August 4, 2022
Vol 150 , NO. 33
Colton America Soccer Club wins big at the National Cup Finals in Colorado By Manny Sandoval
n July 21st, the Colton America Soccer Club (CASC) took home the gold in Colorado, when they faced the number three ranked team in California. “CASC was ranked number 17 in California and 343rd in the nation. So for them to come out on top is a pretty big deal,” said CASC Marketing Specialist and Parent Danny Garcia. The team eliminated the number one ranked teams from Florida, Texas, Minnesota, and Hawaii.
Tw e nt y t h r e e I E seniors graduate from Redlands Emergency Ser vices Academy Pg. 8
Prior to the finals, the CASC competed in the Southwest Regionals in Oceanside, where they defeated Albion. “We’re proud of the team. Six of the atheletes actually got selected to try out for the Olympic Development Program in Ventura County,” concluded Garcia.
The Colton America Soccer Club celebrating thier win at the XXII National Cup Finals on July 21st, in Denver, CO.
G r a n t E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l Te a c h e r A n g e l a K e i e r l e b e r honored as Extraordinar y Educator By Manny Sandoval
Dignity Health gave away 10,000 diapers to under ser ved communities in SB County on Ju l y 26 th
H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Office: (909) 381-9898 Editorial: Advertising: Legals :
he Colton Joint Unified School District (CJUSD) and Grant Elementary School is celebrating Third Grade Teacher Angela Keierleber for being honored by i-Ready as an Extraordinary Educator. Truly, this feat is no surprise for Keierleber as she has been with the district for over 25 years and has devoted much of her time to helping prepare students for long-term success. “When I was in elementary school, my family moved a lot, and I attended around 11 elementary schools. During that time, school was where I felt most comfortable and happy. So as I grew up, I wanted to pay it forward and CJUSD, cont. next pg.
Grant Elementary School Teacher Angela Keierleber preparing her classroom for the 2022-2023 school year, on August 1st.