Vol 59, NO. 29
Jul y 7, 2022
State of the Youth Conference awards $1,000 scholarships to 100
By Manny Sandoval
The San Bernardino Symphony
Orchestra rings in the Fourth of July at SBVC
Pg. 3
students and inspires civic engagement
rom June 23rd to June 25th, Music Changing Lives, the Changing Lives Association, and the Institute for Public Strategies hosted a three day conference that awarded scholarships, enriched minds, and inspired civic participation.
The 100 students that attended the conference at San Bernardino Valley College were met with workshops and exercises on topics including civic engagement, policy change, etiquette, career readiness, college pathways, financial literacy, family dynamics, self-sufficiency, nutrition, physical and mental health awareness, along with preventing drug and alcohol use among youth.
One of the common traits the young, motivated attendees had was elevating the quality of life for themselves and their communities. Conference, cont. on next pg.
Music Changing Lives Founder and CEO Josiah Bruny with dozens of youth at the conference, who are all taking a quick break from workshops and team building activities.
E a s t Va l l e y Wa t e r D i s t r i c t w i n s c o v e t e d Emmy award
Community News
Bank of America donates $560,000 to IE non-profits, including Time for Change Foundation Pg. 8
Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Office: (909) 381-9898
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he National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS)' Pacific Southwest Chapter has presented a West Valley Water District (WVWD) video with an Emmy award in the Informational/Instructional Program category.
“I’m proud that West Valley’s efforts to invest in our community and improve transparency are being recognized by one of the most prestigious organizations in the country,” said WVWD Board President Channing Hawkins. “This is a tremendous day for West Valley and a well-deserved recognition of the hard work that our staff puts in every day on behalf our ratepayers.”
"We Are West Valley Water District" highlights WVWD’s Symphony, cont. on pg. 2
The video is produced by Magnify Productions, with its key content creators, Michael Padilla, Shannon Taylor, and Rob Jaeger.