ISSUE 83 2020
The Diary of a Norfolk Family By Mark King February came hurtling towards March and as my thoughts turned to spring, the need to make plans for a summer holiday gathered urgency. The holiday adverts were in full flow in the media trying to entice you to one different country after another, so one evening Above: Mark King when there was nothing interesting on the television I settled down with the family in the lounge, fired up the laptop and started to search the internet. Percy, our dog, was spread eagled taking up one of our sofas to himself. He was gently snoring, twitching occasionally dreaming no doubt about gallivanting in some open field with all his doggy pals. Last year the family holiday was in Devon, and we found a very nice place which was dog friendly so Percy could come with us. This year we all wanted to go abroad! As soon as I started talking out loud about potential holiday destinations abroad, Percy’s ears pricked up.
When I started to discuss the duration of the holiday, Percy got up from his slumber, sat up and starred at me. When I mentioned about dog kennels, he jumped down, shot across the room, jumped up next to me, and laid his head on my belly. The look he gave me broke my heart. It was as if he knew we were going away, and that this time he would not be coming with us. I looked down on him, unable to type anything on the keyboard. When I tried, he licked my hand then starred back at me with his soulful brown eyes. For a few minutes, the family discussed if we should have another staycation in the U.K, but a gust of wind swirling around the patio door as the rain lashed noisily against it quickly convinced us that two weeks in the Mediterranean was needed. With a confirmation click on the keyboard, it was booked. Going abroad previously when Sunny our cat was alive, and leaving her in a cattery for some reason didn’t seem as disloyal as it does putting Percy into kennels for the same amount of time! Two weeks after booking the holiday, I still haven’t found the heart to book his place in the kennels! Follow on twitter: @author_king
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