Play and Learn English 9

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New Edition DigitalKit Projects Stickers 9

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Play and Learn English 9

Name: School: Teacher: Class:

Play and Learn English 9

Flávia Corrêa Magalhães

2ª Edición. 2022

Editorial Idiomagic Suipacha 404 Tucumán Argentina

ISBN 978-987-4965-07-3

Hecho el depósito que establece la ley 11.723. Impreso en talleres propios de la editorial. Libro de edición argentina.

Correa Magalhaes, Flavia Play and learn english 9 : Students Book / Flavia Correa Magalhaes. - 2a ed mejorada.San Miguel de Tucumán : Idiomagic, 2022. 104 p. ; 30 x 21 cm.

ISBN 978-987-4965-07-3

1. Inglés para Niños. 2. Educación Primaria. I. Título. CDD 372.6044

Text © Flávia Corrêa Magalhães. Design and Ilustration © Idiomagic.

Authors acknowledgements

The author would like to thank Federico Battich and the Idiomagic publishing team for their hard work and support.

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Todos los derechos reservados. No se permite la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra, ni su incorporación a un sistema informático, ni su trasmisión en cualquier forma o por cualquier medio (electrónico, mecánico, fotocopia, grabación u otros) sin autorización previa y por escrito de los titulares del copyright. Su infracción está penada por las leyes vigentes.

Todos os direitos reservados; nenhuma parte desta publicação pode ser reproduzida, armazenada em banco de dados acessível nem transmitida de cualquer forma ou por cualquer meio, seja ele eletrônico mecânico, como fotocópia, gravação ou cualquer outro, sem a autorização prévia por escrito do editor.

CONTENTS Whats up? 5 UNIT 1 Where are you from? 15 I love wintertime! 25 Every day 35 What are you doing? 45 Im hungry! 55 Family fun 65 A day around town 75 Stickers 85 Projects 87 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 UNIT 5 UNIT 6 UNIT 7 UNIT 8




Can I... ?



Whats new?


Good afternoon!

Here you are!

Do you have an extra... ?


Howisit going?



Is it my turn?

Can I read?

Whats the wordEnglish for...?

Excuse me, teacher.

yHoware oudoing?

Good morning!

Whats up?

Look, listen and read the dialogues.

Hi! My names Emma. I go to Avenues School. Our classroom is upstairs. Its very big. Im in class 5B. There are 23 students in my class. Our teacher is Mrs. Smith. Hes Brian. Hes my best friend. Hes eleven. His favorite subject is Science. We play tennis after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Hello! Im Peter. Im 10. nd My birthday is on April 22. My favorite place at school is the library. What about you?

Hello! Its nice to see you all again! Im Brenda. I play volleyball twice a week. I cant do judo. How about you?

Welcome! Im Eric. We have English class on Mondays and Wednesdays. Our English teacher is patient and fun.

Registration is at half past nine, then we have Math, English or P.E. in the morning. Break is at quarter past ten. Every day we do different things in the afternoon.

Wheres Linda?

Hi, Emma! Welcome back! Look! These are our classmates some are new.

Hi! My name is John and my last name is Clinton. My nickname is Johnny. My phone number is 387-6940. Tell me about you!

Whats up? My name is Mary. I like pizza and milkshakes but I dont like hot dogs or soda. Now its your turn!

Hello again! Im Ellen. I get up at 7.15 from Monday to Friday. On the weekend I go to the beach or the cinema with my friends. Now tell me about you!

Shes absent today. Shes sick. She has a fever.

Fantastic! Our school is really cool!

Oh, too bad! I have our new timetable.

Great! What time is our registration?



Listen and read the email. Then write and reply.

Hi! Im Paul. My nickname is Pauly. I live in New York. Im twelve years old and I love to meet new people and to make friends. th My birthday is on July 24 and my star sign is Leo. My school is really cool. My favorite places are the playground and the gym. The library has a lot of great books.

I love P.E.: I can play rugby, basketball and soccer, but I cant play tennis.

I get up at 7.20 and I go to school. I have lunch at the canteen once a week.

I like French fries, but I dont like hamburgers. What about you? Write soon, Paul


Complete the dialogue with personal pronouns or possessive adjectives.

Hi! Whats ___________ name?

name is Angie.

Nice to meet . Is she __________ sister?

Yes, _________ is.

name is Sophie.

And who is ? He is dad.

name is Tom.

Let’s Sing! Welcome back 6
_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

3 Listen, read carefully and learn some more.

In English speaking countries people address others depending on their gender or man woman marital status single married

This is MissMs. Brown. | Shes the secretary.

Theres Mrs. Clinton. Shes the teacher. Shes nice.

That is Mister Larson. | .Mr Hes the principal.

Now write sentences using real information.


My Math teacher is Miss Sinclair. Mrs. Green is the principal. Mr. Davis is my doctor. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

4 Complete the dialogue.

How are you? Fine, thanks. ?

Adam Sclinker ______________ your last name?


And ?

Its 28 Sunshine Read, Keywest. And postcode?

Its FC 133 8YK. OK, and finally, ?

(378) 332-1207. Thanks.


5 Look and read carefully.



Questions we you they Yes, I am

Am I a doctor? Are you a student? he David? she a vet? it a pencil?

Short answers Negative he she it isnt arent No, No, we you they

1 2 3 4


Is she your mother?

Are you a teacher? _____________________

Is it rainy?

7 7 1 2 3 4

Make questions Use

m / s / re

They Mike and Sophie. I _____ nine years old.

+ + 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Are we doctors? Are they teachers? ______________________ ?

Yes, I am. ?

Yes, she is. ? No, it isnt. ? No, they arent. Were doctors. __________________________

Im a great student.

Hes my baby brother.

Youre 11.

of the verb

lets practice.
Remember: Verb to be
answers Affirmative Negative form
Im He She It We You They he she it
Im not He She It We You They Is s is isnt re are arent Yes, Yes,
Are they cooks?
No, Im not
the negative
She my new friend. It my little cat.

6 Choose the correct answer from the box.

Its cold and rainy. No, Im not. Im a teacher. | No, it isnt. Its difficult. Its History. Im cleaning my bedroom. | | Its No, it isnt. Its in April. I can do judo. | | Its three dollars. Shes in the living room. |

Is Math easy for you? 1

2 4

What are you doing? 6

Where is my mom? Are you an engineer?

Is your birthday in July?

Whats your favorite subject?

How much is it?



7 10

Whats your email address? 3 5

Whats the weather like today?

What can you do?

7 Listen, draw the time and write. Using the third person.

9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
________________ ________________ 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ________________ 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8 Read and check.

Remember: Simple Present

Iwe you they ... | | | like heshe it ... | | likes

Iweyouthey dont like || | hesheit doesnt like... | |

Short answers

Do I we youtheylike...? | | | Does he she itlike...? | |

No, Iwe you they . ||| do heshe it . || does Iwe you they . ||| dont heshe it . || doesnt

Now color the correct option. 1

2 4


9 Listen, draw and complete the sentences. Using prepositions.

Theres a doll the box.

My cat is __________ the box.

There are three balls the box.

The box is the chair and the lamp.

Your dog is ___________ the box.

The pillow is the box.

The book is ____________ the box.

Negative form Negative form Interrogative form
3 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Listen, look and repeat the abbreviations.

Chat abbreviations

HRU How are you?

Excuse me XME

Sorry SRY

Please PLS

Thanks THX

Goodbye GB

See you CU

Youre welcome YW

Hugs and kisses XOXO

Whats up? WUP

Good luck GL

I dont know IDK

Oh my God! OMG

Now rewrite the message.

Angie, How are you? Can you go to the cinema tonight?

ILY I love you

Excellent XLNT

Best friends forever BFF

Great GR8

No problem NP

You U

Why? Y

Sleeping Tired Boring ZZZ ||

Today 2DAY


Happy birthday

Tonight 2NTE

Tomorrow 2MOR

Because BC


Whats up?

Oh my God!

Sorry, today

Im very tired.

Tomorrow I can go to the cinema. Thanks and see you tomorrow.

I love you!


Hugs and kisses, Helen. _____________

Let’s Play!
12 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 10 9 _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
10 Write a text message to your friend using some of the abbreviations. 11 Listen and write the abbreviations.

English classes are on __________ and . Our teacher is and My moms birthday is on _____________________.

I hot dogs, but I burgers. I tennis, but I judo. There are students in my __________________ I get up at . My sister is in the bedroom.

Everyday my dad soccer.

new words Read and complete Circle the correct word Lets write!
You re s a doctor. | Rose and Mary is are students. | Im not isnt 9. | Are Is you a teacher? | Do Does your mom like soup? | They dont doesnt do Judo. | I clean cleans my bedroom twice | a week. He dont doesnt go running once | a week. Rewrite Picture Dictionary 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ILY SRY NP XME IDK GR8 YW HBDAY _____________ PLS GL
13 Project Go to page 87 Write a message to a BFF. _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ Ms Mr Mrs

Its between the armchair and the bookcase.

No, she doesnt like. She likes water.

Im washing the dishes.

Yes, she is.

No, I cant. I can play basketball.

I go to bed late. Around 11p.m.

Talking time

Follow the lines and put on the stickers in the correct place. Listen to your classmates spell and guess the words.

Now I Know...

Whats up? Hi, there! |

This is Mr. Mrs. Ms. ||

Review Verb to be Simple Present Present Continuous Can Cant | Prepositions Time Chat Abbreviations

Let’s Practice!
1 is...
Mr OMG XLNT Mister! Excellent! Oh my God

UNIT 4 Every day

Look, listen, read and underline the actions.

Today, Im tired. I do many things during the day. Some of my friends think I have a boring daily routine, but I like it! I get up at 6.30 every day, except on the weekend, then I go to the bathroom and take a shower

. After that, I brush my teeth , get dressed and comb my hair . I have breakfast with my family. I usually have eggs, toast, yogurt and orange juice. But we sometimes have milk with corn flakes and fruit - my favorite! Around 7.30 I go to school with my sister on foot, because I live near the school. On my way to school I listen to music on my phone . My classes start at 8.00. I have lunch in the school canteen at 1.00. Then we have a small break, then I play with my friends . Classes finish at 4.30. After that, I go swimming at the club three times a week. When I arrive home, I do my homework and watch TV . Around 9.00 I have dinner with my family. After dinner, I chat with my friends online . and at 11.00 I go to bed . But on weekends and holidays I love to ride my bike , go to the beach and go out with my bff . My bff is Brenda. We live on the same street. Shes a very good student and she has very good grades. She has dance lessons four times a week . She loves to dance. We like to spend our free time together.


Look at the pictures and write the verbs. Then listen and check.

I my teeth.

I my homework.

I ________ a shower.

I my hands.

I ________ on the phone.

I a sandwich.

I ____________ on weekends.

I orange juice.

I ________ animals.

I online with my friends.

I comics.

I computer games.

I ________ to school.

I breakfast.

I ________ basketball.

I my bike.

I ________ to music.

I my homework.

I ________ dressed.

I at the stars.

Now mark the things you do on Saturday.

eat pizza 9 10 11

go to the mall

go to bed late go swimming take a shower

Let’s Sing!

I love Saturdays!

1 36
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
get up early meet friends watch movies play 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Read carefully.

We use the Present Simple to express: Facts

Daily activities

I go to school from Mondayto Friday. We play tennis in the morning. My brothers do theirhomework at 7.00 pm

Affirmative form

I we you they I we you they I we you they I we you they

Changes for he she it in the || : affirmative form

Negative form

Interrogative form

reads a book doesnt read a book read a book?

Add s to most verbs. He like computer games. s She run in the evening. s It sleep all day. s

Add es when the verb ends in o, sh, ch, ss, x. He wash his hands. es She go to the cinema. es

Do Yes, No,

read a book dont read a book read a book? do. dont.

Add ies when the verb ends in consonant + -y.

Study studies

I can speak English. She is Brazilian. They like vanilla ice cream. does. doesnt.

he she it he she it he she it he she it

Cry cries Be careful! Play plays

Short answers

Does Yes, No,

I we you they

Now circle the correct option.

My father is a doctor. He sick people. help helps

Miss Beever Math at our school. teach teaches

he she it

Paul and Peter are architects. They buildings. design designs

My uncle Alex is a pilot. He to Europe twice a week. fly flies

I volleyball with my friends. play plays

My cousin Emily her do does homework in the afternoon.

Let’s Play! 37
1 2 3 4 5 6

2 Look and read.


We only use the rules for in he she itaffirmative sentences || In negative sentences and questions the verb doesnt change.

+ - ? Emma watches TV. Emma doesnt watch TV.

Does Emma watch TV?

Now choose the correct word.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Susan like sports.

you wear a uniform at school? your father work in an office?

I ________ movies.

My classmate like homework.

I work. Im a student.

I go to school on foot.

I ________ to school by car.


Beyoncé is my favorite singer.

She very well. sing sings

3 Complete these sentences with Do Does Dont Doesnt |||


_______ you like spaghetti?


We _______ want to be teachers. We want to be doctors. they study at your school?

She work in a fire station. he fly to Brazil during the Summer?

He _________ like soup.

My sister and I like Math.

_______ Peter make a sandwich for lunch?

25 38
3 4 5 6 7 8


Listen, read about Brenda and number the pictures.

Do you prefer Saturdays or Sundays?

I love Saturdays! Its my favorite day because I can go to the beach. I dont get up late, I get up really early. First I take my dog Max for a walk. Then I take a shower and have a big breakfast. I meet my friends at the beach in the afternoon. We surf, swim and sunbathe. In the evening, I go home and usually have pasta for dinner. I love spaghetti!

At night I check my social media and then go to bed. Saturdays are great!

Now put T true or F false. Correct the sentences.

She goes to the swimming pool on Saturday.


She gets up late on Saturday.

She takes a shower in the morning.

She practices sports with her friends at the beach.

She goes to the cinema on Saturday night.

5 Supply the missing structures.

Eric gets up early.

Sophie doesnt do her homework late.

1 2 3
_________________________________ _________________________________ ?
+? . + -
? Do they read magazines?
_____________________ ?

6 Listen, read and learn some more.

How often do you make your bed?

Imake always my bed.

Do you remember...?

Adverbial phrases of frequency always come after the activity they describe. I go to the cinema


once a week twice a month three times a year

We use to describe how often something happens. We use them with the Present Simple. We place the adverbs of frequency before the main verb. I always get up at 7. But we put them after the verb to be. He is usually late.

Now write the sentences.

go to school by car. I

She listens to music at night.

They play soccer in the park.

Mary cooks for her family.

goes to the cinema with her friends. My mother

Alan helps his mother at home.

7 Answer these questions.

1 2 3

How often do you go to the cinema?

How often do you make your bed?

How often do you study?

4 How often do you go swimming?

25 40
Always Usually Often Sometimes Never
1 2 3
5 6

8 Complete the table about yourself.

9 Listen and color the correct option.

My sister is great. Shes very organized. She always does listens gets her homework and she tidies her room never every day sometimes She gets down out up early Mondays to Fridays and she always goes has does breakfast. She often goes does takes to school by bike. She rarely goes does walks on foot. She has have eats lunch at the school canteen. After that, she goes flies takes home and she usually helps listen talks our mom to prepare dinner. She doesnt like to wash the dishes cooks runs . She always chats online with her bff, but she rarely goes does sleeps to bed very late.

Now compare yourself with John. You make bed wash dishes water plants do homework John usually never rarely always _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 _________________________________________ John usually makes his bed. I always make my bed. watch TV eat pizza sometimes often _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 5 6 Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 41

10 Use one word from list A and one word from list B and complete the sentences.

A: always usually sometimes rarely never often || |||

B: drinks eats gets listens dances watches |||||

Miss Lou __________ __________ up at seven oclock.

She coffee.

At eight oclock, she breakfast with her family.

She to the radio.

At nine oclock, she TV.

She __________ __________ . She doesnt like to dance.

11 Listen and complete the dialogue.

- How __________ do you __________ to the mall?

- I go to the mall every . What about you?

- I go to the mall. I go about a I hate malls.

- Really? I love it.

- Oh really! I believe it. Just joking.

- What do you do on the weekend?

- I go to the club Fridays and Saturdays.

I a movie or play a computer game, then I my homework.

On Sundays, I __________ __________ my grandparents.

- How __________ do you __________ online with your friends?


__________ ! I dont __________ _______________ that much.

- What? Thats imposible! I __________ chat online with my bff.

- I know!

1 2 3 4 5 6


My new words Picture Dictionary

Read and complete

Allan at 7 in the morning.

My mom and I German. Emma her teeth. every morning.

Ann salsa very well.

They Italian food.

Tom chess with his dad.

Lou and John __________ breakfast with their family.

I __________ a shower every night.

They __________ swimming twice a week.

Mary always __________ to music.

Complete about yourself

1 I take a shower in the afternoon.


He doesn’t get up at half past seven.

He gets up at seven o’clock.

Lets write! _________________________

He _______________________ at quarter past seven.

He _______________________ at half past seven.

He go to school by bus.

He to school on foot.

2 3 4 5 6 7 never go I to bed 12 pm before

1 2 3

I do the shopping on Sundays. I __________ get up early on Saturdays. I do my homework in the evening. I cook dinner.

I __________ go swimming in January. I __________ watch TV.

Order the sentences

go out I sometimes my friends with

listens radio at night My dad to the ______________________________ ______________________________ usually to school I by car go

How often? 4

100% 0% 5 6 7

do always I my homework

in I watch TV never the evening ______________________________ ______________________________ Fridays have on always We pizza


Write the adbverbs of frequency in the correct order.Then write true sentences about yourself.


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7:00
Go to page 93

Emily her bike once a week.

Does Pamela her hands before lunch?

Talking time!

Daniel usually to London in June, to visit his brother.

My parents to New York every winter.

Sarah gymnastics at the school gym.

Put on the correct stickers to complete the sentences. Listen to your classmate and say the opposite sentence.

I play sports on the weekend.

I don’t play sports on the weekend. Emma plays the guitar.

Now I Know...

Present Simple Affirmative Form

I We You They watch TV |||

He She It watches TV ||

Negative Form

I We You They dont watch TV |||

He She It doesnt watch TV ||

Interrogative Form

Do I we you they watch TV? |||

Yes, I we you they do No, I we you they dont |||||||

Does he she it watch TV? ||

Yes, he she it does No, he she it doesnt |||||

How often do you go to the club?

I always usually often sometimes rarely ||| | never go to the club

Emma doesn’t play the guitar.

Unit 4 is...

Let’s Practice! 44

Can you play rugby?

What time do you go to bed?

Wheres the book?

Does your mom like soda?

What are you doing?

Is she Mary?

Unit 7, page 74

Unit 4, page 44

Unit 5, page 54

Unit 6, page 64

Unit 8, page 84

Unit 2,
Unit 1, page 14 Unit 3, page 34
sweetsour saltybitter spicy MuseumSchool Supermarket Cinema Shoe store Restaurant Yes, he is. Hes chatting online. No, they arent. Shes sleeping. ywash washesies does France Italy USA Argentina England Fall Winter Summer Spring
87 UNIT 1: Write a message to your BFF. _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

How often?


UNIT 4: Write the adverbs of frequency in the correct order. Then write true sentences about yourself. 100% 0%

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________





Welcome to Play and Learn English

This is an exciting ten-level series. Five for preschool and ve for primary. All the activities presented in Play and Learn English are designed so that you enjoy teaching as much as children enjoy learning.


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SHH, QUIET Props TODAY IS A English 9 Certicate
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 6

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