My name is
Play and Learn English 3
Flávia Corrêa Magalhães
2ª Edición. 2019
Editorial Idiomagic
Suipacha 404 Tucumán - Argentina
ISBN 978-987-4965-00-4
Hecho el depósito que establece la ley 11.723. Impreso en talleres propios de la editorial. Libro de edición argentina.
Correa Magalhaes, Flavia
Play and Learn English 3 : Student s book / Flavia Correa Magalhaes ; ilustrado por Rolando Robles. - 2a ed. mejorada.San Miguel de Tucumán : Idiomagic, 2018.
118 p. + CD-DVD : il. ; 21 x 30 cm. - (Play and Learn English / Correa Magalhaes, Flavia)
ISBN 978-987-4965-00-4
1. Inglés para Niños. 2. Educación Inicial. 3. Libro de Texto. I. Robles, Rolando , ilus. II. Título.
CDD 372.21
Text © Flávia Corrêa Magalhães. Design and Ilustration © Editorial Idiomagic.
First Published 2013.
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The main objective of this book is to awaken children s creativity and to create a personalized form of learning the language. The symbols used in this book act as instruction aids for the activities. We teach by using visual aids and symbols, in this way by looking at it, the child is able to understand the instructions. The activities develop children s thinking and coordination which are fundamental for their age group. The following symbols are used in this book:
Vocabulary: Hi, Hello, Bye-Bye, School, Boy, Girl, Teacher, Student, Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Night.
Lesson 1
Listen, repeat and pick up:
Hello! Bye bye!
I'm a boy.
I'm a girl.
I'm a teacher.
I m a student.
It's a school.
Good Morning!
Good Afternoon!
Good Night!
Activity 1
Listen to your teacher, find the different pictures and color them in.
Lesson 2
Let s sing the song!
Hi! Let s sing the song again!
This time you sing!
Find the boy and the girl and mark them with an X.
Hello teacher, say say say
Good Morning, say say the boys
Good Afternoon, say say the girls
Bye bye bye, say everybody
Hey, hello, hello, hello!
Hello teacher, say say say
Good Morning, say say the boys
Good Afternoon, say say the girls
Bye bye bye, say everybody
Hey, hello, hello, hello!
Hey, hello, hello, hello!
Listen to the dialogue:
- Hello teacher!
- Hello boy! Hello girl!
What's your name?
- My name is John.
- What's your name?
- My name is Mary.
- Bye bye teacher!
- Bye bye.
Now, answer the question:
What s your name?
Draw your self portrait, then show it to the class and say your name.
Lesson 4
Listen, repeat and show me:
Good Morning!
Good Afternoon!
Good Night!
Press out the puppets (page 107) and color them so we can play.
Lesson 5
Listen, point and repeat:
Point to the teacher and say: Hi, teacher! Good Morning!
Point to the boy and say: Hi, boy! Good Afternoon!
Point to the girl and say: Good Night, girl!
Activity 5
Help the teacher find the right way to the school.
Vocabulary: Blue, Yellow, Red, Green, Black, White, Orange, Pink.
Lesson 1
Listen, repeat and color: It's blue.
It's yellow. It's red.
It's green. It's black.
It's white.
It's orange. It's pink.
Activity 1
Listen and color the paintbrushes according to what is said.
Lesson 2
Let s sing the song!
Let s sing the song again!
This time you sing!
Activity 2
Color the rainbow with different colors.
Today is a beautiful day!
Look at the rainbow in the sky
What colors can you see?
Red? Yes! Black? No
Rainbow colors! Beautiful!
Rainbow colors! Yes Yes!
Yellow? Yes! Orange? Yes!
White? No! Blue? Yes!
Rainbow colors! Beautiful!
Rainbow colors! Yes Yes!
What colors can you see?
Green? Yes! Pink? No!
Lesson 3
Now, let's color!
Let's color with the color blue.
Let's color with the color red.
Let's color with the color yellow.
Let's color with the color green.
Let's color with the color orange.
Let's color with the color black.
Activity 3
Press out the palette (page 107), listen and then color accordingto what is said.
Lesson 4
Listen and show me:
Show me the color green.
Show me the color black.
Show me the color white.
Show me the color pink.
Show me the color blue.
Show me the color yellow.
Activity 4
Circle the pots according to the color your teacher says.
Lesson 5
Listen to the sequence:
Blue, blue, blue, blue, black!
Black, black, black, black, white!
Now, continue the sequence. White, ...
Activity 5
Choose four colors and color the circles so we can play Bingo!
Date: ........................................
Teacher: ...................................