Vol 148 , NO. 36
August 20, 2020
Er nest Her nandez is city’s newest Hometown Hero
San Manuel s u p p o r t s Va l l e y Bound program Pg. 6
The Hernandez family: Matthew, Jr., Ernest, Katherine, and Matthew, Sr. By Dr. G (Dr. Luis S. Gonzalez
ast week family and friends gathered at La Chapala Restaurant for a formal send-off of Colton resi-
dent Ernest Hernandez, son of local businessman Matthew Hernandez. Two days later, on Aug. 9, Ernest reported to the recruitment office in San Bernardino to board a bus to Los Angeles to await a flight to begin his new career as the newest
member of the U.S. Army. To tell you the truth, Ernest did not really know to where he was going, and just before takeoff he learned that boot camp was going to be at Ft. Sill, in Oklahoma. Basic training lasts 10 weeks,
and Ernest will be part of the Airborne Infantry 11 Alpha Unit. Filled with a mixture of wellwishes and sadness, about 8 members of the Hernandez famiErnest, cont. on next pg.
Lefty’s Spor ts Outfitter gets 1-2 customers per week due to pandemic Kiwanis clubs treat youth to school shopping spree Pg. 8
H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om
By Manny B. Sandoval
efty’s Sports Outfitter has been operating in the city of Colton since 1907 (which was then Helman’s), before being sold to current owner Andy Rodriguez in 2015. Rodriguez shared that initially his business was booming with incoming traffic, as Lefty’s Sports Outfitter was selling its athletic activewear to entire sporting teams in the region, high schools, and even the city of Colton. “I only get one or two customers per week. The uniforms Lefty’s, cont. on next pg.
Lefty’s Sports Outfitter is located at 347 N. La Cadena Dr., and carries an array of essential sport and active wear products.