L T O N C O U R I E R WWe e eekkllyy
w w w i e c n c o m
Future of transit gets major boost with presentation of $86.75M in funding for West Valley Connector
College Cor ps cohosts vir tual briefing, highlights how it helps students find their pur pose and combat depression
Community News
California University of S c i e n c e a n d M e d i c i n e ’s ( C U S M ) second MD class of 80 students t o d a y p a r t i c i p a t e d i n t h e national Match Day event All CUSM students matched into residency programs across the country, with 26 performing
their residency in the Inland E m p i r e a n d 5 4 r e m a i n i n g throughout California Match Day is the culmination of the N a t i o n a l R e s i d e n c e M a t c h Program, in which all graduating MDs seek residency or fellowship positions in their chosen specialty
At the same time across the
country (9 a m Pacific Time, Friday, March 17, 2023), graduating medical students open their envelopes, learning where they will spend the next three to seven years of their lives
“Match Day is the culmination of years of study, clinical p r a c t i c e , a n d e x a m i n a t i o n s , ” said Paul Lyons, MD, CUSM
Dean and President “It is an end and beginning as our students enter the next phase of t h e i r p r o f e s s i o n a l c a r e e r a s healthcare providers ” Students and their families w e r e i n v i t e d t o t h e C U S M campus to share in the occa-
S B V C c e l e b r a t e s t h e l e g a c y o f M a r t a M a c i a s B r o w n v i a s c h o l a r s h i p s , h o n o r s h e r c o m m i t m e n t t o e d u c a t i o n
By Manny Sandoval
San Bernardino Valley
C o l l e g e ( S B V C ) r e c e n t l y c e l e b r a t e d the legacy of Marta Macias Brown, a graduate of the college and an advocate for civil rights and social justice
The event, which took place on March 16, was aimed at benefiting student scholarships, and it brought together several prominent speakers, i n c l u d i n g M a r t a ' s s i s t e r
M a r t a w a s o n e o f t h e founders of UMAS (United M e x i c a n A m e r i c a n Students), the precursor to MEChA while studying at Cal State San Bernardino
She worked with the United F a r m e r Wo r k e r s t o b r i n g Cesar Chavez to the area and was also one of the founders a n d e a r l y e d i t o r s o f E l
Chicano Newspaper
I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s
O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : s a l e s @ i e c n c o m L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ h o t m a i l c o m
I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : s a l e s @ i e c n c o m L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ h o t m a i l c o m
G l o r i a M a c i a s H a r r i s o n , Congressman Mark Takano, Robert Armenta, Marta's son
Miguel McQueen, and Hans Johnson All of them shared their reflections on Marta's life and the positive impact she left on the community
She worked in the office of C o n g r e s s m a n G e o rg e E Brown, whom she later married, and shared his work She was a mother, sister, and friend
Takano, who was the first person to call for Marta's endorsement in 2012, said, "I
e c o n d c l a s s o f g r a d u a t e s Marta cont next pg
M a r c h 2 3 , 2 0 2 3 Vo l 1 5 1 , N O 1 1 C O
C o l t o n ’ s C a l i f o r n i a U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e a n d M e d i c i n e c e l e b r a t e s M a t c h D a y f o r i t s s
SBVC Chancellor Diana Rodriguez, Educator and Former Politician Dr Judith Valles and IECN Publisher Gloria Macias Harrison sharing a moment at the event
Grad cont next pg
P g. 5 g 5
sion Following the envelope opening, students were invited to share their match with their fellow students and place their picture on a map of the US indicating their residency location
“We are thrilled to see many of our students stay in the local region,” said Dr Lyons “Our mission is to support health equity in the Inland Empire It has a long-term and immeasurable impact on our communities when our graduating physicians choose to stay in the communities in which they were raised and educated ”
“Match Day is not only a highlight for our students and their
families, but for our faculty and administrative staff, as well,” said Dr Pete Eveland, CUSM Executive Vice Dean “As a small university focused solely on Health Sciences, our entire community is invested in the long-term success of our students ”
CUSM Match Day 2023
• 100 percent match rate
• 54 medical students performing residency throughout California
• 26 medical students performing residency in the Inland Empire of Southern California, where CUSM is based
Pilot Travel Center in Colton, Calif or nia Celebrates Remodel as Par t of $1 Billion ‘New Horizons’ Initiative
Community News
The Pilot travel center in Colton, CA is ready to welcome travelers with a fully refreshed look and new amenities The renovations are part of Pilot Company’s nationwide initiative, called New Horizons, to invest $1 billion in remodeling its stores to upgrade the experience for team members and guests, and prepare for the future of travel Additionally, Pilot Company is donating $10,000 to the local school district as part of its commitment to giving back
As part of the store’s complete overhaul from curb to counter, the Pilot travel center located at 2300 E Steel Road features:
• Remodeled and expanded restrooms and showers to improve the guest experience
• New kitchen to serve guests their favorite food items
• Newly added deli with grab-and-go options for madein-house pizza, burgers, homestyle meals, salads, sandwiches, soup and hot and cold snacks
• Expanded beverage selection
• Wendy’s remodel
• Four new self-checkouts for a quicker shopping experience
• New breakroom for a better team member experience
• Refreshed public laundry facility
“We are excited to showcase our newly updated travel center with the Colton community and the travelers we serve every day,” said Allison Cornish, VP of Store Modernization at Pilot Company “We continue to listen to our guest’s feedback and strive to make their travel experiences easier and more enjoyable ”
The New Horizons initiative is a three-year project to fully remodel more than 400 Pilot and Flying J travel centers and marks the company’s most significant investment in store modernization to date In honor of this initiative and the company’s long history of giving back to its local communities, Pilot Company is donating $10,000 to
To celebrate the newly completed remodel, Pilot Company is offering a 25% discount on food and beverage at the Pilot travel center in Colton through March 26, 2023
To receive the one-time-use offer, enter promo code “PFJMarch” in the myRewards Plus app and present your myRewards card, barcode in the myRewards Plus app, or phone number associated with your myRewards account at the time of purchase *
Marta have to say she was a fixture in Congressman George's office "
Armenta, who worked with Marta at Casa Ramona Baird, said, "She was a trustworthy confidant for political chisme It truly was during these years that I learned the importance of community service "
McQueen, Marta's son, spoke on behalf of the family, thanking everyone for coming to honor his mother He said, "We all knew my mom, and she was
somewhat of the glue to my family She was always quiet and unassuming I have a lot of pride in the person that she was I tell my kids that they come from a family rooted in public service, and I'm proud of that legacy "
Macias Harrison talked about Marta's love for education and her determination to make a difference She said, "We loved education and enjoyed learning because it was very different from our home life Our father was a tough guy, but he made sure that we always had books and read the newspaper as kids,
which strengthened our love of learning Marta greatly believed in scholarships and felt that scholarships are what allowed her to finish college and make the life that she created ”
Throughout the event, Marta's remarkable spirit and impact on the community were celebrated She fought for environmental justice, education, and equality, and her contributions to the community will always be remembered
For more information on SBVC scholarships, visit valleycollege edu/scholarships/
Page A2 • March 23, 2023 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers • Colton Courier
Senior Director of Marketing Angel Rodriguez Harrison and SBCCD Executive Vice Chancellor Jose Torres at the scholarship event on March 16th
S u b m i t y o u r p h o t o s f o r p u b l i c a t i o np r e s s r e l e a s e s , s p o r t s , b i r t h d a y s , a n n i v e r s a r i e s , e v e n t s , e t c . t o i e c n 1 @ m a c . c o m
At the event, Harrison (left) said she misses her sister Marta Macias Brown (right) dearly; and especially misses hearing her political chisme and that at times she feels she no longer has anyone to share it with
Community News
Following an illustrious career of public service and leadership, Chief Communications and Community Engagement Officer Ginger Ontiveros announced her retirement from the San Bernardino City Unified School District effective March 31
Ontiveros, who started with SBCUSD more than six years ago, has served on the Superintendent’s Executive Cabinet since she was hired During her career as Executive Director of the Making Hope Happen Foundation, Ginger was instrumental in advancing the work of the thriving non-profit organization dedicated to sharing opportunities, resources, and hope with the students of San Bernardino City Unified To date, Ginger is credited with aggressively pursuing a variety of financial resources, bringing millions of dollars in public and
private grant funding to SBCUSD More recently, Ginger supervised the daily operations of the District’s Communications and Community Engagement Departments, leading her team to earn statewide recognition earlier this month by bringing home a prestigious Excellence in Communications Award from CalSPRA for the District’s Welcome to My Kindergarten Family marketing campaign The award recognizes superior achievement in meeting strategic goals through high-quality communications and public relations initiatives
“Ginger not only has years of outstanding service to the San Bernardino and Highland community, but she has also provided strategic leadership through the early days of our Making Hope Happen Foundation and she has a proven track record of providing valuable counsel to the Board of Educa-
tion and Cabinet,” said Board of Education President Dr Scott Wyatt “I want to publicly thank Ginger for her service and dedication to serving our students and helping grow our Making Hope Happen Foundation ”
A resident of the High Desert, Ginger is a graduate of California State University, San Bernardino with a Bachelor ’s Degree in Communication/Public Relations and earned her Master of Science in Organizational Leadership from Regis University A product of the Community College system, Ginger was previously inducted into the Victor Valley College Alumni Hall of Fame to honor her legacy of leadership for the High Desert region
“Those of us who know Ginger personally admire her not only for her fundraising efforts, but also for the amazing person that
Employment Opportunities
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she is,” Wyatt said “We wish her well and we’re confident the community will continue to benefit from her valued leadership ”
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Meet your Cinder ella: Princeton
By Caden Henderson
Princeton, a school known for its top flight academics is somehow in the sweet 16 of this years March Madness tournament
Now that we know the slipper fits, let’s look at the team and see if they have a chance at dancing even farther past midnight
Princeton finished second in the Ivy League before winning the conference tournament and securing the leagues automatic bid
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Coming into their first game vs 2 seeded Arizona, little was expected
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Through their elite defense that held the Wildcats to just 55 points they were able to earn themselves a birth to the round of 32 where they would face a team out of another power conference in Missouri
Princeton showed the world not only can they win a grind it out defensive game, they can also win with offense
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Led by a 22 point standout performance by guard Ryan Langborg, the boys from Princeton shocked the world again and survived the first weekend in a very 2022 St Peter ’s like way Princeton will now get set to face 9 seed Florida Atlantic in the sweet 16, avoiding one seed Purdue who lost to a one game 16 seed Cinderella, FDU, in the first round
FAU is by no means unbeatable and if Princeton wins they will have a chance at immortality as they would most likely face the #1 overall seed Alabama with a spot in the final four on the land Princeton is proving to be as outstanding on the court as they are in the classroom Will the ball continue this weekend, or will it be time to go home? We’ll have see what the Tigers can do this weekend
Inland Empire Community Newspapers • March 23, 2023 • Page A3 Ginger Ontiver os Retir es fr om SBCUSD
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In today’s volatile economic climate, Wells Fargo says IE r esidents can do “this” to wor k towards financial confidence
By Manny Sandoval
In today's uncertain economic climate, it's more important than ever to have a solid financial plan
Wells Fargo can help with a wide range of products and services to meet anyone's banking needs, including checking and high-yield savings accounts, advice and guidance around credit, and more
According to Natasha Mata, region bank director of the Inland Empire, "We focus our attention on what each customer's individual needs are
Our economists predict a modest recession and in today's environment, many customers are coming to us for advice " This is why Wells Fargo is committed to tailoring conver-
sations and providing personalized solutions to help its clients achieve savings goals
With 107 branches across the Inland Empire, Wells Fargo is easily accessible and you do not need an appointment; if a banker is not available, managers are always on hand to assist
But where should you start?
"Write down your budget and understand where your money is going," Mata advises
"Putting it on paper allows you to see in black and white where you are in your finances " From there, you can prioritize your expenses and give every dollar a job
Visit iecn com to read more
Rep. Aguilar Announces $1.5 Million f or the Clean Energ y Hybrid and Electric Vehicle (EV) Technician Pr og ram in San Ber nardino Valley College
Community News
Rep Pete Aguilar announced $1,500,000 for the Clean Energy Hybrid and Electric Vehicle (EV) Technician Program in San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC) This funding will be used to purchase heavyduty zero-emission trucks and charging stations for students to train and work on
“The work being done in the clean vehicle technology program at Valley College is going to help improve our air quality and move our region, our state and our country towards a clean energy future,” said Rep Pete Aguilar “This funding is helping prepare our students for good-paying jobs right here in the Inland Empire I will continue working closely with San Bernardino Valley College to create good-paying career opportunities for our residents ”
“Thanks to Congressman Aguilar ’s support, San Bernardino Valley College is leading the way in preparing students for the green jobs of the future,” said San Bernardino Community College District
Chancellor Diana Z Rodriguez “The Inland Empire is increasingly at the crossroads of the supply chain industry, and with this federal investment, our graduates will continue at the forefront, ensuring that we have clean vehicles on our roads to help protect the air we breathe ”
“As we move towards a cleaner, greener future, it is vital that we invest in our local workforce and provide them with the training necessary to succeed in this rapidly evolving field,” said San Bernardino Valley College Interim President Linda Fontanilla “We appreciate Congressman Aguilar ’s leadership in bringing back dollars to create more local opportunities for our students and their families ”
Page A4 • March 23, 2023 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers
Natasha Mata region bank director of the Inland Empire encourages residents in the region to stop by their local Wells Fargo branch to discuss goals and a strategy with a personal banker for free
Celebrating Cesar Chavez
By Manny Sandoval
On March 13th, College Corps co-hosted a virtual zoom briefing with California Black Media to discuss the College Corps program and its transformative experience for students
The program, which consists of 70 percent of Pell Grant recipients, has proven to be a powerful motivator for students, particularly at a time when they report rising rates of depression and anxiety, as well as financial stress and uncertainty
Emilio Ruiz, a participant and College Corps site host, shared his experience with the program, saying, "I get to see small parts of myself in the children that I work with every week This program helped me not have to worry about finances while I was in college which gave me more time to focus on my studies; for that, I am grateful ”
The program addresses the challenges faced by college students, particularly those coming out of the pandemic
Community Host Partner and CEO of Project Optimism, Ishmael Pruitt, stated, "This program can really give those that need it the most the opportunity to stand out from their peers
The program helps students build infrastructure by being intentional about supporting them ”
Beth Manke, a representative from Cal State San Bernardino (CSUSB), shared the success of the College Corps program, stating, "Our students are telling us that they're getting a chance to understand their role in the
b i t u a r y
Joseph “Yo-Yo” Renee Ber ver
community and understanding their own self-strengths and weaknesses "
College Corps is the first-of-its-kind state service and career development program that provides students with financial support and professional experience while engaging in meaningful community action around education, climate, and food insecurity The program is currently being implemented in 45 partner campuses across the state of California
As the pandemic disrupted the lives of everyone, College Corps aims to provide opportunities for students to apply their course knowledge to realworld experiences, acquire work-related skills, and understand their role in the community The program also helps students find their purpose and turn to their site host for guidance
The program's virtual briefing was a great way for media partners to learn about the transformative experiences of students and the organizations where they work College Corps is hopeful that the program will continue to be successful in helping students find their purpose and become valuable members of their communities
College Corps is available on the campuses of San Bernardino Valley College and CSUSB
For more information on SBVC’s College Corps, visit sbccd edu/college-corps/index php
For more information on CSUSB’s College Corps, visit csusb edu/csusbcollege-corps
Community News
The highly-anticipated West Valley Connector moved one step closer Monday with formal presentation of $86 75 million in funding for the 100% zero-emission Bus Rapid Transit system that will link Ontario International Airport, two Metrolink lines and multiple activity centers from Pomona to Rancho Cucamonga
Representatives from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) joined the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA), Omnitrans and local and regional leaders during a presentation ceremony at the Santa Fe Depot The $86 75 million in funding was awarded through FTA’s Capital Investment Grants (CIG) Small Starts program and will cover roughly one-third of the Connector ’s estimated $262 67 million Phase One capital cost
We are sad to announce the passing of Joseph “Yo-Yo”
Renee Berver of Colton, CA
He died on 2/22/23, at home at the age of 58
Joe was born on 11/14/1965 to Erlinda Villalobos & Joe Berver in San Bernardino County Joe worked at a truck stop His hobbies were riding and collecting low rider bikes and cars His activities consisted of daily runs and working out
Joe was preceded in death by his mother, father, brothers
Ronnie, Dennis and Beto Berver, nephew Dennis Berver and niece Patty Ana Berver
He is survived by brothers Robert, Anthony and Jose Berver, sister Pam Berver of Colton, CA, daughter Mandy Berver and son Joseph Berver, along with many loving family members
Services will be held on March, 29, 2023 at 11:30am at San Salvador Church located at 178 W K St, Colton, CA 92324
The 19-mile Bus Rapid Transit system is a critical piece in San Bernardino County’s emergence as a modern, sustainable transit hub in one of the country’s most dynamic population and economic centers The Bus Rapid Transit system will feature 40-foot zero-emission buses and 21 new commuter stations stations, connecting key locations across Western San Bernardino County as part of Omnitrans’ sbX BRT service
Other projects underway or in various planning stages include the Redlands Passenger Rail/Arrow System, which eventually will feature the first hydrogen-powered zero-emission passenger train in North America; a planned high-speed rail line from Las Vegas to the Rancho Cucamonga Metrolink station and a proposed tunnel connecting Metrolink to ONT
“Thanks to the West Valley Connector, people
who live and work in San Bernadino County will have a faster, more affordable travel option to get to jobs, schools, and visit friends and family,” said FTA Administrator Nuria Fernandez
The funding award clears the way for construction of the highly-anticipated system to begin later this year Phase One of the project will include an upgrade of a portion of existing Route 61, which runs along Holt Boulevard, adding approximately 3 5 miles of a center-running dedicated bus-only lanes
“We’re so grateful to FTA, the Department of Transportation and U S Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg for their ongoing support of the West Valley Connector and the work we’re doing to build one of the most modern, efficient and innovative transit corridors in the United States,” said Art Bishop, President of the SBCTA Board of Directors
“Without this infrastructure support from FTA and the Department of Transportation, it would not be possible to conceive and implement transformational partnerships and projects like West Valley Connector to build the future of San Bernardino County,” said Omnitrans Board of Directors Chair John Dutrey
Said Alan D Wapner, President of the Ontario International Airport Authority Board of Commissioners, “The support we’re getting for these projects validates the critically important role the Inland Empire and Ontario International Airport play in creating opportunities and a better future for ourselves, Southern California, the state and our nation,”
For more details on the West Valley Connector project itself, please visit: goSBCTA com/WestValleyConnector
Inland Empire Community Newspapers • March 23, 2023 • Page A5
College Cor ps co-hosts vir tual briefing, highlights how it helps students find their pur pose and combat depr ession
PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL CSUSB and SBVC are two of 45 partner campuses to participate in the statewide Californians For All College Corps program that combines academic and hands-on work experience
e of transit gets major boost with pr esentation of $86.75M in funding f or West Valley Connector
Transforming lives through education
“You are never strong enough that you don’t need help.”
- Cesar Chavez
Follow us @SBCountySchools
Friday, March 31, 2023
Page A8 • March 23, 2023 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers