Issue 91 2020
Virtually Christmas In Fakenham Plans are afoot to have a virtual celebration and Christmas lights switch on in Fakenham on Thursday 26th November. Following the forced cancellation of the traditional Seasonal lights switch on in the town centre, Active Fakenham are coordinating local groups and businesses to put on a show via the internet. Richard Crook, from Active Fakenham, is exploring the idea. He said, “We would hope to include some live content and some pre-recorded locally produced films. It could include music and messages from local groups and businesses.”
It is hoped to have the online event in the immediate lead up to the switch on and for a short time afterwards. Richard added, “We will have a mixture of professionally produced films as well as asking local people to provide short films, photos and messages which can be made using their mobile phones or tablets etc. We are also arranging for a local videographer to make some short films and interviews. This is new territory for us, and we are working with local people and a very small budget. We don’t plan to challenge Netflix or the BBC, but it will be a local fun event and an opportunity for any local people to get involved.”
The lights switch on will be Thursday 26th November which is a change of date from what was originally advertised.
More details will be available soon, but anyone interested should contact Richard on or 07887 803091. PAGE
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