Instituto Cervantes: Fall 2014

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211 East 49th Street New York , NY 10017

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EXECUTIVE OFFICE Ignacio Olmos. Executive Director Ana I. Álvarez Estévez. Administrative Assistant ADMINISTRATION María José Artés Rodríguez. Administrative Director Olga Huerta Rodríguez. Administrative Assistant CULTURAL DEPARTMENT Ana Vázquez Barrado. Head of Cultural Activities Soledad López Hernández. Administrative Assistant LIBRARY Carmen Delibes Senna-Cheribbo. Library Director Richard Heyer. Assistant Librarian Aníbal Arocho. Assistant Librarian Ramón Fernández. Library Support ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT Fernando López Murcia. Academic Director Alana Dapena Fraiz. Academic Coordinator Juan M. Hernández Fernández. Academic Coordinator MARKETING DEPARTMENT Andrés Durán Chase. Marketing Coordinator Jorge Muñoz. Marketing Coordinator PRESS AND COMUNICATION Alana Dapena Fraiz MEMBERSHIP Alana Dapena Fraiz Aníbal Arocho FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Ramón Fernández. Audiovisual Technician FRONT DESK María J. Núñez. Receptionist Pedro Arango. Receptionist

TEACHERS Ainoa Íñigo (Spain) Alejandra Parra (Mexico) Alejandro Aragón (Cuba) Alexander Pérez (Cuba) Alicia Violán (Spain) Amanda Roca (Spain) Ana Esteban (Spain) Carmen Cabrera (Spain) Carmen Valenzuela (Spain) Carlos González (Mexico) Celia Pérez-Ventura (Venezuela) Daniela Matus (Chile) Enrique García. AVE Coordinator (Spain) Ernesto Fedukovitch (Argentina) Fabián González (Argentina) Gemma Baltasar (Spain) Haritz Goya (Spain) Irene Lozano (Spain) Irma Cedeño (Dominican Republic) Javier Labrador (Cuba) Jorge Muñoz (Spain) Jorge Valdíriz (Venezuela) José Ignacio Callén. DELE Coordinator (Spain) Leonor Pons (Spain) Leyma López (Cuba) Lola Aparicio (Argentina) María Fernández (Spain) María Stamenkovic (Spain) Mariel Acosta (Argentina) Marlenys Villamar (Cuba) Marta Fernández (Spain) Marta Hernández (Spain) Mónica Flores (Argentina) Mónica Parra (Colombia) Noemí Montero (Spain) Nora Yepes (Colombia) Pablo Moraga (Argentina) Sarah Rubio (Spain) Teresa Caro (Puerto Rico) Vanesa Albertos (Spain) Vanesa Ramírez (Spain) Verónica Gálvez (Spain) Yurién Ribot (Cuba)



Instituto Cervantes has established itself as the most important institution worldwide for learning the Spanish language and for the promotion of the many different Spanish-speaking cultures. In our fall calendar of events which you currently have in your possession, you will find new Spanish courses for all levels and specific goals, with which you will be able to either improve your command of the language or delve for the first time into what is already the second most important language in the world and most importantly, in the US. In addition, Instituto Cervantes presents an ambitious cultural program with a focus on great Mexican writers, a new series of debates on global issues in collaboration with the United Nations, an insightful new approach to the history of this nation from a Hispanic point of view offered by Prof. Fernández-Armesto, an analysis on the lessons of the financial crisis with Paul Volcker and Antonio Garrigues-Walker, poetry and theatre round tables, as well as exhibitions, concerts, wine tastings, and a series of contemporary cinema, just to name a few of the activities which will allow you to experience the power of the Hispanic world and its culture in New York City.

El Instituto Cervantes se ha consolidado como la institución más importante del mundo en la enseñanza del español y en la difusión de todas las culturas que se expresan en español. En el programa que tiene ahora entre las manos encontrará Ud. nuevos cursos de español para todos los niveles y objetivos específicos, con los que podrá, bien mejorar su dominio de la lengua, bien iniciarse en el conocimiento del que ya es el segundo idioma más importante del mundo y, muy particularmente, en los EE.UU. Además, el Cervantes propone también un ambicioso programa cultural con enfoques en los grandes escritores mexicanos, una nueva serie de debates sobre temas globales en colaboración con Naciones Unidas, una lúcida reescritura de la historia de los EE.UU. desde la perspectiva hispana con el Prof. FernándezArmesto, un análisis de las lecciones de la crisis financiera con Paul Volcker y Antonio GarriguesWalker, mesas redondas sobre poesía, teatro, exposiciones, conciertos, catas de vinos, ciclos de cine contemporáneo, y un largo etcétera que le permitirá sentir la fuerza del mundo hispano y su cultura en la ciudad de Nueva York.

We invite you to take part in these fascinating experiences and welcome your suggestions to help us further our mission day by day.

Le invitamos a participar en estas apasionantes experiencias y a ayudarnos, con sus sugerencias, a mejorar día a día nuestro trabajo. Ignacio Olmos Executive Director


EXHIBITONS Celebrating Nicanor Parra’s 100th birthday Lily Garafulic - In her own words Survival in Sarajevo Remains of National Identities Recording is also writing - Ximena Grobet Diary of New York - Fernando Bellver

7 14 21 23 33 39

MUSIC Skyshadows - Albert Guinovart, piano Tribute to Paco de Lucía - Pedro Navarro, guitar Rosalía Mowgli Lara Bello Play loud! Azúcar Canela - Rebeca Vallejo

8 10 11 17

CINEMA Icaro - Central American Film Festival Fifth Contemporary Peruvian Film Showcase in New York Impugning impunity - Alba’s human rights documentary film festival I, the worst of all - Tribute to Octavio Paz

6 9 13 22 31 34 37 41 42

DEBATES Celebrating Nicanor Parra’s 100th birthday Dialogues 15i: Ideas for a sustainable world beyond 2015 A glance at today’s Spanish theater Remapping the territory - Felipe Fernández Armesto Transitional Justice - Luis Moreno Ocampo & Carlos Castresana Lessons learned from the crisis - Paul Volcker & A. Garrigues Walker The future of our brain - Eduardo Punset Gender equality in the post-2015 agenda The future of the Spanish language

12 12 36 38

PERFORMANCE Gabriela Mistral - Desolation. A bilingual edition Balanza de los instintos - César Morón The Moth Conference under the rain - Juan Villoro

18 19 19 21 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 35

LITERATURE Living to write about it - Sergio Ramírez 100 years of Julio Cortázar - Tribute Marco Antonio Corcuera - Poetry The Americas Poetry Festival How to read Mario Vargas LLosa’s fiction - Juan Jesús Armas Marcelo Voices from Mexico Guadalupe Nettel Elena Poniatowska Juan Villoro Sabina Berman Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz - Selected works The heart has its reasons - María Dueñas


6 11 16 20 32 40





44 45 45 45 46 57 62

SPANISH CLASSES Contact Information Spanish Classes in Manhattan Spanish Classes in Brooklyn Placement test Special courses & Workshops Wine program at Instituto Cervantes Open House

SPANISH CERTIFICATES 48 Diploma in Spanish as a Foreign Language ON-LINE SPANISH CLASSES 48 Spanish Virtual Classroom 48 ยกHola, amigos! Spanish virtual classroom for kids TRAINING PROGRAMS FOR SPANISH TEACHERS 49 Clases for Teachers of Spanish


SCHEDULES 50 NYC Fall 2014 Schedule A1 - Beginner 50 A2 - Advanced Beginner 51 B1 - Intermediate 52 B2 - Advanced 53 C1 - Superior 54 Grammar Workshops 55 Workshops 55 Kids & Teens Courses 55 56 Brooklyn Fall 2014 Schedule Kids & Teens Courses 56 59 59 60 61

LIBRARY Library Hours Library Information Brooklyn Book Festival Review 89 5

Round Table & Exhibiton


 Opening! Wednesday, September 3, 7pm. Thru Monday, September 15  Free admission  In Spanish

This exhibition showcases the least known aspect of Parra’s career, that of anti-professor, which gives us a glimpse into his relationships with Bolaño & Ginsberg, as well as other key figures of the 20th Century. Using unpublished material, photographs, and film footage of Parra’s literature classes at the University of Chile in 1993, his student, Marcelo Porta has continued working on the project to this day, making it a very valuable collection, one that depicts the Chilean writer as a human being and a poet whose antipoetry has enormously influenced contemporary poetry. Panorámica de una de las facetas más desconocidas del maestro chileno, la de anti-profesor, que viaja también por su relación con varias figuras del siglo pasado como Bolaño o Ginsberg. Tomando como punto de partida el material inédito de fotografías y filmaciones de las clases de literatura de Nicanor Parra durante el año 1993 en la Universidad de Chile, Marcelo Porta expone su archivo fotográfico de Parra convertido en una valorada obra de arte que retrata al autor chileno como persona y como poeta, cuya antipoesía ha influido excepcionalmente en el discurso de la poesía contemporánea. Con la participación de Marcelo Porta, artista visual y comisario de la exposición; Marlene Gottlieb, catedrática de literatura hispanoamericana y jefa del Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas de Manhattan College; Patricio Lezundi, periodista y jefe del Departamento de Periodismo y Comunicaciones en CUNY Lehman College; y Edith Grossman, traductora, crítica, profesora de literatura hispánica y autora de un estudio crítico sobre la antipoesía (The Antipoetry of Nicanor Parra).

© Marcelo Porta 1993 6



PIANO CONCERT, ALBERT GUINOVART  Monday, September 8, 7pm  General Admission: $15 | ICNY Members: $10

Albert Guinovart, Spanish composer well-known for his soundtracks for popular films, as well as for being one of the most dynamic pianists of the contemporary music scene, will debut Skyshadows. The composition was commissioned by the Foundation for Iberian Music for this concert, and will be published by Music Sales Classical. Guinovart will also take this opportunity to play a selection of his own works, as well as those of great Spanish composers such as Granados, Montsalvatge & Mompou.

Compositor español reconocido por sus bandas sonoras de populares películas y uno de los músicos más dinámicos e incisivos del panorama actual. Albert Guinovart estrena Skyshadows, pieza compuesta específicamente para este concierto de piano por encargo de la Fundación para la Música Ibérica, que será a su vez publicada por el sello Music Sales Classical, e interpreta un repertorio de obras propias y de grandes autores españoles de todos los tiempos como Granados, Montsalvatge y Mompou.





September 9 – 12, 5pm-9pm Free admission In Spanish with English subtitles

New Yorkers will have an unmatched opportunity to view the winning films of this year’s ICARO festival. The event is celebrated annually in Guatemala and brings together the top filmmakers of Central America.

Nueva York puede estar al día de las películas ganadoras de la edición 2014 de este festival de cine que anualmente se celebra en Guatemala, “imperdible” por su capacidad de convocatoria de los mejores realizadores de Centro América.


Round Table

DIALOGUES 15i: IDEAS FOR A SUSTAINABLE WORLD BEYOND 2015 A series of conferences in which specialists, professionals, activists, entrepreneurs & academics will share their thoughts on how to guarantee a world that is socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. In the equation 15i, i stands for ideas, imagination, inspiration, but also for innovation, inclusion and interaction. Attendees, both in-person & virtual, will be able to participate in theses interactive dialogues.

Ciclo de encuentros en torno al reto de cómo garantizar un mundo que sea social, económica y ambientalmente sostenible. Especialistas, profesionales, activistas, emprendedores y académicos intentarán en 15i proponer ideas para un nuevo mundo. En la ecuación 15i, la i representa ideas, pero también imaginación, inspiración e ilusión. El público, presencial y virtual, podrá participar en estos diálogos interactivos.


DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION. NEW ACTORS, NEW CHALLENGES  Monday, September 15, 7pm  General Admission: $10 | ICNY & UN Members: free  In English

Bruno Moro, SDG-F Director, will review his career of more than thirty years at the United Nations and share his views on how development cooperation is changing and how some of the countries where he has worked have addressed the problems of poverty, climate change and exclusion. To access the dialogues or participate in the discussions, please visit With SDG-F.

Bruno Moro, director del SDG-F con una carrera de más de treinta años en las Naciones Unidas, revisa el cambio que ha experimentado la cooperación al desarrollo y las soluciones a problemas como la pobreza, el cambio climático o la exclusión que han funcionado en los países en los que ha trabajado. Para acceder a distancia a este intercambio de ideas se ha creado la plataforma

Bruno Moro 9


FIFTH CONTEMPORARY PERUVIAN FILM SHOWCASE IN NEW YORK  Tuesday, September 16 – Friday, September 19  Free admission  In Spanish with English subtitles

Celebrating its fifth edition, this year’s film festival showcases the archeology of pre-Hispanic cultures and their influence on contemporary art, highlighting the importance of the documentary genre within Peruvian cinematography.

En esta quinta edición de la Muestra de Cine Contemporáneo Peruano en Nueva York, la arqueología de las culturas pre-hispánicas y su influencia en el arte contemporáneo son protagonistas y destacan la importancia del género documental en la fértil realización cinematográfica peruana.


Santa Maria Huamachuco

 Tuesday, September 16

6:00pm 6:30pm 6:40pm 6:45pm

Opening. By: Kali Villarosa, Lory Salcedo & UN Peruvian Ambassador Gustavo Meza-Cuadra. Tribute to filmmaker Roberto Guerra, by Ana de Orbegoso. Che Guevara Recites Los Heraldos Negros , poem by Cesar Vallejo. The Curious Life of Piter Eustaquio Rengifo Uculmana, by Gianfranco Annichini.

 Wednesday, September 17 (Presentation of films by Fortuna Calvo-Roth)

6:00pm Lady of Cao, by Wiese Foundation. Guest: Susana de la Puente. 7:00pm The Huamachucos, by Lorry Salcedo. Book presentation of The Huamachucos, Testimony of an Ancient Culture and Q&A with the author. 7: 35pm Cusco y El Valle Sagrado de los Incas, by Fernando & Edgar Elorrieta. Book presentation of Machu Picchu, Enchantment in Stone and Q&A with author Federico Kauffman Doig. 8: 10pm Andean music concert by soprano Sylvia Falcon.

 Thursday, September 18 (Presentation of films by Linda Villarosa)

6:00pm Dirge for a hug, by Nora de Izcue. 7:00pm Everyone Returns, with Ana Maria Estrada de Rose, director of the film. 7:20pm The Dumb, by Daniel y Diego Vega.

 Friday, September 19 (Presentation of films by Rose Arce)

6:00pm The Random Walk of Faith of Otto Brun, by Grupo Chaski. 6:55pm Lexoro, by Claudia Llosa. 7:20pm The Gospel of the Flesh, with Eduardo Mendoza, director of the film.


Exhibition & Cinema


 Opening! Thursday, September 18, 7pm. Thru Saturday, October 4  Free admission

Graphic & sculptural works by an artist whose influence on the evolution of Chilean sculpture at the beginning of the 20th Century made the distinction between “male art” and “female art” obsolete.

Obra gráfica y escultórica de una de las artistas que más influyó en la evolución de la escultura chilena a principios del siglo pasado y cuyo trabajo hizo que la distinción entre “arte de hombres” y “de mujeres” dejara de tener sentido si es que alguna vez lo tuvo.

Presented by the Directorate of Cultural Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile. In collaboration with the Garafulic-Litvak & Garafulich-Grabois families and the Consulate General of Chile in New York, which celebrates its National Day.


ALBA’S HUMAN RIGHTS DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL  September 29-30 & October 1  General Admission: $5 | ICNY Members: free. Tickets will go on sale right before each screening.  | email:

Governmental abuse of power, historical memory, civil rights and racial inequality have been controversial topics from the start: perhaps the fourth edition of this documentary film festival, presented by the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA), will shed some light on this initiative in favor of social equity.

El abuso de poder, la memoria histórica, la igualdad racial o los derechos civiles se han calificado desde el origen como temas incómodos de debate; quizá la cuarta edición de este festival de cine documental presentado por los Archivos de la Brigada Abraham Lincoln alumbre esta iniciativa en pro de la equidad en las políticas sociales allá donde se den.

The documentaries will be in their original language with English subtitles.


Literature & Performance



 Thursday, September 25, 7pm  General Admission: $10 | ICNY Members: $5  In English

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DESOLATION. A BILINGUAL EDITION PERFORMANCE The highly unique voice of this renowned figure, which transcends the creative limits of her surroundings to become part of universal poetry, can now be captured in the complete English edition of her work, Desolación, originally published in New York with love and death as central themes. With the participation of Gerardo Piña-Rosales, Director of ANLE; Liliana Baltra, Professor at the University of Chile and translator; Mario Paredes, Vice Chairman of the Gabriela Mistral Foundation Board; & Julio Fiol, Consul General, Consulate General of Chile in New York.

Friday, October 3. 5pm-7pm In Spanish with English supertitles IATI Theater Todo Vanguardia: 64 East 4th St

Balanza de los instintos takes us inside a world that is at the same time hyperrealistic, absurd and dreamlike, telling the tragic story of a family that is being blackmailed into leaving their home. César Morón is one of the most performed playwrights in recent years, famous for his theory of “quantum dramaturgy”. Q&A with playwriter, director and the cast to follow. Balanza de los instintos nos traslada a un mundo que es a un tiempo onírico, absurdo e hiperrealista, para narrar una trágica historia de extorsión inmobiliaria. César Morón es uno de los dramaturgos más representados en los últimos tiempos, célebre por su teoría de “dramaturgia cuántica”. Tras la obra habrá un debate con el autor, el director y los actores.

La personalísima originalidad de esta reconocida voz que trasciende los límites de su entorno creativo para integrarse en el corpus de la poesía universal, ya está accesible en la versión inglesa completa de una de sus obras de referencia, Desolación, obra originalmente publicada en Nueva York con el amor y la muerte como temas centrales.


Round Table & Stage Reading


 Thursday, October 2, 6:30pm -7:30pm  Free admission  In Spanish

A snapshot of the current status of theater in Spain from the perspectives of directors, playwrights, translators and professors residing on both sides of the Atlantic. Una foto fija del estado actual del teatro español tomada desde la perspectiva de directores, dramaturgos, traductores y profesores, residentes a uno y otro lado del Atlántico. Con la participación de Pedro Monge, dramaturgo y fundador de Ollantay; Teresa Lopez-Pellisa, profesora en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona; Iride Lamartina-Lens, traductora y profesora en Pace University; Angel Gil-Orrios, director artístico del teatro Thalía; Ignacio García Bustelo, director artístico de AENY; y Antonio César Morón, dramaturgo.

STAGE READING  Thursday, October 2, 7:45pm – 9:00pm  Free admission  In Spanish

Short excerpts of works by Spanish playwrights will be read by the participants in the round table. Presented by Alex Vázquez. Lectura dramatizada de distintos fragmentos de dramaturgos españoles, muchos de ellos mencionados en la mesa redonda anterior. Presentación a cargo de Alex Vázquez.




 Monday, October 6, 7pm  General Admission: $20 | ICNY Members: $10

Spanish guitarists Pedro Navarro and Ramon Jarque, will interpret Paco de Lucía’s most popular works, Between Two Waters & Plazuela, as well as very early compositions such as Spain & Tico-Tico. The evening will include Pedro Navarro’s own works, as well as new material dedicated to the maestro from Algeciras.

Diálogo de guitarras españolas con Pedro Navarro y Ramón Jarque, en el que se interpretarán piezas de referencia de Paco de Lucía, como Entre Dos Aguas y Plazuela, así como composiciones de su etapa inicial, como Spain y Tico-Tico, repertorio que se ve completado por obras propias de Pedro Navarro de corte flamenco, y una pieza inédita en homenaje al maestro de Algeciras.

Pedro Navarro


BECOME A MEMBER OF INSTITUTO CERVANTES NEW YORK AND JOIN US IN OUR PASSION FOR THE SPANISH LANGUAGE AND THE CULTURES OF THE SPANISH-SPEAKING WORLD. Membership will give you access to the finest in the arts, history, literature and culture from all of Spain and Latin America. Enjoy full borrowing privileges at our Library, which hosts the largest collection of Spanish-speaking materials in the US, obtain promotions for cultural activities all over New York and receive special discounts in collaborating stores and restaurants. ICNY members are fundamental to our mission. As a member, your contribution enables us to provide diverse and quality programs that promote the Spanish language and the cultures of Spain, Latin America, and that of the Latinos in the United States.


SURVIVAL IN SARAJEVO  Opening! Tuesday, October 7, 7pm. Thru Tuesday, October 14  Free admission

During the siege of the multi-ethnic city of Sarajevo, from 1992 to 1995 by Serb forces, local Jews turned their synagogue into a humanitarian aid agency. Survival in Sarajevo tells the story of La Benevolencija, the agency of Sephardic origin in which Jews, Bosniak Muslims, Serbian Orthodox, and Catholic Croats worked side-byside to distribute food, medicine and hope. The photographs were taken by American Edward Serotta, who covered the war as a journalist. He is director of The exhibition is sponsored by the Permanent Missions of Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain and the United States to the United Nations. Durante el asedio de la ciudad multiétnica de Sarajevo, entre 1992 y 1995 por fuerzas serbias, una sinagoga se convirtió en un centro de ayuda. Sobrevivir en Sarajevo cuenta la historia de La Benevolencija, organización sefardí en la que judíos, musulmanes, ortodoxos y católicos trabajaron codo con codo para distribuir alimentos, medicinas y crear esperanza. Las fotografías fueron tomadas por el estadounidense Edward Serotta, periodista y director de




 Wednesday, October 8, 7pm  Free admission  In Spanish with English subtitles

Based on Octavio Paz’s essay, The Traps of Faith, this Argentine production explores the convent life of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Mexican poet & intellectual, and emphasizes the challenges of living in an age that does not favor such an independent and talented individual. This screening is part of a Tribute to Octavio Paz on his centennial, which includes an exhibition, From Word to Gaze, showcasing some of his artwork at the Mexican Cultural Institute on October 1st, a roundtable moderated by Eliot Weinberger at the Americas Society on October 6th and a poetry reading of Paz’s works at Poets House on October 7th.

Basada en el ensayo Las trampas de la fe, y con el propio Octavio Paz de co-guionista, esta producción argentina recorre la vida dentro del convento de la poeta e intelectual mexicana Sor Juan Inés de la Cruz, e incide en las enormes contradicciones que provoca una época poco propicia para una personalidad independiente y de talento. Esta proyección forma parte del Homenaje a Octavio Paz en su centenario que incluye: la exposición de parte de su obra plástica De la palabra a la mirada en el Instituto Mexicano de Cultura el 1 de octubre; la mesa redonda moderada por Eliot Weinberger en la Americas Society el 6 de octubre; y el recital de poemas de Octavio Paz en la Poets House el 7 de octubre.



LIVING TO WRITE ABOUT IT SERGIO RAMÍREZ  Wednesday, October 15, 7pm  General Admission: $10 | ICNY Members: $5  In English & Spanish with simultaneous translation

A master lecture that covers the literary and recent political history of Nicaragua, America & Spain based on the life and work of Sergio Ramírez. The former Vice President of Nicaragua & renowned writer and David Unger, Guatemalan writer and translator residing in the United States, walk along the thin line that separates history and politics from literary fiction; the novel and the character from the author and his life; the social dialogue from the narrative encounter. Un relato magistral que recorre la historia literaria y política reciente de Nicaragua, América y España a partir de la vida y obra de Sergio Ramírez. El ex vicepresidente de Nicaragua y reputado escritor conversa con David Unger, escritor y traductor guatemalteco afincado en Estados Unidos, en un paseo por la delgada línea que separa la historia y la política de la ficción literaria, la novela y el personaje de la biografía y la realidad, y el discurso de lo social del encuentro en la narrativa.

Sergio Ramírez



100 YEARS OF JULIO CORTÁZAR  Tuesday, October 14, 7pm  General Admission: $10 | ICNY Members: $5  In Spanish & English with simultaneous translation

The Center for Latin American Literary Studies Julio Cortázar, founded in 1994 by Carlos Fuentes and Gabriel García Márquez, celebrates the writer’s centennial with a round table discussion of the political and intelectual work of Cortázar, his relationship with American literature as a translator (the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe), his taste for jazz and boxing, as well as his own works translated into English. With the participation of Carmen Boullosa, writer & journalist; Nuria Amat, writer; Sergio Ramírez, writer & journalist; Gregory Rabassa, translator & professor at Queens College; and Dulce Maria Zúñiga, coordinator of the Center for Studies Julio Cortázar. La Catedra Latinoamericana Julio Cortázar, fundada en 1994 por Carlos Fuentes y Gabriel García Márquez, celebra los 100 años del escritor con una mesa redonda en la que se hablará sobre la labor política e intelectual de Cortázar, su relación con la literatura norteamericana como traductor (de la obra completa de Edgar Allan Poe), de su gusto por el jazz y el boxeo, así como de su propia obra traducida al inglés.


THE TRILL OF THE BLIND BIRD. BILINGUAL POETRY PRESENTATION  Thursday, October 9, 7pm  General Admission: $10 | ICNY Members: $5  In Spanish

Marco Antonio Corcuera was a prolific author & cultural figure, recognized throughout the Spanish speaking world. He is one of the most renowned Peruvian poets whose verses merge nature and life in a mysterious harmony. Autor de una provechosa obra literaria y de promoción cultural, reconocida en el Perú, Hispanoamérica y Europa, Marco Antonio Corcuera es un poeta raigal, en cuyos versos la naturaleza y la vida se funden en una misteriosa armonía. Con la participación de Eugenio Chang Rodríguez, escritor y profesor emérito de CUNY Graduate Center; Gustavo Meza-Cuadra, Representante Permanente del Perú ante la Organización de Naciones Unidas; María Teresa Merino de Hart, Cónsul General del Perú en Nueva York; Alejandro Sánchez-Aizcorbe, escritor peruano; y Marco Corcuera, Presidente de la Fundación Marco Antonio Corcuera.

Misión Permanente del Perú ante las Naciones Unidas




ARCHITECT: JAVIER CARVAJAL / CURATOR: JAVIER ANTÓN  Opening! Thursday, October 16, 7pm. Wednesday, Thru October 29  Free admission  In English

This exhibition deals with the absorption of modernity in Spain. Collage & film techniques are used to show how the process of absorption of modernity relegates the vestiges of national and regional identities to a secondary plane. The focus is on a particular case study: the twin houses built by Carvajal in Somosaguas in 1967. These houses were granted the Fritz Schumacher Award for best European architecture. Round table prior to the opening with: • Kenneth Frampton, architect, critic and historian • Alberto Campo-Baeza, Head Professor of Design at the School of Architecture of Madrid • Javier Antón, curator of the exhibition Collage y técnicas cinematográficas que reflexionan sobre la presencia de vestigios regionales en el proceso de absorción de la modernidad en España que, al igual que en el resto del mundo, acabó por relegar los rasgos de identidad nacional a planos muy secundarios. Se centra en el contraejemplo de las dos casas que Javier Carvajal construyó en Somosaguas en 1967, proyectos ganadores del premio Fritz Schumacher a la mejor arquitectura europea.


Music & Poetry Reading





 Friday, October 17  Café Live BAM 

 Friday, October 17, 7pm  In English & Spanish 

Rosalía Mowgli is becoming a cult artist to many given her simplicity, courage and creativity. She blends ancestral traditional music from Spain with the classical guitar, Latin American folk music and nonconventional instruments. Mowgli will be joined by bass player Hector Oliveira and percussionist Didac Ruiz.

This closing ceremony of the festival will feature readings by seven guest poets whose work has been translated into English. Participants: Rosana Acquaroni (Spain); Gladys Mendía (Venezuela); Augusto Rodríguez (Ecuador); Carlos Velásquez (Colombia); Diana Araujo Pereira (Brazil); Ralph Nazareth (India); & Seamus Scanlon (Ireland).

With the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM). Rosalía Mowgli se está convirtiendo en artista de culto para muchos por su destacada falta de artificios, valentía y creatividad. Sobre una base popular ancestral española, se incorporan elementos provenientes de la guitarra clásica, de las músicas de raíz folklórica de Latinoamérica y del mundo experimental de los instrumentos no convencionales. Portraits from Spain es un concierto del trío formado por Rosalía, el bajista Héctor Oliveira y el percusionista Didac Ruiz.

Acto de cierre del Festival de Poesía de las Américas en el que una antología de siete poetas invitados leerán su obra, ya traducida al inglés.


Round Table


Our America traces elements of the history of the United States which have been swept away by time, as well as by its own particular view of its history. The author proposes the inclusion of the Hispanic perspective, with tales of rebellion, cruelty and destruction, no different, Julio Ortega quotes, than the histories of the Spanish & Mexican empires. The appropriation of the territory of these two empires, Armesto writes, has been accompanied by a rewriting of the history of the United States, one which includes large doses of “convenient forgetfulness”. With the participation of Felipe Fernández-Armesto, history professor at the University of Notre Dame, Amadeo Petitbó, Director of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, Alfred Mac Adam, translator and professor of Latin American literature at Barnard College-Columbia & Jonathan Cohen, poet, essayist & scholar of inter-American literature-Affiliated Faculty of SUNY Stony Brook. Our America rastrea las huellas de la formación de Estados Unidos, barridas por el tiempo y la visión estadounidense de su propia historia. Propone la incorporación de un punto de vista desde el lado español, visión que incluye un relato de rebelión, barbarie y muerte, no diferente, como cita Julio Ortega, del que escribieron los anteriores imperios implicados. La apropiación del territorio de los imperios español y mexicano, escribe Armesto, ha venido acompañada de una reescritura de la historia en Estados Unidos con grandes dosis de “olvidos convenientes”.




 Thursday, October 23, 7pm  General Admission: $20 | ICNY Members: $15

Lara Bello’s music puts the full Mediterranean palette on display. She infuses her compositions with the enchantment of her native Granada and her new life in New York, combining flamenco, jazz and Arab music. Lara Bello nos trae con su música los colores del Mediterráneo, composiciones llenas del encanto de su tierra natal, Granada, y resonancias de su tierra de acogida, Nueva York, donde se mezcla el flamenco, el jazz y la música árabe.




 Friday, October 24, 4:30pm – 8:30pm  At Instituto Cervantes  Tuesday, October 21 & Thursday, October 23, 4:30pm – 8:30pm  The City College of New York: Continuing & Professional Studies,

Shepard Hall-Room 2 | Convent Avenue near 140th Street

 General Admission: $250 (All three sessions)  To register: 212.650.7312 |  In Spanish

Politics, freedom and autobiography are elements that can be found throughout the works of Nobel Prize recipient, Mario Vargas Llosa. How to Read Mario Vargas Llosa’s Fiction is a seminar designed to identify and separate the above-mentioned components present in his narrative, which is essential when reading and trying to understand the Peruvian author. The three sessions will be taught by renowned writer Armas Marcelo. El premio Nobel Mario Vargas Llosa utiliza la autobiografía, la política y la libertad de una manera transversal en su obra. ¿Cómo leer a Vargas Llosa? es un curso destinado a individualizar y aislar estos aspectos del flujo complejo de su narrativa, para convertirlos en claves de lectura y comprensión profunda del imaginario del autor peruano. Las tres sesiones de las que consta serán impartidas por el reputado escritor Armas Marcelo.

Mario Vargas LLosa 24

J. J. Armas Marcelo

Literature - Series Great Voices from Mexico



Boom! A Word that can be used to describe the Mexican narrative, given the great number of fiction writers of great complexity and quality, a literary explosion for which the United States is a soundboard for shared topics and concerns within the fiction genre. Through this phenomenal series, New Yorkers will now have the opportunity to hear from key protagonists representative of this movement including Elena Poniatowska, Sabina Berman, Guadalupe Nettel or Juan Villoro.

A juzgar por la gran cantidad de escritores de ficción y su gran complejidad y calidad, se podría hablar de un boom de la narrativa mexicana. Estados Unidos está haciendo de caja de resonancia de esta explosión literaria, cada vez son más, y más profundas, las referencias cruzadas y las preocupaciones compartidas por distintos temas de ficción. Ahora tenemos la oportunidad de oír en Nueva York a varios protagonistas de este movimiento como Elena Poniatowska, Sabina Berman, Guadalupe Nettel o Juan Villoro.

Literature - Series Great Voices from Mexico

GUADALUPE NETTEL IN CONVERSATION WITH NICK FLYNN  Monday, October 27, 7pm  General Admission: $10 | ICNY Members: $5  Spanish & English with simultaneous translation

According to Pliny the Elder, all animals know what they want except man. Guadalupe Nettel takes it one step further, claiming that human beings also lack a sense of self. The seven stories comprising this recently published English edition, center on these two notions and are closely tied to the work of Nick Flynn, in which preoccupation with memory becomes a concern with the nature of being.

Todo animal sabe lo que quiere excepto el hombre, decía Plinio el Viejo. Guadalupe Nettel añade que tampoco el hombre sabe quién es. Las siete narraciones que comprende este libro, recién publicado en inglés, gravitan en torno a estas dos ideas cruzadas y establecen lazos significativos con la obra de Nick Flynn en la que la preocupación por la memoria adquiere la condición de ontología propia.

Guadalupe Nettel


Literature - Series Great Voices from Mexico

ELENA PONIATOWSKA IN CONVERSATION WITH SIRI HUSTVEDT LITERATURE THAT CAME FROM THE STREET  Monday, November 10, 7pm  General Admission: $10 | ICNY Members: $5  Spanish & English with simultaneous translation

Elena Poniatowska, winner of the most recent Cervantes Prize, and American writer, Siri Hustvedt, will discuss common themes present throughout their work: the concern for the feminine as discourse, memory, reality as discourse, the literature that comes from the street, the art world, lasting friendship, New York and love, loss, as well as dreams and nightmares of much of the 20th Century.

La reciente Premio Cervantes, Elena Poniatowska, conversará con la escritora estadounidense Siri Hustvedt acerca de temas recurrentes en la obra de ambas entre los que destacan la preocupación por lo femenino como discurso, la memoria, la realidad como discurso, la literatura que viene de la calle, el mundo del arte y la amistad duradera, Nueva York y el amor, y la pérdida, los sueños y pesadillas de buena parte del siglo xx.

Elena Poniatowska


Literature - Series Great Voices from Mexico

JUAN VILLORO THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE GOAL  Wednesday, November 19, 7pm  General Admission: $10 | ICNY Members: $5  Spanish & English with simultaneous translation

Juan Villoro is well known as both a sports journalist and a writer. These two professions, as the Mexican proverb goes, are the same but different. Both reflect and conceal endless micro stories taken from reality, prompting the Mexican writer to consider whether a great play could win the Pulitzer Prize, as well as the connections between soccer, literature and journalism.

Juan Villoro es reconocido en sus dos facetas profesionales, la de periodista deportivo y la de escritor. Estas dos profesiones, como reza el refrán mexicano: “son lo mismo nomás que diferente”; ambas reflejan y esconden infinitas microhistorias tomadas de lo real, y dan pie al escritor mexicano para valorar si un gran desmarque es susceptible de ganar el premio Pulitzer y de cómo se entienden el fútbol, la literatura y el periodismo.

Juan Villoro


Literature - Series Great Voices from Mexico

SABINA BERMAN BETWEEN MEXICO CITY AND A NAKED FORM  Monday, December 8, 7pm  General Admission: $10 | ICNY Members: $5  Spanish & English with simultanous translation

Sabina Berman es una prolífica cineasta, dramaturga, escritora y directora de teatro mexicana. Su uso del humor, la ironía, la imagen metalingüística y la subversión de los valores de la sociedad oficial generan un estilo inclasificable, vivo, aparentemente sencillo. La manera en que se perciben recursos como su humor e ironía es distinta en el lector estadounidense y el hispanohablante, y define, en última instancia, la imagen mutua que se construye y deconstruye dinámicamente en el subconsciente colectivo de ambos públicos. Acompañada por Karen Phillips, de Words Without Borders, conversarán sobre las claves para descifrar la percepción de la literatura mexicana y su sustrato cultural en EUA a través de obras tan significativas como Entre Pancho Villa y una mujer desnuda o La mujer que buceó dentro del corazón del mundo.

Sabina Berman is a prolific Mexican filmmaker, playwright, author and theater director, whose use of humor, irony and metalinguistics, as well as the subversion of society’s values create an apparently simple yet intense and difficult to categorize style. Her humor and irony are perceived differently by American and Spanish-speaking readers and ultimately determine the image that is constructed and deconstructed in the collective unconscious of both audiences. Through a discussion of works such as Between Pancho Villa and a Naked Woman and Me, Who Dove into the Heart of the World, Berman and Karen Phillips, Executive Director of Words Without Borders, will explore what a reader in the United States needs in order to understand Mexican literature and the underlying culture.

Sabina Berman




 Tuesday, October 28, 7pm  General Admission: $10 | ICNY Members: $5  In English

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651–1695) was a self-taught intellectual who rose to fame as a writer during the Spanish Golden Age, ahead of her time in terms of feminism and independence. A court favorite who was persecuted by the Church, she is considered a major influence on writers of the 20th Century such as Simone de Beauvoir. In this recent translation of some of her best works, Edith Grossman and Electra Arenal will discuss the influence Sor Juana has had on the intellectual evolution of the world. With W. W. Norton & Company. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651–1695), es una escritora y pensadora autodidacta del Siglo de Oro Español, adelantada a su tiempo en términos de feminismo e independencia. Es favorita de la Corte Imperial y perseguida por el orden eclesiástico, su obra se encuentra entre los referentes de escritores del s. xx como Simone de Beauvoir. A través de la reciente traducción de una antología de sus mejores trabajos y de la mano de Edith Grossman y Electa Arenal, se ofrece un panorama amplio de su vigencia y relevancia en la evolución intelectual del mundo.



Round Table

LUIS MORENO OCAMPO & CARLOS CASTRESANA  Wednesday, October 29, 7pm  General Admission: $10 | ICNY Members: $5  In English with simultaneous translation

Transitional Justice is a relatively new branch of International Law, developed in the aftermath of the dictatorships and armed conflicts of the Cold War. An understanding of the difficulties faced by post conflict societies in holding perpetrators accountable for past abuses of human rights has helped the international community to assist those countries in building sustainable democracies in which controversies are solved peacefully through the rule of law. Various procedures such as reparations and guarantees of non-recurrence were developed to deal with the past and leave the conflicts and their violence behind. With the participation of Luis Moreno Ocampo, first Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Carlos Castresana, former Commissioner of the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) and James Goldston, Executive Director of the Open Society Justice Initiative. En el ocaso de los conflictos y dictaduras asociadas a la Guerra Fría, se empezó a desarrollar el concepto de justicia transicional, que implica la existencia de los criterios de compensación y garantía que facilitan dejar atrás la violencia ejercida en un estado en conflicto; este tipo de justicia ayuda a las naciones a establecer democracias que puedan resolver sus problemas desde el estado de derecho, basándose en la toma de conciencia por parte de la comunidad internacional de las dificultades para castigar los ataques del pasado contra los derechos humanos.


Luis Moreno Ocampo 31



 Thursday, October 30, 7pm. Thru Friday, November 21  Free admission 

The exhibition presents a selection of artist books produced by Ximena Pérez Grobet which reflect her desire to understand the mechanism of writing, which she uses as a tool to stop time and narrate it within the spatial limits of a book. With the participation of Ximena Pérez Grobet.

Exposición de libros entendidos como objetos de arte, creados por Ximena Pérez Grobet que indagan en la comprensión del mecanismo de la escritura, mecanismo que se ve instrumentalizado como herramienta para detener el tiempo y narrarlo a través del territorio “restringido” de un libro. Con la participación de Ximena Pérez Grobet.

This event is part of Celebrate Mexico Now, a citywide festival of contemporary Mexican art and culture.

Este acto forma parte de Celebrate Mexico Now, festival anual en NY de arte, ideas y cultura contemporánea mexicana.


Music - Play Loud

PLAY LOUD!  Tuesday, November 4 – Friday, November 7  General Admission: $20 | ICNY Members: $10

PLAY LOUD! is created with the idea of merging the energy and vibe of New York City with the talent of musicians from Spain and other cultures and nationalities.


PLAY LOUD! combina la energía y el ambiente de la ciudad de Nueva York con el talento de músicos españoles y de otras culturas y nacionalidades.

 Tuesday, November 4, 7pm

Musicians Guillermo Laporta, Tagore Gonzalez and David Orrico have created a multidisciplinary project that connects chamber music with theatre, dance, and audiovisual elements to evoke a multisensory experience.


Tres músicos que inspiran un proyecto multidisciplinar, Guillermo Laporta, Tagore González y David Orrico, interpretan un concierto de cámara con muchos elementos teatrales, audiovisuales y de danza para provocar en el espectador una experiencia multisensorial.

 Wednesday, November 5, 7pm

Yosvany Terry, saxophone & chékere, Yves Dharamraj, cello and Orlando Alonso, piano, are accomplished composers who create new musical works from a broad range of genres: classical, AfroCuban, Tango, Rock, Jazz & Electronic.


Trío de saxofón, Yosvany Terry; chelo, Yves Dharamraj; y Orlando Alonso, piano, que, en el marco de la clásica contemporánea, cultiva la improvisación basada en la mezcla de géneros y resonancia: clásica, afrocubana, tango, rock, jazz y electrónica.

 Thursday, November 6, 7pm

Argento is New York City’s virtuoso ensemble dedicated to innovative musical performance and discovery of daring artistic paths. Championing cutting-edge contemporary composers, as well as framing classical repertoire in new contexts, Argento inspires the public’s musical inquiry through education, mentorship, technology, and dialogue.


Argento es una formación de músicos virtuosos de Nueva York dedicada a la interpretación musical innovadora y al descubrimiento de nuevos caminos artísticos. Defendiendo el trabajo de compositores contemporáneos innovadores y enmarcando piezas de repertorio clásico en nuevos contextos, Argento busca inspirar la curiosidad musical del público a través de la educación, la tecnología y el diálogo.

 Friday, November 7, 7pm

The virtuoso Argentine bandoneon player and composer, JP Jofre, has been hailed as one of today’s leading artists by Lincoln Center and praised by The New York Times for his soulful, artful playing, capable of causing a triumphant standing ovation from audiences around the world.

El virtuoso bandeonista JP Jofre ha hecho de su percepción ultramoderna del tango, un estilo capaz de provocar el enfervorecido aplauso del público a lo largo y ancho del mundo y las críticas más positivas e importantes como las de Lincoln Center o el New York Times. 33

Round Table

LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE CRISIS IN THE UNITED STATES & EUROPE A CENTRAL BANKER’S PERSPECTIVE PAUL VOLCKER & ANTONIO GARRIGUES WALKER  Wednesday, November 12, 7pm  General Admission: $10 | ICNY Members: $5  In English with simultaneous translation

Paul Volcker, former Governor of the Federal Reserve and one of the leading figures of the US monetary policy of the last thirty years, and Antonio Garrigues Walker, Spanish jurist and politician, Chairman of law firm Garrigues, will explore the lessons of the crisis in the US and Europe from a central banker’s perspective, with special focus on the aftermath of the crisis, as well as the economic policy response.

Conversación entre Paul Volcker, ex-Gobernador de la Reserva Federal y Antonio Garrigues-Walker, político y jurista español, presidente del despacho de abogados Garrigues, sobre las lecciones de la crisis en Estados Unidos y Europa en torno a las consecuencias y a las soluciones que se están proponiendo desde un punto de vista de política económica y la perspectiva de un banquero central. Paul Volcker es una de las figuras más destacadas de la política monetaria estadounidense de los últimos treinta años.

A. Garrigues-Walker  Jose Mª Bustos

Paul Volcker 34



 Monday, November 17, 7pm  General Admission: $10 | ICNY Members: $5  In English

The latest novel by Maria Dueñas, which seeks the same success as the first, The Time In Between, was conceived during a trip to the Spanish Missions in California. The plot combines elements of passion, as well as the desire for selfimprovement, as the protagonist’s circumstances have led her to an unknown California university, within the context of Spanish intellectuals who contributed so much to the American educational system after the Spanish Civil War.

Última novela de María Dueñas que busca repetir el enorme éxito de la primera, El tiempo entre costuras, y que fue concebida durante un viaje a las misiones españolas en California. Su trama mezcla elementos de pasión y superación de un personaje femenino obligado por las circunstancias a una imaginaria universidad californiana, en el contexto de los intelectuales españoles que tanto aportaron a la enseñanza estadounidense tras la guerra civil.



THE MOTH  Thursday, November 13 – Friday, November 14, 7pm  Free admission  In Spanish & English

The acclaimed group dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling, The Moth, joins forces with ICNY in the second edition of Spanish language performances in which each individual’s experience becomes a unique stage show.

Segunda entrega de este espectáculo de monólogos, a cargo del legendario grupo de contadores de historias The Moth que se embarca de la mano del ICNY en el mundo del relato en español, con su fórmula probada desde siempre: la experiencia de cada cuenta historias se convierte en una ficción escénica apasionante.


Round Table


 Tuesday, November 18, 7pm  General Admission: $10 | ICNY Members: $5  In English

Primero actúa el cerebro, apenas kilo y medio de materia viva, luego viene el resto: pensamos, inventamos, sentimos, operamos con el cerebro. Desde Aristóteles – que pensaba que el cerebro se limitaba a refrigerar la sangre- hasta hoy, el conocimiento de nuestra materia gris ha aumentado, y lo ha hecho a una velocidad exponencial desde que Santiago Ramón y Cajal construyera los fundamentos de la neurología moderna. El Dr. Álvaro Pascual Leone, de Harvard Medical School, y el Dr. Rafael Yuste, de Columbia University, en diálogo con Eduardo Punset, tomarán una Tomografía Axial Computerizada fija del estado actual del conocimiento del cerebro y apostarán sobre el futuro que le espera desde el punto de vista de la ciencia, ¿se podrá curar la depresión con magnetismo?, ¿podremos recuperar a los niños autistas?

We are our brain. We think, feel, invent and operate with that fatty tissue, which weights a mere two and a half pounds. For most of humankind’s history, this structure has been considered a secondary organ--Aristotle, for example, believed it served as an agent for cooling the blood. It was not until the father of modern neuroscience, Santiago Ramon y Cajal, began investigating the brain that we learned of the complexities if this structure. Distinguished neuroscientists Dr. Alvaro Pascual-Leone from Harvard Medical School, and Dr. Rafael Yuste from Columbia University, alongside Eduard Punset, renowned thinker and essayist, will discuss the current state of the brain and will venture into its future: will depression be cured with a magnet and a helmet? Will we have a better understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorders?

Eduard Punset




Thursday, November 20 – Saturday, November 22 Martin Segal Theater: 365 Fifth Avenue |NY In Spanish

For someone to turn a conference into a confession is certainly an intriguing possibility. To what extent do we have control over what we say? Once on stage, the speaker could potentially forget his speech or could be tempted to disclose a very personal and perhaps awkward experience. Conference Under the Rain is a monologue by Juan Villoro which will be performed in New York by the National Theater Company of Mexico. Resulta intrigante la posibilidad de que alguien transforme una conferencia en una confesión. ¿Hasta dónde controlamos lo que decimos? Como si fuera un actor, un conferenciante puede llegar a olvidar sus parlamentos o sucumbir a la tentación de revelar algo incómodo o devastador. Conferencia bajo la lluvia es un monólogo de Juan Villoro interpretado en Nueva York por la Compañía Nacional de Teatro de México.


Sergio Carreón



 Thursday, November 20, 7pm  General Admission: $20 ICNY Members: $15

Equal parts nomad and musician, Rebeca Vallejo’s life has led her across several continents, an experience which has infused her music with elements from a multitude of cultures, from the language of jazz to the ancestral roots of flamenco and Brazilian music. Nómada y músico a partes iguales, la vida de Rebeca Vallejo ha transcurrido por distintos continentes, algo que queda reflejado en su música a través de la integración de diferentes culturas desde el lenguaje del jazz a las raíces ancestrales del flamenco y la música brasileña.




 Opening! Thursday, December 4, 7pm. Thru Thursday, January 15  Free Admission

Throughout his career New York appears as the stage for Fernando Bellver’s visual reflection. Evidence is found in this exhibition through drawings dedicated to films, or etchings which add a Goyesque irony to Rauschenberg’s pop dadaism or Warhol’s impersonality. Fernando Bellver is one of the most prominent Spanish artists and has received numerous awards including the National Graphic Arts Award. Nueva York aparece como escenario de la reflexión visual a lo largo de la trayectoria artística de Fernando Bellver; de ello dan cuenta algunas secciones de esta exposición: los dibujos dedicados a películas de su Diario, o los grabados que añaden la ironía goyesca al influjo “pop dadaista” de Rauschenberg o a la impersonalidad del modelo en Warhol. Fernando Bellver es uno de los artistas plásticos españoles más destacados y ha recibido numerosos premios como el Nacional de Arte Gráfico.


Round Table


 Monday, December 1, 7pm  General Admission: $10 | ICNY Members: $5  In English

Despite the efforts in recent years in favor of women’s rights and the partial success of some of the Millennium Development Goals, it still remains a serious issue worldwide. For many experts, a comprehensive and integrated approach is necessary in order to analyze the successes accomplished thus far and to facilitate opportunities for achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment in the post-2015 development agenda. With UN Women. A pesar de los esfuerzos de los últimos años en favor de los derechos de la mujer, y del éxito parcial de algunos de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, su situación en el planeta sigue siendo grave. Muchos expertos consideran necesaria una aproximación al asunto comprensiva e integrada que contemple los éxitos alcanzados hasta ahora y facilite el desarrollo de objetivos de una agenda post-2015, que redundará, en definitiva, en el progreso de la humanidad.



Round Table


AND THE ECONOMIC DIMENSION OF AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE  Wednesday, December 10, 7pm  Free admision  In Spanish with simultaneous translation

The United States is currently the country with the second largest Spanish-speaking population. The persistence of Spanish as a living language in the US will be a powerful factor in strengthening the language on the international stage. This presentation will analyze the different factors affecting the present and future vitality of Spanish as a second North American language, and also reviews the main data detailing its economic value, from both macroeconomic and business activity perspectives.

Estados Unidos se erige en la actualidad como el segundo país con mayor número de hispanohablantes del mundo. La persistencia del español como lengua viva en el país, es un poderoso respaldo a la fortaleza del español en los escenarios internacionales. De ahí la conveniencia de abordar el análisis de los diferentes factores que influyen en la vitalidad presente y futura del español como segunda lengua norteamericana, junto con el repaso de los principales datos que revelan su valor económico, tanto desde la perspectiva macroeconómica como desde el ángulo de la actividad empresarial.




Instituto Cervantes New York at Amster Yard is the perfect location to host your next event or meeting. As a recently restored historical landmark, ICNY offers a venue that is both charming and modern, providing an ideal space to make your event extra special. Our historic building and lovely garden offer everything you need to ensure a successful event. ICNY is conveniently located in vibrant Midtown Manhattan, near the 51st and 53rd St. & Lexington Ave subway stations and minutes away from Grand Central Terminal. Bus stops are also available on both 2nd & 3rd Avenues. Facility space available for rental includes our auditorium, gallery, multifunction room and Amster Yard garden. Auditorium: Our modern auditorium can accommodate 130 guests and is a perfect setting for conferences, lectures, meetings, presentations, and seminars, as well as visual and performing arts such as private performances, cultural events, award ceremonies and film premieres. The full stage is backed up with advanced video projection, sound and lighting capabilities, in addition to the availability of dressing rooms and a private restroom. State-of-the-art wireless technology and infrastructure also permit for two real-time translators allowing for events to be held in up to three languages simultaneously. Gallery: Looking out onto peaceful Amster Yard in the entrance and framed by the lively Midtown Manhattan 49th street in the back, this exhibition space is consistently showcasing exhibitions of original paintings, sculptures and mixed media by acclaimed artists and emerging new talent from around the world. The gallery offers a unique and elegant setting that is perfect for events such as gatherings and receptions for up to 80 guests. Garden: Our lovely garden located in the heart of Manhattan is the perfect setting for receptions or gatherings accompanying any other activity that takes place at ICNY. Named after James Amster, the designer that remodeled the building and garden in 1944, our historical courtyard is considered one of the most beautiful small enclosures in the Turtle Bay neighborhood. This space can comfortably hold over 100 people. Multifunction Room: ICNY can provide you with attractive office space that is perfect for training sessions, small group discussions and off-site meetings. This flexible room can accommodate working group(s) that can be configured according to your needs for up to 25 people. The multifunction room is fully furnished, equipped to handle your business needs to maximize productivity and features the latest technology, including built-in flat screens, broadband connections and white boards.




Multifunction room 43


SPANISH COURSES ¡BIENVENIDOS AL INSTITUTO CERVANTES! Welcome to the best place to learn Spanish in New York! We are very excited that the fall term is here and we are ready for it with great programs, excellent teachers and new courses for students of all ages and levels of Spanish. We are also thrilled to continue offering Spanish classes in Brooklyn. Browse through our academic program and find the course that is perfect for you!


By phone 212.308.7720 ext. 3

In person 211 East 49th Street, New York

Ana Álvarez Administrative Assistant





Adults, Kids & Teens  10-Week Courses September 29 to December 19

Adults 10-Week Courses September 29 to December 19

No classes on Sep 1 (Labor Day), Oct 13 (Columbus Day), Nov 11 (Veterans Day), Nov 27, 28 & 29 (Thanksgiving), Dec 25, 26 & 29 (Christmas) & Jan 1 (New Year)

5-Week Intensive Courses Session 1 September 3 or 2 to September 24 or 23 Session 2 September 29 or 30 to November 3 or October 30


Session 3 November 5 or 4 to December 8 or 11

Kids & Teens 10-Week Courses September 27 to December 13

By phone 212.308.7720 ext. 3

In person 211 East 49th Street, New York

Winter Spanish Camp February 17 to February 20

Spring Spanish Camp April 6 to April 10

PLACEMENT TEST New students with a prior knowledge of Spanish are required to take a placement test to assign them to the appropriate course level, available by email if requested to or in person at ICNY. The test consists of two parts: Written: a multiple choice section, followed by a short writing sample. Oral: a brief conversation with a teacher. The test is offered Monday through Thursday from 9am to 5:30pm; and Friday from 9am to 3pm. An appointment is necessary. For schedules, pricing & class descriptions: 45




All levels      This lively course helps students develop vocabulary, reinforce grammatical structures, and learn and utilize new expressions and colloquialisms. Students will improve their speaking skills and become more confident and proficient in Spanish. They will discuss current events, brainstorm to solve problems, perform role-playing exercises, and deliver oral presentations. Excerpts from movies and news clips will be used as springboards for discussion.


All levels      Designed for Spanish speakers who want to improve their Spanish grammar and vocabulary, this course will also expand your knowledge about the cultures of Spain and Latin America. Classwork includes reading and discussing relevant topics and current issues in Spain and Latin America, as well as Latino culture in the United States.


Level required: A2      Provides the basic knowledge of Spanish required to communicate easily and effectively with Spanish-speaking patients in a healthcare setting. The course focuses on the communication skills and technical vocabulary required for the reception and admission of patients, diagnostic interviews, case descriptions, and institutional procedures and processes, with an emphasis on different terminologies used in Latin America.


Level required: B1      This course is ideal for professionals of all levels who wish to learn the language and norms of business communication and business practices in the Spanish-speaking world. Students will learn how to handle a variety of day-to-day business situations and acquire the language and proper etiquette necessary to conduct business in Spanish.


Level required: B2      New course about sayings, proverbs, colloquial and idiomatic expressions used in different parts of the Spanish-speaking world. This course is designed to allow the students to expand their vocabulary while learning and deepening their cultural knowledge of countries where Spanish is spoken. It is intended to meet the students’ linguistic needs and provide them with a broader understanding of everyday expressions in the language, enjoying the language more and using expressions as Spanish native speakers do.


Level required: B2      Each week, students will read a short story, essay, or part of a novel by a renowned Spanish-speaking writer. Through reading and class discussion, students will improve their language skills, as they become acquainted with some of the most important authors in the Spanish language. Students are strongly encouraged to make use of the Jorge Luis Borges Library during this course.


Level required: B2      Watch, analyze and discuss fragments of contemporary films in Spanish, while you strengthen your Spanish comprehension, vocabulary, and conversational skills.




For Preschoolers Ages 3-5 Mis primeras palabras en español is an immersion program designed to meet the creative needs of preschoolers from both Spanish-speaking and non Spanish-speaking backgrounds. The core program includes stimulating theatre, music, drawing, and storytelling workshops. Schedule: Tuesday 10-11:30am.


Level required: A2      Are you planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country? Do you enjoy talking about traveling? Are you interested in discovering new places to visit? Learn about the rich history, as well as the artistic and culinary traditions of different parts of Spain and Latin America – and practice your Spanish at the same time!


Level required: A1      Learn how to make delicious tapas from Spain! In this 3-hour hands-on cooking workshop of Spanish gastronomy, students will travel with their senses through the Spanish geography and its rich culinary traditions.


Level required: A1      Drop by the kitchen and enjoy the aroma and flavor of three delicious Spanish desserts. These will be tasted in combination with wines that enhance and perfectly balance the flavors, helping you produce a truly unique, authentic and delectable dessert. Prior to the hands-on creation of the desserts, students will learn about the rich history and cultural significance of desserts in Spain.

Soledad López Administrative Assistant



DIPLOMA IN SPANISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE DELE The Diploma in Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE), granted by Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education is an official qualification certifying the level of competence in the Spanish language. The DELE Diploma is the only official diploma in Spanish internationally recognized by corporations, chambers of commerce, and private and public educational institutions. And on top of all, it does not expire or has to be renewed!  

The DELE is offered in April, May, July and November at Instituto Cervantes New York, as well as other examination centers throughout the US. Check online for specific dates. For more information on the DELE, including exam preparation, please call 212.308.7720 ext. 3, e-mail us at or visit

SPANISH VIRTUAL CLASSROOM AVE The ideal option for busy students that can’t commit to an on-site course to learn Spanish! Learn to express yourself properly in Spanish in a variety of situations, study all aspects of the Spanish language such as grammar, vocabulary, phonetics or spelling, and discover the broad, socio-cultural reality of the Spanish-speaking world in all its richness and diversity through our Spanish Virtual Classroom (AVE). AVE is organized into the same levels as our language courses. Each course equals 30 hours of study and you will have 3 months to complete your level. Students who successfully finish any of the AVE courses will receive a certificate of completion upon request. 

For more information on this program, call Instituto Cervantes at 212.308.7720 ext. 3, email us at, or visit to see a demo and take the placement test

SPANISH VIRTUAL CLASSROOM FOR KIDS ¡HOLA,AMIGOS! Your children can also learn Spanish online or reinforce what they already know! Through interactive games and stories, children learn Spanish vocabulary and fundamental concepts of grammar – and practice them in guided activities – on their computer at home or school.



TRAINING PROGRAMS FOR SPANISH TEACHERS The programs for teachers of Spanish organized by Instituto Cervantes aim to offer high-quality training for instructors of Spanish. The design of the activities for teachers hosted by ICNY is based on a vision of what the teacher needs to know, in a wide sense of docent competences. UPCOMING COURSES:

III Beginner’s Course for Teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language This beginners’ course focuses on developing the first stage of didactic competence in teaching Spanish. Now in its third edition, this course will help teachers navigate the Spanish classroom more effectively by developing their practical basic skills and their knowledge of the Spanish language. We will reflect on the principles of the Spanish language, analyze them from a Spanish teacher’s point of view, and provide a solid theoretical foundation for good educational practices.  

Schedule: September 26, 2014 – February 13, 2015. Friday, 6-9pm. Registration is now open! To enroll, please submit your résumé and a cover letter explaining your interest in teaching Spanish to the Academic Director: Admission will be based on your CV and the order in which applications are received. The application deadline is July 31, 2014.

Grammar: A Challenge for the Student or for the Teacher? Spanish grammar can be as difficult for the student to learn as it is for the instructor to teach. This is particularly the case with Anglophone students, or students for whom English is a second language, who in many cases are discouraged by the complexity of Spanish grammar. Being aware of these structures can significantly improve the teaching-learning process, enabling the instructor to utilize meaningful and logical techniques. There is no magic formula to learn Spanish grammar, but there are ways to make it easier for the instructor and student alike. The goal is to analyze, through communicative activities, challenging grammatical constructions and reflect on the nature of the challenges they pose. 

Schedule: October 2 – December 11, 2014. Thursday, 6-9pm.

REGISTER TODAY! Verónica Gálvez Spanish Teacher



By phone 212.308.7720 ext. 3

In person 211 East 49th Street, New York

Fall 2014 Class Schedule

A1 BEGINNER REGULAR COURSES 3 - hour classes | Once a week for 10 weeks  Starting September 29 A1.1 028 Mondays 10am - 1pm 032 Mondays 3pm - 6pm 078 Tuesdays 6pm - 9pm 059 Fridays 10am - 1pm 062 Fridays 6pm - 9pm 098 Saturdays 9am - 12pm 101 Saturdays 12pm - 3pm

$510 $510 $565 $510 $565 $565 $565

A1.2 035 071 050 063 102 070

Mondays 6pm - 9pm Tuesdays 10am - 1pm Wednesdays 6pm - 9pm Fridays 6pm - 9pm Saturdays 12pm - 3pm Tue & Thu*8am - 9:30am

$565 $510 $565 $565 $565 $510

*This course meets twice a week for an hour and a half each day.

INTENSIVE COURSES 3 - hour classes | Twice or thrice a week for 5 weeks Starting September 2 & 3 Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 008 A1.1 6pm - 9pm 001 A1.2 10am - 1pm

September 29 & 30 Mondays & Wednesdays 152 A1.1 6pm - 9pm 153 A1.2 6pm - 9pm

$565 $510

Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays 014 A1.1 10am - 1pm 020 A1.2 6pm - 9pm

$510 $565

$565 $565

Tuesdays & Thursdays 158 A1.1 10am - 1pm 159 A1.2 10am - 1pm

$510 $510

$510 $565

Tuesdays & Thursdays 191 A1.1 6pm - 9pm 185 A1.2 10am - 1pm

$565 $510

 Starting

 Starting

November 4 & 5 Mondays & Wednesdays 170 A1.1 10am - 1pm 178 A1.2 6pm - 9pm

SPECIAL FALL COURSES 10 Week courses  Starting October 2 089 A1 - Conversation



By phone 212.308.7720 ext. 3

In person 211 East 49th Street, New York


1pm - 3pm

Carlos González Spanish Teacher



Fall 2014 Class Schedule

A2 ADVANCED BEGINNER REGULAR COURSES 3 - hour classes | Once a week for 10 weeks  Starting September 29 A2.1 043 Wednesdays 10am - 1pm 051 Wednesdays 6pm - 9pm 064 Fridays 6pm - 9pm 103 Saturdays 12pm - 3pm

$510 $565 $565 $565

A2.2 072 079 052 099

$510 $565 $565 $565

Tuesdays 10am - 1pm Tuesdays 6pm - 9pm Wednesdays 6pm - 9pm Saturdays 9am - 12pm

A2.3 036 044 046 060 104

Mondays 6pm - 9pm Wednesdays 10am - 1pm Wednesdays 12pm - 3pm Fridays 10am - 1pm Saturdays 12pm - 3pm

$565 $510 $510 $510 $565

INTENSIVE COURSES 3 - hour classes | Twice or thrice a week for 5 weeks  Starting September 2 & 3 Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 002 A2.1 10am - 1pm 009 A2.2 6pm - 9pm 003 A2.3 10am - 1pm 010 A2.3 6pm - 9pm

$510 $565 $510 $565

 Starting September 29 & 30 Mondays & Wednesdays 113 A2.1 10am - 1pm 114 A2.2 10am - 1pm 154 A2.3 6pm - 9pm

November 4 & 5 Mondays & Wednesdays 179 A2.1 6pm - 9pm 171 A2.2 10am - 1pm 172 A2.3 10am - 1pm

Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays 021 A2.1 6pm - 9pm 015 A2.2 10am - 1pm

$565 $510

$510 $510 $565

Tuesdays & Thursdays 165 A2.1 6pm - 9pm 166 A2.2 6pm - 9pm 160 A2.3 10am - 1pm

$565 $565 $510

$565 $510 $510

Tuesdays & Thursdays 186 A2.1 10am - 6pm 192 A2.2 6pm - 9pm 193 A2.3 6pm - 9pm

$510 $565 $565

 Starting

SPECIAL FALL COURSES 10 Week courses  Starting September 29 027 A2 - Conversation 034 A2 - Conversation 047 A2 - Conversation 088 Spanish for Medical Personnel

Mondays 9am - 12pm Mondays 6pm - 8pm Wednesdays 1pm - 3pm Thursdays 12pm - 3pm


$565 $375 $375 $565

Fall 2014 Class Schedule

B1 INTERMEDIATE REGULAR COURSES 3 - hour classes | Once a week for 10 weeks  Starting September 29 B1.1 026 Mondays 9am - 12pm 080 Tuesdays 6pm - 9pm 092 Thursdays 6pm-9pm

$510 $565 $565

B1.2 076 053 086 105

$510 $565 $510 $565

Tuesdays 3pm - 6pm Wednesdays 6pm - 9pm Thursdays 10am - 1pm Saturdays 12pm - 3pm

B1.3 029 054 092 B1.4 030 037 211 B1.5 073 081 106

Mondays 10am - 1pm Wednesdays 6pm - 9pm Thursdays 6pm - 9pm

$510 $565 $565

Mondays 10am - 1pm Mondays 6pm - 9pm Saturdays 12pm - 3pm

$510 $565 $565

Tuesdays 10am - 1pm Tuesdays 6pm - 9pm Saturdays 12pm - 3pm

$510 $565 $565

INTENSIVE COURSES 3 - hour classes | Twice or thrice a week for 5 weeks  Starting September 2 & 3 Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 004 B1.1 10am - 1pm 005 B1.2 10am - 1pm 011 B1.3 6pm - 9pm 012 B1.4 6pm - 9pm

$510 $510 $565 $565

 Starting September 29 & 30 Mondays & Wednesdays 115 B1.1 10am - 1pm 155 B1.1 6pm - 9pm 116 B1.2 10am - 1pm 117 B1.3 10am - 1pm 156 B1.4 6pm - 9pm 157 B1.5 6pm - 9pm

$510 $565 $510 $510 $565 $565

 Starting November 4 & 5 Mondays & Wednesdays 180 B1.1 6pm - 9pm 173 B1.2 10am - 1pm 181 B1.2 6pm - 9pm 174 B1.3 10am - 1pm 175 B1.4 10am - 1pm 182 B1.5 6pm - 9pm

$565 $510 $565 $510 $510 $565

Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays 022 B1.1 6pm - 9pm 016 B1.3 10am - 1pm 017 B1.4 10am - 1pm

$565 $510 $510

Tuesdays & Thursdays 167 B1.2 6pm - 9pm 161 B1.4 10am - 1pm 162 B1.5 10am - 1pm

$565 $510 $510

Tuesdays & Thursdays 187 B1.1 10am - 1pm 194 B1.3 6pm - 9pm 188 B1.5 10am - 1pm

$510 $565 $510

SPECIAL FALL COURSES 10 Week courses  Starting September 29 049 B1 - Conversation 058 B1 - Conversation 084 B1 - Spanish for Business

Wednesday 6pm - 8pm Friday 10am - 12pm Tuesdays 6pm - 9pm 52

$375 $375 $565

Fall 2014 Class Schedule

B2 ADVANCED REGULAR COURSES 3 - hour classes | Once a week for 10 weeks  Starting September 29 B2.1 042 Wednesdays 9am - 12pm 093 Thursdays 6pm - 9pm

$510 $565

B2.2 038 082 090

$565 $565 $510

Mondays 6pm - 9pm Tuesdays 6pm - 9pm Thursdays 3pm - 6pm

B2.3 094

Thursdays 6pm - 9pm


B2.4 095 107

Thursdays6pm - 9pm Saturdays 12pm - 3pm

$565 $565

B2.5 065

Fridays 6pm - 9pm


INTENSIVE COURSES 3 - hour classes | Twice or thrice a week for 5 weeks  Starting September 2 & 3 Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 006 B2.1 10am - 1pm 013 B2.2 6pm - 9pm 007 B2.5 10am - 1pm

$510 $565 $510

 Starting September 29 & 30 Mondays & Wednesdays 118 B2.2 10am - 1pm 209 B2.3 6pm - 9pm

November 4 & 5 Mondays & Wednesdays 183 B2.1 6pm - 9pm 176 B2.3 10am - 1pm 184 B2.4 6pm - 9pm

Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays 023 B2.1 6pm - 9pm 018 B2.2 10am - 1pm 024 B2.3 6pm - 9pm

$565 $510 $565

$510 $565

Tuesdays & Thursdays 168 B2.2 6pm - 9pm 163 B2.3 10am - 1pm 169 B2.4 6pm - 9pm

$565 $510 $565

$565 $510 $565

Tuesdays & Thursdays 189 B2.1 10am - 1pm 195 B2.3 6pm - 9pm 190 B2.4 10am - 1pm 196 B2.5 6pm - 9pm

$510 $565 $510 $565

 Starting

SPECIAL FALL COURSES 10 Week courses  Starting

100 045 056 031 091 067

September 29 B2 - Spanish Idioms B2 - Book Club B2 - Book Club B2 - Conversation B2 - Conversation B2 - Cinema

Saturdays 9am - 12pm Wednesdays 11am - 2pm Wednesday 6pm - 9pm Mondays 1pm - 3pm Thursdays 6pm - 8pm Fridays 6pm - 9pm


$565 $565 $565 $375 $375 $565

Fall 2014 Class Schedule

C1 SUPERIOR REGULAR COURSES 3 - hour classes | Once a week for 10 weeks  Starting September 29 C1.1 083 Tuesdays 6pm - 9pm


C1.2 039 108

C1.4 040 085

Mondays 6pm - 9pm Thursdays 9am - 12pm

$565 $510

$565 $565

C1.5 087

Thursdays10am - 1pm


Mondays 6pm - 9pm Saturdays12pm - 3pm

INTENSIVE COURSES 3 - hour classes | Twice or thrice a week for 5 weeks  Starting September 2 & 3 Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays 019 C1.5 10am - 1pm


 Starting September 29 & 30 Mondays & Wednesdays 119 C1.1 10am - 1pm


 Starting November 4 & 5 Mondays & Wednesdays 177 C1.2 10am - 1pm


Tuesdays & Thursdays 164 C1.6 10am - 1pm


SPECIAL FALL COURSES 10 Week courses  Starting September 29 077 C1 - Conversation 210 C1 - Book Club 074 C2 - Perfeccionamiento 048 C2 - Perfeccionamiento 055 C2 - Perfeccionamiento 061 C2 - Perfeccionamiento 212 C2 - Perfeccionamiento

Tuesdays 6pm - 8pm Saturdays 12pm - 3pm Tuesdays 10am - 1pm Wednesdays 12pm - 3pm Wednesdays 6pm - 9pm Fridays 10am - 1pm Saturdays 9am-12pm

Celia Pérez-Ventura Spanish Teacher


$375 $565 $565 $565 $565 $565 $565

Fall 2014 Class Schedule

GRAMMAR WORKSHOPS 147 144 143 145 146 148

A2 A2.3 B1 B1-B2 B1.2 B2

Unstressed Object Pronouns Past Tense Tackling Ser & Estar Spanish Prepositions Understanding the Subjunctive I Understanding the Subjunctive II

Thursday, November 13 6pm - 9pm Saturday, October 25 9am - 12pm Tuesday, October 7 6pm - 9pm Thursday, October 2310am - 1pm Saturday, November 1 6pm - 9pm Friday, November 7, 10am-1pm

$57 $57 $57 $57 $57 $57

Are you staying for dinner? - Tapas Casual Friday I am bringing dessert - Desserts Travel to the Spanish world Spanish for Medical Personnel Casual Friday Are you staying for dinner? - Tapas I am bringing dessert - Desserts Casual Friday

Friday, October 10, 11am - 2pm Friday, October 10, 6:30pm - 8:30pm Friday, October 24, 6pm - 9pm Friday, October 31, 6pm - 9pm Friday, November 7, 12pm - 3pm Friday, November 7, 6:30pm - 8:30pm Friday, November 14, 6pm - 9pm Friday, December 5, 11am - 2pm Friday, December 5, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

$75 $20 $75 $57 $75 $20 $75 $75 $20

WORKSHOPS 197 149 199 201 202 150 198 200 151

All levels All levels All levels B1 A2 All levels All levels All levels All levels

KIDS & TEENS COURSES REGULAR COURSES 1.5 - hour classes | Once a week for 10 weeks ď ł Starting September 27 205 Ages 4-17 206 Ages 4-17 207 Ages 4-17 203 Ages 4-17 208 Age 3 - My First Words in Spanish 204 Ages 4-17

Saturdays 10am - 11:30am Saturdays 11:45am - 1:15pm Saturdays 1:30pm - 3pm Mondays 4:30pm - 6pm Tuesdays 10am - 11:30am Wednesdays 4:30pm - 6pm

Daniela Matus Spanish Teacher


$370 $370 $370 $370 $435 $370

Fall 2014 Class Schedule

ICNY IN BROOKLYN REGULAR COURSES 3 - hour classes | Once a week for 10 weeks  Starting

September 27

A1.1 123 131

Tuesdays 6pm - 9pm Saturdays9am - 12pm

$565 $565

B1.1 137

Saturdays 12pm - 3pm


A1.2 124 136

B1.2 128

Tuesdays 6pm - 9pm Saturdays 12pm - 3pm

$565 $565

Wednesdays 6pm - 9pm


B1.4 121

A2.1 125 132

Mondays 6pm - 9pm


Tuesdays 6pm - 9pm Saturdays 9am - 12pm

$565 $565

B2.1 138

Saturdays 12pm - 3pm


A2.2 120

Mondays 6pm - 9pm


B2.2 122

Mondays 6pm - 9pm


A2.3 127

Wednesdays 6pm - 9pm


C1.1 133

Saturdays 9am - 12pm


SPECIAL FALL COURSES 10 Week courses  Starting September 27 130 A2 - Conversation 134 B2 - Conversation 126 B2 - Book Club

Saturdays 9am - 10:30am Saturdays 10:45am - 12:15pm Tuesdays 6pm - 9pm

$282 $282 $565

KIDS & TEENS COURSES IN BROOKLYN REGULAR COURSES 1.5 - hour classes | Once a week for 10 weeks  Starting

139 141

September 27 Ages 4-17 Ages 4-17

Saturdays 9am - 10:30am Saturdays 11:45am - 1:15pm


$370 $370

Wine Program


 Thursdays, 6pm-9pm (Fall 2014)  Single tasting $95 | Three tastings $275* | Six tastings $540*  In English

This year marks the 15th Anniversary of the WINE TASTING PROGRAM AT INSTITUTO CERVANTES. Started in 1999 by wine writer and educator Helio San Miguel, our successful wine program covers all the major wines areas, grape varieties, winemakers, and wine styles of Spain. Since its inception, the Instituto Cervantes Wine Program has been a privileged witness of the unprecedented revolution that is taking place in Spain since the early 1990s, where a new generation of ambitious winemakers is transforming the country’s wine landscape. They have RECOVERED forgotten grape varieties, DISCOVERED new regions, and crafted INNOVATIVE wines, from outstanding values to internationally sough-after cult wines that have garnered the highest accolades from the most influential critics. During these fifteen years the Instituto Cervantes Wine Program has become the reference point to taste the best Spanish wines and to keep pace with the latest developments, even before they’re discovered by the American press. Following on this tradition, the 2014 FALL Season offers an ambitious series of tasting seminars with an outstanding selection of wines. 12 different wines will be tasted in each individual seminar. ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR Helio San Miguel was born in Madrid. He is the New York Correspondent of Club de Gourmets, Spain’s leading wine and food magazine, and a frequent contributor to publications in English and Spanish. For a complete list of wine seminars being offered this fall, please visit: REGISTRATION:


By phone 212.308.7720 ext. 3

In person 211 East 49th Street, New York

*Please note that the discounts are based on the number of wine seminars attended and not on the number of tickets purchased.




Carlos David y Sarah Rubio


LIBRARY JORGE LUIS BORGES Library Hours Tuesday and Wednesday 11:30am -7:30pm Thursday and Friday 12:00pm – 7:00pm Saturday 10:00am – 1:30pm Sunday and Monday closed

Horario de la biblioteca Martes y miércoles 11:30pm -7:30pm Jueves y viernes 12:00pm – 7:00pm Sábado 10:00am – 1:30pm Domingo y lunes cerrada

The library, located in the heart of Manhattan, offers reference services, bibliographic information, loans and inter-library loans, an online catalog, and internet access.

La Biblioteca Jorge Luis Borges, situada en pleno corazón de Manhattan, ofrece servicios de consulta en sala, información bibliográfica, préstamo interbibliotecario, descarga de audiolibros y consulta de catálogo en línea.

Access to the library’s facilities and collections is free and open to the public with lending privileges available for ICNY members. 85,000 volumes including books, magazines, audiovisual and multimedia materials.

El acceso a sus instalaciones y la consulta de su colección es pública y gratuita; para utilizar el servicio de préstamo es necesario ser socio del ICNY.

Due to the focus of the library most of the material is in Spanish or the other official languages of Spain (Basque, Catalan or Galician).

85.000 volúmenes entre monografías, publicaciones periódicas, audiovisuales y multimedia. Por su especialización, predominan los documentos en lengua española y en las lenguas co-oficiales de España (catalán, gallego y vasco).

Resource center for the study and teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.

Centro de recursos para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera.

The most outstanding collections of the library are in the areas of Spanish and Spanish American literature & cinema, with more than 5,000 feature films and documentaries.

En las colecciones destacan las secciones de literatura española e hispanoamericana clásica y contemporánea, y la videoteca con más de 5000 películas y documentales, muy especializada y única en su género.

Children’s and Young Adult literature. The library is a resource for all types of users: students at all levels, from elementary to graduate school, students of Spanish as a foreign language, professors and researchers as well as the general public.

Literatura infantil y juvenil. Todo tipo de usuarios, usuarios generales, estudiantes, estudiantes de español, hispanistas, profesores e investigadores, visitan la biblioteca.

Electronic Library A new lending service for ICNY members!

Biblioteca electrónica ¡Un nuevo servicio para los socios del ICNY!

The electronic collection includes audiobooks, e-books, video stories, along with access to databases, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, magazines and newspapers.

La colección electrónica incluye audiolibros, libros electrónicos, videocuentos, y acceso a bases de datos, enciclopedias, diccionarios y prensa digital.

Anyone with an ICNY membership card and connection to internet can access the platform and download or borrow an e-book. 59

Los usuarios registrados con conexión a Internet pueden acceder a la colección electrónica del Instituto Cervantes y descargar o tomar en préstamo un libro electrónico.


BROOKLYN BOOK FESTIVAL  Sunday, September 21, 2014, 10am-6pm  Brooklyn Borough Hall

209 Joralemon Street Brooklyn, New York 11201

The Brooklyn Book Festival is the largest free literary event in New York City, playing host to international literary figures, exciting new authors, independent press, and cultural organizations. One of America’s premier book festivals, it attracts over 40,000 visitors a year. Join Instituto Cervantes at Borough Hall as we celebrate diversity, literature, and culture! La Feria del libro de Brooklyn es el mayor evento literario gratuito en la ciudad de Nueva York, acoge a figuras literarias internacionales, nuevos autores, prensa independiente, y organizaciones culturales. Una de las ferias del libro más importante de los Estados Unidos, que atrae a más de 40.000 visitantes. El Instituto Cervantes estará en el Borough Hall para celebrar la diversidad, la literatura y la cultura. ¡Únete a nosotros!


REVIEW 89 THE AMERICAS IN NEW YORK: WRITING AND ARTS IN LA GRAN MANZANA On March 6, 2014, ICNY hosted an encounter between singer & composer Rubén Blades and author Edgar Borges, in which literature and music came together to create a space in which to share memories, readings, and social perspectives.

El 6 de marzo de 2014, el ICNY presentó un encuentro entre el cantante y compositor Rubén Blades y el escritor Edgar Borges. Literatura y música crearon un espacio para compartir recuerdos, lecturas y perspectivas sociales.

ICNY will now be part of Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas, no.89, by contributing the text of this encounter. This issue, guest-edited by Nicolás Kanellos (University of Houston), features essays, creative texts, book reviews and art focusing on the rich relationship between contemporary Latino writers and artists and the “Gran Manzana” and celebrates their significant contribution to the cultural wealth of New York and the United States.

Ahora en Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas, no.89 estará presente el ICNY aportando el texto de esta conversación. La revista, editada por Nicolás Kanellos (University of Houston), compila ensayos, textos creativos, reseñas, y arte que exploran la rica relación entre escritores y artistas latinos y “la Gran Manzana”. También celebra la enorme contribución de ellos a la riqueza cultural de Nueva York y los Estados Unidos.

To access Review 89 online, or obtain a printed copy, or to subscribe to Review, visit: literature#review_magazine.

Para acceder a Review 89 en línea, obtener una copia impresa, o subscribirse a Review, visite: literature#review_magazine.

Cover image: Marta Minujín, 1968. Courtesy of the artist. Design: José Pablo Negroni.




WITH THE BEST PLACE IN NYC TO LEARN SPANISH!  Wednesday, September 10, 4—7pm

A new school year begins and we want to be your one and only option to learn Spanish in the city. Join us on September 10th and you’ll understand why Instituto Cervantes is the place for you! Sit in on a free trial class for yourself or your child and see first-hand why our instructors are the best in New York. Take a free placement test with no obligation and find out your level. Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to learn what we have to offer and how we do it! We’ll also have guided tours of our Jorge Luis Borges Library, which houses one of the best collections of Spanish language materials in the country with approximately 85,000 items in a variety of formats. As an ICNY student, you will receive a complimentary membership for the duration of your course, which will not only allow you to access our fabulous library, but will also provide you with discounts to ICNY activities, Spanish theaters, restaurants and more! Are you also a fan of Spanish gastronomy and culture? This Open House is definitely for you! Hope to see you there!


308 7720

211 East 49th Street New York , NY 10017

 212

 

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