Enertour EN

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Discover the sustainable energy revolution in South Tyrol, Italy’s Green Region. enertour study tours to: • Renewable Energy Installations • Nearly Zero Energy Buildings • Smart City & Mobility



Enertour will take you to magnificent landscapes. Committed individuals will show you how innovation and technology are used to ensure that the unique natural heritage of South Tyrol is preserved for future generations.

Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage


What do we mean by enertour? Enertour offers a glimpse behind the scenes into outstanding green energy projects. The aim of these study tours is to present and disseminate the most up-to-date knowledge and experience in the sustainable energy sector. Participants will be able to check out the functionality of the latest technologies and at the same time will receive detailed information from the site planners and operators, who will personally lead the tour.

Over the next few pages you can explore the wide variety of themes and projects which you can visit in South Tyrol. Enertour is an initiative of IDM SĂźdtirol - Alto Adige. IDM provides services for companies in the areas of innovation, export and investment promotion, and is responsible for the economic development of the location as well as for marketing South Tyrol and its products. IDM stands for Innovation, Development and Marketing and acts on behalf of the Province of South Tyrol and the Bozen-Bolzano Chamber of Commerce.


NErW tour

ene ight l high

Italy’s number 1 in study tours in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency more than 10,000 participants from all over the world 150 different sites to visit more than 100 partners in the expert network


South Tyrol – Italy’s “Green Region” Where North meets South today’s per capita CO2 emissions of 5.4 tonnes will be reduced to 1.5 tonnes, and energy supply will be based 100% on renewable energy sources. With more than 4,000 Low-energy Buildings, South Tyrol is setting new standards for the whole of Italy in the field of energy-efficient construction and has made this one of the top exports of the region. Visit South Tyrol, the model region for all things green, with enertour.

South Tyrol, Italy’s most northerly province, lies in the heart of the Alps, where Northern and Southern Europe merge, and is bordered by Austria and Switzerland. South Tyrol is one of those European regions which place the greatest emphasis on renewable energies and energy efficiency. Currently (2014) South Tyrol is meeting more than 40% of its energy needs (electricity, heating, transport) from renewable energy sources. By 2050, it is expected that

Proportion of renewable energy sources compared with total energy used South Tyrol


EU 13%

15% 40% 60% 85%

Renewable energy sources Fossil fuels


(Status 2014)



Facts and Figures about South Tyrol, the Green Region of Italy

CasaClima, the South Tyrol certification for sustainable buildings: the leading certification system in Italy

90,000 small biomass installations meet 20% of the region’s heating requirements

57% of heat and power requirements are being met using renewable energy sources. Aim: 75% by 2020

1,000 hydroelectric power stations produce 200% of local energy needs


20 out of 29 of Italy’s “100%-Renewable-Energy-Communities” are located in South Tyrol 4.000 of Italy’s 6,200 CasaClima-Buildings are in South Tyrol

3,500 Green Jobs have been created over the last twenty years by around 500 SMEs

1,600 million euros annual turnover in the energy sector

50% of South Tyrol communities have a biomass district heating plant

10 Renewable energy sources

The world of renewable energy sources Over the past hundred years South Tyrol has been focussing on the use of renewable energy sources. The use of local and renewable resources is a central goal of the Province as well as of the communities, businesses and the population at large. Currently 57% of the heat and power requirements are cov-

ered by the use of renewable energy sources. Over 500 firms have created more than 3,500 green jobs in this important branch of industry. These and other factors have made South Tyrol into a pioneer of the Green Economy. You can visit these fascinating projects on an enertour.

Some Examples:

1 Vahrn Biomass District Heating Plant

3 St. Lorenzen Biogas Installation

6 Solarcooling EURAC

2 Freienfeld Wood Gasification Installation

4 Enerpass Hydroelectric Power Plant

5 Theiner’s Garten Bio Vitalhotel

7 Hydrogen Centre H2 South Tyrol

Renewable energy sources 11

enertour topics to choose from: 1 Biomass district heating plants Biomass instead of fuel oil. Around 70 biomass district heating plants in South Tyrol serve more than 12,000 customers and each year they replace around 70 million litres of fuel oil with climate-neutral biomass. South Tyrol’s district heating plants are among the most modern in the whole of Europe. Enertour provides access to differentsized plants which use a variety of technologies.

2 Wood gasification

3 Biogas

Europe’s experimental laboratory. Many European producers are currently testing the latest wood gasification installations in South Tyrol. Seven very different technologies are being employed, and around 30 projects are in progress. Find out all there is to know about the next generation of wood gasification installations with enertour.

Heat and power from biogas. Modern biogas installations of varying sizes in South Tyrol convert waste products from agriculture into valuable energy. For some time now, an innovative installation has also been generating gas from the bio waste of South Tyrol households. Enertour will take you to the most interesting plants.

4 Hydroelectric power stations

5 Green energy for tourism

Water power for green electricity. There are around 1,000 hydroelectric power stations in South Tyrol which annually produce six billion kilowatt hours of green electricity. Only half of this is used in South Tyrol, the rest is exported. You can see everything in South Tyrol from small-scale drinking water power plants to large-scale power plants which have been modernised to the latest standards in energy efficiency.

Recreation, relaxation and sustainability. More than five million tourists are attracted to South Tyrol each year, seeking recreation and relaxation in the unspoilt South Tyrol countryside. More and more hotels are developing sustainable systems capable of supplying green energy. As a result, there are several interesting concepts which can be explored on an enertour.

7 Energy storage Interregional centre of excellence. In the new Hydrogen Centre of the Institute for Innovative Technologies (IIT) in Bozen-Bolzano, hydrogen is being produced using electrical energy generated from renewable energy sources. By this process the energy becomes storable. In addition to production and distribution, IIT carries out research and disseminates information. The “H2 South Tyrol” Centre is an interregional centre of excellence for the development of solutions for the hydrogen economy.

6 Solar assisted cooling When the sun cools. Air conditioning using solar energy is a topic which has been investigated in South Tyrol for at least ten years. A variety of plants and prototypes have been built and are being continually monitored and optimised. EURAC Research, one of South Tyrol’s research institutes, is involved in developing the installations in this sector to the point of market readiness and, in tandem with enertour, organises expert study tours to these installations.

12 Low-energy buildings

The world of low-energy buildings South Tyrol is the home of CasaClima, the certification system for low-energy buildings. The CasaClima Agency is a public institution with its headquarters in Bozen-Bolzano which oversees the certification of buildings and which, for more than ten years, has been developing innovative concepts for sustainable buildings. In South Tyrol around 4,000 buildings have already been constructed along CasaClima guidelines,

and in the whole of Italy there are more than 6,200 Low-energy Buildings with CasaClima certification. As a result of this trend, South Tyrol’s firms and institutions have developed essential competencies in energy-efficient construction. This specific knowledge has increasingly aroused the interest of experts all over the world. Come on an enertour and visit the best Low-energy Buildings in South Tyrol.

Some Examples:

1 KlimaHotel - Vigilius Mountain Resort

3 NetZEB – Chalet La Pedevilla

2 CasaClima Work & Life - Salewa Headquarters

4 Tramin Wine Cellars

6 Low-energy and passive house Gold renovation - Ex-Post Office

5 Research Laboratory - EURAC Research

7 Prototype RhOME for denCity – Winner of the Solar Decathlon 2014 – Rubner

Low-energy buildings 13

enertour topics to choose from: 1 Energy savings in the hotel industry How to save energy in hotels. ClimaHotel is a milestone for sustainable tourism. The aim is to make the use of energy and resources within tourist institutions as efficient and transparent as possible. The first few South Tyrol hotels have already received certificates for achieving ClimaHotel standards and can been visited as part of the enertour programme.

2 Intelligent energy technology in the low-energy building This is how CasaClima works! The hallmarks of an energy efficient building are an energy efficient shell and intelligent energy technology within the building. Enertour will introduce you to the latest technological developments and trends in the area of energy-efficient building technology and energy technology.

4 Architecture, energy & wine Energy and architecture in the production of local wine. Sustainable energy concepts, modern architecture and excellent wine – all this is on offer in just one visit to the finest wineries of South Tyrol. Reserve your place on the enertour ‘architecture, energy & wine’ programme.

3 Net zero energy buildings South Tyrol is ahead of time. The European directive on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD) stipulates that, come 2020, all new buildings in Europe will have to meet the criteria of a so-called “Nearly zero energy buildings”. Some developers in South Tyrol had already put this standard into practice as long as ten years ago. Enertour will take you to see these pioneering projects.

5 Research and development Research in the area of energy. Bozen-Bolzano is proud of its renowned research institutions, namely FRAUNHOFER Italia, the University of Bozen-Bolzano and the European Academy (EURAC). They are test-beds for innovative technologies prior to their implementation. Pilot plants monitor and carry out simulations which lead to optimal use of existing systems. Enertour allows you to find out more about current research projects in South Tyrol.

6 Renovating old buildings in an energy efficient way

7 South Tyrol has the world’s most energy-efficient buildings

CasaClima looks after your renovation requirements. Restoring old buildings in an energy-efficient way is considered one of the most important topics on the EU’s energy agenda. The CasaClima Agency has set up its own certification scheme for this category. First attempts have been made to renovate and certify buildings applying these innovative guidelines. Join enertour to admire the best examples of recently restored buildings.

Smart building using wood. The house of the future, according to many, will be a free-standing prefabricated structure made of wood whose parts have been manufactured in advance and are put together simply and quickly at the building site. This will lower costs and improve the quality of the whole construction. There are several companies in South Tyrol specialising in this kind of construction system. And this was a contributing factor when the Italian project emerged as the winner at the international Solar Decathlon competition in 2014. Surely reason enough to join enertour for a viewing of this ‘House of the Future’!

14 Smart City & mobility

The world of smart city & mobility The energy supply of the future will be decentralised, networked and intelligent. South Tyrol towns and villages are working together on concepts which feature not only energy production but also energy saving together with its efficient distribution, and which assume a high level of participation by the local communities. The topic of sustainable mobility takes

pride of place. Out of the 116 South Tyrol communities, 20 meet their entire heat and power requirements from renewable energies. Over 50 local and decentralised electricity providers are already working on the energy network of the future. For years, South Tyrol’s communities have been at the top of Italian and European energy rankings. Come and discover the most interesting projects with enertour!

Some Examples:

1 Smart City Bozen-Bolzano

3 Smart Grid Prato allo Stelvio

6 Fuel cell powered bus

2 Pur Südtirol

4 The future Techpark “Nature of Innovation” in Bozen-Bolzano

5 Innovative Electro-Cableway in Renon

7 Smart Village Campo Tures

Smart City & mobility 15

enertour topics to choose from: 1 Sinfonia: Europe’s green show towns The city turns pioneer. 200 dwellings are currently being renovated in Bozen-Bolzano, according to the latest, innovative standards, thanks to the EU project SINFONIA. Bozen-Bolzano will soon boast whole districts that are incredibly energy efficient. Join enertour to meet the project managers and put their experience to good use.

4 Technology park “Noi” - Nature of Innovation Networking the best brains. The city of Bozen-Bolzano has made available an area of 12 hectares for the creation of a technology park. This new park will strengthen the existing network between public administration, research institutions and the innovative companies who have already settled there and make this network even more efficient. Enertour will take you to one of the building sites and acquaint you with further details of this project.

2 Moving towards an Economy for the Common Good Alternative economic system. The Economy for the Common Good (ECG) is built on values that promote the needs of the entire population. In South Tyrol there are already around 100 firms which are supporting this concept, and numerous schools have integrated this theme into their curriculum, while the first communities have already adapted the model for their own purposes. South Tyrol is working on a regional ‘prosperity indicator’.

5 Electro-mobility Green reserves. South Tyrol’s hydroelectric power plants have, for the last 100 years, been making use of the power of water, and thereby covering 200% of the Province’s energy needs. This is an ideal starting position for exploiting some of this spare green energy in the area of transport. South Tyrol companies are indeed international market leaders as regards Alpine mobility. The latest electric cable cars and ski lifts will bear this out as year after year they transport millions of mountaineers and skiers safely to the top of South Tyrol’s mountains. Enertour are proud to present the key agents of regional mobility strategy.

7 Smart Village The energy supply of tomorrow. Out of the 29 Italian energy communities which meet their entire energy needs from renewable energy sources, 20 are situated in South Tyrol. Few areas in Europe can boast so many communities which have their own heat and power grid. South Tyrol’s communities actively work in tandem with the local inhabitants to ensure their future energy supply. Enertour will introduce you to the most interesting examples of these.

3 Smart Grid South Tyrol is smart. 56 of a total of 140 Italian energy providers are actually located in South Tyrol. A considerable number of smaller providers have set up their own electricity network in the various valleys of South Tyrol, with a view to creating a local and decentralised electricity supply for the surrounding villages and just as importantly, to make intensive use of water power. This has resulted in intelligent infrastructure networks of various capacities which are all on an enertour track and are awaiting your visit.

6 The first hydrogen highway in the world Hydrogen as the green fuel of the future. The new hydrogen centre H2-Südtirol is South Tyrol’s energy policy project for the future. They have been producing green hydrogen for transport here since 2014. This new centre is a central point along the “Hydrogen Highway” which will run from Munich to Modena. There will be seven hydrogen filling stations along this route, with 24 further stations being planned for South Tyrol. Enertour will invite you to try out these innovative H2 buses and you will also be able to hear further details about this ambitious project of the future.


Who is enertour aimed at? We offer specialised tours for engineers, architects, geometers, businessmen, employees in public administration and university students. NErW tour

ene ight l High

enertour Steam instead of exhaust gases On application your journey to the sites can be in an innovative hydrogen-powered bus

Visit a variety of innovative projects and receive many practical tips and information

Presentations tailored to your needs and training modules are available on request

Fees Prices based on groups: Whole day excursion: €490 + VAT. The price includes the following: -- a suggested programme tailored to your needs -- preparation and organisation of the enertour -- introduction to the tour at IDM Südtirol – Alto Adige -- information pack -- all tours accompanied by experts appropriate to the various locations visited -- all tours led by IDM staff

The expert tours will depart from Bozen-Bolzano and the group prices are exclusive of bus transport, food, accommodation and specific training modules. Prices based on a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 40 participants per group. ENERTOUR IS A NOT-FOR-PROFIT PROJECT

Select your topics of interest. We will organise a tailor-made enertour for you! To book, go to: enertour@idm-suedtirol.com - +39 0471 094217 – www.enertour.bz.it


Example of an enertour excursion

Green Region South Tyrol – Energy to explore Day 1, from 9.00am until 6.00pm South Tyrol, Energy to explore Welcome and introduction at the IDM Südtirol – Alto Adige

Day 2, fro

m 8.30am

CasaClima, a success story

until 17.3



in South Tyrol

installatio n ng green hydrogen

for produ ci

Presentation of the CasaClima Agency and its certification system for low energy buildings

Green fuel

for transpo

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The Energy System of the City of Bozen-Bolzano Target for 2030: 80% fewer CO2 emissions

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Lunch in Bozen-Bolzano

Nearly Zero Energy

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Building “La Pedevilla”


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Winner of the German Design Award 2015

Accommodation in


Hotel Feldmilla

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South Tyrol’s first CO2-neutral hotel with a ‘common good balance sheet’

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Winner o f the Intern ational Solar Dec athlon Co mpetition Visit the ho 2014 use

IDM Südtirol – Alto Adige | www.enertour.bz.it

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Credits Information: enertour@idm-suedtirol.com – Tel. +39 0471 094217 Publisher: IDM Südtirol – Alto Adige and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano Editors: Sepp Walder, Fanni Vattai, Ilaria Cainelli, Stefano Dal Savio, IDM Südtirol – Alto Adige Graphics: Alessandra Stefanut, www.cursiva.it and Susanne Postingel, w13designkultur.com Photos: IDM Südtirol – Alto Adige, Alto Adige Marketing/C. Zahn, BLS/I. Corrà, SEL/O. Da Riz, STA/M. Rinner, Theiner’s Garten Bio Vitalhotel, EURAC Research, Vigilius Mountain Resort, Salewa/O. Da Riz, Kellerei Tramin, Ludwig Thalheimer, Azienda di Soggiorno e Turismo Bolzano, Chalet La Pedevilla/G. Willeit, Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, IIT Bolzano, Lorenzo Procaccini, Alex Filz, Skirama Kronplatz, photofizza.it. Paper: Dalum Cyclus Offset


Reinhold Messner meets Zaha Hadid at an altitude of 2,275 m One of the most spectacular building projects in the Alpine region is currently approaching completion on the Kronplatz (Plan de Corones). On this mountain peak in the heart of the Dolomites, visitors can enter a museum world which is the brain child of two exceptional personalities. Reinhold Messner tops the series of museums located in six separate buildings, which he has created in his homeland, with his “Messner

Mountain Museum Corones”. He was able to secure the services of the world famous architect Zaha Hadid to make his project come true. Here she has built not only South Tyrol’s highest museum, but also the first structure which observes the parametric standards of the province. The CasaClima guidelines were also met in the construction of this showcase project. Visit the MMM Corones on your enertour!


IDM Südtirol – Alto Adige Via Siemens -Siemenstrasse 19 39100 Bolzano-Bozen +39 0471 094217 enertour@idm-suedtirol.com www.enertour.bz.it


recommendations from participants enertour 2014

projektträger / promotori enertourenertour projektträger / promotori enertour project administrators enertour projektträger / promotori

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