El Chicano 02/16/23

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E L C H I C A N o

Pacific High School held a grand opening for its $12 5 million Transportation and Advanced Technology Center on February 9th, as part of the district’s We Built This City - Schools Tour

The new building was designed to provide students with comprehensive training in mechanics and electrical systems, in a space where they can learn in an innovative and relaxing environment The facility features a prototyping, transportation, and fabrication lab, open bays, diagnostic centers, and free-flowi n g s p a c e s w h e r e s t u d e n t s c a n ideate and lead themselves

T h e c e n t e r i s a p a r t n e r s h i p between the school district, San B e r n a r d i n o Va l l e y C o l l e g e , a n d Velocity Truck Centers Bill Fisher, a customer experience trainer at Velocity, said, "We're always looking for talented people to fill our jobs The amount of opportunity is staggering and a path to a lucrative career "

M r s G i n g e r O n t i v e r o s , c h i e f communications and community engagement officer, stated that the school is "leading students towards a path of generational wealth," and the center is supporting multiple

WWe e eekkllyy

pathway opportunities in the transportation industry “Dual enrollment is available for students to earn credit towards a heavy-duty truck certification while still in high school ”

T h e n e w 2 0 , 0 6 0 - s q u a r e - f o o t building is the first of its kind in any high school in the state and was p r a i s e d b y P r i n c i p a l N a t a l i e Raymundo, who thanked all the partners who made the building come to life She said, "This innovative technology building will give students access to state-of-the-art equipment and the opportunity to work towards certification to work on commercial diesel trucks, setting up our students for career success "

The center has already attracted 190 students currently taking college courses, which is 17 percent of the student body enrolled

D r Va n e s s a T h o m a s , S a n Bernardino Valley College Dean of A p p l i e d Te c h n o l o g y, Transportation, and Culinary Arts, said, "We are already engaging these students in guided pathways for a thriving career to earn a living wage, support their families, and contribute to the local economy " Tech

T he Unf orgettables Foundation

Th e U n f o rg e t t a b l e s Foundation held its 1 0 t h A n n u a l U n f o rg e t t a b l e H e a r t s Awards at the Fox Theater in Redlands on February 1 0 t h , t o r e c o g n i z e a n d honor individuals and organizations that have made a significant impact in the community


I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s

O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m

A d v e r t i s i n g : s a l e s @ i e c n c o m

L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ h o t m a i l c o m

Keynote speakers included Senator Rosilicie Ochoa

B o g h a n d

A s s e m b l y m e m b e r J a m e s


One of the highlights of t h e l u n c h e o n w a s t h e r e c o g n i t i o n o f I n l a n d

or having one of the “biggest hear ts” in the IE

Empire Community News

P u b l i s h e r G l o r i a M a c i a s Harrison for having one of the “biggest hearts” in the community

The foundation also hono r e d Ti m e F o r C h a n g e Foundation’s Founder Kim Carter for helping homeless women with comprehensive support and in turn b e c o m i n g s e l f - s u s t a i n i n g contributors to the community

T h e H i g h l a n d A r e a C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e was also recognized for its contributions to the Ronald McDonald House - Inland

E m p i r e a n d t h e

IECN Publisher

Vo l 6 0 , N O 0 9
F e b r u a r y 1 6 , 2 0 2 3
P a c i f i c H i g h S c h o o l c u t s r i b b o n o n i t s t e c h n o l o g y c e n t e r , 1 7 p e r c e n t o f s t u d e n t s a l r e a d y e n r o l l e d i n c o l l e g e c o u r s e s
cont on next pg
PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL Chief Communications and Community Engagement Officer Ginger Ontiveros sharing that the building will give students access to state-of-the-art equipment and the opportunity to work towards certification to work on commercial diesel trucks PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL
w w w i e c n c o m H O W T O R E A C H U S H O W T O R E A C H U S I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : s a l e s @ i e c n c o m L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ h o t m a i l c o m C S U S B ’ s P r o j e c t I m p a c t f o c u s e s o n i n c r e a s i n g t h e n u m b e r o f m i n o r i t y m a l e t e a c h e r s
and the com-
to adopt a room P g 4 P g. 5
on next pg
IECN Publisher Gloria Macias Harrison (center) is a part of The Unforgettables Foundation’s Class of 2023 - 10 Year Awardees
r ecognizes
Ronald McDonald House - Inland Empire seeks hairdresser
Awards cont

The source of the center ’s construction funds came from a

SBCUSD Board of Education unanimousl y appoints Mauricio Ar ellano as new superintendent

Community News

Mauricio Arellano will take over as Superintendent of the San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) on April 17, 2023, following a unanimous vote of the Board of Education in their meeting Tuesday

Arellano is the current Superintendent of the Redlands Unified School District SBCUSD’s current rotation of Administrators in Charge will continue until Arellano arrives

While a local resident, Arellano was chosen from dozens of qualified candidates who applied in a nationwide search led by McPherson and Jacobson on behalf of the Board of Education District staff, parents, students and community members helped shape the search parameters as the Board sought to ensure an inclusive process that identified an ideal leader to carry SBCUSD forward

“Your Board of Education sought to hire the best leader for SBCUSD, and we found him,” said Board President Dr Scott Wyatt “Mauricio Arellano embodies the essence of everything our community asked us to find in a Superintendent Based on what he’s done, we believe SBCUSD can expect him to be inclusive, innovative and, most of all, effective We are united and unwavering in our enthusiasm for what his leadership will mean for our students ”

His appointment as Superintendent will be a homecoming for Arellano, who grew up in San Bernardino attending SBCUSD schools as a child, graduating from San Bernardino High School and starting his career in education as a bilingual elementary school teacher in the District 32 years ago He is the son of immigrant parents from Mexico who also worked in SBCUSD schools

“It is an honor and a privilege to be appointed Superintendent of the San Bernardino City Unified School District I want to truly thank the members of the Board of Education who have put their trust and faith in me to lead this incredible organization I am sincerely inspired to return to the District where I attended kindergarten to high school and started the first thirteen years of my career serving as a teacher, Principal, and Director of Human Resources Having the opportunity to return and give back to the District that gave me and my parents so much is a blessing,” said Arellano

Arellano was a first generation college student

when he pursued his undergraduate degrees in sociology and Spanish at the University of California, Riverside He later earned a master ’s degree in educational administration from California State University, San Bernardino

Arellano has led the Redlands Unified School District for the past five years, during which time RUSD has been recognized with four California School Board Association Golden Bell Awards recognizing outstanding educational programs, four California Distinguished School Awards, the Golden Achievement Award from the National School Public Relations Association for the RUSD 2025 Excellence for All Students multi-year vision, and most recently the City of Redlands Beautification Award for the beautification projects completed at all schools and the District Office facility Prior to serving in his current role, Arellano served for 14 years as the assistant superintendent of human resources in the Palm Springs Unified School District

Arellano has been personally recognized many times for his leadership, most recently being named as U C Davis C-STEM Superintendent of the Year in 2020 While in Palm Springs Unified, he was awarded the Riverside County Administrator of the Year in 2016, was the recipient of the 2015 Riverside County Office of Education Models of Excellence Award for his work with the Skillful Leader Program, and received the ACSA’s Ray Curry Award for excellence in school personnel in 2012 and ACSA’s Region XIX (Riverside County) Personnel/Human Resources Administrator of the Year in 2008

“I look forward to working alongside my colleagues across the District to build on the successful programs and innovative initiatives they have created that serve our students well and to work as a team to further develop creative and effective programs that meet the individual brilliance of each one of our students,” Arellano said “It certainly takes a village to prepare our youth to be successful, therefore working in collaboration with our union leader partners, service-oriented community groups, elected officials, parents and all other educational partners who are committed to the success of our students will be a priority San Bernardino City Unified School District has great leaders, great teachers, great support staff, great kids and great families I am excited to be a part of that greatness ”

Awards Businesswoman’s Association of San Bernardino County

During his keynote speech, Assemblymember James Ramos shared his experience of doctors from Loma Linda coming out to his reservation to assist the San Manuel Tribe with their medical needs when he was a child He emphasized the importance of standing strong in the community and lifting one another in times of need

"Stand strong in the community, and lift one another in times of need Giving back is spiritual for us Together, we have to ensure that there is always someone to call upon when a person or a family needs a helping hand That is our calling," said Ramos

The evening was a celebration

of the power of community and the impact that a few dedicated individuals and organizations can make in improving the lives of those around them The Unforgettables Foundation will continue to work tirelessly towards its mission, and events like the Unforgettable Hearts Awards provide a platform to recognize the inspiring work of those who share the same vision

The Unforgettables Foundation is dedicated to helping low-income families give their children a dignified burial, empowering communities to memorialize children who have passed away, and educating parents and caregivers to confront and control the primary risks to children's health and wholeness The foundation also encourages communities to recognize the financial trauma that is often associated with the death of a child

Page A2 • February 09, 2023 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers • El Chicano S u b m i t y o u r s t o r y i d e a s , p r e s s r e l e a s e s , b i r t h d a y s , a n n i v e r s a r i e s , o b i t u a r i e s , a n d s u m m e r t r a ve l p h o t o s v i a e m a i l a t i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m Yo u r a d h e r e : C a l l ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n a d v e r t i s i n g
PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL Local dignitaries like former Senator Mike Morrell, Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh, and Assemblymember James Ramos pictured with the 10 Year Awardees
State CTE grant and local bonds Pacific High
at 1020 Pacific Street, San Bernardino
School is located
C p a o f m
PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL Joalene Given, San Bernardino Councilman Damon Alexander, and Highland Area Chamber of Commerce’s Jane Bouch and Chris Nelson enjoying the program on February 10th PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL Pacific High School teachers and staff San Bernardino City Unified School District leadership and local dignitaries officially cut the ribbon before the self-guided tour on February 9th

a d e n C e n t e r

Chiefs win

Super Bowl 57; Of ficiall y establish their dynasty

The Kanas City Chiefs are Super Bowl 57 Champions That is a statement that some but not many expected to be said this season

Despite losing superstar WR Tyreek Hill, the Chiefs made yet another Super Bowl run and defeated the Eagles 38-35 on a game winning field goal in the final seconds by Harrison

The game was an instant classic, and it’s time to breakdown how the Chiefs won the Big Game

Throughout the first half it felt like the Eagles were in control They weren’t blowing the Chiefs out by any means, but they dominated possession and Jalen Hurts ran for multiple TD scores to lead his team

The one play that kept the Chiefs in the game it seemed was the defensive touchdown after Jalen Hurts fumbled

the snap on a designed QB run play The Chiefs would go into the half down 10 with Mahomes ankle appearing to bother him and things looking bleak

After Rihanna’s halftime performance, both teams were ready to determine a champion Specifically, the Chiefs offense was ready to determine a champion

Kansas City scored on every drive in the second half despite the Eagles draining much of the 3rd quarter clock en route to a field goal The big swing of momentum occurred after Kadarius Toney made the longest punt return in Super Bowl history before Mahomes found a wide open Sky Moore for the Chiefs first lead of the game

The Eagles would come down a few minutes later and Jalen Hurts would run in for his Super Bowl QB record 3rd TD and the 2 point conversion to tie the game It was time for Mahomes big moment

The best QB in the world vs the NFL’s best defense with a championship on the line They say defense wins championships, but Patrick Mahomes sure does too Mahomes led his team into the red zone before, on 3rd down, Juju Smith-Schuster drew a holding penalty

From there, the Chiefs ran the ball once, and took a couple of knees to drain the clock Harrison Butker drilled his field goal, and a last second Hail Mary from Philadelphia didn’t even make it to the end zone

The Chiefs became champions once again as Patrick Mahomes secured ring number two and the Super Bowl MVP award

An excellent NFL season was capped off by an instant classic of a Super Bowl The Chiefs are once again on top of the football world, can anyone dethrone him? We’ll have to see next season

City of San Ber nardino Par ks, Recr eation, and Community Ser vices

Community News

In a nationwide study, the City of San Bernardino Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department was ranked #14 in the nation for its engagement with residents on social media

The study, conducted by Next Practice Partners, a national consulting firm, examined the social media presence of parks departments from the 100 largest cities in the United States

It is important for our residents to know about the wonderful programs and activities at our parks, senior centers, and community centers, "said San Bernardino Mayor Helen Tran "To be ranked so highly for connecting with our residents is something to be proud of "

The rankings are based on data obtained from the U S Census, National Recre-

ation and Park Association, ETC Institute, agency websites and social media accounts, and social analytics tools Collectively, it ranked the engagement for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube to create an aggregated ranking model for Social Media Engagement

These agencies and their staff transform lives in their communities and more people need to know that,” said Neelay Bhatt, Founder & CEO of Next Practice Partners

Cleveland topped the rankings, followed by Kansas City and Cincinnati Detroit, Boise, Spokane, Minneapolis, Greensboro, and Gilbert rounded out the top ten

"This ranking justifies the commitment our department has made to a strong marketing program," said Parks, Recreation,

and Community Services Director Lydie Gutfeld "We couldn’t be more enthusiastic about the results "

Among the data points in which San Bernardino scored the highest was the frequency in which followers responded to agency posts The City ranked number three in the nation for its interactions on both Facebook and Instagram

"We thrive when we read about the impact we are having from our residents’ social media comments," added Gutfeld "Our followers are the inspiration for so many of the programs and services we provide "

With a large Spanish speaking population, all the San Bernardino Parks Department social media posts are written in both English and Spanish The Department has also increased the use of video

posts this past year

"We have just begun to scratch the surface of telling our story through our social media platforms, continued Gutfeld "The more we can engage our communities, the stronger our services and programs become "

To follow the City of San Bernardino Parks and Recreation Department on Facebook, go to: https://www facebook com/SBCityParksAndRec/

To follow the City of San Bernardino Parks and Recreation Department on Instagram, go to: https://www instagram com/sbcityparksandrec/?hl=en

To follow the City of San Bernardino on Facebook, go to: https://www facebook com/sbcitygov

Assembl y Majority Leader Reyes swor n-in f or f our th ter m at community-based cer emony in Fontana

Community News

Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gómez Reyes marked the start of the 2023-24 legislative cycle at her Community Swearing-in Ceremony on Saturday, February 11 at the Steelworkers’ Auditorium in Fontana

California Attorney General Rob Bonta administered the oath of office and former State Senator Connie Leyva, now with KVCR, acted as the Master of Ceremonies

The 2023-24 session will be Majority Leader Reyes’ fourth term representing portions of the Inland Empire in the State Assembly, but this will be her first term representing the new 50th Assembly District

All legislative lines were redrawn last year using the most recent U S Census data

“Thank you to my district for trusting me to serve you for another term,” said Majority Leader Reyes “I will continue to align my work with the Inland Empire’s values You are my neighbors and I look forward to hearing more from you and taking your words to Sacramento to fight for the resources our region deserves ”

Other event speakers included California Legislative Latino Caucus Chair Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes (Corona), San Bernardino Mayor Helen Tran, Loma Linda City Councilmember Bhavin Jindal, Chaffey College Superintendent Dr Henry Shannon, Colton Joint Unified School District Board Member Bertha Flores, and UFCW Local 1167 Operating Director and Inland Empire Labor Council President Yesenia Gonzales

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • February 16, 2023 • Page A3
Submit op-eds, story ideas, birthday shoutouts, anniversaries, and press releases to iecn1@mac. com. Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @iecnweekly!
R anked #14 in the U.S . f or its Social Media Enga gement

Pr oject Impact f ocuses on incr easing the number of minority male teacher s

Community News

Project Impact is the vision of Chinaka DomNwachukwu, dean of the James R Watson and Judy Rodriguez Watson College of Education, to locate, recruit, train, mentor and then deploy minority male teachers to classrooms throughout the inland area and the state

The goal of California State University, San Bernardino’s Project Impact, a community outreach initiative of the James R Watson and Judy Rodriguez Watson College of Education, is direct: Help close the academic achievement gaps in the state’s K-12 schools, which will ultimately pay dividends in the classroom and its students through the recruitment, training and deployment of minority male teachers into California’s classrooms

Project Impact was a vision that Watson College of Education Dean Chinaka DomNwachukwu brought with him when he came to CSUSB It was born out of his own educational journey as a public school teacher in East Los Angeles in the 1990s He knew firsthand how it felt to be the only Black male teacher on campus at the K-12 schools where he worked

“Also knowing how my presence had a positive impact on the young Black men who were my students ” he added

For over two decades in California the academic achievement gap has been talked about DomNwachukwu saw that bringing more men of color into the classroom could have a direct impact on closing that gap by increasing both graduation and college-going rates and decreasing drop-out rates

When he sat down with CSUSB President Tomás D Morales for his interview, DomNwachukwu told Morales, “I would like to design a program that targets African American men in teaching

Morales’ response? “Absolutely ”

And Project Impact was born

Recognizing that the Inland Empire was predominantly a Hispanic community, DomNwachukwu knew he would need to extend his vision beyond the African American population But he also knew that Hispanic students had similar experiences and faced similar issues to the population of students he had initially focused on

Assistant Dean Becky Sumbera was on hand at the outset to help realize the vision She came to DomNwachukwu’s office one day to discuss one of her students with him

This student, a young African American man, was enthusiastic at the start of the semester about training to become an English teacher However, each week she watched him retreat further and further until, one day, he came to her and told her he was considering dropping out

“Nobody gets me,” he said “They are surprised I can write and read I just don’t feel like I belong ” Sumbera

immediately stepped in to connect him with an African American male mentor along with other resources that he needed to complete the program This opened her eyes to the reality of the assumptions that people make based on the color of another individual s skin

She has been involved with the program ever since

The program’s dedication and commitment to helping its students succeed can be seen through the work of Gregory Richardson, who serves as Project Impact’s interim director Richardson, who is also the director of the Watson & Associates Literacy Center and a lecturer in the Watson College of Education’s doctoral studies program, “is doing a lot of leg work, connecting with the men, mentoring them, and holding Saturday workshops to enhance their skills and competencies ”

Richardson, who is in his third year at CSUSB, said Project Impact basically locates, recruits, trains and then deploys teacher candidates working with men of color

African American, Asian American, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans

“Our intent is to help them succeed throughout the whole process,” Richardson said

The program helps from the beginning when the students fill out the first application to apply to CSUSB, to helping them make the transition from the undergrad program or the liberal studies program into the credential program, helping them with that application process, Richardson said

And once in the credential program, Project Impact provides tutoring if the students are having difficulty with the academics or curriculum The program also puts the credential students in cohorts ensuring they are working closely with their colleagues, whether they’re taking the same course at the same time, but with the same instructor, with the same semester, or they’ve completed it before, Richardson said

Richardson said he also has monthly meetings with the students

“Our meetings are three hours long,” he said “The first hour, the students basically talk amongst themselves and their cohorts about what’s working, what's not working They talk about the instructors, the course load

“Basically, everything is going on the assignment just so they can succeed,” Richardson said “And then during the second two hours that are left, I either have a guest speaker come in or I will speak myself on different topics that would help them ”

DomNwachukwu said he also knew that making a vision real requires partnerships across the community He began building those partnerships with then-superintendent for Riverside County Schools, Judy White, who is a CSUSB alumna (’79) She now serves as a member of Project Impact’s board

White had observed the achievement gaps for African American students in Riverside County and realized that it was time to listen to these students’ voices A key issue was not having teachers who looked like them or, even more importantly, could not relate to them In fact, the percentage of men of color in the county’s classrooms was not only incredibly low, it did not reflect student demographics

Riverside provided the first Project Impact cohort of 10 in the spring of 2020 Currently, Project Impact is now on its fourth cohort, which began in fall 2022 with 30 men Replicability is key DomNwachukwu wished to create a model that other areas could adopt to grow the number of male teachers of color in their classrooms, too The intent to partner with even more school districts is both for collaboration and for them to “grow their own ”

As the program has continued, a further obstacle in training male teachers of color to become successfully credentialed in California has been identified: rigorous postbaccalaureate state requirements mean teaching applicants cannot hold down another job while they are in their 16-week clinical practice stage Two members of the first cohort, for example, had to drop out because they could not manage their living expenses during the program without paid income

White observed the same thing “It’s not just the cost of tuition It also includes tuition, books and accelerating their opportunity to be hired ”

Therefore, Project Impact is looking into the possibility of evolving into a paid internship Participants would then not have to worry about covering tuition and books as well as their living costs

Sumbera continues to actively follow up with the program’s graduates Current and past cohort members are invited to serve on panels at conferences, allowing participants to share their stories and serve as exemplars for men of color

A recent Project Impact three-person panel was composed of a new cohort member, one in their second semester and a graduate

“You could see the growth in confidence across these three individuals, confidence they had gained in telling their story over the course of their Project Impact training,” Sumbera said “It was an amazing demonstration of the effectiveness of the program ”

White remains fully committed to this initiative “I am so impressed by the caliber and passion of the people we are recruiting,” she said

She said she believes this will change the lives of students, especially those who come from communities where they do not see positive role models of men of color “They will see those models in their classrooms,” White said

Page A4 • February 16, 2023 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers
PHOTO CSUSB Students participating in the Project Impact program during an event in May 2022 at the James R Watson and Judy Rodriguez Watson College of Education

Ronald McDonald HouseInland Empire recently underwent a major renovation, increasing the number of rooms available from 21 to 54

The house now boasts 46,000 square feet of space, making it one of the largest Ronald McDonald Houses in the country

The organization provides a home away from home for families with seriously ill children who are being treated at nearby hospitals

“To stay at the Ronald McDonald House, a doctor must recommend long-term care for a child, and a social worker will then recommend the family for a stay The house is located in close proximity to Loma Linda University Children’s Health, making it a convenient option for families in need,” said Development Director Annette Florez

Currently, the organization is seeking hairdressers to donate their time for haircuts, to give parents and families an opportunity to feel good and look good during a stressful and critical period in their life

“We’re seeking licensed professionals to come twice a month to provide services to families staying at the house Volunteers must be vaccinated and masked while pro-

viding services We have a shop in the house and we already have some materials, including shampoo, conditioner, wash stations, and hair dryers available for volunteers to use It’s important to offer this to our families because oftentimes parents tend to forget about themselves during these experiences; and when you look good, you can feel a bit better,” continued Florez

The House also offers an Adopt a Room Program, which costs $5,000 a year for naming rights Out of the 54 rooms available, there are only 11 rooms that still need to be adopted

“The $5,000 goes back into the operation and upkeep of the room, helping to keep the daily fee low at $12 per night for families One of our recent Adopt a Room Donors Nancy Vasquez recruited 10 friends to split the $5,000, and when broken down it only cost each of them $1 40 per day to Adopt a Room and help a family in need,” concluded Florez

It costs the Ronald McDonald House - Inland Empire $2 3 million a year to operate the facility, so donations and volunteers are critical to keeping the house running and serving families in need To learn more about how to get involved or to make a donation, call (909)747-1200 or visit rmhcsc org/inlandempire

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • February 16, 2023 • Page A5
T he Ronald McDonald House - Inland Empir e is seeking a hairdr esser and the community to adopt a r oom
PHOTO RMH - IE Although the recommended donation is $12 per night, no family has ever been turned away if they are not able to afford to pay PHOTO RMH - IE The Ronald McDonald House - Inland Empire allows outside people and organizations to donate a meal where they can cook on the barbecue grill outside or in one of its six kitchens in the house
¡Aplica ahora! Escanea el código QR o visita: WWW.CACOLLEGECORPS.COM PHOTO RMH - IE The Ronald McDonald House - Inland Empire does not only allow immediate family to stay in its rooms, extended family like grandparents, aunts and uncles etc are allowed too When guests arrive, a goodie bag with daily essentials is waiting for them
O f f i c e ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 • C O L T O N C O U R I E R L E G A L A D V E R T I S I N G • F a x ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 4 - 0 4 0 6 CC IECN February 16, 2023 Page A7 Published n Colton Courier C-362 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230000070 Statement led w th the County C erk of San Bernardino 01/04/2023 The fol ow ng person(s) s (are) do ng business as: FONTANA PORTABLES, 9344 LAUREL AVE, FONTANA CA 923356113 County of Princ pal Place of Bus ness: SAN BERNARDINO V CTOR J VOLLHARDT, 9344 LAUREL AVE FONTANA CA 923356113 This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): INDIVIDUAL Reg strant commenced to transact business under the f ct tious business name or names listed above on NOT APPLICABLE By s gning I declare that a l informa ion in th s statement is true and correct A registrant who dec ares as true nformat on, which he or she knows to be fa se is gui ty of a cr me (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that a l nformat on on this statement becomes Publ c Record upon fi ing s/ VICTOR J VOLLHARDT OWNER Not ce- In accordance wi h subdivision (a) o Section 17920 a f ct tious name statemen genera ly expires at the end of five years from the date on wh ch t was fi ed in the Office of the County C erk except as provided n Subdivision (b) of Sect on 17920 where it expires 40 days after any change n the facts set forth n the statement pursuan to Sect on 17913 other than a change n the residence address of a reg stered owner A new fictit ous business name statement must be fi ed before the exp ration The fi ing of th s statement does not of tse f author ze the use in this state of a f ct tious bus ness name n violat on of the rights of another under federa state or common aw (see Sect on 14411 Et Seq Bus ness and Professions Code) Pub ished 1/26 2/2 2/9 2/16/23 Published n Colton Courier C-363 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230000120 Statement led w th the County C erk of San Bernardino 01/05/2023 The fol ow ng person(s) s (are) do ng business as: TOASTER OVEN LOVE 7610 TUSCANY PLACE RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91739 County of Princ pal Place of Bus ness: SAN BERNARDINO Ma l ng address: 10808 FOOTHILL BLVD SUITE 160-628 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91730 BRIE NORRIS INC 7610 TUSCANY PLACE RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91739 Inc /Org Reg No : 4112287 S ate of Inc /Org /Reg : CA This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): CORPORATION Reg strant commenced to transact business under the f ct tious business name or names isted above on MAR 09 2018 By s gning, I declare that a l informa ion in th s statement is true and correct A regis rant who dec ares as true nformat on which he or she knows to be fa se, is gui ty of a cr me (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that a l nformat on on this statement becomes Publ c Record upon fi ing s/ BRIE M CHELE NORRIS PRESIDENT Not ce- In accordance wi h subdivision (a) of Section 17920 a f ct tious name statemen genera ly expires at the end o five years from the date on wh ch t was fi ed in the Office of the County C erk, except, as provided n Subdivision (b) of Sect on 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change n the facts set forth n the statement pursuan to Sect on 17913 other than a change n the residence address of a reg stered owner A new fictit ous business name statement must be fi ed before the exp ration The fi ing of th s statemen does not of tse f author ze the use in this state of a f ct tious bus ness name n violat on of the rights of another under federa state or common aw (see Sect on 14411 Et Seq Bus ness and Professions Code) Pub ished 1/26 2/2 2/9 2/16/23 Published in Colton Courier C-364 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230000476 Statement f led w th the County C erk of San Bernardino 01/19/2023 The fol ow ng person(s) s (are) do ng business as: CERVECERIA 66 15395 FOOTHILL BLVD FONTANA CA 92335 County of Princ pal Place of Bus ness: SAN BERNARDINO Ma l ng address: 8416 SULTANA AVE FONTANA CA 92335 # of Employees: 2 CANDELARIA TORRES 8416 SULTANA AVE FONTANA CA 92335 This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): INDIVIDUAL Reg strant commenced to transact business under the f ct tious business name or names isted above on NOT APPLICABLE By s gning I declare that a l informa ion in th s statement is true and correct A reg s rant who dec ares as true nformation which he or she knows to be fa se is gui ty of a cr me (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that a l nformat on on this statement becomes Publ c Record upon fi ing s CANDELARIA TORRES OWNER Not ce- In accordance wi h subdivision (a) of Section 17920 a f ct tious name statemen genera ly expires at the end o five years from the date on wh ch t was fi ed in the Office of the County C erk, except, as provided n Subdivision (b) of Sect on 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change n the facts set forth n the statement pursuan to Sect on 17913 other than a change n the residence address of a reg stered owner A new fictit ous business name statement must be fi ed before the exp ration The fi ing of th s statemen does not of tse f author ze the use in this state of a f ct tious bus ness name n violat on of the rights of another under federa , state, or common aw (see Sect on 14411 Et Seq Bus ness and Professions Code) Pub ished 1/26 2/2 2/9 2/16/23 Published n Colton Courier C-365 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230000586 Statement led w th the County C erk of San Bernardino 01/23/2023 The fol ow ng person(s) s (are) do ng business as: MARCY EXPRESS 17785 BARBEE ST FONTANA CA 92336 County of Principal Place of Bus ness: SAN BERNARDINO MARCIANO E SANDOVAL 17785 BARBEE ST FONTANA CA 92336 This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): INDIV DUAL Reg stran commenced to transact business under the f ct tious business name or names listed above on NOT APPLUCABLE By s gning declare that a l in ormat on n this statement s true and correct A reg strant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guil y of a crime (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that a l in ormation on his statement becomes Pub ic Record upon f l ng s/ MARCIANO E SANDOVAL OWNER Notice- In accordance with subdivis on (a) of Sec ion 17920 a fictit ous name sta ement general y exp res at the end of five years from the da e on which it was f led n the Office of the Coun y Clerk except as prov ded n Subdiv s on (b) of Section 17920 where it exp res 40 days after any change in the facts set forth n the statement pursuant o Section 17913 other than a change in the res dence address of a registered owner A new f c it ous business name statement must be f led before the exp rat on The f l ng of this statement does not of tse f author ze the use n th s state o a fictit ous business name n vio ation of the rights of another under federal state or common law (see Section 14411 Et Seq Business and Professions Code) Publ shed 1/26 2 2 2/9 2/16/23 Published in Colton Courier C-366 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230001138 Statement filed w th the County C erk of San Bernard no 02/06/2023 The fol owing person(s) is (are) doing business as: ALL IN REALTY & LOANS ALL IN REALTY & MORTGAGE ALL IN REALTY ALL IN MORTGAGE FINANCING, 118 E AIRPORT DR 203 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 County of Pr ncipal Place of Bus ness: SAN BERNARDINO Ma ling address: PO BOX 993 COLTON CA 92324 BRYAN R MALAGON-TENORIO 2339 ISABELLA DR COLTON CA 92324 Th s business s conducted by (a/an): INDIVIDUAL Registrant commenced to transact bus ness under the f c it ous busness name or names l sted above on DEC 06 2019 By s gn ng I dec are that a l information in th s statement is true and correct A registrant who dec ares as true nformat on wh ch he or she knows to be fa se s gu lty of a crime (B&P Code 17913) I am a so aware that al nformat on on th s statement becomes Publ c Record upon fi ing s/ BRYAN R MALAGON-TENOR O OWNER No ice- In accordance w th subd vsion (a) of Section 17920 a f ct tious name statement genera ly expires at the end of f ve years from the date on wh ch t was fi ed in the Off ce of the County Clerk except as provided in Subd vision (b) of Section 17920 where t expires 40 days a ter any change n the facts set forth in he statemen pursuant to Sect on 17913 other han a change n the residence address of a registered owner A new fict tious busness name statemen must be fi ed before the expiration The fi ing of th s statement does not o itself authorize the use in this state of a f ct tious bus ness name in v olat on o the r ghts of another under federa , sta e, or common aw (see Sect on 14411 Et Seq Bus ness and Profess ons Code) Pub ished 2 9 2/16 2 23 3/2/23 Published in Colton Courier C-367 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230000760 Statement filed w th the County C erk of San Bernard no 01/26/2023 The fol owing person(s) is (are) doing bus ness as: ORS RENOVATION 1128 W MISSION BLVD STE C ONTAR O CA 91762 County of Pr ncipal Place of Bus ness: SAN BERNARDINO OSCAR SANTANA 1128 W MISSION BLVD STE C ONTARIO CA 91762 Th s business s conducted by (a/an): INDIVIDUAL Registrant commenced to transact bus ness under the f c itious busness name or names l sted above on JAN 01 2023 By s gn ng I dec are that a l information in th s statement is true and correct A registrant who dec ares as true nformat on, wh ch he or she knows to be fa se s gu lty of a crime (B&P Code 17913) I am a so aware that al nformat on on th s statement becomes Publ c Record upon fi ing s/ OSCAR SANTANA No ice- In accordance w th subd vsion (a) of Section 17920 a f ct tious name statement genera ly expires at the end of f ve years from the date on wh ch t was fi ed in the Off ce of the County C erk except as provided in Subd vision (b) of Section 17920 where t expires 40 days a ter any change n the facts set forth in he statemen pursuant to Sect on 17913 other than a change n the residence address of a registered owner A new fict tious busness name statemen must be fi ed before the expiration The fi ing of th s statement does not o itself authorize the use in this state of a f ct tious bus ness name in v olat on o the r ghts of another under federa sta e or common aw (see Sect on 14411 Et Seq Bus ness and Profess ons Code) Pub ished 2 9 2/16 2 23 3/2/23 Published in Colton Courier C-368 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230000871 Sta ement filed w th the County C erk of San Bernard no 01/31/2023 The fol owing person(s) is (are) do ng bus ness as: MEDA S UPHOLSTERY 4945 MISSION BLVD MONTCLAIR CA 91763 County of Pr ncipal Place of Bus ness: SAN BERNARDINO MEDAS UPHOLSTERY INC 4945 MISSION BLVD MONTCLAIR CA 91763 Inc /Org /Reg No : 4048657 State of Inc /Org /Reg : CALIFORNIA Th s business s conducted by (a/an): CORPORATION Registrant commenced o transact bus ness under the f c it ous busness name or names l sted above on 08/14/2017 By s gn ng I dec are that a l nformation in th s statement is true and correct A registrant who dec ares as true nformat on wh ch he or she knows to be fa se s gu lty of a crime (B&P Code 17913) am a so aware that al nformat on on th s statement becomes Publ c Record upon fi ing s/ RUBEN MEDA CEO No ice- In accordance w th subd vsion (a) of Sect on 17920, a f ct tious name statement genera ly expires at the end of f ve years from the date on wh ch t was fi ed in the Off ce of the County Clerk except as provided in Subd vision (b) o Section 17920, where it exp res 40 days after any change in he facts set forth n the statement pursuant to Sect on 17913 other than a change in the res dence address of a reg stered owner A new fictit ous business name statement mus be fi ed before the exp ration The il ng of th s statement does not of tse f author ze the use in th s state of a fict tious bus ness name n vio at on of the righ s of another under federal state or common law (see Sect on 14411 Et Seq Business and Professions Code) Publ shed 2/9 2 16 2/23 3/2/23 Pub ished in Colton Courier C-369 Fict tious Business Name Statement FBN20230000835 Statement f led with the County Clerk of San Bernardino 01/30/2023 The follow ng person(s) s (are) doing business as: SPARKY HANDYMAN LLC 34428 YUCAIPA BLVD E269 YUCA PA CA 92399 County of Princ pal Place of Business: SAN BERNARDINO Ma ing address: 1401 21ST ST STE R SACRAMENTO CA 95811 # of Employees: 1 SPARKY HANDYMAN LLC 1401 21ST STREET STE R SACRAMENTO CA 95811 Inc /Org /Reg No : 202354313127 State of Inc Org /Reg CA This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): L MITED LIABILITY COMPANY Reg strant commenced to transact business under the f ct tious business name or names isted above on NOT APPLICABLE By signing I declare that a l informat on in this statement s true and correct A reg strant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is gui ty of a cr me (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that a l information on this s atement becomes Pub ic Record upon f l ng s EDWARD R NUNEZ MANAGER Not ce- In accordance with subdivis on (a) of Section 17920 a ficti ious name statement general y expires at the end of five years from the date on wh ch it was fi ed in the Office of the County C erk except as provided n Subdivis on (b) of Sect on 17920, where it exp res 40 days after any change in he facts set forth n the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change in the res dence address of a reg stered owner A new fictit ous business name statement mus be fi ed before the exp ration The il ng of th s statement does not of tse f author ze the use in th s state of a fict tious bus ness name n vio at on of the rights of another under federal state or common law (see Section 14411 Et Seq Business and Professions Code) Publ shed 2/9 2 16 2/23 3/2/23 Pub ished in Colton Courier C-370 Fict tious Business Name Statement FBN20230001109 Statement f led with the County Clerk of San Bernardino 02/06/2023 The follow ng person(s) s (are) do ng business as: JADE OCEAN & CO 5553 DEER CREEK LN RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91737 County o Princ pal Place of Business: SAN BERNARDINO JADE OCEAN JEWELRY CORP 5553 DEER CREEK LN RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA 91737 Inc /Org /Reg No : 5419233 State of Inc Org /Reg CA This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): CORPORATION Reg strant commenced to transact business under the f ct tious business name or names isted above on FEB 01 2023 By signing I declare that a l informat on in this statement s true and correct A reg strant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is gui ty of a cr me (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that a l information on this s atement becomes Pub ic Record upon f l ng s NARA M PENA CEO Not ce- In accordance with subdivis on (a) of Section 17920 a ficti ious name statement general y expires at the end of five years from the date on wh ch it was fi ed in the O fice of the County C erk, except as provided n Subdivis on (b) of Sect on 17920 where it exp res 40 days after any change in he facts set forth n the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change in the res dence address of a reg stered owner A new fictit ous business name statement mus be fi ed before the exp ration The il ng of th s statement does not of tse f author ze the use in th s state of a fict tious bus ness name n vio at on of the rights of another under federal state or common law (see Section 14411 Et Seq Business and Professions Code) Publ shed 2/9 2 16 2/23 3/2/23 Pub ished in Colton Courier C-371 Fict tious Business Name Statement FBN20230000935 Statement f led with the County Clerk of San Bernardino 02/01/2023 The follow ng person(s) s (are) do ng business as: C T Z TRUCKING 8539 6TH AVE HESPERIA CA 92345 County o Princ pal Place of Business: SAN BERNARDINO FERNANDO CORTEZ 8539 6TH AVE, HESPERIA, CA 92345 This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): INDIVIDUAL Reg strant commenced to transact business under the f ct tious business name or names isted above on NOT APPLICABLE By signing I declare that a l informat on in this statement s true and correct A reg strant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false is gui ty of a cr me (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that a l information on this s atement becomes Pub ic Record upon f l ng s FERNANDO CORTEZ OWNER Not ce- In accordance with subdivis on (a) of Section 17920 a ficti ious name statement general y expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed n the O fice of the County C erk except as provided n Subdivis on (b) of Sect on 17920 where it exp res 40 days after any change in he facts set forth n the statement pursuant to Section 17913 other than a change in the res dence address of a reg stered owner A new fictit ous business name statement must be fi ed before the exp ration The il ng of th s statement does not of tse f author ze the use in th s state of a ficti ious business name n vio at on of the rights of another under federal state or common law (see Section 14411 Et Seq Business and Professions Code) Publ shed 2/9 2 16 2/23 3/2/23 Published in Colton Courier C-372 Abandonment of Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230000841 Statement f led with the County Clerk of San Bernardino 01/30/2023 County of Current Fil ng SAN BERNARDINO Date of Current Fi ing: 02/04/2022 Fi e No : FBN20220000959 The follow ng person(s) s (are) doing business as: KINGDOM LANDSCAPE 12354 MT VERNON AVE GRAND TERRACE CA 92313 County of Princ pal Place of Business: SAN BERNARDINO JULIO A SANDOVAL 12354 MT VERNON AVE GRAND TERRACE CA 92313 SAMANTHA E SANDOVAL 12354 MT VERNON AVE GRAND TERRACE CA 92313 This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): GENERAL PARTNERSHIP Reg strant commenced to transact business under the f ct tious business name or names isted above on JAN 30 2022 By s gning I declare that a l informat on in this statement s true and correct A reg strant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is gui ty of a cr me (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that a l nformation on this statement becomes Public Record upon f l ng s/ JULIO A SANDOVAL PARTNER Not ce- In accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920 a fict tious name statement genera ly expires at the end of five years from the date on wh ch it was fi ed in the Office of the County C erk excep as provided n Subdivision (b) of Sect on 17920 where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth n the sta ement pursuant to Sect on 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a reg stered owner A new fictit ous business name sta ement mus be fi ed before the exp ration The fil ng of th s statement does not of tse f author ze he use in this state of a f ct tious bus ness name n vio at on of the righ s of another under federal state or common law (see Sect on 14411 Et Seq Bus ness and Professions Code) Publ shed 2/16 2/23 3/2 3/9/23 Published in Colton Courier C-373 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230001158 Statement f led with the County Clerk of San Bernardino 02/06/2023 The follow ng person(s) s (are) doing business as: KINGDOM LANDSCAPING 2290 VALENC A AVE SAN BERNARD NO CA 92404 County of Princ pal Place of Business: SAN BERNARDINO JOHNNY J ESTRADA 2290 VALENCIA AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): INDIVIDUAL Reg strant commenced to transact business under the f ct tious business name or names isted above on FEB 01 2023 By s gning I declare that a l informat on in this statement s true and correct A reg strant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is gui ty of a cr me (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that a l nformation on this statement becomes Public Record upon f l ng s/ JOHNNY J ESTRADA OWNER Not ce- In accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920 a fict tious name statement genera ly expires at the end of five years from the date on wh ch it was fi ed in the Office of the County C erk excep as provided n Subdivision (b) of Sect on 17920 where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth n the sta ement pursuant to Sect on 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a reg stered owner A new fictit ous business name sta ement mus be fi ed before the exp ration The fil ng of th s statement does not of tse f author ze he use in this state of a f ct tious bus ness name n vio at on of the righ s of another under federal state or common law (see Sect on 14411 Et Seq Bus ness and Professions Code) Publ shed 2/16 2/23 3/2 3/9/23 Published in Colton Courier C-374 Fictitious Business Name Statement FBN20230001226 Statement f led with the County Clerk of San Bernardino 02/07/2023 The follow ng person(s) s (are) doing bus ness as: ENRIQUE S AUTOBODY, 8038 GRACE AVE, FONTANA, CA 92336 County of Princ pal Place of Business: SAN BERNARDINO ENRIQUE LECHUGA RODRIGUEZ 8038 GRACE AVE FONTANA CA 92336 This bus ness is conducted by (a/an): INDIVIDUAL Reg strant commenced to transact business under the f ct tious business name or names isted above on JAN 30 2023 By s gning I declare that a l informat on in this statement s true and correct A reg strant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is gui ty of a cr me (B&P Code 17913) I am also aware that a l nformation on this statement becomes Public Record upon f l ng s/ ENRIQUE LECHUGA RODRIGUEZ OWNER Not ce- In accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920 a fict tious name statement genera ly expires at the end of five years from the date on wh ch it was fi ed in the Office of the County C erk excep as provided n Subdivision (b) of Sect on 17920 where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth n the sta ement pursuant to Sect on 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a reg stered owner A new fictit ous business name sta ement mus be fi ed before the exp ration The fil ng of th s statement does not of tse f author ze he use in th s state of a f ct tious bus ness name n vio at on of the righ s of another under federal, state, or common law (see Sect on 14411 Et Seq , Bus ness and Professions Code) Publ shed 2/16 2/23 3/2 3/9/23 Inland Empire Community Newspapers We 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