12 minute read
Building leaders
by Ian Coles
Building future leaders
In 2014, BHS embarked on a the immense challenges over the last around the globe. The Innovation Centre pioneering journey in launching its few months due to the pandemic, we is the first of its kind in Bermuda, which “Leading the Way” capital campaign, definitely wondered if we would be able Mrs. Parker says is “an enormous leap which raised $11.5 million for the to complete the project for the start of the forward for BHS.” construction of an Innovation Centre 2020/2021 academic year.” “We have a responsibility to prepare to house a STEAM-based (science, Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of our girls for the jobs of today as well as technology, engineering, arts and math) the building is the convergence of the to anticipate future trends,” she says. “A curriculum. A further $500,000 is being disciplines needed to build it and the strong STEAM education meets this raised for additional furnishing, fittings, subjects that will be learned within it. challenge.” and equipment. “I think BHS should be commended The design of the building not only
The new facility, which is on target to for realising and fulfilling the goal of supports the goals of this curriculum but open for the upcoming school year, is a building an educational facility that also reflects the principles of the school two-storey 14,000-square-foot structure was specifically designed to facilitate a itself. with an array of modern learning spaces STEAM curriculum and approach to “An important part of the design and technology. The new building learning – one that I believe in,” says process was to explore the ideas of also connects to the school’s adjacent Gary Simmons, partner at Linberg & expressing ‘Purity and Strength’ (the Butterfield Building, which has been Simmons, the architectural firm for the school motto) in the built structure,” extensively renovated to house new music, project. says Germano Botelho, chairman of the art, drama, and math areas. As an all-girls school (through year Buildings and Ground Committee and
“It has been a long but rewarding 12), BHS has a particular commitment co-chair of the STEAM taskforce at journey to get to this point,” says Linda to ensuring girls are prepared to take BHS and an architect by profession. “This Parker, head of school at BHS. “With leadership positions in Bermuda and has been achieved, for example, by not
Architectural rendering of STEAM centre

STEAM centre as it is today

hiding some of the structure elements, leaving steel beams exposed and polishing the concrete floors to a finished product.”
Mr. Simmons adds that, “Deliberately exposing crude parts of the structure and systems in a playful and aesthetically interesting manner allows that the structure and systems can become tools for learning.”
This learning process has been going on throughout the design and construction of the facility. The school has also sought feedback and input from students on both the design of some of the spaces and the furnishings within.
“Over the last four years, students have been working with Linberg & Simmons and Botelho Wood Architects during our annual STEAM Weeks, gaining experience and an understanding of architecture and design,” says Catherine Hollingsworth, head of secondary at BHS. “One year, nine student spotted an issue (in one of the bathrooms) with the hand dryer being placed on the opposite side of the entrance to the sinks and thus causing the potential for the floor to become wet and slippery.
“It has also been essential to work closely with the specialist teachers throughout the design of the spaces and selection of the furniture.”
The students have also been proactive in raising money for the installation of solar panels, the structure for which is in place, and they will be installed over time.
“The students are always keen to ensure the school is as eco-friendly as possible,” says Ms. Hollingsworth.
Of course, a state-of-the-art STEAM Centre must feature technology to support the learning, which Mr. Botelho says required a lot of coordination, miles of cable and significant resources. The result is seamless, and largely hidden, connectivity throughout the facility and out into the world.
Interestingly, Mr. Botelho notes that there is an age-old piece of technology connecting the spaces and serving the collaborative learning environment.
“The most interesting technology used in the building, and in between classrooms, is one of the simplest – glass,” he says. “We used glass to connect between classrooms and corridors. Glass connects the old buildings with the new and the exterior with the interior. Teaching and learning are on display
Innovation House features large collaborative spaces

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everywhere you turn.”
And that teaching and learning will extend beyond BHS and into the wider community.
“From the very beginning of this project, we were adamant that girls across Bermuda should benefit from our facility,” says Mrs. Parker. “The building will house a purpose-built leadership centre that will provide new opportunities for partnerships between the public and private schools.”
With the tremendous upheaval caused by COVID-19 at the end of the previous school year, there is, understandably, great anticipation for the new year and new building at BHS.
“I feel immensely proud of all the work that has taken place to get us here and to everyone who has been a part of that process,” says Mrs. Parker. “In my mind, I can see the students in the reading nooks, I can hear the machines in the MakerSpace,

and I can feel the excitement of the students discovering science through experiments in the labs.
“Students will be inspired to dream and imagine, explore their sense of curiosity, showcase their talents and hone their skills, and prepare for the remainder of the 21st century and beyond.” Q
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Design Ltd • Island Glass • Linberg & Simmons • L&S Design Ltd • R-Co Steel Fabricators Ltd • Solid Rock Construction

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If you’re in construction, you know the importance of supply chain management. The timing of the importation of materials is critical to the construction schedule and budget. That’s why the Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP™) accreditation is one of most sought-after and widely held designations in this field. It’s well respected here, and this designation is an asset around the world and is considered the to anyone whose business involves the highest achievement in the industry – a importation of goods of one sort or another. mark of strategic leadership. Basil Cary, who is the purchasing and
Students from many different industries inventory administrator at the City of enroll in the course. Just about everything Hamilton, is a recent student. Mr. Cary is imported to the island, so supply chain is responsible for ordering all materials management applies to most industries for the city – everything from street light bulbs to cement to work clothes. He is also responsible for controlling the inventory of these, and hundreds of other items needed on a day-to day-basis to keep the city’s operations working smoothly.
“This course gave me a complete vision into my career path and helped me directly with my daily work,” he says. “It was tremendously advantageous, and I learnt some very practical things that I was able to implement straight away. It touches on all aspects of supply chain management, with modules such as logistics management, procurement, inventory management, and much more. The most interesting parts of the course for me were the seminars. Experienced professionals in this field joined us and shared their expert advice – the Bermuda government’s procurement office for example as well as presenters from abroad.”
The course takes up to two years to complete and involves several modules, including general management and finance.
It is offered through Bermuda College, and more details are available by calling the recruitment office, telephone 239-4099 or email: padmin@college.bm Q
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The amazing, expanding Lindo’s

The first Lindo’s store was opened premises. Sixty years on, and the family for our first expansion in 1971. We had in the 1960s, and since then the firm has not stopped improving its appeal further expansions in 1980, 1988, and Lindo’s Group of Companies has to shoppers. 2003,” says group president Giorgio Zanol, continually expanded and upgraded its “We borrowed £100,000 from the bank “and now this latest expansion. So we have
come a long way.”
Today’s construction has been completed in several phases; brand-new offices, a new warehouse, conversion of the old warehouse to create a new bulk sales area, the installation of a customer service

elevator, additional parking on the upper level, and the replacement of an older part of the roof. In addition, the wall of the west side of the store has been pushed out by 9 feet to create more space.
But that’s not where it stops. Planning permission has been granted to add an additional storey above the newly created bulk sales area — not something that was envisaged until recently. The bulk sales area will open once the work in progress taking place around the property is complete.
“All the recent construction at Lindo’s has been designed to allow another floor to be added — including the car parking” says Peter Carfoot, senior architectural technologist at Linberg & Simmons. “It’s been challenging from the point of view of keeping the store open while the work progresses. The other challenge was demolishing the older building. So we built the new building over the top of the old cottage, made the new building and roof water tight, and then demolished the older building inside the new one. We did something similar in creating the bulk

sales area. We built the exterior wall first, and then formed the roof over the top. We got it water-tight, and then removed the existing mono-pitched roof.”
The expansion of the upper-level parking has nearly doubled the amount of parking space, which has also created covered access between the lower parking and the main store at ground level. Powerful LED lighting is installed to brighten this potentially darkish area, and a skylight above the customer entrance ramp to the store provides natural light.
A new customer elevator will serve

those who want to move between the lower parking and bulk sales and upper parking.
Some of the other smaller, but no less significant, areas of improvement include an expanded pharmacy; relocating the shopping cart nesting area; the ATM’s for HSBC and Clarien have been relocated; and a new cool room has been created as a ‘holding’ space for online orders
You take care of the look. We’ll take care of the feel.

The BAC Group is proud to have been a part of creating the indoor environments for the following projects appearing in this issue:

BHS Innovation Centre, L.F. Wade International Airport, Lindo’s Group of Companies, Point House and St. Regis. Let us build yours. Together, we’ll make sure it’s perfect.


that have been ‘picked’ and bagged and waiting for pickup or delivery. Recharging stations for electric vehicles are also being installed in the new parking area.
A 20,000-gallon water tank already existed and second new 20,000-gallon tank has been completed underneath the parking. This additional tank was required to satisfy fire regulation requirements to supply the newly installed sprinkler system.
Pre-cast, as opposed to “cast in place” concrete which would typically be used in Bermuda, minimised disruption. The large slabs were dropped into place, and a 3-inch slab poured on top.
The solar panels that were installed in phases beginning in 2011, have been removed, cleaned, and re-installed on the brand-new roof area that covers the newly constructed warehouse. AES is responsible for the solar energy work. The solar system has now been increased to 231 kW, one of the largest commercial installations on the island. Tim Madeiros, founder and CEO of AES says: “Using SunPower’s world record setting technology, Lindo’s was eager to maximise its solar capacity and to continue to substantially reduce its electricity costs.” Q
• BAC • D&J Construction Co Ltd • Furniture Flair • Island Glass • R-Co Steel Fabricators Ltd • Linberg & Simmons • L&S Design Ltd