commARCH - June 2015

Page 28



Precise directional lighting, offered by the Precise directional lighting, offered LED luminaires, ensures the surrounding by the LED luminaires, ensures the dark sky and neighboring are prosurrounding dark sky andareas neighboring tected, while delivering the exact lighting areas are protected, while delivering levels necessary to light the way. the exact lighting levels necessary to light the way.

LEDs Infuse New Light Into Park

In busy downtown Coeur D’Alene, McEuen Park’s sprawling green space overlooks Coeur D’Alene Lake.


The newest and largest park in Coeur D’Alene, ID, is transformed with lighting design.

n busy downtown Coeur D’Alene, ID, McEuen Park’s

such as a playground; an environmentally and safety-con-

Effectively lighting a park of this scale was an essential

sprawling green space overlooks the beautiful Coeur

scious Splashpad with water features; basketball, tennis,

component. Contracted to help with the lighting rede-

D’Alene Lake. Once obscured by a public parking lot,

and pickleball courts; a Veteran’s memorial; the Avista

sign, Coeur D’Alene’s Trindera Engineering aimed to de-

the view has been transformed. Utilitarian asphalt was

Grand Pavilion with room for 200 guests; the Grand Pla-

fine the park’s key spaces while maintaining respect for its

replaced by a picturesque plaza offering an unparalleled

za; and a waterfront Rotary Harbour House with conces-

neighbors. The firm set about lighting the space with light

lookout across the waterfront. And that’s not all that has

sions and washrooms for park guests. The park also hosts

levels and aesthetics that were appropriate to the sur-


an underground parking lot for 430 vehicles, a boat

roundings and that increased night visibility, improved

launch, mooring facilities, and a section of the 60-mile

safety, and minimized energy use and costs while also

Centennial Trail that runs through its middle.

eliminating light trespass and glare.

Only a few short years ago, the city’s parks-and-recreation department set about redesigning the large, underused green space in the city’s center, which hosted a

Challenged to conserve as much of the natural envi-

“We were inspired by full-cutoff LED lighting that

baseball diamond and little else. Their mission was to

ronment as possible during the redevelopment, McEuen

would protect the dark sky and deliver adjustable lighting

transform the area into a user- and tourist-friendly hub

Park planners were dedicated to staying true to the Park’s

levels that would reduce light trespass,” explained Barbara

that would breathe new life into the landscape and unite

historic roots. A four-acre grassy area, off-leash dog area,

Barker, principal at Trindera Engineering.

people of all ages and abilities looking to play, relax, and

and three osprey-nest towers overlooking the park ensure

Trindera partnered with lighting manufacturer, Lumi-

enjoy a peaceful respite.

the area reflects its natural purpose. Additionally, by con-

nis, Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada, to create a lighting

Their mission was a success. In May of 2014, the new

serving 40% of the park’s mature trees and adding 80 new

scheme that highlights the park’s amenities, as well as its

McEuen Park was officially unveiled to the public. Boast-

ones, McEuen Park maintains its lush vegetation while

walkways and the Avista Grand Plaza. Chosen for its LED

ing 20 acres of land, the park features impressive amenities

securing green space for decades to come.

light fixtures, Luminis not only provided durable and sus-



JUNE 2015

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