalt chloride, DIM-Pro2™, Esnatri™, HRT Plus®, progesterone

Excitotoxins (reduction)

Deprenyl, idebenone, L-carnosine, Lithium, memantine

Eyesight (also see cataract, ARMD & glaucoma)

ARMD: MZS™ Cataracts: Can-C™, Can-C™ Plus Contact lenses: Can-C™ Dry eyes: Can-C™ General support: Aminoguanidine, Peptide Bioregulator - Visoluten®, vinpocetine Glaucoma: Can-C™ Retinal: MZS™, nicergoline, picamilone


Melatonin, metformin, Peptide Bioregulator - Zhenoluten®, TRH

Fibromyalgia (also see physical energy & mental // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

stimulants & pain relief)

1st Line, milnacipran, naltrexone, oxytocin

First Aid cabinet

Free radical scavengers (see anti-oxidants) Frequent fliers

1st Line, artemisinin, GABOB, Gamalate®, L-tryptophan, melatonin, Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, picamilone, piracetam, pregnenolone, Resveratrol-Pro™, silver protein

Gastrointestinal (see digestive) Glaucoma (see eyesight)

Hormones (includes hormonal support supplements) Bio-identical: Aldosterone, Esnatri™, melatonin, MSH, oxytocin, pregnenolone, progesterone, TRH Natural (animal): Armour® thyroid, ERFA® thyroid, Nature® thyroid, thymus, vasopressin Synthetic: Desmopressin, Eutirox® thyroid, fludrocortisone, hydrocortisone, T3Pro™ Supporting agents: Peptide Bioregulators, Cobalt chloride, DIM-Pro2™, GHRP2, GHRP6, sermorelin

HRT (hormone replacement therapy for women)

Glucose control (see diabetes)

Cobalt chloride, Esnatri™, HRT Plus®, melatonin, progesterone

Glycation prevention (see AGE)

Human growth hormone (see growth hormone)




Active H-minus®, ZeoGold Enhanced®

Growth hormone (improvement)

Beyond GHS®, bromocriptine, deprenyl, GABOB, Gamalate®, GHRP2, GHRP6, hydergine, Neo40®, NitricPro™, sermorelin, thymus, thyroid

Hair improvement

Dercos®, dutasteride, finasteride, Gerovital-H3®, HairPro™, krill, MinSaw™, Nanogen’s, Nitric-Pro™, Nizoral®

Headaches (see migraines) Health diagnostics (see at home test kits) Hearing disorders

Aldosterone, Anacervix®, fludrocortisone, nicergoline, picamilone, vinpocetine

Heart, arterial & blood (includes blood markers)

Arteries (hard): Aminoguanidine, Bio-CLIP™, BioCUFF™, L-carnosine, Resveratrol-Pro™ Blood pressure (high): Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, Propranolol, vinpocetine Calcium: Peptide Bioregulator - Bobothyrk® Cholesterol (high): Beyond B12®, Beyond Fiber™, CoQ10, Gerovital-H3®, TRH, Xan-Pro™ Dilation (nitric-oxide): Neo40®, Nitric-Pro™, Vielight® Fibrinogen: CurcuminSR™, TRH, Wobenzym® General support: CoQ10, krill, Peptide Bioregulators Chelohart® & Ventfort®, PQQ, vinpocetine, Wobenzym® Glucose (high): Acarbose, metformin, TRH Glycated end-products: Aminoguanidine, metformin Heart pulse (irregular): ATP-Boost™, Bio En’R-Gy C®, thyroid Heavy metals (chelate): Beyond Chelation Improved®, Beyond Fiber®, Bio En’R-Gy C® Hemorrhoids: Nitric-Pro™ Homocysteine: Beyond B12®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio En’R-Gy C®, TRH Lipofuscin: Centrophenoxine Plaques (clots): Boluoke® Triglycerides: Bio En’R-Gy C®, CurcuminSR™, krill, TRH

Hepatitis (see liver and infections) 1st Line™, ACF228™, silver protein, Wobenzym®

HGH (see growth hormone)

1st Line™, melatonin, naltrexone, Thymus

Homocysteine (see blood disorders)

1st Line™, HemaGel®, silver protein

Herpes (also see anti-biotics)

HIV (also see immune system improvement)

Hypertension (see blood pressure) Immune system improvement (also see infections) 1st Line™, ATP-Boost™, Beyond B12®, L-carnosine, maca, melatonin, Peptide Bioregulator- thymus (Vladonix®), Peptide Bioregulator- thyroid (Thyreogen®), pyritinol, Resveratrol-Pro™, thymus, thyroid

Infections (also see immune system improvement, anti-biotics & influenzas) 1st Line™, artemisinin, fluconazole, silver protein, Wobenzym®

Inflammation (reduction)

Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio-En’R-Gy®, Boluoke®, CurcuminSR™, Digestif®, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, krill, maca, pregnenolone, thymus, Wobenzym®

Influenzas (also see anti-biotics, infections & immune system improvement) 1st Line™

Injectable products

Cerebrolysin®, Cromatonbic® (B12), Gerovital-H3®

Insulin & glucose control (see diabetes) Intestinal flora (see probiotics) Inter-nasal products

Desmopressin (Minirin®), MSH (MSH2-Pro™), oxytocin (Oxy-Pro™), GHRP6 (Releasing-Pro™), vasopressin (Vaso-Pro™), Vielight® laser

Joints (also see bones & arthritis)

Boluoke®, krill, Peptide Bioregulator- Sigumir®, Novisyn®, pregnenolone, SAMe, thymus, Wobenzym®

Kidney disorders (also see infections)

Aminoguanidine, Peptide Bioregulator - Pielotak® SAMe, TRH

Learning (also see memory & mental stimulants) Aniracetam, desmopressin, hydergine, piracetam, pramiracetam, vasopressin // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


Libido (see sex) Lipids (see blood disorders) Liver disorders (also see infections)

CoQ10, Idebenone, Peptide Bioregulator- Svetinorm®, pregnenolone, SAMe, silver protein

Longevity enhancement (significant lifespan increases seen in animal studies)

Centrophenoxine, deprenyl, Desmopressin, melatonin

Lou Gehrig (ALS) Naltrexone, TRH


ACF228™ Breathe-Easy, Centrophenoxine, Nitric-Pro™, Peptide Bioregulator - Taxorest®, PulmoLife®


Milnacipran, naltrexone


1st Line™, silver protein

Macular degeneration (see ARMD & eyesight) Malaria (also see anti-biotics) Artemisinin

Memory (also see cognitive & senile dementia)

General support: Krill, picamilone, vinpocetine Imprinting (for later recall): Desmopressin, vasopressin Medium-long term: Hydergine, phosphatidylserine Short term: Aniracetam, piracetam, pramiracetam Speed of recall: Centrophenoxine, pyritinol

Menopause (see HRT) Mental stimulants (also see physical stimulants) Adrafinil, aniracetam, centrophenoxine, deprenyl, desmopressin, modafinil, nicergoline, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, vasopressin, Xan-Pro™

Methylation (conversion of one chemical into another inside the body)

ATP-Boost™, Beyond B12® Bio-En’R-Gy®, Boluoke®, SAMe, Wobenzym®, Xan-Pro™

Migraines (also see pain relief)

Beyond B12®, nicergoline, memantine, picamilone, Quinton®

Minerals (including trace- also see vitamins)

Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bone-Pro2™, Gamalate®, Quinton®

Mitochondrial support

ATP-Boost™, CoQ10, deprenyl, glutathione, hydergine, idebenone, PQQ, pregnenolone, SAMe

Multiple Sclerosis (also see mitochondrial support) Melatonin, naltrexone, TRH

Nitric-Pro™, Neo40®, Nitric Oxide saliva test strips

Oral health care (see teeth & gums) Osteoporosis (see bone problems) Pain relief

ATP-Boost™, Gerovital-H3®, memantine, milnacipran, nicergoline, oxytocin, Wobenzym®

Parasites (see infections) Parkinson’s disease (see senile dementia) Peptides

-short chain peptide bioregulators Adrenals = Glandokort®, Bladder = Chitomur® Blood vessels = Ventfort®, Bone marrow = Bonomarlot® Brain (CNS) = Cerluten®, Cartilage = Sigumir® Heart = Chelohart®, Kidney = Pielotak®, Liver = Svetinorm®, Lungs = Taxorest® Muscle = Gotratix®, Ovaries = Zhenoluten® Pancreas = Suprefort®, Parathyroid = Bobothyrk® Pineal = Endoluten®, Prostate = Libidon® Retina = Visoluten®, Stomach = Stamakort® Testes = Testoluten®, Thymus = Vladonix® Thyroid = Thyreogen® -other peptides Cerebrolysin®, GHRP2 (GHRP2-Pro™), GHRP6 (Releasing-Pro™) Sermorelin (Serm-Pro™), TRH (Abaris™)

Pets (see Animal use) Photoaging (see radiation & skin problems) Ph balance (rebalancing)

Active H-minus®, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, Quinton®

Physical energy improvement (also see mental stimulants)

Active H-minus®, ATP-Boost™, Beyond B12®, CoQ10, idebenone, L-carnosine, maca, PQQ, pregnenolone, SAMe, yohimbine

PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome)

Beyond B12®, krill, HRT Plus®, maca, Peptide Bioregulator - Zhenoluten®, vinpocetine

Premature ejaculation/ ejaculate (also see erectile

dysfunction & sex-libido) Oxytocin


Beyond Fiber®, Digestif®, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, Quinton®

Prostate (also see cancer)

Beyond B12™, D3, DIM-Pro2™, dutasteride, finasteride, HRT Plus®, melatonin, Peptide Bioregulators - Chitomur® & Libidon®, Prostate-Pro2™

Nail condition

Prolactin alteration

Narcolepsy (sleeping in the daytime)

PSA (prostate specific antigen- see prostate)

Gerovital-H3®, krill Adrafinil, melatonin, modafinil, picamilone


Nitric Oxide release

Bromocriptine, cabergoline, GABOB, Gamalate®

Urination (frequent) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:

Peptide Bioregulator -Chitomur®, vasopressin

Radiation (see skin problems)

Sunburn (see radiation) Syndrome X (metabolic syndrome)

Aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, krill, melatonin, metformin

RNA (see DNA support) Senile dementia (also see cognitive & memory)

Alzheimer’s: Centrophenoxine, CurcuminSR™, galantamine, hydergine, memantine, nicergoline General support: Anacervix®, aniracetam, piracetam, pramiracetam, vinpocetine, Wobenzym® Parkinson’s: Bromocriptine, cabergoline, deprenyl, rasagiline


Tanning (darkening the coloration of skin) MSH

Teeth & gum disorders

Doxycycline, Gengigel®, NeyDent®, silver protein, Quinton®, zeolite

Telomeres (also see DNA support) Krill, L-carnosine, TA65®


Sex (libido, also see erectile dysfunction & premature ejaculation)

Andro-Pro™, deprenyl, maca, MSH, oxytocin, yohimbine

Skin problems (also see tanning)

Acne: Nexiclear® Age: (liver) spots: Centrophenoxine Anti-glycation: Aminoguanidine, L-carnosine Anti-oxidant: Crème-Pro™ Protector Cancer (non-melanoma): BEC5® Curaderm Cellulite: Crème-Pro™ Celluless Collagen: Hy-Col™ Environmental: Crème-Pro™ Protector Fine lines: Crème-Pro™ Smoother General support: Gerovital-H3®, Quinton®, thyroid Hyaluronic acid: Hy-Col™ Infections: Silver protein, Thym-Uvocal® Moisturizer: Crème-Pro™ Moisturizer Psoriasis: Nexiclear® Radiation: Crème-Pro™ Protector, melatonin Scars/ stretch marks: Tamanu oil Sun spots: BEC5® Curaderm Wounds: HemaGel® Wrinkles: Retin-A®

Sleep disorders

For less sleep: adrafinil, ATP-Boost™, modafinil For more sleep: 5HTP, gabapentin, L-tryptophan, melatonin

Smoking cessation 5HTP

Testosterone & testes (also see fertility and prostate) Andro-Pro™, Anastrozole (Arimidex®), Beyond B12®, Beyond GHS®, DIM-Pro2™, melatonin, oxytocin, Peptide Bioregulator - Testoluten®, TRH

Therapeutic equipment (see at-home therapeutics) Thyroids

Natural brands: Armour®, ERFA®, West® (Nature®) Synthetic brands: IBSA® (T3+T4), Eutirox® (T4), Tiromel® (T3) Supporting agents: Peptide Bioregulator - Thyreogen®

Travel (see frequent fliers) Triglycerides (see blood disorders) Veterinarian (see animal use) Vitamins (also see minerals)

Benfotiamine, Beyond B12®, Beyond Chelation Improved®, Bio- En’R-Gy C®, CoQ10, D3, GABOB, Gamalate®, Nitric Pro™, PQQ, pyridoxamine, Xan-Pro™


Active H-minus®, Quinton®

Weight gain (muscle mass)

Andro-Pro™, Beyond GHS®, GABOB, GHRP6, sermorelin

Weight loss (Appetite suppressants and diet aids)

Spine Issues

Peptide Bioregulator- cartilage (Sigumir®), Novisyn®

Sports (see growth hormone, estrogen alteration, physical energy & testosterone) Stress (also see cortisol)

5HTP, GABOB, Gamalate® , Gerovital-H3®, maca, L-tryptophan, melatonin, oxytocin, picamilone, phenytoin, propranolol, pregnenolone

5HTP, acarbose, aminoguanidine, ATP-Boost™, benfotiamine, Beyond Fiber®, DIM-Pro2™, Dr. Gordon’s organic greens®, galantamine, GHRP2, L-tryptophan, metformin, MSH2, thyroid, TRH, Xan-Pro™

Well-being (also see depression)

5HTP, Active H-minus®, aniracetam, ATP-Boost™, Beyond B12®, deprenyl, Gamalate®, Gerovital-H3®, krill, L-tryptophan, melatonin, picamilone, piracetam, pramiracetam, SAMe, thymus, thyroid, Wobenzym®, ZeoGold Enhanced®


Anacervix®, aniracetam, Boluoke®, hydergine, idebenone, nicergoline, Nitric-Pro™, picamilone, piracetam, PQQ, pramiracetam, pregnenolone, vinpocetine

Stomach (see digestive) Sublingual products

Beyond B12™, Oxytocin (Oxy-Sub™), Sermorelin (SermPro™) // Order hotline: 1-866-800-4677 // e-mail:


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