Jul y 14 , 2022
Vol 150 , NO. 30
CJUSD reaches $44.5 million agreement with developer to relocate Zimmer man Elementar y
By Manny Sandoval
named developer Howard Industrial Partners and Colton Joint Unified School District (CJUSD) reached a $44.5 million agreement to relocate Zimmerman Elementary School after the proposed warehouse project was planned to border the south and west of campus.
“The agreement between the district and developer to protect students and staff from harsh environmental impacts was achieved on June 30th. But, the agreement’s main provisions will only go into effect if the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors approves the Bloomington Business Park project,” said CJUSD Communications Director Katie Orloff.
Humane Society of San
Ber nardino
Va l l e y r a s i e s
$ 2 2 K a t To p G o l f fundraiser
Pg. 3
Katie OrlOff
Should the agreement go as planned, Zimmerman will remain in operation at its current site until the new school is complete in order to avoid disruption of its learning environment.
tips to plan a backyard
staycation this summer
Pg. 8 Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898
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CJUSD, cont. on next pg.
S o u t h C o l t o n C i t y Ta l k i n f o r m s t h e c o m m u n i t y
By Dr. G, Community Writer
Eight feasible
According to project documents, the Bloomington Business Park Project is slated
“En Espanol”
or over eight years Dr. G, city council member and well-known community advocate has been reaching out to the residents in a variety of ways, including his popular City Talk neighborhood meetings. Last Saturday was a great way to provide in–person “office hours,” especially designed for those who live in South Colton.
In 2019, when Dr. G retired from his teaching position, he set out to inform the Spanishspeaking residents, mostly in South Colton, about the happenings at city hall and throughout the community. Those first meetings were a challenge, not only because this concept was new to the commuCity Talk, cont. on next pg.
PHOTO Dr. G Colton Community Members Millie Herrera, Raquel Osnaya, Dr. G, Raquel Delgado, and Lupe Magdaleno.