Word From Jerusalem - July/August 2023

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The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was established in 1980 in recognition of the biblical significance of Jerusalem and its unique connection to the Jewish people. Today the ICEJ represents millions of Christians, churches and denominations to the nation and people of Israel. We recognise in the restoration of Israel the faithfulness of God to keep His ancient covenant with the Jewish people. Our main objectives are:

* To stand with Israel in support and friendship;

* To equip and teach the worldwide Church regarding God’s purposes with Israel and the nations of the Middle East;

* To be an active voice of reconciliation between Jews, Christians and Arabs and to support the churches and congregations in the Holy Land. From its head offices in Jerusalem, the ICEJ reaches out to more than 170 countries, with branch offices in over 90 nations. Our vision is:

* To reach every segment of Israeli society with a Christian testimony of comfort and love, and

* To reach and actively represent to Israel the support of denominations, churches and believers from every nation on earth.

The Christian Embassy is a non-denominational faith-based ministry supported by the voluntary contributions of our members and friends across the globe. We invite you to join with us as we minister to Israel and the Jewish people worldwide by donating to the ongoing work and witness of the ICEJ.



ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler

VP International Affairs Mojmir Kallus

VP Finance David Van der Walt

VP Operations Barry R. Denison

VP International Spokesman David Parsons

VP AID & Aliyah Nicole Yoder

Managing Editor/Publications Director Laurina Driesse

Staff Writers Annaliese Johnson

Graphic Design/Illustrator Ryan Tsuen

Administration Tobias H

Photography Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, Getty Images, JAFI, Hestin, Wikipedia, StarryAI, Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast, Levi Dörflinger, ICEJ Staff and Branches

The New King James Bible is used for all Bible references unless otherwise noted.

Word From Jerusalem is published by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Word From Jerusalem has no subscription price and is supported through contributions worldwide. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible (in countries where this applies). For more information, visit us at www.icej.org


P.O. Box 1192, Jerusalem • 9101002, ISRAEL

Support our ministry online at www.icej.org SCAN


“Then the nations which are left all around you shall know that I, the LORD, have rebuilt the ruined places and planted what was desolate. I, the LORD, have spoken it, and I will do it.”

(Ezekiel 36:36)

Dear friends

It is an exciting time to be alive. In the midst of all the turbulences and spiritual upheavals around the world, God is still at work. Israel at its 75th anniversary is growing at an incredible pace. I am convinced that even the Judicial crisis in Israel that still brings people in large droves to the streets every weekend, will be resolved for the good of the country. I believe so because I know that God is watching over Israel and His eternal purposes with His people will at the end be established.

I remember years ago talking to German theologians about Israel’s restoration. As a trained scientist, I encouraged them just to look at the astronomical evidence of fulfilled prophecies in Israel’s restoration. “Even probability theory would make it impossible for this just to be a mere coincidence.” One of the theologians mildly smiled at me and said: “we are not in the business of probabilities but theology.” He stuck to his guns as a replacement theologian.

At the NRB conference in Orlando I had the privilege of meeting Eric Metaxas, the author of the excellent biography on Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Our conversation stimulated me to read his latest book ‘Is Atheism dead?’ In it Metaxas makes the case that Atheism is indeed dead, as science in recent decades has come up with constantly increasing and paramount evidence of what is called the “fine-tuning of the universe”. In other words, our universe is fine-tuned with incredible precision to make life on our planet possible. Be it from the very fundamental forces that hold matter together on an atomic scale, to the size and structure of our planet system and even the universal constants that affect the expansion of the universe. Hundreds and hundreds of findings and new discoveries demonstrate that only the slightest changes in these parameters in one or the other direction would mean life on earth would be impossible. But instead of recognizing an amazing Creator God, who put all things together in His infinite wisdom and precision, many scientists stick to their guns of escapism, stipulating millions of parallel universes that nobody can prove or disprove, just in order to explain the unlikeliness of life on earth. It is the same escapism I experienced by my German theologian friends. While there is an amazing “fine-tuning” of prophecy being fulfilled right before our eyes, that shouts to us from every corner of Israel that God is alive, they rather choose to believe in their parallel universe of replacement theology.

The evidence of God’s handwriting is seen everywhere at this 75th anniversary of Israel. Israel is the greatest proof we have today that God is alive. Restored nature in Israel, changed long-term weather patterns, rebuilt cities, a reborn Hebrew language, a mass return from the nations, being a blessing in science and research in every field of science, survival against all odds in multiple wars, and more and more. God without doubt is restoring Zion. And as you will read in this issue, we might well be on the verge of a spiritual restoration of God’s beloved people, adding a whole new and most exciting dimension in God’s prophetic fine-tuning in Israel.

Thousands of believers from around the world will join us again at this year’s Feast of Tabernacles and confess, “we know that the LORD has rebuilt the ruined places and planted what was desolate,” and will give glory to God for it. I hope I can welcome you as you join the multitudes.

What a privilege not only to witness God’s handwriting in front of us, but to be able to partner with His divine purposes in our days.

As you read this issue please prayerfully consider to continue standing with us, as we are your extended hands and feet here in the land of miracles – the land of Israel. Much is to be done!

Yours in Christ Jesus!

International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

COVER PHOTO: A Jewish Ukrainian family of three generations make Aliyah to Israel. From left to right: Yuri, Natalia, Ivan, and Valentina

Photo credit: Sraya Diamant for The Jewish Agency for Israel

FOR MAGAZINE ARCHIVES visit www.icej.org/media/word-jerusalem


Our Feast theme this year is taken from Psalm 47:7… “For God is the King of all the earth.”

This speaks of the Creator God who rules over all He has made, even those who do not acknowledge His existence. He reigns supreme over all things, which were made for His enjoyment and splendour. “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

(Revelation 4:11 / KJV)

When we consider earthly kings, we often think of sovereignty – the right and authority to rule over a people. Do they have sole, absolute authority or is it limited by some

compact with the king’s subjects? Hopefully, he is a benevolent monarch. And those with victorious armies, grand palaces and immense wealth often leave a lasting legacy.

Yet of all the kings in human history, none stand out quite like King David. Under his rule, the Kingdom of Israel took on a glory and fame that resonates to this day. Of course, his son Solomon only added to that majestic aura when he built the Temple in Jerusalem, transforming it into a city of universal significance and acclaim.

Even today, kings do not look to the Egyptian pharaohs and Roman emperors of the past as their models for emulation. They look to King David!

Image generated by StarryAI & SENIOR SPOKESMAN
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I. King David Playing the Harp (1622) by Gerard van Honthorst (Wikipedia)

We witnessed this in the recent coronation of King Charles III in Great Britain. Whatever one thinks of Charles’ character and globalist agenda, it was astonishing to watch his traditional coronation ceremony in Westminster Abbey infused with so many powerful passages from Scripture and so much symbolism from the Davidic line. For instance:

• Charles was anointed with a special oil from the Mount of Olives scented with spices from the Holy Land, much like David was anointed by Samuel (1 Samuel 16:13) and Solomon by Zadok (1 Kings 1:39).

Whether that legend is true or not, the main takeaway here is that the monarchs of Britain and most other European thrones have all historically looked to the royal House of David as the highest and purest example of a Godordained king. And the Christian themes and symbols present in these European coronations over the centuries are rooted in the belief that Christ is the rightful heir to the throne of David.

Yet the fact that King David would be the forerunner and prototype of the Messiah is something of an enigma. This is because God made clear to ancient Israel that He was their King, and thus they had no need of an earthly king.

Second, God already knew Israel would demand a king long before they actually did so (Deuteronomy 28:36), and He had preemptively set out certain rules and restrictions for these kings in the Law of Moses. We find these in Deuteronomy 17:14-20, which instruct the Israelites to make sure to select a king of God’s choosing; one who would not enrich himself by demanding their gold and silver and livestock, and taking their daughters as wives; one who would fear the Lord and keep His word.

Orthodox priests in Jerusalem prepare the anointing oil from the Mount of Olives for the coronation of King Charles III (Getty Images)

• Trumpets were blown in the Abbey just like when Solomon was crowned as king according to the instructions of David, who also gave us the phrase “God save the king” (1 Kings 1:34).

As my colleague Dr. Jürgen Bühler pointed out in the last issue of the Word From Jerusalem magazine, when God brought Israel out of Egypt, He called them to be “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Exodus 19:6). And God Himself became their “King in Jeshurun” (Deuteronomy 33:5). For He alone was worthy to rule and reign and give direction to this people.

Yet later, Israel insisted on having an earthly king like the other nations around them, a demand which sorely displeased God. It happened under the prophet Samuel, who complained to the Lord and received this reply: “Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them.” (1 Samuel 8:6-7)

So how could God go from forbidding Israel an earthly king to allowing one? And how was this earthly king suddenly elevated to being the progenitor of the King Messiah; that is, Jesus, both the Son of David and Son of God!


So when Samuel faced the mob demanding a king, the Lord permitted it but told the prophet to sternly warn the people concerning the kind of ruler they were about to get. “Now therefore, heed their voice. However, you shall solemnly forewarn them, and show them the behaviour of the king who will reign over them.” (1 Samuel 8:9)

So, Samuel spelled it out clearly, that these kings would surely turn their sons into his servants and soldiers, take their daughters as his cooks and concubines, and heavily tax their crops and livestock. And if they came complaining to the Lord about it, He would not hear them (1 Samuel 8:10-18).

Then when Samuel coronated Saul as Israel’s first king, he prayed for the Lord to give the people a sign they indeed had committed an error, and the Lord answered by sending rain and thunder in the time of the wheat harvest, which is normally a dry season. Yet Samuel also assured the people that God would remain by their side, saying: “Do not fear. You have done all this wickedness; yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart… For the Lord will not forsake His people, for His great name’s sake, because it has pleased the Lord to make you His people.” (1 Samuel 12:20, 22)

• Charles was handed a “sceptre of equity”, reminiscent of Israel’s kings (see Psalm 45:6).

• Finally, he sat on an old wooden throne which rested on the “Stone of Scone” (or “Destiny”), which Scottish legend claims was the rock where Jacob laid his head and dreamed of a ladder to heaven (Genesis 28:10-12) and where Davidic kings later sat when crowned.

To unlock this riddle, it first must be noted that the people were demanding a king most likely out of fear that what happened under Eli the priest would occur again once Samuel was gone. If you recall, Eli had not disciplined his sons, who were robbing the people at Shiloh, and God sent such a harsh judgment and defeat that the ark of the covenant wound up in the hands of the Philistines. Now, an aging Samuel had just appointed his two sons as judges, and they too were not corrected for their corruption, just like the sons of Eli, causing the Israelites to fear what might lie ahead (1 Samuel 8:1-3). So, they actually had a legitimate cause to be concerned.

In truth, God has always promised that He would never abandon His people. “Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” (Genesis 28:15) “And I will dwell among the children of Israel and will not forsake My people Israel.” (1 Kings 6:13) “For the Lord will not forsake His people; He will not abandon His heritage.” (Psalm 94:14)

In truth, God has always promised that He would never abandon His people.
Trumpeters announce the recent coronation ceremony in London’s famed Westminster Abbey (Facebook/Westminster Abbey)

Therefore, we can conclude that God had not changed His mind about Israel, but rather He knew they would one day demand an earthly king. It was just a difficult moment to go through for the Lord and for the prophet Samuel given the sense of rejection they both felt.


Finally, it is fascinating to note a clear pattern in the changing modes of leadership which ancient Israel went through. For roughly their first 400 years they were led by Patriarchs, from Abraham to Moses. Then for the next 400 years they were ruled by Judges, from Joshua to Samuel. After that came 400 years of rule under the kings of Israel and Judah, from Saul and David to Josiah, the last upright king in the Davidic line. Finally, over the next 400 years Israel was basically ruled by a royal priesthood.

We can see Israel’s priestly role coming to the fore as they returned from the Babylonian exile and Joshua the high priest was anointed to rule the people. This key moment of transition for Israel is recounted in Zechariah chapter 3. If the Jews returning from exile had placed a king over themselves, their Persian overlords would have been upset. So to play it safe, they appointed Joshua the high priest as their head.

Remarkably, God sent a prophetic word through Zechariah endorsing this move. Why? Because “My servant the Branch” is coming to “remove the iniquity of that land in one day” (Zechariah 3:8-9). Thus, Israel was essentially ruled by a royal priesthood so that, in due time, they might offer up the sacrifice Lamb for the sins of the world.

In all this, we can see God’s redemptive plan for the whole world playing out in Israel’s journey down through time under different forms of rulership. The Patriarchs received God’s sworn covenant promises to bless and redeem the world through their descendants. The Judges helped possess the Promised Land

where redemption would play out. King David was promised a son who would one day rule over an eternal kingdom, and he became the precursor for the King Messiah and the envy of all earthly kings ever since. And that promised Son of David gave himself up as a sacrifice for the sins of the world, thereby earning what was already rightfully his, the eternal throne of David, from where He will rule over Israel and all the earth forever.


With all this in mind, it is encouraging to consider all the prophetic passages still awaiting ultimate fulfilment concerning this most worthy Son of David, who is the “Desire of all Nations” (Haggai 2:7) and “King of all the Earth”.

For instance, the prophet Hosea speaks of a long season when Israel would have neither kings nor priests, but one day that would change. “For the children of Israel shall abide many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred pillar, without ephod or teraphim. Afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek the Lord their God and David their king. They shall fear the Lord and His goodness in the latter days.” (Hosea 3:4-5)

Note here that the prophet is speaking well after King David was dead and buried, which means he is clearly referring to the King Messiah to come. And the promise is that Israel will not only accept this Messiah but earnestly seek Him.

The prophet Isaiah speaks of the everlasting nature of Messiah’s kingdom: “Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” (Isaiah 9:7)

Jeremiah speaks of His righteous rule: “I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness; A

King shall reign and prosper, and execute judgment and righteousness in the earth.” (Jeremiah 23:5)

Elsewhere, Jeremiah assures that Israel will serve this Messiah: “But they shall serve the Lord their God, and David their king, whom I will raise up for them.” (Jeremiah 30:9) Again, in the days of Jeremiah’s prophetic ministry, David was already in his grave, so this is speaking of the King Messiah.

Another incredible prophetic vision came through Ezekiel, at a time when the kingdoms of Israel and Judah were bitterly divided, at war with each other, and hopelessly headed for exile. Yet the Lord vows that one day: “Surely I will take the children of Israel from among the nations, wherever they have gone, and will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land; and I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king over them all; they shall no longer be two nations, nor shall they ever be divided into two kingdoms again… David My servant shall be king over them, and they shall all have one shepherd; they shall also walk in My judgments and observe My statutes, and do them… and My servant David shall be their prince forever.” (Ezekiel 37:21-25)

Finally, the prophet Zechariah foresees the day when “the Lord shall be King over all the earth” (Zechariah 14:9). He also sees a vision of the nations flocking to Jerusalem “to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles” (Zechariah 14:16).

This is your invitation, straight from the pages of Scripture, to come worship King Jesus at this year’s Feast. There is no better way to prepare your heart to receive Him at His soon coming!

Raise the Banner Dance Team at the Feast of Tabernacles 2022 FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE FEAST AND REGISTER TODAY AT: FEAST.ICEJ.ORG II. The prophet Samuel anoints David as the next King of Israel (Painter unknown/Wikimedia) II.


The battle between David and Goliath is one of the best-known stories in the Bible, and one of its most hotly-debated as well. Some scholars dismiss it as fable – like mythical Greek tales of heroic one-on-one battles. But in recent years, numerous archaeological finds in and near the Elah Valley, where the Bible says the battle took place, have only enhanced the authenticity of this key event in ancient Israel’s history.

The epic story is found in 1 Samuel 17. Young David has already been anointed by the prophet Samuel to replace Saul as Israel’s king one day. When David is sent by his father Jesse to check on his brothers away at war, he finds the Israelite camp gripped in fear of a giant Philistine warrior named Goliath, who daily taunts Saul to send someone to fight him in single combat for all the spoils. David rises to the challenge but uses a slingshot, instead of a sword or spear, to fell Goliath and then cut off the giant’s head with his own sword. The Israelites greatly rejoice, crediting David with more gallantry than Saul, which makes the jealous king angry.

The first point in the story’s favour is the growing evidence such man-to-man challenges actually occurred in the regional cultures of those days.

Second, the biblical account identifies several locations linked to the story, namely that the Israelites were encamped in the Elah Valley while the Philistines camped on a ridge opposite them “between Sochoh and Azekah, in Ephes Dammim” (1 Samuel 17:1). Later, when David beheads Goliath and Israel begins to pursue the fleeing Philistines, “the wounded of the Philistines fell along the road to Shaaraim, even as far as Gath and Ekron” (1 Samuel 17:52).

Over recent decades, all of these places have been located and identified, all dating to the relevant period. Tel Azekah is an impressive fortress situated in today’s British Park, and served as Israel’s main lookout point over no-man’s land between Israel and Philistia. Meanwhile, Gath and Ekron both lie to the west. Perhaps the most interesting find is Shaaraim, which in Hebrew means “gates”, though archaeologists use the local Arabic name Khirbet Qeiyala, uncovered on a ridge near Tel Azekah.

Here, a very interesting discovery was made: the ancient walled fortress had two gates. The vast majority of Canaanite cities in those days had a single gate, as gates usually were the hardest points to defend in a walled village. So, Khirbet Qeiyala is extremely rare, having two gates on opposite ends of town. Thus, it fits the Hebrew name Shaaraim, or “gates”, which the Philistines would have fled through on their way back to the coast.

Further, the ruins of a village identified as Sochoh have been found on the other side of the Elah Valley opposite Khirbet Qeiyala, while Ephes Dammim has been found closer to Tel Azekah. This all aligns with the biblical description of the warring encampments.

Many other finds over the years are confirming that the story of David and Goliath was a real event. The extensive excavations at Gath (Tell-es-Safi) have uncovered enormous building stones and abnormally wide gates – suggesting giant people lived there. And of course, there is the old and often forgotten “Monash” find nearby, uncovered by an Israeli farmer in 1961. This consisted of a hoard of outsized metal combat objects, including four enormous and well-preserved copper spearheads, the largest being 66 cm (26 inches) long and weighing 2 kilos (4.5 lbs). These are far beyond the size that can be wielded in battle by normal humans. The trove also featured scores of large copper scales which appear to have once formed protective chain-mail suits for extremely huge fighters. All this points to not one but several giant warriors – and remember, Goliath was said to have four brothers and a spear like a weaver’s beam.

Massive copper spearheads found near ancient Gath (Hestin)
David with the head of Goliath (Wikimedia)
Looking through the eastern gate of Khirbet Qeiyala (Shaaraim) over the Elah Valley towards Sochoh, where the Philistines camped (alltrails.com)



The days around Pentecost were a unique time this year that carried a taste of revival in it. Many prayer initiatives culminated around these days, and it seems heaven was giving its kiss with unprecedented latter rains that lasted well into the month of June. We all were reminded of the words of the prophet Joel: “Be glad, O children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God … for he has poured down for you abundant rain, the early and the latter rain, as before.” (Joel 2:23 / ESV)

On Pentecost this year, the ICEJ celebrated three years of our Rosh Chodesh Prayer chain, which started on Pentecost 2020 right at the onset of the Covid season. It started with a meek 12 hours of prayer in late May 2020. Initially, we were not sure if we could fill 12 hours of continual prayer. But we have witnessed this initial prayer chain quickly turn into a growing monthly prayer chain that now covers more than 280 hours of ongoing prayer every month involving prayer teams from over 80 nations – and by the grace of God it keeps growing! Yet it is not the amount of hours that matters but rather the answers to prayer that we have experienced. In our special 3-year anniversary Global Prayer Gathering in May, we received one testimony after another that through this new way of prayer, revival broke out in churches in

the Philippines, while young people in particular experienced a prayer revival in many places worldwide. In Thailand, an unusual door opened for the Gospel in a nation that had never experienced a true revival. And in some countries governmental changes were seen as a result of prayer, and many personal needs were met. Also, many nations testify that during these prayer times an unprecedented unity has come in their countries between churches, pastors and ministries. Our true champion in the Rosh Chodesh monthly prayer chain is our branch in the Philippines, led by Pastor Stephen Mirpuri, who in our current monthly prayers has a network of intercessors taking over 80 hours of prayer time. Thailand and India also have passionately taken the lead with many hours of prayer in each country.

I want to encourage believers in every nation to join this unique tool of the Rosh Chodesh Prayer Chain for your nation. We have seen the effectiveness of these prayer meetings by experiencing and witnessing with our eyes that the Lord is a prayer answering God!

Another exciting prayer initiative that culminated on Pentecost Sunday, 28 May, was a 21-day prayer and fasting call that was joined by the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, the International Prayer Connect and Empowered21. Between these three ministries, literally millions of believers worldwide joined in prayer and fasting for Israel. The closing session took place at the Southern Steps of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. One highlight was a passionate call by Dr. Billy Wilson of Empowered21 to dedicate this coming decade towards completing the Great Commission that Jesus gave to his disciples to take the Good News of Jesus to all peoples by 2033. “Every person on earth needs to have at least once the chance to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit,” he said, “and what better place than to launch this here in Jerusalem.”

The week after Pentecost, the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast was held in Jerusalem with some 500 delegates from around the world. It
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A rainbow forms across the sky as seen from the Russian Orthodox Gornensky monastery in Ein Kerem district, Jerusalem.

started in the Israeli Knesset with greetings from members of Knesset and selected delegates from around the globe. I could share a few thoughts on Psalm 133. The next morning, the annual Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast took place with participation by members of parliaments from around the world as well as former heads of state. In a special dinner session, similar testimonies were shared as we experienced in our own prayer campaigns: prayers are being answered in amazing ways, even on a governmental level. It further underlined to me to be bolder in our prayers and to ask God for breakthroughs even in hopeless situations.

These exciting events at Pentecost were somewhat overshadowed, however, by media reports of the hostile protest of a known and rather aggressive anti-missionary group at the event at the Southern Steps. Some of the Hebrew banners stated that Christians are not welcome in Israel and that they are ‘thieves’ of the holy sites. Yet from all sides in Israel came strong condemnations of the protests by Israeli leaders, while the Israeli media reports were favourable to the praying Christians. During the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast, Israeli parliamentarians uniformly condemned the demonstrations. The Israeli officials defending the pro-Israel Christian community included the Speaker of the Knesset as well as MKs Matan Kahana, Ohad Tal and Tatiana Mazarsky, along with former MK Rabbi Yehuda Glick. Israel’s Foreign Ministry and the deputy mayor of Jerusalem Fleur Hassan-Nahoum were also quick to denounce the anti-Christian protest,

which was spearheaded by fellow deputy mayor Arieh King, known as a radical religious activist. To be clear, there was no missionizing at the event, but believers came to pray as Jerusalem is called to be a “house of prayer for all nations” (Isaiah 56:7).

Despite the misguided protest, nothing could take away from the enthusiasm that was felt during the days of Pentecost. A Jewish observant friend told me recently: “Jürgen, there is something in the air. I cannot tell you what it is. Maybe Messiah is coming or a great spiritual awakening is going to take place. I am not sure. But I know we stand in front of something really big.”

I totally agree with my Jewish friend. We all felt it during Pentecost this year.


In May, ICEJ Vice President of Operations

Barry Denison attended a Leadership Summit in Estonia. The Summit included an excellent program with Estonian, Russian, Ukrainian, and American leaders speaking on the war in Ukraine and its impact on believers, and the churches on both sides of the conflict.

The delegation travelled to Narva on the Estonian-Russian border, where they did a prayer walk praying for Ukraine, followed by an incredibly special Communion and Worship service. The service, held in the

Fortress Museum, was officiated by senior pastor Michael Miller from the Upper Room church in Dallas, Texas with Rabbi Boris Grisenko of Kyiv also bringing a message.

Next, the delegation visited the village of Aseri where Sergey Shidlovskiy, founder of the God Seekers Movement is planting his ministry. Here they also did a prayer walk through the village.

A powerful prayer event also took place in the Singing Fields in Tallin. Around a thousand believers gathered to pray for Ukraine, Estonia, and Israel. During the Israel segment of the event, Barry brought a message on Israel and moderated this prayer time together with Daniel Lim and Rabbi Grisenko, while Sound of the Nations from Fiji lead the beautiful Worship.

Barry also spoke at the Oleviste, or Saint Olaf’s church, where revival has occurred several times in the past. Here, once a month the church holds a special service teaching on Israel with Worship in Hebrew and Estonian. Near the church is the ICEJ-Estonia Israeli Center, which is in what appears to be an old cistern. “It feels like Jerusalem,” remarked Barry. The Center opens every Sunday for those seeking to learn more about Israel.

A special communion service held in the Fortress Museum in Narva. Former Israeli Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana speaking at the 2023 Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast
(Photo: Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast)


ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler and his wife Vesna conducted an extended ministry trip to the United States in May to join ICEJ-USA national director Dr. Susan Michael at a series of major events marking Israel’s 75th anniversary celebrations. Dr. Bühler was a featured speaker at these meetings, while Vesna blessed the gatherings with worship songs.

The nine days of festivities kicked off in Washington, DC with a reception on Capitol Hill held in partnership with the Israel Allies Foundation.

Then ICEJ-USA hosted a gala dinner also in Washington to mark Israel’s 75th diamond anniversary which featured Dr. Bühler, Jason Greenblatt (architect of the Abraham Accords), Hananya Naftali (social media consultant for Israel’s prime minister), two governors, Israeli cabinet minister Gila Gamliel, IDF Brig Gen (Res) Amir Avivi, and Israeli and Arab diplomats.

Next, the ICEJ-USA co-hosted the traditional ‘Honor Israel Breakfast’ at the annual National Religious Broadcasters convention, held this year in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Bühler gave the opening welcome at the NRB Breakfast, and conducted numerous interviews with leading Christian media figures.


Earlier in the week, Dr. Bühler visited with Mike Bickle and IHOPKansas City, and then ministered at the church of Pastor Gustavo and Anna Paula Valado in southern Florida.

“We had a wonderful and very eventful time during our visit to the United States”, said Dr. Bühler. “There were many good things happening and Vesna really captured the hearts of the people with her songs. The reception on Capitol Hill was quite a prestigious event and at the DC banquet, Israeli ambassador Michael Herzog, the brother of Israel’s current president, was outstanding and very warm to us.”

We are thrilled to be celebrating this year the 75th anniversary of Israel’s rebirth as a nation on 14 May 1948. The Jewish state and people have overcome so much since God began regathering them to their ancestral homeland according to His covenant promises.

The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has been standing at Israel’s side for 43 years now, and we have witnessed the power of God’s word at work in the way Christians worldwide have responded to the prophetic call of Scripture to be involved in this great Ingathering.

As scores of Jewish exiles have made the journey home to the Land of Israel, Christians have partnered with our ministry to help 180,000 of them reach the Promised Land.

Among the Jews returning to the Land are many Holocaust survivors, and Christians worldwide have assisted us in caring for them. Israel also has faced many times of crisis and war in the Land, and yet always emerged victorious, with the support and admiration of their Christian friends. In recent years, this support often has taken the form of portable bomb shelters provided to Israeli communities vulnerable to the constant threat of rocket attacks.

On Israel’s 75th anniversary, we want to encourage you to consider sending a birthday gift of $75 to mark this special occasion. These gifts will be used to continue our vital work in Israel, such as sponsoring more Aliyah flights, caring for needy Holocaust survivors, and providing more bomb shelters for Israeli communities under serious rocket threat.

So send a gift for Israel’s 75th!

DONATE TODAY AT: give.icej.org/blessisrael



In May, the ICEJ held our annual International Leadership Conference, with some 165 national directors and representatives from nearly 70 countries taking part in person or online. The global gathering took place while Israel was weathering a five-day rocket war with an Iranian-backed terror militia in Gaza, so it gave those attending in person a better sense of what Israelis face during such times of tension and conflict.

This year’s ILC gathering featured Bible teachings, current affairs briefings, ministry updates, and fellowship with other representatives, plus a special bus excursion to interesting sites in the Jerusalem hills in lieu of a planned outing near the Gaza border, which had been declared a closed military zone.

Throughout the conference, attendees were encouraged by the messages and project reports. ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler led several sessions on various topics, including the vision and DNA of the ministry, Feast preparations, plans for the upcoming Nicea 2025 observances, and an insightful Bible teaching on the practice of the early Gentile Church in supporting the Jewish believers in Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, Dr. Mojmir Kallus, Vice President for International Affairs, led discussions on branch developments worldwide. ICEJ-Fiji National Director Mikaele Mudreilagi and staff member Fine Ditoka eagerly updated the gathering about the Fiji government’s intended plans to open an embassy in Jerusalem.

The ILC culminated with a fascinating excursion to the Jerusalem hills, where delegates were briefed on the security situation, toured the site of a popular Bible story, visited both a youth camp and a mental hospital in the Jerusalem Forest, and learned more about the renewed cooperation between ICEJ and the Jewish National Fund.

The highlight was a stop in the JNF’s British Park, where the biblical site of Tel Azekah is located. The group first received a security briefing from veteran Israeli military reporter Yoav Limor on the Gaza conflict off in the distant background. The security briefing had added significance in that it was delivered on the slopes of Tel Azekah, an ancient hilltop fortress overlooking the Elah Valley where David slew Goliath, as recounted in 1 Samuel 17 (see article on page 7).

The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem wishes to pay tribute to Dr. Pat Robertson upon his recent passing at age 93.

Marion Gordon “Pat” Robertson (1930-2023) led a truly distinguished life as an evangelist, broadcaster, philanthropist, statesman, educator, author, entrepreneur, husband and father. He was a ground-breaking pioneer of Christian broadcasting, and a pillar of the Evangelical body worldwide.

Pat Robertson led a life of strong faith in God, of dedicated service in the Kingdom, and of sacrifice for the sake of the Gospel. There was an excellence in all he touched, as he set high standards for his many varied ministry and business endeavours, which filtered down to all those who served under him. And he was a man of great compassion for the poor, weak and downtrodden.

Pat also was ahead of his time in his unwavering commitment to Israel, engaging with many of the nation’s highest leaders over several generations, and encouraging Christians around the globe to stand steadfastly with the Jewish state and people. The ICEJ was privileged to host him as a keynote speaker at our Feast of Tabernacles gathering in 2010 and conferred on him our Nehemiah Award for lifetime achievement in Christian proIsrael support.

He leaves behind a remarkable legacy in the many apostolic works he founded, including the Christian Broadcasting Network, Regent University, and Operation Blessing. The fact that all these ventures are going strong today is testimony to his incredible stewardship in the Kingdom of God.

a Q&A
Attendees interact during
session at
International Leaders Conference



Israel is currently witnessing the highest surge in Jewish immigration in 30 years, and the Aliyah wave is still building. But excitement over the rising number of new arrivals is also mixed with concerns about the urgent crises now driving Jews to return home from around the world.

Recently, Israeli authorities released the latest Aliyah figures showing that over 100,000 new immigrants have arrived in Israel since the start of 2022, marking the highest number since the mass Soviet Jewish influx three decades ago. Over these past 17 months, some 60,000 Jewish immigrants have come from Russia, 20,000 from Ukraine and the remaining 20,000 from other countries worldwide.

The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is doing our part to help bring as many of these Jewish families as possible home to Israel. Our current efforts are focused on Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic states and other former Soviet republics, plus Ethiopia and the Bnei Menashe from India.

So far this year, supporters of the Christian Embassy have funded over 1,120 Aliyah flights, while also helping assist another 1,500 Jewish immigrants with other stages of their move to Israel. Our actual flight numbers this year include 180 from Ukraine, 197 from the Baltic states, 370 from other former Soviet republics, and 375 from Ethiopia. This is an amazing testimony of Christian love and concern, and the opportunity is here to do even more over coming months because the number of Jews seeking urgent Aliyah assistance is so great right now!


Much of the current surge in immigration to Israel has been sparked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February of last year. In the 16 months since, over 80,000 Russianspeaking Jews have moved to Israel. About

one-quarter fled the war in Ukraine, but surprisingly the vast majority are arriving from Russia and other former Soviet states to escape the economic impact and other uncertainties brought on by the conflict.

In 2015, the Israeli government decided to bring another 9,000 members of the ancient Ethiopian Jewish community still stuck in transit camps in Addis Ababa and Gondar. So far, some 6,750 of these eligible immigrants have been flown to Israel, with the ICEJ sponsoring roughly half (3,255) of those flights.

However, the Ethiopian Aliyah has often been slowed by unforeseen events, such as the repeated elections in Israel, the global pandemic, as well as drought, famine and civil war in Ethiopia.

This mass stream of Aliyah from the North shows no sign of letting up, so the ICEJ will continue to sponsor urgent Aliyah flights from these regions in the months ahead. We also have three large Aliyah camps planned this summer for Jewish youths from the Baltic states (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) and Ukraine, to help prepare them for life in Israel.


The Ethiopian Aliyah also has taken on a fresh urgency due to tribal and religious clashes in the Gondar region, where many Jewish families have been waiting for decades for their chance to reach Israel.

To speed things up, Israel launched a special airlift in late 2021 called “Operation Rock of Israel” to bring another 3,000 Ethiopian Jews to the Promised Land. As of now, 2,809 of these Ethiopian olim (newcomers) have arrived, with the ICEJ covering the flights for 635 of them. The last two flights of the airlift are expected by early July, and the Christian Embassy just committed to helping sponsor one of these flights. Hopefully, even more Ethiopian Jews will be able to come in the near future.

These upcoming flights are urgently needed as recent reports indicate riots between Muslim and Christian tribes have broken out in the Gondar region where many Ethiopian Jews are still living. Three men approved to make Aliyah to Israel were shot and killed, while an Ethiopian Jewish boy was wounded – all innocent victims of the spiralling violence. Thus, the Israeli government is facing pressure to take urgent action by bringing the remaining Ethiopian Jews to Israel. With your support, the Christian Embassy can be there to help bring them home.


Meantime, the Bnei Menashe community in northeast India also has been caught in the crossfire of recent clashes between local rival tribes. An isolated remnant of Chinese Jewry, the Bnei Menashe – like the Ethiopian Jews –

A church is set on fire amidst violent attacks in Ethiopia. (mereja.com)
12 | JULY/AUGUST 2023
Ukrainian Jews arrive at Ben Gurion International Airport.

have been recognised as “Sons of Israel” and thus are eligible to make Aliyah. But they too have been waiting many years to make the journey home to Israel.

Several thousand Bnei Menashe have already made it to Israel, many on flights provided by the ICEJ, leaving some 5,000 members of the community still waiting their turn to make Aliyah. But those in the Manipur region of India are now facing violent attacks from Hindus lashing out at the Kuki ethnic minority, which consists mainly of Christians but also of this small Jewish remnant.

and looting. Hindu rioters were even heard yelling: “Go back to Israel where you belong!”

“We were helpless as stones rained down on our house. We had to hide under our beds for cover”, recalled Yosef Vaiphei, who fled with his family when their home in Imphal was ransacked.

happened”, Yosef lamented. “We felt shocked, helpless, hurt, sad, tired, numb and angry at the same time… No words can bring back what we’ve lost.”

Yosef Vaiphei is still trying to return to their burned and plundered home, but he knows that the only path forward for his family is to make the journey to Israel.

Israeli officials are busy arranging to bring a group of endangered Bnei Menashe on Aliyah flights over the coming months, and the ICEJ stands at the ready to help with their soon return. For many generations, this ancient Israelite community has longed for the Promised Land. With your support, we can help them finally reach their true home in Israel.

Several Bnei Menashe were killed and many more went missing after fleeing into the forests. Two synagogues were burned, and nearly 200 Bnei Menashe families lost their homes and belongings in the widespread fires

He added that the local police seemed to be siding with the majority Meitei tribe, who are Hindus. Only when the Indian army arrived to restore order were Yosef and his family safely evacuated to an army base and later to a hotel for refugees in another city.

“It has been a tough month for me and my family as we try to come to terms with what


Whether it is the Russia-Ukraine conflict, or ethnic and religious clashes in Ethiopia and India, now is the time for Christians to stand with the Jewish people by bringing these sons and daughters of Israel home as soon as possible.

Over the coming weeks and months, the ICEJ will be engaged in pre-Aliyah activities, ground transportation, rescue flights and urgent integration of Jews from Ethiopia, India, Ukraine and other former Soviet republics. We invite you to be a part of helping to regather these Jewish communities to Israel from all directions, just as the Hebrew prophets foretold!

“Fear not, for I am with you; I will bring your descendants from the east, and gather you from the west; I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not keep them back!’ Bring My sons from afar, and My daughters from the ends of the earth.” (Isaiah 43:5-6)

Please give towards the ICEJ’s urgent Aliyah efforts today!

DONATE AT: give.icej.org/aliyah

Badly burned Torah Scroll in Manipur synagogue attacked in recent riots Bnei Menashe at their Synagogue in Imphal
A house in Churachandpur district of India’s Manipur state. (AFP)


In May, an ICEJ team visited the Beit Alfa immigrant village in northern Israel to meet Ethiopian Jewish families we recently sponsored on an Aliyah flight and see how they were faring in their new homes.

Opened in 2007, Beit Alfa offers the first homes in Israel for many olim (new immigrants) from Ethiopia. The absorption center features 141 ground-level homes, animals grazing, surrounding agricultural fields, and smiling children playing soccer, all under the shadow of Mt. Gilboa. This rural setting is reminiscent of the place they left behind and thus provides these families a ‘soft-landing’ spot in Israel.

Warmly welcomed by the director, Moran, we felt the stresses of citylife fade as we enjoyed traditional Ethiopian coffee and bread. Moran explained that the rural setting helps the new arrivals feel comfortable after their long-awaited journey to Israel, as opposed to the urban bustle of Jerusalem or Tel Aviv. It was truly a natural setting, as we watched elderly Ethiopian men harvest spices from the community garden.

There can be many potential setbacks in the Aliyah process, so having a sense of home lessens the shock of landing in a new land with a completely different language and culture. While the flight from Ethiopia takes only four hours, the gap from rural Ethiopia to hi-tech Israel is like leaping ahead hundreds of years.

“We welcome the olim, help them integrate and connect them to Israeli society, so they can begin a new future”, explained Moran. “These families came with little beyond a few personal items and their children in tow. Here, they receive love, care, and assistance with finances, education options, and job training.”

money for a new home. Older immigrants help the newer ones, and all send money back to struggling family members still waiting in Ethiopia for their turn to reach Israel.

The most memorable part of the visit was being welcomed into the humble home of Kaleb and Abira,* two Ethiopian newcomers who arrived on an ICEJ-sponsored flight just before Passover in April. As Kaleb and Abira shared their story through a translator, we were curious to know how long they had waited to come and when they got the news of their flight.

“I felt that I was born anew when I heard that I had been approved to make aliyah. We were very happy”, exclaimed Kaleb, who waited 25 years to step foot on the Land of Israel.

The flight enabled the family to reunite with Kaleb’s three brothers and Abira’s brother and sister, who had arrived a few years ago. Kaleb shared how emotional that meeting was for them and how he wanted to urge other families to not give up hope. Unfortunately, the joy of seeing family here also meant the grief of saying goodbye to parents and other family members left behind for now.

In ‘Operation Rock of Israel’, the Israeli government decided to bring another 3,000 Ethiopian Jews home to Israel, with over 2,500 already landed and the remainder hopefully set to arrive by July.

Like so many other Ethiopian newcomers, Kaleb lacks any formal education while Abira has eight years of schooling. When asked about their dreams for the future, Abira expressed her desire to see both of her children study and learn to a high level.

When asked what gave them strength as they waited for 25 long years, the couple exclaimed: “We never stopped believing. Dreams do come true. Though, if God hadn’t helped, it would never have happened… It happened in God’s timing.”

As we parted, the couple thanked the Christian Embassy for our help and encouraged us to continue assisting other Ethiopian families to reunite with close relatives already in the Land.

Thanks to all our friends and supporters worldwide, it has been possible for Kaleb and Abira, and many other Ethiopian Jews, to come home to Israel. We invite you to partner with us in assisting more Jewish immigrants like them reach the Promised Land.

Most Ethiopian immigrants stay at the Aliyah center for three years, with the first year dedicated to learning Hebrew and Judaism, and the remaining time devoted to working and saving

DONATE TODAY AT: give.icej.org/aliyah [*Names changed for privacy]
ICEJ Vice President for AID & Aliyah Nicole Yoder visits with a Jewish Ethiopian family in Beit Alfa.


For Holocaust survivors, it means the world that they were able to get established, marry and raise families. They did more than just survive. And whenever a great grandchild is born, it brings great joy – as if it is a personal victory over Hitler’s evil plans.

At the ICEJ’s Home for Holocaust survivors in Haifa, two very excited residents – each 90 years old – recently welcomed their first great grandchildren into the world!

“I am so very happy”, exclaimed Moshe. “I suffered a lot in my life, but I asked God to let me live to see my first great grandchild. And now I lived to see and touch her. What a joy!”

“I am so happy and blessed with the children and grandchildren I have, and I love them all”, said Chaya. “Recently, my granddaughter gave birth to my first great-grandchild. I cannot express in words the joy I feel. I hope God will bless us further, that our family will continue to grow. I thank Him for showing me His grace.”


Maya and her husband fled the war in Ukraine more than a year ago. The first months of adjusting to Israel were difficult. Maya was depressed and lacked the energy or desire to attend Hebrew lessons. However, she recently started wanting to learn the language, and Maria of our ICEJ team is helping her catch up with the group.

“Maya is doing great”, assured Maria. “She has such a sharp mind and pretty soon she will be level with the other students.”

“These Hebrew lessons helped me set a new goal in life”, added Maya. “I am busy now and have no time to be depressed.”


The first games ended in a beautiful way, with the winner, 95 year-old Sophie, giving away her prize to second place Boris, who recently arrived with his wife Sveta from wartorn Ukraine.

“They are new to Israel and our home, and do not have much”, explained Sophie. “I don’t need anything!”


Among our new residents from Ukraine are several survivors who are home-bound due to their medical condition. Already, we have taken Viktor and Sonja on several sightseeing trips. One was to the top of Mount Carmel, which has a breath-taking view of Haifa harbour below. On another outing, they enjoyed the beach along the beautiful Mediterranean Sea.

Sonja, who rarely goes outside, enjoys every minute of our little journeys. When we reached the Mount Carmel viewpoint, she lifted her face to catch some sun and drank in the scenery for quite a while. Later that evening, Viktor called to express again their gratefulness for the joy it gave his wife.

Meanwhile, Chaya was beside herself when showing a picture of her first great-grandchild to everyone.

Her husband passed away young, so Chaya raised their son and daughter on her own. When the two children married, both couples encountered difficulties trying to conceive. After a decade of failed attempts, they each adopted children. Then two years later, her daughter-in-law finally fell pregnant and had a baby boy. Thus, Chaya was blessed with four grandchildren, each one born in a different country – Brazil, Guatemala, Australia and lastly Israel.

Living in the Haifa Home gives aging Holocaust survivors the opportunity to go through the advanced stages of life without the loneliness many elderly people experience. From eating together every day in the dining room, to celebrating birthdays and holidays together, the residents share their lives with each other under the loving care of our ICEJ team.

Our staff continuously tries to enhance their lives in different ways, such as fun activities, personal attention, medical care, concerts, and the most recent addition – a weekly Bingo tournament.

The residents sit together with coffee and cake, and play Bingo.

Thank you for supporting the ICEJ’s Haifa Home for Holocaust survivors.

Donate at:




Israel is widely known today for its advanced medical facilities and research centers, to the point that many foreigners come here as “medical tourists” to receive treatments in Israeli hospitals. But sometimes these hospitals run short on key medical equipment needed just to serve Israel’s own growing population.

Recently, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem provided life-saving equipment to the emergency room of the Kaplan Medical Center, one of Israel’s leading and busiest hospitals, located in the city of Rehovot. Kaplan’s emergency room is considered the “heartbeat” of the hospital.

The Kaplan Medical Center was originally formed out of army barracks in 1953 to serve 50,000 residents, but now it provides services for approximately one million Israelis. Currently run by Dr. Tarif Bader, a highly respected medical professional from the Druze community, the hospital serves many Holocaust survivors, forty percent of the Ethiopian Jewish community in Israel, a significant portion of the country’s ultraOrthodox Jews, and various minority groups. In addition to providing services for Israel’s

diverse population, the hospital also treats Palestinians from Gaza.

Dr. Tarif is no stranger to high influxes of patients and trauma. Prior to his role at the hospital, he served in the Israel Defense Forces, where he was responsible for the medical care offered to wounded Syrians crossing the Israeli border during the Syrian civil war. (This was part of the IDF’s “Operation Good Neighbour” initiative which the ICEJ also supported.) However, with the steadily growing population within Israel, the emergency room at Kaplan hospital needed to acquire and upgrade certain missing or old equipment to properly care for their patients.

Thanks to your generous donations, the ICEJ was able to donate a blood warmer and three defibrillators. The blood warmer, which can warm blood to body temperature in 35 seconds, helps greatly with saving lives every day. Meantime, the defibrillators give off electric impulses that can be the difference between life and death during cardiac arrest.

The final gift, a special lighting needed for surgical procedures, will soon arrive. For victims of car accidents and other traumas

whose care requires a specific focused lighting, this device is a game changer. Prior to this donation, surgeons were sometimes left with no alternative but to use phone flashlights as they dealt with serious injuries.

“We really, really thank you. The equipment is really easy to use. And it helps us save lives”, assured Dr. Arkadi Shkaliar, who runs the emergency room.

Indeed, these gifts help reduce the doctors’ stress, while the ease of operating the devices helps ensure critical and timely care for all patients who enter the emergency room. In addition, in response to a severe shortage of qualified medical professionals in Israel, the ICEJ is sponsoring a recertification program for new immigrant doctors which brings more medical professionals into the field. We are proud to help improve medical services in Israel, as well as to contribute towards bridging urgent personnel gaps that can aid in preventing burn-out of dedicated Israeli doctors.

These contributions to Israel’s medical field are part of the ICEJ’s “Future and Hope” initiative, which seeks to provide practical assistance to every sector of Israeli society –whether old or young, Arab or Jew, native-born or new arrival.

Please consider partnering with us today.

DONATE AT: give.icej.org/givinghope

Nicole Yoder with Dr. Tarif Bader at the Kaplan Medical Center.
16 | JULY/AUGUST 2023


An ICEJ delegation was invited in May to take part in a highly anticipated life event of every Jewish youth – their bar or bat mitzvah. This important rite of passage recognises Jewish boys and girls as responsible members of the Jewish community. For eight young Jews in the Beit Appel Youth Village, a home founded in 1954 for youth from troubled backgrounds, this was a special achievement. Known as the Kvutzat Dekel (“Palm Tree Group”), the young teens could not contain their excitement as the big day arrived.

Much of the excitement was due to a joint project started last year between ICEJ and the Youth Village – the launch of a youth-operated bakery. In the confectionery kitchen funded by the Christian Embassy, children from the village have been working hard to learn how to bake and get the business off the ground. They have spent countless hours in the kitchen and the classroom learning how to bake, prepare products for sale, and run their own business. Each village event, including this group bar/bat mitzvah, provides an opportunity to showcase their new skills.

As our ICEJ team entered the gate, we were instantly immersed in a safe haven filled with greenery and colorful artwork. We made our way on a dirt path through a jungle-like nature area until we found the celebration under a partially covered patio. There were decorated tables, scrumptious-looking desserts, Israeli pop music, a slideshow, and some 150 guests ready to celebrate with the eight youths.

The children, thrilled with their major achievement, smiled as they laid out delicate, delightful desserts on the tables. As part of their training, they baked gooey brownies, carefully frosted cakes, and creamy custards – the perfect treats for this key milestone. We watched as the youths pulled their older siblings to the dessert tables and eagerly pointed out which sweets they had made. One mischievous boy of three raced around the center collecting desserts for his mother and grandma with pride.

Maya Cohen, director of the youth program, was beaming as she recounted the success of the bakery project and the dedication of the children. Whereas a year ago she was brand new on staff and knew none of their names, she explained, “now, they are MY children! You can see the joy on my face!”

When asked how she envisions the project moving forward, she shared the dream is to operate the baking classes several times weekly and open the sales to the surrounding community.

Besides Maya, we also meet Oly Kenneth, ecological director of the center. Seven years ago, this part of the village was the garbage dump, strewn with broken dishwashers, washing machines, and lots of trash and stench. Thanks to volunteers from the village, it is now an oasis of 350 mainly organic fruit trees that offer free produce for all who enter the complex.

When asked about her dreams for the children, Oly assured: “For me, the dream is here! It is THEIR home! These same kids planted the trees here, and now they are having their party here! It came full circle.”

For Jannie of ICEJ Aid, the icing on the cake was the recognition of the youth on stage. Dressed in white, the youth bravely stood in front of 150 family members, counselors, and role models and sang a beautiful song. When one nervous boy struggled to get the words out, the other seven crowded around him, linking arms and smiling in genuine love.

Jannie told the gathering that she was reminded of Psalm 92 which mentions the righteous flourishing like a palm tree, very befitting for the “Palm Tree Group.” In addition to creating delicious desserts, she noted, they also had made lasting memories and gained valuable skills for their futures.

Please consider partnering with us to help give “a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11) to more deserving Israeli youth. Donate today at: give.icej.org/givinghope



It was early morning when I set off to visit Sveta recently. She lives with her extended family in a small apartment in a deprived neighbourhood near Jerusalem. I have known the family since 1998, three months after they made Aliyah to Israel.

Sveta’s husband had a desire to join the many Soviet Jews making their way to Israel during the 1990s. However, he struggled in a low-paying job to support the family, which by then included seven children. When the couple heard that the Christian Embassy was supporting Soviet Jews, they tentatively approached us for help. Since that day, ICEJ Homecare has been there for them in their ongoing struggles.

help us.” Indeed, faithfulness is one of the hallmarks of the Homecare program, because we represent a faithful God who does not give up on people.

Sveta’s family made Aliyah together with her husband’s parents. A few years later his father died, so his mother Maya came to live with Sveta and her husband and the many children still at home in their crowded, subsidized apartment. Love for each other knitted them together and there was still room for everyone in their tiny home.

Bible – she made her husband’s people hers, embracing life in Israel, loving every day she could watch her grandchildren being born and growing up in the Land. Now 95, she is in the last season of her life. Loved by her son and beautifully cared for by her daughter-in-law.

That recent morning, I administered the nursing care Maya’s frail body needs. After the work, sitting beside her bed together with Sveta, we drank a cup of tea. I told her I would like to share her family story with ICEJ supporters around the world. Her face began to shine.

The family soon grew to ten children and for years we supported them by providing monthly groceries, paying dental bills, and purchasing an extra cupboard, bed linens, shoes, or children’s toys. They knew to call on us if there was an urgent need or a joy to share.

“Your help has always been given with a positive encouragement and a big loving heart”, Sveta said during my visit.

Many years ago, she mentioned in a moment of despair how “all social workers give up on us, but ICEJ Homecare continues to faithfully

Maya had experienced the darkness of the Second World War. At that time, her father was taken away by the Stalin regime, so she lived with her mother, two-year-old sister Luda and two cousins in a small house in the north Caucasus. Maya was about 11 years old when the Germans occupied the area in 1942 and took everything they had. The Nazis continuously harassed them. Quite often, they came to the house looking for food and checking that the family was not hiding anyone. Although Maya was still in her early teens, she was very afraid the Nazi soldiers might force themselves on her. So every day, she whipped herself with a nettle to make her skin look red and sickly. Like all the young girls, she also shaved her head and tried to avoid the Nazis. They lived in constant hunger and the children often went to the forest to find berries and edible roots. They experienced great famine through this dark period but survived and moved to Latvia after the war.

There, Maya married her Jewish husband, a journalist, and they had two children. From Latvia, they made Aliyah and – like Ruth in the

“Tell them that I thank you that you believe in us and love us and this is not unnoticed. I thank the God of Israel from the bottom of my heart for your precious friends”, gushed Sveta.

Dear Christian friends, this is another story of how ICEJ Homecare is there without hesitation to share our love and assistance with a family handpicked by the God of Israel, who were once in peril and uprooted by great evil but found their roots in the Jewish soil of Israel.

Thank you for supporting the work of Homecare. You can help us do more by giving at:


18 | JULY/AUGUST 2023

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ICEJ Vice President for Operations Barry Denison, along with his wife Debbie, recently conducted an extended ministry trip to Bolivia and then Brazil, a nation where they served for many years as pastors and church planters. In both countries, thousands of believers flocked to the meeting halls to share their passion for Israel and the Feast of Tabernacles.

Barry first visited Santa Cruz for a series of meetings with Apostle Alberto Magno, national director for ICEJ-Bolivia and founding pastor of a thriving congregation with 20,000 members. Alberto attributes the growth and success of his ministry to the blessing of God

for preaching biblical truths and standing with Israel in prayer and financial giving.

In Brazil, he travelled from the northern Amazon region of San Luis to the commercial centers of São Paulo and Porto Seguro on the coast, ministering in the network of churches overseen by Apostle Renê Terra Nova, national director for ICEJ-Brazil, as well as congregations which Barry has his own connections to for decades.

The churches and ministries he encountered were already grounded in rich teachings on Israel and the Church. Thanks to the efforts of Apostle Fabio Abud, the regional government of São Paulo has even declared the Feast of Tabernacles to be an official holiday.

It was clear that God has been working in Brazil. Even though the country just re-elected a former leftist leader who was convicted of corruption and is unfriendly towards Israel, many God-fearing Christians gathered in the streets for public repentance and prayer meetings across the nation. In addition, more


doors are opening to spread God’s love for Israel through a new ICEJ regional office established in the state of Rio de Janeiro. There also are greater opportunities now for Brazilian believers to help with Aliyah to Israel through our partnership with the Jewish Agency.

Also of note, the current information which Barry brought on Israel was helpful in combating the false accusations of occupation and apartheid now spreading in both Bolivia and Brazil.

Finally, we are expecting large delegations from Bolivia and Brazil once again at this year’s Feast.


In June, I travelled to Georgia for a regional conference of our branch offices in the former Soviet republics. It was a follow-up to a similar conference in Istanbul in March 2018, and was organized in tandem with our regional coordinator Serguei Popov.

National representatives arrived from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, and Uzbekistan. ICEJ-Georgia national director Bishop Oleg Khubashvili hosted the meetings and also opened doors for me to speak in several local churches.

Dr. Mojmir Kallus, the ICEJ’s Vice President for International Affairs, recently visited Kosovo to inaugurate our new office in this fledgling country! The only European nation to place its embassy in Jerusalem, Kosovo has a small but active Evangelical community which has welcomed the efforts of the Christian Embassy to connect them with Israel over recent years. This has facilitated not only dialogue and partnership with the local Christian minority, but also with high-level officials. Kosovo and our new ICEJ office there indeed hold much promise to be a blessing to Israel.

Attendees also visited the local JAFI office for a briefing on their efforts to help Jews from Russian-speaking nations to reach Israel. We also visited a museum to learn about the history of Jews in Georgia.

In Georgia, office manager George Jijiashvili is very active for Israel and ICEJ on social media and is an excellent teacher on Hebraic roots. The ICEJ team there has good relations with the Jewish community, organises public events, raises awareness of Israel in churches, and helps Jewish immigrants coming through Georgia on their way to Israel.

Our offices in Latvia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are all showing initiative in various areas as well. In each case, our national representatives are senior church leaders with broad spheres of influence, and are actively engaged in practical Aliyah work.



Miguel Muñoz Valeriano, the ICEJ’s new Spanish-speaking International Spokesman, travelled to several countries in South and Central America this spring to share about the ministry’s vision and projects in Israel and worldwide. On his extended tour to Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Honduras, Miguel spoke in numerous churches and met with Evangelical and Jewish community leaders, as well as government and diplomatic officials.

In Argentina, Miguel held various meetings along with our national director Diego Freytes to strengthen ties between ICEJ and the local Christian and Jewish communities. Notable activities included a meeting with Ambassador Eyal Sela at the Israeli embassy to remember those who died in the terrorist attack on the embassy building 31 years ago.

In Uruguay, Miguel was welcomed by Pastor Alexis Medina, who has a profound love for Israel and the Jewish people. Medina arranged several events with churches and government officials for Miguel to present the ICEJ’s support for Israel from a biblical and historic perspective.

Miguel then travelled to Santiago in Chile to install Pastor Marcelo Reyes of Sebaoth Ministry as ICEJ’s new national representative. Local church and Jewish community leaders joined diplomats from the Embassy of Israel in attending the ICEJ-Chile branch opening. Miguel and Pastor Reyes also made courtesy calls on two leading rabbis and toured a permanent Holocaust exhibit at an area church.

On the final leg, Miguel visited his home country of Honduras to teach about the

ICEJ’s mission in four churches of the Gran Comisión Latino América (GCLA) network and pay friendly visits to the Jewish community and Israeli officials. Miguel also consulted with the ICEJ-Honduras team and the Ambassador of Israel about opportunities and challenges for our ministry in the country and region.

The month-long tour of Latin American countries was a chance to promote the ICEJ’s activities on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people worldwide, and to strengthen ties with local Evangelical churches. Miguel was especially hopefully that every person who heard his encouraging message from Psalm 122 could find God’s purpose in their life, and that every church he visited would stand in solidarity with Israel.

ICEJ Spanish envoy Miguel Muñoz Valeriano and his wife Esther (left) and Diego Freytes (right) with Ambassador Eyal Sela and Public Diplomacy Attaché Amital Perry at the Israeli Embassy in Argentina Pastor Marcelo Reyes, new ICEJ-Chile representative
Miguel speaking in Tegucigalpa, Honduras



The main Biblical festivals divide the year into seasons. Passover and Shavuot (Pentecost) are spring feasts at the beginning of the agricultural season, while Sukkot (Tabernacles) marks the fall harvest. Between them comes the long, hot Israeli summer, with blue skies and not even a drop of rain. For ancient farming societies, summer was a time of labouring in the fields. No major holidays are observed during the summer months of Tammuz, Av and Elul. Yet each month carries a spiritual message.

One theme resonates throughout the summer months: mourning the tragedies in Jewish history, in particular the destruction of the Temple. It starts in Tammuz with the fast of the fourth month on the 17th of Tammuz – which commemorates the day when the walls of Jerusalem were breached. “In the eleventh year of Zedekiah, in the fourth month, on the ninth day of the month … the city wall was broken through.” (Jeremiah 52:6-7). Six hundred years later, at approximately the same time, the walls of Jerusalem were breached by the Romans in 69 AD. In both cases, the Temple was soon destroyed.

The 17th of Tammuz marks the beginning of a period known as “the three weeks”. This is an annual mourning period, when Jews mourn the destruction of the Temple and consider the cause of their exile. It is a time of repentance and soul searching, which concludes with the fast of the 9th of Av (Tisha B’Av in Hebrew), when both Temples were set aflame (423 BC and 69 AD). Numerous other tragedies also occurred in Jewish history during this period, so tradition says rejoicing during these three weeks should be diminished. On Tisha B’Av, Lamentations is read in the synagogues, and the Jewish people reflect on the causes of these tragedies.

In contrast, immediately following Tisha B’Av and continuing for seven weeks into the month of Elul is a period called the “seven weeks of comfort”, or Menachem Av (“consoling Father”). Menachem in Hebrew is a variant of the word nachamu, which appears in Isaiah 40:1 – nachamu ami or “comfort my people”. Interestingly, in Jewish tradition there is a strong connection between Tisha B’Av and

this passage from Isaiah. The Shabbat following the 9th of Av is called Shabbat Nachamu and as a Haftara (prescribed reading from the prophets), this portion of Isaiah 40 is read. God is their Father and He comforts His chosen people. Mercy triumphs over judgement – that is the ultimate message of the period.

This is of particular importance to the ICEJ, as our founding mandate from 1980 was and remains “nachamu, nachamu ami (“Comfort, yes, comfort My people”). It is good to know that in rabbinic tradition, this verse is closely connected to Tisha B’Av and the idea of God consoling His people after a great tragedy. In fact, Jewish sages have said that the destruction and exile go hand-in-hand with redemption. Indeed, the “comfort” of Isaiah 40:1 heralds the coming Messiah.

It turns out that comforting Israel is not just some humanitarian mission, it is deeply spiritual and prophetic.

We also see this connection in the Greek translation of Isaiah 40:1 in the Septuagint, which is parakaleite ton laon mou. Here, the word for “comfort” has the same root as the Greek word “Parakletos”, the “Comforter”, the New Testament term for the Holy Spirit.

It follows that such act of comfort is Divine activity, inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Parakletos does the comforting, not merely human efforts. When God commands us to “comfort My people” in Isaiah 40, it means that God has given Gentile believers a ministry of comfort led by the Holy Spirit. And truly, we cannot comfort Israel without His Spirit.

So, the ultimate message of this summer period of remembering all of Israel’s tragedies is that mercy triumphs over judgement. We live at a time when God is comforting His people again. And inspired by the Holy Spirit, we as Gentile believers can “speak to the heart of Jerusalem, and cry out to her, that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned; for she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” (Isaiah 40:2)

22 | JULY/AUGUST 2023

Adopt a Corner of the ‘Christian Embassy Nature Park’


The Be’eri Forest in the western Negev is truly one of the most popular places in nature in Israel. Scores of Israelis come to this forest to hike, bike, picnic and just enjoy getting out in nature, and they especially flock here in winter to see the bright carpets of red anemones which blossom during the rainy season. Many also come to visit the ANZAC Memorial, an important site in the story of modern Israel’s national rebirth.

However, this special corner of the Be’eri Forest has been heavily burned and damaged over recent years by fire kites and balloons launched by arsonists in nearby Gaza.

Yet now, the ICEJ has an exciting opportunity to replant and restore this area and make it more beautiful than ever. We are revitalizing this forest in partnership with Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael - Jewish National Fund (KKL - JNF), and the area will be renamed the…

‘Christian Embassy Nature Park’

The Be’eri Forest especially needs reviving in the area of the ANZAC Memorial, which marks the spot where Australian and New Zealand cavalry forces (ANZACs) serving under British Gen. Edmund Allenby camped one night in late October 1917 during their campaign to free ‘Palestine’ from Ottoman rule. Allenby and his troops had failed several times to push the Turks out of Gaza. But a new plan of attack was hatched that night as they camped just outside Gaza.

That evening, Allenby decided to send the ANZAC cavalry through the Negev desert to stage a surprise attack on Beersheba to the east. The battle would be difficult, as the Ottoman forces were waiting in trenches and armed with machine guns. But as the Australian and New Zealand horsemen rode for hours along a winding desert path, their mounts became very thirsty. And as the horses approached Beersheba, they smelled the water in the ancient wells of the biblical town and nothing was going to stop them from reaching that water.

Historians consider the Battle of Beersheba to be the last successful cavalry charge in history. The ANZACS rode their horses straight through the Turkish lines and sent them reeling northward. The victory was so complete that just two days later, on 2nd November 1917, the British government issued the famous Balfour Declaration committing to establish a Jewish national home in Eretz Israel.

Thus, the ANZAC Memorial marks a key moment in modern Israel’s national rebirth. And the ICEJ now has a rare opportunity to help care for the forested area where this historic monument sits.

Please join us in helping to replant and restore this special part of the Be’eri Forest. It will beautify nature and also demonstrate to Israeli visitors that Christians care about them and their extraordinary land.

You can help restore this beloved Israeli forest by adopting a plot in square meters for replanting and renewal.

For every gift of $60.00, you can adopt 50 square meters of the revived forest.

Donate today at: give.icej.org/forest

29 September - 6 october 2023

• Two days in the Galilee • Five days in Jerusalem • Roll Call of the Nations

• Communion at Garden Tomb • Jerusalem March • Prayer Vigil

• Solidarity Gathering in the Negev

Online Packages

Starting at $50 USD

• Full registration to 8-day gathering

• Videos On Demand accessible until end of January 2024, or July* 2024

• Digital certificate of participation

*Depending on package.

In-Person Packages

Starting at Come to Israel and join us for complete access to all the Feast events between 29 September to 06 October plus so much more!


us at feast.icej.org for all the details on how you can join us in Israel at the Feast of Tabernacles 2023
“For God is the King of all the earth; Sing praises with understanding.”

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Adopt a Corner of the ‘Christian Embassy Nature Park’

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