iCoach Magazine Issue 8: CREATE

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IN THIS ISSUE... COVER COACH: How To Unleash Your Creative Genius... Laura Hollick


iCoach SUCCESS CORNER: The Starving Coach... Stacy Nelson


iCoach Spotlight: Allison Crow


The Dilemma of the Uncreative Coach, Lily Starling


How to Create A Great Relationship, Daniel Amis


Trust Your Innate Creativity, Debra Smouse


Create a Marketing Plan That Works Just for You, Heather Jernigan


Living with More Power, Intention & Creativity, Gemma Benton Jackson


Creating Boldness, Shannon Graham



3 Tips to Make Your Creations Count, Amethyst Mahoney


What’s Cooking in the Creative Kitchen of Your Mind?, KishaLynn Elliott


Revive Your Passions With Creativity, Jamie Saloff


Not A Creative Bone in Your Body?, Donna Higton


How to Avoid Those ‘Blurred Lines’ With Clients, Lisa Fraley


Open the Creative Flow & Flourish Financially, Susanna Maida


Ready to Create, Renee Vos de Wael

Six Keys for Making the Creative Leap, March DeGange


Let Your Creativity Lead You Home, Leanne Chapman


Create Your Magnificent Love Affair, Stacey Martino


A couple of FYI’s... Yes, it’s the small print! First off - none of the articles in this magazine, including the cover, were paid for. This is not and will never be a Pay-To-Pay because I am dedicated to supporting our membership first by promoting their awesomeness and to our readership second by delivering the best content we can. The advertisements on the other hand are either paid for by our sponsors or are affiliate links that will help offset the expense of publishing this monthly Magazine so we can keep it as free and easily distributable. If you have any comments or concerns, please contact our team at Info@iCoachNetwork.com

Creating Together This magazine is a creation, something that month after month I create but more importantly than the act of creating, is the idea - the idea that was this little spark that came to me. This little nagging that said wouldn’t it be neat if you were a publisher? Wouldn’t it be cool if you got to play with coaches who are giving into the world in a big way? Wouldn’t it be true giving if you gave your friends an opportunity to be published and seen? Wouldn’t it be interesting to figure out how to do all of that and have it be a part of my business? Wouldn’t it be fun to create? From the idea to reality was truly just a set of questions & of possibility. And that’s why I love Laura Hollick’s work. She’s built a technicolored business following her ideas of possibility. She shows up wearing a unicorn horn and rainbow paint. She dances to the rhythm of her own heart beat and she helps people heal themselves by using their own innate creativity. I also have to say that watching the articles roll in this month was really fun - to see how different people approached the theme of CREATE. For some it revealed a process, for others it was about relationship or space & time. Where ever it ended up showing in the articles one thing was consistent. That creation starts with an idea and ends with something magical. With Love & Light

Stacy Nelson, Founder iCoachNetwork.com




Creativity is one of the greatest assets you can have in business today. With our highly competitive markets and saturated social media sites it is your unique creativity that will stand out and get noticed. Of course you don't want to stand out for shock value you want to stand out with real originality and inspiration.

“Everyone has a Creative Genius within waiting to be tapped and unleashed.�

Your Creative Genius is your voice of originality, it is your True Self. It is a state of being where magic seems to happen effortlessly and you feel passionately alive with a timeless depth of insightfulness. This creative state of being has been compared to the highest level of performance in Olympic Athletes. For entrepreneurs it is especially important to have a healthy relationship with your Creative Genius so you can create your branding, marketing, products and services to express your True Self. When your Creative Genius is blocked or trapped in a cage you'll feel a tremendous frustration and agitated procrastination. A blocked Creative Genius is bored, dull and has a constant irritated stress that never seems to be alleviated. Most people don't realize the undertone of stress and anxiety they experience has 3

its roots in a caged Creative Genius. People try all kinds of things to alleviate their bored agitation with quick highs, escapism and straightforward avoidance of life. These tactics never really solve any problems they only prolong the struggle. The only real lasting solution to dissolving blocks is to develop a practice of connecting with and unleashing your Creative Genius. Everyone has a Creative Genius within waiting to be tapped and unleashed. Even if you think you are not creative or original just remind yourself that you are born from the act of creation itself, creativity is in the DNA of who you are. Everyone is creative. If you need proof that you have a Creative Genius simply recall a time in your life when you felt alive, blissful and totally in your zone, well that is the experience of your awakened Creative Genius!

Here are 5 things you can do to Unleash your Creative Genius now! 1.

CONNECT WITH YOURSELF Creativity flows through YOU. If you are disconnected or disembodied from yourself the creativity will have nowhere to go. Everyone connects with themselves in unique ways. Some people like to go for long hikes in the forest, some prefer to sit and meditate while others enjoy wild dancing with lots of people. Whatever allows you to connect with yourself enabling you to feel your own energy is a powerful practice for unleashing your Creative Genius. (Photo by Kevin Thom)


If your Creative Genius moments are few and far between than you can develop a practice to prolong and deepen your connection. The more you do this to more you'll flow with the brilliance of your Creative Genius and give you the power to apply all that genius to your business ventures and life desires. If you're spinning in the latest drama you'll be preoccupied and distracted from the present moment. A cloudy mind is a blocked mind. A blocked mind prevents your Creative Genius 4

from shining its brilliant light. Clearing your mind can be as simple as pulling out your journal and writing down your thoughts and feelings. A more elaborate process for clearing your mind can involve therapy and deep healing work. The purpose of clearing your mind is to return you to the present moment. Your Creative Genius lives in the here and now. (Photo by Kevin Thom)




Magical thinking expands our perception of what is possible by opening doorways into new realities. Your Creative Genius loves to expand and she is always waiting at the doorway of a new reality adventure. The best way to activate your magical thinking powers without any illegal substances is to engage your imagination. Many people do this intuitively without realizing it, that is why people buy lottery tickets, they pay for a moment of magical thinking. To exercise your magical thinking ask yourself some questions that stretch you into a whole new world of possibily. For example: What would you do if you had all the money in the world? (Photo by Kevin Thom.)

When we contrive every step of the way we create stiff bars around the cage of our Creative Genius. To free yourself and your Creative Genius you have to be willing to make a mess, make mistakes and let go of control. Control squeezes the life out of your Creative Genius and pinches off your originality and brilliance. Although it is important to develop discipline and a healthy strategic plans in your business you also have to give yourself room to breathe. When you loosen the reigns of perfection and control you breathe life into your Creative Genius and give her permission to take over. ( Photo by Kevin Thom.)



Your Creative Genius wants nothing more than to fly the heights of your dreams with you. When you say "Yes" to the things that excite you, you light a match under your Creative Genius and spark a fire of inspiration. There is often so risk involved in saying "Yes" to your dreams because it will require you to stretch into a greater version of yourself. When you say "Yes" to your dreams your Creative Genius steps up and gives you the wind beneath your wings to go for it. ( Photo by Kevin Thom.) Your Creative Genius is as unique as you are!

Laura Hollick is an award-winning artist, Shaman and multi-6 Figure Entrepreneur. After walking 10,000km on a Vision Quest, Laura clarified her purpose and dove into business to realize it. She is the founder and CEO of Soul Art Studio Inc.(please insert Soul Art Studio link: www.soulartstudio.com), a business devoted to guiding and inspiring people to create their life and business as an expression of their spirit. BRAVO TV created a documentary about Laura's art and life called 'The Artist's Life: Laura Hollick'. She has hosted and produced over 500 radio shows for 93.3 FM CFMU called 'The Artist's Lifestyle'. Laura was nominated for Woman of Distinction in the Arts for her creative contributions to society. Laura's passionate mission is to inspire 10,000,000 people to live their spirit on Earth.


To learn more about your specific type of creativity and how you can overcome your unique blocks and challenges take the free quiz called: What kind of Creative Spirit are you?

MOVIE 1.1 Experience the Creativity Glow


THE DILEMMA OF THE UNCREATIVE COACH results, the more I sometimes despair that I am not being creative enough in my coaching. But I have come to realize in the few years I have been a coach and the longer time I have been a small business owner that creation is happening every moment in every facet of my practice. I stopped agonizing so much over the uniqueness of my programs when I realized that they facilitate creation for others. Through teaching skills based on non unique data and research, I am helping art, joy, healing, and spirit to spread into the world through my clients. There is nothing new in heaven and on earth. And that can be a problem for a marketing coach. I am not a mother. I cannot point to another human being and say, “I created you.” During the darkest moments of self-doubt, I say to myself, “You have to create something different. You have to say something completely unique. Your program must be unlike anything else out there. If you don’t create all new content from every other coach, you are a copycat and a fraud.” I teach marketing. While there is quite a bit of wiggle room for creative approaches to copywriting, websites, and mindset, the fact is I end up teaching the same modules and systems repeatedly because they work. There are only so many advisable ways to teach e-mail database set up or directory submissions. But the more I repeat these teachings, despite my clients’ quantifiable

And I create something entirely unique on every phone call, every exchange, and every piece of content in which I bring my authentic voice. I am creating myself in every moment and that ripples into my practice and into the world. L i l y S t a r l i n g , C M T, i s t h e c r e a t o r o f FillYourHolisticPractice.com, a coaching practice dedicated to giving holistic practitioners the marketing know-how they need to bring hundreds of clients into their practice. Her 26 page Success Guide for Healers is available for free on her website. Lily teaches the proprietary system she created to fill her massage practice with more than 800 clients in 2 years. She is dedicated to advancing the healing arts through empowering self employed holistic practitioners.


“Your business isn’t about how much content you create or how creative you are.”

THE STARVING COACH “Creating non-stop is the cycle we get into when we just don’t know what else to do. It makes us feel like we’re making progress...”

Her site is beautiful. There are carefully crafted headers and graphics. Her blog is seriously robust, I mean hundreds of posts. There’s a podcast that she created over on the side. I even see a few videos scattered about. This is the site of someone who has a huge passion for creating content. But Jean contacted me because she’s working like a crazy woman, promoting all of her creations all of the time but she’s not getting any clients. I’m looking at her site and I understand: she’s like a starving artist. I see it all of the time - coaches stuck in a creation cycle, constantly putting out new stuff hoping something will stick. That one magical post will somehow go viral and clients will pound down their door.


They talk about their creations. Then then create some more and talk about those. Which means they do a lot of talking AT people. Telling them about this and that. And as active as creation is, it’s a really passive way to build your business. Let’s look at the starving artist. A starving artist is someone who creates art all of the time, but doesn’t proactively go out to try to sell the art. They put the art up on a wall and hope that someone likes it enough to purchase it. A starving coach is very similar in nature. She creates. She posts up on Facebook and on her blog. And then she hopes that someone will see it hanging there and will buy her coaching. I get on the phone with Jean and we start digging into all of the things that she does to market her business and all the things she’s creating: podcasts, blog posts, email newsletters, a new ebook giveaway and she’s working on her signature talk to get speaking engagements, plus posts on Facebook and a little bit of tweeting. And I ask the million dollar question, “So I see lots of busy work, when are you actually making personal contact with people?” “Well what do you mean? I just told you everything I’m doing. I’m always in front of people. I’m always talking to people” “No, Jean. Those things you listed are you talking AT people. When do you have real conversations?” Silence.

“But I took that class by so-in-so and she said that this was the way to build up a six figure business and I’m following the steps exactly.” “So how’s that formula working for you?” Creating non-stop is the cycle we get into when we just don’t know what else to do. It makes us feel like we’re making progress, like somehow if we keep super busy making stuff that people won’t think we’re eating bon-bons on the couch all day slacking off. And let’s face it, we create because it’s fun... certainly funner (it’s a word) than actually selling what we do. Now I know that Jean became a coach because she wanted to help people at a deep personal level. And yet no efforts were being made to actually connect with people at a personal level. It was all outbound marketing dribble-drabble (again, totally a word). So I gave her a challenge. The challenge was to connect personally with people. To set up conversations and ask questions. To get to know people and their challenges without the expectation of business but with the heart of someone who truly just wants to serve. Two weeks later we hop on the phone again and it’s a new Jean on the other end of the line. “Wooohooooo! I just got a client yesterday!!!” “Yes! That’s awesome... did they come from a blog post?” “No I haven’t written any lately.” “A Facebook post? Your newsletter?” 10

“No. She’s a gal who’s been on my list forever and I just sent her a note and we started talking and one thing led to another and she ended up hiring me for 3 months. But wait, there’s more. I’ve been reaching out to people like you told me to and I’m having so much fun. I’m having all these great conversations with people I didn’t even know before and one of them hooked me up to speak at one of her groups next month and I’m having coffee next week with a different gal. This is really cool.” This isn’t Jean passively putting up her art on a wall hoping it sells. This is Jean actively looking for her people and connecting with them like they are a human being, not a number or a system.

The only shift that is truly required to go from Starving Coach to one who’s bringing in the clients is going from being busy creating stuff to you creating conversation with another person. Stacy Nelson is the Founder of iCoach Network, an International circle of life coaches coming together to support and inspire each other on a daily basis. Keeping with the theme of ‘As one rises, we lift each other up”, Stacy also publishes this monthly digital magazine for iCoach Network, highlighting the fabulous coaches within the network. Specifically she in an Intuitive Marketing Coach with Marketing ImPerfect, helping soul-inspired entrepreneurs to market with their hearts and tap into their authentic purpose through their businesses.

Your business isn’t about how much content you can create or how creative you are. It’s not some sales gimmick and it’s not some scary thing to make sure you phrase everything correctly.


HOW TO CREATE A GREAT RELATIONSHIP You can get into a great relationship or make a relationship last if you first change how you think. Every relationship that you've been in previously that didn't go so well happened that way because of your past thoughts. Every complaint and negative thought that you had in your mind, attracted a negative outcome. But once you start thinking differently and believing in your ability to create a great relationship, you'll attract better types of people...or the relationship that you're in currently will change.

What is it that you’re looking to create in your life? Do you want to create a great relationship? There are many ways to do that, including working on your own issues, going to couples counseling (if you’re in a relationship), and scolding your partner about his/her issues and hoping they fix it. But there’s another way to create a great relationship… and that’s to create… Law of Attraction style. If you've experienced disappointing after disappointing relationships, your faith that you'll find (or keep) a great relationship may have disappeared. You may be thinking "I don't think I'll ever have that fairy tale relationship", "I doubt that I'll find that special one", or I don’t think that my relationship will get better”. But what you should know is that every negative thought that you have leads to a creation. Your experience is the product of what you’re thought. Thinking and feeling what you feel is the cause, and what you go through in relationships is the effect. And if you are lacking faith in your ability to create a great relationship, then chances are the relationships that you get into will not be all that great. But you have the power to turn things around.

So replace the negative thoughts with more positive ones...and understand that you have the power to make a relationship great. Truly believe that you deserve true love. And if you’re single, believe that you will find your soul mate. You must affirm to yourself that you have a lot of love to give and you will receive the same in amount on return. Have faith that you will get into a great relationship with a great person. Once you do these things you will notice the people you come across as potential partner will greatly increase. YOU have the power to make a relationship great. Always remember that. Daniel Amis is a Professional Matchmaker/ Relationship Expert, who has helped many people create a long-lasting, loving, and successful relationship. For more info on his services: go to: www.relationshipadviceforyou.webs.com or www.myidealmatch.webs.com



Sometimes it’s difficult to imagine the life of our dreams.

When I was a little girl, I was great at telling stories. I had tea parties with my imaginary friends, my Barbie dolls had rich, full lives, and thanks to me, Nancy Drew never ran out of new mysteries to solve. The greatest toy I had wasn’t the tea set, the doll, or even the perfect pen. It was my innate creativity. For many people, creativity means that you have to make something great. You’re only creative if you’ve painted an artistic masterpiece or penned a best-selling novel. That isn’t the truth. Everything you do requires creativity. Every action, every word, and every choice you make is part of your creation. You are creating something each and every day, even unconsciously. To live a life that you love, you need to take your creative spirit by the hand and nurture it. Let your muse whisper to you and allow your imagination to soar.

We fence ourselves in with concepts like “balance” or “security” but the reality is that really living instead of existing requires that you draw on your creative spirit. Don’t force yourself to stay grounded in the mundane world of should and expectations. Dip into the rich well of imagination and desire. I love my life. Not just the special occasions like holidays and travels. I love my everyday life: my work, my trips to the grocery store, and being a partner to an amazing man. I credit that with my willingness to dive into my dreams and creative spirit. What I know is that you too can live the life of your dreams. Take a leap of faith and trust the whispers of your own innate creativity. Debra Smouse is a life coach & Tarnished Southern Belle who helps people fall in love with their lives. An expert de-tangler, she believes in busting clutter as a path to clarity and that within every woman is vibrant and passionate being just itching to make their inner sex kitten roar.


CREATE A MARKETING PLAN THAT WORKS JUST FOR YOU The marketing plan is the vase. Alone, it’s not so stellar. But with the freshly cut flower– now THAT is something to show off on your kitchen table! Without the direction that a plan can provide, you are like a tumbleweed who bounces from one marketing idea to another. You have the “bright shiny object syndrome” and it leads to you to feel distracted, overwhelmed, and exhausted.

Are you a coach who loves to do only what feels good and when you hear the words “marketing plan” it makes you want to crawl back in bed? I’m all for the feel good approach to business. But the problem I see is that sometimes it keeps us in our comfort zone – and that doesn’t always bring in clients. Marketing for most people is slightly uncomfortable. Well ok – VERY uncomfortable. At least at first. We feel like we may be bugging people or coming across in a sleazy way. When you market yourself in a new way it can feel awkward and un-good. At first, it’s going to seem scary. And you may mistake it as “this is NOT for me.” Marketing success needs both – the structure of a plan AND the feel good approach. The “feel good” approach is like a freshly cut flower – it’s beautiful! But, without something to support it, it’s going to go limp and turn brown.

Without the “feel good” approach of tuning in to what will work specifically for you, you are stuck HATING your to-do list, your business, and your life and you’re going to burn out pretty quickly. What does a plan look like? Some examples could include • Mapping out your emails to your list • Planning an approach for social media • Launching a new program Set yourself up for more clients and more income by creating a marketing plan that’s right for you. Heather Jernigan pulls of her skills together as a Launch Success Coach: Corporate Marketer + Get-It-Done-Girl + Health Coach + Mompreneur to help coaches get their message to the right people across the globe. Take advantage of her free training call on September 10 on how to Be a Launch Queen here www.bealaunchqueen.com where you can learn to take your program online, reach more clients and change the world in your pajamas with a launch.


6 WAYS OF LIVING WITH MORE POWER, INTENTION & CREATIVITY EXPLORE for UNDERSTANDING Like the willows bending with the wind, each of us is made stronger, more resilient because of one another. How do we stimulate our curiosity about the Mystery that lives through us? ACTIVATE Every Spring, Native women gather green willow branches to make intricate baskets. The bark is stripped away to reveal the smooth, white bones underneath while the women weave and share stories. As beautiful as the baskets are, they are second to the rich weaving they create with their lives. In Native American traditions, everything is an act of creation. I use my CREATE Method, in my workshops to teach clients about weaving interrelatedness, intention and creative action. CONNECT Native people think of personal power as an expression of our connection with Creation. The Connect step offers a way to expand our perspective to include everything, seen and unseen. Take moments to pause often and connect with your environment, intention and that voice of wisdom within. RELATE In the Shoshone language we say, “Oyondusuk nia nanewenuh” meaning “All My Relations”. It's a way of keeping our awareness of this relationship with life in front of us. How can we 'make relations' with life's challenges?

How can we activate wisdom through sharing meaningful experiences with one another? TEND “Hold it between your teeth and pull down evenly with both hands.” the old Washoe woman said giggling. She smirked as I grimaced, trying to get the tilt of my head just right so that I could avoid pulling the fine, willow strip too hard in one direction or another, rendering it completely useless. 'Tend' to life, don't race through it. Practice making slow and deliberate choices, being careful not to pull too hard to one side or another. EXPAND Like basket weaving, start at the center and move outward, spiraling and sending your intentions for growth and healing in all directions. Celebrate the beauty of the life you have woven.


Gemma Benton Jackson is Native American storyteller, NLP Practitioner and Story Coach. She has spent over twenty years working with Native American healers, artists and storytellers in the wellness, recovery and traditional arts fields. She helps her clients craft their Client Attraction Story

and tell it with more clarity, power and authenticity so that their story naturally and effortlessly attracts more wealth, health and happiness in their lives. Gemma offers a downloadable recording on how to Create Magic Moments in your presentation at http://bit.ly/CREATEMagicMoments



CREATING BOLDNESS - THE #1 KEY TO EXPLODING YOUR BUSIbe asking them to take bold radical action to help them achieve their goals. You need to be doing the same. I have found that the reason clients will be magnetized to you and rapidly enroll in your programs has very little to do with your credentials and everything to do with you being a living example of what you help others do. #2 Love

Listen, I honestly do not care whether you want to attract more clients, raise your fees, or take your coaching business to the next level all together. The fact that you want to help more people and have a bigger impact is what inspires me. There is a challenge though most coaches who want to ramp things up immediately seek out "more information" which is their biggest mistake. There is one and one only thing you need to do in order to enjoy more success. The answer is one word - Boldness. I started my coaching business at age 21 by 25 I was charging five figure investments for my coaching programs and by 28 I had published a book and worked with some marquee name companies. It was boldness alone that allowed me to accomplish all of those things. Here are two major reasons you need to start being bold NOW:

You need to love and respect yourself enough to want to play big and enjoy the amazing results that exist just beyond your comfort zone. It is your moral obligation to serve other at the highest level and that means serving yourself as well which takes boldness. Value yourself Bottom line: You must decide today that you are going to start being bold. Choose one thing and go for it! Shannon Graham is the founder of www.thementorcoach.com. His passion is to help coaches learn systematic selling process to convert more prospects and dramatically increase their fees, while making their competition irrelevant. His fearless and in your face approach allows coaches to boldly go where their life and business have never gone before. You ready for the next level? Register for a strategy session with Shannon now and kiss your comfort zone goodbye.

#1 Be an example You must become an example for your friends, family, and clients. As a coach you are going to 17


I am an idea-person and innovator. I pull from all my resources and alternatives when I’m creating. I never ignore an idea because it seems bizarre, unsound, basic, or silly. I know that other ideas may grow from that one. 5: Write them Down

You are a creative being, and your creativity can give way to your calling and a beautiful life for yourself, and brilliant gifts to share with others! These 7 Creativity-Keys will boost your creative process: 1: Future-Focused The best indicator of future behavior is NOT past behavior, but whether or not you can ignite an interest or passion within your own heart. 2: Mentors Sometimes this involves the help of another. Mentors can make a huge difference when making a leap for a new idea, an inspiring dream or belief, or a better way of life. 3: Solutions-Based The power of the creative process is triggered when you focus on the solution and not the problem. I.D. the issue, but focus on a desired outcome. Believe that as a result of your planning and effort, you will receive the prize. 4: Many Options

I’ve learned to write down my creative thoughts. I’ve written on paper cups, bathroom tissue, and my leg. I don’t want to lose an idea. If you brainstorm, and write out all the ideas that come to mind, you’ll find the ones you wrote down towards the end of your page are some of the better, more original ideas. They were deeper down in your creative process. So keep writing even when you think you’ve run out of ideas. 6: Be Flexible Embrace new ways of possessing, behaving, reasoning, and doing. Be open to what’s not coming from your own head. Change and improvement won’t come from what you already know and do. Margo DeGange, M.Ed— The Visibility Expert— is an international best-selling author & speaker, and the founder of the women’s mentoring & collaborative network, Women of Splendor, and the founder of Splendor Publishing. Margo helps entrepreneurs worldwide uncover their “Gift of Brilliance” and then shine FULLL THROTTLE! Discover YOUR “Gift of Brilliance” and start making an impact with your important and meaningful life-work now, at http://www.MargoDeGange.com at http://www.WomenOfSplendor.com and at http://www.SplendorPublishing.com 18


A lot of my clients are in what I like to call “Constant Creation Mode.” They move from one project to the next, write book after book or program after program, and then wonder why it’s so hard to make ends meet. One of the most important things you need to do when you are creating something for your business is Make a Plan. Here are 3 Tips to make sure your creations count in your business: 1. Look at where your creation fits into your Business Plan. Does it tie in to your other services or offers? Will your current clients be interested? Does it make sense to people now, or are they focused on other problems? 2. How are you going to market your new creation? You can’t just create a new program over the weekend and expect to sell a hundred spots next Tuesday. Most people think that if they post about their product or service one time, everyone will come running. This just isn’t true! No matter how popular or famous you are, you still need to talk about your

new creations, post about them, and give people multiple opportunities to buy from you. Remember, it takes 8-12 times for someone to see an offer before they say, “Yes!” 3. Is your creation in alignment with your Life Purpose? Creating for fun is one thing, and it’s a necessary part of expressing ourselves. However, when you are creating ideas based on your true Life Purpose, the transformations go much deeper, and your clients experience magical results. Amethyst Mahoney helps women entrepreneurs attract more clients so they can make more money and bring their gifts to the World – without burning out. She is the founder of Limitless Abundance and author of “50 Places Your Clients are Hiding – in Plain Sight.” Unlock Your Purpose and finally get paid to do what you love at http://www.AmethystMahoney.com Don’t know what your Life Purpose is? Get started with your free guide to “Unlock Your Purpose and Get Paid to Do What You Love…Using Your Fingerprints” HERE today.



The Law of Attraction reveals that your present was created by your past thoughts and feelings. The life you’re living now, as great or as challenging as it might be, is basically your mind’s leftovers! Here’s the kicker--your future is being created now by your current thoughts and feelings. Right now, your thoughts are creating the masterpiece entree that is tomorrow, and the next day, and onward to forever. You like food for thought, right? Of course you do! As a "foodie", you've probably nibbled on the idea that the thoughts rattling between your ears have creative power. You bet--thoughts become things. Your thoughts are creating your life every single moment that you are alive. Everything in your life--the good, the bad, the meh, the who, the what and the where--is a creation that at some point was initiated in your mind. Lift the lid off the pot of your life today and have a whiff. Breathe it in deep. YOU CREATED THIS! For some, this will be a great experience. Life smells yummy and tastes delicious! For others, it may smell kind of funky, like something you wouldn't want to taste, much less sustain yourself on. If that’s you, then fear not! The good news is that you have the recipe to create change and improve everything you see. The main ingredient is always in your pantry--your thoughts. Mix them with inspired action and simmer in faith until done.

What are you whipping up in there? Here's a tip: Create something beautiful. Create a beautiful day. Create a beautiful love. Create a beautiful body. Create a beautiful career. Create a beautiful life. It’s within your power. It's within your thoughts. It's within you. What are you creating? KishaLynn Elliott is a Certified Life and Relationship Coach that inspires single lesbian professionals and entrepreneurs to find their equal in love and life. She's the CEO of This Stuff's Working, L.L.C. As an inspirational speaker, writer and radio host, she teaches groups and individuals across the globe proven techniques for manifesting their desires. Her self-help e-book, A D.R.E.A.M. Comes True: 5 Steps to Planning and Creating Your Personal Success Story NOW! was a #1 Spirituality New Age Reference book on Amazon in February 2013. Visit www.bitly.com/chatwithkl to set up a 30-min "Get To Know" consult with KishaLynn or join her mailing list at www.thisstuffsworking.com to stay connected. 20


needed break allowing discovery of the perfect answer • The world becomes a better place. Nature, the kindness of others, the wonders that are all around us, become more vivid • A dear friend finds without time in her woodshop, life closes in, problems are more frequent, she feels blocked, and is just plain grumpy

As a child, I dreaded visits to the southern cornfields of Cisne, Illinois, where my Aunt Neenie lived. Stuck in no-where’s-ville, nary a person under the age of fifty anywhere to be found, I was left to my own devices to entertain myself. Neenie offered one caveat: her huge box of fabric scraps and the freedom to create as I liked. From adventures such as these, I learned how to ignite passion and pleasure from the depths of the mundane and ordinary.

So what do you do if you’re not the creative type? You don’t have to be a full-blown artist to tap into the power of your creativity. Try some of these activities to engage your right brain and tap into the depth of your creative mind: • Sing! Singing releases the grips of your internal analyst. • Read a fantasy novel. • Collage fun images and empowering words cut from magazines

Why is creativity so useful? • Color in a coloring book. It’s okay… I promise! • Mundane tasks and products come alive with color and images. • Engage the right brain allowing ingenious information to flow into the conscious mind • Induce a state of relaxation allowing stress to drift away

• Mind map your ideas, dreams, or next program using colored markers, simple images, and a large blank drawing pad. • Grab some postcards and your favorite greeting card images; stick them on a bulletin board or under glass on your desktop

• Get “out of your head” after staring at an unsolvable problem for hours, and it may be the 21

• Collect amazing digital images for an everchanging screensaver, or a digital frame you can view from your desk. Allow creativity to revive your passion. Your clients will feel your excitement and be enthusiastic about working with you. Rev. Jamie L. Saloff, C.M., "The Author's Prophet," helps authors and would-be authors calm the pain, misery, and conflict in their lives so they can profitably publish the book they've been mulling around for years. As a book de-

signer and publishing guide with over twenty years experience, she’s helped countless authors "write more, sell more, and be more."™ A graduate of Fellowships of the Spirit in Lily Dale, NY, Jamie is also a healer and intuitive offering insightful services designed to guide authors toward their deepest heart’s calling. Enjoy a free preview of her online workshop: "Breakthrough, Breakout, I-Wanna-Be-A Million-Plus-SellingA u t h o r, B o o t c a m p " a t http://www.AuthorsProphet.com



problems, and the creative excuses they come up with for doing something irrational!

For years, I thought I didn’t have a creative bone in my body. Even when I started blogging, even when I wrote an ebook, even when I started making jewellery I wasn’t creative. I had this picture of what creativity looked like, and it involved paintbrushes and dungarees, or publishing 20 fiction books. Gradually it started to dawn on me that I was creative. More, that I was hugely creative. And more still, that creativity is not something you are or are not. It’s something you can tap into.

Now you know the Creative Reserve is there, you can deliberately drill into it with any creative endeavour that appeals to you - write, draw (even if you can’t draw for toffee - my stick men are coming on a treat!), make jewellery, sculpt, knit, sew, doodle, paint, make music, dance, take photos. There are hundreds of ways to drill into that infinite well of creativity, even if you don’t think you have a creative bone in your body! Donna, better known as "DonnaOnTheBeach", helps women who KNOW there is more to life to make their Dreams a Reality, and live with joy and passion. Visit http://www.donnaonthebeach.com to get her free ebook "The First Step To a Joyful Life" and to find hundreds of articles, podcasts and videos to help you fall in love with your life, live joyfully and make your Big Dreams come true.

There is an infinite reserve of creativity and all you need to do to ‘be creative’ is to tap into it. It’s not just for people with tie-dyed shoes and paint spattered dungarees, you don’t need a quill and parchment. You merely need to be open to drilling a well or two to your creativity. You’ve probably already drilled into that reserve in the past, even if you didn’t realise that’s what you were doing. Problem solving often involves creativity, and I am constantly amazed by the creative ways that people cause themselves 23

HOW TO AVOID THOSE 'BLURRED LINES' WITH CLIENTS offer and investment and remember the value that your clients receive from working with you. 2. Put your boundaries in writing. If coaching by phone, put your expectations into a rock-solid Client Agreement. If coaching in person at a workshop or retreat, have participants sign a Waiver when they arrive.

Robin Thicke’s song “Blurred Lines” may have been the most popular song of the summer, but one thing is for sure, blurred lines are not so popular with clients. Clients like clarity, directness, and boundaries. Clients want an accountability partner who supportively stretches them through places of discomfort so they can grow and create. Clients want clear lines in the sand to know how they can best achieve their goals. So why are so many coaches afraid to exert their boundaries? Why do we hesitate to be crystal clear around payments, missed calls, and communication? When that client misses that call or payment, why do we back down saying “Oh, that’s okay, don’t worry about it”. We don’t stand in our value. We blur the lines. What can we do to prevent blurred lines? 1. Be clear about your boundaries from the start. From your first discovery call, stand behind your

3. Remember your clients are looking to you as their leader. Clients choose to work with us because they know we will help them stretch, heal and grow. They look to us to hold the vision of what is possible for them and to support them as they step into that vision. It is time for us to show up for our clients as the powerful coaches we are, without any blurred lines or confusing boundaries. Challenge yourself to be the leader your clients want you to be and the leader that you know you already are. Lisa H. Fraley, JD, CHHC, AADP, is a Legal Coach™ (Attorney + Holistic Health Coach) who creates compassionate contracts and containers to hold and support your business - so you feel safe, secure, and protected. Lisa combines her years of work in a large law firm with her powerful coaching skills to help driven coaches and entrepreneurs create heart-centered legal boundaries, so you can boldly and confidently do the work that you love without worry, stress, or fear of being sued. Visit www.lisafraley.com for her free gift: “The Top 3 Legal Mistakes Coaches and Holistic Entrepreneurs Make - and What To Do Instead”



Bit-by-bit she turned from her creative calling and surrendered her sovereignty to the marketing gurus, who hinted she was in resistance if she didn't follow their seemingly sage advice. She tried doing what they taught, yet deep down felt she was bossing her business around, trying to make it be what others had said was needed to be successful.

Once there was a very creative woman with a large medicine bag full of the gifts, talents, experience, knowledge, and wisdom she'd accrued from Life. She felt a deep calling to become a coach and bless people with the magic in her medicine bag. The calling was very strong. Every day it made her heart sing. She gave it a beautiful name and went looking for clients. The people she shared it with listened politely, although their eyes glazed-over as if she was talking a language they couldn't comprehend. She decided she needed to learn about business and enrolled in a business-building program. And then another. And another. Each promised to provide proven blueprints and the exact step-by-step strategy required to create fast 6-figure success.

Unfortunately, this is a path too many coaches unwittingly wander down. It crushes creativity. Yes, your business needs to make money. But underneath, business is really about creativity and relationship. Your business was birthed through your creative genius. When you honor that and come into right relationship with the soul of the great work you're called to do, that's when creativity flows forth freely. The unique services you offer, the exquisite way you work with clients, the income this generates, these are all expressions of your creativity. And you can't think your way to that kind of consistent creative outpouring through strategic shoulds. Instead, magic happens when you're willing to reclaim your sovereignty, partner with the soul of your business, and listen for how it wants to express itself, then create from that infinitely fertile ground.


It's a fabulous way to open the flow of true creativity in your business, which leads to lots more fabulous clients coming into your world and money flowing into your bank account. Susanna Maida, Ph.D., CPCC is a wild woman alchemist who surprised herself and everyone who knew her by falling in love with the entrepreneurial spirit. She loves helping visionaries create the soul-satisfying sense of alignment that

comes from growing thriving, world-changing businesses doing their great work. Get Susanna's free gift -- Medicine Walk with the Soul of Your Business and learn how to listen to the soul of your business so you can open your innate creative flow, build a business that aligns with your passion, and flourish financially doing so.

The Art & Science of Loving Yourself First: 'cause your business should complete you, not deplete you! Compiled by Margo DeGange In this book, Business and Lifestyle Designer Margo DeGange gathers the wisdom of 14 inspiring and motivating Success Mentors from many industries, to help you love yourself as you grow your business or ministry, and develop your life-work. It's full of truths, tips, and action-steps to purposefully design a life rich in gratitude, peace, and abundance. Get your copy HERE.



I was thinking of this month subject I thought lets dive into this one and lets figure out how we can work with being creative, to create. This is something you would like to make a priority on your to do list every day. For some reason or another we start thinking of art class and the things we had to create there. But it means is to build something using your own imagination. To use your imagination is something we do all day. If we’re stuck in traffic jam we try to figure out how to get out of this and if there is maybe another route. Or at home if we’re missing an ingredient to a meal we were planning to cook. We try to come up with another ingredient to replace it. If you think about it we are creating all day long. We are always trying to make our lives easier and better than the day before. Looking at creating in the way as using your own imagination it is very logical how much power we have to create our own day and our life.

It is a true empowerment and it is an opportunity that we can’t pass by. This is your change to take the day into our own hand and say; “Okay what do I really like to add to my day to day live?” Let’s face it to be in control of your own creativity is a real cool thing to be. The choices we make, the people we like to have in our live, the way we live and where we live is only a few places to start. After that there is just a whole pallet colors of rainbow to add and add. To make sure that you are creating the life you desire.

My name is Renee Vos de Wael and all our journey's are unique. I’m a trained intuitive counsel, a coach, healer and Psychic Medium who has been working in this field for the last 15 years. www.reneevosdewael.com


LET YOUR CREATIVITY LEAD YOU HOME get it wrong because I didn't have to paint 'things'. I tried barefoot breathing, letting my bare feet discover unknown places in my local neighbourhood and learning to access my intuition again. I took a journalling class, I turned my neglected garden into a rainbow of colour, and started piano lessons.

Many years ago a friend told me about Julia Cameron’s bestselling book ‘The Artists’ Way – A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity‘. I dismissed it at the time, being estranged from my creativity. As a child, I changed schools so many times that I didn't ever have the prerequisites to do the creative subjects I would've really enjoyed, such as art and languages. Later I drifted into primarily left-brain jobs such as banks and real estate offices, until I went back to study and became a therapist. Art and healing go very well together, so my second career eventually led me back to my creativity. I rediscovered ‘The Artists’ Way' and loved it so much that when I couldn't find a local group to work through the book with, I started my own. Recently I've taken myself on a journey to 'explore my essence'. It started an avalanche of creating. I did intuitive painting, splattering paint over one canvas after another, knowing I couldn't

I also learned Soul Collage®, and I became a certified Soul Art® guide with Laura Hollick. Now I'm undertaking training in art therapy. Being able to bring creativity into my work with clients has been a dream come true. As creativity began to filter back into my life and work, I found my way back to me. When I get out my journals or paints, my music books or garden gloves, I remember who I am. In a society constantly pushing for more and more achievement, creative outlets can be seen as 'wasting time'. But without them, we can become uninspired and lose sight of our dreams. Don't let your creative spirit be pushed aside. Honour it and it will lead you home. Leanne helps people discover what they’re truly capable of so they can become the heroes of their own journey. She is Australia’s first certified Soul Art® guide, and believes creativity and nature are valuable elements in the healing process. If you're ready to follow the path less travelled, visit http://claimyourtreasure.com to get your free 'Pearls of Wisdom' and start your journey of transformation http://claimyourtreasure.com/ 28

CREATE YOUR MAGNIFICENT LOVE AFFAIR! Yes, we do FALL in love. Falling in love is something that happens TO YOU. And that is the LAST moment when anything to do with BEING in love will ever just happen TO YOU. The rest YOU must create! Being in love, going deeper into love, cultivating a heightened passion, none of that will happen TO YOU. You must CREATE it! Ask anyone who HAS that kind of love and passion, they will tell you that they did the work! “Magnificent love affairs are CREATED, not found, so stop searching and start building. It is SO worth it!” – Stacey Martino As a love and passion expert, people come to me every day for help with their relationship challenges. While the specifics may vary, one thing is usually consistent in their complaint. There’s usually something that their partner IS or IS NOT doing that falls short of their expectations. This is where the pain comes into intimate relationships. When you feel powerless. When you feel at the whim of your partner. “Will they?” or “Won’t they?” do what you need? This is a very destructive place to be in relationship. So, what do I mean by “Magnificent relationships are created, not found.” Well, it does NOT mean that we are going to fall in love and just stay in love. That’s not how it works.

In fact, look at anyone who has an abundance of wealth, outstanding health, incredible fitness or magnificent love, and you will find someone who did what it took to create what they wanted! Is it time for you to empower yourself to create your unshakable love and unleashed passion? Stop waiting for it to happen TO YOU. Don’t waste another day with your intimate relationship causing pain in your life! Start creating your magnificent relationship right now! It is SO worth it!! Stacey Martino is the love and passion expert. Stacey and her husband Paul are the founders of Love and Passion Coach dot com, where you create an unshakable love and unleashed passion that lasts a lifetime! Stacey and Paul are consistently sought after to help people all around the world repair and transform their intimate relationships. They are known for achieving astounding and rapid results! Get their free Relat i o n s h i p Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n v i d e o h e r e : http://tinyurl.com/d2d72n3



Each month we’ll happily highlight one of our fabulous coaches here... We pick randomly and for no other reason than we know personally that these Coaches are doing amazing work in the world and deserve every inch of space we can spare! My Manifesto Alignment: I believe life is exponentially better & easier when we live it from the inside out. Connect to Inner Wisdom (you know, that little voice of truth in your heart and gut) and then go take on life.

Thinking: I believe that our automatic thinking sucks. We’ve GOT to become aware of the stories w e t e l l o u rselves—we’ve got to stop shoulding all over ourselves. Many of our thoughts are keeping us from our greatness. Let’s trash the crappy stories of shame and doubt— and through awareness, re-write stories of truth, compassion, and allowing. Do this and we will unleash happiness and succulent success. Mind * Body * Spirit: I believe this is all connected. Be aware of what your body is telling you. Breathe. Stretch. Meditate. This shit works. Create: I believe we are ALL creators. Express yourself. Let your freak flag fly. YOU are a CREATOR. Be more you- more often. I intend: • to hold space and love for myself and others

Recognition: I believe that you are bad-ass, you are worthy of playing big, and that you deserve to be CELEBRATED. I believe that you and I, both, should stand in our passions & power and then serve the world.

• to respect & love my body, connect to my spirit, and live a juicy life • to unleash more of my creativity in writing and drawing


• to think & live big –so big that from time to time it scares me • to tap in & be guided by my Inner Wisdom –I will trust my intuition completely • to kick my Inner-Critic’s ass • to own and celebrate my value and share it with the world- to live my soul-full purpose, and rock this life Wanna join me? Hello Lovelies! I’m Allison Crow, M.Ed., an international intuitive life and business coach who, above all else, values alignment, authenticity, creativity, connection, and balance. I’ve been teaching and coaching in one form or another since the mid-90s. I help my clients create miracles in their lives. I help them create possibility. I help them transform. In 2010, after years of teaching, training, and coaching in traditional corporate positions, I took a grand leap…with these five values as my guide…and started my creative visual thinking company alongside my solo coaching practice

and this powerful place on the web, allisoncrow.com. It has been exciting entrepreneurial bliss ever since! I offer expertise in transformation and provide uplifting experiences that inspire and empower my clients to release those limiting beliefs we all have and reconnect with our true potential, both personally and professionally. I do this by conducting individual sessions, workshops, and training programs on various topics in spiritual growth, personal alignment, intuitive living, leadership, and career change. I specialize in Energy Alignment, Law of Attraction, and Abundance Mindset and I work with soul-centered people who are high-achieving business owners – leaders, coaches, entrepreneurs, artists, and visionaries who are here to impact the world with their lives and work. A Texas native, I live in Austin with my husband and three dogs, Leroy Brown, Daisy Mae and Lulu, and make it a habit to play as much as possible. Learn More About Allison Crow Here.




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