Colton Courier 09 17 20

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Vol 148 , NO. 40

Septembe r 17 , 2020

Colton High graduate and administrator star t website to suppor t mental wellness lems such as stress, anxiety, and mild depression sometimes. At the same time, we recognized that we all have our own strategies to deal with these difficult moments in our lives. This is not to discredit expert advice for those who need clinical treatment or medication. However, for the everyday cases in which we could benefit from the advice of a friend, we realized the value in the stories and experiences of real people from our community,” Alvarez said. Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3



From left: Colton High School Assistant Principal Jorge Alvarez and recent CHS graduate Ernest Mateo Cisneros started a new website to help those struggling with mental health issues.

Cal State SB hosts month-long celebration for Hispanic Heritage Month Pg. 5


ecent Colton High School graduate Ernest Mateo Cisneros and CHS Assistant Principal Jorge Alvarez have started a new website project called One Simple Q u e s t i o n ( to help those struggling with mental health issues during this difficult time. “The One Simple Question initiative aims to fight the mental health stigma that prevents many adults and young people from accessing vital resources they

need in critical moments of their lives,” stated Mr. Cisneros. “We ask people from all walks of life such as teens and adults, famous and everyday people, one simple question: What do you do to lift yourself up when you are feeling down?” The idea, he said, is to demonstrate that everybody deals with mental health issues. “Most importantly, One Simple Question aims to connect those in need of mental health resources with a site with curated

videos that display simple strategies on how we can all practice self-care, mindfulness, and wellness,” he said. Mr. Alvarez said the idea for the One Simple Question project was born at the Aspen Ideas Festival, which both he and Mr. Cisneros attended in 2019 as Bezos Scholars. “As we discussed what strategies we would offer on the website and where we would pull them from, we realized that we all deal with mental health prob-

“With the advent of the Covid19 pandemic, we decided to think outside the box in order to maintain the conversation around mental health.” Cisneros said. “The idea is to create conversations with real people all around the world about their tips, tricks, and experiences when they're feeling down.” “Our short term goal is to continue to meet with people from our community willing to make a statement to fight the mental health crisis and show that we are all in this together,” Alvarez added. The One Simple Question Initiative is a continuation of the Wellness, cont. on next pg.

Childhood Cancer Foundation of Souther n Califor nia raises $9,209 during 2020 Vir tual Kids Walk By Manny B. Sandoval

Chaffey College receives funding to assist Latino students Pg. 7

H OW TO R E AC H US Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om


hildhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California (CCFSC) held its annual Kids Walk in an all-new virtual format, September 1-13. The event drew in 1,140 walkers, who pledged to go the extra mile for children fighting cancer. “Today we celebrate all of you who pledged to go the extra mile for children diagnosed with cancer through your participation in the 2020 kids walk; which entailed choosing to walk a daily Walk, cont. on next pg.



Team Naomi Acosta gathered support from 15 family members to walk in support of Naomi’s victory and all of the children battling cancer around the world.

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