iCoach Magazine Issue 7: PROSPER

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Prospering Together I’ve been blessed in so many ways because of this magazine. I’ll be honest with you - sometimes it feels like a chore, tracking the pieces, getting caught up in the design process and the administrative crud that goes along with being a publisher. Then there’s the blessing side - the part where I am able to be of service to others who do so much giving themselves. The lessons and inspiration I get to read before anyone else when the articles come pouring in. The anticipation and excitement I feel when I finally get the cover done and I see it stacked up with the past issues. And the fact that I get to talk to amazeballs coaches who agree to grace our cover. Rich Litvin is just one of those people who gives with true abundance both his wisdom and time. Throughout the period between his agreeing to be on the cover and today he has not only worked with me to create a great issue but has constantly sent me information, interviews and even a copy of his book to read for the sake of helping me up-level my self and my coaching. Talk about leading with service! It’s truly been an honor to witness how this truly prosperous coach lives what he preaches. The theme of Prosper - totally created just for him because he’s the co-author of the book ‘The Prosperous Coach’. I’ve gifted his book to many of my clients because there are some wicked awesome pearls of wisdom throughout the pages. Rich doesn’t follow the formulas, he follows his heart and that is his true path to prosperity... watch and learn from him my friends. With Love & Light

Stacy Nelson, Founder iCoachNetwork.com



IN THIS ISSUE... COVER COACH: There’s Only One Thing More Powerful Than You ... Rich Litvin


iCoach SUCCESS CORNER: The Flow of Prosperity ... Stacy Nelson


iCoach Authors



2 Mindsets - And Only 1 Will Bring You Prosperity, Allison Crow Decide, Visualize & Act, Antoinette Sykes



Live Long & Prosper, Valerie Sorrentino


Align With You Money, Lori Kirstein


The Drive Inside, Lyric H. Ginsberg


What Does Prosper Look Like to You?, Donna Higton


From Fear to Safety, Lisa Fraley


1 Simple Shift to Turn On The Greater Flow..., Rebecca Bell Massoud


Prosper in Business by Creating The Life You Love, Debra Smouse


iCoach Spotlight: Allison Kramer

A couple of FYI’s... Yes, it’s the small print! First off - none of the articles in this magazine, including the cover, were paid for. This is not and will never be a Pay-To-Pay because I am dedicated to supporting our membership first by promoting their awesomeness and to our readership second by delivering the best content we can. The advertisements on the other hand are either paid for by our sponsors or are affiliate links that will help offset the expense of publishing this monthly Magazine so we can keep it as free and easily distributable. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact our team at Info@iCoachNetwork.com


“...when you have that kind of impact you become one of those rare coaches who helps their clients become more powerful than the status quo.”

Maybe you were a little nervous initially but you knew deep down you could help them. The small talk felt a bit uncomfortable but then you asked them to tell you about their challenges. And finally you began to relax a little. After all, you've helped clients like this many times before. You listened to them carefully for a few minutes and then it was your turn. You began to talk about coaching. Your confidence grew a little because you were on your home ground. You explained what you do. You told them why you love coaching. You told them why your approach is unique—and it is—and that feels great to share, right? And they


were really interested in the conversation. So all that was left was to ask one final question.

husband or business partner may react—and so on. It's an incredibly tough decision).

Potential clients have only one decision to make, right?

A client's third decision

It's simple: would you like to work with me—yes or no? Wrong. The problem is that potential clients actually have three decisions in front of them, not one. And one of the biggest mistakes coaches make is to take action without being clear whether or not a potential client has decided to change. "I'd love to work with you..." Have you ever heard the words "I'd love to work with you..." and then never heard from that person again? Then you are probably using third decision behaviors far too early. A client's first decision

Only then do you get to their third decision: If I do want to change, who am I going to work with? And even then, they need to get clear of you are really the very best person to support them on their mission. Why you never hear from them again Different behaviors are required of coaches at each stage. So if a potential client has not yet decided they are ready for change—and you talk about the unique and deeply impactful nature of your coaching—that is an irrelevant conversation. It's one of the biggest reasons so many coaches hear a genuine "I'd love to work with you..." and then never hear from that person again.

A client's very first decision is: Should I spend my precious time speaking to you? (They have to decide whether or not to give you access, whether it's a ten minute phone conversation, an hour long meeting, or a two hour Deep Coaching session).

This failure to differentiate causes coaches to use third-decision behaviors (such as explaining your coaching methodology or sharing your intellectual capital) when the conversation should instead be focused on the client's biggest dream, or their biggest fear, or what's holding them back the most.

A client's second decision

Competing Commitments

Their second decision is: Do I want to change from the status quo? (This is actually the hardest decision they have to make. You see, they need to get really clear on what this will mean, what the issues are, what their new commitments will involve, what their competing commitments are, who else will be impacted—such as how their

I recently referred a coach I know to a highperformer at a Fortune 500 Company. He wanted coaching on starting a new career and they set up an initial conversation. The coach rang me later to thank me for the referral. He's an ideal client and they'd had a great conversation. So she


was confused when she received no response to her follow-up emails.

I called the guy and discovered precisely why he wasn't ready to move forward. I helped him see that he has a range of commitments that compete with his professed desire to seek a new career. For example, he doesn't want to quit his job and discover he can't succeed in the non-profit

So slow down. Really slow down In this fast-paced world your willingness to slow down your client intake sessions will have you stand out from the crowd. When you discover whether or not the person you are with really wants to change, you will serve them powerfully. When you have that kind of impact, you become one of those rare coaches who helps their clients be more powerful than the status quo. And that is life-changing. For them and for you. Rich Litvin is Co-author of The Prosperous Coach. He helps coaches do one thing exceptionally well: create a practice with just a few high-performing, high-paying clients a year, by invitation and referral. He lives his life based on one principle: Hell Yeah or No. He has worked with CEOs, millionaires, Olympic athletes, Presidential candidates, celebrities, best-selling authors, soldiers and mothers. His private clients are by invitation and referral only.

world. And he doesn't want to leave the great lifestyle he has. In fact he felt relieved when we discussed his competing commitments because he'd been judging himself as lazy and unmotivated for not taking action.

The founder of the Confident Woman’s Salon, Rich works with some of the world’s most successful women. An expert on deep, natural confidence, he specializes in helping high achieving introverts perform at world-class levels of accomplishment. And he still gets nervous walking into a party. www.TheProsperousCoach.com/intensive As a special for readers of iCoach Magazine, you're invited to view Rich's private masterclass videos here.

There's only one thing more powerful than you or your potential client And that's the status quo.


2 MINDSETS – AND ONLY ONE WILL BRING YOU PROSPERITY Scarcity has been programed in to us via our upbringing, schooling, media, and societal norms. It has been built deep into our muscle and mind memories creating habits that affect our everyday choices and we find ourselves in an exhausting struggle to be prosperous. The good news is - we can un-learn it.

I know how hard you are working in your coaching practice. I know you probably are driven by love and service and not money, and the money and prosperity help you spread more love service. Along this journey, there are essentially 2 mindsets: One of scarcity or of abundance. Scarcity is rooted in fear, and abundance rooted in love, to be prosperous we must chose to return to love. Scarcity and abundance aren’t just about money. Other areas affected by our mindsets include: money and finances, ideas and opportunity, time, love/acceptance/partnership, and beliefs about self-worth.

Understanding and recognizing a scarcity mindset is the first step to choosing an abundant mindset. Some symptoms of scarcity thinking include a rigid mindset, a belief that there is never enough and that one must protect their share. Resenting spending money, revenge, blame, hoarding, and caring too much about what others have are also signs the brain is in scarcity. Difficulty receiving, using lack language – “I’m broke” and feeling scared, stressed, and selfish with money, time, ideas, love, and unworthiness also indicate scarcity. A scarcity mindset is disempowering, blocks the flow of prosperity, and is rooted in fear-based programming. It can be healed and shifted! Learning to adopt an abundance mindset is possible. Practice noticing your scarcity thinking and trade up to abundant thinking. An abundant mindset is curious, open, and willing to look at all angels of a situation. It believes that there is plenty – that the Universe’s ability to provide is boundless. Abundance thinkers appreciate


spending and bless the flow of money in and out of their lives; they are responsible and own their choices. An abundant mind willingly shares and avoids excess, and graciously receives. They are joyfully willing to pay fair price for goods and services. When in abundance, one feels trusting and easy with money, time, ideas, love, and about themselves. They are present and solution focused. An abundant mindset is empowering, opens the flow of prosperity, and is rooted in love and worthiness. What will you choose?

Allison Crow, is a spiritual mentor and intuitive life and business coach who has been coaching full time for 7 years. She teaches classes and workshops on prosperity, energy alignment, spirituality, and doodle meditation. Allison also works with a select few one on one clients a year. Allison’s one on one clients are soul-centered, high achievers – They are often leaders, coaches, entrepreneurs, bold artists, and even a few executives who are ready for the next level of inner and outer success. You can find out about the unique private coaching options Allison offers here. Be sure to get your copy of the Feel Good Fairy’s Guide to Transforming Your Life


“It is impossible to receive prosperity with a closed fist.”

THE FLOW OF PROSPERITY “Prosperity is all around you. It might look like a million dollars and it might look like having the time to watch the birds drink out of a fountain.”

I’ve re-wrote this article about 10 times, the wealth of words hesitating behind my strategic marketing mind. Should I tell a remarkably witty story about a client breakthrough? Shall I tie in the theme of prosperity into my upcoming live event? Perhaps I should dazzle you with my amazing x-many step formula to attract all the paying clients you could ever want? Don’t even get me started on how many titles I’ve played with... It all felt forced and unreal. Because what I really want to tell you is that prosperity isn’t something that you can go get. It’s not about the earnings or the bottom line. Being prosperous is a state of being. Not to say the money doesn’t help - it totally does, but true prosperity starts in your heart. The other day I was talking with a cli-


ent and she was truly stressing out about her income. She decided that she was just not earning what she was ‘supposed’ to be earning and she just didn’t want to do ‘it’ anymore. So after some serious deep breathing we took a few steps away from the stress and started really looking at the numbers. Two months prior, she had no clients and no income. On the day of the meltdown she had 22 new clients in a monthly membership and 4 private clients. Her business was truly starting to prosper but she couldn’t see it until she took a step back to breathe. See sometimes we get so caught up in the doing that we live in a land of lack. We’re constantly striving for the next level of success, working towards a new goal, getting our next client. In doing this we train our brains to think that we don’t have it all right now. Quite frankly if makes us feel shitty most of the time too because we are never happy where we are, always looking at the next piece of the puzzle. Having a prosperous, abundant life means eliminating the thoughts of lack.

Celebrating your wins changes your mindset from lack to prosperity simply by recognizing what you truly have in your life. Some are big steps and some are tiny little things that seem insignificant. But we celebrate them all - there is nothing awesomer than recognizing yourself for simply showing up each day. BREATHE DEEPLY Prosperity is all around you. It might look like a million dollars and it might look like having the time to watch the birds drink out of a fountain. When you’re stressing out about your next steps it means you’re not staying present to the magic all around you. Sounds terribly unrealistic when you’re in pain financially or emotionally to stop and smell the flowers but hippy-dippy-la-la or not, pausing to take a nice deep breath truly changes everything. What do you tell a child who comes running in the door in full panic trying to tell you about someone falling and hurt and tree and crying - the disjointed speech running over words? We tell them to take a deep breath and explain clearly to you what happened. So breathe, often and with great intention.



All of my coaching sessions start with a celebration. I’m always amazed at how hard this is for many of my clients - to shamelessly say with pride all of the accomplishments they have made. There’s resistance to brag like ‘I didn’t really do anything this week so I don’t know’. There are disclaimers made like ‘I got a new client but I didn’t close the sale with like 5 others so I suck at selling’. Or there’s a hedging around the question like ‘I had a good week, what about you?’

It is impossible to receive prosperity with a closed fist. If you’re busy fighting for the next dollar then your hands are curled into little fists. Combat style right? Go back to the last step & take a deep breath and then open up a little. Trust that you’re on the right path. Know that abundance already surrounds you and it’s just waiting for you to be open enough to receive it.


There is a flow to creating prosperity in your life and it starts by you being open to the possibilities rather than closed off, seeing only what you’re lacking. And when your hands open up miracles start happening, starting with the fact that you’re now able to grab the hand of your next client to help them up the hill. You are better able to be of service when you are living in a prosperous mindset. Ultimately you’re mindset creates and feeds your capacity to receive prosperity in your life. Article 10 looks nothing like the previous drafts. You don’t need secret marketing tips to succeed in your business and you don’t need someone promising you wealth if you do x-y-z. What you really need is to shift your view enough to see that your prosperity is all around you.

event where we will be deepening your prosperity mindset so you can start living your dreams. Stacy Nelson is the Founder of iCoach Network, an International circle of life coaches coming together to support and inspire each other on a daily basis. Keeping with the theme of ‘As one rises, we lift each other up”, Stacy also publishes this monthly digital magazine for iCoach Network, highlighting the fabulous coaches within the network. Specifically she in an Intuitive Marketing Coach with Marketing ImPerfect, helping soul-inspired entrepreneurs to market with their hearts and tap into their authentic purpose through their businesses.

Join Stacy Nelson this fall in San Diego California for Dream! Shine! Succeed! - an intimate live


DECIDE, VISUALIZE & ACT what’s before you and choose prosperity. Declare it. Write it down. Make it detailed. Commit to the decision. 2. Visualize – Now that you’ve made a decision, visualize what having that ______ (fill in the blank) feels like. The power of thought and imagination are powerful tools that are often taken for granted. Think back to when you were a kid and you would daydream and imagine. Here’s where you get to step into your “little” self and visualize your success and feel what it’s like to have those items desire or be the person you desire. Feel it.

When I close my eyes and I think of the word prosper, I see colors of purple, green and white. For me, colors evoke a feeling and for said colors mentioned, purple makes me feel regal and warm. Green is cool and abundant. White makes me feel wholesome. Have you ever tried feeling what prosperity feels like to you? In short, prosper means succeeding in an effort or activity; to become strong and flourishing; especially economic success. What I know for sure is that prospering is not only limited to economic success. It entails every area of our lives; health, happiness, career or business and spiritual well-being. To that end, how do you begin to feel and experience prosperity when obvious surroundings suggest otherwise? That question is truly one of the greatest secrets to success. Here are my favorite tips on prospering NOW. 1. Decide – decide you want to be prosperous and what that looks like for you. It’s different for each person. So, this decision of very personal. You must decide you are no longer settling for

3. Act as if – Act as if it’s already in your possession. This means do those things NOW. Be the person NOW. "Acting as if" is about believing in things that don't currently exist and that most likely there is little to no evidence that support you. It’s called faith. Believing it. Believing you have it and knowing it’s on the way. When you choose to live this way, you tap into a power that is unseen and yet very powerful. We often get what we expect. Are expecting to prosper? When you begin to feel and expect prosperity, while also taking necessary steps to achieve your prosperous desires, ah-ha, that’s when you succeed. Go forth and prosper. Antoinette Sykes, MBA, Success Coach, Bouncebackologist™ & Speaker With her wit, passion and infectious personality, Antoinette is leading the way for women leaders to break barriers in life through claiming their voice and experiencing paradigm shifts in thinking for massive transformation in life and developing an unsinkable soul after setbacks. Learn more at http://AntoinetteSykes.com


LIVE LONG & PROSPER thinking? Start cleaning out some of that old, unprosperous thinking. And while you’re at it clear out the old unwanted STUFF in your life. Clear the road to a prosperous life for a more direct route. Many things have been proven since Spock spoke those four words in the 70’s. But they still ring true. Truth lasts forever.

“Live long and prosper” a quote embedded in the minds of trekies. But what does it mean? So many people naturally say that they want to live to be 100 like it’s cliché’. I often furrow my brows together when I hear this and consider my own life until I finally got totally clear on what I truly want out of life. I would not want to be 100 unless I was in the best of tip-top health and agility. I may be an over thinker and a bit literal but I do know through my thinking process that living to be 100 and beyond would have a few stipulations.

Know what you want, clear out what you don’t and wish people well. This is creating that field of prosperous growth for yourself and all that come in contact with you. Valerie is a mindbody and environment wellness expert. Contact her for clarity on your next step to live long and prosper at Valerie@LifeEnergyCoach.com and enjoy my gift to you www.valsgift.com .

And that begins now. Not at the end of my time…. It’s NOW that creates a life of prosperity, good health and vitality. It’s what we choose now that is in direct alignment with what will show up tomorrow and beyond. The first thing to look at when living a long prosperous life is this : YOUR STATE OF MIND. What is your state of mind? What are you


ALIGN WITH YOUR MONEY netic self, which is a creative being, someone who takes up space on the planet and knows s/he has a right to be here! Be the person who lets their successes and failures be flung to the galaxy to be seen and received and responded to. (3) Stop being a “Good Girl”!…Accept help! Hold hands! Collaboration is mightier than the sword. Working with others – merging ideas – using the group mind – creating excitement with two or three or four other people is so much easier than trying to work it all out on your own!

Money. We love it! The secret is: it loves us too! The positive way to “get” money is to align with it. Strange! That’s not what we were taught! We were taught to compete – if we’re business owners – or to trade life-force for it – if we work for others. So we need a new plan, Stan! (1) Stop being a “Good Girl”!…Claim what you want! Claim it! Know it! Not in a needy, I-don’tthink-I’ll-ever-get-it way, but in a This-is-Mine kind of way! Know that not only is it yours, but you yourself are the wealth that you seek. You start to resonate there and you become the attractive force! (2) Stop being a “Good Girl”!...Be visible! Let your creativity out of the bag! If you want to attract money, you need to get attractive, magnetic! And you do that by being your most mag-

(4) Stop being a “Good Girl”!…Be fierce! Persevere! Be mighty! Let emotion be your fuel! There is a prosperity of passion that keeps you persevering, and it comes from you knowing why you keep on keepin’ on with your dreams. Your rich life itself is an expression of your gorgeous prosperity! You are the wealth you seek! Live long, and prosper! Lori Kirstein is the founder of The Goodbye Good Girl Project, and a Transformational Speaker and Performance Emotional Freedom teacher for fellow Speakers and Groups. She is currently writing "Goodbye, Good Girl", and offers SelfExpression Freedom Talks to businesses and personal growth groups, as well as individual coaching. Lori can be contacted at support@GoodbyeGoodGirl.com.



Its our desire to thrive. If you have not tapped into it.... you cannot prosper. If you cannot feel it... you can not become it. It comes from inside... from the heart. A desire for ourselves, our experience of life that we have been entrusted to care for, to grow into more. In our physicality, finances, relationships, and everything we do.

Prosper? Prosperity? That's not for me! I say don't bother. I've gotten this far in life. Life's pretty good. I have most of what I went for.... college, a home, maybe even a dog. Trying for more takes energy.... and that is not easy when there is the next TV show to watch. So there is really not much more else to say here..... Yet.... I hesitate. There is an innate feeling within each of us. It doesn't come from the billboard on the highway or an ad in a commercial that tells us what we are supposed to want. It's just a feeling... That we want more. What's that all about? How about this: Prosperity is the feeling... the drive inside to become better. The drive to have more, not in life... but have more OF life. More of life itself. This is its home. It is an evolutionary trait deep in our DNA.... Not to stop... but to keep moving on. Not to drive ourselves crazy doing it.... but to just see what is around the next corner... and to have that for ourselves. This is where “prosperity” begins.

I've seen so many videos and workshops that talk about prospering. What is really the difference between the person teaching it and the person in the audience? It's that “feeling” that they have. That relinquishment to the drive to have more in life that is so important that it pushes away anything else that might be “reasonable”. That person you see up on stage is just like you. But the difference is....they're tapped in. They have enhanced their “feeling” for prosperity... and then made it real. It's more important to them than all the daily distractions they could have possibly done instead. So ask yourself.... how much do you really want to prosper? Where does it come from inside? Do not wish it was different.... just feel it. Celebrate what you have for the moment. Whatever level you find... whatever drive you innately possess... that is the amount of fuel you have to create your world around you. There are many ways to turn up the heat. To step on the gas of your inner drive. But the first step is just seeing how hot you burn right now. Later, you'll want to find more of both the fan and the fire... and combine the right ingredients to enhance the drive, so that we can turn it into true prosperity. But without the foundation we really 15

cannot climb such a mountain. It takes a certain innate ruggedness. Ya gotta really want it. Lyric H. Ginsberg is fitness trainer and multidimensional life coach. His work deconstructs each system and builds it back with simplicity and ease. His only goal is to make transforma-

tion of any kind, physical, mental, emotional, the quickest and most profound for his clients. After 20 years as a coach he realizes that he can guide to any goal, if the client is ready to take the next step and do the work. See his website for more details..... www.takegiantsteps.com, Lyric@takegiantsteps.com


Sign Up for Your FREE 3 Part Video Training Series HERE New Ways to Create a Life and Business that's Succeeding! http://www.DreamShineSucceed.com/free 16


side of the world for a year, second taking the leap to start my business. And I discovered what being fortunate and successful really meant to me. Despite taking a huge cut in income in the early years, I was happier, I needed less money because I didn't need to 'reward' myself for spending a week trapped in an office, and I felt more successful than I ever had in my well respected job, despite the fact that not many people understood what I did. The dictionary definition of "prosper" is to be fortunate or successful, especially financially. But what does that really mean to you? What does it mean to you to be fortunate or successful? Many of us simply strive for more, more, more, without considering what we really want and need. In my corporate life, I had a well paid IT job with great prospects. I did not feel particularly fortunate or successful, especially financially (the latter mostly because I spent most of my wages on nights out and shoes). I felt miserable and uninspired, and broke. And yet, most people looking at my life would see how well-off I was. Sadly, or luckily, my soul was not satisfied with that narrow society perception of Prosperity. My soul wanted more for me. My soul consistently whispered in my ear "there's more to life that this, there's more to you than this". Dissatisfied and feeling as if my soul was suffocating in my old life, I broke free, first running away to the other

Real prosperity is not just a societal perception all the 'good jobs' and 'nice cars' in the world mean nothing if your soul is slowly suffocating. To prosper is more than having the right income level and the trappings of success. It is really checking in with yourself - do you feel fortunate and successful? Or do you feel stifled, trapped, and ever dissatisfied? If it's the latter, perhaps it's time to stop and review what "to prosper" really means to you? Because a suffocated soul and a dissatisfied heart are too high a price to pay for going after a definition of prosperity that isn't working for you. Donna, better known as "DonnaOnTheBeach", helps women who KNOW there is more to life to make their Dreams a Reality, and live with joy and passion. Visit http://www.donnaonthebeach.com to get her free ebook "The First Step To a Joyful Life" and to find hundreds of articles, podcasts and videos to help you fall in love with your life, live joyfully and make your Big Dreams come true.



In order to prosper, we have to take risks…which can feel ridiculously scary. Stretching to higher pricing, sharing new programs, or launching a shiny new website are critical steps for a thriving business. All are achievable, so why do we drag our feet sometimes? What’s the hesitation? How the heck do we get out of our own way? Ultimately, we have to be visible and vulnerable and put ourselves “out there” in the world for others to find us to benefit from our services. We know our work has value; yet, we let our fears and anxieties stop us or slow us down. We want to go forward, but we pull back. The funny thing is that when we feel safe and secure, we can take risks. When we feel safe, we feel relaxed and courageous to launch new things. We know that our self-created FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) is really just trying to protect us from being hurt, exposed or embarrassed. Quite well-intentioned, of course, but fear completely robs us of success. So how do we help ourselves feel safe so that we can take big risks? 3 Ways to Shift from Feeling FEAR to Feeling SAFE:

1. Laser Shift Your Perspective. We can shift our feelings in an instant. Poof. Like magic. Just like that. Instead of worrying that others will reject us or our services, we can hold in our mind’s eye a vision of clients thanking us profusely for helping them immensely. It’s like laser-flipping a switch to an image of instantaneous success and safety. And the more we flip, the stronger it gets. 2. Remember Abundance. While it may sound a bit “woo-woo”, we sometimes forget that the Universe is amply abundant. There truly is enough for everyone. We just have to open our hearts to receive abundance and trust it will come. (After all, deep down, we believe it will, or we wouldn’t be doing so much work to bring our vision to life.) 3. Create Guardrails. When we put in place legal structures to hold our work, we are creating guardrails to keep us – and our business – from driving off a cliff. Containers and boundaries like client agreements, disclaimers, and LLCs keep us safe, secure and legally protected, so we can steer away from fear to focus on the road ahead. When we make small shifts in our mindset and business to feel more secure, big things can hap18

pen. We just have to shift from fearful to focused, scared to safe, and restrained to relaxed, so we can let ourselves take those risks to prosper and thrive. Lisa H. Fraley, JD, CHHC, AADP, is a Legal Coach™ (Attorney + Holistic Health Coach) who creates compassionate contracts and containers

to hold and support your business - so you feel safe, secure, and protected. Lisa combines her years of work in a large law firm with her powerful coaching skills to help driven coaches and entrepreneurs create heart-centered legal boundaries, so you can boldly and confidently do the work that you love without worry, stress, or fear of being sued.Â

allisonadforebook 19

Sweet Tweets: 140 Characters of Wisdom by Candace George Conradi To offer a complete thought in 140 characters is the closest thing in life to renewing our child-like wonder. Simple and concise, the messages remove us from a world that is complex and full of drama, offering short sentiments of wisdom and insight. Get your Copy HERE

Balance the Mother Load: Reinvent Your Life in Just 8 Weeks by Carly Cooper So many moms neglect themselves and their wellbeing because they think it’s the only way to take care of their family. After all, isn’t that what a “good mom” does? Get your Copy HERE.

A DREAM Comes True: 5 Steps to Planning and Creating Your Personal Success Story NOW! by KishaLynn Elliott This personal development book teaches you to stop simply wishing and start planning a DREAM to create a personal success story! Includes a proven system to stop day dreaming and start living your dreams every day. Get your Copy HERE 20

A Rebel Chick Mystic’s Guide: Healing Your Spirit with Positive Rebellion by Lisa Marie Selow This is a book for brave, nonconformist women (or for those who aspire to be), written from the heart and soul of a spiritual rocker chick. Get your Copy HERE.

Banish Money Misery by Donna Higton Banish Money Misery takes a fun, irreverant, step-bystep approach to financial health. this ebook aims to get you started with 101 exercises to get your financial life whipped into shape. Get Your Copy HERE.

S.O.U.L. Mama: Seeing Only an Unlimited Life-An Experience of Awakening, Creating a New Paradigm, and Living from the Soul by Vidette Vanderweide For women of all ages, whether married, single, a mother or not, S.O.U.L. Mama is about what happens when you wake up to a life that doesn’t seem to be your own. It no longer fits. It is the realization that it’s not the life you want. Get Your Copy HERE.

ONE SIMPLE SHIFT TO TURN ON THE GREATER FLOW OF ABUNDANCE IN YOUR BUSINESS My desk is like a statement to the Universe saying: “I’m really here and fully showing up for my business and clients. I’m fully stepping into being a wealthy 6-figure-plus business owner and coach, and I’m ready to play even BIGGER and welcome even greater abundance in my life.” Just one week after my desk arrived I secured a new client and doubled the amount of money I made this month from last month – all while taking most of July “off” to vacation with my family and spend more time with my son while he’s on summer break.

Recently, I bought a brand new office desk. It’s big, really BIG. So it was a bit of shock when the delivery guys brought it into my home. My former desk, a quaint roll-top, is still tucked in a corner of my home office, and when I sat there I had a narrow, obstructed view of my surroundings. It was almost as if I was hiding, not yet ready to play full out and show up in a big way for my business. Now, with my new desk placed strategically in the “power position” of the room, with my chair facing the door to my office, my view is much more expansive. I can see my flowering backyard, the pines just on the other side of our fence, the hills in the distance. Sitting here I also FEEL more expansive. I feel more prosperous, more successful as a coach.

Coincidence? Not to my mind. In my experience, making a simple shift like changing something in my environment or changing a thought or limiting belief has opened me to the greater flow of abundance. Sometimes it’s a light shower, and other times it’s been like a broken fire hydrant! One of mentors Mary Morrissey is known for saying, “You can’t get TO your dream, you must come FROM it.” Meaning, you must train your thinking, tune your frequency and take actions from the place of the person who is ALREADY a prospering, difference-making coach earning multiple 6 figures (or whatever your income goal is). It’s about acting “as if” and putting on what it looks like, feels like, sounds like, etc. as the person or coach you are becoming. What does that person do, say, eat, wear? How does that person walk out the door in the morning? Who do you hang out with and what kind of conversations do 22 you have?

For me, getting a big statement-desk that takes up A LOT of space was just the action I needed to take this month to step more fully into my vision and turn on the prosperity spigot in my coaching business. So, what simple shift or step can you take this month to turn on -- or turn up -- the abundant flow in your business and life, and help you live in a more expanded, prosperous way? For more than 20 years, Rebecca Bell Massoud has worked with organizations and individuals,

helping them build their dreams, accelerate their results, and create richer, more fulfilling lives. She is a business and life coach certified through the Life Mastery Institute and an inspirational speaker. In addition to coaching on the "spiritual side of success," Rebecca has had a long career in marketing, communications and branding and brings that depth and breadth of expertise to generate exponential results for her clients. Learn more at www.rebeccamassoud.com.Â

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I swallowed my fears and took a giant leap of faith. I began to apply the art of gentle discipline around my life: regular bedtimes, charging my phone in the office, eating when I was hungry not starving.

Once upon a time, I believed that the only way to create a prosperous life was to devote all my energy to my business. I slept with my phone under my pillow. I skipped meal times (and found myself devouring potato skins or hot wings at midnight). I responded to emails from 5 AM to Midnight (or later). I snuck into the bathroom on dates to return a text to a client. And on more than one occasion, I’ve answered a client’s call in the middle of a romantic moment. In the spring of 2010, I realized that though I was making good money, I simply existed. The whirlwind movement between meetings, power lunches and cross-country flights felt barren. I began to understand that if I were to give love to myself and others, then I also needed to allow myself to receive it. It was time for me to risk my heart for passion, love, and companionship.

When 2011 rolled around, my life was the polar opposite of what it looked like a year before. I was living a day-to-day life that I loved. Gone were the power lunches and in their place were relaxing dinners and a heart filled with peace. Though my bank-balance may not have been as high, I felt more prosperous and successful than I had in years. If you want to plant the seeds of growth, begin with love and allow yourself to create your own definition of what it means to be prosperous. Debra Smouse is a life coach & Tarnished Southern Belle who helps people fall in love with their lives. An expert de-tangler, she believes in busting clutter as a path to clarity and that within every woman is vibrant and passionate being just itching to make their inner sex kitten roar.



year university, but realized after a year it wasn’t for me. My love for all things creative was being pushed out from me, so I made the decision to follow my heart, NOT my fear and I landed at the Art Institute of Houston. A lot has happened since then…

Each month we’ll happily highlight one of our fabulous coaches here... We pick randomly and for no other reason than we know personally that these Coaches are doing amazing work in the world and deserve every inch of space we can spare! I am SO excited you found me, Allison Kramer, life coach for young women. So, my guess is you are probably thinking to yourself, “who the heck is this lady?” So here is a little about me… I grew up in Katy, Texas with an older sister, 2 dogs and great parents. All I ever wanted to do was grow up and not have to answer to anyone. When I was a teenager, I fought with sister and my mother constantly. Frankly, looking back I hated my mom! The only thing I liked was being with my friends. At the end of high school, my parents insisted I go to college. I went to a four

I am married to my true love (he’s a professor at UT), we have 2 fabulous kids and 2 rescued dogs. Being a mom is one of my favorite things. My life has been amazing so far. I have lived in 4 different states and gotten to travel the world, seeing amazing things and indulging in fabulous decadent foods. I am loved and appreciated by great friends and family (including my mom, whom I now am proud to call my friend). I am a graduate of Teen Wisdom Life Coaching and Coaches Training Institute, with over 150 hours of coach training. My life experiences, as a nanny, teacher, and parent, combined with my extensive training make me the perfect coach to enhance your self work. I came into the “coaching world” after working with my own creative life coach. She helped me understand what I was always meant to do… work with young women to help them realize their potential and live a fulfilling life, doing what makes them happy. Other adults (& even 25

coaches!) tend to think YOUR age group (can you see the eyeroll now) is a difficult one, but “NO WAY”, I say. You are the best age, able to explore everything and figure out what YOU WANT. The possibilities for you are endless and I can’t wait to work with you on your journey of self discovery. Things I love CHOCOLATE, traveling, creating, watching reality TV, music, eating out, cooking, boxing, dogs, 75 degrees, the beach, helping others

Enough talk about me, I want to meet YOU! Then we can get to know each other and you can ask me anything. Please contact me through the “Contact Me” link above, and I can answer any questions you might have. Enough talk about me, I want to meet YOU! Then we can get to know each other and you can ask me anything. Please contact me through the “Contact Me” link above, and I can answer any questions you might have.

Things I hate dishonesty, prejudiced people, pressure, doing the dishes or laundry, waste, red meat, forgetting where I put something, crowds A little about my coaching experience I am a graduate of Teen Wisdom Life Coaching and Coaches Training Institute, with over 150 hours of coach training. My life experiences, as a nanny, teacher, and parent, combined with my extensive training make me the perfect coach to enhance your self work. I came into the “coaching world” after working with my own creative life coach. She helped me understand what I was always meant to do… work with young women to help them realize their potential and live a fulfilling life, doing what makes them happy. Other adults (& even coaches!) tend to think YOUR age group (can you see the eyeroll now) is a difficult one, but “NO WAY”, I say. You are the best age, able to explore everything and figure out what YOU WANT. The possibilities for you are endless and I can’t wait to work with you on your journey of self discovery.

Download your free workbook ‘5 Tips to Help Your Daughter Succeed in College” for parents or ‘‘How to Have a Kick Ass College Experience’ for young women at Allison’s site http://xoallison.com




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