Global education and language teaching

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a)  1.2 billion b)  .20 billion c)  1.0 billion

a)  1/3 b)  1/4 c)  1/5

a)  660 b)  760 c)  860

a)  5 b)  6 c)  7

a)  enough b)  not enough

a)  10,000 b)  20,000 c)  30,000

a)  poorest b)  richest

a)  3 b)  30 c)  300

a)  2 million b)  2 thousand c)  2 hundred

a)  1 hundred b)  1 thousand c)  1 billion

What do you know about these fields related to global education? Match the fields in column A with global issues from column B.

• War • Poverty • Water • Health • Education • Natural disaster • Desertification

1. Human beliefs and values 2. Global systems 3. Global issues and problems 4. Cross-cultural understanding 5. Awareness of human choices 6. Global History 7. Acquisition of indigenous knowledge 8. Development of analytical, evaluative, and participatory skills

Global education is concerned with the survival of the human species, with the prospect of the development of every individual, and with the improvement of the quality of life for all humankind‌.It helps realize that all nations have common problems, such as poverty, disease, overpopulation, war, and political strife (Hendrix, 1998). Global education aims to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed by responsible world citizens (Cates, 2005).

Why infuse global education into language teaching? It may be well to ask whether international understanding, let alone world peace, can be said to have been promoted by foreign language teaching in schools around the world. Diligent learning of foreign words and phrases, laborious copying and recitation of irregular verb paradigms, and the earnest deciphering of texts in the foreign language, can hardly be considered powerful devices for developing international understanding and good will (quoted in K. Cates, 2005).


The Foreign Language Classroom

Global education makes a global value-laden, critical-thinker producer, and active-citizen forming curriculum.

Three global education goals: 1.  Knowledge 2.  Attitudes 3.  Skills (Actions)


Step 1: Rethink the Role of English What is "English" then? Traditionally, English has been defined as: •  a linguistic system of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar •  a school subject and a topic on university entrance exams •  a language of "daily conversation" about family, sports and hobbies •  the mother tongue of English-speaking countries such as the USA and Britain

Step 1: Rethink the Role of English 5. English as an international language for communication with people from around the world 6. English as a subject for learning about the world's peoples, countries and problems A global approach to EFL, therefore, means showing how English can be a language of world citizenship for learning about our global village, for communicating with people from other cultures, and for working to solve problems facing Planet Earth.


As a language teacher, I can automatically become a global educator without reconsidering my role as a teacher.

Step 2: Reconsider Your Role as a Teacher How we define ourselves is just as important as how we define our field. A key question teachers can ask themselves is "Who am I?" How you answer this determines what you do in class. Do you define yourself as "just an English teacher�? Or do you see yourself as an "educator" in the wider sense?

Step 2: Reconsider Your Role as Teacher The mission we have as global educators is outlined in UNESCO's (1974) Recommendation on "Education for International Understanding, Cooperation, and Peace.“ •  •  •  •  •  •  •

an international dimension and a global perspective in education at all levels understanding and respect for all peoples, their cultures, values and ways of life awareness of the increasing global interdependence between peoples and nations abilities to communicate with others awareness of the rights and duties of individuals, social groups and nations towards each other understanding of the necessity for international solidarity and co-operation readiness on the part of the individual to participate in solving the problems of his/her community, country and the world at large


The physical environment of my English classroom at the moment projects what a global classroom should be.

Step 3: Rethink Your Classroom Atmosphere What do students see when they enter your classroom? Bare concrete walls? Pictures and photos of Ecuador? What is a global classroom? A global EFL classroom is a room decorated with global posters, world maps and international calendars—all in English. It's a dynamic, colorful place which stimulates international awareness and curiosity about our multicultural world. It features globes, international displays, and walls decorated with posters of world flags, current events, and Nobel Peace Prize winners. A global classroom is also an environmentally-friendly classroom where teachers and students use recycled paper, save energy, and use both sides of the paper for handouts and homework.


Global education happens through good intentions.

Step 4: Integrate Global Topics Into Your Teaching Global education doesn't happen through good intentions alone. It must be planned for, prepared and consciously taught. A good global language teacher must sit down and write up a "dual syllabus" comprising:

(1)  a set of language learning goals and (2)  a set of global education goals. Once these are listed, the teacher's job is to design effective, enjoyable class activities that achieve both sets of objectives in an integrated, creative way. A sample global education lesson plan might look like this:

Activities to Accomplish the Above Goals •

Show the class pictures of environmental problems and ask present perfect questions: "Have you ever seen...?“ a polluted river, an oil spill, a dead tree, litter on the ground.

•  Put the class into groups and have them do a group ecosurvey about environmental action by asking each other the following present perfect questions: "Have you ever...?“ picked up litter from the ground, turned off the lights to save energy, used something that was recycled, given money to an environmental organization.

For homework, assign students to do 3 good deeds for the environment over the next week. Then, make a present perfect class poster entitled: "Things our class has done for the environment."


To be a global teacher you need to experiment with global education activities.


Organizing extra-curricular activities will enhance global awareness.

Step 6: Organize Extra-Curricular Activities •

Arrange penpal or keypal programs

Set up an English "Global Issues Study Group"

Write English letters to foster children from Third World countries.

Hold English charity events to raise money to remove Cambodian landmines, help African AIDS victims, assist Iraqi children, or build schools in Nepal. Add an international dimension to your school festival through English speech contests on global themes, or by inviting English guest speakers from groups such as UNICEF

Arrange volunteer activities


Experience alone will provide enough knowledge to become an effective global teacher.

Step 7: Deepen Your Knowledge through Professional Development

•  Take courses of global education and language teaching. •  Include courses in language programs and MA in education. •  Attend conferences (local, national, and international) that promote world citizenships •  Include global education in TEFL conferences

Activity #1: Language goal: Ss should be able to express their feelings on peace through their five senses using present tenses. Global education goal: Learn concepts of peace, war Activity #2: Language goal: Ss should be able to practice speaking imaginary situations. If you were the father/mother‌what would you do‌ Global education goals: Learn about the Convention on the Rights of the Child and United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Learn about Islam, Racism,

Activity #3: Defining poverty Activity #4: Water use Activity #5: Understanding natural disaster Video 1

What is global education? What are the global themes? What are the 7 steps to become a global teacher?

I hope the seven steps above prove useful for teachers seeking to add a global dimension to their EFL classrooms. I'd also like to encourage teachers in Ecuador to promote international understanding, social responsibility, and a peaceful future through professional contentbased language education aimed at teaching for a better world.

REFERENCES Cates. K (May 2004) Becoming a Global Teacher: 10 Steps to an International Classroom Books Elder, P. & Carr, M. (1987) Worldways: Bringing the World Into Your Classroom. Addison-Wesley. Pike, G. & Selby, D. (2000) In the Global Classroom. Canada: Pippin, USA: New Society. Tiedt, P. (2001) Multicultural Teaching (6th ed.). USA: Allyn and Bacon. UNESCO. (1974) Recommendation Concerning Education for International Understanding, Cooperation and Peace. Paris: UNESCO. Worldlink. (1990) Spaceship Earth (video). Order from <> Websites Asian Youth Forum (AYF) <> Social Studies School Service (USA) <> Peace as a Global Language Conference (Kyoto) <> Teachers College Columbia University (Tokyo) <> TESOL (USA) <> Global Issues Interest Groups JALT Global Issues SIG (Japan) <> IATEFL Global Issues SIG (UK) <> TESOLers for Social Responsibility (US) <>

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