Vol 59, NO. 31
July 21, 2 022
S a n B e r n a r d i n o C o u n t y Wo r k f o r c e D e v e l o p m e n t ’ s mo nthly Hi ri ng Event is o n August 4th
SBCUSD students go back to school August 1st
By Manny Sandoval
ndeed, some of the Inland Empire’s most prominent employers, such as the City of San Bernardino, Rialto Post-Acute Center, United Staffing Associates, and Pacific
Pg. 3
Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898
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Dermatology Center, are scheduled to attend San Bernardino County’s Hiring Event on August 4th. Many of the 15+ employers (some of which are secondchance employers) will be con-
ducting on-site interviews and making job offers, so attendees must come prepared with a resume in hand.
For those who do not have access to a computer, County residents are welcome to print
and even create a resume onsite on the day of the event. The Hiring Event is held the
Hiring Event cont. on next pg.
San Bernardino Area Chamber of Commerce’s Educational and Business Expo 2022
By Ricardo Tomboc
San Ber nardino Symphony Orchestra has elected for mer Mayo r Ju d it h Va l l e s a s i t s new president
Since 2021, the County’s Workforce Development Department has been operating at The Inland Center Mall in a completely redesigned building, tailored for the success of the community.
n Thursday, July 15th, the San Bernardino Area Chamber of Commerce (SBACC) held an Educational and Business Expo at the Inland Center Mall where the community was able to speak directly to vendors, business owners, charter schools, trade schools, and more.
Among those participating was Technical Employment Training, Inc. (TET), who was offering careers in Highly skilled manufacturing. TET program includes 630 hours of training, fundamentals of metalworking, Credentialing, and job placement. Also participating in the Expo
Chamber, cont. on pg. 2