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Help Wanted
Flea Market: Don Laine Family Campground, 790 57 Dr. Palmerton. May 14, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Tables $6 or 2 for $10. Rain or Shine. Call 610-381-3381 (5/5)
FREELANCE WRITER: Do you have an interest in local government and community news? The Home News, a weekly community newspaper, is seeking freelance writers to cover municipal meetings and local events in Nazareth, Bath, Northampton and surrounding areas in Northampton County. Journalism background and knowledge of AP style is ideal. Please email resume and writing sample to cstroh@homenewspa. com.
Yard Sale: May 13 & 14 (Fri/Sat), 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 4143 Beil Cir, Northampton (Cherryville) behind Hope Lutheran Church, 2 family household items, decorations and toys. (5/5) Walnutport Senior Citizens: May 16 Mohegan Sun $25 p/p, May 24 Wind Creek Casino $10 free play $25 p/p and June 20 Mohegan Sun $25 p/p. Contact Dianne 610-7675646 (5/5) Penny Party - St. John’s Lutheran Church, Slatington. Saturday, May 14, 2022. Doors open at noon, drawing starts at 1 p.m. 50/50 drawing, mini-basket social, bake sale. Kitchen open. For further information, call 610-767-6361. (5/5) Huge Yard Sale: 811 Main St. Slatington. Friday, May 13 8 a.m - 4 p.m. and Saturday, May 14 8 a.m. 4 p.m. (5/5) Neighborhood Yard Sale, May 21, 8-1pm, Egypt- Schimmel Ct./Nile Dr. Quality sofa/matching chair, full bed, household gds, holiday decor, lg. mirror, clothes, and more (5/19) B LUE M OUNTA I N
GAZETT E MAY 5, 2022 ||
Lehigh Township Board Opening: The Lehigh Township Board of Supervisors are looking for Lehigh Township residents who are interested in serving on the Recreation Board which meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Individuals should send a letter of interest to arehrig@ or Lehigh Township, 1069 Municipal Road, Walnutport, Pa. 18088, by May 20, 2022 and attend the Board of Supervisor meeting on May 24, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. to introduce themselves. Applicants need to have resided in Lehigh Township for at least one year. Alice Rehrig, Manager (5/4)
Real Estate for Rent Apartment Slatington: New 2 bedroom, spacious, eat-in kitchen, living room, bathroom with linen closet, one-piece tub shower. NO PETS and no smoking, W/S/G included. $650 + utilities, security required. Call 610-390-8691.
Slatington Hotel: Clean, safe, quiet, nicely furnished rooms, $140-$250/week. Private and shared bathrooms. Color TV and cable incl. Up-charge for A/C and on-premise parking. Internet avail. Furnished effic. apts also available. 610-577-0898. (12/15)
Real Estate for Sale Tenant occupied single home for sale in Palmerton, asking $140,000.00. Call Dave 610-7039803 (5/5)
Services Available Don Hartwig Sharpening Service: Saw Chain, Mower Blades, Scissors, Knives, Clipper Blades, Carbide Tip Saws, and much more. 4728 Mountain Rd. Slatington. 610-248-7988. (12/15) Sergey Tile & Marble: 25 years experience, we work with ceramic tile, porcelain tile, granite and marble tile. We also offer bathroom remodeling. Call 484-794-0756 or 215- 669-5032 (5/5) Tim's Sharpening Service: Let me take care of your sharpening needs. Circular saws, carbide circular saw blades, planer blades, scissors, electric hedge fence trimmers, lawn mower blades, axes, chisels, chain saws, etc. Call 610-767-5171 or 610-751-6182 (7/7)
Next Issue Publication Date: May 19, 2022 Issue Focus: Memorial Day Advertising Deadline: May 11, 2022 45