iCoach Magazine Issue 1: LOVE

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Rising Together Welcome to the First Issue of iCoach Network Online Magazine! And we’re launching it with a beautiful theme... LOVE! We’ve got coaches from around the world chiming in on everything from your Relationships to your Business and infusing it all with this undercurrent of the Universal Language of Love. For me it was a no-brainer to pick the theme, aside from the obvious connection to Valentine’s Day. See Founding the iCoach Network for me has been all about love. I had a vision for a group of Like-Minded individuals, creating big Dreams for themselves and their clients, all coming together not to compete but to collaborate, support and yes, LOVE each other. From Day One our motto has been “As One Rises, We Lift Each Other Up”. We give with abundance to each other every day. So you see, the first Issue had to be about love. It’s what we stand for at iCoach Network each and every day. This magazine is a vehicle for us to share all of our collective wisdom with the world. Read it, enjoy it and then please, share it. With Love & Light, Stacy Nelson, Founder iCoachNetwork.com P.S. We’ve got a limited number of sponsorship spots still available. Email us at info@icoachnetwork.com for the deets...


IN THIS ISSUE... COVER STORY: Open Up To Love ... Todd Creager


Love & Belonging ... Julia Maria Lloyd


Business Love Meter: How Do You Score? ... Dayhna Carroll


Falling Down the Rabbit Hole ... Tricia Dycka


FEATURE ARTICLE: Natural Evolution of Relationships ... Monika Burwise


iCoach Network Book Club ... iCoach Authors


For the Love of Chocolate ... Stephanie Merchant


A Heart Full of Love Meditation ... Renee Vos de Wael


Love Your Market & You’ll Get More of Them ... Kelly McCausey



iCoach Spotlight

A couple of FYI’s... Yes, it’s the small print! First off - none of the articles in this magazine, including the cover, were paid for. This is not and will never be a Pay-To-Pay because I am dedicated to supporting our membership first by promoting their awesomeness and to our readership second by delivering the best content we can. The advertisements on the other hand are either paid for by our sponsors or are affiliate links that will help offset the expense of publishing this monthly Magazine so we can keep it as free and easily distributable. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact our team at Info@iCoachNetwork.com

“I don’t only believe in love; I am convinced that the energy of love is there, always there but we need to tune into it to experience it.”

2013: THE YEAR TO OPEN UP TO LOVE! You don’t mean to do it- to close down and protect yourself from getting hurt, abandoned or having any other future catastrophe happen. You don’t mean to protect yourself because of your past history; you probably were hurt before, mistreated, ignored or even betrayed. You don’t mean to do it; but you do. The truth is we all do to one degree or another.

“this is one of many paradoxes in life. As long as you are willing to lose, get hurt, etc., you will feel loved.”

That is what we do. Our brains are set up to protect ourselves from harm; in the days of pre-civilization we protected ourselves from death; in more modern times we protect ourselves from anything that symbolizes death to our psychebut here is the catch. An irritated look from your partner can be experienced by your brain in the same way there is a true life and death experience. In other words, your brain is set up to protect yourself from something that symbolizes death to it, even temporary loss of approval. You get that irritated look from him and your brain (actually the brain structure called the amygdala to be more specific) sets off its alarm system and you close down, wall up and pro

tect yourself the way you might have in precivilization days when a lion was running after you! You don’t mean to close down, but you do, and when you do, you close down to love. Love exists! As Marianne Williamson in her book, “A Return to Love,” says- “You either believe in love or you believe in nothing.” I don’t only believe in love; I am convinced that the energy of love is there, always there but we need to tune into it to experience it. I am convinced not only because of my own experience but how the individuals and couples I see and help have inspired me by showing great capacity for love even in the toughest of times. Since love exists, then why not open up to the experience? I have learned that in order to truly love another, you need to “FEEL LOVED.” Feeling loved is the most important thing you could do in life since everything else will flow from that energy state. Literally and metaphorically open your heart and imagine this loving energy “frequency” that is all around you enter your open heart and permeate your entire body. Feel loved by the universe, nature, your family and friends (even if in their own limitations they cannot show it perfectly), God and of course yourself. Throughout the day, become aware when you are closing. Feel your wall, your selfprotection and then open your heart anyway. Go opposite your fear reflex and face your fear (of loss, real or symbolic) and be willing to lose so that you can have. Yes, this is one

of many paradoxes in life. As long as you are willing to lose, get hurt, etc., you will feel loved. Unconscious self protection blocks the very life energy that will give you the love you want in your life. Now from this energy of feeling loved, you can truly love another. If you have a partner, experiment with this experience. When you feel loved, you can risk more with your partner. You can be more vulnerable, be more playful and me more emotionally generous. You can give even if your partner is holding back because you have overcome your fear. This type of love-based giving can change negative patterns in relationships quickly. Breakthroughs in relationship happen when one or both partners have a breakthrough of their own. The good news is you can continually open your heart to love.

This is not an escape from pain. As a matter of fact, when you open your heart to feeling loved, you may experience your painful feelings more (another paradox). The difference here is you don’t let your painful feelings push you around or close you off. You stay open to life, your relationship and your entire experience. The pain is just temporary but the love is permanent. Yes, love is there waiting for you to experience it. Tune in to that frequency and return to it as soon as you become aware


that you unconsciously changed the channel! From here, you can be that compassionate, loving and courageous person you truly are. Keep dipping into that endless well of love and then love your partner (and everyone else) as fully as you can.

Todd Creager is a relationship and sex expert who is in private practice in Huntington Beach. He is the author of the highly acclaimed book, “The Long Hot Marriage.” He has been on TV and radio including KCAL 9 news, the Fox Morning News, playboy radio and coming up in early 2013, he will be the therapist on the show “Unfaithful” which is on the Oprah Winfrey Network.


LOVE & BELONGING It’s that same love that when applied to ourselves, makes us feel like we’re finally home… we belong.

Have you ever wanted anything so badly that you’d do just about anything to get it? As far back as I can remember, from the time I was a little girl in Poland, for me that something was to feel like I belonged…at school, at home, in my family, in my country…in my heart. I didn’t feel I belonged anywhere. set out on a lifelong quest to find that feeling of home. It took me to many countries, many cities, many people, yet it remained elusive, like a wild cat in the forest. It turns out that what I’ve been looking for has always been here. What’s more, it’s always been here within my heart, and not in a distant land, or another person. It’s uncanny how the things that make the most profound difference in our lives, are usually really very simple, like love, for example. I’m not talking about romantic love right now, but that love in our heart that keeps us anchored to the shores of our daily existence; the one that keeps us getting up every morning, and making sure that the kids have enough to eat, and the old neighbor down the street has someone to say hello to.

I found that love within, after many years of searching. Funnily enough, it came at what seemed to be one of the lowest points in my life, that moment of surrender, when I didn’t think I could take another step, and I cried out for help. That was the turning point for me, and it burst my heart right open, and the love started to pour in…and then out, in the never ending universal exchange. I’m telling you all this, because this quest for love is not just my personal thing, but seems to be a universal one. It is what we’ve been programmed to do: find the love in our hearts! It’s in our DNA, it seems. As it turns out, truly connecting to one’s heart opens up a whole new window to the World, the Universe…to God, whatever you wish to call it, and changes everything. It’s that simple….really. I’ve never been a religious person, but have always believed there is something bigger than each one of us, something awesomely magnificent, capable of creating this absolute perfection we call our planet, and everything on it! Up to two years ago, though, I’d never felt any direct evidence of that presence in my life. Note that I said ‘I’d never felt it’, rather than ‘it wasn’t there’. This really is the key, because as it turns out, that presence is always there, everywhere, in every flower, in every blade of grass, in every living being….we just don’t see it, don’t feel it, and therefore assume it doesn’t exist. Every single being comes into this world with every8

thing they will ever need in their lifetime. All the gifts and talents, all the love and wisdom, all the beauty…everything is already there, inside of us. The disconnect and separation starts to happen when, as children, we’re told that we don’t fit the mold, whichever mold it happens to be: our community’s, our family’s, our church’s, and so on. We stop trusting ourselves, stop looking inside for guidance, and start relying on the outside approval and inspiration. This approach never really works. It creates a lot of shame, guilt, disconnect, boredom, and sometimes even anger, rage and violence. It’s time to abandon this model, and truly reconnect with our hearts, with the love inside, and through it, with the Universal Energy and with God. I’m talking about the God within each of us, the Divine within, that we all have access to, that window into our eternal soul that we so long to take a peek at. Julia Maria Lloyd, is a master healer, author. An excerpt from the Introduction to my upcoming book “Pray and Move your Feet” (A tale of soul-tripping, road-tripping and living your bliss).


THE BUSINESS LOVE METER: HOW DO YOU SCORE? 2. Do you Love what you do in your business? 3. Do you Love what your business does for its customer base? 4. Do you Love what your business can do? (Stretch your imagination beyond the realm of reality for this one.) Love should be present in your business. Whether you have a lucrative enterprise or a start-up; from time to time it’s important to gauge how much love you really have for your business. In order to maximize your sustainability, being in love with your business is crucial to your growth.

5. Do you understand your business’ lifecycle and do you embrace it? Now, add up your numbers. If you scored between 36-50, Congrats! You and your business have a beautiful love affair!

If you scored between 20-35, you have love for your business, but rethinking how to infuse Are you relentless when it comes to your busi- more passion, would make the tie stronger. ness? Does your business feel like its “getIf you scored below a 20, then it is time to reting in the way” of your personal life? Do you vamp or reconsider the business you are in, have to drop everything when a client calls? and a great coach can help you figure it out. Are you constantly stressing about the Next? It is great to be committed, but if there is no Loving what you do is the key to purely servlove behind that commitment, you may be tee- ing your fellow man. And when you serve selftering on disaster. lessly, abundance, prosperity and love will constantly flow. Take this test and learn where you are on the Business Love Meter. When answering each Dayhna Carroll is a business coach and question, give yourself a score of 1-10, 10 be- consultant. She arms entrepreneurs with the ing the highest. emotional and tactical tools to overcome challenges with launching, stabilizing, and grow1. Does your business fit into your ideal life ing their businesses. purpose?


FALLING DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE asked for help in several circles and it was there so that I could move forward. How do you handle life when the proverbial s**t hits the fan? 1- Stop the mind torture. Whatever it is that is falling to crap in your life right now, is it worth torturing yourself? Have you caught yourself falling down the rabbit hole? Everything has gone to crap yet somehow you have to find the strength to continue moving forward? You feel like hiding under the covers is the best course of action?

2- If it is that important what can you do right now in this moment that will change the situation or your reaction to it?

3- How can you keep your business moving while dealing with your issues? Having people close to you that can step in is a How many times have you caught yourself huge relief so that things will continue movasking can this get any worse? My best ad- ing while you might be losing your mind. vice to you is get off the hamster wheel in 4- Allow your emotions to be there. Are your head and take some serious time to you feeling anger, sadness, fear, uncerfigure out what will help you out in this motainty? Rejecting or resisting will only magment. nify the situation. My mom had a heart attack last summer. I got the call and went into crazy mode just running with no real direction. I needed to get to get to the hospital. Once there I waited to see what was going on. It is the waiting part I am not good at. I DO NOT have the patience for it. After that I knew what the priority was and thank god for the support network I had.

5- Time to allow you to heal and take care of yourself. That is self love to its fullest extent. Tricia Dycka uses her skills as a Reiki Master to work with clients world-wide as an intuitive healer. Her mission is to help others go from stuck to the next step and moving on to a new direction and finally‌‌to freedom. 11

“A s w e g r o w i n wisdom with regard to relationships and ourselves, our partner and relationship will transform to maintain the optimum dynamics for our personal growth.”

THE NATURAL EVOLUTION OF RELATIONSHIPS The natural evolution of relationships is something that many people have difficulty dealing with. Most of us recognize that life is a journey, a process of personal evolution, and that every experience is geared towards our growth somehow. Why then are we resistant to viewing relationships with the same openness and flexibility? Simply because unrealistic fantasies, myths and illusions are still all too common in the arena of relationships. Although we may be seeking any number of things in a relationship, until we realize that relationships are most fundamentally concerned with growth, conflict is likely to interfere with intimacy and our sense of happiness.

“Just like we do, relationships evolve.”

One of the most prevalent fantasies is the concept of an “ideal” or perfect partner or relationship. You choose your partner for specific traits, qualities or values, according to your perception of their value based your own lack of them. The catch is that each quality or trait involves as many drawbacks for us as it does benefits.

Such statements indicate unrealistic expectations of partners and relationships that are just dead wrong. Just like we do, relationships evolve.

When we truly understand that relationships evolve over time from an expression of our juvenile attachment to singled out qualities and traits, to a more mature unconditional acceptance of each other, we are unlikely to mistake this stable maturity for a lack of excitement. We recognize and When we recognize this we begin to let go value the depth of intimacy in this type of of the labels and attachments we have derelationship. veloped, and open up to the possibility that we also have these traits. People who are addicted to emotional states, or who are clinging to unrealistic fanA perfect example is an insecure and timid tasy ideals tend to feel something missing person being infatuated with another’s conas their relationships mature, and often do fidence and certainty. In such a partnersomething to “rock the boat” in an attempt ship it would not be long before the inseto get back the feeling of excitement they cure person begins to feel overshadowed had in the early stages of the relationship. and even dominated or controlled by the other’s confidence and certainty, which in We have an opportunity to learn from each truth is providing them with the stimulus to partner we choose, so there is no such assert them selves. If resistant to growth thing as a “good” or “bad” relationship. A we are likely to take the role of victim, lay client of mine who had a pattern of abusive blame and feel resentful towards the other past relationships was only able to escape for simply being who they are, but if we are the recurring pattern when she recognized aware enough we will recognize the growth that it was linked to her poor self-image stimulating dynamics and appreciate our and disempowerment in certain areas of partner for their role in our development. her life. When she realized that the abuse acted as the stimulus she needed to finally How often do we hear statements like “they declare to herself that she deserved better are not the person we fell in love with”, or (and really mean it), she felt no need to “it’s not like it was in the beginning”? blame or forgive her partner, and to her sur-


prise new dynamics replaced the abuse in her relationship.

With a range of specialist training and more than 4 decades of combined experience in human dynamics, personal empowAs we grow in wisdom with regard to relaerment and spiritual development, Graham tionships and ourselves, our partner and & Monika Burwise are uniquely able to relationship will transform to maintain the share their experience and wisdom with optimum dynamics for our personal profound clarity and expert precision, allowgrowth. ing you to immediately begin applying it in your own life to create powerful shifts in consciousness and positive transformation in all areas of your life.


“Love is the essential existential fact. It is our ultimate reality and our purpose on earth.”



In honor of our theme of LOVE this month, we’ve chosen a classic and always relevant ‘A Return To Love” by Marianne Williamson. Join in on the discussion and of course all the yummy quotations throughout the book on our public Facebook page Facebook.com/iCoachNetwork .






FOR THE LOVE OF CHOCOLATE amounts of dark chocolate helps improve health in much the same way as exercising. Eating small amounts of dark chocolate and combining it with regular exercise helps boosts performance by 50%. A study by the Wayne State University, Detroit, has found that chocolate contains a plant compound called epicatechin that promotes muscle growth in much the same way as any vigorous activity like jogging. Aerobic exercise, such as cycling or running, increases the number of mitoSo soon after our New Year chondria present in muscle cells. Researchresolutions - we are hit with ers found that epicatechin appears to prochocolate, chocolate everyduce the same response – especially in the where! But, wait, can it be heart and skeletal muscles. healthy to indulge? Studies actually show that dark chocolate (I recommend 72% or darker) contributes to improved cardiovascular health. Dark chocolate is packed with natural antioxidants and falls into the same category as green tea and blueberries. What does that mean? Antioxidants protect your body and promote good health. Remember chocolate is actually a plant-based food. The main ingredient in chocolate is cocoa beans - the seeds of the fruit of the cacao tree. But, here is something you might not have expected - Indulging in dark chocolate can be as good for your health as exercise. WHAT?!? Yes, you can thank me later. According to US scientists, having moderate

IF that was not enough to have you reaching for some chocolate this month – there’s more! Chocolate is also known as the love drug. Scientists believe chocolate makes you happy because it contains phenylethylamine, a chemical that plays a role when falling in love and feeling passion. WooHoo! I want to reach for some right now. So, as a recap without the scientific jargon, enjoy chocolate for your health and happiness. Who says eating healthy is not fun? Now that I gave you the official go-ahead, time to share a recipe...



Ingredients 3 c u p s r a w w a l n u t s
 1 cup of soaked and pitted dates
 5 o r g a n i c s t r a w b e r r i e s
 6 Tbsp Raw Cacao Powder Topping Suggestions: Shredded Organic Unsweetened Coconut, Cinnamon, Chopped Nuts of Choice

Directions Blend walnuts in food processor. Add in dates and strawberries Add cacao & continue to blend until all mixed well Remove mixture to a bowl and place in the freezer for about a half hour to stiffen up

Stephanie Merchant is “The Nutrition Mom.” She is the Health & Lifestyle Coach for Busy Moms. Visit her site here and get your FREE E-Book today, “The Number One Thing You Can Do for Your Health Tomorrow Morning.”

Remove from freezer and roll into trufflesized balls Roll them in your topping of choice and Enjoy!


A HEART FULL OF LOVE ing to find a nice and relaxing place and we’re going to meet here every day for about 20 minutes. Makes sure that this place is peaceful with as less distraction as possible. Switch of your mobile device off and just be. Smell where you are and take in the surrounding. This is the Connecting with Love, your own perfect place for you to connect with yourlove and let it shine all over. self and your heart centre. You can start Meditation is the hip thing to do out with just being here for a bit, this will aland we can buy all these differready brings great benefits. You can work ent attributes that will make it with a pre-recorded meditation. Set a date simple and easy to do. Well it with you and receive all the love you denever is, because our day-to-day lives are serve. busy. Our mind is even busier. We wake up and from that moment there is always By the way.. I have record a special medisomething going on around us. Meditation tation for you to work with HERE. Look foris indeed a great way to calm down our ward getting you in a routine that will bring body/mind and connect with ourselves. To you your heart desire on a daily basis. have a little conversation to make sure that you are still okay. This all comes from our Renee Vos de Wael (CPC) is an open heart, our love centre. It will give you so hearted and full energy personality. She is much insight on what it is you really want to a life changer. Being an intuitive Renee do and what is truly a heart desire for you. sees the beauty and light in people, even Let me give you a hand to get you going before they have noticed it them self. Knowwith spreading this love of you around. ing which direction to take, she can work at Even better you give out love and attract the core problem in no time. This way love right back at ya! Have a look at your changes happen in the right way and will schedule and find a moment where you create a new future where there is space would normally have your breakfast or for your heart desires to develop. Working maybe a coffee break. This is the moment I with and for people has been her passion would like to work with you. First we’re go- and is rewarding in many ways. 20

LOVE YOUR MARKET & YOU'LL GET MORE OF THEM I like you just because we share an interest in this fun online marketing world. We all have dreams and chasing the dream is fun stuff! Yes, I'm in business to sell my products and win coaching clients, but it'd be a pretty small world if I limited my interactions and enjoyment to those who are ready to spend money with me. It all boils down to me loving what I do so much I'm motivated by the joy of it. I respect and enI love what I do as an online solo- joy the people around me BEFORE they bepreneur and I'm blessed to get to come my customer. Buying something do it with people I share a lot in doesn't earn my interest, it just takes it to common with. I have genuine respect for the next level as far as time, engagement my contemporaries and even the newcom- and commitment. ers who come into our community and take How about you? Do you love your market, advantage of my free info and events. even the newbies? Are you careful to Respect is not the norm in some marketing watch your attitude towards those taking communities. It seems like many long time advantage of free offers? They'll pick up business marketers even have a dislike for on it if you're sending the message that newcomers and poke fun at those who are you're only interested in buyers. It's an increasingly transparent world and you'll win looking for something for nothing. people over if you'll only love them first. That's just not going to happen in my house. I know what it's like to be new and Kelly McCausey hosts the Solo Smarts podpurposefully careful with my money. I re- cast and loves being a solopreneur, operatcorded a video (click here to watch) just ing unique online businesses and helping the other day that shares this simple others find their own online success. message: I don't care of you ever spend money with me.



! ! Have you been questioning what steps to take in 2013? ! Are you ready for a new direction just not sure how to get there? Forget surviving and start thriving. 2013 is your year! Join me in this interview series where you will be motivated, inspired, and learn how to discover what your next steps are. A “How to” in your business and your personal life, so this year will become your biggest one yet. NO more regrets, time to live life now. There will be 20 expert speakers being interviewed. These speakers are:

• • • • • • • • • •

Allison Crow Flanigin Andrea Feinberg Bri Clark Christina Nitschmann Dawn Petherick Helen Hunter Mackenzie Jennifer Shelton Jess Webb Julie Holmwood Liz Nonnemacher

• • • • • • • • • •

Maria Marinakis Mary Joyce Melanie Benson Strick Nachhi Randhawa P J Van Hulle Sheri Kaye Hoff Stacy Nelson Tracie Nichols Ursula O'Connell Tricia Dycka

We will be sharing our wisdom so you can increase sales, get more clients, be more confident, have an abundance mindset or be more secure in who you are. Register today for this series!! It starts January 22 and will run for seven weeks. ! tinyurl.com/ignitethefirewithin After you register be on the lookout for the details and be sure to click on all the bonus gifts for signing up.

http://tinyurl.com/ignitethefirewithin !

JULIA MARIA LLOYD Each month we’ll happily highlight one of our fabulous coaches here... We pick randomly and for no other reason than we know personally that these Coaches are doing amazing work in the world and deserve every inch of space we can spare!

gift? How am I going to explain it to my mom and dad lol?” So I asked God who I was, and what I was supposed to do with this. The answer was: ”you are an energy healer, Julia.” Okee dokee. So here I am, a year and a half later. Not only did I get the gift of the remote energy healing, I got a download of a 12 step program (more about that later..), and a flower colour therapy method, with the name of “Essentia Light Vibrations™”, or ELVS™ for short, all in a period of about three weeks. So simple and all divinely perfect.

“All divinely perfect for what?” you might ask. A fair question. I didn’t know myself, so I had to test it on me, my family and friends…and their friends…and their dogs…you get the gist. It turns out, everybody gets exactly what they need from this energy. “Exactly what they need to do what?” you might ask again. Aha! This is Hi, my name is Julia. I’m not a saint or a where it gets really cool. It turns out, it’s guru, but I am a master healer. I haven’t al- here to bring us all back to who we really ways known that, in fact I’ve only known are, the perfect divine beings of love and that for about a year and a half. It came to light! We all ‘get out of whack’ to some deme one night in what you might call a di- gree, some of us more than others, and we vine download…just like that. Of course I suffer. didn’t believe it, I thought I just made it up. It even came with its own name, the Pure Believe me, I can attest to that first hand, Light Energy Transmission™, or PLET™ for since evidently as a ‘healer in training’, I was given a very handsome ‘load’ to swim short. in. Yup, it’s not pretty while you’re in it…in I had to test it on a friend, and when we fact it down right stinks! No wonder the both felt it, I knew it was real. Then I got word ‘crap’ is what we usually refer to it as. really scared! “What does this mean? Who Fortunately for us, our divine makeup is am I? What am I supposed to do with this 23

such, that we’re programmed to keep transforming closer and closer to our joyful, creative selves, every chance we get. So this energy is like a catalyst to help us do just that. Whether you need to heal your body, or your heart, or both, it will help you do that. If you need to transform and release some old emotional patterns (I’m sooo good at this one!), to lighten the ‘load’, it’ll help you with that, as well. Animals are wonderful subjects too, since they embrace the energy fully trusting, and heal very quickly.

▪ Have I discovered my purpose, and am completely, insanely passionate about what I do? ▪ Do I feel more connected to all life in general, and my family and friends in particular? ▪ Am I able to give more love to myself and others, feel more compassion and tenderness towards all living beings? The answer to all of the above questions is a big resounding YES!!!

So far, the side effects of giving and receiving this energy for me? My heart grew big- If you relate to anything I’ve just said, and want to find more ‘YOU’ in your own life, ger and softer, and so will yours. then I invite you to have a look around, and I AM A MASTER HEALER. see if there is anything here that whispers your name. You’ll know, because you’ll ▪ Am I perfect now? hear it…so listen ever so carefully. ▪ Is my life completely smooth and Learn more about Julia here... devoid of any suffering?

Have I reached enlightenment?

The answer to all of the above questions is a big resounding NO!!! ▪ Am I happier, more joyous and experiencing the divine perfection of life more often?




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