6 minute read
Solar Energy
by Ian Coles
Gorham’s, St. John’s Road
Solar power is expanding rapidly in Bermuda, with hundreds of homes and businesses having invested in solar energy and thousands more ready to join them.
AES leads the way in the clean energy revolution in Bermuda, with more solar PV capacity installed than all other local providers combined. It has been responsible for all of the largest commercial installations as well as more than 120 homes. Its installation at Dockyard for WEDCO is the largest on the island, followed closely by Gorham’s, Lindo’s, and Gosling’s — all AES projects. Other major AES commercial installations include Saltus, BELCO, Greybar Building (Mill Creek), Vallis Building, Bermuda Veterinary Services, and the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum, and Zoo.
AES is also the chosen provider
The largest solar installations in Bermuda
for residential properties, with many Bermudian homeowners choosing to tap into the proven cost savings of solar energy provided by AES. Its installations cover the whole Island, from east to west, from small installations on the roofs of modest homes to larger properties and grand mansions.
Why are so many wise Bermudians choosing AES? The answer, says Tim Madeiros, founder and CEO of AES, is because not all solar panels are created equal, and AES is the agent and distributor for SunPower panels, the world’s most efficient and powerful panels.
“SunPower holds the world record for power and efficiency, as tested by the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and in fact keeps breaking its own world record,” explains Madeiros. “So our clients either generate up to 50% more power or require up to 50% less roof space when compared with other solar panel options on the market, simply because of the advanced SunPower technology.”
The other big advantage AES has over competitors is the SunPower 25- year warranty. “Other manufacturers may offer a 25-year warranty on power output, but SunPower includes a 25- year warranty on workmanship as well,” explains Mr. Madeiros. “In other words, the SunPower warranty covers not only the power output but the entire panel. So if the panel somehow loses its structural integrity, which hasn’t happened in my 12 years of installing SunPower systems in Bermuda, it’s completely covered by the warranty. It’s a combined warranty – power and workmanship. You truly get a 25-year warranty that includes shipping to Bermuda and the labour to replace. No other manufacturer offers this coverage, and no other company in Bermuda is

able to offer this value.” Q
The largest commercial solar installations on the island supplied and installed by AES WEDCO 585kW Gorham’s 500kW Lindo’s 213kW Gosling’s 136kW Saltus 70kW BELCO 70kW Greybar Building 70kW Vallis Building 69kW BVS 15kW Aquarium 11kW
Demand Better Solar Demand Better Solar
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SunPower® Authorized Dealer | Commercial & Residential
SunPower® Authorized Dealer | Commercial & Residential
Bermuda tank water
Pastel coloured homes, white stepped roofs, pink sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters surround our 21 square miles of paradise. Why and where did our unique roofs structures come from? It turns out they are designed this way to harvest rainwater. The steps on our Bermuda roofs slow down heavy rainfall helping the gutters to collect the water and store it in a tank under our homes. Although all of this sounds great, potable water quality and controlling water contamination in our tanks is a serious challenge.
In Bermuda, treatment for potable water involves the removal of contaminants from raw “tank” water to produce water that is pure enough for human consumption without any short-term or long-term risk of adverse health effects. Testing of untreated tank water is recommended to confirm or deny microbial presence.
In general terms, the greatest risks are associated with ingestion of water that is contaminated with human or animal (including bird) feces. Feces can be a source of pathogenic bacteria such as coliform and E. coli, salmonella and other potentially harmful waterbased viruses.
Disinfection of our tanks is critical to control microbial growth which involves the use of (chlorine), filters and ultraviolet light to mitigate such contamination. Recent research carried out on Bermuda rainwater tanks found the chemical quality of the water to be good. The studies of microbial contamination of household tanks in Bermuda, however, have indicated very high rates of contamination with coliforms and E. coli.
Certain segments of the population may be particularly vulnerable to such microbial activity, namely young children, older adults and people with fragile or compromised immune systems. The Bermuda Health Department recommends that tank water be considered as “raw water” requiring treatment by disinfection before using for drinking or food preparation. Disinfection can be via techniques such as chlorination, boiling, ultraviolet light/filtration or a combination of these. and legal responsibility to ensure that “tank” water (potable water) is safe for human consumption. An analytical water test should be completed as part of the rental agreement. Tank maintenance records should also be available. This record should include tank size, volume and configuration. When was the last time the tank was drained, cleaned and disinfected? Finally, it should be confirmed if all rain leaders and roof down spouts have protection in place to reject foreign particles from entering the tank.
Landlords and tenants can have water tests performed at any time by several labs in Bermuda. Any issues with water quality can easily be mitigated with current equipment and proven methods.

Water Treatment Solutions
Commonly referred to as ‘whole house water filtration”, point of entry systems are installed on the main water line where the first entry point of water is received in your home. You can further improve your water quality standard with a point of use drinking water system which eliminates the majority of contaminants.
ClearWater Systems Ltd., a Bermudian company, has over twenty years experience in water filtration, water treatment, ultraviolet sterilisation and chlorination among other applications. Much of this experience includes solving unique Bermuda water problems commonly associated with tank water sources.
ClearWater Systems Ltd. has been an active member of the Water Quality Association of America (WQA) since 1999. The WQA is the largest association of water treatment experts in the world with resources to assist and support any type of water quality issue. ClearWater Systems supports all staff in their pursuit of water treatment certification and professional accreditation.
Clearwater Systems Ltd. mission as a water treatment company is to meet and exceed clients needs and expectations. Possessing extensive commercial and residential expertise, the company has a proven track record in responding promptly and honestly to all inquiries while providing a lasting solution to your water treatment challenges. Q