LEDs Brighten Facility From Front To Back Comprehensive lighting upgrade to LEDs simplifies complex lighting.
replacing almost 2,000 fluorescent
Asheville, NC, began look-
high-bay lamps, along with wrapped
ing at LED lighting for its fa-
and recessed strips and troffers. Cree
cilities several years ago and evaluated
CXB series LED high-bay/low-bay
a number of manufacturers, distribu-
fixtures replaced more than 580 fluo-
tors, and installation companies.
rescent lamps in the 25-ft.-high pro-
According to Scott Self, director of
duction area, and the LS series surface
energy at Thermo Fisher, they
ambient luminaire, in 4- and 8-ft.
couldn’t find a solution that fit their
lengths, replaced more than 600 fluo-
needs and financial requirements.
rescent strips to bring deliver light to
“The first costs were either too high or
task areas of the facility.
the deployment costs were too great to
Outside, facility parking lot and
make it economically feasible. We
building lights were replaced with XSP
started a dialog with Cree Inc.,
series pole-mount and wall-mount lu-
Durham, NC, to discuss the challeng-
minaires. When the office lighting
es we were facing. We basically said we
was replaced with Cree ZR troffer se-
feel confidant Cree products are rock
ries luminaires, Stephanie Nilsen, di-
solid; we just need the specified return
rector of operations, noted the posi-
on investment (ROI), or better, to
tive effect the new lighting had in her
move forward with the project. Cree
environment. “It was immediately
was able to deliver the products we
noticeable in the office space as it
wanted at the ROI we needed. That’s
rolled out in my area. I felt more
how the project got started.”
awake at work; I felt more in tune and
The large-scale project included
alive, and it felt very energizing.” Steve Haney, maintenance manager for the Asheville site, received positive feedback on the new lighting as it was installed throughout the plant. Haney heard from employees that the improved light levels created a more comfortable work environment. The better lighting also impacted quality, commented Haney. “Naturally you can see what you’re doing better and
Above. Employees reported that the improved light levels created a more comfortable work environment.
spot defects in the workmanship easier with the lights we have now.” He heard the most feedback on the exterior lighting at the facility. “The lights
Right. The large-scale project included replacing almost 2,000 fluorescent high-bay lamps, along with wrapped and recessed strips and troffers.
MARCH 2016
really lit the outside areas and people felt more secure coming into and leaving the facility in the early morning