Thriving Together Every time I went to work on this issue I would start singing “It’s all about the money, money, money”. It brought so much joy to me to have an issue dedicated to this beautiful subject (yes, money is beautiful) because it’s a topic that so many of the coaches I know struggle with in their business. Let’s get realistic here: around 75% of coaches aren’t earning enough in their business to support themselves. It’s a business of passion and built on a strong desire to help others because you’ve got a message to deliver to the world. You want to be of service to others and often that’s at your own expense or because you undervalue your true worth. Well no more! We as a collective group are here to lift each other up into that 25% who thrive, who are doing great things and are making the cash to be able to do more great things. You know our motto -“As One Rises, We Lift Each Other Up”? We give with abundance to each other every day and this month we’re going to learn to receive with abundance as well. So I welcome you with deep pride to our Money Issue. Read it, enjoy it and then please, share it. With Love & Light,
Stacy Nelson, Founder
IN THIS ISSUE... COVER STORY: Is Money a Spiritual Teacher? ... Kendra Thornbury
Awaken Your Divine Money Power, Amethyst Mahoney
The Money Mindset, Shawn Marie Turi
FEATURE ARTICLE: 3 Simple Ways to Fatten Your Bank Account ... Monica Shah
How a Launch Puts Money in the Bank, Heather Jernigan
10 Ways to Banish Money Misery, Donna Higton
The Best Investment You Can Make, Stephanie Merchant
iCoach Network Book Club & Our iCoach Authors
Raising Your Money Vibration, Ursula O’Connell
Road Tripping on a Dime, Julia Marie Lloyd
Abundance: Believe It To See It, KishaLynn Elliott
Attract More Clients!, Ann Boland
5 Steps to a Financially Rock Solid Business, Shontaye Hawkins
Your Money, Your Mindset & Your Weight, JoLynn Braley
iCoach Spotlight: Stacey Warner
A couple of FYI’s... Yes, it’s the small print! First off - none of the articles in this magazine, including the cover, were paid for. This is not and will never be a Pay-To-Pay because I am dedicated to supporting our membership first by promoting their awesomeness and to our readership second by delivering the best content we can. The advertisements on the other hand are either paid for by our sponsors or are affiliate links that will help offset the expense of publishing this monthly Magazine so we can keep it as free and easily distributable. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact our team at
“I vowed to make money sacred in my life”
IS MONEY A SPIRITUAL TEACHER? Money used to make me feel like crap. Well, really I let it make me feel like crap.
“Scarcity was a way to play small. Money stress was a distraction from my bigger purpose”
As much as I wanted to not have anything to do with it, it sure kept running my life. Funny how that works. What you pay attention to grows... even when it's what you don't want. In fact, the principle seems to work even greater when you're trying to get away from something. As a spiritual quester, I didn't want to focus on the material. As a value-driven person, I didn't want to lose sight of what really mattered.
As a change agent, I didn't want to be part of you can not solve a problem at the same the old system that is NOT life-giving. (I asso- level of consciousness that created it. ciated money with that system. So, no Well, my dominant consciousness with thanks!) While my ideals were in the right place, the truth is I felt out of control when it came to money. Helpless.
money was FEAR. I wasn't going to get out of the scarcity reality that was created by fear by feeling more fear! Then. It dawned on me.
I had spent over 15 years immersed in my Denial proved to be a dead end. I really spiritual path. Vision quests. Sweat thought that just shoving my bills in a box lodges. Solo retreats. There was nothing for a few months would make them disapabout my approach to money that honored pear. my spirituality. Money was separate from Like you, I am a devoted coach, guide, that. And THAT was the problem. change maker and all around passionate From there, I vowed to make money sacred status-quo-shaker. I was disgruntled bein my life. cause I knew that I was not serving my purpose at the capacity I could. The story line I began meditating on the energy of money that it was money's "fault" was old & clearly and going into an entirely new relationship did not lead me to build the prosperous with it based on the choice to make it sacred. And that's when everything business I wanted. changed. Down on my knees, I declared I would not tolerate money drama any longer. So I got I went from anxiety about paying rent to 6 radically honest with myself. I dug deep figures. and realized a few things... I doubled my income. Scarcity was a way to play small. Then tripled it. Money stress was a distraction from my bigWhy such a radical transformation? ger purpose. Money drama was a clever ego disguise to keep me "safe". After See, when I went into a sacred partnership my get real moments, I knew I needed a to- with money, I realized that it was a spiritual tally different approach. Einstein said that
healer & teacher. I asked... What could money show me that would help me heal?
Here are 7 tips to get you on your new money path:
By accepting that it had something to teach me and even help me heal, I c o u l d s e e t h e w i s d o m a n d t h e lessons. Rather than re-living the pain and suffering of under-earning and money stress, I realized that I could choose to heal, to learn and move on.
1. Firmly decide you will no longer tolerate money pain, stress and anxiety.
This is what I know to be true: Any pattern you repeat that does not feel good, alive or prosperous is NOT there to torture you. It is not there because that's just "the way it is". Figure -.-'s not an affirmation that life is supposed to be hard.
2. Choose to make money part of your spiritual path. 3. Decide to make money sacred. Identify what sacred means and apply that lens to money. 4. Ask, "What could money show me that would help me heal?" 5. Create daily practices that hold money in a sacred way.
It just means that spiritually, you simply have not learned the lesson that's there for your growth.
6. Choose life-affirming beliefs about money that will lead to the results you want.
When you lean into it, you will.
7. Align with a money consciousness that naturally brings it to you.
So, how will this make you a better coach & bring in more clients and money? Let's get real... If you are pre-occupied with money on any level, you are not focused on the service you are here to contribute. When you heal your relationship with money and align yourself to be the powerful manifestor of it you are designed to be, you will easily and effortlessly flow in the stream of your purpose, attracting clients and money with grace.
Here's a gift of life-affirming beliefs and money consciousness to support you now! I am connected to the unlimited source of prosperity. Prosperity flows through me right now.
Kendra E Thornbury, MA, is an intenational highly acclaimed coach, spiritual guide, speaker, facilitator, humanitarian and entrepreneur. She's on the cutting edge of spiritual thought and conscious business practice, blazing a new trail & wealth revolution.
Prosperity is my birthright. I deserve all Kendra helps soul-centered women & evogood in my life and that includes prosper- lutionary leaders create spiritual and financial freedom so that they have a greater imity. pact & make more money....all while being I trust the infinite flow from which every- true to who they are! She is passionate thing is created. I receive this truth in about making it easy for those called to my experience with money. serve the awakening on the planet to effectively help more people while doubling, triI am a money magnet. pling or quadrupling their income. She has My income is constantly increasing. served as a board member for the Women's Business Exchange, Woman's I know that life is abundant and I accept Way Red Lodge and has been President abundance in my life now. for the Washington Chapter of the InternaI consistently and easily manifest the tional Coaching Federation. money I desire to live my dreams.
A personal growth junkie, Kendra's latest Money flows to me from expected and un- adventures in challenging the status quo include packing her belongings in storage expected sources. and travelling for 19 months (and still New opportunities to increase my income counting). open up for me now. Labels aside, she considers herself a huI am rich. man being simply doing her best to walk a path of authenticity and integrity while makIT IS SO BECAUSE I DECIDE IT TO BE! ing a much-needed difference. You can get more information on Kendra and her Coaching practice here.
10 WAYS TO BANISH MONEY MISERY 6. Have financial goals. 7. Make good money check if from your goals you. It might choices.
choices - whenever you spend it moves you towards or away - and make the right choice for inspire you to make different
8. Develop an entrepreneurial mindset - look for ways to make extra money - be creative.
Money is one of the most stressful subjects in too many of our lives. But there are some simple things you can do to Banish Money Misery from your life: 1. Take responsibility for your financial life - don't blame the government, your employer or the dog for your money issues. 2. Take a moment to think about what you know you need to do to sort out your finances. Now go and take some action. Trust your own wisdom. 3. Get a financial education - there are some fantastic resources out there that will help you learn how to get more money, keep more money and get money working for you (some of them are even fun!).
9. Count your blessings - we have so much in our lives that clutter clearing is an industry. Whenever you feel 'lacking', remember how much you have. 10. Educate yourself on how companies market to you - don't just let them manipulate you into buying the latest 'must have'…learn how they do it, and you will be able to see through their tricks. You still might buy, but you'll be less likely to regret it!
Donna is a life coach and author of the ebook "Banish Money Misery" which contains over 100 exercises to help you Banish Money Misery from your life. Find her at http://www.donnaonthebeach, and find the ebook "Banish Money Misery" HERE.
4. Spend less than you earn. Simple, but extremely effective. 5. Before you buy the next 'must have' item, check - are you buying it to impress or keep up with someone? Do you really need it or even want it? Will you regret buying it?
AWAKEN YOUR DIVINE MONEY POWER When I make a lot of money in my business, ___________________________
You Want to Grow Your Business and Make More Money – Right? You’ve set up your website, ordered your business cards, and are telling people about your services. So why isn’t the money flowing in like crazy? Most small business owners have subconscious thoughts that are keeping the money away. When the subconscious mind controls at least 80% of what you do, think, and say, it’s no wonder that you aren’t making as much as you’d like. But how do you know what you really think about money? Set a timer for 3 minutes, grab a pen and paper, and write down all the thoughts that come to mind uncensored: Money is ______________________ Now set the timer for 3 minutes for each of the following. Just keep writing the phrase, filling in the blanks with whatever comes up. Your job is not to judge or to censor what you write. No one else will see this. Rich people are ____________________
Now look at your answers. Did anything surprising come up? If you’ve been busting your butt trying to bring in 6 figures, but you wrote “Rich people are snobs and thieves,” “Money is evil,” “Making money is hard,” and “When I make a lot of money in my business, I won’t have time for family and friends, and people will try to steal it from me,” congratulations! You’ve just uncovered the thoughts and subconscious programming that is keeping you from reaching your goal. The good news is, it’s not your fault! We’ve all been programmed with these thoughts from a very young age. Fortunately, there is something you can do about it. Resetting your Money Mindset is a crucial part of your business. Find out how on the free training Awaken Your Divine Power: 5 Steps to Attract More Clients and More Money to Your Business Today. Amethyst Mahoney helps small business owners who struggle to find clients and feel overwhelmed in their business attract more clients so they can make more money and bring their gifts to the World – without burning out. Amethyst is the founder of Limitless Abundance and author of “50 Places Your Clients are Hiding – in Plain Sight.” She has 2 Master’s Degrees and a PhD and now lives in gorgeous Omaha, Nebraska – America’s best-kept secret. Look for her Limitless Abundance live event coming s o o n ! Y o u c a n fi n d o u t m o r e a t :
Making money is ___________________ 10
THE MONEY MINDSET harvest the best chance to root and take hold and grow. Right? I mean the ‘money’ is not in the prep…it’s in what they harvest from their crops.
There is a lot talk that goes on about 'the law of attraction', about 'manifesting' anything you want (money/wealth/abundance) and I’ve heard it said a thousand ways that if you focus on something long and hard enough, if you pray without ceasing, if you meditate and have absolute unwavering faith, if you call it in, write it down, visualize it, if you religiously and without fail do your mantra and if you make your intentions and desires abundantly clear to God, to the universe and to yourself, that you can in fact manifest nearly anything into you life. But what I’ve learned is that is only part of the story and it’s the other part of the story that for me…is the biggest. The truth, “getting it is not the same as keeping it” and I my experience, if you want to sustain what you’ve ‘called in’ and ‘manifested’, then you must be ready for it. In other words, you want to have done the work needed before hand and you want to have prepared the soil so to speak. I’m not a farmer but I know why they work so hard getting the soil ready before they plant and it’s so they give their
You want to be in alignment with whatever it is you so deeply desire…the money, the house, the relationship, the business, the success. Because if you’re not, when you get it, you will push it away, sabotage, deflect it, and you’ll do this because you’re subconscious mind isn’t ready and does not really believe that what you’ve called in is truly in alignment with your core beliefs and if you’ve not done work around, it would be right. So, if you really want it then really get ready to receive it. It needs a place to land, a place to take root. As Paulo Coelho says In ‘The Alchemist’, “…when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.” Manifesting it is great, but keeping it is better. So do the work. It’s worth it and so are you. Suggested reading... a few of my absolute favorites. I’ve included the year it was published because this conversation has been going on long before it was fashionable and I am so happy we keep coming back to it…because it works and it’s essential to creating our hearts desires and breaking through the fear and resistance that keeps us from it. The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho (published 1988) The War of Art by Steven Pressfield (published 2002) Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (published 1910)
The Science of Getting Rich Wallace D. Wattles (published 1910) Shawn Marie Turi is the Founder and Chief Creative Officer (we) FLAUNT, Inc, which she started in 2010 with the sole intention of empowering women. In doing so, she recognized that in order to really do this work, the first women she must empower is herself.
Her work and her mission is to help women and entrepreneurs create a business and life that they love, to have more freedom in their decisions and to make the kind of money they desire and doing what they genuinely love. And by doing what she genuinely loves, Shawn Marie helps them get there.
As the creative partner for CRAVE Orange County, she gets to put into practice something else she is brilliant at…her love for connecting amazing, savvy, creative, successful women with one another.
text link for Jenny Fenig
“Why should you even pay attention to your money? Well as I always say ‘Money Loves Attention’.”
“We all know that what we focus on grows. But don’t be fooled. You can’t just sit in your home and wish for the money.”
I did a One Day Intensive with a new platinum client yesterday and in the middle of the session she asked me: how do you do day to day management and monthly management of your money? I suddenly realized how important it was for me to teach systems around this ever-important component of running a business. How does a business owner manage money? Why should you even pay attention to your money? Well, as I always say “Money Loves Attention”. Just like most relationships, the more love, honor and attention you give Money the more of it you will make. You may be someone who avoids looking at your bank accounts and bills – a classic avoider. I know that I used to reside in that camp.
Or you may be someone who feels as though you don’t need any money to do what you love – you’re a classic martyr. Or perhaps you just spend every dollar that comes into the door – you’re a spender. Or finally, you might hoard your money so close to you that you deny yourself pleasure and you aren’t growing – you’re a saver. No matter where you fall – starting to track how much money is going in and out – is going to help you create a better relationship with money. And that will translate to more green stuff in your bank account and more massages and tasty restaurant meals. Here are three ways to start receiving more money today: Just as a note, these three tracking mechanisms are not necessarily for your accountant. They are more for you to keep an eye on your money. What you do for your accountant may or may not be different. 1. Daily: Track Revenue Create a Revenue Tracking Sheet. This is very low-tech. Take out a piece of paper. Number it from 1-31 on the left – these numbers stand for the days of the month. On the top, write an inspirational quote for yourself. For example: “I am a money attracting genius and it comes to me easily and often.” Also write down how much money you would like to attract over the next 30-60 days. For example: 60 Day Goal: April 10th – $8,500. Now next to each of those numbers you will write
down all the money that comes to you from all the sources in your life. It doesn’t matter whether it is business-oriented or not. If you find a $20 bill on the street, write it down. If your grandmother sends you a card with a check, write it down. Every time you write the number down – rejoice. Give it good energy. Invite it to flow even more readily towards you. Remember, “money loves attention” and it also loves honor and respect. For those of you that use 1-shoppingcart or another merchant shopping cart, I write down the number that comes in from the day’s total. Those e-mails go into a special mailbox so that I can find them easily. Take note, some of you are thinking, “Monica, I don’t make money every day. My sheet is going to be dismally blank.” Well, buck up my friend, this process is almost magical. By the 5th month, you’ll be attracting more money than you ever did before. Why? Because you’ll be giving it attention of course. And we all know that what we focus on grows. But don’t be fooled. You can’t just sit in your home and wish for the money. What you’ll find is that you start to get creative about how to attract money here, there and everywhere, namely because there is a part of you that wants to fill your sheet. It’s not that different from the gold star tracking system that our grade school teachers used. I mean who doesn’t want more gold stars?
2. Monthly or Weekly: Track Expenses Ok, this one isn’t as much fun, but it is necessary. As a business owner, you also have to be aware of what is going out. The way that I do this is in excel. I set up a spreadsheet that has all the categories of my expenses for both business and personal in the first column. The second column is titled personal and the third column is titled business. Then I save every receipt everywhere I go – business or personal. At the end of each week or each month, enter the receipts into the business or personal column. That way you can get a sense of your spending for the month in various areas. You can also hire a bookkeeper to do this for you either in Excel, Quicken or Quickbooks. You can also learn to do it yourself in the software. It’s up to you. 3. Quarterly: Evaluate Revenue and Expenses and Evaluate Your Marketing Plans First, evaluate your expenses: Have you ever looked at your credit card bill and noticed that you are being charged for a club that you totally forgot that you joined? Or that you haven’t been to the gym in three months even though you’ve been paying dues? It’s good to evaluate your expenses each month and make sure that you are still paying for what is important to you. You should also do a check on how much you’ve been paying for certain categories. I noticed once that my restaurant bill had more than doubled and it came with 10 extra pounds! You can bet I did some more home-cooking after that! Second evaluate your Revenues: What launches worked well? Which ones brought you less money then you had liked? For example, I often
see practitioners offering retreats where they either break even or make very little money on each client. When they work with me we figure out a service that takes less time and brings in a higher return on the investment. Decide what could you do differently over the next 3 months? Then change your marketing plan accordingly so that you are doing activities that bring in the most amount of money and give you the greatest amount of pleasure. In terms of money attraction, this is just the tip of the iceberg, but these activities alone can double your revenue if you do them consistently.
“This process is almost magical” Monica Shah, the business breakthrough specialist, Kellogg MBA grad, and business professor helps women business owners double their income within 12-18 months. Revenue Breakthrough is Monica's 2nd six-figure company. Her corporate and teaching background allow Monica to show business owners how to step into their role as the CEO of their businesses. She shows them the HOW, every step of the process to grow their businesses to the next level, without going broke or crazy in the process. Monica begins by looking at the overall business model to determine the most lucrative offerings and strategies (including re-branding when necessary). Then, she creates marketing and business systems that clarify what the business owner needs to do each day, week and month to create a highly profitable business and an amazing lifestyle. 16
HOW A LAUNCH PUTS MONEY IN YOUR BANK Building excitement is educating your audience through videos, social media, email, blog posts and more. Scarcity is like saying that you are selling out. There is a limited supply, so they need to act fast!Scarcity could be only offering 3 spots at a reduced price. They are going to want one of those spots! Urgency is showing your audience why they need to do it right now.
You get that you need to do a “launch” in order to get the clients and the income that you want.
So urgency could be the start date of your group program. They must enroll before the start date or they will miss it!
A launch is a power-packed LIGHTENING BOLT of focused marketing for a limited amount of time to get your product or program filled with clients (so you can make money!).
If you don’t have this build up, this scarcity and urgency, then what you get is indifference. People say “So what?” and don’t see the need to purchase right now.
But what does that mean, and HOW do you do that?
See how you can apply these techniques in your own marketing to fill your programs and put money in the bank.
There are the three main pieces of a launch that get your ideal clients to step up and purchase from you: 1. A build up of excitement 2. Scarcity 3. Urgency A build up of excitement is presenting your message in multiple ways and at multiple times. People are SO BUSY that they need to hear things at least 7 times to have it sink in. This type of build up is a way to catch their eye and draw them in.
Heather Jernigan is a Private Launch Coach for driven female entrepreneurs. She expertly guides business leaders to draw in their ideal clients through clear messaging and a Just-In-Time Launch Formula. She pulls from nine years experience in corporate marketing plus her health coach experience and blend the two in a holistic way that gets powerful results. Get Heather’s free gift HERE to learn “What My Business Needs to Have in Place for a Successful Launch.”
THE BEST INVESTMENT OF YOUR LIFE Make time for yourself. Consider it a mandatory tune-up of sorts. And remember, when Momma is healthy and happy, the family is healthy and happy. My challenge for you this month, is to step out of the overscheduled, over stressed way of life. Embrace deep gratitude for your amazing life, your amazing family and the chance to lead by example. Now, go have some fun! Green Goddess Smoothie (That’s right – you’ll feel like a Goddess) Speaking from experience as a Busy Mom and as a Busy Mom Mentor, investing in ourselves can be a challenge at times. Now, we have no problem making time and payments for soccer, gymnastics, football or band for our children. If the car needs an oil change or new tires, consider it done. Appliance goes out, we’ll take care of it. But, what about us? Unfortunately, more often than not, we are the last thing on our “to-do” list. This, however, is not a good place to be.
2 cups Baby Spinach ½ cup filtered water 1 cup red seedless grapes 1 frozen banana 1 shot of wheatgrass (optional) Blend all and enjoy! Makes 16 oz Stephanie Merchant is “The Nutrition Mom.” She is the Health & Lifestyle Coach for Busy Moms. Visit and get your FREE E-Book today, “The Number One Thing You Can Do for Your Health Tomorrow Morning.”
Think that car or appliance needs immediate attention because your family relies on those things? Stop and look around. There is no activity or body double who can take your place. YOU are important. We all want the best for our families, but part of that is being the best that we can be. Taking time for ourselves, developing new interests or rediscovering old passions – that’s what renews the soul. And we could all use some renewal. Outside of your beautiful family, what makes you smile? What gets you excited or what makes you feel comforted and pampered. Go do that! 18
“When riches begin to come they come so quickly, in such great abundance, that one wonders where they have been hiding during all those lean years.”
THINK AND GROW RICH BY NAPOLEON HILL In honor of our theme of MONEY this month, we’ve chosen a classic and always relevant "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Join in on the discussion and of course all the yummy quotations throughout the book on our public Facebook page . This is Napoleon Hill's definitive landmark book (revised and updated for the 21st century) on how to unleash your full potential and achieve guaranteed success in life and work, by following the principles outlined in this book. This book will also teach you how-to conquer many common fears, such as Poverty, Ill Health, Criticism, Loss of Love and Death. "Think and Grow Rich", indispensable reading for personal achievement. Napoleon Hill was the confidant of some of the most powerful and wealthy men of the 20th Century, and enjoyed a long and prosperous career as an author, teacher and motivational speaker. He pioneered the genre of self help and prosperity and wealth books.
Seven Days: Authentic Conversations and Relationships that Changed My Life and My Father’s Death by Dian Reid This book is for anyone who has experienced the loss of a parent, wants to repair a damaged parent/child relationship, or is looking for comfort and companionship through difficult conversations with loved ones at the end of their life cycle. Get your Copy HERE
A DREAM Comes True: 5 Steps to Planning and Creating Your Personal Success Story NOW! by KishaLynn Elliott This personal development book teaches you to stop simply wishing and start planning a DREAM to create a personal success story! Get your Copy HERE
The Gentle Pine's Purpose by Candace George Conradi What The Gentle Pine's Purpose gave to me was the realization that we each transform the world every day simply by being alive. Our value is lost when we forget that our purpose is not necessarily grand. It is instead found in the intrinsically small things we offer life,... It is the subtle courage that shows up when you take on life challenges, especially in the face of great change.Get your Copy HERE
RAISING YOUR MONEY VIBRATION negative beliefs around what making money means, then we’re going to vibrate at a lower frequency than is required to attract all that we desire of it into our life.
S o
many things come up for people when the subject of money is introduced into a conversation, the main reason for this is because everyone has very different feelings and beliefs around money depending on their background and circumstances. Usually when someone isn’t making the kind of money they want to, or living the lifestyle that they desire it’s not because of their inability to make money but more likely because of a deepseated belief system that they’ve been handed down through their family or the people they’ve been hanging out with. It might be that they have a hangover from a failed business or something they have tried so hard to make work just hasn’t been successful for one reason or another.
Because our ability to make money is directly linked with our self worth, bringing in what we want of it can be difficult unless you can learn to increase your self esteem and replace negative beliefs around what having money means with new more useful ones. Unless you value yourself, no one else is going to value you or your offerings. Money gets attention because of this, and it will also get your attention because of it’s close links to how we feel about ourselves. Have you ever noticed that when you’re bringing in good money that you start to feel really good about yourself and in turn start doing things to pamper yourself or have treats like a nice meal or a spa treatment? This in turn attracts more of the same and so can begin an upward spiral. This is part of what I call raising your vibration.
The truth about money is that there is an unlimited amount from an abundant source and only the limitations of the mind can keep us from it. Money is energy and therefore it has a frequency which we can tune into and attract it to us. The deal here is that if we have low self esteem or
When you realise that you create your own reality and create all your experiences then all your dreams can actually come true. You need to get crystal clear on what it is you want to bring into your life and then decide that you’re not going to let anything stop you from reaching your goal. It really is that simple. Life is simple, we just choose to make it complicated. Ursula O'Connell is an internationally recognised business success coach for female entrepreneurs. A mindset expert & business success strategist she helps ordinary people build extraordinary lives and businesses through her
Mastermind groups and bespoke Coaching programmes. Ursula mixes tried and trusted solid business strategies with mindset work which enables her clients clear any inner blocks such as money drama, visibility issues and self sabotage so they can build profitable successful businesses and lifestyles that improve year on year. Ursula is also a much sought after Peak Performance Coach for the entertainment industry and has helped many world class recording artists & actors gain international acclaim.
ROAD TRIPPING ON A DIME they come, the same way you deal with things in your everyday life. If I can do it, so can you.
The theme for this month’s magazine is money. So what does traveling have to do with money, you might ask, other than the fact that it takes money to travel. Bingo! How many times in the past did you not go places, because you didn’t think you could afford it? If you’re like most people, the answer is probably ‘plenty’. I’m here to talk about a slightly different way to travel. I call it road-tripping. Just over a year ago I packed up my car, and set out on my first road trip…alone. It was my very first road trip, and my very first trip alone…ever! There, I said it. Did I lose my mind? Nope. What did happen, though, was that I had a sudden urge to do something extraordinary I’ve never done before, something that would challenge me, and scare me half to death. The road trip ticked all those boxes. I didn’t have a clue what I was doing, and I didn’t have a solid plan, but now that I’ve figured it out, I want to share my experiences. First of all, I want to show you that you can travel much more cheaply than you think is possible, and secondly, to tell you that it’s not as scary as it looks. Once you’re on the road, you just deal with things as
What I’m about to say is not for everyone, but if you’re a diehard like me, you can do it. In order to make the road trip truly affordable, you need to plan ahead, and eliminate your rent/mortgage expense. This means either giving up the place you’re renting, subletting it for the duration of your trip, or renting out the place you own. Next step is putting your stuff in storage. Make sure to pack your basic camping gear in the car, as once you get to warmer places, camping is definitely an alternative. Another way is to use the airbnb, or couchsurfing websites. I’ve used airbnb a lot on my trip, and met tons of great people in the process. Always remember, though, to use your intuition when choosing these places, as not all hosts are great, and I’ve certainly heard some horror stories. Always bring your own food, it’s a heck of a lot cheaper than eating out! One last, but very important point. To make your trip truly affordable, it’s great if your job is somewhat independent, and internet based. My trip last year lasted five months, and even though I didn’t work full time, I definitely managed to do some work. So let it rip, let it take you where you’ve never been before. You’ll be blissed beyond recognition, and your life will never be the same again! Julia Maria Lloyd, is a master healer, author. An excerpt from the Introduction to my upcoming book “Pray and Move your Feet” (A tale of soultripping, road-tripping and living your bliss). For more information click HERE. 23
ABUNDANCE, BELIEVE IT TO SEE IT but you can adjust your reaction to your financial situation. Once you do, guess what? Money shows up. Abundance was already there, waiting for you to believe in it, create the space for it and be grateful for it. I've created several new money beliefs and so should you. For example: I am rich and will only get richer.
Lack-consciousness can happen to the best of us. It's easy to take a look at the financial outlook and go “Who am I kidding? There’s not enough!” During a recent moment of money weakness, I went running to my life coach. My session with her revealed that I had surrendered to fear and somehow let go of my belief that abundance simply is. In the process, I was pushing money further away. The session helped me shift my attitude about money back into alignment with my desire--to make tons of money in my business. The next morning, I picked up the phone and enrolled a new paying client. Later that day, I was hired to facilitate a board retreat for hundreds of dollars.
There is more than enough for me and for others. I am grateful for the money I am making. After creating your money beliefs, carve them into your mind and heart. Then, guard them like you would your actual money. They are so much more valuable. KishaLynn Elliott helps executive professionals find the time they need to live the life they want. She is the owner of This Stuff's Working! Coaching ( and the author of self-help e-book A D.R.E.A.M. Comes True: 5 Steps to Planning and Creating Your Personal Success Story NOW!
If your financial beliefs don’t align with your desires, then you have a bigger problem than your bottom line. You cannot create what you don’t have by focusing on its absence. This is an abundant world; the evidence is everywhere, but you must believe it to see it. You might not be able to wave a magic wand and have money appear,
ATTRACT MORE CLIENTS! S: Set the intention for the day: Declare what you want for yourself and what you want for your customers, visualizing your customers having a great experience T: Treat yourself to 5 or 10 minutes of body movement each morning before you go to work A: Aerobics, Facial aerobics that is. Wiggle, contort, and scrunch your face while looking in the mirror. Rest assured, a little goofiness goes a long way. Some people lay awake at night worrying about loss of sales and/or where their next customer will come from. Other people fall asleep with assurance and no worry at all. Which one are you? If you are a “Sleepless Sally”, then I’ve got good news for you. Let me show you how you can save money and get more clients doing the easiest thing in the world, which is, delivering a great customer experience. I say it’s easy because we’ll be implementing the most familiar thing to you, which is, YOU! Secret 1: Master Your Emotions: If you are reading this article, chances are you are a business owner with thoughts and to do lists swirling in your head. You probably are among the few that have relationships you are nurturing, children to tend to, a business to look after and a community you are involved in. It can get overwhelming unless you’ve got something to keep yourself in balance. To prevent you from getting tangled up in your wild thoughts, crazy to do list and other drama (which ultimately affects your customer), you need to STACK it.
C: Calm your thoughts by expressing gratitude to what is pleasant and good in your life K: Kick negativity to the curb by creating impact statements (I, Ann Boland, choose to build rapport with my customer or I, Ann Boland, am confident in what I do. Secret #2 The Formula: YOUR communication abilities + YOUR level of engagement in the job + YOUR listening skills + YOUR interaction with YOUR customer + YOUR knowledge of your product/service = YOUR customer’s experience. You play a huge part in this formula and your customers are making their decisions to buy based on all these ingredients put together. Today, one of my customer’s biggest complaints is (these are their words, not mine), “they have a young staff”. What they mean by this is, they have a staff that has either relied heavily on communicating via text or in an abbreviated fashion and they haven’t had as many opportunities to have face to face engagement. Two tips to help you leverage your skills in this area and build a great customer experience are to build rapport and be authentic. Knowing and
implementing these two things will save you time, money and heartache.
you will miss out on a lot of sales. (And tons of money)
Secret #3: Follow up appropriately. Let me share a true story about what happened when I requested to meet with someone about their business because I thought they could help me. (Yes, I was hoping to buy from this person).
To sum it up, you will save time and money and thrill your customers when you are at your peak. Mastering your emotions, good communication and following up with people will help you get to that peak. Overall, you will be happier, your customers will notice and you will attract more sales.
Me: Can we get together? I want to know more about how your graphic design company can help my business. The Graphic Designer: Hi Ann, It was great to meet you at the networking group. Thanks for reaching out. Maybe I’ll see you around some time. Me: HUH??? I wanted to buy and this person didn’t acknowledge it. Secret #3 is about following up on leads, getting clarification if needed, asking for the sale, asking for referrals. Skip this step and
Ann Boland is a certified professional coach and former corporate trainer who has been in the customer service industry for several years training on leadership, team building, customer service and employee engagement . She helps businesses create a positive experience for their customers, which keeps them coming back for more. Want more information about the FREE 6day eCourse on How to Avoid Losing Customers Without Spending a Dime? Click here and fill in your contact information on the right.
5 STEPS TO A FINANCIALLY ROCK SOLID BUSINESS 5 Steps to Creating A Financial Management System
Set up a business bank account.
2. Create an annual budget for revenue and expenses (break it down into monthly amounts). 3. Decide who’s going to handle the recordkeeping – you, a bookkeeper, a VA?
A financial management system is a critical component to building a profitable business yet many entrepreneurs start businesses without putting one in place. Let’s be honest, you’re in business to make money, right? Then why neglect creating and implementing a system that will help ensure you achieve the results you desire? Putting key foundational systems in place is a proactive approach to building a successful business that I believe begins with having a vision for your business. Your business vision should be so big that it excites and scares you at the same time. That vision should drive your actions which should be driven by the goals you’ve created. So, why is it so important to have a financial management system? Well, it helps you make better informed decisions about which strategies will grow and boost the bottom line. It will reveal the real cost of doing business and whether or not you’re charging enough for your products and services. Below are 5 key steps that will take the complexity out of creating a financial management system for your business.
4. Decide on a system (tool) to track, organize and manage your revenue and expenses. (Sources to consider: Freshbooks, Outright, Wave Accounting, Quickbooks, inDinero, Simply Accounting, Mint) 5. Set a date to review the performance of your business on a monthly basis, preferably within the first 3 – 5 days of the month. This review should include looking at your actual revenue, expense versus what you budgeted for revenue and expense in that month.
Shontaye Hawkins, Business Success Coach is the CEO of Emergence Success Solutions, the premier coaching company for entrepreneurs. She worked for Fortune 500 companies like Goldman Sachs to build wealth in excess of $1 billion and attract high net worth clients. She now helps entrepreneurs create massive growth, success and profits in their businesses! Learn more about Shontaye and connect with her at To Learn More About Building a Financially Solid Business, Grab Your Free Audio Gift at 28
is why you know those who have all of the "know how" but do not have results to show for it. This is also why 95% of dieters fail. Diet and exercise (skill) is only 10% of achieving permanent success with your weight, for if you are unable to take consistent action with it, what results do you get? Would you love to achieve even greater financial abundance than you already have? What if you could also have a body that gives you that same feeling of freedom that financial freedom feels like? Even better if you could break free of that ongoing struggle with food and your weight, feel so good in your own skin with so much selfconfidence, and have  implementing all of those money-making ideas you've had for so long! Whether that's an idea to go for a promotion, start your own business, write that bestseller, or get funding for your invention you feel so excited about! Good news: When you have the proper mindset, not only can you lose weight and keep it off with ease, but also your self-confidence will soar to new heights. It is actually impossible to stop the positive benefits of a weight loss mindset from impacting all areas of your life including your creativity, your business life, and therefore your financial abundance! The truth is that Mindset is 90% of the game of success, in any area of life. Skill is only 10%. This
Additionally, if you turn to food in an effort to "stuff down" your fears and disappointments, instead of taking action to go for your life's dreams, then how does this help you create the abundant life you desire, much less the body of your dreams? This is a sign of a F.A.T. Mindset - a mindset filled with Fear Attracting Thoughts. A F.A.T. mindset matches an overweight body, overeating behaviors, and low self-confidence which stops you from taking action to become financially abundant. When you're living with an F.A.T. mindset it's hard to tell if you feel bad and lack confidence because of your overweight, or if you overeat because you have low self-confidence. Either way, how you feel about YOU seeps into all areas of your life. The connection between your money, your mindset, and your weight is very simple: Your body and how you feel about it cannot help but touch every area of your life, since it goes with you everywhere (as does your mindset).
But what can you do if you're feeling all that great in your mind and body today? The key to unlocking your greater financial abundance, and the body of your dreams, lies in your mindset. JoLynn Braley, The F.A.T. Release Coach, is the founder of The Inner Self Dietô, her proprietary, proven, step-by-step system to permanent weight loss through a weight loss mindset. JoLynn continues to mentor exceptional women (and a few cool men!) to the results of strugglefree weight loss through a weight loss mindset, which ends up impacting every area of their life. As Candy, one of the graduates of The Inner Self Dietô said, "I came to JoLynn for a weight cure, and what I got was a LIFE cure".
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You can take a first step towards that mindset by grabbing my Free 5-day E-course, which will help you discover what's really been stopping you from losing weight for good. This is a good step for you if you would love to lose weight without struggle, and experience the benefits that mindset will give you in all areas of your life! Find out more at Fearless Fat Loss.
MONEYTUDES 1. Frame Moneytudes in the Positive. “I will never go broke” seems like a positive thought, but it’s not, since it’s negatively framed. “I always have more than I need” is better, and is infused with positive energy that attracts like energy. 2. Pair Words & Thoughts with High-Energy Emotions
No one desires to struggle financially, yet so many strive to just pay monthly bills. Without realizing it, we often think and say things that work against our prosperity and success.
Tie your money thoughts and words with strong positive emotions. Smile as you think and say them. Feel the empowering energy of these magnetic thoughts and words. 3. Visualize Great Outcomes
“Moneytudes” is a word I coined to represent money-attitudes that either move us forward or keep us stuck. Moneytudes affect every area of our lives. Moneytudes can be unproductive and destructive, or empowering beliefs that produce lives of joy, abundance, and success.
With lots of detail, “Motion Picture” yourself on a fabulous vacation, depositing money in an already large bank account, living where you really desire, and giving to those in need.
Most moneytudes originate from caregivers who influenced our development. If you witnessed bad money examples as a child (over-spending, fear, shame, or hoarding), you’ll be affected as an adult, and until you consciously change these misguided beliefs, they’ll block your ability to prosper.
Known as “The Business & Lifestyle Designer”, Margo DeGange ties together her background, education, and experience as a business and marketing strategist, empowerment coach, and adult-learning/adult-motivation expert, to show individuals how to recognize and capitalize on the tools and opportunities at their disposal.
When you think or say things like “there’s never enough”, or “rich people are selfish”, you’re holding limiting beliefs that control you. Changing money attitudes from negative motivators to empowering catalysts of financial success begins with awareness. These three actions will immediately empower your moneytudes:
Want to break free of your money blunders and open to amazing prosperity? Join my Moneytudes and The Science of Getting Rich Teaching Series & Mastermind April 9th HERE
Each month we’ll happily highlight one of our fabulous coaches here... We pick randomly and for no other reason than we know personally that these Coaches are doing amazing work in the world and deserve every inch of space we can spare! I'd been working for a major film company in Los Angeles for several years, feeling trapped and unfulfilled when a man I deeply cared for passed away. It was then I realized I was living half a life and decided it was time to face my fears, take a huge leap of faith and follow my bliss --Life Coaching. So I quit my job, moved to Austin, TX and got certified as a Life Coach. My love of horses led me to be certified as an Equus Coach by Koelle Simpson in Scottsdale, AZ. While there, I felt a strong pull to move. Really, I thought? Another move? But I couldn't ignore it. Thank goodness I didn't. I love it here in the Sonoran Desert. (I wonder how many times in my past I had ignored or just couldn't hear my intuition?)
See, there was a time when I believed control was safety. Now I've handed my limiting beliefs over to a greater source, riding the universal wave. I couldn't have done this without years of study with amazing teachers and coaches, Marla Frees, Breck Costin, Aadil Palkhivala, Richard Bartlett, Koelle Simpson, the herd at Reigning Grace Ranch, and Cole, my son. I'm now living my dream life. I live on a horse ranch. I'm outside everyday with horses and people and if I'm not, I'm creatively building my business. I have more time to spend with my son. I no longer need a vacation because my life feels like one. I live a life of PURPOSE, ABUNDANCE, JOY, BLISS, and LOVE. If I can do it, so can you. I'd love to help you. Learn More about Stacey Warner and her special brand of Intuitive Life & Equus Coaching HERE.