Colton Courier 06/23/22

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June 2 3, 2022

Vol 150 , NO. 27

Colton’s Iconic Nickelodeon Pizza has stood the test of


time and will be remembered for its chori zo pizza By Manny Sandoval

ickelodeon Pizza is a staple in the Inland Empire and continues to thrive with its fan-favorite, the chorizo and avocado pizza.

Since opening in 1973 as The Roaring ’20s and six pizza parlors later, Colton has been home to the last standing Nickelodeon Pizza.

Its owner Gary Grossich, the City of Colton Planning Commission vice-chair and a Colton High School alumni, said when he started working at the restaurant, his wage was $1.75 per hour.

Fo u r f r e e I n l a n d Empire familyfun Four th of Ju l y



NickeloDeoN Pizza

“I was attending SBVC, and the pizza parlor was across the street from the college. When I started, I was making pizzas, but I was loyal and learned my craft, and one of the restaurant’s original owners, the late Bob Goodman, soon became my business partner,” said Grossich.

Nickelodeon Pizza is known for its chorizo and avocado pizza and its high demand makes it difficult to keep ripe avocados stocked.


P a t M a r t i n e z i s p r e s e n t e d C i t y Ta l k A w a r d

By Dr. G, community writer

Caden details

h o w t h e Wa r r i o r s re-claimed its

throne and put

doubters to sleep Pg. 3


Inland Empire Com munity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898

Editorial: iec n1@mac .c om Adve rt ising: sales@i ec Leg als : ie cnleg als@hotmail.c om

Pizza, cont. on next pg.

for community contributions

n Thursday, June 16, Council Member Dr. G presented the City Talk “Community Impact Award” to community volunteer, Pat Martinez, life-long resident of Colton, retired employee of the United States Post Office, and well-known G-Team Member.

The purpose of this award was not only to recognize her 29-year employment with the Colton USPO, but specifically recognizing her one-year anniversary of volunteer service to the community for her clean-up work with Dr. G and the G-Team.

A graduate of Colton High School in 1973, Martinez was an active student involved in class council, GAA sports, field hockAward, cont. on next pg.

PHOTO Dr. G Councilmember Dr. G. awarding Community Advocate Pat Martinez with a City Talk Award for her contributions to the City of Colton.

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