Stories with feeling Instituto Cervantes New York
Educating emotions
New York, September 19th, 2015
Open Cultura Program
Open Culture offers creative workshops and seminars. A workspace that multiplies our experiences, improves our Spanish and widens our knowledge: an open space that stimulates creativity and better learning.
This 4-hour workshop is divided in two sections: Theory: Discussion of the emotional competencies that children need to develop in order to have an appropriate level of wellbeing and happiness. Practice: Practical application of stories used in the process of emotional education.
Methodology The workshop is designed to be flexible and open to the needs of the participants, drawing from their personal experience and collaborative work. We will work from stories selected by the author for their demonstrated utility in developing practical abilities. The workshop Cuentos para sentir (Stories with feeling) uses stories to teach children to develop the emotional competencies and abilities needed to achieve wellbeing and happiness. Research shows the importance of understanding a person’s emotional world in order to nurture an appropriate level of physical and mental wellbeing. Reading helps us to understand our most intense emotions as well as the emotional worlds of others, providing strong support for emotional education.
Objectives Emotional education is centered on the development of four areas of competence: emotional awareness, emotional control, emotional autonomy and social competency.
Workshop coordinator BegoĂąa Ibarrola is a psychologist and writer. She worked for 19 years as a music therapist with children and adolescents with mental disabilities in Madrid. At present she dedicates herself to writing, researching, teaching courses and lecturing on music therapy, emotional intelligence and emotional education in educational institutions and other organizations. For 38 years she has been a trainer of teachers and families. She is co-author of the two emotional intelligence programs Sentir y Pensar from the publisher SM and has published 185 short stories that have been translated into six languages.