8 minute read
Large scale solar
by Ian Coles
Bermuda’s first large scale solar farm
Located on a 19-acre piece of land “This installation is what we call ‘a fixed known locally as “The Finger” — a rack.’ The panels are oriented so that they small peninsula at right angles to point south, and they’re mounted on a the airport runway that was formerly a steel racking system that holds them at munitions pier for the US Navy — the 6 about a 15 degree tilt. We’ve calculated MW solar power project on St. David’s that as the optimum angle to catch the Island is all but completed. maximum sun,” explains Henry.
This is an entirely separate project to “The foundation system for this racking the new airport terminal, and the solar we call direct-drive pile. We drive straight power generated will not offset the steel piles 9 feet into the ground, which airport’s energy use. Rather, it will be creates the foundation and anchor system. delivered into the national grid under a There are 40 piles. Then above that is 20-year contract with BELCO. The 6 galvanised steel racking bolted together. MW that the solar farm will generate There are 120 rows of racking, and then represents about 4% of BELCO’s total all of the modules, or panels, are mounted capacity of around 80 MW. to that steel racking system.
“Saturn Power develops and builds “The racking is designed for a 144-mph utility-scale or large-scale solar projects,” wind – it’s been designed to withstand says Larry Henry, project manager for a category-four hurricane. We have Canadian-based Saturn Power, who concerns about the environment, the salt, developed the plant. “This project for and the humidity, so our racking system Bermuda on a 19-acre site will generate has had extra galvanising treatment. 6 MW from 24,150 individual solar “There was no special treatment for panels.” the surface – we’ve driven the piles right

through the old asphalt surface. It wasn’t removed. We hope and believe that will lend itself to minimising some of the site maintenance long-term.”
The local installation and commissioning company is Noesis Energy Solutions. It is responsible for all the high-voltage equipment and underground cabling as well as laying a
submarine cable from the solar plant to connect with the new BELCO substation located by the roundabout at the airport entrance. Q
• Noesis Energy Solutions • Options Electrical Limited

The 19-acre solar plant has almost 25,000 individual panels

We are proud to have installed and commissioned the 6MW Solar Farm.

Building on an Island

The business of home building critical components of the project can be Do (some of) It Yourself in Bermuda has been changing established – and not at the end when Reap big savings by doing some of the subtly over the past 30 years. An cash has run out. Factoring in a 10% to work yourself. Demolition of kitchen older Bermuda cottage was constructed 15% contingency to cover budget extras cabinets or items that you could do of Bermuda stone, lathe and plaster or renovation unknowns is a rule of yourself will save you on labor cost. ceilings, and wood floors on floor joists, thumb that should always accompany Recycling used fixtures and building with crawl spaces below that to keep the your estimates. materials can sometimes pay off, but look rooms cool in the heat of the summer. With some strategic thinking about out for builders who won’t guarantee
Fast forward to the present day, where design, materials, and timing, it is not so their work if they have to use salvaged the inspiration to build a customised hard to cut costs without cutting corners. items because they don’t want to assume home is becoming increasingly popular. The truth about renovations is that every the liability if something goes wrong. Renovating existing properties is also little thing adds up, so researching your Knocking down may not be as costly as on the rise. Designing your personal material choices and vendors for deals rebuilding, but you can still shave dollars version of an island dream home can will save you in the long run. by doing some of the demolition yourself be exhilarating and daunting at the – as long as you proceed with care. same time. But knowing what you’re up Keeping It Real Before you decide to take a wall out against and gathering valuable tips from Efficiency, not size, is what matters most or, worse still, sawing through live wiring subject-matter experts can go a long way in today’s home. Gone are the days when or plumbing, ask someone for advice, or in easing some of the uncertainty. all the “nice to haves” overtake the “needs know when to stop the “do-it-yourself ” to have.” work and consult your architect or Cut Cost, Not Corners If you can reorganise and equip your contractor. For independent, cost-effective quotes home, kitchen, or bathroom for maximum on renovation work, speak to contractors utility and growth for your later years, Build It Up or Knock It Down and your designer or architect early in you may not need to create more space Major renovating can cost more than the process. Waiting to budget until but rather use the space you have more building new. Carefully weigh the best after completing your design is not the effectively. A designer can assist in approach to renovating and determine recommended way to start a project. providing up-front advice just by looking if demolishing and starting again are
A quick budget analysis of your design at how your house is arranged on the efficient options. Don’t schedule your options early in the process will allow inside. You may come to realise that your renovation in the height of peak demand you to determine if you can or cannot home might already have sufficient space times for builders – wait until there is a achieve your entire wish list. If this is for what you want do; it’s just currently lag and get the best price from numerous the case, a redistribution of the most not suited for your style of living. contractors. Be prudent to make sure
you check references and obtain a firm price with a final contract and schedule. Using stock sizes in cabinets, doors, and windows will save you time and money.
While planning and designing your home, it is also helpful to confirm if your essential materials are available on-island or if they need to be imported, In addition to an increase in cost, imported material may have an impact on your building schedule and budget. Timing the delivery of your materials is an art, and your contractor, architect, and interior design team can be critical in ensuring it all flows smoothly

throughout the entire process.
Good to Know
Depending on the scale of your project, your architectural commission will vary in meetings, site visits, and construction drawings for planning and permits. You might be able to tap into an architect’s design savvy by having him or her undertake a one-time design consultation. For example, for a flat fee, some architects will meet with a homeowner, examine the opportunities, and sketch out a few solutions that can then be budgeted and utilised for

banking discussions if loans are required.
A Small Works design program is the way to go here with a set fee for design and drawings for necessary permits. For larger renovations, planning and building permits may be required, thus having a qualified firm to undertake your drawings is a real cost saver. Ask about its drawings sets, review others it has done – and remember that you get what you pay for.
For more tips, the latest design trends, and architectural news, sign up for the OBMI newsletter at bdanews@obmi.com. Q


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Please call BELCO at least one week before any digging or trenching. We’ll visit your site to locate and mark underground cables. This free service helps to keep workers safe and prevents the interruption of your electricity supply.