3 minute read
Bigger Barn
by Ian Coles
A Bigger Barn
(SQQYRMX]MGSR8LI'EVRGLEVMX]WXSVISR )IZSRTVMRK7SEHI\TERHW “S pace” and “storage” is what Tiffany Looby and Grace Petty, both assistant managers equipment and children’s toys, and replacing them with a large warehousestyle retail space, with increased storage, at The Barn, are most enjoying two new bathrooms and a spacious having more of now the renovation of undercover drop-off area. Bermuda’s largest thrift store is finished. The renovation has more than
The expansion of this charity shop doubled the available sales space to and community icon, managed by the 7,735 square feet. Hospitals Auxiliary of Bermuda (HAB), “The whole plan was just to make began in November 2019. It involved it a very simple warehouse style retail demolishing the two smaller buildings, outlet, recognising that this is for our which housed larger goods such as community,” explains Jane Wright, furniture, electrical items, kitchen assistant manager of the HAB who has

managed the whole renovation project. “We don’t need flash. It’s to help the community and in turn help the hospital.”
The plans were drawn up by Ted Wood at Botelho Wood Architects and everyone who works or helps out at The Barn was asked for their input. The overarching goal was to improve the customer shopping experience and to make life easier for staff and volunteers when receiving donations. There are three full-time managers at The Barn and depending on the day there can be anywhere between 5 and 15 volunteers on site.
The new space has been developed using the same steel building materials as the older existing building, so the two join together seamlessly. A new coat of striking, bright blue paint smartens up the entire building, making the whole site look as good as new.
A greywater borehole has been added in front of the new building and at present, it takes all the rain water from the new roof. “It’s basically a grey water disposal borehole,” says Wright. “This was done as the new building does not have a fresh water tank because the existing building’s tank is so large that we cannot keep up with the use of the water.”
The interior of the new building has deliberately been left “industrial looking,” continued Wright. “It’s not something we felt we should be spending money on – putting up dry wall and ceilings and things, because this is for charity and our charity supports the Bermuda Hospitals Board. It’s really cool and we’re moving to that sort of style so we felt, as an organisation, that it could actually look quite trendy.”
When complete, this new area will once again house the larger items and the older space will continue to sell clothing, books and other smaller items. Behind the new retail space is an additional sorting area for electronics and there will also be a cage for more expensive goods while they’re being tested or repaired.
In spite of having to down tools during the Covid-19 lockdown, Wright says the whole renovation process has gone “very smoothly,” and she spoke highly of contractors Crisson Construction. “Where there have been issues, we’ve sorted them out. It’s been seamless, which for this sort of project is unusual.” She also pointed out that had it not been for the shelter-in-place restrictions they would have finished a month ahead of schedule.
“It’s larger than we imagined and the space feels a lot more open and a lot less claustrophobic,” adds Wright. “If you look at the bag area, I think that was the total footprint of the last Barn that was here. We’ve significantly increased the space.”
“Customers are excited about the expansion,” continues Petty who explains that The Barn is always very busy on shopping days. “Everyone is excited and looking forward to it. The flow will be a lot better,” she says. Q
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