Isabel Coixet, by Jordi Azategui
winter/SPRING 2018
working together
211 east 49th street new york, ny 10017 tel. 212.308.7720
LIBRARY Paz V. de Troya, Director Carmen Eguiguren María Aguilar Pavón W. Richard Heyer MEMBERSHIPS María J. Núñez ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Bertha Rocafort Lasheras, Director Claudia Sabroso Juan M. Hernández Macarena Dehesa Merelo Olga Huerta RECEPTION María J. Núñez Pedro Arango BROCHURE COORDINATOR Ana Vázquez Barrado
Instituto Cervantes is an international non-profit organization founded by Spain in 1991 to promote the Spanish language and Spanish and Hispanic-American culture through language classes, public programming and access to our extensive library. We are present on five continents with more than 75 centers spread out across many different countries.
EXECUTIVE OFFICE Ignacio Olmos, Executive Director Ariana Perez-Castells, Administrative Assistant CULTURAL AFFAIRS & COMMUNICATION Ana Vázquez Barrado, Director Alba Reíllo Alejandro Mallado Clara Barbero Guillermo Gil Helio San Miguel Irene Mohedano Ramón Fernández Soledad López
ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT Alicia Martínez Crespo, Director Gemma Baltasar José Ignacio Callén María Ahmad TEACHERS/INSTRUCTORS Alejandra Parra (Mexico) Alexander Pérez (Cuba) Alicia Violán (Spain) Ana Esteban (Spain) Carlos González Mexico) Fabián González (Argentina) Irene Lozano (Spain) Irma Cedeño (Dominican Republic) Irma Romero (Mexico) Javier Labrador (Cuba) Leyma López (Cuba) María José Muñoz (Spain) Mariel Acosta (Argentina) Marlenys Villamar (Cuba) Marta Fernández (Spain) Mónica Flores (Argentina) Mónica Parra (Colombia) Paola Martínez (Colombia) Pilar Caballero (Spain) Rafael Abolafia (Spain) Rosario Campos (Spain) Vanesa Albertos (Spain) Vanesa Ramírez (Spain) Verónica Gálvez (Spain) Victoria Espada (Spain) Yurién Ribot (Cuba)
Support Instituto Cervantes New York and consider making a tax-deductible donation. As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, Instituto Cervantes depends on the generosity of valued individuals like you. Don’t wait! You can make your donation today by check (payable to Instituto Cervantes: 211 East 49th St, New York, NY 10017) or via credit card by calling 212 308 7720. Corporate Memberships Available.
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your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for your generosity. 3
>> Winter/Spring Fall 2017 2018
8 22 44 62 76
CALENDAR Jorge Fuembuena
ART GĂŠnerx:del dicho al hecho, exhibition. Picture by Alejandro Mallado
génerx del dicho al hecho
#d ews omen design i g n out of the bo x
visuali z ing the biases of language Oihana Cordero, Arisleyda Dilone, Camilo Godoy, Garazi Lara Icaza, Liz Misterio & Irene Mohedano This exhibition analyzes the conflicts arising from the representation of gender through the Spanish language, highlighting the connotations underlying most binary definitions that the language has assimilated throughout history. The binary nature of such a classification within language leaves out other possibilities and ignores the realities of genderqueer and gender fluidity. Gender and its representation through language is a relevant place from which to analyze the construction of individual and collective identities. In this line, it has been addressed through the lens of many disciplines such as linguistics, visual arts, history and philosophy by thinkers Judith Butler or Paul B. Preciado, among others. This show features the work of different artists who make evident their experience with words and texts that urge to be revisited. Esta exposición analiza la problemática de la representación del género en el lenguaje español, remarcando las connotaciones que subyacen en la mayoría de definiciones que nuestra lengua ha asimilado a lo largo de su historia. La naturaleza binaria de tal clasificación dentro del lenguaje deja fuera otras posibilidades e ignora las realidades queer y la fluidez de género. Estudiado desde la lingüística, las artes plásticas, la historia o la filosofía con autores como Judith Butler o Paul B. Preciado, el género y su representación a través del lenguaje es un importante lugar desde el que analizar la construcción de la identidad individual y colectiva. Utilizando la palabra como mediador e hilo conductor, esta exposición presenta el trabajo de diferentes artistas que presentan su experiencia con palabras y textos que han de ser revisados. Curated by Noelia Lecue Francia.
Génerx:del dicho al hecho, Pop by Alejandro Mallado
>> exhibition
what when where
Opening: Thursday, Feb. 15th 7 pm Feb. 15th to March 5th. Instituto Cervantes. Free Admission RSVP gallery hours M-F: 10 am-7 pm. Sat : 10 am-2 pm
Feb. 15th 9
Silent cries
#d ews omen design i g n out of the bo x
esther ferrer & elena asins spanish conceptual art Elena Asins and Esther Ferrer belong to the transgressive art movement of the second half of the 70’s that took place in Spain. Pioneer in feminist art and performance, Esther Ferrer’s work deconstructs binary stereotypes of gender and showcases the female body as a commodity in a society of consumerism. Her practice recovers a silenced vanguard history and constructs one of the most firm critical manifestations against the modern visual canon. Elena Asins was a pioneer in Spain using new technologies in art. Her work tackles the intensity and sublime dimension of the thought of logic and math in abstract geometry. The geometry of Elena Asins surpasses her own generative rules in order to offer a perspective that is at once cosmogonist and deeply personal. Elena Asins y Esther Ferrer pertenecen a la transgresión artística que desde la segunda mitad de los años sesenta hasta finales de los setenta, cristalizó en España. Esther Ferrer, pionera del arte feminista y de performance, desmonta a través de su obra los estereotipos binarios de género y muestra el cuerpo de la mujer como mercancía en la sociedad de consumo. Su práctica recupera una historia silenciada de la vanguardia y constituye una de las manifestaciones críticas más firmes contra el canon visual moderno. Elena Asins fue pionera, en España, del empleo de las nuevas tecnologías en el arte. Su trabajo indaga con mayor intensidad en la dimensión sublime e inabarcable del pensamiento lógico y las matemáticas en la abstracción geométrica. La geometría de Elena Asins sobrepasa sus propias reglas generativas para ofrecer una visión que es a la vez cosmogónica y profundamente personal. Curated by Angus Freijo & Asunta Rodríguez
Avtiyóvn, second part three tones, by Elena Asins
>> exhibition
what when where
Opening: Friday, March 9th 7pm March 9th to April 6th Instituto Cervantes. Free Admission RSVP gallery hours M-F: 10 am-7 pm. Sat : 10 am-2 pm
Mar. 9th 11
i’m an immigrant the other america
2d 1e ssti gcentury n ANATOMY
highlighting stories of migration
María Lino, francisco Uceda & maría lago Immigrant integration is one of the largest challenges that countries across the globe are facing. On both sides of the Atlantic, migration and displacement have molded the identities of the communities migrants arrive into. Cuban artist, María Lino, casts herself as the protean immigrant, Francisco Uceda’s portraits of immigrants in Mojados bring to the forefront people who have largely remained in the shadows, segregated from mainstream society, and María Lago’s Exodus, recalls the migration history in the formation of the U.S. La integración de inmigrantes es uno de los mayores desafíos a los que se enfrentan países de todo el mundo. A ambos lados del Atlántico, migración y desplazamiento han cincelado las identidades de las comunidades a las que llegan inmigrantes y refugiados. En esta exposición, la artista María Lino encarna la figura del inmigrante, mientras que las fotografías de Francisco Uceda -Mojados- retratan a inmigrantes, normalmente a la sombra y segregados de la sociedad. Por último, la obra Éxodo, de María Lago, recuerda el pasado inmigrante en los orígenes de Estados Unidos.
The World Gone Astray, by María Lino. Photo by Lisal Nalven
>> exhibition
what when where
Opening: Tuesday, April 10th 7pm Apr. 10th to Apr. 30th Instituto Cervantes. Free Admission RSVP gallery hours M-F: 10 am-7 pm. Sat : 10 am-2 pm
Apr. 10th 13
andy warhol
2d 1e sts i gcentury n anatomy
D ied here
e x amining the touristic cultural industry
eugenio merino Andy Warhol Died Here, by artist Eugenio Merino, curated by Los Interventores, invites one to reflect upon the use of art and culture in contemporary society: the use of work and image of the artists by museums and cities competing to lure visitors in the so-called touristic-cultural industry. This work questions the symbolic capital of the artist as an exchange value for the upscaling of neighborhoods and cities. Are we banalizing art by minimizing the artist and his/her work to a souvenir object to complete the touristic experience? La instalación de Eugenio Merino, comisariada por Los Interventores, invita a reflexionar sobre el uso del Arte y la cultura por la sociedad actual. La obra y la figura de los artistas son utilizadas como reclamo de museos y/o ciudades, que compiten en la llamada industria turístico-cultural. La propuesta cuestiona el capital simbólico del artista como valor de cambio para el upscaling de barrios y ciudades. ¿Estamos banalizando el arte reduciendo al artista y su obra a objeto de souvenir para la experiencia turística?
Andy Wharhol Died Here, by Eugenio Merino
>> exhibition
what when where
Opening: Thursday, April 26th April 26th Unix Gallery, 532 W 24th St
Apr. 26th 15
let ’ s speak art
Borges & Xul Solar the art of friendship
J ulio C rivelli & J ulio O rtega
a surrealist master the novel of the tupinamba indian
Julio Crivelli / Xul Solar painting
Eugenio Granell by Humberto Rivas
Writer, Jorge Luis Borges, and painter, Xul Solar, met in 1924 shortly after they both arrived back to Argentina from Europe. Thus, a symbiotic friendship started that would only come to an end with Xul Solar’s death in 1963. Borges and Xul Solar led similar paths, both with metaphors that illuminate the magic of memory, of existence and transcendence, becoming great friends. Jorge Luis Borges, escritor, y Xul Solar, pintor, se conocieron en 1924, poco después de que ambos regresaran de Europa e iniciaron una relación simbiótica que solo interrumpió la muerte de Xul Solar, en 1963. Borges y Xul Solar siguieron caminos similares, ambos con metáforas que iluminan la magia de la memoria, de la existencia y de la trascendencia, que terminarían en una gran amistad.
Allan Graubard, Carolyn McGee, Valery Oisteaunu and David Coulter will read and discuss The Novel of the Tupinamba Indian. This black comedy of the Spanish Civil War, where satire and laughter reign in a carnival of burning ruins, was written by Eugenio F. Granell, a revolutionary combatant forced into exile who emerged as a major, surrealist artist and writer post-WWII. Allan Graubard, Carolyn McGee, Valery Oisteaunu y David Coulter leerán y explorarán La novela del Indio Tupinamba. Esta comedia de humor negro sobre la guerra civil española, en la que la sátira y la risa reinan en un carnaval de ruinas, fue escrita por Eugenio F. Granell, un combatiente revolucionario forzado al exilio y que destacó como gran artista y escritor surrealista tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Mar. 27th 16
eugenio granell
what when where
Art Talk Tuesday, March 27th 7pm Instituto Cervantes. Free RSVP
art talk >> exhibition
what when where
Reading & Talk in English Wednesday, Feb. 7th 6pm Cornelia Stree Café, 29 Cornelia St, NYC.
>> art talk
Feb. 7th 17
let ’ s speak art
facets & flashbacks
hugo Fontanela
caleidoscopic encounters
landscapes of e x perience
brian nissen
Caleidoscopio (book cover), by Brian Nissen
Artwork from Hugo Fontanela
Renowned artist Brian Nissen, will recount the many people and places he has encountered on his path, with his particular sense of humor and acute personality, such as Nicanor Parra, Rufino Tamayo, Octavio Paz, Leonora Carrington y Dore Ashton, among others. Participants: Edward. J. Sullivan, Naief Yehya, Esther Allen y Brian Nissen. El renombrado artista Brian Nissen, con su particular sentido del humor y su personalidad perspicaz retratará los lugares y la gente, encontrados en su camino, como Nicanor Parra, Rufino Tamayo, Octavio Paz, Leonora Carrington o Dore Ashton, entre otros.
Fontanela lets us stand between the visible and the invisible in order to feel the fabric of the world. His paintings are inviting and all the while surprising as they provoke and awaken our vision. The artist’s work is part of many important permanent collections such as the Hispanic Society of America of New York, the Gabarrón Foundation, and the Prince of Asturias Foundation. Fontela nos invita a detenernos entre el límite de lo visible y lo invisible para sentir la parte más esencial del mundo. Su pintura nos convida y nos detiene, nos provoca y nos exige despertar la mirada. Sus obras forman parte de importantes colecciones, como la Hispanic Society of America de Nueva York, la Fundación Gabarrón o la Fundación Príncipe de Asturias.
Apr. 23rd 18
abstract reality
what when where
Reading & Art Talk in English Monday, April 23rd 7pm Cornelia Stree Café, 29 Cornelia St, NYC.
art talk >> exhibition
what when where
Exhibition Thursday, March 15th to April 14th Marlborough Gallery. 40 W 57th St New York.
>> exhibition
Mar. 15th 19
Sergio Ramírez, by Claudio Álvarez
Women voices
#d ews omen i g n out of the bo x
indentity & poetics
latin american w riters in ne w york
women voices, jan 2 3 rd 6 pm Three female Latin American writers in New York - Puerto Rican playwright, Eva Cristina Vásquez, Dominican poet, Yrene Santos and Colombian writer, Carolina Chaves - will read their works and exchange views about identity in their creative work. Tres escritoras latinoamericanas en Nueva York: la dramaturga portorriqueña Eva Cristina Vázquez, la poeta dominicana Yrene Santos y la escritora colombiana Carolina Chaves leerán fragmentos de sus obras e intercambiarán puntos de vista sobre la identidad en su trabajo creativo.
memoir, narrative & translation, feb 2 0 th 6 : 3 0 pm Araceli Tinajero, Seamus Scanlon, Daniel Shapiro & C. Velasquez Torres. Araceli Tinajero and Seamus Scanlon will be in conversation with the translators of their books about the relationship between memoir, narrative and the process of translation in their respective works: Kokoro: A Mexican Woman in Japan and Irlanda en el corazón. Araceli Tinajero y Seamus Scanlon dialogarán con los traductores de sus libros, sobre la relación entre memoria, narrativa y el proceso de traducción en sus respectivas obras: A Mexican Woman in Japan e Irlanda en el corazón. Curated by: Carlos Aguasaco
Kokoro (book cover), by Araceli Tinejare
your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for your generosity.
exhibition >> talk
what when where
Talks in English & Spanish Jan. 23rd at 6pm & Feb. 20th at 6:30pm Instituto Cervantes. Free Admission
Jan. 23rd 23
sergio ramirez
d e s i gton w rite live
cervantes a w ard 2 0 1 7 literature , ethics and resistance
Sergio Ramírez, master of narration, is the latest Cervantes Literature Prize winner 2017. He has developed a writing that is delicate yet advocates for liberty and positions itself against arbitrariness, which can be felt in all of his novels, essays and articles. His work constantly questions reality, and observes the singularity of his time without ever forgetting the cornerstones of our literature. El último Premio Cervantes, Sergio Ramírez, es un maestro de la narración que ha desarrollado una literatura delicada a la vez que comprometida con la libertad y la resistencia ante las arbitrariedades de la vida y que se extiende a lo largo de novelas, ensayos y artículos. Su obra está recorrida por un pensamiento que cuestiona constantemente la realidad, observa atentamente la singularidad de su tiempo y jamás olvida los referentes de nuestra literatura.
Sergio Ramírez by Daniel Mordzinski
your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for your generosity.
exhibition >> talk
what when where
Talk in Spanish with simultaneous English translation Monday, April 16th 7pm Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP:
Apr. 16th 25
jesús carrasco
d e s i gton w rite live
D ystopian times
the comple x ities of contemporaneity
Jesús carrasco in conversation with hamilton cain From its haunting opening words to its heartbreaking conclusion, Out in the Open is a chilling dystopian novel that calls to mind the bleakness of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road or Samuel Beckett’s theatre. This tale of life and death, right and wrong, terror and salvation, is a heart-stopping adventure across a grim wasteland. Carrasco’s debut is already a bestseller in Europe, earning him the English PEN Award, and has been published in over 25 languages. Carrasco will visit Instituto Cervantes to discuss the complexities of his creative work and how to address human being’s essential conflicts. Desde su inquietante principio hasta su conmovedora conclusión, La intemperie es una espeluznante novela distópica que recuerda al vacío de La Carretera de Comac McCarthy’s o del teatro de Samuel Beckett. Un relato sobre la vida y la muerte, el bien y el mal, el terror y la salvación. La primera novela de Carrasco, ganadora de un premio PEN, es ya un best-seller en Europa y ha sido publicado en más de 25 idiomas. Jesús Carrasco visita el Instituto Cervantes para hablar de las complejidades de su obra y de cómo abordar los conflictos esenciales del ser humano.
Jesús Carrasco, by Alejandro Espadero
your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for your generosity.
exhibition >> talk
what when where
Talk in English Thursday, March 15th 7pm Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP:
Mar. 15th 27
d e s i gton w rite live
dancing with dictators
bet w een the personal and the political
memory at work
R ieff & co z arinsky anecdotes , fictions and some truths Edgardo Cozarinsky’s latest novel, Dark, descends into the underworld of desire and the insatiable voracity of youth, in order to craft a novel that celebrates the astuteness of imagination. The fragmented structure, the alternating points of view and temporality make Dark a novel that destabilized the idea of an autofiction. Argentine writer, Edgardo Cozarinsky will be in conversation with David Rieff, American non-fiction writer and policy analyst who has written extensively about historical memory. Both authors will discuss the uses of memory, the power of the imagined fiction of our lives, and the ways we craft and tell stories about the past.
Renowned TV journalist Rafael Pi Román interviews PBS colleague Luis Santeiro on his new book, Dancing With Dictators, a humorous and compassionate account of his family’s journey from pre-Castro Cuba to exile in the turbulent sixties. The great grandson of Cuban president Gerardo Machado, Santeiro is a veteran writer who has received twenty Emmy Awards. The presentation will include many archival photographs never before seen in public. El prestigioso periodista Rafael Pi Román entrevista al escritor, Luis Santeiro, bisnieto del presidente cubano Gerardo Machado, sobre su último libro. Dancing with Dictators es un cómico y emotivo relato sobre la historia de su familia desde el periodo pre-castrista hasta su exilio. La presentación mostrará, por primera vez, parte del archivo fotográfico personal de Santeiro.
En Dark, Edgardo Cozarinsky desciende a los pasadizos del deseo y la voracidad insaciables de la juventud para componer una novela que celebra la astucia de la imaginación. La estructura fragmentada, la alternancia de puntos de vista y tiempos, hacen de Dark una novela que desafía la idea de “autoficción”. El escritor argentino, Edgardo Cozarinsky, conversará con David Rieff, escritor americano y analista político, que ha desarrollado gran parte de su trabajo en torno a la memoria histórica. Los autores hablarán del uso de la memoria, el poder de la ficción, y las maneras de crear y contar historias de nuestro pasado.
Detail from Dancing with Dictators, book cover
Feb. 22nd 28
what Talk in Spanish with simultaneous English translation Thursday, 22nd 7pm whendonation your is veryFeb. important to the success of our mission and we thank you for Instituto Cervantes. entry:$10 - Free for ICNY & CCCNY Members where your generosity. RSVP:
>> talk
David Rieff by Megan Hustad
what when where
Talk in English Monday, Apr. 9th 7pm Instituto Cervantes. Free RSVP:
>> talk
Apr. 9th 29
pen world voices
Ldive e s i gton w rite & pen festival
borders of our imagination w riting the immigration history
Valeria Luiselli & Francisco CantÚ How can writers capture the complexity and drama of the borderlands while demystifying the rhetoric that impedes our understanding? Francisco Cantú worked as a Border Patrol Agent and, as a descendant of Mexican immigrants, brought empathy to the job of intercepting those crossing the border, as did Valeria Luiselli who worked as an interpreter for child migrants crossing from Mexico. Both writers bring intimate knowledge as well as understanding to the complexity of migration. ¿Cómo pueden capturar los escritores la complejidad y el drama de la frontera y demistificar la retórica que obstaculiza nuestro entendimiento? Francisco Cantú, hijo de inmigrantes mexicanos, trabajó como agente de patrulla fronteriza ayudando a aquellos que eran interceptados atravesando la frontera. Por su parte, Valeria Luiselli ha sido intérprete de niños inmigrantes, ayudándoles a presentar sus caso para evitar la deportación. Ambos escritores compartirán su experiencia personal y entendimiento sobre las complejidades de la migración.
Francisco Cantú by Beowulf Sheehan Valeria Luiselli by Alfredo Pelcastre
your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for your generosity.
exhibition >> talk
what when where
Talk in English Friday, April 20th 7pm Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP:
Apr. 20th 31
festival kerouac
d e s i g nin ne w york poets
music & spoken w ord e x perimental performance & reading
Sheila Blanco, Raúl de Nieves, The Haiku Guys, Bob Holman, Marcos de la Fuente, Bonafide Rojas, Jose Luis Landaeta, Francisco Castro, Lupita Hard & Vanesa Álvarez. The Kerouac Festival returns once again to New York City as one of the most exciting contemporary poetry performances. In this third edition, the festival functions as a poetic bridge between Spain and the United States, bringing together poets from around the world and intertwining words with music, photography, video, fashion, performing arts, painting and poetic action. El Festival Kerouac se consolida como una de las citas más excitantes de poesía contemporánea y performance en la ciudad de Nueva York. En su tercera edición, funciona como un puente poético que une España y EE.UU. reuniendo a poetas de todo el mundo y mezclando la palabra con música, fotografía, video, moda, artes escénicas, pintura y acción poética. Curated by Marcos de la Fuente and Vanesa Álvarez.
Sheila Blanco
your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for your generosity.
exhibition >> festival
what when where
Spoken word and performance Thursday, April 5th 7pm. Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP:
Apr. 5th 33
d e s i g n in motion spanish
spanish language day & world book culture w eek El QUIXOTE MARATHON READING A P R il 2 3 rd Instituto Cervantes New York participates in the traditional Marathon reading organized by the Madrid cultural organization, Círculo de Bellas Artes. The reading takes place over 48 hours and participants from all over the world are able to read portions of the book. El ICNY participa en la tradicional lectura continuada, que organizada por el Círculo de Bellas Artes se desarrolla a lo largo de 48 horas con participantes de todo el planeta.
ART, FILM & LITERATURE SERIES caleidoscopic spanish encounters with Brian Nissen A P R il 2 3 rd , 7 pm In conversation with E. Allen, N. Yehya & J. Sullivan (Round table) yo el supremo by Augusto Roa Bastos A P R il 2 4 th , 7 pm Presentation of the commemorative edition of one of the masterpieces of contemporary Spanish literature published by the Royal Spanish Academy and the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language. Participants: Daniel R. Fernández, Nuria Morgado y Gerardo Piña-Rosales Tendiendo palabras by Vicky Calavia A P R il 2 6 th , 7 pm This film-documentary is an hommage to María Moliner, whose dedication to language cultminated in her masterpiece: The Dictionary of the Use of Spanish. Presented by Pilar Caballero- Alías. EL RASTRO DE TU SANGRE EN LA NIEVE by G.García Márzquez A P R il 2 7 th , 6 pm Book club curated by Yurién Ribot LA COLMENA by Mario Camus A P R il 2 7 th , 7 pm Film inspired by the homonymous novel of Camilo José Cela EL ABUELO by José Luis Garci APRil 30 th , 7pm Film inspired by the homonymous novel of Benito Pérez Galdós.
your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for your generosity.
exhibition >> festival
what when where
Film Screenings & Reading Monday, April 23rd to April 30th. Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP:
Apr. 23-30th 35
historical links
design historical links
new cultural cartographies
I V international conference
The study of the historical ties between North America and Spain is now, more than ever, of vital importance for the Social Sciences and Humanities. The present and future of the people who inhabit these territories is both marked and defined by their socio-economic ties. The emerging new cultural cartographies cannot be studied or discussed outside the framework of these connections. The Instituto Cervantes, the City College of New York – Division of Interdisciplinary Studies, and the Instituto Franklin of the Universidad de Alcalá join for the fourth year to organize this conference. The primary aim is to provide a meeting place for academics and professionals with an interest in other disciplines related to the links between Spain and North-America, as well as to interact with other members within and outside their own disciplines in the areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. El estudio de los vínculos históricos entre Norteamérica y España es ahora, más que nunca, de vital importancia para las Ciencias Sociales y las Humanidades. El presente y futuro de las personas que habitan estos territorios está definido por sus lazos socioeconómicos. Las nuevas cartografías culturales no pueden ser estudiadas o discutidas fuera del contexto de esas conexiones. El Instituto Cervantes, la División de Estudios Interdisciplinares del City College of New York y el Instituto Franklin de la Universidad de Alcalá, se unen por cuarto año consecutivo en la organización de este congreso. El principal objetivo es proporcionar un punto de encuentro entre académicos y miembros de otras disciplinas, que compartan intereses sobre los vínculos entre España y Norte América.
your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for your generosity.
congress >> exhibition
what when where
Talks in Spanish with simultaneous English translation From April 11th to 13th 7pm. Info: Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP: bec3cultny@
Apr. 11-13th 37
spain & northamerica
design historical links
new perspectives on a shared past I V I N te R N A T I O N A L C O N F E R E N C E keynote
felipe fernández-armesto Paradoxically, the Spanish monarchy achieved its greatest triumphs, its most spectacular expansion, and its widest territorial limits in a time of increasing competition with more powerful and better equipped empires. The lecturer explores the problem, suggests some explanations, and reflects on the consequences present in the United States. Paradójicamente, la monarquía española alcanzó sus mayores triunfos, sus avances más espectaculares y su máxima expansión en Norteamérica en una época de creciente competitividad con otros imperios más poderosos y mejor equipados. El historiador e intelectual Felipe Fernández-Armesto explorará el problema, sugerirá algunas explicaciones y contemplará las consecuencias en la actualidad estadounidense. Fernández-Armesto is a professor at Oxford University and has taught at The University of London, Boston University and the University of Notre Dame. He has been an invited lecturer at Harvard, Brown and UPenn among many others. Among his many works stand out The Spanish Armada (1990), 1492: The Year the World Began (2010) and Our America: a Hispanic History of the United States (2014).
Felipe Fernández Armesto
your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for your generosity.
talk >> exhibition
what when where
Talk in Spanish Thursday, Apr. 12th 7pm Instituto Cervantes. Free RSVP:
Apr. 12th 39
#d we somen i g n out of the bo x
in the w orkplace
an obstacle for w omen professionals
almudena ariza, ana bujaldón, rebeca grynspan & almudena bernabéu costa Journalist Almudena Ariza, businesswoman Ana Bujaldón, ex-vicepresident of Costa Rica and current Ibero American Secretary General (SEGIB), Rebeca Grynspan, and lawyer Almudena Bernabéu Costa, share their experiences about harassment in the work place as an obstacle to women’s professional development. Members of the Spanish Federation of Women Directors, Executives and Professionals (FEDEPE), they advocate for a work and institutional environment that propels female leadership. As change-makers they highlight the importance of creating networks of collaboration, continued training and empowerment as keys for social equality. La periodista Almudena Ariza, la empresaria Ana Bujaldón, la ex-vicepresidenta de Costa Rica y actual secretaria general de la Secretaría General de Iberoamérica (SEGIB), Rebeca Grynspan y la abogada Almudena Bernabéu Costa, abordan desde sus propias experiencias, el acoso laboral como barrera para el desarrollo profesional de las mujeres. Miembros de la Federación Española de Mujeres Directivas, Ejecutivas, Profesionales y Empresarias (FEDEPE), luchan por un entorno laboral e institucional donde se impulse el liderazgo femenino. Como agententes del cambio, plantearán la importancia de la creación de redes de colaboración, la formación continua y el empoderamiento como claves para equilibrar las diferencias sociales.
Ana Bujaldón, Rebeca Grynspan, Almudena Ariza & Almudena Bernabéu
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what when where
Talk in Spanish with simultaneous English translation Tuesday, March 13th 6pm Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP:
Mar. 13th 41
Música scénicas cénicas
voices bet w een music and w ord
breaking conventions a discussion of career obstacles and achievements
alaska Witty, playful and sharp, Olvido Gara or Alaska will recount the most intimate details of her artistic trajectory as well as the musical panorama of Spain in the 40’s. Alaska was one of the first women to be the front liner in a band during the period known as La movida madrileña. Strong and cultivated, she has broken molds and stereotypes throughout her extensive career, constantly reinventing her style from the dark punk music of her first band, Kaka de Luxe, to the colorful pop of Alaska y los Pegamoides later called Alaska y Dinarama. Since 1989 she has been a member of Fangoria, formerly an underground music band that evolved to contemporary electronic music. Alaska is also known for her work in radio and television, especially the tv show, La bola de cristal, that defined a whole epoch and set a new way of making television. Ocurrente, divertida y rápida, Olvido Gara, o lo que es lo mismo, Alaska, nos contará sin vacilar los más diversos e íntimos detalles de su recorrido artístico y del panorama musical español a lo largo de sus 40 años de carrera. Alaska fue una de las primeras mujeres en liderar una banda en los tiempos de La Movida madrileña. Fuerte y cultivada, ha roto moldes y estereotipos a lo largo de toda su carrera y no ha dudado en reinventarse, pasando del punk siniestro de su primer grupo Kaka de Luxe al colorido pop de Alaska y los Pegamoides y más tarde, con tintes de música disco, de Alaska y Dinarama. Desde 1989 forma parte de Fangoria que comenzó siendo un grupo underground y hoy es uno de los grupos de música electrónica con más éxito. Alaska también es reconocida por su trabajo en televisión y radio, y especialmente por el programa La bola de cristal que marco toda una época y planteó una nueva manera de hacer televisión.
Alaska, by José Paz
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Art Talk Tuesday, March 12th 7pm Instituto Cervantes. ENTRY: $20 - ICNY Members $15
Mar. 12th 45
FLor de toloache
# w omen out of the bo x
genre defying mariachi ground breaking women making music
Latin Grammy winner, Flor de Toloache, makes New York City history as its first and only all-women mariachi group. Founded in 2008, Flor de Toloache is led by singers Mireya I. Ramos (founder) & Shae Fiol (founding member). The artists hail from diverse cultural backgrounds such as Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Colombia, Germany, Italy and the United States. The result of this cultural bouquet is an edgy, versatile and fresh take on traditional Mexican music. While working to preserve centuries of old traditions of mariachi, their melange of the traditional and the modern pushes the boundaries of the genre and brings Mariachi music to new audiences. Las ganadoras de un premio Grammy Latino 2017, Flor de Toloache hacen historia en la ciudad de Nueva York como el primer y único grupo de mariachis formado exclusivamente por mujeres. Fundado en 2008, Flor de Toloache está liderado por las cantantes Mireya I. Ramos (fundadora) & Shae Fiol (socia fundadora). Las artistas provienen de diferentes contextos culturales como México, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana, Cuba, Colombia, Alemania, Italia y Estados Unidos. El resultado de esta miscelánea cultural es un estilo rompedor, versátil y fresco que reinventa la música tradicional mexicana. Mientras que por un lado preservan siglos de tradición mariachi, su mezcla de lo tradicional y de lo moderno desafía los límites del género y atrae nuevos públicos a la música mariachi.
Flor de Toloache band, by Piero F. Giunti
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Concert Friday, March 23rd at 7 pm Instituto Cervantes. ENTRY: $25 - ICNY Members $15
Mar. 23rd 47
callejón un, 2, 3
# F lamenco riot festival
flamenco masters authentic and mesmerizing
Nelida Tirado, Pedro Cortés, José Moreno & Guillermo Barón Four extraordinary flamenco masters from different backgrounds come together in this ravishing performance. Pedro Cortes, Jose Moreno, Guillermo Baron, Nelida Tiradopromise to enrapture and thrill the audience with their virtuosity, power, sensuality, and magnetic energy. This unique show will unleash the raw passion of traditional flamenco and experienced wisdom of these incredible artists as they take you on a round trip to the roots of flamenco. Cuatro extraordinarios artistas flamencos, reunidos desde diferentes lugares y generaciones, y reconocidos como algunos de los grandes del flamenco: Pedro Cortés, José Moreno, Guillermo Barón y Nélida Tirado, prometen cautivar y emocionar al público con su virtuosismo poder, sensualidad y magnetismo. Una ocasión para vivir el más puro flamenco y la fuerza de estos increíbles artistas, en un viaje de ida y vuelta a las raíces del flamenco.
Nelida Tirado, by Antonio D. Gamboa
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exhibition >> dance
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Performance & Dance Monday, Feb. 26th 7 pm Instituto Cervantes. entry: $25 - ICNY Members $15
Feb. 26th 49
# w omen out of the bo x
nacida para bailar the golden age of flamenco
la chana, diego amador & diego amador jr Flamenco dancer, Antonia Santiago Amador, known as La Chana, conquered stages around the world during the 60’s and 70’s and was a favorite of Salvador Dalí and Peter Sellers. The documentary, La Chana, presented by director Lucía Stojevic, gives us an overview of the golden age of flamenco when the dancer broke out onto the scene with her innovative style, and lightning fast footwork, taking improvisation to a new level never before imaginable. Accompanied by Diego Amador, La Chana will perform for 25 minutes following the screening. Antonia Santiago Amador, La Chana, fue una bailaora que conquistó los escenarios de medio mundo en los años 60 y 70, la favorita de Salvador Dalí y Peter Sellers. El documental La Chana, presentado por la directora Lucía Stojevic, repasa la edad dorada del flamenco, cuando la bailaora irrumpió en los escenarios con su estilo innovador y unos pies que se movían a la velocidad de la luz, llevando la improvisación hasta límites insospechados. Junto a Diego Amador, La Chana ofrecerá al público una actuación de 25 minutos.
Still image from the documentary La Chana by Lucija Stojevic
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exhibition >>cinema&dance
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Cinema Wednesday, Apr. 11th 7 pm Merkin Concert Hall. Tickets: ENTRy : $35 - ICNY Members $30
Apr. 11th 51
A cross cultures
paquito d’rivera lou marini from latin jazz to blues Lou Marini, known as “Blue Lou” Marini, is an original member of The Blues Brothers and has recorded with such luminaries as Eric Clapton, Aretha Franklin or the Rolling Stones, to name a few. Often referred to as an “unsung jazz hero,” credited with inspiring the origins of a fan-following cult across multiple genres, Marini is famed for his chameleonlike adaptability to imagine and perform inventive ideas in jazz, rock, blues and classical music. Clarinetist, saxophonist and composer Paquito D’Rivera defies musical conventions. His eclectic style has been recognized internationally with such awards as the 2005 NEA Jazz Masters Prize, National Medal of the Arts 2005, the 2007 Kennedy Center Living Jazz Legend or the Guggenheim Fellowship 2007, among others. His work embraces the Afro-Cuban rhythms and melodies, adding influences of every country he has visited but staying true to his classical roots. The artists will be in conversation with jazz critic Arnold J. Smith and accompanied musically by guitarist Jorge Chicoy. Lou Marini, mejor conocido como “Blue Lou”, integrante de los Blues Brothers, ha compartido estudio con músicos de la talla de Eric Clapton, Aretha Franklin o los Rolling Stones, entre muchos otros. Este maestro del jazz, que ha inspirado una ola de seguidores entre múltiples géneros, es reconocido por su capacidad camaleónica de componer e interpretar jazz, rock, blues y música clásica con una particular creatividad. Paquito D’Rivera, clarinetista, saxofonista y compositor, desafía cualquier categorización. Su estilo ecléctico, se ha distinguido internacionalmente con reconocimientos como el Premio NEA Jazz Masters y Medalla Nacional de las Artes 2005, el Kennedy Center Living Jazz Legend 2007 o el Guggenheim Fellowship 2007, entre otros. Abarca desde los ritmos y melodías Afro-Cubanos, incluyendo influencias de los países que ha visitado por todo el mundo, pero manteniéndose fiel a sus orígenes clásicos. Los artistas conversarán con el crítico de jazz, Arnold J. Smith, y tocarán acompañados por el guitarrista Jorge Chicoy.
Paquito D’Rivera and Lou Marini by Michael J. Lutch
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Talk & Performance Thursday, Feb. 21st at 7 pm Instituto Cervantes. ENTRY: $25 - Free for ICNY & CCCNY Members RSVP: bec3cultny@
Feb. 21st 53
across the land
# w omen out of the bo x
mar vilaseca
jazz and mediterranean crossovers
mar vilaseca & jaume vilaseca band Jazz composer and singer, Mar Vilaseca, accompanied by pianist and composer, Jaume Vilaseca, reinvent the sounds of Latin and flamenco music inspired by 20th century jazz masters such as Duke Ellington and Miles Davis. Mar’s versatility and improvisational talent and Jaume’s Mediterranean flamenco style explore new routes with their elegant interpretations and compositions full of musical crossovers. Special guest: American trumpeter Wayne Tucker. La compositora y cantante de jazz Mar Vilaseca y el pianista y compositor Jaume Vilaseca, influidos por grandes compositores del jazz del siglo XX, como Duke Ellington o Miles Davis, recrean y reinventan algunos de sus temas más cercanos a lo latino y al flamenco. La versatilidad y talento para la improvisación de Mar, junto al estilo flamenco de raíz mediterránea de Jaume, indagan nuevas rutas con sus interpretaciones y composiciones elegantes y llenas de mestizaje sonoro. El trompetista americano Wayne Tucker acompañará a los músicos en el escenario.
Mar Vilaseca
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Performance Monday, March 26th 7 pm Instituto Cervantes. entry : $30 - ICNY Members $20
Mar. 26th 55
# w omen out of the bo x
bola de nieve
cuban music roots
tania le ó n & juana z ayas
Tania León Internationally acclaimed composer and conductor Tania León will explore the development of Cuban music, tracing its Spanish and African roots to the birth of an autochthonous national art, whose rhythms have transcended the island to bear influence worldwide. The renown conductor, founding member and first music director of the Dance Theater of Harlem, will be accompanied by classical pianist Juana Zayas and an acoustic guitar virtuoso, in this performance.
Mar. 8th 56
La compositora y directora de orquesta Tania León, reconocida internacionalmente, explorará la música cubana, desde sus raíces españolas y africanas hasta su constitución como un expresión autóctona, cuyos ritmos han trascendido la geografía de la isla. La distinguida directora de orquesta, miembro fundador y primera directora musical del Dance Theater de Harlem, que ha dirigido las orquestas más célebres a nivel mundial, contará con la compañía de la pianista Juana Zayas y otros músicos, en esta presentación musical.
what Talk & Performance your is veryMarch important to the success of our mission and we thank you for Thursday, 8th 7pm whendonation Instituto Cervantes. Only for CCNY & ICNY members. wheregenerosity. your
>> concert
Bola de Nieve, source: Archivo fotográfico FOTOCREART This presentation commemorates Jacinto Villa Fernández (1911-1971), the legendary Cuban singer-pianist and songwriter, who came to be known to his millions of fans as Bola de Nieve. His life and art will be placed within a social context and will be accompanied by vintage photographs, recordings, and films, some seen in public for the first time. Presented by Armando López, prolific cultural journalist who whose work has appeared in major Hispanic media outlets in the U.S.
what when where
Este tributo rinde homenaje a Jacinto Villa Fernández (1911-1971), el legendario pianista, cantante y compositor cubano, mejor conocido como Bola de Nieve. Su vida y obra estarán contextualizados y acompañados por fotografías, grabaciones y películas de la época, algunos de los cuáles se mostrarán al público por primera vez. El tributo será presentado por el prolífico periodista cultural Armando López, cuyo trabajo ha sido publicado en grandes medios hispanos en Estados Unidos..
Talk Friday, Feb.28th at 7pm Instituto Cervantes. Free RSVP: bec3cultny@
>> talk
Feb. 28th 57
radical theater
e x perimental flamenco
Raíz, by David Whitmer Inspired by the work of great Spanish artists such as García Lorca or Camarón and by cultural traditions such as cante jondo and African rhythms, R A Í Z seeks to create a ceremony of immersion in the rites of flamenco. The performance emerges from the poetic and transgressive realism of arte povera: a return to simple objects and messages, a stage where traces of nature and the industrial come alive. This contemporary quejío, opens spaces and sensations where wings may find ground and roots take flight. Meira Golber, dancer / José Moreno, singer & musician / Rafael Abolafia, director.
Feb. 12th 58
Inspirada por grandes artistas españoles como Lorca o Camarón, y tradiciones culturales como el cante jondo o ritmos africanos, R A Í Z busca propiciar una ceremonia de inmersión en los ritos del flamenco. Emerge del realismo poético y transgresor del arte povera: un regreso a los objetos y los mensajes ingenuos, un escenario en el que los vestigios de la naturaleza y la industria cobran vida. Un quejío contemporáneo, para abrir espacios donde nuestras alas arraiguen y nuestras raíces vuelen. Meira Golber,bailaora / José Moreno, cantaor y músico / Rafael Abolafia, director.
what Performance your is very to the success of our mission and we thank you for Monday, Feb.important 12th at 7pm whendonation Instituto Cervantes. ENTRY: $20 - ICNY Members $15 wheregenerosity. your
>> performance
angelica liDdell
this brief tragedy of the flesh
Esta Breve Tragedia de la Carne, by Angelica Liddell The confrontational Spanish writer, director and performance artist Angélica Liddell, presents Esta Breve Tragedia, where she puts herself and the performers through intense physical challenges to explore the human condition. Here she immerses herself in Emily Dickinson, who spent much of her life secluded in a room in her father’s house in Massachusetts. Liddell, who has performed in all the major European venues such as Festival d’Avignon, Vie in Italy, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne in Switzerland, fearlessly addresses sensitive issues such as intimacy and pain.
what when where
Angélica Liddell, presenta Esta Breve Tragedia de la Carne, llena de intensos retos físico para explorar la condición humana. En esta obra, se mete en la piel de Emily Dickinson, quien pasó largo tiempo encerrada en una habitación en casa de su padre. Liddell, cuyo trabajo ha recorrido los grandes festivales europeos como el Festival d’Avignon; Vie, en Italia o el Vidy Lausanne en Suiza, aborda sin miedo temas tan delicados como la intimidad o el miedo.
Performance From Apr. 19th to 22nd. Alexander Kasser Theater; New Jersey. +
Apr. 19-22nd 59
cine cine
cinema cinema
Still from the film Learning to drive, by Isabel Coixet
# w omen out of the bo x
w omen filmmakers masters of the screen
This film series titled Feminine Space showcases the work of women filmmakers from different generations who have produced unique and breakthrough work in a male dominated industry. This series seeks to highlight the work of women who have contribute to the evolution of cinema with their groundbreaking films. En una industria cinematográfica fundamentalmente dominada por el género masculino, el ciclo de cine “Espacio femenino” busca ensalzar y valorar el trabajo de mujeres de distintas generaciones que han puesto sobre la mesa propuestas originales y rompedoras, que han supuesto un avance en el mundo del cine.
felices 140, by gracia querejeta, jan 2 4 th 7 pm For her 40th birthday, Elia invites family and friends to a rural home. The tone of the celebration will change when Elia makes an important announcement.Para celebrar su 40 cumpleaños, Elia reúne en una casa rural a sus amigos y familiares. Sin embargo, el ambiente empezará a enrarecerse cuando Elia haga un anuncio muy importante. el árbol magnético, by isabel ayguavives, jan 3 1 st 7 pm Bruno returns to Chile after a long time abroad. A visit to the “magnetic tree”, a special spot of his hometown, will awaken his most profound feelings of boyhood. Bruno vuelve a Chile, su país de origen, después de un largo tiempo. En su visita al “árbol magnético”, un lugar especial de su localidad, despertará en él los más profundos sentimientos de su juventud.
Gracia Querejeta
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exhibition series >> film
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Film Series in Spanish with English subtitles From Jan. 24th to Feb. 21st, 7 pm Instituto Cervantes. Free Admission
Jan. 24th 63
# w omen out of the bo x
espacio femenino w omen filmmakers
cuba on the screen santa y andrés
masters of the screen
ne w york premiere
Still image from La Novia, by Paula Ortiz
LA NOVIA, BY PAULA ORTIZ F E B 1 3 th 7 pm Leonardo, the bride and the groom have shared a special friendship that will be jeopardized as feelings arise. Paula Ortiz got her debut as a filmmaker with De tu ventana a la mía nominated to three Goya Awards 2011, including Best New Director. Entre Leonardo, el novio y la novia ha habido un vínculo inseparable desde la infancia, que se complicará según se acerca la boda.
7 pm 30 year-old María has no job, is single without an apartment and far from her family. She sets out to change her life. Leticia Dolera is a Spanish actress and filmmaker, winner of the Best Actress Sant Jordi 2012 Prize. A sus 30 años, María se encuentra sin trabajo, sin pareja, sin piso y lejos de su familia.
Feb. 14th-27th 64
what Film Screening in Spanish with English Subtitles. your is very Feb. important the success Wednesday, 14th &to27th at 7pm. of our mission and we thank you for whendonation Instituto Cervantes. Free admission. wheregenerosity. your
>> film series
Still image from Santa y Andrés, by Carlos Lechuga A local peasant woman working on a state farm is assigned to watch over a gay writer. As she carries out her day to day observation, they both begin to realize they have a lot in common. The film premiered at the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival and has been shown at the San Sebastián, Zurich, Chicago, Göteborg, and Miami, film festivals, among others. Un escritor gay es vigilado por una presunta campesina de una granja del estado. Mientras lleva a cabo su misión, ambos se darán cuenta de que tienen mucho en común. La película fue estrenada a nivel mundial en el Festival Internacional de Toronto 2016 y ha sido proyectada en los festivales de cine de San Sebastián, Zurich, Chicago, Göteborg y Miami.
what when where
Film Screening in Spanish with English subtitles. Friday, Feb. 16th 7pm. Instituto Cervantes. Free admission.
>> film
Feb. 16th 65
riot girls
# w omen out of the bo x
spanish original shorts challenging conventions
This short-film series, curated by the online magazine, brings the work of four women filmmakers to New York City. Their films stand out for their personal and liberating character as well as their feminist and contemporary approach. A translation to images of a particular sensibility and activism that questions the conventions of gender identity. Este ciclo de cortometrajes, comisariado por la revista online trae a la ciudad de Nueva York el trabajo de cuatro directoras. Su cine, destaca por su carácter personal y libre, feminista y contemporáneo, que traduce a imágenes una sensibilidad y activismo que cuestiona las convenciones sobre la identidad de género.
Miss Wamba, by Estefanía Cortés Original drama about mental health and emotional connections.
Oasis, by Carmen Jiménez
Thriller about social and individual responsibility in the U.S.
Waste, by Laura Sisteró, codirector Alejo Levis,
An intriguing experiment about five young girls willing to risk their lives for a pencil.
Sara a la fuga, by Belén Funes
A portrait of social exclusion and family issues seen from through the story of a young girl.
Still from Miss Wamba, by Estefanía Cortés
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Film Screening in Spanish with English subtitles Friday, March 2nd 7pm Instituto Cervantes. Free Admission
Mar. 2nd 67
ISABEL coixet
# w omen out of the bo x
S pain ’ s master filmma K er behind the scenes
Goya Award winner 2018, Isabel Coixet is one of the most prestigious Spanish cinema directors of our time. She has been awarded several prizes for the movies The Secret Life of Words, My Life Without Me or Nobody Wants the Night, to name a few. This cinema series showcases the director’s latest works bringing her cinema to the reach of newyorkers. Isabel Coixet, ganadora de cuatro premios Goya, es un de las directoras de cine españolas más prestigiosas de nuestro tiempo, merecedora de numerosos premios y nominaciones por películas como La vida secreta de las palabras, Mi vida sin mí o Nadie quiere la noche. Este ciclo de cine busca homenajear la carrera de esta directora proyectando sus películas más recientes para darlas a conocer al público neoyorquino.
Spain in a day, march 1 4 th 7 pm Spain in a day shows a day in the life of Spanish people (in Spain and abroad), depicting their dreams, hopes and fears in a moment of big social and cultural changes. it’s not that cold siberia, march 1 4 th 7 pm Why would someone offer all their memories up to a complete stranger? NOBODY WANTS THE NIGHT, march 2 1 st 7 pm Josephine Peary makes an expedition out to the North Pole to find her husband. When she arrives, she finds the eskimo Allanka, and both women will be forced to join together in order to survive during the winter. Learning to drive, march 2 8 th 7 pm While struggling with a damaged marriage, Wendy decides to take driving lessons with Darwan, a political Hindu refugee.
Isabel Coixet, by Jorge Fuembuena
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exhibition series >> film
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Film Series From March 7th to March 28th 7pm Instituto Cervantes. Free Admission
Mar. 7th 69
meeting coixet
# w omen out of the bo x
the bookshop
u.s. premiere
screening and talk w ith the director
ISABEL COIXET in conversation
Spanish filmmaker Isabel Coixet whose cinema transports us to the most intimate, personal and reflexive aspects of humakind will share her experiences in the film industry with cultural journalist Mateo Sancho. and filmmaker Julia Solomonoff Coixet will discuss her path towards international recognition and will share her compelling career experience, as a key female icon in the film industry. La directora de cine española Isabel Coixet, cuyo cine nos transporta a lo más íntimo, personal y reflexivo del ser humano, compartirá sus experiencias en la industria del cine con el periodista Mateo Sancho y la directora de cine Julia Solomonoff. La directora de cine hablará de su camino hasta el reconocimiento internacional y reflexionará sobre los obstáculos a los que se ha enfrentado en sus exitosa carrera, como icono femenino de la industria del cine. Followed by /a continuación
“the bookshop”- u.s. premiere A woman decides to open a bookshop in a small town in the 1950’s. A decision that will bring a lot of consequences and controversy to the traditional and conservative community. The film has received critical acclaim and won 3 Goya Awards 2018. Una mujer decide abrir una librería en una localidad inglesa en los años 50, decisión que provocará una gran controversia en la comunidad, tradicional y conservadora. La película ha sido celebrada por la crítica y ha recibido 3 premios Goya en 2018.
Still image from The Boorkshop, by Isabel Coixet
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Talk & Screening Wednesday, March 7th at 7pm Instituto Cervantes. Special ICNY Members RSVP:
Mar. 7th 71
2 1 st century an A tomy
a trilogy
documenting the real stories of migrants Director and producer, Luis Argueta, tackles the most intimate, familiar and human aspects of immigration in his trilogy. The story narrated in first person by his protagonists is also a chant of hope and fraternity. This saga portrays a group of undocumented immigrant women and under-age workers who broke the silence about the abuses they endured and of the community that would not abandon them. El director y productor Luis Argueta aborda en su trilogía la cara más íntima, familiar y humana de la inmigración. El relato narrado en primera persona por sus protagonistas es también un canto a la esperanza y a la fraternidad. Esta saga retrata a un grupo de mujeres y niños indocumentados, que rompieron su silencio y denunciaron los abusos que sufrieron, y a la comunidad que les apoyó.
abUSed: the postville raid A pril 4 th 7 pm The documentary reveals the gripping personal stories of the people who survived the Postville raid. abrazos A pril 1 8 th 7 pm A transformational journey of a group of U.S. children who travel from Minnesota to Guatemala to meet their grandparents for the first time. the u turn A pril 2 5 th 7 pm The film showcases the U-Visa, an immigration relief -part of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)-with American lawyers and immigrants working together to bring understanding. Film screening will be followed by a panel discussion with the filmmaker, and immigration journalist Julia Preston and Muzaffar Chishti, director of the Migration Policy Institute at NYU.
Luis Argueta, by Ezequiel Sarudiansky
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Film Series Wednesday, Apr. 4th,18th & 25th at 7pm Instituto Cervantes. Free Admission
Apr. 4th-25th 73
fostering science
d e s i g n is no w future
ecusa conference
the challenges of scientists in academia
Alberto Roselló-Díez, Itsaso Garcia-Arcos, Cristina Vázquez Herrero, Luis Gonzalez-Urbina & Ismael Santa-Maria Perez To contribute to the professional development of young researchers, ECUSA-NY in collaboration with the mentorship program Fostering Grads, organizes a round table discussion with experts in the fields of science and technology who work in an academic setting. This conference aims to create a casual and interactive encounter in which panelists share their professional career paths from their very beginning through the many challenges they have faced. Con el fin de contribuir al desarrollo profesional de los jóvenes investigadores, ECUSA-NY en colaboración con el programa de mentorazgo Fostering Grads, organiza una mesa redonda con profesionales de ciencia y tecnología que trabajan dentro del entorno académico. Con esta charla se pretende crear un ambiente distendido e interactivo en el que los ponentes compartirán su trayectoria profesional desde sus inicios hasta su puesto actual, contándonos los retos que encontraron en las distintas etapas de la carrera científica.
your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for your generosity.
exhibition >> conference
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Conference Thursday, Feb. 15th at 6pm Instituto Cervantes. Free Admission
Feb. 15th 77
d e s i g n is no w future
champions of illusion neuroscience , magic & trompe l’ oeil
Susana Martínez-Conde & Stephen Macknik The world is but an illusion. A perception that is an exact replica of reality does not exist. The brain does not attempt to reconstruct reality such as it is but rather to create our own subjective experience. As such, the correspondence is never absolute and we function off of our own perceptions. But where is the visual experience actually created? What small corner of the brain kindles the fire ? How is the magic connection established between the neuron circuits and the light that our eyes capture? Neuroscientists, Susana MartínezConde and Stephen Macknik, tackle all these questions and more. El mundo es pura ilusión. No hay nunca una percepción que sea una réplica exacta de la realidad. El cerebro no intenta reconstruir la realidad tal y como es, sino que construye nuestra experiencia subjetiva. Como resultado la correspondencia nunca es total y funcionamos, por lo tanto, con versiones propias. Pero ¿dónde se genera exactamente la experiencia visual? ¿en qué recóndito rincón del cerebro brota la chispa? ¿cómo se establece la conexión mágica entre los circuitos neuronales y la luz que captan nuestros ojos? A estas preguntas intentarán dar respuesta nuestra invitada, la neurocientífica Susana Martínez-Conde y el también neurocientífico, Stephen Macknik.
your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for your generosity.
exhibition >> talk
what when where
Talk Thursday, March 1st 7pm Instituto Cervantes. Free. RSVP:
Mar. 1st 79
iblioteca Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges
80 81
book club
We are readers
Jorge Luis Borges LIBRARY
One of the best ways of understanding a culture is through its books. Our book club is a great opportunity to practice Spanish conversation and to approach new ways of reading and understanding Spanish literature. Each two-hour session fosters dialogue, reflection, and learning, in a casual and fun setting. Immerse yourself in the rich Spanish language literature with these great classics.
Una de las mejores maneras de entender una cultura es a través de su literatura. Nuestro club de lectura es una magnífica oportunidad para hablar en español y acercarse a nuevas fortmas de leer y entender el la literatura española. En cada sesión, de dos horas de duración, promueve el diálogo, la reflexión y el aprendizaje, en un entorno distendido y divertido. Sumérgete en la riqueza de la lengua y literatura española con los buenos escritores.
FRIDAY, J anuary 2 6 th 6pm-8pm · LOS CHICOS, by Ana María Matute. Instructor: Yurién Ribot. FRIDAY, feburary 2 3 rd 6pm-8pm · LAS VENTANAS, by Anna Lidia Vega Serova. Instructor: Marlenys Villamar. FRIDAY, march 2 3 rd 6pm-8pm · DESDE SU VENTANA A LA MÍA, by Carmen Martín Gaite. Instructor: Alexander Pérez Heredia. FRIDAY, april 2 7 th 6pm-8pm · EL RASTRO DE TU SANGRE EN LA NIEVE, by Gabriel García Márquez. Instructor: Yurién Ribot.
Jan. Apr. 82
what Book Club in Spanish your is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for January to April whendonation Instituto Cervantes. price: $20 per session. wheregenerosity. your
>> library
What you will discover and enjoy at Jorge Luis Borges Library. The library, located in the heart of Manhattan, offers reference services, bibliographic information, loans and inter-library loans, an online catalog, and internet access. · Access to the library’s facilities and collections is free and open to the public with lending privileges available for ICNY members. · 85.000 volumes including books, magazines, audiovisual and multimedia materials. · Resource center for the study and teaching of Spanish as a foreign language. · The most outstanding collections of the library are in the areas of Spanish and Spanish American literature & cinema, with more than 5,000 feature films and documentaries.
what when where
La Biblioteca Jorge Luis Borges, situada en pleno corazón de Manhattan, ofrece servicios de consulta en sala, información bibliográfica, préstamo interbibliotecario, audiolibros, consulta de catálogo en línea e internet. · El acceso a sus instalaciones y a la consulta de su colección es pública y gratuita; para utilizar el servicio de préstamos es necesario ser socio del ICNY. · 85.000 volúmenes entre monografías, publicaciones periódicas, audiovisuales y multimedia · Centro de recursos para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera. · Destacan las secciones de literatura española e hispanoamericana, clásica y contemporánea, y la videoteca con más de 5.000 películas y documentales, muy especializada y única en su género
Jorge Luis Borges Library
T-F: 12pm-7pm // S : 10am - 1:30pm Instituto Cervantes.
>> library
v e n u e rentals venue rentals
instituto cervantes Instituto Cervantes New York at Amster Yard is the perfect location to host your next event or meeting. As a recently restored historical landmark, ICNY offers a venue that is both charming and modern, providing an ideal space to make your event special. Our historic building and lovely garden offer everything you need to ensure a successful event.
GALLERY The gallery looks out onto peaceful Amster Yard and is framed by the lively Midtown Manhattan Street in the back. This exhibition space is consistently showcasing exhibitions of original paintings, sculptures and mixed media by acclaimed artists and emerging new talent from around the world. The gallery offers a unique and elegant setting that is perfect for events such as gatherings and receptions for up to 80 guests.
a historic landmark. an outstanding venuE
a n unforgettable an u n f o r g e t ta b l e event event
GARDEN Our lovely garden, located in the heart of Manhattan, is the perfect setting for receptions or gatherings. Named after James Amster, the designer that remodeled the building and garden in 1944, our historical courtyard is considered one of the most beautiful small enclosures in the Turtle Bay neighborhood and a true gem in New York City.
AUDITORIUM Our modern auditorium can accommodate 135 guests and is a perfect setting for conferences, lectures, meetings, presentations, and seminars, as well as visual and performing arts such as private performances, award ceremonies and film premieres. MULTIFUNCTION ROOM This large classroom, perfect for training sessions, small group discussions and off-site meetings, can accommodate up to 25 people. The multifunction room is fully furnished with the latest technology, including built-in flat screen displays.
your donation is very important to the success of our mission and we thank you for your generosity.
>> rentals
what when where
212.308.7720 211 East 49th St.New York, 10017,NY 85
CalendarWinter’18 >>JANUARY
23 Tue
24 Wed 7pm
Women Voices
31 Wed
Espacio Femenino Women Filmmaker: Felices 140 Espacio Femenino Women Filmmaker: El árbol magnético
26 Fri
Ana María Matute: Los chicos
Book Club
>>february 7 Wed
13 Tue
Espacio Femenino #WomenOutOfThe Box Women Filmmaker: La Novia
7 Wed
12 Mon 7pm
7pm Cuba On the Screen: Santa y Andrés Women Voices: Memoir, Narrative & Translation Unlabelled: Paquito D’Rivera & Lou Marini
22 Thur 7pm
Dancing With Dictators. L. Santeiro & R. Pi Román
23 Fri
Anna Lidia Vega Serova: Las Ventanas We Are Readers
Meeting Isabel Coixet & The Bookshop Premiere Talk & Film
Cuban Music Roots: Tania León & Juana Zayas Performance
Silent Cries: E. Ferrer & E. Asins. Opening
Art Talk
13 Tues 6pm
Harassment in the Workplace
Critical Thinking
14 Wed 7pm
Espacio Femenino: Isabel Coixet Spain in a Day & No es tan fría la noche
Film Series
15 Thur 7pm
Jesús Carrasco: Dystopian Times.
19 Thur 6pm
María Moliner: Tendiendo Palabras.
21 Wed 7pm
Espacio Femenino: Isabel Coixet Nadie quiere la noche
Flor de Toloache. Concert
23 Fri 23 Fri
Book Club
Carmen Martín Gaite: Desde su ventana a la mía We Are Readers
26 Mon 7pm Performance
Callejón, Un, 2, 3: Nelida Tirado. #Flamenco Riot Festival Concert
Espacio Femenino Film Women Filmmaker: Requisitos para ser una persona normal
Bola de Nieve: A Tribute. w/ Armando López
28 Wed 7pm
Espacio Femenino Riot Girls: Spanish Short Films
21 Wed 7pm
27 Tue
Génerx:del dicho al hecho. Opening
26 Mon 7pm
15 Thur 7pm
2 Fri
9 Fri
Fostering Science: ECUSA
Perceptions: Champions of Illusion: ECUSA
15 Thur 6pm
20 Tue
Art Talk
Eugenio Granell: A Surrealist Master R A I Z
16 Fri
1 Thur
8 Thur 7pm
12 Mon 7pm 7pm
27 Tue
28 Wed 7pm
Across the Land: Mar Vilaseca. Borges & Xul Solar: Julio Crivelli & Julio Ortega Espacio Femenino: Isabel Coixet Aprendiendo a conducir
Film Series
Book Club
Art Talk
Film Series
Calendar >>april
4 Wed
Immigration: A Trilogy AbUSed: The Postville Raid
5 Thur
Kerouac Festival
9 Mon
Memory At Work: Rieff & Cozarinsky
10 Tue
I’m an Immigrant. Opening
Film Series
Critical Thinking
11 Wed 7pm
Historical Links Critical Thinking Between Spain & North America - From 11th to 13th
12 Thur 7pm
Historical Links: F. Fernández -Armesto
Critical Thinking 40
Regular April 3rd to June 5th 3h/week 1day/week s k e e -W 0 1 5-Weeks intensive April 4th to May 7th 3h/class
5-Weeks intensive May 14th to June19th 3h/class 2days/week
16 Mon 18 Wed 7pm
Immigration: A Trilogy Abrazos
20 Fri
PEN America: Francisco Cantú & Valeria Luiselli
23 Mon 7am
Facets & Flashbacks: Brian Nissen
25 Wed 7pm
Immigration: A Trilogy The U Turn & Panel Discussion World Book & Spanish Language Week
Film Series
Art Talk
Film Series Literature
75 37
>>courses calendar April 3rd-June 18th Spring Term,10-week regular courses April 4th-May 7th First intensive 5-week courses May 14th-June 14th Second intensive 5-week courses June 19th 2018 Summer Term begins. Each 10-weeks course is comprised of 30 hours of class. Regular Courses meet once a week for 3 hours per class, or twice a week for 1.5 hours per class. 5-weeks intensive courses meet twice a week for 3 hours per class.
teachers training adult workshopsh
saturday courses for schoo l teachersh spanish kids & teens
Holidays: President’s Day, Monday, February 19th Holidays: Holyweek, March 29th & 30th Holidays: Tuesday, May 1st Holidays: Memorial Day, Monday, 28th May 89