4 minute read
Welcome to BDA
by Ian Coles

Looking at it now, it seems like a long time ago when all you could see were massive steel pillars pointing skyward. Now, it’s a gleaming, modern structure looking as if it is ready to receive its first aircraft.
Before it does, however, there is still a lot of work to do. Although the majority of the exterior work has been completed, final landscaping remains to be done, airside asphalt is to be laid, and portions of the interior are still to be fitted out.
According to Shazar Hack, technical director, Skyport, work has been interrupted by Covid-19 pandemic, as overseas companies with workers in Bermuda requested that their staff return home due to countries’ border closures. It also interrupted supply lines to the island.

Exterior Patio Area of Whistling Rum Bar & Grill

“It means the airport will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2020 and the actual opening will be dependent on the remaining testing and commissioning of building components, and how well the Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer (ORAT) integrated trials perform,” he said.
Among the work still to be done is the fitting out of two airside restaurants — one for international and one for US — as well as one groundside restaurant which will be open to the general public.
Two departure duty free shops, one each on the international and US sides, and one arrivals duty free are remaining to be finished, and retail specialty shops will also be fitted out. According to Mr. Hack, the tenant fitout work is also expected to be completed by the fourth quarter of this year.
If you have wondered what the work at the airport roundabout is, you will see soon when an LF Wade International airport sign will be erected. To bring a sense of Bermuda to the
Installation of Departures Hall Curtain Wall Base

A worker assembles building materials

airport, ‘Sense of Place’ elements are being installed throughout the terminal. Mr. Hack says many airports are doing something similar and in Bermuda’s case, this means suspended elements such as kites and local species of birds, and imagery on the walls featuring local architecture and landscape, as well as Bermudians. Two things that have not received much public attention are the cargo and courier areas. The cargo shed is being redeveloped – consolidating the cargo area with courier area. Construction of that will start in the fourth quarter of 2020. The fate of the old airport which was built in three phases – in 1947, 1967 and 1987 - has not yet been decided. Mr Hack said: “Once the new terminal is opened, everyone in the existing terminal will be relocated.” Q
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Preparation of Stainless Steel Wall Base

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