Vol 59, NO. 34
August 1 1, 2022
D o c u s e r i e s “ T h e Wo m e n o n t h e M o t h e r R o a d ” features San Ber nardino’s iconic Mitla’s Cafe
92 year old
woman finds
wellness and r e n e wa l v i a IEHP
Pg. 3
Founder Lucia Rodriguez (pictured center) in front of the Mitla Cafe with her daughters on Route 66 in San Bernardino, CA
By Manny Sandoval
three-part docuseries coined The Women on the Mother Road is airing on American public television and features San Bernardino’s iconic Mitla’s Cafe, which is located along the historic Route 66.
The Mother Road, known as Route 66, was paved in 1926 to connect struggling economic cities with larger cities to help sell goods and barter. “Back in the late 1920s, when Route 66 was started, women were discouraged from going to school and typically only
attained an eighth-grade education. As a result, women were limited in areas of politics and public life. But Route 66 provided women with an economic opportunity that they never had before, as it helped them earn money and become financially independent,” said Katrina Parks, director of The Women
on the Mother Road.
After the great depression, which ended in 1939, women lobbied for good roads across the U.S.
Route 66 was the result, which Route 66 cont. on next pg.
Wicked Fest brings an early Halloween to San Bernardino
By Adriana Lopez, community writer
San Ber nardino County Librar y
Luau is coming to Rialto,
Highland, and Fontana
Pg. 4
Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898
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wners of Wicked Bootique, a family run boutique dedicated to Halloween and horror themed products, hosted its first annual Wicked Fest on August 5th.
With over 50 vendors, a bar, a jumper for children, and a photo op setup featuring Carrie in her bloody prom dress, Wicked Fest attracted hundreds of guests. The event was held in San Bernardino inside of an events hall on Club Center Drive, and was free of charge to guests.
The location, free admission and parking, were details that Wicked Fest, cont. on pg. 2
Wicked Bootique holds the first annual Wicked Fest in San Bernardino.