Colton Courier 04 15 21

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Vol 149, NO. 1 8

Apr il 15, 2021

Leno's Rico Taco celebrates 30 years By Dr. G (Luis S. González)

County residents can apply for emergency rent relief Pg. 3


hen we think about the meaning of the phrase “long-standing,” we don’t have to go far to find the well-known food establishment, Leno’s Rico Taco, setting the pace. For 30 years, Leno’s Rico Taco (Leno’s) has been a main-stay on Valley Blvd. for over a generation, and continues to draw new customers with its long established philosophy of good food, good customer service, and fair pricing. “We haven’t had a price increase in four years,” exclaimed owner Leno Moreno. When asked about some additional milestones over the years, Leno responded, “probably the groundbreaking of the remodeling project on March 2017.” He continued, “Other than that, we’ve been remodeling since the day we moved in.” Leno’s, cont. on next pg.



Leno's Rico Taco owners Leno and Liz Moreno celebrate 30 successful years of doing business in Colton.

Remembering Lawr ence “The Compa” Nieves, Jr. on the fir st anniver sar y of eter nal life Community News

Va l l e y D i s t r i c t par ticipates in ne w wa te r, wast ewat er car eer pathways i niti at ive Pg.8

H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om


awrence C. Nieves, Jr. “The COMPA,” age 67, passed away peacefully on Thursday, April 16, 2020 at home surrounded by his family. Through his long journey of battling cancer, he has entered eternal life. He is now pain free and resting with his parents Lawrence and Lillie Nieves Sr., and sister Stella. Lifelong resident of South Colton raised on N St., the eldest brother of siblings Ronnie Nieves, Linda Luna and Arlene Estrada. As a young child Lawrence played baseball with Colton Moose Little League. He was an outstanding ball player and made many friends. Friendships of a lifetime to the day of his death. He attended Wilson Elementary, Colton Junior High and Colton High School Graduating Class of 1970. Lawrence was also a mem-

ber of the Little Mexico Car Club as of 1969. Lawrence is survived by the love of his life Lucy Nieves married for 47 years and they live in Colton and established a family. Their children are Michael Cruz, Yvonne Lopez, Francine Nieves and Lawrence Nieves (L.J.) Also survived by his 9 Grandchildren and 5 great Lawrence, cont. on next pg.

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