El Chicano 08/04/22

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Vol 59, NO. 33

August 4, 2022

Star light Cinema is back and making its way through the City of San Ber nardino


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seniors graduate from Redlands Emergency Ser vices


Pg. 8




The City already hosted Starlight Cinema in June 2022, but due to many residents requesting more movie nights, it’s making its way back on August 4th.

By Manny Sandoval

ark your calendars because every Thursday in August, starting the 4th, the City of San Bernardino’s Community Services Department will host Starlight Cinema Movies in the


Park every Thursday in August.

“In July, we hosted sizzling summer nights, but due to popular demand, we decided to bring Starlight Cinema back throughout August. So each week, we’ll be hosting at a different location to give everyone

in the City an opportunity to enjoy a movie under the stars,” said Community Recreation Manager Vanessa Carbajal.

The first event will be held at Perris Hill Park with Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, followed by Seccombe

Lake Park with The Goonies the following week.

“Each movie night will start at 5 PM with novelty, food, and resource vendors, along with City cont. on next pg.

A new leader, a new era at San Bernardino High School

By Hazael Calleros, community writer

Dignity Health

gave away 10,000 diapers to

under ser ved

communities in SB County on Ju l y 2 6t h


Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898

Editorial: iecn1@ mac.com Advertisin g: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecn legals@ hotmail.com

nna Sosa was appointed the 24th Principal of San Bernardino High School by the San Bernardino City Unified School District on May 17th, 2022.

Although her first day as Cardinal 1 began on June 6th, Sosa has been impressed by SBHS’s genuine warmth, passion, and pride for Cardinal City, as well as the dedicated faculty and staff that make SBHS “The Very Best.”

“The fact that we have many veteran teachers speaks volumes, something is anchoring them here on this campus,” said Sosa. SBHS, cont. on pg. 2

PHOTO Hazael Calleros

Anna Sosa is an alumni of CSUSB and National University; she was born in Upland and raised in Ontario.

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