July / August - IDRC in Latin America and the Caribbean newsletter

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Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean July-August 2015 SPANISH VERSION News / Calls and awards / Recent and upcoming events / New projects / Publications and project articles

Social exclusion and violence in Central America – final results The results of IDRC funded project “Exclusion, violence, and community responses in Central American cities” led by FLACSO Costa Rica and FLACSO El Salvador, will be presented in Mexico on September 9, 2015. The project developed between 2013 and 2015 worked to identify why cities with similar conditions of social exclusion experience different levels of violence. This research project is part of the Safe and Inclusive Cities (SAIC) program which aims to document the links between urban violence, poverty, and inequality. It is jointly funded by Canada’s IDRC and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID). Invitation to event (Spanish) / Final report (book Spanish) / Infographics (Spanish) / Read project profile

Reducing urban violence: Understanding why some men choose violence – and others don’t What determines whether or not men choose violence? Do childhood experiences play a role? Does having children make a difference? Even though men are overwhelmingly the victims and perpetrators of armed violence in cities, little is known about the reasons why some men — even amidst incentives to participate in violence — pursue non-violent lifestyles. FLICKR/ ANDREW COMINGS

Understanding these reasons is an important part of identifying how to reduce violence in cities like Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. IDRC-supported researchers Alice Taylor and Tatiana Moura of Instituto Promundo are studying the factors that encourage non-violent behaviour in settings of high urban violence. Read more / Project profile

Stories of change: Improving food security in Latin America and the Caribbean Around the world, food insecurity affects an estimated 850 million people. There is ample evidence that addressing

gender inequalities and empowering women are vital to meeting the challenges of improving food and nutrition security, and enabling poor rural people to overcome poverty. The Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (CIFSRF), a program of Canada's International Development Research Centre, undertaken with financial support from the Government of Canada, provided through Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, supports research that addresses the food security challenges facing communities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. Researchers from Canada and Latin American and the Caribbean are working togehter to make a positive change in rural communities. Read more (examples from Bolivia, Colombia and the Caribbean)

Television Food Advertising to Children in Argentina Most foods advertised during children's television programs in Argentina have low nutritional value, as revealed by a recent research report published by the InterAmerican Heart Foundation Argentina which coordinates the “Television Food Advertising to Children in Argentina“ project, financed by IDRC. The project analyzed food advertisements aired during the commercial breaks of TV programs directed to children. They analyzed 21,085 advertisements broadcasted on 5 television channels and the three cable channels with the largest audience of children, aired during 6 weeks. Read full report (Spanish)

Livestock production, Health and Environment in the Bolivian Altiplano The project “Sustainable Livestock Production, Health, and Environment in the Bolivian Altiplano” led by PROMETA aims to promote evidence-based and locally adapted multi-sector policies through dialogues with key policy, community and other stakeholders in order to improve the sustainable production of safe food from sheep and llamas, the management of native pastures, and the health of vulnerable populations in the Southern High Plateau of Bolivia. Researchers, strategic partners and IDRC staff recently participated in a workshop where project advances were presented. Furthermore, a series of ad hoc meetings took place at the School of Agriculture at the University Juan Misael Saracho where an agreement was reached to add a second cohort of master’s students; and at the Health Department of Tarija, where municipal health authorities committed to do the scaling up of the children’s helminthiasis study in three municipalities of the South Altiplano of Tarija. The Governor of the department of Tarija highlighted the relevance of the project in the context of the new governmental priorities. Read more (website, Spanish) / Read media article (El Chaco Informa, local newspaper, Spanish)

DATE: new territorial data tool The Latin American Center for Rural Development (RIMISP) recently launched DATE - a new dissemination portal with territorial data from Latin America. DATE includes databases and maps to access territorial indicators such as

employment, education, gender, geography, local government management, income and poverty, politics and governance, public safety, health and technology. It contains information from 10 countries in the region: Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru. This new tool will be useful for researchers, academics, policy makers and anyone interested in poverty, inequality and regional development issues in Latin America. Access database (Spanish)

Growth, Poverty and Inequality: learning from Latin America’s Territories Special issue: Growth, Poverty and Inequality in Sub-National Development: Learning from Latin America’s Territories World Development, Volume 73, Pages 1-138 (September 2015) Edited by Julio A. Berdegué, Anthony Bebbington and Javier Escobal This special issue includes findings from a program conducted over five years in 11 Latin America countries, to answer three questions: (1) Are there rural territories that have experienced simultaneous economic growth, poverty reduction, and improved distribution of income?; (2) What factors determine these territorial dynamics?, and; (3) What can be done to stimulate and promote this kind of territorial dynamics? Read more (access special issue)

Labour Market Dynamics in Nicaragua and El Salvador In Nicaragua, for every 10 occupied women, 4 work for themselves and 2 work without pay. Meanwhile, the average hourly wage of women in El Salvador is 34.2% less than that of men. In both countries men tend to participate more often in favourable labour than women who are more likely to be found in non-agricultural self-employment situations. Women’s participation in these types of employment can be explained by the ease of entry into these occupations, and the hours and flexibility this employment affords. This being of utmost importance in two countries where women continue to be mainly responsible for domestic work and the care of children and elderly even when they are also working at remunerated jobs. These are some of the findings of the “Better Jobs for Central American Women: Labour Market Dynamics in Nicaragua and El Salvador” project supported by IDRC. Over the course of 2 years, researchers from the Fundación Internacional para el Desafío Económico Global (FIDEG) in Nicaragua in partnership with the Fundación Salvadoreña para el Desarollo Económico y Social (FUSADES) in El Salvador, worked to provide evidence to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of current policies in these two countries, and for the design of new policies to create more quality jobs for women. Access research results (Spanish) / Watch interview (project researchers, Spanish)

“Resumen de Política - Ingresando y avanzando:

“Dinámica del mercado laboral de mujeres y hombres en El Salvador”

“Ingresando y avanzando. Dinámica de las Mujeres en el mercado laboral Nicaragüenses ”

dinámica de las mujeres en el mercado laboral nicaragüense

Access to Justice for Indigenous and Peasant Women in Conflict Zones Two new books resulting from IDRC funded project “Access to Justice for Indigenous and Peasant Women in Colombia and Guatemala” led by researchers from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, the Universidad de Antioquia and ECAP in Guatemala were presented on August 20, 2015. •

Read book “Mujeres indígenas: clamor por la justicia; violencia sexual, conflicto armado y despojo violento de tierras” (Spanish) Read book “Camino por la justicia : victimización y resistencia de mujeres indígenas y campesinas en Guatemala y Colombia” (Spanish)

The documentary “Una sola golondrina no hace verano” (One swallow does not make a summer) produced by indigenous and peasant women from the Department of Cauca and Cesar who participated in the research project, was also presented.

Third Regional Open Data Conference The Third Regional Conference on Open Data (ConDatos) will take place in Santiago de Chile from September 9-10, 2015 ConDatos is a space created by the “Open Data for Development” (OD4D) project which seeks to create an effective strategy to enable countries and governments to collaborate and share knowledge to strengthen open data policy in the region. This event is sponsored by OAS, ECLAC, Corfo, Consejo para la Transparencia, Avina, ILDA and IDRC, among others. Read more

Francophone countries collaborating to build capacities in open science at universities The Project Open Science in Haiti and Francophone Africa (SOHA) is part of the Open and Collaborative Science in Development Network (OCSDNet) funded by IDRC. Active since January 2015, with more than 20 collaborators and a dozen coadvisors, the SOHA project focuses on 18 universities in 12 countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Haiti, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, & Chad. By working with graduate students in these countries, SOHA is analyzing the barriers to the adoption of open science and creating a large network of Haitian and African leaders in open science Read more (French) or follow them on Twitter @ScienceBienComm

New publication on open access in Latin America Hecho en Latinoamérica: acceso abierto, revistas académicas e innovaciones regionales / Eduardo Aguado López ... [et.al.].; Editores:

Juan Pablo Alperín y Gustavo Fischman - 1a ed. - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2015. This book gathers together the results of a series of exploratory research projects which present diverse views on the achievements, detected problems and challenges that the region faces with regards to access, visibility and the scientific and social impact of research published in Latin American journals. The publication is the result of the “Quality, Reach, and Impact of Open Scholarly Publishing in Latin America” research project which was coordinated by FLACSO-Brazil and a team of researchers from Latindex, Public Knowledge Project (PKP), Redalyc.org and SciELOBrazil with funding from IDRC. Read more (book, Spanish)

CIES Annual Research Competition 2015 With support from Canada´s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), IDRC, and the Manuel J. Bustamante De la Fuente Foundation, Peru’s Economic and Social Research Consortium (CIES) has opened its “XVII Annual Research Competition 2015”.

Deadline: October 5, 2015 Read more

2nd Journalism Competition - Public Policy, Economic and Social Inclusion in Peru Peru’s Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS) and the Economic and Social Research Consortium (CIES) have opened the 2nd National Public Policy Journalism Competition for Economic and Social Inclusion. The competition aims to generate journalistic evidence on the advances and challenges faced by public policies focused on economic and social inclusion, and to improve their .


Deadline: October 12, 2015 Read more

Aug. 13, 2015 Aug. 20, 2015 Aug. 20, 2015

“Políticas para mudanças climáticas na Amazônia”, Belem, Brazil

“Fronteras marítimas y mercados ilegales”, FLACSO, Quito, Ecuador Presentación libros “Acceso a la Justicia de mujeres indígenas y campesinas en zonas de conflicto armado y t transicionalidad en Colombia y Guatemala” Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia

Sep. 7, 2015 Sep. 7-8, 2015 Sep. 9, 2015 Sep. 10, 2015 Sep. 15-19, 2015 Sep. 28-29, 2015

“Seminario de Investigación: Exclusión Social y Violencia en territorios urbanos centroamericanos”, El Colegio de México, Mexico D.F. Abrelatam, Santiago de Chile, Chile “III Conferencia Regional de Datos Abiertos en América Latina y el Caribe (Condatos)”, Santiago de Chile, Chile “Mesa de Debate sobre la Reforma Constitucional en Chile”, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile Mesa Redonda: “Desenvolvimento, Desigualdade e Trabalho: As Trajetórias de Brasil e Índia” Congreso ABET 2015, Campinas, Brazil Foro Internacional Académico Comunitario “Saberes, Sabidurías e Imaginarios” / “Coloquio Internacional de síntesis y consolidación de un espacio en red de construcción de conocimientos: Relaciones sociales de género, diversidad y territorio”, Cordoba, Argentina

Building citizenship through schools in Peru

Through this project, researchers from the Peruvian Studies Institute (IEP) aim to increase understanding of citizens' perceptions on democracy, citizenship, and citizenship education and inform debates on strengthening democracy and citizenship through school education. The results of the study will inform the design of educational materials and teachers· training modules on citizenship education, which will be used in a pilot intervention in 4 schools which will test a model for citizenship education. This is part of an effort to promote widespread citizenship education in Peru 's public schools. The study will be followed by a communications and influence strategy aimed at disseminating more widely the project 's findings and fostering debate on strengthening democracy and citizenship through school education.

Protecting Privacy in the Global South This second phase project being led by Privacy International and carried out in collaboration with regional actors aims to improve rights to privacy, freedom of expression and association in developing countries by enhancing engagement on cyber policy development. It will improve research on data protection, retention, privacy in developing countries and enhance engagement on cyber policy development in 9 countries worldwide including 5 from LAC: Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Brazil. The project will also support a global network of leading thinkers on privacy, cyber security and innovation as a means of reforming and/or promoting policy standard that safeguard rights to privacy, free expression and association as well as security.

IDRC IN THE NEWS Want to stay up to date on the information published by the media on the projects we fund in Latin America and the Caribbean? Follow us on Storify where we update information daily


El Comercio (Spain) – under the title “Una vacuna demuestra ser cien por ciento efectiva para combatir el virus del ebola” / A vaccine demonstrates 100% effectiveness combatting the Ebola virus” presents the progress made on the Ebola vaccine developed by the Canadian Agency for Public Health, with the participation of IDRC and several other research and health centers.

O Liberal (Brazil) - “Marajoara não se intimida com as mudanças no clima / Marajoara are not intimidated by climate change” article which presents the findings of IDRC funded project “Sociocultural Adaptations of Caboclos in the Amazon Estuary of Brazil to Extreme Tidal Events”. Results recently presented at a workshop in Belem, Brazil.

Media from the region published articles on the results of the new study on "Banda Ancha en América Latina: precios y tendencias de mercado / Broadband in Latin America: market prices and trends" published by DIRSI and IEP.

Diario El Pueblo (Salto, Uruguay) - under the title “Vigilancia y control de Leishmaniasis canina en Uruguay / Surveillance and canine leishmaniasis control in Uruguay” highlights the principal training activities undertaken by the project.

Agriculture and Environment •

“Segundo Diálogo Nacional sobre Crecimiento Verde e Inclusivo en Bolivia”; LATN; 2015

“Mental health and citizenship”; Onocko-Campos, R. Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP; 2015

“The role of strong-tie social networks in mediating food security of fish resources by a traditional riverine community in the Brazilian Amazon”; Mertens, F., Fillion, M.; Saint-Charles,J.; Mongeau, P; Távora, R.; Sousa Passos, C.J.; Mergler, D.; Ecology and Society 20(3): 18.; 2015. Social and Economic Policy • • • • • • •

"Moving in and Moving Up: Labor Market Dynamics of Women and Men in Nicaragua" Alaniz, E. y Gindling; T.H.; FIDEG; 2014 "Moving in and Moving Up: Labor Market Dynamics of Women and Men in El Salvador”; Béneke de Sanfeliú, et al.; FIDEG; 2014 "Ingresando y Avanzando: Dinámica de las Mujeres en el Mercado Laboral Nicaragüense" Alaniz, E., Carrión, G.; Gindling, T.H.; FIDEG; 2015 "Dinámica del Mercado Laboral de Mujeres y Hombres en El Salvador"; Béneke de Sanfeliú, et al.; FIDEG; 2015 "Resumen de Política - Ingresando y Avanzando: Dinámica de las Mujeres Centroamericanas en el Mercado Laboral" Alaniz, E.; Espino, A.; Gindling, T.H.; FIDEG; 2015 ”¿Qué significa manejar bien el dinero? Análisis comparativo entre usuarias de JUNTOS que han recibido y no han recibido Educación Financiera”; Caballero, E.; IEP; 2015 “Una nueva mirada a los desafíos de cobertura del Sistema de Pensiones en El Salvador: la densidad individual de las cotizacione”s; Argueta, N.; Bolaños Cámbara, F.; Rivera, M.E; FUNDAUNGO; 2015

• • • • • •

“Encuentro Regional de Inclusión y Educación Financiera en América Latina y el Caribe”. Prim, C.; Villada, I.; Yancari. J. (eds).; IEP/FOSIS; 2015 “Neoestructuralismo y corrientes heterodoxas en América Latina y el Caribe a inicios del siglo XXI”; Bárcena; A.; Prado, A.; CEPAL; 2015 “La desaceleración de la participación laboral femenina en América Latina”; Gasparini, L.; CEDLAS; 2015 “Digital and Social Inequalities: a Qualitative Assessment of the Impact of Connecting Equality Program among Argentinean young people”; Benítez Larghi, S.; Lemus, M.; Moguillansky, M.; Welschinger Lascano, N.; The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 69(2): 1-20; 2015 “Mujeres indígenas: clamor por la justicia; violencia sexual, conflicto armado y despojo violento de tierras”; Mendez Gutierrez, L.; Carrera, A.; Equipo de Estudios Comunitarios y Acción Psicosocial – ECAP; 2014 “Camino por la justicia : victimización y resistencia de mujeres indígenas y campesinas en Guatemala y Colombia” Ramirez Parra, P.; 2015

Technology and Innovation •

“Banda Ancha en América Latina: precios y tendencias de mercado”; DIRSI/IEP; 2015

“Discrimination in online contracting: Evidence from Latin America”; DIRSI; 2015

“Hecho en Latinoamérica: acceso abierto, revistas académicas e innovaciones regionales”; Aguado, E:; Alperín; J.P¨.; Fischman; G.; 2015

International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean Avda. Brasil 2655, 11300 Montevideo, Uruguay Tel: +598 2 7090042 Email: lacro@idrc.ca www.idrc.ca/lacro

Comments or suggestions write to lacro@idrc.ca

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