Issue 91 2020
The Benjamin Foundation The Benjamin Foundation is a local charity which helps people across Norfolk and Suffolk to deal with some of the challenges that life throws at them. Whether it’s the prevention of youth homelessness, helping families to build stronger relationships or providing positive activities for young people with limited opportunities, our work brings hope, opportunity, stability and independence to the people we support.
Preventing Youth Homelessness
We want to end youth homelessness and we're tackling the problem locally by providing a home and support to over 100 vulnerable young adults every night. We provide young people with a safe, stable home and the skills they need so they can leave us and forge successful independent lives.
Each year, we provide over 40,000 safe nights accommodation for vulnerable young adults. “I now have more confidence and skills to live my life in my own place the way I want it to be.” (Young person supported by The Benjamin Foundation)
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