Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
December 2016
News / Calls and Awards / Recent and forthcoming events / New projects/ Publications and project articles
Researchers met in Brazil to work together to fight Zika virus From November 30 to December 2, 2016, researchers from around the world, government representatives and funding agencies met at the University of São Paulo, Brazil to participate in the “GloPID-R Zika Virus Research Workshop” coorganized by IDRC, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the European Commission. The workshop aimed to create alliances, explore new collaboration and share data on the Zika virus. Among the participants were several Canadian researchers who will work with their counterparts in Latin America and the Caribbean to conduct field work and add to what the world’s scientists know about this perplexing virus. Read more
CIES – Annual Research Competition 2016 As part of the“XVII Annual Research Competition CIES 2016” eighteen young researchers were presented with an award by the President of the Republic of Peru, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. This competition is supported by IDRC, Global Affairs Canada and the Manual Bustamante Foundation. The researchers will devote 10 to 12 months to developing studies on the management of natural resources and economic growth; and economic and social policies to overcome the middleincome trap in Peru. Read more (Spanish)
XII Annual Conference of the Inter-American Network on Government Procurement (INGP) The “XII Annual Conference of Government Procurement in the Americas”, under the theme “Public Procurement – a Tool for Economic Development” was held in Montego Bay, Jamaica from November 29 to December 1. The event was attended by almost 350 participants, including representatives from the 24 INGP member countries. Chile was elected as host country of the “XIII Annual Conference of the INGP” to be held in October 2017. Read a summary of activities, access presentations and other documents here.
New regional initiative will promote financial inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean Financial inclusion is fundamental to promote inclusive growth and although there has been significant progress in Latin America, some 210 million adults are still outside of the formal financial system (Findex 2014). On November 15-16, 2016 the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) launched the Financial Inclusion Initiative for Latin America and the Caribbean (FILAC) in Cartagena, Colombia. It aims to promote inclusive and sustainable growth and poverty reduction through sustainable financial inclusion policies in the region. This new initiative is part of an IDRC-AFI partnership that will generate new knowledge in policy areas including gender and financial inclusion, digital financial services and financial literacy. Read more
Women’s empowerment in Latin America - research results presented Within the framework of the “XIII Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean” of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) held in Montevideo, Uruguay, the Interdisciplinary Center for Development Studies (CIEDUR) organized a parallel event entitled "Gender Traffic Light on Labour policies”. At this event, the research results of IDRC funded project “Enhancing Women's Economic Empowerment Through Better Policies in Latin America” were presented. The project involves research teams from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua and Uruguay. Research findings are summarized in the following publications:
“Gender traffic light of public policies that promote women's economic empowerment”, available in English, Spanish and Portuguese .
“Restrictions and opportunities to promote women's economic empowerment” available in English,
Spanish and Portuguese. Read more (Spanish)
Data on women-owned enterprises in Latin America Increasingly, the positive connection among women, their economic empowerment, the growth of economies, and the well-being of communities is recognized around the world. However, not enough is known about the challenges faced globally by women entrepreneurs and business owners who are trying to access new markets to grow their businesses. Preliminary research results of IDRC funded project “Growing women-owned businesses in Latin America and the Caribbean were presented in Santiago, Chile and Sao Paulo, Brazil. The project seeks to generate new knowledge about women's economic empowerment and women's business growth in the region. The new data will be used by researchers, policy makers, and others facilitating evidence-based policy dialogues. The project will last one year and is led by Weconnect international. A similar event organized by Weconnect Jamaica will be held in March 2017. Read more Chile event (Spanish) / Read more Brazil event (Portuguese)
Six research teams work to transform urban lives in Latin America and the Caribbean IDRC, the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), and Fundacion Futuro Latinoamericano (FFLA) announced the winners of the research call on Climate Resilient Cities in Latin America Initiative. The initiative seeks to identify and promote innovative solutions for climate compatible development in small and medium-sized cities that are experiencing rapid growth, with the ultimate goal of improving the lives of people who are most affected by climate change. Research will be undertaken in Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, El Salvador, Paraguay and Peru. Read more
CATHALAC presents new project at COP22 Central American countries are highly vulnerable to the risks of climate change. Panama’s geographic location and its extremely variable climate makes it especially vulnerable. The Center for the Humid Tropic of Latin America and the Caribbean (CATHALAC) is leading IDRC funded research project “Water Resource Resilience in Two Cities of the Dry Arch of Panama” which aims to build resilience to water stress in the cities of Chitre and La Villa de los Santos on the basin of La Villa river in the dry arch of Panama to cope with the negative effects of the variability and climate change. This new project and the recently concluded project “Water Security and Climate Change in Central America and the Caribbean” were presented during the UN Climate Change Conference – COP22 held in Marrakesh in November. Read more (Spanish)
Water stress in the Gran Chaco Americano Region The Gran Chaco Americano is a hot and semi-arid area that spans across parts of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. This region is experiencing growing water stress due to deforestation and climate change. The Instituto Desarollo (ID) in Paraguay is working in collaboration with partners from Argentina and Bolivia to better understand the socio-economic impacts of water stress on production systems within the Gran Chaco region. The Think Tank Initiative interviewed Rossana Scribano, who leads IDRC funded project “Valuing Water in a Changing Climate and Economy in the Gran Chaco Americano”. Read interview
Economics of tobacco control in the Americas The Pan American Journal of Public Health published a special issue on the “Economics of tobacco control in the Americas” summarizing some of the research results of IDRC funded projects. According to Greg Hallen and Natacha Lecours from IDRC, “tobacco use remains one of the highest contributors to the burden of disease in low- and middle-income countries. One of the most effective tools to address this problem, tobacco taxation, contributes both to the economic empowerment of governments and promotes downward pressure on the consumption of tobacco products. This is why IDRC has given priority to generating local evidence for fiscal policies on tobacco control in the region, especially in the past five years, to strengthen the leadership of researchers and policy makers in ministries of finance. Researchers in the region are working with policy makers to show exactly how the relationships between tobacco, taxation, illicit trade, and population health play out in different settings”. Read more
Leishmaniasis, a burden with no borders burden Leishmaniasis is one of the most significant vector-borne diseases worldwide, with more than 2 million new cases recorded every year. In South America, both cutaneous leishmaniasis (skin infections) and the more severe visceral form of the disease (affecting vital organs) are emerging in many countries and expanding northward and southward. During the last three years researchers from Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay have worked together to enhance prevention and control responses to the disease's emergence and spread in the bordering regions through multi-country collaboration project funded by IDRC. Read more (French)
New book – Transforming Gender and Food Security in the Global South Editor(s): Jemimah Njuki, John R. Parkins, y Amy Kaler Editorial(s): Routledge, IDRC Based on studies in Africa, Asia and South America, this book presents empirical evidence and conceptual explorations of the gendered dimensions of food security. Two chapters narrate the research results from Latin America and the Caribbean: one on gender and innovation in Peru’s native potato market chain; and the other on indigenous fishers in the Bolivian Amazon. Read more
The Charting Change blog – a partnership between IDRC and Canadian Geographic – celebrates its first anniversary! Access 12 inspiring stories, published monthly, that highlight how IDRC funded researchers are tackling climate change, empowering women, helping farmers, improving health and more. Four of these stories describe projects that are being developed in Latin America and the Caribbean. Read more
Researchers awarded Lina Rosa Berrio – 2016 Omecíhuatl Medal Mexico’s National Institute of Women (INMUJERES) awards annually the Omecíhuatl Medal - an acknowledgment of the work in the defense of women’s rights in several areas. Researcher Lina Rosa Berrio received the Omecíhuatl medal under the category 1 for her contributions to the recognition and exercise of women’s human rights. Lina was part of the team in IDRCfunded project "The Role of Civil Society in Influencing Public Health Policy for Indigenous Women in Mexico." Congratulations! Read more (Spanish)
VIDEO OF THE MONTH – Water unites us (El agua nos une) Over the last three years, the Bariloche Foundation implemented the “Adapting to Water Stress in the Comahue Region of Argentina” project. This project aimed to strengthen local capacities to adapt to water stress in the Comahue region (Neuquén and Rio Negro) by supporting the formulation of water policies and the implementation of adaptation measures in the context of climate change and other disturbing factors that the region is suffering. Within the framework this project, the team produced the documentary entitled “Water unites us / El agua nos une)” which describes the water and energy problems in the rural zone of North Patagonia and the adaptation alternatives that are being implemented by local communities. Watch video 20’ (Spanish) / Read more project results (Spanish)
Call for research papers – Impact Evaluation Network The Impact Evaluation Network (IEN) at LACEA celebrates its 10 th anniversary and will hold a special meeting hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank, from March 22 nd to 24th 2017, in Washington D.C. The Network is seeking papers that use impact evaluation techniques applied to programs or policies, with priority given to evaluations in countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. Deadline: January 20, 2017
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Are you or were you a Peruvian student in Canada? The Economic and Social Research Consortium (CIES) and the Peruvian Association of Canadian Alumni (Apecan ) recently launched a registration platform of Peruvians that are currently studying or have studied in Canada. This new platform will help identify those students and researchers interested in teaching or conducting social sciences research. This activity is part of IDRC funded project “Getting Out of the MiddleIncome Trap in Peru: New Partnership for Better Policies” led by CIES Read more (Spanish)
Nov, 09-10, 2016
“Del límite a la frontera: Perú en el contexto fronterizo global", Auditorio de Ciencias Sociales de la PUCP, Lima, Peru
Nov. 8-10, 2016
“Diálogos para la acción colaborativa: la experiencia de construir la seguridad ciudadana juvenil”, CASEDE, Puebla, México
Nov. 15-16. 2016
Lanzamiento de la “Iniciativa de Inclusión Financiera para América Latina y el Caribe” (FILAC), Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Nov. 8, 2016
Segundo Seminario Internacional “Construcción de Indicadores y Metodologías Comparativas para medir el uso e impacto de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en el Salón de Clase”, Lima, Perú “Seminario Anual CIES. Retos Perú 2021”, Lima, Perú
Nov. 22-24, 2016
Nov. 24, 2016
"Estimulando el crecimiento de los negocios pertenecientes a mujeres en América Latina con el apoyo del sector privado", WeConnect Brasil, San Pablo, Brasil
Nov. 28, 2016
Presentación de la publicación “Vulnerabilidad y Violencia en América Latina”, Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia
Nov. 28-29, 2016
“Congreso Ciudades Transfronterizas en América Latina y Constitución de Organización Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Ciudades Fronterizas” – OLACCIF, Ipiales, Colombia
Nov. 28-29, 2016
“Taller internacional de discusión sobre violencia y empleo juvenil en América Latina”, Facultad de Economía, Universidad de los Andes
Nov. 29 – Dec. 2, 2016
“Primer Encuentro Latinoamericano +B”, Universidad Eafit, Medellín, Colombia
Dec. 01, 2016
“Lanzamiento del Libro el ABC del Desarrollo en Bolivia”, INESAD, La Paz
Dec- 06-07, 2016
“Foro de Gobernanza en Internet 2016”, Guadalajara, México
Dec. 07-09, 2016
“II Congreso Internacional de Vectores”, Cuernavaca, México
Jan. 10-12, 2017
Primer Taller Técnico Fundación Capital, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Jan. 30-31, 2017
“Taller Internacional por una agricultura sensible con la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional: conocimiento al servicios de las políticas públicas”, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
B Corporations: Fostering Opportunities for Women and Youth in Latin America In Latin America almost 300 enterprises are certified as B Corporations, generating more than 20,000 quality jobs. This still represents a small fraction of business activity in the region. However, B Corporations are expanding fast, and they may have a broader impact by motivating large companies to promote social and economic inclusion, and improve their environmental impact. Sistema B, a regional organization currently present in 10 countries, will carry out the 3 year project which aims to strengthen the impact of inclusive businesses, such as B Corps, in the generation of social and economic opportunities for women and youth. The partnership with Academia B will allow for the evaluation of B Corps companies on the economic opportunities for women and youth, and on environmental sustainability. At the same time it aims to build and implement a research agenda on inclusive business and the potential of B Corps to contribute to the economic and social inclusion of youth. This initiative will also promote the leadership of B Corps by women and uncover the challenges they face. Read more (Spanish) / Watch the project launch video in Medellín, Colombia (Spanish)
Active youth in the peace building process in Colombia This project will foster financial literacy and inclusion, provide young people with professional orientation, life planning, and coaching, focussing on young women and men in rural areas who have been affected by internal conflict in Colombia. The goal of this pilot experience is for 1200 youth to be better prepared, informed and connected and for them to have the resources available so that they are able to plan for their future and succeed with these plans. Fundación Capital is working in collaboration with the government, target populations and the private sector to ensure that the methodology can be scaled up to reach a greater number of vulnerable youth. Read more
New Evidence to Enhance Employment and Education for Vulnerable Youth: El Salvador & Paraguay In Latin America and the Caribbean more than 20 million youth, between the ages of 15 and 24 are "Not in Education, Employment, or Training," also known as NEET. In Paraguay and El Salvador about 30% of the youth do not study or work and of this group, more than 80% are women. This project aims to inform and guide the development of innovative interventions from both the public and private sector which respond to the motivations and aspirations of vulnerable youth (particularly vulnerable young women) with the goal of fomenting employment and education in El Salvador and Paraguay. This research is part of a more regional project led by Espacio Público which includes Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay and is supported by IDB and IDRC. Read more
Reduction of Gender and Institutional Violence against Mesoamerican Migrant Women
Migrants, particularly women and girls, suffer from multiple forms of violence during their journeys northward. The perpetrators of violence against them range from criminals to government authorities to their intimate partners. However, there is still no strong evidence base on this phenomenon. Migrant women not only lack systems to report violence against them, they are also being threatened and intimidated. This two-year project will explore the conditions that result in the displacement of women, children, and adolescents in Guatemala and the south of Mexico and will contribute to the creation of social and political spaces free of violence for women migrants. The project will also develop public policy guidelines to prevent violations of human rights of Mesoamerican women migrants and refugees. Read more
IDRC IN THE NEWS Want to stay up to date on the information published by the media on the projects we fund in Latin America and the Caribbean? Follow us on Storify where we update information daily
Radio Canadá Internacional ¿IDRC anuncia proyecto para ayudar a jóvenes vulnerables en Colombia”, journalist Pablo Gómez Barrios interviews Carolina Robino from IDRC and she shares more details of the new project in Colombia.
EFE News Agency– “Reflexionan sobre la violencia en América” Note on the launch of the publication entitled “Vulnerabilidad y Violencia en América Latina y el Caribe" and interview with Markus Gottsbacher from IDRC.
Andina News Agency–“Emprendimientos peruanos fueron certificados como empresas sostenibles” descibes how various Peruvian businesses became certified B Corporations.
Agriculture and Environment
“Enfoques ecosistémicos en salud y ambiente”, Betancourt, E. Betancourt, O.; Mertens, F.; Parra, M.; 2016
“Efecto del aumento del precios de los cigarrillos en el consumo de la Argentina”, Fundación Interamericana del Corazón (FIC Argentina); 2016
“Obesidad infantil y publicidad de alimentos en Argentina”, Fundación Interamericana del Corazón (FIC Argentina); 2016
“Evaluación de las Acciones de Responsabilidad Social de la Industria del Alcohol – Estudio Regional Multidisciplinario”; CIET Uruguay; Junta Nacional de Drogas, 2016
“Leishmaniasis visceral americana: situación en Uruguay”, Hernández Russo, Z.; Facultad de Veterinara, UDELAR, Uruguay
“Training and research to improve youth health in Guatemala : final technical report”; Bredin, Ch:, Chacón, V.; Barnoya, J. Leatherdale, S.; University of Waterloo; 2016
“Recursos naturales, diversificación y crecimiento regional en el Perú”; “Plan estratégico de adaptación al cambio climático de la cuenca de los Ríos Mauri – Desaguadero”; Agua Sustentable; 2016 “Atlas de Vulnerabilidad y Resiliencia en el Altiplano Boliviano”; Agua Sustentable; 2016 “Agua en las ciudades de La Paz y El Alto”, INESAD, Boletín Informativo N°17, 2015 "Los dilemas territoriales del desarrollo en América Latina", Modrego, F.; Berdegué, J.; RIMISP.
Social and Economic Policy
“Enhancing the productivity of women-owned enterprises: the evidence that works and a research agenda”; De Haan, A.; IDRC; 2016
“Los retos para enfrentar la desnutrición infantil: “saber y no poder” un estudio de caso en vilcas huamán (Ayacucho)”; Portugal, T.; Yon, C.; Vargas, R.; Documento de Trabajo N°255; IEP; 2016
“Impacto laboral potencial del acceso a Pensión 65: un primer análisis”, Torres, J.; Salinas, C.; CIES/Universidad del Pacífico; Febrero 2016
“La alquimia del FOCEM aportar US$ 1 millón y recibir US$ 55 millones”, Ruiz Diaz, F.; OBEI, Paraguay, Abril 2016
“Seguridad pública en el Paraguay”; Amarilla, J.M.; Instituto Desarrollo, Paraguay; Febrero 2016;
“La ciudadanía desde la escuela: vivir en el Perú", IEP/Fundación Gustavo Mohme, 2016 ¿Es la informalidad una opción voluntaria o la última alternativa de empleo en el Perú ?, Tello, M.; Departamento de Economía, PUCP/CIES; 2015 “El ABC del desarrollo en Bolivia” INESAD, Boletín informativo N°20, 2016 “Recursos naturales, empleo y medio ambiente: efectos locales en Perú”, Estudio País N° 1. Serie Documentos de Base del Reporte Recursos Naturales y Desarrollo 2015 – 2016; RedSur “Competencias, condiciones de trabajo y upgrading en el sector forestal de Misiones”, Estudio País N° 4. Serie Documentos de Base del Reporte Recursos Naturales y Desarrollo 2015/16; Ramos; D.; del Castillo, M.; Flores, J.; Carciofi, I.; RedSur; 2016
Informe de la conferencia “Vinculando los varones con el logro de la igualdad de género en América Latina y el Caribe”, Ahmimed, Ch.; Qusada-Montano, S.; UNESCO; 2016
“This isn’t the life for you: masculinities and nonviolence in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil”, Taylor, A.Y., Moura, T., Scabio, J.L, Borde, E., Afonso, J.S., e Barker, G.; PROMUNDO; 2016
Technology and Innovation
“Informe cualitativo sobre uso y acceso a tecnologías en Lima Metropolitana”; Barrantes, R.; Ugarte, D.; Vargas, E.; IEP; 2016 “Informe cualitativo sobre uso y acceso a tecnologías en el área metropolitana de Buenos Aires” Barrantes, R.; Benítez Larghi, S.; IEP; 2016 “Plataformas de crowdfunding en América Latina”; Rentería, J.; IEP; 2016 “Asociaciones de investigación colaborativa: superar los desafíos conjuntamente”; Universities Canada/IDRC
International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean Juncal 1385, piso 14, 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay Tel: +598 29150492 Email: Subscribe to bulletin
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