Arms 1(68) 2013

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Publishing House MOSCOW Director General Valeriy Stolnikov Deputy Director General Ilya Kolikov Dmitry Butorin Editors Mikhail Khondoshko Maxim Khrustalev

4 NIMI – the principal thing is ammunition 8 S–80 fp by SPLAV: new Russian rocket 10 «Pribor» Scientific production association 14 Igor Smirnov: mines and other

Dmitry Sergeev Designers


Mariya Marakulina Olga Khrisanova

20 Artillery ammo trends

Timofey Babkin Print Manager Anton Patsovsky

24 Kornet-EM multipurpose missile system

Photos in this issue Rosoboronexport, NIMI, SPLAV, KBP, IZHMASH, NIII,COMPAS, open sources.

NAVIGATION 30 “Compas”: the new prioritie

navy 36 Russian patrol boats

weaponry Circulation: 5000 The magazine is registered in the Committee for Press of the Russian Federation. Certificate № 016692 as of 20.10.1997. Certificate № 77-15450 as of 19.05.2003. Any material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. The editorial staff’s opinion does not necessarily coincide with that of the authors. Advertisers bear responsibility for the content of provided materials.

ARMS, 2013 ADDRESS P.O. Box 77, Moscow, 125057, Russia Tel.: + 7 495 459 9072 Fax.: + 7 495 459 6042 E-mail:

38 Kalashnikov. 4th generation of legend

logistics 46 Buckwheat for Russian soldiers


Dear friends, the organizers and participants of the IDEX! The editorial staff of the Arms magazine and A4 Publishing house are glad to a new and long-awaited meeting with you! As in previous years, we present the best models of weapons and combat equipment produced by enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex. Our designers and engineers are not afraid of competition, they will manage in the best possible way present you the technics and competently tell you about advantages of the arms. That is the purpose of such grandiose actions like IDEX, the producers were pushing forward their products in the competitive market. A market postulate "cost plus efficiency" has not been canceled. And only you – the potential buyers – can exercise the sacred right – the right to choose. Our readers and IDEX participants, can be convinced, having familiarized to the publications presented in new release of magazine Arms. Its header, a thread – the Russian ammunition to all types of weapon and the military equipment, delivered before and delivered now for needs of armed forces of many countries of the region. Reliable, technological, powerful, high-precision, simple in use – these and many other epithets can be applied to the description of their characteristics. And one more fact: for January 2013 Russia has already sold weapons to U.S. $ 1 billion from a portfolio of orders on $ 46 billion. We are waiting for you at the exhibition in the halls of Russian companies! Mikhail Khondozhko, Editor


“Machine engineering technologies” – leader’s unite

Sergey Rusakov, Director General Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Mashine Engineering Tecnologies" 2

ARMS Defence Technologies Review


caliber shells for artillery sysachine engineering tems, grenade machine guns, technologies” was hand-held grenade launchers, established in 2011. muzzle-fired grenade launchers It unites worldwide and so on; known manufacturers of ammunition for T-90 tanks, ■■ NPO Bazalt is worldwide known BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles, manufacture of aircraft bomb MSTA self-propelled howitzers, weapon systems, short-range “Uragan” and “Smerch” multiple weapons, mortar and artillery rocket launching systems as well rounds, engineering and other as naval artillery and aircrafts, morammunition; tars, grenade launchers and so on. ■■ Research and Industrial Centre At the same time OJSC “Machine of Applied Chemistry (NIIPH) foengineering technologies” is a part cuses on development and proof Rostec State Corporation and duction of explosives and pyroholding company for ammunition technics for military and civilian and special chemicals manufacturers. purposes. The holding company was orga- Tens of plants and research instinized as effective integrated sys- tutes are included in the holding tem of enterprises in order to company and cooperate with their perform the main task – produc- heading development enterprises. tion of up-to-date ammunition for Nowadays, almost all companies are located in 5 of 8 federal disRussian and Foreign markets. All “Machine engineering tech- tricts, in 24 of 83 regions – mainnologies” companies realize all ly in the Central part of Russian production stages – from idea to Federation: Ural and Siberia. All final product and its delivery to companies have a great history customer. Furthermore, all compa- – most of these companies were nies provide prolongation of ser- established during the Great vice terms and disposal if it will be Patriotic war. The passed years allowed accurequired. Only several countries are able to provide complete oper- mulate the best achievements ational cycle. It is possible only if and staff of those years. The company has all required technol- advanced research and engineerogies and manufacturing capabili- ing schools were formed. The best ties including its modernization evidence of this fact is that almost and innovative technologies use 300 Candidates and 50 Doctors as well as integration of science of Science work in companies at present time. with manufacturing activity. Currently, holding company real- The foreign economic activizes five business projects that ity of OJSC “Machine engineerinclude ammunition development ing technologies” is provided by and production. Every project has well-known state agent company its own heading development “Rosoboronexport”. The main forcompany, they are: eign business partners of our company are Middle East, Central and ■■ Research Engineering Institute (NIMI) develops artillery ammu- Southeast Asian, North African and nition and rounds for tanks, field South American countries. The total artillery and naval artillery; number of these countries is more than 30. The main subject for part■■ Splav Research and Manufacturing Company is a manufacturer of nership with holding company is multiple launch rocket systems equipment by weapon systems that and air-launched rockets; can use ammunition produced by ■■ NPO Pribor focuses on develop- OJSC “Machine engineering techment and production of small- nologies”.





Research Engineering Institute (NIMI) – the main thing is ammunition Undamaged heavy or light combat vehicles are looking great in periodical pages or TV-screen. Sometimes it makes an impression that all these tanks, artillery cannon and ships can be victorious in any battle as it is self-sufficient and principal weapon at the area of operation. But the first technological warfare – WWI demonstrated us the reverse side of this idea. All parties to the conflict were equipped with sufficient number of cannon, but lack of ammunition became the main problem on the battlefields. Moreover, if we will weigh the cannon and all rounds fired by this cannon – we will see that the defense economy weight of ammunition will much increase the weight of a gun. 4

ARMS Defence Technologies Review


mong other specifications, ammunition must be easy to manufacture in conditions of real operation. The industry must be ready for quick deployment of ammunition production, accumulate required reserve and start manufacture of new developments. In this reason in 1932 was established Moscow Research Engineering Institute (presently known as NIMI).



been crushed with shells created by NII-24. 333.3 million shells produced by industry during World War II, were made according to the drawings and with the participation of specialists of the Institute.

Developments of the Institute played a huge role in the days of World War II. Munitions developed by scientists of NII-24 (that was a name of Institute in that period) played a decisive role in the Battle of Kursk. Analysis of the tank battles showed that 85 percent of all enemy tanks during the war had

In postwar period NII-24 was tasked to improve the combat characteristics of artillery systems through development of new ones and ammunition upgrade. Therefore, the institute began development of armor-piercing shells with tungsten penetrator, spinning and non-rotating hollow charge projectiles as well as new rounds for air-defense, naval and field artillery. The up-todate developments of that time included also rocket-assisted projectiles capable to increase the firing range more than 1.5 times.

ficult situation of war beginning. Moreover, it became a basis for long-termed ammunition manufacture.


BEGINNING Research Engineering Institute (Federal State Unitary Enterprise “NIMI”) was established in Moscow in 1932 for manufacture, tests and modernization of artillery and ammunition. Initially the ammunition-oriented institute had the following tasks: ■■ development of new, more effective artillery ammunition; ■■ enhancement of old and development of new technologies concerning artillery ammunition production. The total number of serial ammunition developed and delivered to Red Army in prewar period from 1938 to 1941 was – forty seven. Development of standard technological process for thirty lines of ammunition from the end of 1940 to beginning of 1941 was important for ammunition industry. It was a key decision for ammunition industry in the dif-




At the same time another constructive decision was made concerning development of laboratory facilities. This plan became a basis for development of sophisticated research technologies during design of new ammunition. Another challenge in 1950s was development of ammunition for smoothbore cannon. These

works were performed alongside with the development of 100mm and 115mm artillery systems. Particularly, the armor-piercing characteristics of hollow charge ammunition developed for above mentioned artillery systems twice increased the same type ammunition developed for rifled artillery. Besides that, institute became the only developer in our country of fin-stabilized armor-piercing subcaliber projectiles. By the end of 1950s institute delivered to armed forces rounds for various smooth barrel and rifled artillery systems with caliber from 76mm up to 152mm.

BEING AHEAD OF PROGRESS In 1960s institute developed projects, that some years ago seemed fantastic. One of such projects was Shkval torpedo. The oxidant of torpedo engine was water. Another task was development 6


ARMS Defence Technologies Review

of warheads (high-explosive, cluster-fragmentation and leaflet) for Luna-M, Tochka and Oka tactical operational missiles. There were also civilian purpose developments such as 100mm Elbrus-4 antihail round for KS-19 air defense cannon. Â The second part of 1960s was characterized by increased number of defense related contracts. So, one of the tasks was increase of firing range characteristics of organic artillery systems. Therefore, institute developed rocket-assisted

MACHINE ENGINEERING TECHOLOGIES NOWADAYS Within the period from 1991 to 1998 the armed forces were equipped with 12 types of ammunition (6 artillery rounds and 6 warheads for anti-tank guided missiles). At the same time institute worked on development of rounds equipped with 152mm cluster shell. At present time Federal State Unitary Enterprise “NIMI” is in its creative ripe age. It develops new rounds according with government defense contracts. Besides that, institute has some contracts with foreign countries. Any task concerning modernization and re-equipment which is planned not only for the nearest future but also can be raised by incoming challenges will be successfully fulfilled by Institute – the world’s leader of ammunition manufacture. mines with caliber of 240mm and rocket-assisted projectiles with caliber of 122, 152 and 203mm. In 1973, 240mm Gagara rocket-assisted mine was developed and delivered to armed forces. This round didn’t have foreign prototypes. In 1970s the new tank rounds were developed with twice increased range of fire and increased armorpiercing characteristics from 25 to 30%. Besides that, the rounds for new artillery systems as well as 240mm mortar rounds along with 152 and 203mm cluster artillery rounds were developed. The main project of 1980s was fin-stabilized armor-piercing subcaliber projectiles. So, the new configuration of master controller was designed – it allowed use of long body made of high-strength heavy alloy. Moreover, in 1980s were developed 152 and 203mm cluster shells with fragmentation submunitions, hollow-charge and high explosive shells for tank and antitank guns as well as rounds for 100 and 130mm naval artillery systems, rounds for Giatsint and MSTA artillery systems, new 152mm unified high-explosive shell. In addition to above mentioned ammunition 152mm adjusted shell and 240mm adjusted mine were designed. 1(68).2013




S-8ОFP – new generation of the unguided air weapons N. Makarovets OJSC “SPLAV SPA” Director General


ARMS Defence Technologies Review

nguided aircraft rocket projectiles appear to be high-efficiency and allpurpose means of engagement of the ground targets from delivery aircraft. They comprise the most widely used aircraft rocket ammunition. It is achieved thanks to their high reliability, simplicity of operation, relatively low price, and their ability to engage the predetermined targets at a minimum cost. In the middle of the previous century the unguided aircraft rocket projectiles (UARPs) became an integral part of weapon systems for jet fighters, fight bomber aircraft and strike-fighters. The medium caliber 50-80mm UARPs have become the most widely used. S-5 57mm UARP due to its small caliber didn’t ensure the efficiency enough to engage the predetermined


MACHINE ENGINEERING TECHOLOGIES targets, and in the 1960-s development of a more powerful 80mm UARP weapon system was started. New generation of S-8 UARPs was developed, the most widely used of which had become S-8KOM (S-8KO) RP. The RP is equipped with a shaped-charge fragmentation warhead weighing 3.6 kg, for all that, the warhead charge mass equals to 0.9 kg. The RPs were launched from B8M-1 aircraft rocket launchers and B8B20-A helicopter rocket launchers. Mass implementation of S-8 UARPs in Afghanistan revealed absence in 80mm UARP weapon system of a HE-fragmentation warhead RP, and swiftly S-8OF UARP was developed on the basis of S-8KO RP. However, the small weight of the warhead (3.6 kg) could not ensure high HEfragmentation characteristics. Substantial increase in the HEfragmentation RP combat effectiveness was limited due to low weight dimension and energy characteristics of the solid-propellant rocket motor that was the basic motor for the abovementioned generation of 80mm UARPs. In 1999 SPLAV, known as the developer of “GRAD”, “URAGAN” and “SMERCH” MRLSs, was appointed as a head designer of both the unguided and correctable trajectory air-launched munitions for the frontline and army aviation aircraft and helicopters. A vast experience accumulated at SPLAV in the process of development of the RPs for the Army and for the Navy made it possible to use the conceptually new approaches in development of the new generation of 80mm UARPs. As compared to the previous generation solid-propellant rocket motor, the en-ergy-conversion efficiency of the unit of mass was increased by 1.8…2 times, the motor has a substantially smaller length and weight. Therewith, ensured is the following: ■■ A fourfold reduction in the sustainer duration spread at the extreme temperatures of tactical employment; ■■ Reduction in the recoil force during the single-shot and sal-

vo-train firing as a factor of 1.52 lower; ■ ■ No emerging propellant particles, reduction in mass of the emerging fragments of the structural elements (wires, diaphragms); ■ ■ Reduction in reaction with the air of the propulsion system and the carrier airframe. ■ ■ The motor design excludes usage of wires in the places easily accessible for the gnawing animals as well as when in service. ■ ■ Development of the new generation of the rocket motor ensured: ■ ■ increase in the payload weight by a factor of 3 higher, as compared to the previous generation of the RPs; ■ ■ increase in the maximum ballistic range of fire up to 11 km. ■■ The work carried out resulted in development of the basic system-forming S-8OFP UARP fitted with HE-fragmentation penetrating warhead for the new generation of S-8 UARPs weapon system. Implemented in development of this RP were advanced technologies and recent developments unparalleled in the world. The RP is completed with a mechanical fuze, settable for a directaction (HE-fragmentation effect against the exposed targets) or two types of a delay action (engagement of covered fortifications). Combat characteristics as to the RP’s operational effectiveness, functional reliability, and operation-

al safety are also unparalleled in the world. The RP ensures day-andnight all-weather engagement of the exposed point and area targets, fortified objectives, targets located in the forest areas, soft-skinned and lightly armored materiel, surface ships, which makes possible execution of the fire missions by the frontline and army aviation aircraft and helicopters. Such multifunctionality allows to combine characteristics of three types of previous generation RPs in one RP. As compared to the UARPs developed in the 1980-s, all that put together allows to reduce the number of the air missions making use of S-8OFP RPs, as a factor of 2-3 lower. The RP launch is effected from standard B8M-1 and B8B20-A rocket launchers. Development of S-8OFP UARP opens possibilities for manufacture on its basis of a variety of high-effective air-delivered munitions including small-size correctable trajectory and guided RPs.

OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY «SPLAV SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION» OJSC «SPLAV SPA» 33, Shcheglovskaya zaseka, Tula, 300004, Russia Tel: +7 (4872) 46-45-86 46-46-47 Fax: +7 (4872) 55-25-78 Е-mail: 1(68).2013



«Pribor» Scientific production association

Public Joint Stock Company «Scientific production association «Pribor» – is a leading company of Russia in the development and manufacture of small-caliber ammunition for automatic gun systems, as well as the family of rounds for automatic, underbarrel and hand grenade launchers for all types of Armed forces. Products of PJSC «SPA «Pribor» have a significant steady demand in the global arms market. Since the founding, the company has developed and mastered the mass production of more than 100 types of smallcaliber ammunition and elements.

A laureate of State Prize of USSR and State ver the past ten years Prize of Russian Federation. A full member of 16 new types of rounds Cosmonautics Academy named by K. Tsiolkovsky, developed by PJSC and a Corresponding Member of Russian «SPA «Pribor» has been Academy of Missile-and-Gunnery Sciences. accepted into service. A famous scientist and designer, he has According to their characteristics, succeeded and developed the branch of they do not concede, and on some design and production of state-of-the-art and indicators outperform their forperspective small-caliber munitions. An author eign counterparts. of many research works and inventions in PJSC «SPA «Pribor» has accudesign, combat efficacy provision, manufacture mulated rich experience in interand utilization of ammunition, he has been national cooperation. More than conducting and taking part in design and 30 countries around the world are acceptance to service of a whole range of new- armed with military equipment, type rounds. using small-caliber ammunition Great attention is paid to the problems developed by PJSC «SPA «Pribor». of developing the cutting edge science, A large range of small-caliber amtechnological and production base for factories munition is manufactured in 14 in the sphere of designing the new-generation countries on the previously allocatmunitions as well as manufacturing a wide ed licenses. range of civil products. Currently, the company is using innovation policy, providing required technical level of the latest developments as to maintain the combat readiness of the Russian Army in modern conditions, and to maintain the competitiveness of ammunition in the foreign market. Accumulated «intellectual capacity» of the enterprise includes the 231 patent and one scientific discovery.



ARMS Defence Technologies Review


In conditions of warfare and counter-terrorism operations increases dramatically the number of targets, targeted by modern fighter, so firearms must be multifunctional. Significant contribution to solving this problem was the acceptance in service in 2009 of a full set of grenades for a new underbarrel grenade launcher of «Kalashnikov» rifle. These grenades decide the maximum number of combat missions: defeat unarmored machines, covered and open manpower, blinding, lighting, concealment smoke and others. By applying the latest technologies to improve fragmentation and explosive impact on the target they managed to raise the effectiveness of the grenades 2-3 times. In recent years, particular important are the works on creation of high-precision rounds for small caliber artillery systems and automatic grenade launcher systems. It follows unambiguously from the analysis of local conflicts and counterterrorist operations, which showed that one of the most important tasks is to eliminate (suppress) small targets located in the nearest tactical zone (up to 2-3 km) with a limited time of exposure on target. Breakthrough technical solution to this problem is to implement the concept of remote-controlled air explosion at a given altitude just above the target. The company also provides a set of works to improve the combat and operational characteristics of

the ammunition for such a «classic» areas as projectile with the polymer leading devices, projectiles with armor-piercing core made of heavy alloy. PJSC «SPA «Pribor» has developed a new high-power automatic grenade launcher «Balkan». In the grenade launcher was implemented the concept of change in caliber from 30mm to 40mm and is applied fundamentally new ballistic solution, which, combined with contemporary design solutions provides the system with a significant advantage over competitors both on the power of the

grenades, and on the firing range (2,5 kilometers) at relatively low weight of the grenade launcher system. In this case, the shooter has at his disposal, figuratively spea king, «small artillery» capable of solving a wide range of tasks on a large range, besides ammunition includes a multipurpose range of specialized grenades. Pribor enjoys the services of highly skilled engineers, scientists and workers in addition to possessing the well developed infrastructure and production facilities enabling it to process and series-produce the most up-to-date and highly effective small-caliber ammunition, close-combat weapons and components thereof. Ever since the day of its establishment the company has developed and put into series production over 100 types of small-caliber ammunition and components, including the following presently widely used ones:

PJSC “SPA “Pribor” is the original designer and parent systems-forming Enterprise of Russia in the area of small- caliber ammunition t ypes for artillery and grenade weapon systems, handheld and underbarrel grenade launchers.

1, Kirovogradskaya Str., Moscow, 117519, Russian Federation Tel: (+7 495) 311-07-09 Fax: (+7 495) 311-01-91 Web-site: E-mail: 1(68).2013


MACHINE ENGINEERING TECHOLOGIES 23mm r o u n ds fo r air d e fe n s e g u n s, t y pe s ZU -23 a n d Z SU - 4 -23; These cartridges are intended to engage air targets at slant ranges of up to 2,500m at altitudes of up to 1,500m and ground targets at ranges of up to 2,000m by firing from 23mm ZU-23 and ZSU-234 air defense gun mounts. The ammunition design ensures reliable functioning, all-weather capability and safe handling. It allows the use of advanced te chn o l o g y of c ar tr i d g e component manufacture and assembly, including transfer rotary lines. The 23mm cartridges are fitted with the following projectiles: ■ ■ HE incendiary (HEIT); ■ ■ HE incendiary tracer (HEIT); ■ ■ armor-piercing incendiary tracer (APIT).

gun of the 2K22M Tunguska gun-mis- The APDS projectile has a core sile air defense system (except APDS that separates in flight. The core is and APT rounds). The ammuni- made from tungsten-based alloy tion design ensures high opera- and possesses high lethality and tional characteristics of the gun powerful after-penetration effect. systems owing to reliable func23mm and 30mm rounds tioning, all-weather capability for airborne guns and high lethality. installed aboard aircraft and helicopters; 30mm HE Cartridges (HEI, HEIT) These cartridges are intended to The projectiles of this (HEI, HEIT) engage ground and air targets by are intended to engage ground firing from 23mm AM-23, GSh-23, and air soft-skinned and light- GSh- 6-23 and GSh- 6-23M auto ly armored targets and manpow- matic guns installed on and other and fitted with an all-weather er aircraft. The ammunition defuze with arming delay and self- sign ensures high operational destruct mechanisms and several characteristics of the gun systems owing to reliable functionsafety barriers. ing, all weather capability and high lethalit y. The 23mm cartridges are fitted with the following projectiles: ■ ■ HE inсendiary (HEI); ■ ■ HE incendiary with tracer (HEIT); ■ ■ armor-piercing tracer (APT); ■ ■ armor-piercing incendiary with tracer (APIT); ■ ■ Cartridges with HEI and HEIT Projectiles fitted with an allweather point fuze with delay arming mechanism. Car tridges with APIT and APT Projec tiles these are intend ed to engage lightly armored ground and air targets.

30mm Armor-Piercing Cartridges (APDS, APT)

30mm rounds for automatic guns, types 2A42 and 2A72, installed on the BMP-2, BMP-3 and other armored vehicles, and for the 2A38 automatic air defense gun mount of the Tunguska missile-gun system; These rounds are intended to engage ground and air targets by firing from 30mm 2A42 and 2A72 automatic guns installed on combat vehicles of ground and airborne forces (BMP-2, BMP-3, BMD-2, BMD-3, Rys reconnaissance vehicle), helicopters (Ka-50, Mi28) and also from the 2A38 automatic


ARMS Defence Technologies Review

These are intended to engage lightly armored ground and low f lying air targets.

MACHINE ENGINEERING TECHOLOGIES 30mm rounds for small-caliber naval artillery systems 30mm rounds for small-caliber naval automatic cannons are intended to engage air, surface and onshore lightly armored and soft-skin targets when fired from the AO18, AO-18L and AO-18K (6K30GSh, GSh-6-30L and GSh-6-30K) 30mm automatic cannons of the AK-630 (AK-630M), AK-306, Kashtan antiaircraft missile and gun and other seaborne artillery systems.

Use of rounds with PDB pro jec tiles gives increased per formance to s ys tems thank s to barrel life ex tension and ef f icient use of seaborne ammunition load.

weather capabilit y and high le thalit y. Two t ypes of grenades are use d: VO G -25 f ragment a tion grenade, VOG -25P bounci n g f r a g m e nt at i o n g r e n a d e which explodes at a height of 0. 5 to 1. 5m from the ground sur face. 30mm ENH A N CED FR AG M EN TAT I ON EFFE C T R O U ND FO R AG S -17 A ND AG S -30 AU TO M AT I C G R EN A DE L AU N CHE R S

4 0 mm F R A G M EN TAT I ON R O U ND S FO R G P -2 5 A ND G P -3 0 U NDE R B A R R EL G R EN A DE L A U N C HE R S These rounds are intended for f lat or cur ved f iring from the GP-25 and GP-30 underbarrel grenade launchers used with 7.62 and 5.45mm Kalashnikov assault rifles (AKM, AKMS, AK-74,

This round is intended for firing from the AGS-17 and AGS-30 automatic grenade launchers to engage manpower and war materiel. The grenade launcher is used to arm motorized rifle units. It can also be installed on helicopters, motor boats and vehicles. T he grenade launcher is de signed for f lat and cur ved f ire. The round is provided with an ins t ant ane ous p oint f uze en suring reliable func tioning of grenades on impac t, including with snow and water sur faces. The enhanced fragmentation is obtained owing to weakening grooves on the internal sur face of the grenade body.

30mm r o u n ds wit h pl astic d rivi n g ba n ds pr oj ecti l e s fo r n ava l artillery 30mm rounds with plastic driving bands (PDB) projec tiles for naval automatic cannons are intended to engage air, sur face and onshore lightly armore d an d s o f t- sk in t arg e t s w h e n f ired from the AO -18, AO -18L AK S -74) to engage manpower and AO -18K 30 mm automatic and combat materiel (motor ve cannons of the AK- 630 (630M), hicles, launchers, radars, etc.). AK-30 6 , K asht an antiaircr a f t The design ensures high permissile and gun and other sea - formance of rounds owing to borne ar tiller y systems. their reliable func tioning, all-





Igor Smirnov, OJSC «Scientific-Research Engineering Institute» Director General, major-general in reserve, Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Igor Smirnov: «We can do many things in case of government motivation and support»

OJSC «Scientific-Research Engineering Institute» is one of the oldest Russian enterprises established in August, 1941. Since mid 1950s OJSC «ScientificResearch Engineering Institute» is the country’s leading company on development and manufacture of engineering ammunition – various mines (antitank, antipersonnel, anti-airborne etc.), mine-laying and explosive mine clearing equipment as well as equipment for demolition works. Traditionally the main customers of this company are: Military Engineering, GRAU (The Main Missile and Artillery Directorate of the Ministry of Defense), Air Force, Navy, Directorate of the radiological, chemical and biological defense forces commander of the Ministry of Defense, FSB, EMERCOM, Internal Troops and FSTEC of Russia. OJSC «Scientific-Research Engineering Institute» Director General, majorgeneral in reserve, Candidate of Engineering Sciences Igor Smirnov for ARMS magazine about Institute development strategy and its perspective developments.


ARMS Defence Technologies Review

MACHINE ENGINEERING TECHOLOGIES ister Smirnov, it is and recognition of target the bomb well-known that OJSC hits the enemy submarine. Currently, United Shipbuilding «Scientific-Research Engineering Institute» Corporation wants to equip the new is oriented for develop- Mistral-class amphibious assault ment of engineering ammunition ships by KAB PL Zagon-2 bomb as used by engineering units as well well as our partners from India and as by Navy and Air Force units. Can China displayed a sincere interest you tell us about Company’s prior- in this bomb. But at the same time ity developments and fields of its I have to say that unlike our foreign partners the former leadership of implementation? – OJSC «Scientific-Research Russian Ministry of Defense ignored Engineering Institute» develops this project for several years. almost all engineering ammuni- Nowadays institute cooperates tion used by Russian armed forces. with Kamov JSC which develops Besides that, we worked on antisub- new helicopters. We cooperate with marine ammunition for Navy and this enterprise in order to provide Air Force. Looking at ammunition KAB PL compatibility with new helinames you can determine the field copter. So, we hope that joint tests of of its implementation. our bomb and Kamov helicopter will Honestly speaking, the data about be successfully completed by the most of our developments related end of first quarter in 2013. to engineering ammunition is confi- This is not the only problematic situdential. Nevertheless, I shall provide ation. Institute has many up-to-date you with some information. First of developments and we can do many all, I have to say that during our things, but our government, and development activities we always Ministry of Defense first of all must work in accordance with Geneva motivate and support our company. Convention relative to the use of The former MOD leadership was inhumane weapons. It means that not interested in our developments. we develop engineering ammuni- Several years ago the Ministry of tion capable for self-destruction Defense ordered our institute to and self-deactivation. As we know, develop explosive minefield clearaccording to UN reports every year ing systems. So, we developed up to 15 000 people become victims UR-07M prototype of explosive of various mines installed during con- minefield clearing system. BMD flicts. That is why we have to equip vehicle-mounted system provided our ammunition with time-limiting antitank mine field lanes with width elements (for eight, ten, twelve or from 4 to 6 meters and depth up to more days) – after that our mines will 100 meters. However, this project was cancelled at the stage of probe self-deactivated/destroyed. We develop mines for different totype development due to lack of areas of operation – ground or sea. MOD support. Our last naval development is KAB We made many efforts to argue the PL Zagon-2 anti-submarine guided Ministry of Defense in favor of necesbomb. This bomb can be used in the sity to pass the new equipment into area of enemy submarines operation. service as government already paid It can be launched by helicopter or for this project. If the Ministry of plane. After that it holds its posi- Defense didn’t want to order this tion on the water surface for time equipment, then our institute could required to scan water layer for the export it – as local conflicts still go depth of 600 meters. After detection on all over the world and demand





for mine clearing operations still on the agenda. Several countries already displayed a sincere interest in this project. But nobody will buy the military equipment if the home Ministry of Defense will not pass it into service. Therefore, we still wait for clear answer. At the same time our institute continues works on its innovative projects. In the nearest future we want to demonstrate one of these projects – MLRS Installed Smart Minefields. The main feature of this project is capability to install a composite minefield that will include antipersonnel, antitank and anti-helicopter mines by one salvo. Of course, these mines will be equipped with self-destroying elements. Institute was organized as diversified Research Engineering Center with complete operational cycle – from design works to serial production. Can you explain us how organized the research and manufacturing activity? Is it successful nowadays, especially


ARMS Defence Technologies Review

after period of crises for defense petitive mechanism does not work. industry in 1990s? Therefore, in order to avoid the failure – Our institute provides complete of whole market operation governcycle works – from research to devel- ment must control its manufacturers. opment and serial production of So direct governmental regulation of ammunition. Institute scientific and enterprises activity is good alternaengineering staff performs research tive to market regulations. Currently, and experimental developments the private industry is also can work with design documentation release, in the field of defense technologies after that they provide monitoring of and industry but they don’t demonprototype manufacture and tests as strate any results yet. My deep belief well as preparation for serial produc- is that business competition must be tion. At the same time technological at the level of projects, but not at the developments, technological proce- level of military-oriented industry. dure studies and engineering facili- ties are to be provided. Participation Did your company change its of specialists at all stages of opera- activity after it entered into OJSC tional cycle allows increase the qual- “Machine engineering technoloity of development and ammunition gies” holding company? itself. It is a contribution of those – Yes, there were many positive specialists who did not leave the important changes have been done. institute in 1990s crisis years and Moreover, our company has its own maintained its intellectual, scientific, representative in scientific and techtechnological and manufacturing nical council of OJSC “Machine engicapabilities in spite of cooperation neering technologies”. It gives an cease, lack of financing and person- opportunity to release our research nel and so on. programs, participate in Federal Special Programs and operate within Are there similar institutes in the frame of common development Russian Federation or post Soviet strategy in ammunition and applied area and do you have any coopera- chemistry industry. Machine engition with these enterprises? neering technologies has a system – From the first days of its creation, approach at directions of its activour institute was the only one in ity. Therefore, stability of taking Soviet Union researching center with decisions allows development and complete operational cycle of engi- increasing at a higher level of our neering ammunition development. research potential. Other post Soviet countries do not have the same institutes. As Vladimir Does your company co-operate Pchelintsev, the Director of institute with other enterprises of this from 1968 to 1989 said – our institute industry? Can you tell us about is the only NATO-counter developer main directions and challenges of in the world. your cooperation? – In 1990s crisis decade we lost As your company so unique, then cooperation with most of our partcan we say that it is a monopolist ners. However, at present time in the field of its industry? What is we reestablished this partnership your opinion about monopolies in and continue develop cooperadefense industry? tion concerning design and test – Of course, the basic research devel- works as well as serial production. opments of operational principals Among our partners I can name belong to OJSC «Scientific-Research such enterprises as: OJSC Splav, OJSC Krasnoarmeysky Research Engineering Institute». for Mechanization, Our constitution prohibits any busi- Institute ness activity directed to creation of OJSC GNPP Region, OJSC NPP markets monopoly. However, some Krasnoznamenets, OJSC NPO Bazalt, manufacture and services, especially Federal State Unitary Enterprise Defense-oriented will be more effec- NIMI and so on. Our cooperation is tive if it will be provided by only stable and all problems we solve on one manufacturer. In this case com- a routine basis.

MACHINE ENGINEERING TECHOLOGIES Under cooperation with native can be quickly readjusted making it manufacturers complaints con- possible to assemble a wide range cerning electronics elements, their of products. The very use of the specifications and quality are fre- automated line for boards producquently heard. Does this matter tion allows to exclude human factor important for your institute? effect, increase quality and reduce – Modern engineer munitions labor required for its manufacturing. should be safe in use, provide selec- Having own automated line we can tivity, be of little risk after combat both meet our own requirements activities. These requirements cause with regard to different size and necessity how to make munitions configuration printed boards, as well “smart” and supply it with “artificial as deliver them to other enterprises intellect” elements. It will not be included in Russian military induspossible without modern high-pro- trial complex. ductive and energy-saving element base. Unfortunately significant lag- What can you say about OJSC ging of electronics industry during «Scientific-Research Engineering USSR times was aggravated by abso- Institute» participation in perform- Does OJSC «Scientific-Research lute absence of electronics develop- ing of defense order? What is the Engineering Institute» take part ment in 1990s. Production of individ- progress during last few years? in federal special programs? Is ual components has stopped; some What problems appeared concern- it affected by “Development of part of them is produced in small ing its funding? Russian defense and military comquantities under special orders. All – Total volume of scientific and tech- plex in 2011–2012” special prothis drastically affects the quality of nical products manufactured by the gram? Is the proportion of means electronic components being pro- Institute includes the following: 97% used by Ministry of industry and duced. To provide for a proper reli- – works fulfilled to provide defense trade and the Institute justified ability of our products the Institute and security (96% belong to state (now it is, I believe, 60%:40%)? – has to spend a lot of resources to order). Federal target program OJSC «Scientif ic-Research “Development of Russian defense perform acceptance inspection of components. All parameters are to Engineering Institute»is both a and military complex in 2011–2012” Head contractor for state defense specifies fulfillment of 4 investment be checked. Within the last 5 years some order and a co-contractor. There projects including reconstruction and Russian enterprises have started have been no serious problems as technical modernization, creation of to produce individual components per state defense order within the production for a total sum of 806.2 under foreign technologies; lag- last years. Advance and final pay- million RUR with expiry dates 2012ging reduced, but range of goods ments for the products delivered 2019. Now the Institute has begun to fulfill is small and cost is high (e.g. dif- were performed according to the ference between Russian-made state contracts. There are some “Reconstruction and technical modmicro-chip and a foreign analogue problems in works accomplished for ernization of auxiliary production” the Head contractor (state defense investment project. may be 50 times as much). In such a situation we have to use order). They are delayed advance Correlation of means by Ministry of mainly our own resources. Just and final payments for the works industry and trade and the Institute recently within the frameworks of accomplished. is not quite fair, since OJSC «ScientificRostec corp. under Ministry of indus- State defense order has been the Research Engineering Institute» due try and trade we have developed and main priority for the Institute during to high research intensity in the products developed has no sufficient put into service a production line for all the time. Skilled and careful employees pro- funds, that makes it difficult to fulsurface mounting of printed board of different size and configurations. The vide for in-time and quality fulfill- fill the Federal target program in a line equipment can be used both for ment of state defense order that has proper manner. Russian and foreign element base. been highly appreciated by state In other words, to have own, but Besides, software controlling the line customers many times. not borrowed working assets, we need profitable contracts. However nowadays we have tight standards as per service profitability both for the Head contractor and co-contractor. How the Institute is going to reap the benefit of the Federal Special Program? – Federal Special Program is aimed 1(68).2013


MACHINE ENGINEERING TECHOLOGIES ting, thermal, forge-press, hydraulic, foundry, galvanic, chemical, vacuum, foundry, radio electronics manufacturing, and construction of a modern modular boiler room.

at creation and reconstruction of the things such as auxiliary production facilities; ammo case, small-scale low-voltage magnifier production, non-contact target sensor for “high-intelligent” ammo manufacturing as well as piezoelectric elements and seismic pickup turn out. To achieve these ambitious goals we plan to renovate our science park and facilities, improve typical tech processes, and reconstruct production floor. The main nomenclature of the equipment for purchase: metal-cut-

In your opinion, how the relations between Defense Industry Complex enterprises and MOD can be built to result, finally, in the good of the state interests? – Now we can see a "hand-to-hand" fighting between the Ministry of Defence and Defense Industry Complex concerning the one who prices out the production, and who – requirements to arms and military equipment, and what arms and military equipment are more competitive – our or foreign samples. All this complicate the work with the state defense order. MOD should take deliberate actions in contracting and state defense order financing, and Defense Industry Complex enterprises should use modern technologies considerably improving the quality of works and goods. Can we say that we are lag in technology in comparison with the leading foreign countries, or at least, regarding OJSC «ScientificResearch Engineering Institute»? If it is so, whether the problems

lay in under-financing or they have system character? – Lag in technology in comparison with the leading foreign countries really takes place and related to the out-of-date equipment, insufficiency of funds for modernization and production re-equipment, radio electronics developmental lagging. But the Institute has advanced development that would take us to a new higher level. Human resources was always a touchy point for the most of DIC enterprises. How did you manage to cope with it, did you manage to save your school of science, intergenerational continuity? – Human resources is a sensitive issue at our Institute as well. Generally our employees are 50 years old. The Institute puts all the efforts to attract young professionals. We introduce an innovative Program to pass on accumulated experience to the newcomers as soon as possible. As we know, you served in the armed forces and nowadays you in-charge of such big enterprise. Who helped you to take such a decision? Can you advice something to young people who want to work in defense industry? – Our life depends on our own beliefs. If somebody does not have his own beliefs – the way of his life will be controlled by other people or by circumstances. I took my choice consciously as well as under good educational guidance at school. Once choose the military profession, I proud with my decision because I have an opportunity to bless the power of Russian arms. Besides that, I would like to wish the young people, who want to work in defense industry – their work to become a favorite job as such people can realize that they work on “their” place and their choice was correct. However, they have to improve their skills at all times as only wish is not enough for successful work in defense industry! Maxim Khrustalev


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World Artillery Ammunition Market Current status of the world artillery ammunition market exhibits a number of features that reflect both recent geopolitical trends and trends in arms development. Examination of most noticeable features of the world artillery ammunition market may well be interesting for predicting further artillery ammunition development routes. International integration of Artillery Ammunition Developers and Manufacturers ar back in cold war days only five countries in the world could develop and produce the whole spectrum of artillery ammunition: the United States, Great Britain, France, Federal Republic of Germany and the USSR. China was quickly approaching the



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club, using soviet-supplied ammunition as the basis for indigenous development and manufacture. Ammunition development and manufacture were under way in all these countries, and supply chains were set up to satisfy the demands of other countries in ammunition they were not able to develop and produce locally: from the US, GB, France, and Federal Republic of Germany to NATO nations and allies, from the USSR – to Warsaw Pact countries and allies.

The US military-industrial complex was the trendsetter of the western artillery ammunition development and manufacture, and American artillery ammunition was the de facto standard. The only exception was the Rheinmetall’s 120mm smoothbore tank gun with its ammunition suite. The US Army acquired the license for their production and immediately launched ammunition adaptation and modernization process. Cooperation of British, German,

AMMUNITION RUSSIA AND FRANCE French, and Italian companies international market. As a result in an attempt to develop “stan- today it is very unlikely to find an dard” 155mm rounds was joining “American”, “British”, “German” or of efforts rather than resources. “French” ammunition developing The attempt though was not much and manufacturing company. For of success: the developed rounds example “French” NEXTER includes did not receive wide recognition. a part of the former “Swedish” While the projectiles are still used Bofors company. Another “part” of by several European armies, the Bofors is a subsidiary of “British” BAE Systems. The major part of propelling charges are quite rare. South Africa was in political iso- BAE Systems’ resources are on the lation. From 1966 to 1989 the territory of the United States but country was practically at war, in some are in continental Europe, which at enemy’s disposal were Asia, and Australia. The “German” state-of-the-art long-range artil- Rheinmetall is a major stockholder lery systems (ex. Soviet 130mm of the South African Denel, formM-46 field guns). For years, South ing a joint venture Rheinmetall African developers were not able Denel Munition (RDM). to come up with an adequate counterpart to them, not until they Insensitive munitions received technical assistance from The second dramatic change in the Dr. Jerald Vincent Bull, the widely conventional artillery ammunition known artillery trailblazer design- market is the advent of insensitive er. Soon they devised the famous munitions (IM). All types of muni155mm/45-cal G5/G6 systems and tions may be IM, including artillery “South African” variants of 155mm ammunition, mortar bombs, artilextended-range full-bore (ERFB) lery rockets, ATGM, unguided mis- for the French Army. The US Army projectiles. Later, when political siles, aircraft bombs, etc. Leaders buys only M795 HE projectile, which isolation was raised, the first gen- in the field of IM, both from the beginning from 2010 is filled with eration of these ERFB projectiles point of view of development and insensitive IMX-101 explosive. The came to the international market, supply and from the point of view warhead of 155mm M982 Excalibur and the second generation is play- of procurement, are European and guided projectile is filled with ing a large role in the market being American companies. The French another insensitive explosive. The the new de-facto standard of field NEXTER company offers the sec- newest modular propelling chargartillery ammunition. Even the ond model of “the most invulner- es, produced in the US, Germany, US Army adopted the design as able” 155mm LU-211 IM projectile. It Sweden, France, and South Africa the basis for the new generation does not explode when penetrated also meet the majority of demands ammunition in the framework of by .50 cal. bullet or RPG-7 shaped of the IM standard. ACA2P Advanced Cannon Artillery charge jet. Recently only LU-211 Transition to the IM technologies Ammunition Program. MURAT (MUnition à Risque ATténué in other countries is so far postSince then, the progress in artil- is the French for IM) are purchased poned. Pakistan will license-prolery ammunition was governed by perfection of technologies, bringing the theoretical limit of powder guns closer and raising the cost of development and the price of ammunition. At the is the only ammunition plant built in the US after the same time collapse of the USSR Korean War. The plant was intended to produce 120,000 and disintegration of the socialist 155mm M483A1 DPICM projectiles. The production was camp brought about abrupt curshut down in 1990. Recently the plans do demilitarize 3.5 tailment of ammunition producmillion M483A1 DPICM projectiles were unveiled. tion due to dramatic reduction For reference: the US F.Y. 2013 Budget appropriates of defense spending. Under such $60.924 million for supply of 68,000 of 155mm projecconditions, ammunition develtiles of all types. These all types are: M1122 training opers and manufacturers were projectile (26,000), M795 HE projectile (14,000), M485/ forced to establish international M1124 Illuminating projectiles (8,000), M1066/M1123 IR mergers to optimize technological Illuminating Projectiles (7,000), M1125 Smoke Projectiles and economic (financial) resourc(7,000), and M110A3 Marker Smoke Projectiles (6,000). es and to facilitate the promotion of “own” ammunition in the

Mississippi AAP




Camp Doha

About 10:20 a.m. on June, 11, 1991 in Coalition Forces’ Camp Doha in Kuwait where US 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (ACR) was deployed a defective heater in an M992 ammunition carrier loaded with 155mm DPICM projectiles caught on fire. One squadron plus some support elements were in the Camp while the rest of the regiment was in the field. After several unsuccessful attempts to extinguish the fire the troops received the order to evacuate. The evacuation was still under way when the burning M992 exploded at 11:00 AM, scattering artillery submunitions over nearby combat-loaded vehicles and ammunition stocks. This set off an hours-long series of explosions and fires that devastated the vehicles and equipment and scattered unexploded ordnance (UXOs) and debris over most of the territory of the Camp. 49 US soldiers were injured, 2 seriously. In addition, four British soldiers received minor injuries. Besides injuries from fragments and debris, there were contusions and lacerations suffered when soldiers scrambled over the 15-foot high perimeter wall during evacuation. 102 vehicles, including 4 M1A1 tanks and numerous other combat vehicles were damaged or destroyed. More than two dozen buildings sustained damage as well. Among the estimated almost $15 million in damaged or destroyed ammunition were 660 M829 120mm DU APFSDS rounds.


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duce the 155mm LU-211 with traditional (Composition B) filling at first, whereas Poland is buying from NEXTER a license to produce insensitive explosives and has plans to satisfy not only domestic needs, but export ambitions as well. No information is available about IM production in China or India. The cost of IM is certainly higher than that of traditional, but the consequences of incidents with the IM are almost negligible, while the consequences of incidents with traditional ammunition nay be quite devastating. One can easily recollect explosions in Russian ammunition depots and demilitarization facilities, or Doha accident in 1991 during the Persian Gulf War (see the sidebar). It is not improbable that the latter actually triggered the start to transition towards the IM at least in the US. Precision artillery ammunition Precision artillery ammunition is still another novelty in the artillery ammunition market. During the Cold War there was only one precision projectile — the antitank M712 Copperhead CLGP cannon launched guided projectile with semi-active laser homing. It was available only to American troops in continental US, Europe, and South Korea (the similar Russian projectile “Krasnopol” appeared later). At that time projectiles with sensor-fuzed submunitions were under development: SADARM in the US and ACED/BONUS in France. But the first to enter series production was the German SMArt 155, developed by GIWS, a joint venture of two German companies — Diehl and Rheinmetall. SMArt 155 was supplied to Greece, Great Britain, and Switzerland. BONUS was brought to series production only through cooperation between the French GIAT Industries (now — NEXTER) and the Swedish Bofors. American SADARM was formally type-classified and even undergone modernization via PIP — Product Improvement Program — to drastically enhance its performance and reliability. But

in the long run the project was cancelled by Congress, supposedly for budgetary reasons. The INS/GPS-guided M982 Excalibur has become the real breakthrough. It was also the result of joint effort of the American Raytheon (prime contractor) and the Swedish Bofors companies. It was so long-expected by the American military, that they undertook to type-classify the prototype that did not meet all initially stated requirements — only to bring the projectile to the Gulf. Typeclassification for urgent material release for the Increment 1a-1 was granted in April 2007, and the first combat use came in May 2007. The success of combat use was so outstanding that the military demanded not only to increase supply, but also to develop similar munition in 105mm caliber. Notwithstanding it’s high price (2007 year projectiles were more than $114,000 per unit) Canada and Australia showed interest in procurement. Sweden also intends to purchase Excaliburs, but starting from A2 Increment. The US F.Y. 2013 Budget appropriates $122.629 million for acquisition of 2,287 M982 Excalibur projectiles. The indicated unit price of $53,620 is misleading since most of

AMMUNITION RUSSIA AND FRANCE the projectiles will be of Excalibur 1a2 variant, but beginning from 2nd Quarter limited production of Excalibur 2b will start. Tactical and market success of M982 Excalibur initiated a series of new developments of precision ammunition, including projectiles, mortar bombs, and trajectory correction “fuzes”. The latter are under development in the US (M1156 precision guidance kit fuze is already in the inventory), France (project SPACIDO), Germany (unknown project name), and South Africa (project CIS). These developments were hardly possible without favorable expectations of success in the market. The first precision projectile — M712 Copperhead — was an antitank round. Cargo projectiles with sensor-fuzed submunitions are also intended to defeat armor. But M982 Excalibur is intended to defeat priority targets in close vicinity with the line of contact with the enemy or close to civilian objects that should not suffer collateral damage. The American military claimed that they were able to bring down a sole building with Taliban’s arms dump in a town by firing four Excalibur rounds on its roof’s corners, provided the neighboring buildings remained intact. That is why the ratio of conventional to precision projectiles in stock may vary from 100:1 to 100:10 (which is indirectly confirmed by the above cited volume of ammunition procurements in the US). New types of tank ammunition During recent armed conflicts tanks were used not only in the open field against enemy armor. Today tanks are being adapted for use in “asymmetric” warfare, including MOUT — military operation in urban terrain — where the enemy may be insurgents or guerillas with rocket-propelled grenades, portable ATGMs or even petrol bombs/Molotov cocktails. Thus the necessity arises to have ammunition previously not typical in tanks’ ammunition suits (initially comprising APFSDS and HEAT

projectiles) and intended to defeat personnel covered inside buildings or entrenched personnel. Development of such ammunition is under way in several countries: the US, Germany, and Israel. The first type-classified tank round of the kind was German multipurpose pre-formed fragments DM11 HE-MP-T. The projectile features electronic multifunction base fuze which can be programmed to function as point-detonating, point-detonating with delay, and air-burst at a preset time. Programming takes place immediately before firing when the round is in gun chamber. This allows to detonate the projectile above entrenched personnel or just after penetration of a building wall or vehicle’s armor plate. The first overseas customer is the US Marine Corps. The marines are using the round in Afghanistan and they are especially impressed by its behind-armor/behind-wall effectiveness. Another multipurpose HE is M-339 HE-MP-T offered by Israel’s IMI. It looks much as “classic” HE projectile with nose fuze, but the fuze is programmable multifunction electronic, boasting the same functions as that of DM11. Both M-339 and DM11 are intended to defeat personnel covered inside buildings, entrenched personnel, and light armor. Conclusion To summarize the abovementioned one can distinguish the following noticeable trends: ■■ 1. Developers and manufacturers of artillery ammunition join their efforts and form mergers to strengthen their market positions and simplify the use of technical and technological achievements. ■■ 2. There is a pronounced trend for transition to IM standards. While today it is clearly defined in the West, it will inevitably expand over to the rest of the world. ■■ 3. Precision artillery ammunition has become a reality and in due course will apparently take up one to ten percent of ac-

quisition objective. As developers and manufacturers gain expertise and as the developers/ manufacturers community widens the cost of precision projectiles may go down. ■■ 4. Since tanks are now used in MOUT operations, new types of tank rounds are on demand and many of them will be offered in due time. ■■ 5. The US seem to be gradually loosing grounds as the sole leader in the field of development and manufacture of artillery ammunition in favor of European and South African companies. Alexandr Belousov 1(68).2013



Kornet-EM system


multipurpose missile system

Antitank guided missile systems (ATGM) have been developed and produced globally for already half a century. Since then they became the most popular and wanted type of high precision weapons (HPW) thanks to their usability and relatively low cost. A future ATGM system must be a versatile defensive-offensive guided weapon, whose portable and combat vehicle transportable modifications ensure a wide range of applications in close range tactical zone in various combat environments 24


ARMS Defence Technologies Review

AMMUNITION RUSSIA AND FRANCE Main Performance Specifications of the System Firing range, m: - minimum


- maximum

10 000 automatic, beam riding guidance

Guidance system Jamming immunity


Number of targets engaged simultaneously by a salvo


Armour penetration by shaped charge warhead, mm


TNT equivalent of high explosive warhead


Ammunition load, pcs


including ready-to-fire missiles


Change-over from traveling to combat configuration, seconds


of today the IIIrd generation Kornet-E portable/transportable laser beam-rider system developed by KBP and adopted in 1998 is the weapon definitively complying with the concept of advanced ATGW, being state-of-the-art specimen of multipurpose tactical short range weapon system allowing engagement of virtually any small-size target within the system's line of sight. Aiming for further enhancement of Kornet-E ATGW combat capabilities, KBP Instrument Design Bureau developed a new multipurpose missile system – Kornet-EM. The weapon is designed as an automatic combat system, incorporating, besides the firing unit itself, both reconnaissance and control assets, and ensuring full automation of all combat operation constituents – target detection and distribution, issuing and processing of target designation, missiles' guidance. The operator's task within such system is limited to supervision of its proper functioning and launch of missiles. The open architecture of the system in terms of data exchange with higher-rank and peer units along with its combat capabilities makes it a vital element of Army networkcentric system. Kornet-EM multipurpose missile system provides for engagement of modern and future tanks , various fortifications (pillboxes, bunkers) and low-velocity aerial targets (helicopters, assault aircrafts and


UAVs) in day&night and adverse weather conditions under enemy ECM and optical jamming at ranges up to 8-10 km. The Kornet-EM system comprises: ■■ combat vehicle with two automatic launchers and operator’s panel with a display; ■■ battery commander's reconnaissance and control vehicle, equipped with combined surveillance system including TV, IR and radar reconnaissance aids, navigation, communication and data exchange systems, automated control suite and weapon system (Kornet-EM ATGM and PKTM machine-gun); ■■ guided missile with HE warhead with impact and proximity fuses and firing range of up to 10 km; ■■ an antitank guided missile with a maximum firing range of 8000 m and shaped charge warhead armour penetration of 1100-1300 mm which enables the Kornet-EM system to engage modern and future tanks bearing in mind the tendency to growth of their armour protection. Due to implementation of stateof-the-art but, however, low cost technical solutions, Kornet-EM acquired a number of new features, allowing significant broadening of its combat capabilities to counter both conventional ground targets, as well as non inherent to this class of systems ability to engage lowevelocity aerial targets: ■■ the use of computer vision along with automatic target tracker makes it possible to exclude an

operator from missile guidance process and in fact implements the “fire-and-forget” principle, thus giving a 5-times increase in accuracy of target tracking during real combat. ■■ engagement of targets in automatic mode reduces psychophysical stress to operators, requirements to their skills and duration of their training. ■■ automation of guidance process along with automated target detection and distribution, target designation commands generation and processing result in virtu-ally fully automatic combat system, limiting the operator's task to supervision of its proper functioning and launch of missiles. ■■ combat vehicle with twin-launcher ensures simultaneous salvo firing at two targets, thus significantly increasing the system’s firing rate and number of targets handled and at the same time allowing two-fold reduction of combat assets required to complete a mission. Such performance specifications endow Kornet-EM with the highest target handling capability among similar existing and future systems – min. 3-4 targets per minute at ranges up to 5 km. Thus, in case the weapon systems are positioned at a stand-off range from enemy tanks (more than 4 km) a single Kornet-EM battery of 9 combat vehicles is able to repulse an attack (i.e. destroy min. 50% of tar-gets) of enemy tank (М1А2 class) battalion (58 tanks). Actually, such mission may be accomplished by two battery salvos, destroying 32-34 tanks, i.e. 55-60% of the battalion. The time required to accomplish the mission will not exceed 1 minute, allowing to avoid casualties, since the enemy tanks will not be able to to reach their effective firing distance. ■■ new capability for ATGW – effective engagement of small-size aerial targets – reconnaissance and reconnaissance-attack unmanned aerial vehicles being the enemy’s crucial and mass combat support tool, as well as helicopters and assault aircrafts. 1(68).2013


AMMUNITION Main Performance Specifications of the System Detection range, m by radar - air targets: aircraft, helicopter, minimum


UAV, minimum

10 000

- ground targets, minimum

10 000

by TV/IR sight - air targets


- ground targets


Surveillance Zone, degr - azimuth


elevation: by radar


by TV/IR sight


Firing range, m - guided weapon

up to 10000

- PKTM machine-gun

up to 1500

Target designation transmission time, not exceeding, sec

Kornet-EM Surveillance&Control vehicle


ARMS Defence Technologies Review


UAV on a reconnaissance mission lets enemy well in advance disclose de-fence, give accurate target designation for firing over-the-horizon munitions, record and transmit information on army relocations both during operations near the line of contact with enemy and in the rear. This results in significant increase in casualties and possible failures of combat mission performance. From the point of view of engagement, UAVs are difficult targets due to low altitude of flight. Moreover, in case of mass application they are a teaser for the air defence assets, causing high consumption of expensive surface-toair missiles. Attack helicopters and tactical aircrafts are by now the highest threat for land forces, as they can inflict maximum damage in minimum


9М133FМ-3 guided missile with highexplosive warhead

time. For example, a helicopter is able to destroy a company of armoured vehicles (10-14 armoured vehicles) with one ATGM load. To efficiently counter the UAVs, attack helicopters and tactical aircrafts the air defence assets should be available right in the combat formations, because attack or reconnaissance flights are performed at low altitudes, impeding due-time detection with medium and short range air defence systems which are usually stationed deep in the home front. Kornet-EM is the system able to efficiently accomplish low-velocity aerial threats repulsion tasks. Another distinctive feature of modern combat operations is deployment of sophisticated surveillance and networking technologies in the tactical units. Wide application of integrated surveillance aids (various combinations of optical, radar, TV and IR systems), sophisticated automatic assets of tactical units operation control, communication and navigation allows continuous monitoring of the battlefield, real-time reception of reconnaissance data (both from peer and higher level units) overlaid on the digital maps and automatic or semiautomatic generation and transmission of target&firing data to the fire units, thus, determining the efficiency of highprecision tactical weapons and ATGW employment. Availability of surveillance systems providing detection of wide range of targets and automatic battery operation control aids is a vital need for Kornet-EM with its versatility of combat applications and ability to

Main Performance Specifications Flight range TNT equivalent, kg Fuse proximity Maximum flight speed, m/s

150 – 10000 7 impact and proximity 7 320

Weight with launch-tube, kg


Length of launch-tube, mm


Vertical section of aerial targets engagement zone with missilele

effectively counter aerial targets. Timely submission of aerial targets data to the fire units (Line Kornet-EM combat vehicles) directly influences both the efficiency of ATGW counteraction to aerial threats, as well as casualties in the units under air raid. To provide operational surveillance/data exchange and control of Kornet-EM battery combat operation, a battery commander's surveillance&control vehicle is designed based on standard line Kornet-EM CV.

target velocity 50 m/s target velocity 100 m/s target velocity 250 m/s The Surveillance&Control vehicle is special-purpose unit combining both reconnaissance/control and fire unit functions. The control vehicle comprises: ■■ Integrated surveillance system featuring TV, IR and radar aids; ■■ navigation aids; ■■ communication and data exchange system; ■■ automated control suite; ■■ weapon system. Employment of radar in the control vehicle allows target detection 1(68).2013



9М133М-2 ATGM and 9М133FM-2 guided missile

Main Performance Specifications Flight range


Armour penetration, mm


Maximum flight speed, m/s


Weight with launch-tube, kg


Length of launch-tube, mm


at rabges significantly exceeding the firing range of line combat vehicles weapon systems. This provides efficient control of Kornet-EM battery combat operation along with wide sector surveillance by Kornet-EM control vehicle. Provided with such surveillance capabilities the task of the control vehicle limits to target detection, friend-or-foe identification and target distribution among the line vehicles in order to avoid multiple firing at a single target. The battery commander's control vehicle capabilities by day/ night time and under any weather conditions are the following: ■■ detection, identification and tracking of moving or stationary air and ground targets, automatic measurement, generation and processing of the detected targets' coordinates; ■■ friend-or-foe identification; ■■ generation and transmission of target designation data from the 28

ARMS Defence Technologies Review

anti-tank battery commander to line combat vehicles; ■■ maintaining radio communication within the battery, as well as with higher-rank and peer unit commander's; ■■ real-time control of battery fire, relocation and firing pattern planning in case of changing deployment area with data overlaying on the digital map. These capabilities allow: ■■ reduction of ground targets detection time for line combat vehicles – by 2-3 times at daytime and by 6-10 times at night (if compared to target search using IR sight), aerial targets – more than 10 times; ■■ automatic determination and firing primarily at the most threatening target; ■■ maintaining balanced target load on the combat vehicles to avoid multiple firing at a single targets by several vehicles; ■■ timely readjustment of battery firing pattern in case of casualties.

As a result, the Surveillance&Control Vehicle is able to double the combat effectiveness of Kornet-EM battery while countering enemy tanks attack in properly arranged defence formations, or increase it by 2.5 times in case of entering the combat (from march) without prior area survey and missing information about enemy forces. In case of countering aerial threats (UAV, helicopters) the combat efficiency of ATGW battery will increase by 2.5-5.0 times due to reduction of target detection time and increase of detection probability.

Shipunov A.G. Zakharov L.G. Yastrebov O. Yu





Moscow Design Bureau “Compas”:

Deputy Director of Federal Service for military-technical cooperation Russian Federation V. Dzirkaln makes acquaintance with the Individual plotter for Сommander, represented by Commercial Director, Director for special projects & special mission JSC "MDB "Compas" M. Pestrakov.


the new prioritie for space navigation

ARMS Defence Technologies Review

NAVIGATION oint Stock Company “MDB “Compas” is a modern scientific and manufacturing company specialized in development and manufacture of professional equipment for GPS/GLONASS as well as GALILEO and Baidu (in the nearest future) Satellite Navigation Systems (SNS) designed to provide the high-precision positioning. Moscow Design Bureau “Compas” is an enterprise with a great history and abundant traditions. It was founded in 1918 when the Soviet government ordered to establish the telegraph manufacturing plant. The first high-powered for that time two-way aircraft radio


station with operational range of up to 5000 km was designed by MDB “Compas”. On July 18-20, 1937 the above mentioned radio station allowed Valery Chkalov`s crew to perform the record-setting flight from Moscow to Vancouver via North Pole on Ant-25 aircraft. In 1948, the Design Bureau became a separate navigation and communication equipment developing company. One of its navigation products was so called “golden arrow” homing device which allowed the aircrew to determine the correct direction for airfield searching and landing maneuver in IFR weather conditions. The up-todate homing device is a small-size

A-737 D


automatic unit characterized by law power consumption, wide use of digital signal processing as well as high level of reliability. MDB “Compas” uses only high technologies in development of its equipment because its main customers are aviation as well as rocket-andspace enterprises.







Variants of antennas In 1970s the enterprise used widely digital technologies of signal processing in its modern developments. These technologies allowed decrease the weight of device, its size and level of power consumption and create the following equipment: ■■ A-723 radionavigation receiver-indicator for Air Force capable to operate with “Alpha” and “Omega” global ground radio navigation phase systems as well as impulse-phase ones including “Chaika” and “Loran-S” systems;



ARMS Defence Technologies Review

■■“Mars-75” multifrequency phase

ation that will allow to perform Radio Navigation System (RNS) combat tasks even in case of radio for Navy was designed to pro- electronic warfare. So, in order to vide the ship navigation, hydro- provide the effective radio intergraphic and operational works as ference of new system, the enemy well as aircraft flights at a speed will be forced to use the high of less than 1000 km per hour. power equipment that could be GLONASS/GPS and GALILEO easily found and destroyed. The enhancement of equipment global satellite navigation systems can be affected by active radio digital parts allows minimize the interference due to its law satellite number of analog ones. During signal power. It is 40 dB less than installation of equipment on difnatural radio noise at the ground ferent objects the MDB personnel surface horizon. Such law-level often have to modify capabilities signals could be effectively reject- related to object specific tasks ed by means of electronic warfare. and its characteristics. It is a big For example, the noise jammer problem for analog equipment with power of 1W is capable to adjusting; in some cases developdisrupt the operation of satellite ment from the beginning can be navigation radio systems within a required. As for digital equipment radius of 30 km. – in most cases it will be enough to So, the enterprise created satellite refine the software. navigation equipment character- In order to avoid the above menized by increased level of interfer- tioned problems and check all ence protection in order to neu- procedures before installation, the tralize the natural and artificial SNS simulator was developed for radio interference. GLONASS/GPS and GALILEO sysCurrently, taking into account tems. The development of such the requirements of time, MDB satellite navigation system simu“Compas” develops equipment for lator was a difficult task which guided weapon systems and avi- required the up-to-date technolo-

NAVIGATION gies of digital signal processing. This simulator allows performance of a large number of research and manufacturing tasks, such as: determine of engineering decisions at the stage of customer navigation equipment development, adjustment and setting, performance evaluation at manufacturing plant, initial and periodic function checks, new equipment operating staff training, scientificlaboratory tests as well as in-line simulation in order to provide the customer navigation equipment positioning at an object (including high dynamic systems), scenario generation of customer navigation equipment on-board objects movement on guided path in difficult air and ionosphere conditions as well as use of prior/posteriori information concerning satellites positioning in space group at required period of time. А-737 basic unit (aircraft receiver-indicator for GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation systems) was developed in 1980s primarily for military aviation. Nowadays, almost all aircrafts are equipped with this device. The main task of this equipment is to determine the aircraft position vector (three components of velocity and position) as well as exact time meaning – the use of satellite navigation provides the united time referencing. A number of modifications based on A-737 version were designed with improved positional highprecision capabilities. For example, А-737I unit integrates the capabilities of satellite navigation and impulse-phase ground radio system navigation. Such engineering decision was provided due to lack of SNS receiver-indicator interference resistance. At the same time it is more difficult to reject the impulse-phase signals. Therefore, the use of equipment based on two systems increase the capabilities of combat operations even in case if enemy will use the means of electronic warfare. Another version – A-737D was operated in differential mode. Results of navigational readings determined by satellite RNS receiv-

er-indicators have some errors. One of such error is incorrect data on satellite trajectory parameters (ephemeral data). Because of object position is to be determined through distance calculation between object and satellites, therefore the whole system operation depends on precise data on satellite position. The second error is incorrect data on determined distance to satellite that can be a result of signal deflection and distortion when it passes Earth’s ionosphere and troposphere. In order to provide timely correction of above mentioned errors, Radio station Bussol especially if high level of position accuracy is required, for example for guided weapon systems – the was performed. Currently, this differential corrections are to be equipment is installed on most made. The ground component of correcting air-launched weapons. Nowadays Moscow Design Bureau navigation system provides such corrections. It allows increase the “Compas” develops and produces accuracy up to several meters – it radio navigation systems of differis very important for point-targets ent types: destruction. ■■ small-size automatic radio comAt the same time MDB “Compas” passes for all types of military was tasked to develop the equipand civil aircraft (ARK–32, ARK–35, ARK–40; ment for guided precision weapons. The first point of this task ■■ A-737 aircraft receiver-indiwas development of special-purcators for high-precision popose satellite navigation equipsitioning based on GLONASS/ ment for correcting air-launched GPS as well as GALILEO and weapons. During test procedures Baidu (in the nearest future) SNS signals and ground radio of this equipment in differential navigation impulse-phase sysmode the circular probable error in meters was realized. So the task tem signals;




■ ■ equipment for rocket carriers,

upper-stage rockets and spacecraft ground-supported trajectory measurements; ■ ■ navigation map-boards designed to support the aircrew in planning and performance of air-corridor and off-airway enroute flights as well as specialtask flights (based on GLONASS/ GPS SNS signals); ■ ■ navigation network forming equipment: local system of differential corrections and satellite signals transmitter; ■ ■ aircraft instrument-landing system for unequipped landingsite or aircraft carrier landings; ■ ■ small-size receiver-indicator for private use (based on GLONASS/ GPS as well as GALILEO and Baidu (in the nearest future) SNS signals); ■ ■ various antennas; ■ ■ special-purpose interferenceresistant navigation equipment for all types and different purpose aircraft which use GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation systems; ■■ railway monitoring, security and traffic-control supporting systems; ■ ■ special-purpose navigation equipment for motor transport control systems. 34

ARMS Defence Technologies Review

Besides that, JSC “MDB “Compas” develops so called Helicopterto-Ship Satellite Landing System (SLS) for carrier-based helicopters. The main feature of this system is ability of operation in relative navigation mode. It means that aircraft navigation system refers to carrier-based helicopter landing site (HLS) center. No matter how helicopter and its carrier move, because helicopter positioning in any case will be referred to HLS center. It is expected that successful test results of this system will provide additional capabilities for civilian sector due to high demand of helicopter operations concerning oil platforms, ice breaking ships and research vessels supply. In 1996 the enterprise developed ground-supported trajectory measurement navigation devices for rocket and space equipment such as: missile carriers, rockets, upperstage rockets and effective load. The effective and reliable equipment is used by upper-stage rockets and rocket carriers manufacturing enterprises. The main reason of strong demand for this equipment is a need of high precision trajectory parameters control. It is not a secret that in case of trajectory

deflection beyond its corridor the rocket must be destroyed. Due to its costly development and operation the ground-based trajectory measurement systems can be easily replaced by SNS equipment. As far as MDB “Compas” gained experience it developed smaller and lighter equipment with enhanced characteristics. The weight of first device installed on the rocket-carrier was 4.5 kg, while at present time the weight of such devices is only 1.5 kg. Some devices were built-in at the radio-telemetric systems of light spacecraft. Currently, the number of such light spacecrafts is about ten. The first “Zeya” spacecraft equipped with MDB-designed receiver-indicator was launched in 2007. This event confirmed the ability of satellite navigation equipment use even in case of flying object high velocity. Perfect results of satellite navigation use in precision weapon systems especially in air-launched weapons such as correcting air bombs raised a question of firing accuracy improvement for cannon artillery. Therefore, in order to improve command and control component during combat – various naviga-

NAVIGATION tion boards have been developed. This equipment allowed build up the system of communications at the level of MESH-technologies with data transmission within 500m network area with possibility of orders, alphabetic/digital data reception/transmission, target image reception/processing as well as coordinate data transmission for its entering into airlaunched weapons and precision weapon systems. So “Boussole” radio set was developed for navigation board’s network operation support that capable to provide data transmission in protected mode. Another new project of Moscow Design Bureau concerned the development of Search and Rescue (SAR) system based on GLONASS/GPS systems as well as “Gonets” satellite communication system component. This system was designed to minimize the time of Search and Rescue procedures and increase the effectiveness of searching works. Currently, there is no system that can comply with all above mentioned demands. Usually SAR operation begins from emergency message – it can be SOS signal, object loss from radar screen or loss of communication. In case of emergency message confirmation it is required to determine the exact area of accident as soon as possible in order to provide direct contact between SAR team and victims. Therefore, two-way communication must be established between Search and Rescue team and affected persons in order to provide quick and effective coordination between SAR team members and to minimize the time of searching and rescue procedures. At present time the space SAR system is developing by Moscow Design Bureau “Compas”. It will provide the two-way data transmission between victims and Rescue Services and consists of three components: ■■ space component includes GLONASS/GPS SNS as well as

global communication system of accident. The Joint Coordination Centre must acknowledge the ARB spacecrafts; ■ ■ user component includes emer- message by global satellite comgency radio beacon (ARB) that munication system radio channel. can be mounted on moving ob- This system doesn’t require the jects as well as can be used development of new communicapersonally (ARB-N). Besides tion system as it can use already that, some radio beacons can created and operational global be mounted on fixed objects satellite communication systems for alert signals transmission in which capable to provide the case of critical conditions, such two-way communication chanas ecological danger and so on; nel as well as 24 hours and all■ ■ command and control com- weather radio communication. So ponent includes the Joint the main feature of this system is Coordination Centre (JCC) and lack of transmission interruptions. Local Command Posts. All data It means that emergency data will on emergency situations will be be transmitted to JCC at short time. transmitted to JCC. Moreover, The two-way communication the Joint Coordination Centre will provide effective coordinamust control the operation of tion of SAR services operation. At whole system. the same time all victims will be Emergency radio beacon deter- informed that their emergency mines its own position by GLONASS/ message was received and SAR GPS signals. The possibility of services began its operation. The Moscow Design Bureau ARB precision positioning can be increased twice in case of two glob- “Compas” future plans are related al navigation systems use. ARB- to enhancement of radio navigaformed emergency message can tion equipment, improvement of be transmitted to JCC by global sat- interference resistance, integraellite communication system radio tion with other navigation systems, channel. The emergency message precision control of air dropped contains ARB identification code, cargo, navigation-logistic systems its precision position at emergency for transport communications message/signal sending moment, as well as civil user’s navigation time of accident and main feature equipment.




RUSSIAN PATROL BOATS – FAST INTERCEPTORS any states see the problem of reliably monitoring exclusive economic zones and defending national interests at sea as one of the top priorities. Its military, economic and political aspects are equally important. This is the reason why experts forecast steady demand in the global market for patrol boats making up the core of Coast Guards. Russian shipbuilding enterprises are traditional leaders in this segment, and Rosoboronexport, the sole state arms exporter, promotes their products to the international market. Among others, Rosoboronexport offers mediumtonnage and light sea-and inlandwaters vessels and boats manufacturing by Vympel Shipyard in cooperation with Central Marine Design Bureau Almaz. Mangust, Mirazh, Katran boats intended to control the territorial waters for customs purposes,


to protect natural and biological resources in the littoral, to carry out search-and-rescue operations as well as to fight effectively against smuggling, terrorism and piracy at sea. The boats have high sailing speed, excellent manoeuvrability and seaworthiness allowing them to intercept practically any maritime intruder. Such characteristics are attained by introducing innovative technical and design solutions, such as partially submerged propellers with the Arneson drives, special hull configuration, and highpower engines. MANGUST fast patrol boat project 12150. This fast skimming boat with “deep-V” hull form made of aluminum-magnesium alloy can achieve its maximum speed of 50 knots and is irreplaceable for solving tasks falling within the scope of duties of maritime police, customs and during search-and-rescue operations.



ARMS Defence Technologies Review

Its standard armament includes a 14.5mm marine machine gun pedestal, but subject to customer requests the Mangust can mount the Igla type man-portable air defence missile systems, DP-64 anti-saboteur grenade launchers or additional 7.62mm machine guns. The project is a universal platform which can be used for diverse modifications of the boat according the customer’s request. One of the modifications is a multipurpose fire-fighting rescue boat project 12150M. The boat is designed to conduct search-andrescue operations and to perform emergency control and response missions and is equipped with special-purpose facilities such as collapsible pressure chamber, diving equipment and others. MIRAGE fast patrol boat project 14310 is a fast skimming boat featuring an aluminummagnesium alloy hard-chine hull. Its sailing qualities are substantially improved thanks to unique design solutions adopted. The 120-tonnes boat cruises at a speed of up to 50 knots – which is a record in its class – thanks to automatically controlled bottom interceptors. The Mirazh can carry out a low-speed patrolling even in a strong gale at Sea State 7. Another distinctive feature of the boat is its integrated bridge navigation system providing the commander with all necessary information on the surrounding situation. The boat control, employment of technical facilities and weapons delivery are greatly facilitated thanks to the high degree of automation. The Mirazh is adequately well armed compared with other patrol boats. Its main armament is the Shturm missile system with six Ataka laser beam-riding missiles

navy capable of engaging maritime targets at a range of over 5.5km. The boat is also armed with the AK-306 artillery mount and 14.5mm machine gun pedestal. Eight sets of the Igla man-portable airdefence missile systems are used to protect the boat against air threats. On customer request its weapons system can be supplemented with the DP-64 hand-held anti-saboteur grenade launcher. KATRAN gun/missile boat project 20970. The new boat is designed to replace the most wide-spread Project 205 missile boat (exports alone account for in excess of 200 such vessels). It also intended for observation and patrolling to suppress illegal Mangust navigation and smuggling in littoral sea areas, interception and inspection of violating vessels. The boat’s navigability is sufficient for safe operation at sea state seven and effective employment of the armament at sea state four inclusively. Floodability envisions flooding any two adjacent compartments. The main propulsion plant comprises a 6,790 kW two-shaft diesel plant, driving water jets, which ensure a high speed and a shallow draught. The well-balanced armament suite ensures both outstanding attack capabilities and efficient self-defense against surface and air threats. The Pozitiv-ME 1.2 three-dimensional active radar also acts as the ADAWS system, as far as target designation and Katran distribution are concerned. At the customer request the boat may be fitted with the Anapa-ME antisa- The patrol version of Katran can boteur dipping sonar and antisa- be equipped with different types special facilities such as Infraboteur mortars. The automated command and red (night-vision) equipment control (C2) system comprises the “Sphera-2”, 2 RIHB re-establishing integrated command bridge sys- rafts, fitted with release-lifting tem (automated workstations of arrangement, with passenger the captain, the officer of the deck, capacity for 10 persons, helicopter the navigator, and the helmsman). UAV with helipad, radiation level The boat is also fitted with the control system. Rosoboronexport always acts in ship hardware control system (main propulsion plant, the ship interests of customers by preparelectric power system, general- ing for them cost-effective offers ship systems). for arms supply. It also proposes

construction of shore facilities for ship basing, repairs and maintenance during the entire life cycle, storage and preparation of weapons and munitions, personnel training with the use of advanced simulators. Year by year the quality of after-sale servicing is improving, and spare parts exports growing. Therefore there is no doubt that Russian patrol boats will be sought for operations in complex climatic conditions




Dear friends! I’m very glad to address the friendly people of the United Arab Emirates, with whom we, Russians, have been friends and economic partners for many years. Our country highly respects your state, your people and culture. Now I’m 92 and have been interested in developing our relations for many years. Many times I have visited your country, talked much, seen the happy faces of your people in the streets and I highly appreciate their generosity and hospitability. I am familiar with the basic principles of your foreign policy. According to them, the UAE tries to be a peaceful state. Nevertheless, there are a lot on ongoing conflicts in the world. So, your country has to support its military potential at the level which is sufficient to protect firm peace and safety of its citizens. I’m guided by this principle, too – I invented my weapons not for war but for protecting my Motherland 38

ARMS Defence Technologies Review

in severe times. I wanted to create a simple and reliable weapon that can be used by every soldier to defend its country. A weapon should be simple and easy-to-use in battle. All necessary is simple and all complicated is useless. It is its simplicity that gives it enormous advantage over any similar weapon. As for me, I’m waiting for somebody to build a better weapon. I’m studying research works carried out by young talented engineers now and always support them. Yet, it is a highly complicated task to create a thing, which is complicated in design but easy in employment. Due to the variety of configurations, the assault rifle can be used in any conditions – in severe frost or scalding sun. The Kalashnikov proved its efficiency long ago – it was rolled in the desert dust, drowned in marshes but it remained a reliable companion of every soldier

anyway. It is simple and reliable, which makes it a versatile weapon adopted by the armed forces of many countries. As early as the 1950’s, under different assistance programmers, the Soviet Union transferred licenses for the production of Kalashnikovs to many countries which still continue to manufacture it without any rights. Poor quality of materials, mistakes in the production process and the lack of advanced technologies worsened the quality of unlicensed weapons. Moreover, the assault rifle was repeatedly modernized for more than 60 years of its production and, consequently, the pirate manufacturers have hopelessly fallen behind the original producer. It is vital, however, that the assault rifle should be simple and trouble-free in battle. So, I call for using weapons manufactured by its original designer – research any production association “Izhmash” I wish all the people of the UAE peace and prosperity as well as reliable weapons in hands of your soldiers! Mikhail Kalashnikov

weaponry Izhevsk-made Kalashnikov assault rifles ast year, it has been 65 years since the first Kalashnikov assault rifle emerged. It is common knowledge that this weapon served the basis for several generations of assault rifles and other kinds of small arms. Getting back to history, the first series Kalashnikov was manufactured by Izhevskheadquartered Izhmash company in 1949. Since that time this enterprize has been known as the prime maker of Kalashnikovs of all types. What for is the Kalashnikov so popular all over the world? No doubt, it is operational safety and durability. The weapon is trusted for easy maintenance as well. Its high qualities were proved in various local conflicts and all kinds of climate conditions including hot-and-high and extreme-humidity terrains. Without exaggeration, it is the manufacturing technology that contributes to a weapon’s operational and combat features the most. In case of Izhmash, it introduced a topgrade production system that let the Kalashnikov and its derivatives outmatch all other competitors. Among the original rifle’s advantages is parts interchangeability including magazines, too. That is a highly important feature as many of its foreign mocks are deprived of this possibility and require only limited types of spare parts due to poorly-organized production process. In the Soviet era, 18 countries obtained licenses for the production of Kalashnikovs assisted by authorized specialists from the Soviet Union. In this case, original up-to-date technologies were used, while 11 other countries stole the technology and implemented it without proper procedures. It is quite obvious that unauthorized copies or clones have worse characteristics against the original weapons, the more so as the latter undergo regular modernization by the home plant. Notably, as far back as the 1990’s, many experts referred to the Kalashnikov assault rifle as an


4th generation of legend




unmatched weapon in its class with nothing to be found to replace it until 2025. Since then, their forecast proved true as no weapon type has been able to outperform the popular Kalashnikov.


4th generation of Kalashnikovs In a succession of Kalashnikov generations, the AK and AKS assault rifles commonly known as the AK-47 and AKS-47 represent the first one. The second generation, which includes the AKM, AKMS, AKMN and AKMSN resulted from efforts to enhance fire accuracy and maintainability. Generation 3 appeared some time later, in 1974, with the AK-74 and AKS74 assault rifles along with their derivatives as well light machine guns. Also, this generation comprises the AKS74U short-barrel version and its variants with the night sight and silencer.

As for the 4th generation, its first product is the 5.45mm AK-74 assault rifle taken into inventory with Russia’s armed forces in 1993. The AK-74 has a new folding plastic stock and a side bar for fixing various kinds of sights. The weapon was designed to replace previous-generation Kalashnikovs. In order to adjust the assault rifle to a wider range of rounds (7.62х39mm, 5.45х39mm and NATO-type 5.56х45mm), Izhmash decided to upgrade the AK-74M. The work commenced in the early 1990’s. Noteworthy, a new threedigit designation system was respectively set up – the first number was 1 and the last two meant model number. The fourth generation of Kalashnikovs had a number of strong points. First, they feature higher breech durability that

makes possible to employ newer and more effective rounds. Second, lower weight of moving parts led to smaller recoil and better stability of the weapon and its higher fire accuracy. Third, it is the enhanced muzzle break that enabled a new level of fire accuracy and night performance due to its flash reduction capabilities. And finally, the folding stock allows for better fire-onthe-move performance as well as easier employment in airdrop operations (it can fire even with the folded stock). There have been other improvements as well that make for enhanced barrel and receiver stiffness and improved grenade launching performance. The latter is achieved owing to a dedicated stop pin at the slide spring preventing the receiver cap from selfseparation. It goes without saying the Izhmash is keen to introduce only cuttingedge technologies in the process of manufacturing. Among them is smart casting, advanced anti-corrosion coatings, automated quality control system, top-notch bore chroming technology, etc. The assault rifle is easy to hand in any weather conditions due to durable plastic buttstock, grip, forearm, handguard assembly and magazine cases. As for cold and high-humidity conditions, its plastic parts keep

Below are some characteristics of 100-series Kalashnikov assault rifles Assault rifle Round




5,56х45 NATO 5,56х45 NATO







Weight with empty magazine, kg






Weight with loaded magazine, kg






Weight of empty magazine, kg






Length with bayonet with unfolded buttstock, mm






Length without bayonet with folded buttstock, mm






Length of barrel, mm






Sight radius, mm






Muzzle velocity, mps






Cyclic rate of fire, rpm






Combat rate of fire, rpm

40 / 100

40 / 100

40 / 100

40 / 100

40 / 100

Effective range of fire, m






Range of direct shots at a 50 cm height target (chest figure)






Magazine capacity, rounds






ARMS Defence Technologies Review

weaponry The AN-94’s specifications are as follows Round


Weight without magazine, bayonet and sling

3.85 kg

Length without bayonet with buttstock unfolded

943 mm

Length without bayonet with buttstock folded

728 mm

Length of barrel

405 mm

Sight radius

520 mm

Muzzle velocity

900 mps

Cyclic rate of fire

1800 / 600 rpm

Effective range of fire (with mechanical sight)

700 m

Range of direct shots at a 50 cm height target

440 m

Magazine capacity their normal characteristics and are comfortable to operate as they remain warm and easy to hold. Another Izhmash development is the AK-101 assault rifle specially designed for NATO-type 5.56x45 rounds. It also has a lighter and shortbarrel version dubbed AK-102. The designers have succeeded in adjusting the rifle to the 5.56x45 round while avoiding cutting the length of the gas piston rod and changing the bore design. Therefore, it is more unified with the longer-barrel variant than is the AKS-74 and the same weapon of the previous generation. In fact, the fire range of the AK-102 was reduced almost twice down to 500m as the barrel influences this parameter largely. As in case of the AK-74U and AKS-74U, 100-family Kalashnikov assault rifles can employ dedicated blast reducers. So what we have is an AK-74M derivative intended for the 7.62x39mm round. The AK-103 (production index 6P45) is made at a higher technology level, which in this case gives the rifle unrivalled performance over its 7.62mm counterparts. More versions to be mentioned are the lighter AK-104 (AK-102 version adjusted for the 7.62x39mm rounds) and AK-105 (5.45x39mm round). A number of Russia’s law enforcement agencies paid attention to 100-series assault rifles. Those include the Interior Ministry, Federal Security Service, Defense Ministry, etc. Particularly Interior Ministry sources say the Kalashnikov is a highly reliable weapon in many ways beating its foreign analogues. They emphasize that the munitions

30 rounds play a great role in the effectiveness of small arms, so deliveries of dedicated munitions have been set for some special troops and task forces. A remarkable fact took place during the INTERPOLITEX-2005 exhibition when regarding the AK-104’s close combat performance, experts from the Interior Ministry said a good silencer would bring the rifle’s performance to the utmost level. Soon after, advanced tactical silenc-

on AK-103 and AK-104 assault rifles. One can easily buy 100-series Kalashnikov abroad. In particular, many of them have been exported to Venezuela. Even its president Hugo Chavez considers the Kalashnikov the best rifle in the world. Moreover, even US experts acknowledge advantages of the newer weapon. For instance, weapons expert Peter J.Kokalis regarded characteristics of 100-series assault

ers meeting the requirement of spe- rifles as “representing a major cial task forces were developed. It improvement of the world’s most is the ATG detachable silencer that popular assault rifle that proved its hinders the shooter’s detection by combat performance in many wars the enemy as it provides flash-free and local conflicts.” “Nothing can fire along with lower sound and even be compared with this weapsound trace pattern. The firing posi- on especially if we take 5.56mm tion can be completely concealed models,” he said. Mentioning design features of in case a special round dubbed US is used jointly with the ATG silencer 100-series Kalashnikovs, it should





weaponry Characteristics of assault rifles Model













5,56х45 NATO

5,56х45 NATO

5,56х45 NATO

5,56х45 NATO

5,56х45 NATO

Length with unfolded buttstock, mm






Length with folded buttstock, mm






Length of barrel, mm






Sight radius, mm






Weight without rounds, kg






Muzzle velocity, mps






Cyclic rate of fire, rpm






Effective range of fire, m







20 or 30

20 or 30



Magazine capacity, rounds be noted that they are equipped with a side rail for mounting various kinds of sights: optical, night or a red-dot one. They include the 1P29, 1P76, 1P78 optical sights and night sights 1PN51 and 1PN93-1. A possibility has been also provided to install some foreign devices on the rifle, namely sights, laser designators, etc. due to the Picatinny bars on the receiver cover. Obviously, optimizing rounds for the assault rifle has become the final part of its development. It was carried out by the Barnaul cartridge plant and TsNIITOCHMASH enterprize. Different versions of rifles require different rounds. The AK-101 and AK-102 needs 5.56x45mm rounds that can be produced either


ARMS Defence Technologies Review

by Russia or abroad, the AK-103 and AK-104 – the 7.62mm 57-H-23 cartridge with a steel-core and 7N23 armour-piercing bullets. The AK-105 is designed for the 5.45mm cartridge that can be stuffed with the 7N6 ordinary bullet, 7N10 enhancedpenetration bullet as well as 7N22 and 7N24 armour-piercing ones. Thus, the customer receives a much more effective weapon providing increased lethality. It also should be noted that all the above-mentioned cartridges can be used without reducing the rifle’s reliability and maintainability. So, what we have is that the new generation of Kalashnikovs can employ a lot of munitions types and various sights. Unlike numerous for-

eign-made fakes, the Izhevsk plant offers a thoroughly-developed complex of rounds, weapons and sights matching each other perfectly. The clones of Kalashnikov have much poorer performance in this context as many of them have unauthorized changes in the design and layout. Sometimes it is a new exterior that can hardly improve combat performance, but in other cases such changes can largely diminish the weapon’s characteristics. The Kalashnikov’s revised design of the 100-series makes it fit for 40mm grenade launchers and bayonets. Also, it can employ original IFV, APC mounts as well as those of cargo and attack helicopter without additional changes. A number of 100-series Kalashnikov assault rifles provide for a singlefire option. These are the AK-101-1, AK-102-1, AK-103-1 and AK-104-1. Such rifles may be in demand from law enforcement agencies and other security organizations. Also, there are such Kalashnikov variant as the AK-101-2, AK-102-2, AK-103-2, AK-104-2 and AK-105-2. Their firing mechanism allows delivering single and burst fire with a triple-shot possibility which is known to be the most effective for close combat. The mechanism is not complicated but wisely-designed. Shots are counted by the ratchet enabled by a swivel lever during recoil and recovery of movable parts. Following the third shot, the ratchet releases the sear, which takes over the trigger thus stopping the fire.



One of the most important parameters of all small arms systems is the resource for modernization. In case of Kalashnikov, it can be described as great chiefly due to the basic Kalashnikov architecture. As for maintainability, 4th-generation Kalashnikovs have left previous generations far behind. To prove the combat performance of the Kalashnikov assault rifles, field testing is regularly carried out. In autumn 2011, a comparative testing was set up at TsNIITOCHMASH site in Klimovsk. The AK-74M was compared with the M16A1 and M16A4 assault rifles. As a result, the AK-74M gave way to the M16A1 in single-shot fire at a stationary target that could be explained by the longer barrel of the latter – it respectively had a better sight line and fire accuracy. When using a red-dot sight, however, the Russian rifle evened the score showing equal results with the M16A1. This test is often regarded as more illustrative of the weapons effectiveness as in close combat quick sighting and target engagement can be vital. In other tests that comprised automatic and burst fire, and fire in severe conditions, the AK-74M demonstrated unparalleled performance. As for the reliability, the Kalashnikov has left all its rivals far behind, the more so it is proved by the long experience of its operators all over the world. The same features are true for longbarrel and light-weight versions of Kalashnikov.

Nikonov assault rifle The history of creating the Nikonov assault rifle dates back to the 1980’s, when it became obvious that in a close combat defeating the enemy with the first shot and precise burst was crucial. Numerous studies by experts from many countries showed that it allowed saving munitions and increased fire efficiency. In the Soviet Union, assault rifle designers have determined that the accuracy of fire form unstable positions (on the move, from the halt, from the hip) should be raised. Therefore, works on a radical improvement of this characteristic commenced resulting in the Abakan project initiated in 1981. There were different variants of solving the aforementioned task. Among them a radically new assault rifle configuration featuring a shifted recoil momentum was suggested. The idea was implemented by Izhmash designer G.N.Nikonov resulting in a Nikonov AN-94 5.45mm assault rifle finally taken into inventory in 1997 with its full-scale production starting in 1998. The AN-94 is unique in that the barrel, gas tube, receiver, and bolt carrier all exist as a single component group moving back and forth along an axis parallel to the bore, suspended within what the Russian manufacturers call an Effect Envelope – the external composite fibre/polymer stock. This configuration separates the events inside the rifle from what the person operating the weapon actually experiences (i.e. low recoil). The motion described is also employed

by design to drive the unique rotary conveyor mechanism that performs the separate ammunition pre-feeding cycle that is key to the extremely rapid two round burst function that defines the AN-94 system. This high rate of fire (1,800 rounds/min) also offers two initial shots on selected fully automatic fire, with following rounds cycling down to 600 rounds/ min. This offers the operator the unique tactical advantage of triggercontrolled fire selection. Which is very important, the Nikonov assault rifle’s combat performance has been tested in a number of Russia’s special task forces. Newer members of Kalashnikov family In the last 20 years, the family of Kalashnikov assault rifles has been largely expanded the process entailing many new types. The prime goal was to meet the requirement of various law enforcement organizations and special troops. For example, on order by the Russian Interior Ministry, the PP-19 Bizon-2 sub-machine gun employing the 9x18mm cartridge was created. Its designers were V.M. Kalashnikov and A.E.Dragunov. The submachine gun has AK-style iron sights (an open U-notch rear sight on a tangent with three settings: 50, 100 and 150 m and a semi-shrouded front post), a receiver-mounted side rail adapter for optics and a new slotted flash hider designed to accept a quick-detachable sound suppressor. The Bizon-2 is made in several variants to increase 1(68).2013


weaponry the product's commercial appeal and demonstrate its versatility; it is offered in 8 different configurations. At the request of the Russian Interior Ministry, Izhmash also designed the 9mm Vityaz-SN PP-19-01 submachine gun taken into service with the ministry in 2005. It can fire many types of 9x19 rounds at an effective range of 200m. The employment of 7H21 and 7H31 rounds is provided for. The unification ratio of the VityazSN with 100-series Kalashnikov assault rifle and Bizon-2 PP-19 submachine guns is at least 70%, which enabled a number of advantages – optimized manufacturing, reliability and easy handling. In other word, we see all the features of the baseline assault rifle. Submachine guns made in Izhevsk demonstrate full meeting for modern requirements by dimensions, weight, range of fire, time-to-react, fire stability and control as well as fitness for various mounted accessories.

Characteristics of submachine guns Model

PP-19-01 Vitiaz-SN

MP5 A3 Heckler and Koch





9х19 (7Н21, 7Н31, Para)

9х19 Para



Length with folded buttstock, mm



Length of barrel, mm





370 (7Н21)


Length with unfolded buttstock, mm

Weight without rounds, kg Muzzle velocity, mps Cyclic rate of fire, rpm



Effective range of fire, m



Magazine capacity, rounds


15 or 30

Magazine capacity, rounds


20 or 30

Another successor of 100-series Kalashnikovs is the AK-9 assault rifle using the 9x39mm round with a low-velocity bullet. The rifle’s automatics and barrel locking assembly resemble those of the AK-74M with slight changes. The AK-9’s magazine contains 20 rounds.

Characteristics of smoothbore self-loading carbines



18.5 KS-K



(М4 Super 90)

SPAS-15 Franky








12/70, 12/76

12/70, 12/76


Length with unfolded buttstock, mm




Length with folded buttstock, mm




Length of barrel, mm




Weight without magazine, kg




Magazine capacity, rounds

4 or 8

6 or 7

3 or 6

ARMS Defence Technologies Review

Among the weapons Izhmash developed for law enforcement agencies is the 12-gauge 18.5mm KS-K smooth-bore carbine deriving from Saiga-family carbines. The family was worked out by Izhmash designers basing on the Kalashnikov system and has proved its effectiveness and suitability for hunting and selfdefense. 12-gauge Saiga-12 carbines enjoyed the largest popularity. The fact that most national teams prefer to use the Saiga-12K of all smooth-bore weapons in shooting contests proves its high performance and reliability. In Russia this shotgun can be relatively simply obtained, which requires only a "smoothboregun license". It is relatively easy to obtain, compared to a "rifle license" that requires a five-year period of owning a smoothbore gun and a hunting permit. Proficient in developing fullfledged military system and numerous types of commercial weapons, Izhmash managed to design reliably self-loading shotguns for police troops. The upgrade of the Saiga-12K resulted in Saiga-12 Isp.030 adopted by the police under the name of 18.5 KS-K. Figure ’18.5’ stands for 12th gauge corresponding to the bore diameter of 18.5mm. The KS-K is quite a versatile weapon as it can fire both lethal and non-lethal rounds with effective range varying from 35 to 90m depending on the type of round.





Buckwheat: Russian soldiers eat the same as a thousand years ago. Defense and military complex of the state contains not only tanks, missiles and Kalashnikov assault rifles. First of all it is made up of “military, nice and strong” personnel. And their strength mainly depends on food they eat in the Army. Before now when you spoke about the Russian army meals you could say it was barley they ate. But just recently state authorities have made a decision to change food ration for the Motherland defenders and replace the unloved barley with something new. Buckwheat, for example. PORRIDGE AND CABBAGE SOUP 250–300g, meat or fish with sauce – 100–120g, topping – 180–230g, IS BUT OUR NATIVE FOOD (Rus. proverb) o, what does a brave Russian soldier eat? Well, he eats the following. According to standards established by law food ration for soldier consists of the following: breakfast – 25% of daily total calories; lunch – 30%; dinner – 25%. The remaining calories are consumed during supper and late supper, 15% and 5% respectively. Totally a daily food ration energy value established legally is 4374 kkal. There are also recommendations as per weight of different meals. For example, the recommended weight of cold dishes is 100–150g, first course is



ARMS Defence Technologies Review

drinks – 150–200g. There are also coffee and juice. As per food products, though ration includes meat, fish and vegetables, porridge is still essential. However, when talking about the porridge one should not imagine a sticky grey substance sodden in water. Today this is a real porridge, healthful, delicious and rich. This is buckwheat!

BUCKWHEAT IS THE STAFF OF LIFE Thus, buckwheat porridge is a new dish included in diet for Russian soldiers. Now let us find out the advantages, sources and nature of buckwheat. According to practical dietology cereals in common are source

of accessible proteins and important amino acids. Protein deficiency effects first of all the immune system, endocrine profile, renewal and recovery of damaged cells. Thanks to combination of simple and complex carbohydrates cereals are excellent source of energy. But it should be considered that excess of carbohydrates included in cereal makes food more calorific thus increasing the risk of fatness. That is why it is so important to choose a product contacting optimized carbohydrates number necessary to support human energy balance without causing negative side-effects. Taking into account conditions and life mode of military personnel it is buckwheat which can be one of the best cereals as per its healthful compounds and taste properties.

logistics First of all we should highlight protein contained in buckwheat. The protein has sufficient number of essential and important amino acids. Good balanced carbohydrates in buckwheat deliver enough energy to body under high physical activity conditions. Needless to say the Army is not a restaurant, but anyway buckwheat porridge even boiled in water is several times better tasting than barley. Besides, it is too difficult to spoil it during cooking process.

IT IS NOT JUST BUCKWHEAT! Now we know buckwheat. It is tasty and healthful. Are there any options? Yes there are. That is to mix buckwheat with… with what?! With rye. That’s true! That’s a real new thing! Why rye? What’s so useful in this cereal? One more time let’s consider protein. Rye proteins include 10 important amino acids non-synthesized by human body. That is why the rye protein reduces blood sugar level and stimulates insulin. Due to proteins rye is essential for strengthening of cardiovascular system, improvement of digestive tract and immune system. In addition the products containing rye improve memory, strengthen excitatory system and help avoid chronic fatigue syndrome that has become wide spread lately. Rye carbohydrates contain significant number of cellular tissue slowing down digestion of carbohydrates and keeping normal blood sugar level. Besides, cellular tissue is responsible for regulating gastrointestinal tract work and microflora, binding and removal of heavy metal salts. It also protects body against radiation. Now let us attend calories of the product. Buckwheat and rye cereals mixture is very calorific, 310 kkal/100 g. By the way complex carbohydrates are slowly digested providing a long sense of satiation. Nutrients (mainly proteins) digestion process facilitates increase of basic metabolism level thus burning many calories. Thus fattening is not a reason for fear when eating even calorific food.

Generally there are only advantages. But army food expenditures cost money for a budget. May such a miracle porridge be cheaper than caviar and earthnuts?

COST INVOLVED So, one important matter remains, i.e. the cost. Buckwheat is evidently more expensive than barley. However cheap is not always good. Saving money on food is not proper and even harmful. As a matter of fact there are buckwheat producers in Russian market which can supply our Army with food for a reasonable price. As per cereals the excellent example may be “Slavyanskaya” cereal produced by “Altayskaya skazka”. “Slavyanskaya” is a mixture of buckwheat and rye. Due to rye added into buckwheat the price is more attractive, and energy value of such food is higher than that of just buckwheat alone. The cereal is grown and collected in Altai. Afterwards it is packed and sold including export.

Buckwheat and rye cereals mixture supplies body with all essential nutrients, has proper taste properties and can be easily and quickly cooked. Thus, this food is a real thing for a soldier! Easily cooked, healthful and tasty! For those in charge of soldiers food it is a perfect choice good in terms of price and quality ratio. Ekaterina Malysheva






ARMS Defence Technologies Review

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