Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
December 2018
News | Calls and Awards | Publications and project articles SPANISH version
Hearing the voices of youth in Latin America and the Caribbean In Latin America and the Caribbean, 41% of youth aged between 15 and 24, study, while 21% work and 17% both study and work. The remaining 21% belong to the group referred to as NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training). But, what happens within these groups? A regional study sought to better understand the motivations, skills, expectations and aspirations of young people. A 4-year research project, analyzed the data of more than 15,000 millennials living in 9 countries (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Haiti, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay). The results of this research, coordinated by Espacio Público and financed by the IDB and IDRC, are published in the recently released book, “Millennials en América Latina y el Caribe: ¿estudiar o trabajar?. Regional studies were prepared by renowned research centers from the region. Read more (Spanish) / Watch videos (Spanish, by country) / About the project
Development Cooperation Report 2018 The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCDE) has recently launched the “Development Cooperation Report 2018: Joining Forces to Leave No One Behind”. With the goal of transforming the ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development into reality, the report includes, among others, two policy avenues that IDRC has helped to advance. “Proyecto Capital”, a regional initiative that has promoted the use of formal financial services through governmental cash-transfer programs for the poor; and the “Graduation Program” which seeks to increase the productive, financial, human, and social assets of people living in extreme poverty, so they can face adversities and manage to escape “graduate” from poverty.
How access to financial services enhances social protection in Latin America (Ch.II-8, pg. 195-198)
Enhancing social and economic opportunities of the poorest in Latin America through graduation programmes
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Latinoadapta project presented results at COP24 During the COP24, held in Katowice, Poland, the Regional Center for Climate Change and Decision-Making presented the main conclusions of the national diagnosis on knowledge gaps that limit the implementation of plans and/or actions for climate change adaptation in the framework of the National Determined Contributions (NDCs). The diagnoses were prepared by multidisciplinary teams from six Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Paraguay and Uruguay). This activity is part of the “Latinoadapta: Strengthen the use of scientific evidence to inform climate policy, negotiations and implementation in Latin America� project, funded by IDRC. Read more (Spanish) / About the project
Food labeling in Chile: promising results A study led by researchers from the Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA) of the University of Chile, and funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, Conicyt and IDRC, is evaluating the effects of the Food Labeling Law implemented in Chile in June 2016. The first results show that purchases of sugary drinks and cereals decreased by 25% and 9% respectively, the amount of sodium and sugars in packaged foods was reduced, the population was able to better recognize the nutritional quality of packaged foods, and children had less exposure to "high in" food advertising. These results serve as input for other similar initiatives that are taking place in the region. Read more (Spanish) / about the project
Improving household nutrition security and public health in the CARICOM The University of the West Indies has been leading a project that seeks to demonstrate how innovations in agriculture and public health can be integrated and also how they can be more effective dealing with the burden of NCDs in the Caribbean. The project will focus on three countries: St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Hear from the project leader Dr. Alafia Samuels, on the impact of food advertising for children in the Caribbean, a theme that she presented during the "Caribbean Week of Agriculture" recently held in Barbados. Interview / About the project
Security for women and LGBTI populations in Colombia Since 2017, the Fundación Ideas para la Paz (FIP) leads the project “Security for women and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people in the conflict-affected regions in Colombia” which works to generate evidence-based information to strengthen the capacities of the public and private communities, for decision-making on the security conditions of women and LGBTI populations in three regions affected by the armed conflict: Putumayo, Apartadó and Tumaco.
Read more (Spanish) / About the project
In Tumaco, the territorial dispute of armed groups and the presence of illegal economies fosters environments where gender violence is worsened. Learn about FIP research findings and public policy recommendations for the safety of these populations.
The search of greater female presence in Wikipedia For more than 14 years, IDRC has funded the Regional Fund for Digital Innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean (FRIDA) that offers financing to initiatives that promote the use and development of ICTs in the region. Wikimedia Mexico, is one of the initiatives that received the FRIDA Award in the Technology and Gender category. In response to the lack of female publishers at Wikipedia, Wikimedia Mexico created "Editatona", a marathon exclusively for women during which Wikipedia articles on a specific subject are edited, created and improved based on reliable and verifiable sources. Since then, this initiative has been replicated in several countries of the region, thus contributing female voices to the contents of Wikipedia. Read more / About the project
Charting change – innovative project stories The “Charting Change” digest, containing twelve stories on innovative projects funded by IDRC is available for download in electronic format. “Charting Change” is a monthly blog about innovative projects in the developing world presented by Canadian Geographic and IDRC. Among the 12 stories published in 2018, we highlight the research on Zika in Ecuador and the training in the use of ICTs by young women in Haiti. Read more
Digitalization and the Future of Work – Call for Proposals As part of the Future of Work in the Global South (FoWiGS) initiative, Centro Latam Digital and IDRC are launching a call for research proposals that seeks to advance our understanding about the implications of digitization and labor automation for countries in the Global South. Deadline: December 22, 2018 (extended) Read more
Call for applications Academia B and Sistema B invite Doctoral and Postdoctoral students to apply to this call and participate from the “PhD/ECR Latin American Academy” to take place in Santiago de Chile, March 6- 8, 2019 Deadline: January 30, 2019 Read more
Agricultura y Ambiente / Agriculture and Environment
“Digital health, gender and health equity: invisible imperatives”, Sinah, Ch.; Schryer-Roy, A.M.; Journal of Public Health, 2018 “Historia de cambio : Shagras para la vida, de los huertos tradicionales, a las shagras ancestrales agroecológicas y más nutritivas”; Moreno, C.; Álvarez, A.; Ospina, N.; Bastidas, A.; López, C.; Melo, P.; Mosquera, T.; Cuéllar, D.; Del Castillo, S.; 2018 “Socio-environmental mapping for the prediction of aquaculture success of Pacu (Colossoma spp., Piaractus spp., and hybrids) in the Bolivian Amazon”, Vega, B.; De Lucia Lobo, F.; Zubieta, J.; Carolsfeld, J.; Zambrana, I.; Van Damme, P. ; 2018 “Country report: scaling up the production of more nutritious yellow potatoes in Colombia”, Wiggins, S. ; Vargas Meza, R. “Revista Medio Ambiente y Urbanización: Fortaleciendo la resiliencia al clima en ciudades de América Latina”, IIED-AL; N° 88, Mayo 2018; “Aumentando la resiliencia a eventos climáticos extremos en el sector cafetero colombiano”. Informe Técnico Final; Lince, L.A.; Bermúdez A.; Rodríguez, N.; García, J. C. ; Serna, C.A.; Farfán, F.; CENICAFE., 2018 “Informe Latinoamericano: Pobreza y Desigualdad 2017”, RIMISP, 2018
Política Social y Económica / Social and Economic Policy
“¿Qué hemos aprendido del estudio longitudinal Niños del Milenio? Síntesis de hallazgos” Cueto, S. Escobal, J.; Felipe, C.; Pazos, N.; Penny, M.; Rojas, V.; Sánchez, A., GRADE, 2018 “Más allá de los nini. Los jóvenes urbano-vulnerables en el Perú”, Alcázar, L.; Balarin, M.; Glave, C.; Rodríguez, M.F.; GRADE, Documento de Investigación N°90, 2018
“Empleo femenino en Paraguay: tendencias y políticas públicas”, Serafini, V.; Egas, M.I.; CADEP,2018 “Enhancing economic opportunities in Latin America : from poverty reduction projects to sustainable livelihoods. Final Technical Report” Fundación Capital, 2018 “Personal and Collective Histories, Visions and Practices: A Quantitative Study of Men in Managua”, Solórzano, I.; Hernández, S.; Vlahovicova, K.; Mendoza, D.; Rocha Ulloa, O.; Puntos de Encuentro, Managua, 2018 “Historias, imaginarios y prácticas: un estudio cuantitativo con hombres en Managua”; Solórzano, I.; Hernández, S.; Vlahovicova, K.; Mendoza, D.; Rocha Ulloa, O.; Puntos de Encuentro, Managua; 2018 “Masculinities and Violence Study in Nicaragua: Executive Summary”, Solórzano, I.; Hernández, S.; Vlahovicova, K.; Mendoza, D.; Rocha Ulloa, O.; Puntos de Encuentro, Managua; 2018 “Estudio de masculinidades y violencias en Nicaragua. Resumen Ejecutivo”; Solórzano, I.; Hernández, S.; Vlahovicova, K.; Mendoza, D.; Rocha Ulloa, O.; Puntos de Encuentro, Managua; 2018 “Mercado privado, consecuencias públicas: los servicios educativos de provisión privada en el Perú; Balarin, M.; Kitmang, J., Ñopo, H.; Rodríguez, M.F.; Lima: GRADE, Documentos de Investigación, 89; 2018 “La política en la violencia y lo político de la seguridad”; Carrión Mena, F.; FLACSO Ecuador; 2018 “Formación de capacidades para la salida de la pobreza: Aprendizajes de una iniciativa privada” Negrette Contreras, A.M; Villada, I.; Yancari Cueva, J.; Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Proyecto Capital, Serie En breve, N°70, 2018 “Asociando educación financiera y tecnología para la inclusión financiera: El piloto BIM en Cusco ”; Villada, I.; Yancari Cueva, J.; Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Proyecto Capital, Serie En Breve, N°71, 2018 “Geografías de la resiliencia. La configuración de las aspiraciones de los jóvenes peruanos rurales”, Trivelli, C.; Urrutia, A. . Lima, IEP, 2018 (Documento de Trabajo, 243. Estudios sobre el Desarrollo), 2018 “Promoción del empoderamiento jurídico en asentamientos informales. Recomendaciones y enseñanzas extraídas: Taller del IDRC dirigido a asociados de América Latina y África”, Quito (Ecuador) del 26 al 27 de marzo de 2018 / “Promoting legal empowerment in informal settlements : recommendations and lessons learned”, Quito (Ecuador), March 26-27, 2018
Tecnología e Innovación / Technology and Innovation
“Analíticas de Aprendizaje para el Sur Global”, Lim, C. P., y Tinio, V. L.; Fundación para la Formación en Tecnologías de la Información y el Desarrollo, 2018 “Automatizar con cautela: Datos e Inteligencia Artificial en América Latina”, Scrollini, F.; ILDA, Policy Brief, 2018 “The Global Information Society Watch 2018: Community Networks”, APC, 2018 “Seguidores que no vemos: una primera aproximación al uso estatal del open-source intelligence y social media intelligence”, Asociación por los Derechos Civiles, 2018
Centro Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo (IDRC) / International Development Research Centre Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe / Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean Juncal 1385, piso 14, 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay Tel: +598 29150492 Email:
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