IDRC Bulletin - August 2013, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

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Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

August 2013

SPANISH VERSION News / Calls and Awards / Recent and Upcoming Events / Projects / Project Publications and Articles

News The job market for youth in Latin America The Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), the Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil, the Center for Labor and Social Distributive Studies (CEDLAS) and IDRC organized in Rio de Janeiro the conference "Juventude e risco: perdas e ganhos sociais na crista da população joven", in which several studies on youth, education and labor markets in Brazil and Latin America were presented. CEDLAS presented several research papers, among others: "Scarring effects of youth unemployment and informality: evidence from Brazil"; "Transition from school to work: three decades of evidence for Latin America". Read the following press releases: “Leave us your CV and we’ll call you: Three decades of evidence on the challenges of youth unemployment in Latin America”; “Vocational training program boosted formalsector employment” or Listen an interview to Marcelo Neri, IPEA President.

Science and Technology Policy Instruments (STPI) From August 5-7 experts in the field of science and technology met in Lima to participate from the event "Science and Technology Policy Instruments: 40 years later". The meeting aimed to evaluate the results and impacts the STPI project has had after four decades in each of the participating countries, and use that knowledge in the design of future research agendas on science, technology and innovation for inclusive and sustainable development. The STPI Project was carried out in ten developing countries from 1973-1979, with the support of IDRC, the Department of Scientific Affairs of the Organization of American States (OAS), and institutions in the participating countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, India, Macedonia, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Peru and Venezuela). Access the STPI+40 website for documents, presentations, references, etc.

New tool permits mapping of the region’s financial landscape ProSavings recently launched the tool “country profiles” which helps illustrate in a clear and concise manner the current landscape of financial inclusion in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. In this first phase, data is available for the following countries: Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Peru and Dominican Repulbic. ProSavings relies on the experience and funding from the Inter-American Development Bank, the Citi Foundation, the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), and IDRC. Read more

Health services: Free or fee? - Research in public hospitals in Jamaica A research study carried out in public hospitals in Jamaica revealed that a large majority of health professionals are opposed to free medication and exemption from user fees. The research, led by the Caribbean Policy Research Institute (CAPRI) was financed by IDRC and intended to investigate the impact of the user fees exemption policy on health services and the use of public health centers. Read full report

New area for tobacco control in Argentina Dr. Raúl Mejía, researcher of CEDES, has been appointed coordinator of the newly created tobacco control area of the National Cancer Institute, an organism dependant on Argentina’s Ministry of Health. This new area intends to contribute to the development and implementation of comprehensive policies to protect people from the effects of tobacco smoke. Dr. Mejía has led several initiatives funded by IDRC, among which is the “Mentorship for tobacco control research in Argentina”. We wish Dr. Mejía success in this new endeavour. Read interview (Spanish)

EcosaludETV renovates its web portal The "Leadership in Building the Field of Ecohealth and Vector Borne Diseases in Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative" has redesigned its website to provide updated information on the activities undertaken in the region. Members of the initiative are the National Institute of Public Health (INSP, Mexico), the Center for Studies and Research in Health (CEIS, Colombia) of the Santa Fé Foundation, the Social Sciences Lab (LACSO, Venezuela) and the Community of Practice in Ecosystem Approaches to Health in Latin America and the Caribbean (CoPEH-LAC). The portal has a variety of multimedia resources, publications, articles, interviews, etc. Furthermore, the Venezuela Ecohealth node was recently launched. Access website (Spanish)

Book analyses economic development and inclusive growth in emerging countries What do these countries – Brazil, China, India and South Africa - have in common? Is it possible to analyze them from a comparative perspective that, rather than abstracting their differences, highlights them? To what extent are the development and social inclusion challenges faced by these countries analogous? How can an understanding of each country’s development pattern inspire solutions for these challenges? These are some questions raised by this book. Read more

Conflicts and Transboundary basin agreements Agua Sustentable and the Universidad de la Cordillera have recently published this book which presents studies by experts and analysts on institutional and regulatory frameworks on transboundary watersheds conflicts. In particular, the book addresses the cases of La Plata Basin, the Bolivia endorrehic basins and the transboundary watershed of Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina and Paraguay. The book also includes examples of regulatory and institutional frameworks for resolving international conflicts. This publication was funded by IDRC. Read more

VIDEO OF THE MONTH – Importance of responsible crab harvesting and related prohibitions in the Mangroves of Tumbes Adolfo López, President of the Asociación Nueva Esperanza explains the daily work of collecting crabs in a responsible way in the Santuario Nacional in the mangroves of Tumbes, Peru

Santiago Aguayo, Vice-president of the same institution, explains the importance of the prohibitions . Watch video (Spanish - duration: 3.20’)

Watch video (Spanish duration: 7’) Both videos were produced by the Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IPG) and are part of IDRC funded “Mangroves Project” which aims to improve the understanding of the ecosystem so that its human population can prepare effectively for the impacts of climate variation. Read more

Calls and Awards IDRC - Request for proposals: Improving development outcomes of public-private partnerships IDRC requests proposals for Consultants to provide three scoping studies on Public-Private Partnerships. Proposals in the following areas will be accepted (public health, agriculture and food security, or climate change adaptation). Deadline: August 25, 2013 Read more

MercoNet – Call for research proposals MercoNet/South American Network for Applied Economics calls for research proposals to develop an investigation on the area of the new MercoNet project Job creation and sustainability, maximizing the opportunities from south America commodities boom., financed by IDRC. Deadline: August 30, 2013 Read more (Spanish)

Call for papers – Fourth Conference on Labour Economy The Fourth Conference on Labour Economy will take place in in the Campus of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru (Lima, Peru) on November 14-15, 2013 Deadline: September 5, 2013 Read more (Spanish)

IDRC - Call for Concept Notes: Canadian Partnerships Small Grants IDRC’s Canadian Partnerships program invites applications for its 2013-2014 Small Grants for Innovative Research and Knowledge Sharing. These grants support research, knowledge-building, and knowledge-sharing projects. They also fund events and small dissemination activities and products. These grants are open to local, regional, national, and international organizations incorporated and headquartered in Canada that produce or share knowledge for development. Deadline: September 9, 2013 Read more

IDRC – Doctoral Research Awards IDRC offers these awards twice a year in April and October to Canadians, permanent residents of Canada, and citizens of developing countries pursuing doctoral studies at a Canadian university. These awards are intended for field research in one or more developing countries. Deadline: October 2, 2013 Read more

IDRC - e-Health Innovations Catalyst Grant The CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) has re-launched the e-Health Innovations Catalyst Grant in partnership with the CIHR Institute of Aging (IA) and IDRC. The aim of the e-Health Innovations Catalyst Grant is to fund novel approaches to e-health innovation that will improve the quality of patient and population centered care and improve Canada's competitive position in the e-health innovation industry. Deadline: October 15, 2013 Read more

Recent and Upcoming Events Jul. 12, 2013

Juventude e risco: perdas e ganhos sociais na crista da população joven, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Jul. 13, 2013

Lanzamiento Nodo Ecosalud Venezuela, Mérida, Venezuela

Jul. 24-25, 2013

Aug. 5-7, 2013 Aug. 12, 2012

III Seminario Internacional Salidas al laberinto de las violencias: Resistencias y alternativas, Medellín, Colombia Investigación Eco-Bio-Social en dengue y enfermedad de Chagas en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, TDR/IDRC, Lima, Perú Instrumentos de Políticas de Ciencia y Tecnología: 40 años después, Lima, Perú Mercado de Trabalho, Políticas Sociais e Desigualdade no Brasil, Brasilia, Brasil

Aug. 12, 2013

El futuro de las comunicaciones para think tanks en el Perú, Lima, Perú

Sep. 4-6, 2013

Taller para investigadores jóvenes: preparando propuestas de investigación orientadas a donantes, Lima, Perú Reunión 2013 del Capítulo Argentino de la Network on Inequality and Poverty (NIP) Conferencia de Economía Laboral, Lima, Perú

Jul. 25-26, 2013

Sep. 16-17, 2013 Nov. 14-16, 2013

New projects Indigenous Health, Social Inequity and Interculturality: Peru The implementation of intercultural health programs, often understood as the integration of indigenous and biomedical models of medicine, is a common challenge across many countries. Currently there is great interest in the implementation of intercultural health programs in Peru and throughout the Latin American region. While many countries have intercultural policies, they are often not effectively implemented. This project seeks to understand the challenges of operationalizing intercultural health in Peru by examining three case studies 1) An intercultural approach implemented within a maternal health program delivered by the Ministry of Health; 2) A food and nutrition program focusing on women, children and the elderly integrating indigenous knowledge and practices implemented by an NGO; and 3) An indigenous health program implemented by an indigenous organization to address the lack of public health services reaching their communities.

CONICYT Chile announces selected project The Project “The Architecture of Diversity: Design and Institutional Capacities for Conflict Resolution in the Americas” was selected in the “Research and development in the Americas – Chile” call, organized by IDRC and CONICYT Chile. The project will study the impact of institutional design on the reduction of conflicts and the incorporation of diversity as a variable in the construction of democratic legitimacy, beginning with a comparative study of Chile and the countries of Latin America. The project will be coordinated by the University Diego Portales with the participation of researchers from the Catholic University of Temuco and the University of Brasilia. Read more (Spanish)

IDRC in the news CNN Chile interviewed researcher Ignacia Fernández from the Latin American Center for Rural Development (RIMISP), a long IDRC partner, to talk about territorial inequalities in Chile. Watch the interview (Spanish) The TV Program “Todavía es Temprano” (Channel 7 - Argentina) inteviewed researchers Natalia Gherardi y Marta Lamas on the results of IDRC funded project “Understanding the subjective obstacles to women’s agency”. Watch TV program (Spanish) The Radio Noticias del Perú interviewed Roberto Bazzani, IDRC Senior Program Officer, who talks about the recent meeting of experts on the erradication of dengue and malaria that took place in Peru. Listen interview. (Spanish) Radio Canadá interviewed Esteban Jobbagy, researcher of the CONICYT Argentina, who speaks about IDRC funded project “Floods, Droughts and Farming on the Plains of Argentina and Paraguay: Adapting to climatic and hydrological changes in the Pampas & Chaco region”. Listen interview

Project Publications and Articles Agriculture and Environment “Conflictos y acuerdos sobre aguas transfronterizas. Marcos jurídicos y prácticas regulatorias intencionales”; Orellana, R. (Coord.); Agua Sustentable; 2013 “Desigualdad territorial en el sistema escolar: la urgencia de una reforma estructural a la educación pública en Chile”; Muñoz, C. ; Muñoz, G. RIMISP; Programa Cohesión Territorial para el Desarrollo; Serie Estudios Territoriales; Documento de Trabajo N° 8, junio 2013 “Fortalecimiento de las capacidades regionales”; Delamaza, G.; RIMISP; Programa Cohesión Territorial para el Desarrollo; Serie Estudios Territoriales; Documento de Trabajo N°9, Junio 2013 “De la descentralización administrativa a la descentralización política. Propuestas de reformas y políticas públicas para un Chile descentralizado, democrático y participativo”; Montecinos; E.; RIMISP; Programa Cohesión Territorial para el Desarrollo; Serie Estudios Territoriales; Documento de Trabajo N° 10, junio 2013 “Glacier Melting and Retreat: understanding the perception of agricultural households that face the challenges of climate change”, Escobar, A.; Cuervo, R. ; Pinzón Trujillo, G. ; Maldonado, J. H. (paper) Social and Economic Policy “Brasil y América Latina: ¿Qué liderazgo es posible?”; Sorj. B; Fausto, S.; iFHC/Centro Edelstein, 2013

“The "Dynamic South", Economic Development and Inclusive Growth the Challenges Ahead”; De Freitas Barbosa, A.; Cacciamal, M.C.; CEBRAP; 2013 El “Estado fantasma” de Haití, Feldmann, A.; Revista Migraciones Forzadas Nº 43; Julio 2013 “The ‘phantom state’ of Haiti”; Feldman. A.; Forced Migration Review N° 43; July 2013 “L’État ‘fantôme’ d’Haïti”; Feldman, A. ; Revue des migrations forcées N°43 ; Juillet 2013 “Revisiting Haiti´s Gangs and Organized Violence”; Kolbe, A.; HASOW; Discussion Paper N° 3; June 2013 “Urban violence and humanitarian action in Medellin”; Bernal Franco, L.; Navas Caputo, C.; HASOW; Discussion Paper N° 5; June 2013 “Banking the poor through mobile telephony. Understanding the challenges for expansion of mobile-based financial services in El Salvador”; Molina, F.; DIRSI; July 2013 “Bancarización de los pobres a través de la telefonía móvil: comprendiendo los desafíos para la expansión de los servicios financieros con tecnología móvil en El Salvador” Molina, F.; DIRSI, julio 2013 “Bancarización de los pobres a través de la telefonía móvil. Comprendiendo los desafíos para la expansión de los servicios financieros con tecnología móvil en Perú”; Lozano, T.; IEP; 2013 “Banking the poor through mobile telephony. Understanding the challenges for expansion of mobile-based Financial services in Peru”; Lozano, T.; IEP; 2013 “Bancarización de los pobres a través de la telefonía móvil. Comprendiendo los desafíos para la expansión de los servicios financieros con tecnología móvil en Paraguay”, Ramirez, J.; IEP; 2013 “Banking the poor through mobile telephony. Understanding the challenges for expansion of mobile-based Financial services in Paraguay”; Ramirez, J.; IEP; 2013 “Bancarización de los pobres a través de la telefonía móvil. Comprendiendo los desafíos para la expansión de los servicios financieros con tecnología móvil en Guatemala”, Rayo, C.; Castillo; J.; IEP; 2013 “Banking the poor through mobile telephony. Understanding the challenges for expansion of mobile-based Financial services in Guatemala”; Rayo, C.; Castillo; J.; IEP; 2013 “Ecuador: del país recursos al país conocimiento”; Bellettini, O. y Ordóñez, A. ; Grupo Faro; 2013 “Piedras con sangre. El comercio global de diamantes como fuente de avaricia, corrupción y guerra”; Smillie, I.; IDRC/Plaza y Valdes; 2012 “Entre el estudio y el trabajo: Las decisiones de los jóvenes peruanos después de concluir la educación básica regular”; León. J. Sugimaru, C.; GRADE; Serie Avances de Investigación – Educación y Aprendizajes N° 11; 2013 "¿Tiene el presupuesto participativo algún impacto en la calidad de los servicios públicos? El caso del sector del agua y saneamiento"; Jaramillo, J. ; Alcázar, L. GRADE; Serie Análisis y Propuestas n° 23; julio 2013 “Conflictos y Acuerdos sobre Aguas Transfronterizas. Marcos Jurídicos y Prácticas Regulatorias Internacionales”, Orellana,R.(coord.), Agua Sustentable, 2013 Global Health Policies “Carga de Enfermedad atribuible al Tabaquismo en Argentina”, Pichon-Riviere, A.; Alcaraz, A.; Bardach, A.; Augustovski, F.; Caporale, J.; Caccavo, F.; IECS, Documento Técnico N°7; Mayo 2013 “Fee or Free? A survey of the no-user fee policy in Public Hospitals in Jamaica”; CAPRI, 2013

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International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean / Avda. Brasil 2655, 11300 Montevideo, Uruguay / Avda. Brasil 2655, 11300 Montevideo, Uruguay / Tel: +598 2 7090042 / Email: /

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