Colton Courier 01/05/23

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After opening its office in Colton o n M a r c h 7 , 2022, Trinity Legal services has aimed to educate, assist and empower i t s c l i e n t s i n w h a t e v e r capacity it can

Trinity legal services is a non-attorney legal assistance firm specializing in case management, legal doc assistance and educati n g i t s c l i e n t s o n t h e i r position and rights

S o m e s e r v i c e s o ff e r e d include; legal separation, child custody, estate plann i n g , r e s t r a i n i n g o r d e r, civil disputes and notary

Tr i n i t y i s o w n e d a n d operated by Leslie Tovar, who has partnered with L i l l i a n a P u l i d o s , w h o o w n s E l i t e L i f e s c a n Notary The two women s h a r e t h e s a m e o ff i c e building and utilize each other to best assist their clients

“Liliana and I met at a

mixer last December, and s i n c e w e w e r e b o t h notaries, we decided to open offices next to each o t h e r t o j o i n f o r c e s t o h o p e f u l l y p r o v i d e o n es t o p l e g a l a s s i s t a n c e , ” said Tovar

In addition to the partnership with Pulidos and h e r b u s i n e s s E l i t e L i f e s c a n N o t a r y, To v a r has partnerships for referrals with other legal services around the area to ensure her clients get the help they need

“While we try to assist our clients to the best of our ability, there are times when we can’t personally do so So what we try to do is refer clients to other l o c a l o rg a n i z a t i o n s t h a t can,” said Tovar

The focus on assisting t h e c l i e n t a n d p u t t i n g them first is what made To v a r w a n t t o o p e n Trinity Legal Services in the first place

J a n u a r y 0 5 , 2 0 2 2 Vo l 1 5 1 , N O 0 4 C O L T O N C O U
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Si n c e i t s i n a u g u r a l flight on August 4th, 2 0 2 2 , S a n B e r n a r d i n o I n t e r n a t i o n a l Airport has serviced nearly 2 0 , 0 0 0 p a s s e n g e r s , w i t h d a i l y n o n - s t o p s e r v i c e t o San Francisco, with multiopportunities each week for a connecting flight to Provo, Utah T h e t r a i l - b l a z i n g a i r p o r t will be around for a while as it is preparing to launch nonstop Thursday and Sunday flights to Las Vegas beginning February 16th, 2023 I n A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 , w h e n asked about the possibility o f f u t u r e f l i g h t s t o L a s Vegas, Director of Aviation L a c k o f “ h o n e s t y a n d i n t e g r i t y ” d r o v e L e s l i e T o v a r t o o p e n T r i n i t y L e g a l S e r v i c e s
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Business partners, Liliana pulidos (left) and Leslie tovar (right) standing in front of their shared office in Colton photo MANNY SANDOVAL Director of Aviation Mark Gibbs discussing the SBD International Airport and Breeze Airways with the highland Area Chamber of Commerce on April 26, 2022
cont next pg H O W T O R E A C H U S H O W T O R E A C H U S I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : s a l e s @ i e c n c o m L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ h o t m a i l c o m w w w i e c n c o m H O W T O R E A C H U S H O W T O R E A C H U S I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : s a l e s @ i e c n c o m L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ h o t m a i l c o m
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Municipal Water District P g . 8 P g 8
Legal Services
J e s s e
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Susan Longville, Director, Division 3
Oath of Of fice
San Ber nardino Valley

“I decided to start Trinity because of the lack of honesty and integrity in the legal services business,” said Tovar

This viewpoint arose from her experience in working for other legal services firms, where she noticed clients would repeatedly ask for her because they felt she was honest and cared

“When seeking legal assistance, people feel vulnerable and they need someone to be honest with them,” said Tovar “When you’re involved in these legal situations, you see many people don’t help ”

While providing her clients with legal assistance in any capacity possible, Tovar also enjoys the reward of knowing she was able to help someone that was in a tough situation

“While we provide legal services, we also try to connect with people on a more personal level and uplift them in a tough situation,” said Tovar

In one instance, she had a woman who wasn’t


Mark Gibbs said, “We’ve been getting a lot of requests from people about flights to Las Vegas, and I’d like to see that happen But we’re gaging how well our flights travel non-stop to San Francisco ”

And based on Gibbs’ comments last year, it’s evident that the airport has attained some success, as it’s continuing to add more outbound flights, and SBD reports 70 percent of seats filled in November 2022

“After years of efforts by the Airport, our region has embraced the convenience of flying locally with nearly 20,000 passengers traveling through SBD since Breeze Airways launched service this summer – it’s a major achievement and just the

fluent in English come into her office hysterically crying because her husband had threatened to take everything in their divorce from a legal aspect After consulting with Trinity Legal Services, she was educated on her rights and was able to fight back

“Helping people is my why,” said Tovar “It brings great fulfillment knowing I was able to help someone in a tough situation, and hear their positive feedback ”

Tovar ’s people-first approach has led to her creating lifelong friendships, partnerships and a legal service firm dedicated to assisting in any capacity

“We plan on adding more services heading into the new year, as well as providing free educational workshops regarding laws for the community,” said Tovar

For those interested in any of the services provided by Trinity Legal Services, you can visit their website, Trinity Legal services

beginning of passenger service at SBD,” said Mike Burrows, Chief Executive Officer of SBD and the Inland Valley Development Agency “SBD had more than 70 percent of all seats filled in November, and all indications point to December having even higher passenger counts ”

One-way tickets to San Francisco, Provo, Utah and Las Vegas start at just $31, and SBD’s daily parking rate is unrivaled, costing only $5 per day - making the airport quite the attraction in the Inland Empire

“Breeze’s service to San Francisco has been a great success for Inland Empire residents, and after just four months, with new non-stop service to Las Vegas starting in February, the region will have even more travel options,” said SBD Director of

Aviation Mark Gibbs “The ease and convenience of flying from SBD with low airfares and just $5-daily parking, it’s unrivaled in Southern California ”

According to SBD, Breeze Airways offers non-stop service to San Francisco International Airport with same-plane Breeze Thru flights to Provo, Utah, on 108-seat Embraer E-190 aircraft In addition, twice-weekly non-stop service to Las Vegas Harry Reid International Airport begins February 16th on Breeze’s new 137-seat Airbus A-220 with Breeze Thru flight service to Hartford’s Bradley International Airport

Tickets for forthcoming flights can be booked directly through the Breeze Airways app or at FlyBreeze com

Having a hilariously good time can be affordable when local comics, like Ryan Radusinovic, produce a free Comedy Night every month

On January 13th, at 8 PM, Radusinovic is set to host another engaging night filled with laughs, raffle prizes, and beer (for purchase) at Strum Brewing Company in Ontario

“Tickets are not necessary Just show up ready for a fun 180-minute comedy show with local Inland Empire comics like Gino Riccardi, Michael Silver, and Cocky Rocky,” said Radusinovic

At every show, a nationally touring comedian headlines, and this month’s attendees will be treated to a set by Mikey McKernan

“We’re excited to have

Mikey with us on January 13th - he’s a California native and has become a fan favorite on the Kill Tony Podcast He’s performed at Eagle Rock Comedy Festival and has been featured on TV shows like The New Girl and Ben and Kate on Fox,” continued Radusinovic

He recommends guests arrive about an hour early on the night of the show to guarantee a good seat

“Anyone that is a fan of comedy should join us We have a good time each month engaging with the community, and it’s a great way for the public to get to know other locals,” concluded Radusinovic

Strum Brewing Company is located at 315 North Euclid Avenue, Ontario

For more information, visit eventbrite com/o/ryan-the-comedian-31035543635

Page A2 • January 05, 2022 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers • Colton Courier F r e e I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m e d y N i g h t w i t h l o c a l a n d n at i o n a l l y k n o w n c o m e d i a n s o n J a n u a r y 1 3 F o l l o w u s o n F a c e b o o k , T w i t t e r , a n d I n s t a g r a m @ I E C N W e e k l y f o r n e w s & u p d a t e s
PHOTO RYAN RADUSINOVIC Strum Brewing Company’s free monthly Comedy Night is a hit amongst locals from San Bernardino to Onatrio and every city in-between
On July 21 2022 the San
PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL Bernardino International Airport adding final touches to its terminals and on-site

a t a t i m e

For millions of new moms, like Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) Member Gerti, motherhood – and all the challenges it brings – can be overwhelming

After the birth of her daughter, Gerti struggled with her mental health and recognized she needed help – so she turned to IEHP

Through her connection to Katia, a behavioral health specialist on IEHP’s maternal mental health team, Gerti learned she was experiencing postpartum depression and was connected to various resources, including supportive therapy

Although common (the CDC cites 1 in 8 women who recently gave birth suffer from it), postpartum depression is more severe and longlasting than the “baby blues,” which can include short-lived bouts of mood swings, crying spells, anxiety and difficulty sleeping

“I was just really looking for help, because it gets overwhelming – especially becoming a new mom,” explained Gerti “Sometimes the depression just catches you I just want to get through this, so I can push through for my baby, for my sanity, for my happiness ”

As Katia explains, no mother with these challenges should ever feel ashamed Feeling anxious, overwhelmed and depressed are all considered typical emotions during pregnancy and after birth

“It’s normal [for new moms] to feel the way they do; there is nothing wrong with feeling that way,” said

Katia, who also personally experienced postpartum depression “They should be proud of themselves for reaching out for help – and that is where we come in ”

IEHP’s maternal mental health team is a small, but mighty unit within the behavioral health department that connects Members with mental health services such as therapy and psychiatry

The maternal mental health team regularly checks in with Members to ask how they are feeling, what they need and to help them make those sometimes hard, but life-altering first steps of scheduling and attending therapy appointments

The team supports Members like Gerti through every step of their recovery and journey through motherhood – even if it’s to simply ask how they are doing

“If I am able to take care of myself better, I will be able to take care of my baby much more,” explained Gerti “I know that every time I am having trouble, help is just one phone call away ”

To learn more about Gerti’s story, v i s i t : https://youtu be/8IRKPmIk2CM

If you or someone you know is struggling with postpartum depression or mental health, IEHP is here for you

IEHP Members can call Member Services to connect with our behavioral health team For a mental health emergency, please call the Mental Health and Suicide Crisis Hotline at 988

Community News

Rep Pete Aguilar voted for $30,152,130 in Community Project Funding for the Inland Empire in the final 2023 government funding package, which now heads to President Biden’s desk for his signature Rep Aguilar requested these projects in May 2022, advocated for them as a member of the House Committee on Appropriations and pushed for their inclusion in the final government funding package

“I am proud to have secured $30,152,130 in Community Project Funding that I know meets long overdue community needs for the Inland Empire,” Rep Aguilar said “These investments create jobs with better pay, promote cleaner air and water, and address homelessness in our community I have prioritized securing federal dollars to address local issues and I’ll continue to work every day to deliver for our region ”

Rep Aguilar championed funding for 15 projects that will directly benefit Inland Empire residents These include:

Project Name: 3rd Street Corridor Project

Project Requestor: Inland Valley Development Agency Joint Powers Authority

Amount Secured: $3,000,000

Summary: The funding will support a muchneeded infrastructure project that will enhance safety, mobility and access to the growing San Bernardino International Airport

Project Name: Arrowhead Grove Community Resource Center

Project Requestor: Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino

Amount Secured: $3,000,000

Summary: The funding will create a resource center at the Arrowhead Grove housing community This would provide easy access to services by establishing a multi-faceted health campus open to any San Bernardino resident

Project Name: Fontana Homelessness Prevention Resource and Care Center (Phase 1)

Project Requestor: City of Fontana

Amount Secured: $4,000,000

Summary: The funding will provide housing and support services for people experiencing homelessness in San Bernardino County

Project Name: Little 3rd Street Project

Project Requestor: San Bernardino County

Amount Secured: $2,560,000

Summary: This funding will support an infrastructure project developing the Little 3rd Street area in San Bernardino The project will expand access to transit, shopping centers and office space while improving safety for pedestrians and motorists

Project Name: Mental Health Outreach Program for the Sickle Cell Community

Project Requestor: Loma Linda University Medical Center

Amount Secured: $542,597

Summary: The funding will create a regional mental health outreach program, coinciding with a coordinated system of care, for individuals with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and Sickle Cell Trait (SCT) and for their caregivers This program will connect individuals to wrap around behavioral health resources and services

Project Name: Sustainable Communities Catalyst Project

Project Requestor: Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services, Inc

Amount Secured: $1,000,000

Summary: This funding will allow a local non-profit to purchase and preserve affordable housing, while investing in neighborhoods and sustaining local businesses

Agraveside service for Juanita will be held Monday, January 9, 2023 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Rialto Park Cemetery, 200 N Willow Ave, Rialto, CA 92376

On August 7, 1924, Juanita was born in North Carolina She was married to Mr James Clarence Estes on June 4, 1943 For over 50 years, Juanita worked as a housekeeper in many homes She enjoyed crafting, and belonged to Eastern Star and White Shrine for several years

Juanita is preceded in death by her husband, James Clarence Estes She is survived by her two daughters, Sharon Stark and Marie Stacey, four grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, and 13 greatgreat- grandchildren

After the graveside service, there will be a Celebration of Life for Ms Juanita The celebration will be held at the Women's Club of Rialto, at 219 Riverside Ave , Rialto, CA

Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at www greenacresmortuary com for the Estes family

Project Name: Funding for a New Master of Science in Physician Assistant (MSPA) Program

Project Requestor: California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB)

Amount Secured: $2,000,000

Summary: The funding will provide medical equipment to CSUSB’s new Master of Science in Physician Assistant Program and assist in the renovation of a facility for teaching and training students

Project Name: Lake Rialto Habitat Management and Community Open Space Project

Project Requestor: City of Rialto

Amount Secured: $2,000,000

Summary: The funding will promote clean air and a healthier, more sustainable community in the city of Rialto while increasing access to nature for residents

Project Name: Cucamonga Canyon Trailhead at Morgan Ranch, Rancho Cucamonga

Project Requestor: City of Ranch Cucamonga Amount Secured: $1,000,000

Summary: The funding will create a trailhead to protect the natural resources of Cucamonga Canyon, enhance public access to the area and protect the safety of visitors and residents

Project Name: Reche Canyon Rd Realignment to Hunts Lane

Project Requestor: City of Colton

Amount Secured: $4,166,000

Summary: The funding will support a muchneeded infrastructure project to relieve congestion at the intersection of Hunts Lane and Washington Street and Reche Canyon Road and Washington Street in the City of Colton

Project Name: Restoration of San Bernardino’s Historic Roosevelt Bowl

Project Requestor: City of San Bernardino Amount Secured: $1,400,000

Summary: The funding will renovate and reopen the New Deal-era outdoor performance venue The Roosevelt Bowl is an important economic catalyst for the city of San Bernardino

Project Name: Clean Energy Hybrid and Electric Vehicle (EV) Technician Program

Project Requestor: San Bernardino Valley College Foundation

Amount Secured: $1,500,000

Summary: This funding will purchase heavyduty, zero-emission trucks and charging stations that will be used by San Bernardino Valley College students training for careers in the jobs of the future

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • January 05, 2022 • Page A3
h e
E H P t e a m h e l p s b r e a k m e n t a l
a l t h s t i g m a , o n e n e w m o m
Juanita Blanche Estes, 98, was living in San Ber nardino, when she passed away December 21
Rep. Aguilar secur es mor e than $30 million f or local pr ojects in 2023 gover nment funding Packa ge
Community News



C a d e n C e n t e r

and pr edicting the final week of the NFL r egular season

Week18 For some teams, the week will mean go big or go home

For others jockeying for better seeding, it’ll determine what their path is to the Super Bowl

There are a lot of crucial matchups involving playoff-hopeful teams that are sure to bring plenty of drama, and a breakdown of each possible scenario is needed

Let’s start with the NFC We’ll start at the top where four teams still have a shot at the #1 overall seed and the coveted first round bye

The simplest solution to this matter is simple; the Eagles finally get their clinching win and eliminate any other scenario

However, if they lose, the door is open for the Cowboys, 49ers, and Vikings

If all three of these teams were to win and everybody ends up at 13-4, the 49ers would own the tiebreaker and become the #1 overall seed

However, if they lose, the door opens up for the Vikings

If they also then lose, the Cowboys winning would get them not only the

NFC East division crown, but also the #1 overall seed, sending the Eagles all the way down to the 5 seed and on the road for the first round of the playoffs

We then look down the playoff picture and see the Giants at the 6 seed, locked to their place, which brings up the 7 seed which is a 3 team race between the Packers, Lions, and Seahawks

Similar to the Eagles, if the Packers win next week against Detroit, they are in and there’s nothing else to it

However, if the Lions beat the Packers, the Packers are eliminated Then, combining that Lions win with a Seahawks loss, would mean the Lions are in

Add the Lions win with a Seahawks win, however, and the Seahawks get the final spot

Expect the Packers-Lions game to be Sunday afternoon or night in order to add to the suspense even more

How I predict the NFC playoff bracket will look like in seeding order is: 49ers, Cowboys, Vikings, Buccaneers, Eagles, Giants, Packers:

Moving on to the AFC, where’s there’s also traffic at the #1 spot

At the time I’m writing this article, the Bills and Bengals have not yet played their Week 17 Monday night game:

However, no matter the result of that game, the Bills only need to finish with the same record as the Chiefs or better to become the #1 seed, as they own the tiebreaker

If the Bengals lose to the Bills, their 1 seed hopes are dead

However, if they win, they’d need another win in Week 18, as well as for the Chiefs to lose in Vegas, to secure the spot Those are the only 3 teams in play for the #1 spot

Moving down to the battle for the #4 seed and the AFC South, the Titans and Jaguars will face off in basically a playin game

Whoever wins goes to the playoffs and whoever loses is out, very similar to the Chargers vs Raiders Sunday night clash last year

In the event of an unlikely tie in that game, the Jaguars would go through

As for the 5 seed, the Chargers can clinch that with a win in their week 18 game

If they lose, however, the Ravens can snatch it with a win in their game

This 5 seed is crucial, as whoever earns it will most likely be favored to beat the winner of Jags vs Titans

Now, let’s talk about the 7 seed, which

is down to the Patriots, Dolphins, and Steelers, and the Jaguars if they do not secure the division title

The Patriots can end the chaos with a win against the Bills, but given the circumstances, that seems unlikely, so let’s once again address the other scenarios

The first team to have dibs on #7 if the Patriots lose is the Dolphins, who can clinch with a win

If they both lose, the Steelers are up next, and a win would put them in Lastly, if the Jags lose vs the Titans, losses from all the aforementioned teams would miraculously get them through

How I predict the AFC playoff bracket will look like in seeding order is: Chiefs, Bengals, Bills, Jaguars, Chargers, Ravens, Steelers

This week 18 is sure to be full of games to remember, and fans across the nation will surely grow some grey hairs watching their team play for possibly the last time this season

I’ll be back next week after all the chaos with my full playoff preview and my predictions

Page A4 • January 05, 2022 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

Surrounded by family, friends, and supporters, County Supervisor Jesse Armendarez today took the oath of office in advance of assuming the Second District seat on the Board of Supervisors at noon on Monday, Jan 2

“The platform I ran on to help those of you who can’t help yourself, help those of you who are struggling to have a fair wage, to have mental health, these are promises that I have not forgotten These are things that I plan on moving forward with, with dedication and passion,” Armendarez said shortly after being administered the oath by San Bernardino County District Attorney Jason Anderson

Armendarez was also honored by Congresswoman Norma Torres and blessed by Pastor Dan Carrol of Water of Life Community Church in Fontana, where Armendarez worships

“I thank God for giving me the strength, endurance, passion, and desire to move forward and serve my public and for allowing me to be a public servant,” Armendarez said

Supervisor Armendarez’s sons Christian, 13, and Nicholas, 6, assisted in their father ’s ascension to County office by summoning the Sheriff ’s Honor Guard to present The Colors and leading the Pledge of Allegiance

“To all of the residents, I want you to know that my accountability, my transparency, and my accessibility were not just words I used on the campaign trail They are words that I fundamentally believe,” Armendarez said

Board members said they are eager to begin serving with Armendarez

“I am looking forward to serving alongside Jesse Armendarez,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman Curt Hagman, who presided over today’s Oath of Office ceremony “He will bring a fresh perspective to the Board

of Supervisors and a strong work ethic to the Second District Jesse has demonstrated strong leadership in service to residents and I am confident that his experience, skills, and background will make the County even stronger ”

“I want to congratulate Jesse and welcome him to the Board of Supervisors,” said Board of Supervisors Vice Chair Dawn Rowe “I’m confident his background as a local leader will enable him to jump right in and help tackle the many challenges we have ahead I look forward to working with him to represent our San Bernardino County residents and businesses ”

“Since he first announced, I’ve known that Jesse will be an outstanding Second District supervisor,” said Col Paul Cook (Ret ), First District Supervisor “I congratulate him on his swearing-in and look forward to working with him to accomplish great things for the residents of our county ”

“I want to congratulate Jesse Armendarez and wish him the best as he begins his new journey as San Bernardino County’s Second District Supervisor,” said Fifth District Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr , who provided the invocation for today’s Oath of Office ceremony “I look forward to working collaboratively and effectively with him as we put the concerns of our county residents first Supervisor Armendarez will bring in business experience that will help make our county prosper ”

“I look forward to serving with my colleagues,” Armendarez said “I think we can do amazing things here You are going to find that I am a person who will work with you in every way I can to ensure we represent this county in the best way possible ”

Supervisor Jesse Armendarez officially assumes the office on the Board of Supervisors at noon on January 2, 2023

Community News

On December 23, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom announced the appointments of Rasheed Alexander, Jeffrey Erickson, Marie Moreno Myers, and Stephanie Tanada to judgeships in the San Bernardino Superior Court (SBSC)

These appointments serve to fill critical judicial vacancies within the SBSC, which currently has one of the highest vacancy rates in the State, with13 judicial vacancies

The Governor ’s Office released the following statements:

Rasheed Alexander, of Riverside County, has been appointed to serve as a Judge in the San Bernardino County Superior Court Alexander has served as Assistant Public Defender at the San Bernardino County Public Defender ’s Office since 2021, where he has served in several positions since 2017 He served as a Deputy Public Defender at the Orange County Public Defender ’s Office from 2001 to 2006 Alexander earned a Juris Doctor degree from the Western State College of Law

He fills the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Ronald M Christianson

Jeffrey Erickson, of San Bernardino County, has been appointed to serve as a Judge in the San Bernardino County Superior Court

Erickson has been a Partner at Raynes Erickson since 2012 He was a Partner at LaFollette Johnson, DeHaas, Fesler and Ames from 2000 to 2012 and an Associate there from 1990 to 2000

Erickson was an Associate at Bonne, Jones, Bridges et al from 1988 to 1990 He earned a Juris Doctor degree from Southwestern Law School He fills the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Christopher B Marshall

Marie Moreno Myers, of San Bernardino County, has been appointed to serve as a Judge in the San Bernardino County Superior Court

Moreno Myers has been a Sole Practitioner since 2010 She was an Associate at the Law Office of Swanson and Myers from 2004 to 2010

Moreno Myers earned a Juris Doctor degree from California Southern Law School She fills the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge David A Williams

Stephanie Tanada, of San Bernardino County, has been appointed to serve as a Judge in the San Bernardino County Superior Court Tanada has served as a Research Attorney for the Orange County Superior Court since 2022

She was an Associate at Jackson Lewis PC from 2020 to 2022 She was a Partner at Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP from 2018 to 2020 and an Associate there from 2008 to 2018

Tanada earned a Juris Doctor degree from the Florida State University College of Law

She fills the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge Stanford E Reichert

In addition to a high judicial vacancy rate, San Bernardino Superior Court has the highest judicial need in the State of California, with an overall need of 31 additional judicial officers

Fulfilling existing vacancies and creating additional judgeships remain critical to ensuring essential court services are delivered efficiently and timely

Presiding Judge R Glenn Yabuno said of the appointments, “We continue to have a critical need for judges and are very pleased with the Governor ’s appointments We thank Governor Newsom and Judicial Appointments Secretary Luis Céspedes, and we look forward to working with the newest members of our Bench ”

For media-related inquiries, please contact Julie Van Hook, Communications and Public Affairs Officer, via email Courts-PIO@sb-court org

Page A8 • January 05, 2022 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers J e s s e A r m e n d a r e z t a k e s o a t h t o s e r v e a s S e c o n d D i s t r i c t S u p e r v i s o r
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o u r n e w j u d g e s
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n a
PHOTO SUSAN LONGVILLE Susan Longville raising her right hand on December 6, 2022, as directed by San Bernardino Valley General Manager/CEO Heather Dyer Community News
Susan Longville, Dir ector, Division 3 takes Oath of Of fice f or San Ber nardino Valley Municipal Water District

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