Vietnam also undertakes to gradually comply Strategy, adaptation, flexibility are the keys with European quality and manufacturing when making business in Vietnam. standards, as well as with intellectual property Special thanks go to the Vice President of regulations. Confindustria Vicenza, Remo Pedron for The EVFTA also helps importers, not only organizing the event, and above all because he exporters, as the reduction in tariffs is wider for made it possible for two countries as distant goods exported from Vietnam and the bilateral as Italy and Vietnam to interact in this difficult treaty allows a local content to include products time. from the EU and South Korea (minimum 40% to enforce the treaty).
WEBINAR “CRITICAL HIRING - WINNING METHODS FOR SELECTING KEY PEOPLE IN VIETNAM” ICHAM and VinAxia joined together in the webinar “Critical Hiring – Winning Methods for selecting key people in Vietnam” on September 14, 2020. Targeted for those in organizations, companies and multinationals that intend to discover and implement strategies to hire Vietnamese professionals and managers, the events received attention and participation from various business representatives. During their talks, Mr. Giuseppe Iamele - Co-Investor of VinAxia and Mr. Enrico Dalla Rosa, Partner of Axia had shared the general looks of hiring situation in business and provided participants their knowledge and methodology in assessment and recruitments. The job market is changing rapidly and the experience of a candidate is not anymore enough to determine the impact it will have in performing the job. It’s necessary to use the support of assessment techniques and to develop an alternative to data-based recruiting approach.