Colton Courier 07/21/22

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Jul y 21 , 2022

Vol 150, NO. 31

S a n B e r n a r d i n o C o u n t y Wo r k f o r c e D e v e l o p m e n t ’ s


monthl y Hiring Event is August 4th

By Manny Sandoval

CJUSD students go back to school on August 3rd

ndeed, some of the Inland Empire’s most prominent employers, such as the City of San Bernardino, Rialto PostAcute Center, United Staffing Associates, and Pacific Dermatology Center, are scheduled to attend San Bernardino County’s Hiring Event on August 4th.

Many of the 15+ employers (some of which are second-chance employers) will be conducting on-site interviews and making job offers, so attendees must come prepared with a resume in hand.

For those who do not have access to a computer, County residents are welcome to print and even create a resume on-site on the day of the event. The Hiring Event is held

the first Thursday of every month at America’s Job Center of California, located at the Inland Center Mall, at 500 Inland Center Drive, Space 508, San Bernardino.

For those eager to ace their interview(s), the department also hosts zoom conference call resume-building workshops, interview skills, and social media best practices.

Again, the department has them available on-site for those who do not have access to a computer or wifi; a walk-in appointment will be required.

To register for the hiring event, visit

For more information, e m a i l carmela.giliberto@wdd.sbc photo MANNY SANDOVAL Since 2021, the County’s Workforce Development Department has been operating at the Inland Center Mall in a completely redesigned building, tailored for the success of the community.

Soverign Grace Ministries makes a huge impact in Colton

San Ber nardino Symphony Orchestra has elected for mer M a yo r J u d i t h Va l l e s a s i t s new president Pg. 3


Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898

Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om


By Dr. G, community Writer

ne of the most energized churches in our community is the Sovereign Grace Impact Ministries led by Pastors Reuben and Alice Cimental.

This upstart church is celebrating its four-year anniversary and is quickly seeing its congregation grow mostly due to its two main approaches; sharing the gospel, and taking the gospel to the people...where they are.

Their entire ministry is an outreach. In terms of its delivery, Sovereign Grace has developed an impressive series of weekly activities that just about meets the spiritual needs of anyone who attends one of their services. It

doesn’t matter whether you are looking to know more about Jesus Christ or looking to be part of a community of believers who love and support each other, this church just might be the place for you.

For starters, their Sunday service starts at 10:30am at the Hutton Center which features worship, Bible study, Bible message and corporate prayer. Every morning on Mon-Fri at 9:00am the faithful followers meet up at Chavez Park for prayer and Bible study. The men’s group is called the “Round Table,” while the women’s groups is called the “Battlefield.” Friday evenings is a corporate prayer

photo Dr. G Soverign Grace cont. next pg. (Left to right): pastor Reuben Cimental, pastor Alice Cimental, Dr. G,

Council Member and Community Advocate.

a s r

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