El Chicano 09/15/22

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Mitla’s Cafe on September 15

of E street, 4th street, D street and 3rd street, attendees were able to visit participating art galleries, Viva La Boba and The Enterprise Building for a screening of “Pan’s Labyrinth”

The event first t h e e ff o r t s o f Kristopher Gonzalez Gonzalez was inspired to create the event a f t e o n n g t h e D o o n N h b o r h o o d A s s o c i a t i o n Council, an organization dedi

Re s i d e n t s , a r t i s t s , a n d food vendors local to the area gathered in downtown San Bernardino for the San Bernardino Art Walk on September 10

Vo l 5 9 , N O 3 9 E L C H I C A N o S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 H O W T O R E A C H U HS O W T O R E A C H U S I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : s a l e s @ i e c n c o m L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ h o t m a i l c o m P g . 5 w w w i e c n c o m WWe e eekkllyy

By Manny Sandoval

PHOTO ADRIANA LOPEZ vendor and owner of Lucid Gemini Studio Susana Escobedo displayed her work at the San Bernardino Walk for this year


P g . 5 C a d e n H e n d e r s o n v i s i t s t h e S o F i S t a d i u m a n d w a t c h e s t h e C h a r g e r s d o m i n a t e D i s c o v e r H i g h l a n d 5 K a n d 1 0 K R u n i s s e t t o t a k e p l a c e o n O c t o b e r 8 t h San Ber nardino Ar t Walk displays potential of the city

after three Mexican American males between the ages of 13 and 16 were refused entry into San Bernardino’s Perris Hill Park Plunge because Mexicans were only allowed

Art Walk, cont on pg 2

By Adriana Lopez

r j

e i g



was cleaned On September 1, 1 9 4 3 , t h e t h r e e b o y s w e r e refused entry into the facility upon the fact that they were of M e x i c a n d e s c e n t , ” s a i d S u p e r i o r C o u r t o f S a n Bernardino County Judge John Lopez V Seccombe cont on next pg



R e e n a c t m e n t o f h i s t o r i c L o p e z v . S e c c o m b e d e s e g r e g a t i o n c a s e i s p l a n n e d i n S a n B e r n a r d i n o o n S e p t e m b e r 1 5

With a wide perimeter consist ing

came to life in 2 0 2 1 d u e t o


Specifically, the case was filed

w n t

it has been 78 y e a r s s i n c e t h e 1944 ruling of the h i s t o r i c L o p e z v S e c c o m b e case, which desegregated city parks and recreational facilities in San Bernardino, a reenact ment of the case is being held at

“Mexicans were only allowed to use The Plunge one day per week, the day before the water

Superior Court of San Bernardino County Judge John M Pacheco and Former Mayor of San Bernardino Judith Valles recounting their experi ences with segregation at KVCR studios in San Bernardino

the second time

The event, which will reenact arguments and the ruling, is aptly scheduled on the first day of National Hispanic Heritage M o n t h a n d o n e d a y b e f o r e Mexican Independence Day

Attendees had the opportunity to purchase snow cones, tacos, boba, funnel cake and vegan options from food trucks set up with the art walk lot

cated to improving communities Now president of the association, Gonzalez saw the San Bernardino downtown area as an ideal location to create an opportunity for unity

Tickets will also be available for sale at the door for this price It strongly encouraged to pur chase your tickets in advance

This event is for guests 21 years of age and older only

“I figured if we don't have it, let's create it,” Gonzalez said

the HSSBV Administration Of fice (374 W Orange Show Road) or by visiting www hssbv org!

Costumes are encouraged, but not required! There will be a contest for Best Costume, with the winner being announced at the end of the event New addi tions to the event this year in clude a caricature artist and face painter/festival makeup

M Pacheco

“When I was a child, my brother was killed in World War ll His body was flown back to the United States, and my par ents began planning his funeral services Initially, my dad was coordinating, and everything was okay Still, when my mom went into the mortuary in San Bernardino to make a payment, the employee asked her if she was Mexican, likely due to her accent and darker skin My mom

The Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley will be host ing their annual Casino Night and Dog House Auction “Howler ween” Party on Satur day, October 15, 2022 from 4:30 pm 9:30 pm at 374 West Or ange Show Road, San Bernardino

Sponsors for Ante Up for Ani mals Casino Night and Dog House Auction include Idexx Laboratories, Premium Promo tionals, Mr Wilfred & Dr Jan ice Lemann, Fullerton, Lemann, Schaefer & Dominick, LLP, Wells Fargo Financial Advisors, Cormarc Insurance Services

Page A2 • September 15, 2022 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers • El Chicano

Ticket prices are $50 each when purchased on or before October 3rd Tickets sold after October 3rd will be sold for $55 each

MoneyTree and Paws Red lands All proceeds from this event benefit the HSSBV pro grams and services


Escobedo first set up at the art walk last month, and the experience showed her that there is more to San Bernardino than some may think

said yes, and they told her that Mexicans were not allowed to be buried there,” said Valles

H u m a n e S o c i e t y o f S a n B a r n a r d i n o Va l l e y ’ s C a s i n o N i g h t i s b a c k

One of the vendors who displayed their work is Susana Escobedo, a San Bernardino resident Es cobedo’s work consists of bookmarks, patches, pins, polymer clay earrings and prints of her art

“Personally, growing up on the Westside of San Bernardino, I didn’t experience much segrega tion; it wasn’t until I went to col lege that I experienced it every day I remember conversing with one of my professors and telling him that I wanted to be a judge, and he laughed hysterically He said I needed to get a job as a landscaper outside of a court house, arrive bright and early so that when the attorneys and judges walk in, I can listen to how they talk,” Pacheco said

Guests will also enjoy gaming, music, dancing, food and fun! There will also be one of a kind bird houses and dog houses available for live auction

Valles became the first Latina to serve as president of a Cali fornia college or university, the first Hispanic elected in the City of San Bernardino, and authored the critically acclaimed book “As My Mother Would Say: Como Decia Mi Mama ”

“For a long time I thought it was really scary down here, so coming last month was really great, seeing the community that I didn't know was so well put together,” Escobedo said


Escobedo heard of the opportunity to vend at the art walk through the Trans Unity Center of San Bernardino Part of the organization’s commit ment is to find opportunities for queer artists “They pay for my entrance here, I’m one of the queer artists that gets supported and I was recom mended to set up here,” Escobedo said

“I gave myself the task to unify small busi nesses, to promote small business entrepreneurs and bring life to downtown,” Gonzalez said “I see it as a blank slate, it's the perfect canvas to create whatever we want ”

According to official court documents, the respondents’ conduct was illegal and in viola tion of the petitioner ’s rights and privileges as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, mainly provided under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amend ments

More from the interview with Pacheco and Valles will be shared in the coming weeks as we celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month

Each ticket includes dinner, drink ticket, raffle ticket, $100 in Casino Cash, and entrance to the door prizes including a $50 Visa gift card

Iconic Mexican American leaders in San Bernardino, such as Pacheco and San Bernardino’s First Hispanic Mayor Judith Valles, recently sat down with KVCR and Inland Empire Community News to discuss the importance of the Lopez v Seccombe case and to detail their own experiences with segregation

Among the attendees is Cathy Segora, who brought her granddaughter Mia to the art walk Segora believes children should visit cultural events to boost creativity and expose them to the community

SB Art Walk

With local artists selling a variety of products, attendees had a wide array of original creations to browse through Including paintings, yarn bucket hats, beaded jewelry, incense, handmade plushies and clothing, the products displayed the talents of local artists

The next event will be held on October 15

Attendees share this same sentiment, they be lieve it is important to support the growth and po tential of the city

Tickets are available now and can be purchased by calling 909 386 1400 ext 218, in person at

Community News

“They can be the next famous artist or writer, get involved with their community and know what's out there,” Segora said

Classic cars we displayed for attendees to view in the art walk lot

Attendees can gamble the night away and have the oppor tunity to win several fabulous high end raffle prize packages including a Disneyland package, an Eastern Sierra vacation pack age, Six Flags tickets, a suite at the Ontario Reign and more!

The main attraction of the night was a lot on the corners of E street and Court street Featuring a stage where comedians performed, classic cars, table games, food and art vendors, the lot trans formed into a cultural hub

As for Pacheco, he detailed the efforts and criticism he endured to become a superior court judge

Pacheco himself is coordinat ing the reenactment, which will take place in front of 150 local high school students and re gional dignitaries on September 15


Growing tired of commuting to other cities for art events, Gonzalez decided that the perfect can vas would become the San Bernardino Art Walk

Lopez V Seccombe

Pacheco said this case set a precedent for other local deseg regation issues, including the Mendez v Westminster decision in 1947 and the Supreme Court decision of Brown v Board of Education in 1954

Community News

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • September 15, 2022 • Page A3 S e n d s t o r y i d e a s , p r e s s r e l e a s e s , O p - E d s , a n d p h o t o s t o i e c n 1 @ m a c . c o m C i t y o f S a n B e r n a r d i n o e x i t s b a n k r u p t c y i n s t r o n g f i n a n c i a l p o s i t i o n

San Bernardino exits bank ruptcy in a strong financial posi tion The City has cash reserves exceeding $40 million and a projected budget surplus of $2 5 million this fiscal year The cash reserves represent 25% of the general fund budget, a threshold indicating financial stability for a city government When San Bernardino entered bankruptcy in 2012, the city had a cash deficit of $18 2 million and a projected $45 8 million budget deficit

San Bernardino was able to show the Court that it had taken all actions required in the Plan of Adjustment, had made all re quired payments to date under the Plan, and would be able to continue to pay its remaining long term obligations Having met the terms of the Plan, the Court approved the City’s mo tion to discharge the bankruptcy


"What exciting news and a mo ment for San Bernardino resi dents collectively to celebrate,” said Mayor John Valdivia “The closure of this chapter in our city's history the grueling and deep cuts we all experienced are in the rearview mirror of San Bernardino's history I wish to express my gratitude to our community along with the busi nesses who have stood fast with our city ”

“Our city is now pivoting to successfully re establish and ex pand core services to our tax payers and business community,” added Mayor Val divia “The council is focused on thoughtful and focused prior ities to enhance these services and I want to commend these council members on this great win for our city ”

“Projects that for many years were deferred are now happen ing,” said City Manager Robert Field “Residents are noticing a difference ”

In recent months, the City has been allocating resources to repave streets, trim trees, reno vate parks and upgrade senior centers This year alone, work has been completed or is under way to improve segments of 53 streets across the City as well as a 27 block segment of Sierra Way Additional construction projects will soon commence on improvements along a two mile segment of Pepper Avenue and the long awaited extension of State Street

San Bernardino has also been strategically hiring needed staff, including police officers and code enforcement officers The city recently added a housing and homelessness team to work on issues related to the city’s un housed population, and a grants team to identify, seek, and man age external funding

September 8th, U S Bankruptcy Judge Scott C Clarkson issued an order discharging the City of San Bernardino’s bankruptcy case, bringing an end to a process that began over ten years ago

Page A4 • September 15, 2022 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

The first NFL Sunday of the 2022 2023 season oc curred this past weekend, and I got a Week 1 experience like no other as I, along with my dad, went to SoFi stadium to see the Chargers go up against the division rival Raiders While the game was a statement win by the Chargers, there was also a lot to admire about the stadium itself, so I’m here to share my experience

The dog friendly run/walk begins at 8 AM, and par ticipants will trek around East Highlands Ranch

“Thank you to San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, the City of Highland, Bear Springs Hotel, Brightwater Senior Living, County Supervisor Dawn Rowe, and the San Bernardino Sheriffs Athletic Federation for helping make the Discover Highland run a success again this year,” concluded Shelton


Probably the most known part of SoFi stadium is the lake right out side of it The sign behind it pro vides a perfect photo opportunity, and it looks just as nice in person as it does on camera Dozens of seagulls are always around it and it provides a welcoming entrance to the stadium And, if you look up, you’ll see the rather oddly shaped roof that SoFi has The stadiums roof rotates around when needed in order to manage wind and sun shine, which is one of a kind Once inside, there is one major thing that catches your eye; the Jumbotron The big screen hovers over the en tire 100 yard field and is very con venient to look up at to watch replays or videos, versus other screens that can cause you to al most strain your neck to look up at

As for the playing field, it is under ground due to needing the stadium to be low enough to allow planes to travel over it smoothly The turf looked brand new and ready to be played on The only negative I had about the stadium was the signs for seating (or lack thereof) Many signs leading you to your section were either nonexistent or just wrong You’d be told by a sign to go left to your section, but then you’d end up 10 sections away It was a bit confusing but other than that, the stadium was wonderful

As for the game, the Chargers new look defense forced 3 inter ceptions, and Justin Herbert threw for nearly 300 yards in a 24 19 win as the Chargers avenged last years Week 18 loss to the Raiders that ended their season The energy in side the stadium made it feel like it was the AFC Championship Game rather than a Week 1 season opener

and even walkers, get ready because the Discover Highland 5K and 10K run is coming to Highland with high energy on Sat urday, October 8th

The combination of Charger fans, Raiders fans, and SoFi Stadium helped give me a great experience at my first ever in person NFL game SoFi is sure to be home to many memories in the near future, and it is easily the most impressive stadium I have ever been to

SoFi Stadium is incr edible, just like the Charger s week 1 perf or mance T he Discover Highland 5K and 10K Run is October 8th, competitive and noncompetitive r unner s ar e encoura ged to par ticipate

sorships are $250 and provide benefits like two runner entries, name and logo on t shirts, a social media mention, a swag bag insert, and acknowledgment in email blasts

“This is such a great event for Inland Empire busi nesses, non profits, and agencies to be a part of as it’s benefiting The Unforgettables Foundation and our chamber, to coordinate more events that benefit small businesses in our community,” Shelton said



F o l l o w u s o n Fa c e b o o k a n d Tw i t t e r @ I E C N We e k l y

To register for the run, visit highlandchamber org/events

C a d e n C e n t e r

First, second, and third place, 5K and 10K runners will be awarded; in separate categories for men and women

by Manny Sandoval

The Highland Area Chamber of Commerce accepts event sponsors until Monday, September 19th Spon

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • September 15, 2022 • Page A5

“Another exciting element added to this year ’s run is a dog competition To kick off the month of Hal loween, we’re asking all participants who own a dog to bring out their furry friends to enter them into our costume contest Pet Empire and Supplies will give the winner a gift,” continued Shelton

Monies raised at the run will be donated to The Un forgettables Foundation, a local Inland Empire non profit that helps underprivileged families pay for the costs of a child’s burial

“We’re using Pacific Coast Timing again this year, so all participants will receive a bib to track their times, which is perfect for competitive runners Also, local non profit Girls on the Run will be leading a stretching exercise, and we’re going to have a state of the art sound system in place to get everyone riled up and excited for the run,” said Highland Area Chamber of Commerce President and Race Director Gail Shelton

The run will begin at Arroyo Verde Elementary, head north on Church Street, then travel east on Baseline

Road, south on Weaver Street, and west on Greenspot Road

by caden henderson

Judge of the Superior Court Published Rialto Record 9/15,9/22,9/29,10/6/22 R 3575

Pursuant to the California Self Service Storage Facility Act (B&P Code 21700 ET seq ) The under signed will sell at public auction on Thursday September 22, 2022 at 5:00 pm Personal property including but not limited to furniture, clothing, tools and/or other household items located at: The sale will take place online at www selfstorageauction co m

Pub ished Rialto Record September 15, 22, 2022 R 3574

AM Kel y Fordyce unit appears to contain personal items shoes misc; Idr s Johnson unit appears to contain, boxes, per sonal items; Gerardo Magda eno unit appears to conta n personal items boxes bags and m sc ; Camesha Boyk ns un t appears to contain clothing and personal; Br an Rogers unit appears to conta n househo d boxes and m sc ; Maria Hernandez, unit appears to contain, boxes appli ances misc ; Yezel Contreras unit appears to contain house hold furniture and misc ; Omar Galvan un t appears to contain persona items boxes etc ; Andrew Sanchez un t appears to conta n persona items tires etc The auction w ll be l sted and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facil ty in order to comp ete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may resc nd any pur chase up unt l the w nn ng bidder takes possession of the personal property CN990038 10 05 2022 Published Ria to Record Sep 15 22 2022 R 3578

NOTICE Extra Space Storage w ll hold a public auction to sell personal property described below be onging to those nd viduals l sted below at the location indicated: 10192 Linden Ave B oomington CA 92316 October 4 2022 11:30am Frederico Orozco Sr Refrigerator Bed Bike Boxes & Mattress; Ruben Hernandez Christmas tree Propane tank & boxes The auction w ll be l sted and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m

trustee auction You w ll be



Date: 10 20 22 Time: 8:30

James A Leonard Timothy S Raeck

Superior Court of California County of San Bernardino San Bernardino District Civil Division, 247 West Third Street, San Bernardino CA 92415

Kathryn L Nelson

Pursuant to the California Self Service Storage Facility Act (B&P Code 21700et seq ) the undersigned will se l at public auction September 26th,2022 on personal property including but not limited to business equipment electronics fur niture clothing tools and/or other miscellaneous tems located at:

NOTICE Extra Space Storage w ll hold a public auction to sell personal property descr bed below belong ng to those ind viduals isted below at the location indicated: 17197 Va ley Blvd Fontana, CA 92335 October 4 2022 at 9:45am Jeffrey Boyd household tems; Ch stopher couches tv ca i k ng bed set dresser d n ng room misc goods; Rodriguez t res boxes headboard footboard tv surround bar m sc ; Eduardo Sanchez, household tems; Phi lip Brown tools b kes mis; Tina Grove 3pc couch; Bryan Rodriguez The auct on w ll be sted and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m

Purchases must be made w th cash only and paid at the above referenced fac ity in order to complete the transact on Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any pur chase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property CN990340 10 04 2022 Publ shed Rialto Record Sep 15 22 2022 R 3581


Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell person al property described below be longing to those individuals isted below at the locat on nd cated: 18777 B oomington Ave, Bloom ngton, CA 92316, October 5 2022 at 9:45 AM

• F a x ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 4 0 4 0 6 RR IECN September 15, 2022 Page A7

Dated this September 8 and September 15, 2022 by StorAmerica Universal SS Fontana, 15007 Bridlepath Drive Fontana California 92336 (909) 463 6677

Samantha Jones Antiques glassware, furniture, misc ; Elaine Creg boxes; Wendy Zambrana mattress beads clothes f es lamps and clothes; Albert Medin lla Furniture, stove, fridge and boxes The auct on will be list ed and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made with cash on y and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transac tion Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes pos session of the personal prop erty CN990192 10 05 2022 Pub ished Rialto Record Sep 15 22 2022 R 3579

Notice of public Sale

FBN’S ONLY $45 Call (909) 381-9898 Inland Empire Community Newspapers We are now online! Visit us at www.iecn.com for all your community news! Mailing Address: P.O. Box 110 Colton, CA 92324 Or Call (909) 381-9898 e-Mail iecnlegals @hotmail.com Publish your FBN for only $45!

O f f i c e ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 9 8 9 8 •


Ashley E Reyes

THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicat ed below to show cause, if any why the petition for change of name should not be granted Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written object on that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted If no written objec tion is timely filed, the court may grant the petition with out a hear ng

DERS: If you are cons der ng bidd ng on this property ien you should understand that there are risks involved in bid ding at a bidding

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE TS No CA 22 900073 SH Order No : 220106333 CA VOI YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 4/22/2013 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PRO CEEDING AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash cashier s check drawn on a state or nationa bank check drawn by state or federal credit un on, or a check drawn by a state or federal sav ngs and loan assoc ation or savings associat on or savings bank spec fied in Section 5102 to the F nancia Code and author zed to do business in this state wi l be held by duly appointed trustee The sale wi l be made but without covenant or warran ty expressed or implied regard ing t tle, possession, or encum brances, to pay the rema n ng princ pa sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust w th interest and late charges thereon as provided n the note(s) advances under the terms of the Deed of Trust inter est thereon fees charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publ cat on of the Not ce of Sa e) reasonab y estimated to be set forth below The amount may be greater on the day of sa e BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Trustor(s): BARBARA M REDD AN UNMARRIED WOMAN Recorded: 5/8/2013 as Instrument No 2013 0193443 of Officia Records in the off ce of the Recorder of SAN BERNARDINO County, California; Date of Sale: 10/18/2022 at 9:00 AM P ace of Sale: At the North West Entrance in the Courtyard of the Chino Municipal Court located at 13260 Central Avenue Chino CA 91710 Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $92 577 52 The pur ported property address is: 160 W WALNUT AVE #C RIALTO CA 92376 Assessor s Parcel No : 0127 113 37 0 000


on a ien not on the property itself Plac ng the

Kimberly C Ward

Latasha S Hicks

am Dept: S16 The address of the court is: same as noted above

A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks pr or to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circu lation, pr nted n this county:

Petitioner or Attorney: Ran Hou 15395 Feldspar Dr Ch no Hills CA 91709



RIALTO RECORD Dated: SEP 09 2022

Kimberly C Ward

SONS: Petitioner: RAN HOU has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: RAN HOU to Proposed name: ROMY JANE CENNAME

Randi R Lines Matthew M MacBean

NOTICE Extra Space Storage w ll ho d a public auction to sell person al property described be ow belonging to those nd viduals l sted below at the location indicated: 313 S R vers de Ave R alto CA 92376 October 4, 2022 @ 11:30 a m Veronica Rivas Couch d ning table, TV, boxes, miscella neous kitchen items dishes microwave beds couches; Julian Deniz Household goods; Luis Gu llen Stove washer dryer tab es clothes tools; Luciano Lira, Househo d items drafting table; Kimberly Smith 10 12 Boxes; Amber Lutton Household items; Jessie Hawk ns 2 bedroom house items; Robert Sanchez, Furn ture pool tab e refrigera tor washer dryer boxes The auction w be listed and advertised on www storage treasures com Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above refer enced facility in order to com plete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property CN989507 10 04 2022 Publ shed R alto Record Sep 15 22 2022 R 3576

Kathryn L Nelson

John A LaViera JR Kimberly C Ward

Extra Space Storage wi l ho d a pub ic auction to se l personal property descr bed be ow be longing to those individua s listed below at the ocat on ndicated: 15713 Valley Blvd Fontana Ca 92335 OCTOBER 5 2022 10:30

All sales are subject to prior cancellation All terms rules and regulations are available online at www selfstorageauction com



A AMERICAN SELF STOR AGE (formerly known as Space Place) 220 W Valley Blvd Rialto CA 92376 @ 6PM via Storagetreasures com


STORED BY THE FOL LOWING PERSONS: Stefanie Geiger Coguidoely Ruelas Nora Rodriguez Cuahtemoc Gonzalez Pau Thompson Ivan Visos Roman Michael Wayne Andersen

All sales are subject to prior cancellation Terms rules and regulations available at sa e By A American Storage Management Co Inc (310)914 4022

Purchases must be made w th cash only and paid at the above referenced fac ity in order to complete the transact on Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any pur chase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property CN990241 10 04 2022 Publ shed Rialto Record Sep 15,22, 2022 R 3580

Julie A Vogel Mark S Soria

CNS 3622709#

highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatical y ent t e you to free and clear ownersh p of the property You shou d a so be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a unior ien If you are the h ghest bid der at the auction you are or may be respons b e for paying off all liens sen or to the ien being auct oned off before you can receive clear t t e to the property You are encouraged to nvestigate the existence pr ori ty and s ze of outstanding iens that may ex st on this property by contact ng the county recorder s off ce or a title insur ance company e ther of wh ch may charge you a fee for this nformation If you consult either of these resources you shou d be aware that the same lender may ho d more than one mort gage or deed of trust on the property NOTICE TO PROP ERTY OWNER: The sa e date shown on this notice of sa e may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, benefi c ary trustee or a court pur suant to Section 2924g of the Ca iforn a C vil Code The law requires that nformation about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public as a courtesy to those not present at the sale If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicab e, the resched uled t me and date for the sa e of this property you may call 800 280 2832 for nformation regarding the trustee s sa e or v s t this internet website h t t p : / / w w w q u a i t y l o a n c o m using the file number ass gned to this foreclosure by the Trustee: CA 22 900073 SH Informat on about postpone ments that are very short n duration or that occur close n time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected n the telephone nformation or on the internet webs te The best way to ver fy postponement nformation is to attend the schedu ed sale NOTICE TO TENANT: You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction pursuant to Section 2924m of the Ca iforn a Civi Code If you are an "e ig b e tenant buyer," you can purchase the property if you match the ast and highest bid placed at the trustee auction If you are an e ig b e b dder you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the last and highest bid p aced at the trustee auc tion There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase First, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can call 800 280 2832, or visit this inter net website http://www qua ity oan com us ng the f le number assigned to this forec osure by the Trustee: CA 22 900073 SH to f nd the date on which the trustee s sa e was held the amount of the last and highest bid and the address of the trustee Second you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee's sale Third you must submit a bid so that the trustee rece ves it no more than 45 days after the trustee s sale If you think you may qua ify as an el gible ten ant buyer or eligible bidder you shou d cons der contacting an attorney or appropriate real estate profess onal immediately for advice regarding this poten tial right to purchase The unders gned Trustee discla ms any liab lity for any incorrect ness of the property address or other common designat on if any shown herein If no street address or other common des gnat on is shown d rect ons to the locat on of the property may be obtained by sending a writ ten request to the beneficiary with n 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale If the sale is set aside for any reason including f the Trustee is unable to convey t tle the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the monies pa d to the Trustee This shall be the Purchaser s so e and exc us ve remedy The pur chaser sha have no further recourse against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Beneficiary, the Beneficiary's Agent, or the Benef c ary s Attorney If you have prev ous y been dis charged through bankruptcy you may have been re eased of personal iabi ity for this oan n wh ch case this etter is ntend ed to exercise the note ho ders right s against the real property only Date: Quality Loan Serv ce Corporation 2763 Camino Del Rio S San Diego, CA 92108 619 645 7711 For NON SALE nformation only Sale Line: 800 280 2832 Or Login to: h t t p : / / w w w q u a l t y o a n c o m Re nstatement L ne: (866) 645 7711 Ext 5318 Qua ity Loan Serv ce Corp TS No : CA 22 900073 SH IDSPub #0180480 Pub ished Rialto Record 9/1/2022 9/8/2022 9/15/2022 R 3557

Page A8 • September 15, 2022 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers Follow us on Instagram @ IECNWeekly Yo u r a d h e r e $ 5 0 0 f o r 13 w e e k s ( 4 ” x 2 ” ) C a l l ( 9 0 9 ) 3 81 - 9 8 9 8 o r e m a i l s a l e s @ i e c n . c o m f o r m o r e d e ta i l s

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