Iceni Magazine Norfolk Issue 88

Page 46


Issue 88 2020

History: Should We Keep The Monuments? monument (noun) /ˈmɒnjʊm(ə)nt/ a statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a notable person or event These past few months have been eventful. None of us considered, when we were toasting the New Year, singing along to Auld Lang Syne, that 2020 would be quite as catastrophic as it has been. From the fires in Australia to the current Covid-19 pandemic, this year has dealt the world quite a rotten hand.

The tragic and unlawful death of George Floyd in the United States ignited racial debates across the world, definitely something which needed raising. However, the timing was far from perfect with people breaking lockdown regulations to protest. During one such demonstration in Bristol, the statue of Edward Colston was toppled. His involvement in the slave trade overshadowed his previous reputation of being a philanthropist. The Black Lives Matter movement has led to many questioning and debating whether monuments of people involved in unscrupulous



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