El Chicano 01/12/23

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while Councilwoman Kimberly Calvin provided an update on the 6th Ward

Bernardino Mayor Helen Tran,

Even though heavy rain was pouring outside, around 50 constituents attended the 2-hour meeting at New Hope Family Life Church

top musical talent from a c r o s s t h e i n l a n d empire

"This production was great for our students as i t g a v e t h e m a r e a lw o r l d T V p r o d u c t i o n experience that added to their portfolio while at the same time creating o r i g i n a l c o n t e n t f o r KVCR, marketing the F i l m , Te l e v i s i o n a n d Media department, and spotlighting local artists at the same time," said Professor Kevin Lyons

The first episode feat u r e d C l a s s i c R o c k Band Raincross Drive,

And while Tran and Calvin were well received, during the question and answer portion of the meeting, one specific resident of the Third Ward came for Calvin incorrectly, and she corrected his misconceived notion

“It’s concerning to me because

there have been talks about a s t r a t e g i c p l a n e v e r s i n c e I moved to this city Do we have a strategic plan that identifies the best place for future logistics? Councilwoman Calvin, are

Vo l 6 0 , N O 0 4 E L C H I C A N o J a n u a r y 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 H O W T O R E A C H U S H O W T O R E A C H U I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s Office: (909) 381-9898 Editorial : iecn1@mac com Adver tising: sa les@iecn com Leg als : iecnleg als @hotmail com WWe e eekkll
In Spring 2022, San Bernardino Valley C o l l e g e s t u d e n t s e n r o l l e d i n t h e F i l m , Television, and Media Department's Survey of T V S t u d i o a n d F i l m P r o d u c t i o n ( F T V M 1 3 3 ) a n d T V S t u d i o P r o d u c t i o n ( F T V M 233) courses produced a 6 - e p i s o d e T V s h o w called Rhythm Lounge, w h i c h p r e m i e r e d o n KVCR (channel 24) on Sunday, January 8th T h e f o r m a t f o l l o w s that of the iconic shows Guitar Center Sessions and MTV Unplugged, w h e r e a s R h y t h m L o u n g e s p o t l i g h t s t h e
N W P A C M e e t a n d G r e e t w a r m l y w e l c o m e s M a y o r H e l e n T r a n a n d C o u n c i l w o m a n K i m b e r l y C a l v i n , w i t h s l i g h t c o n t e n t i o n
On J a n u a r y 9 t h , t h e N o r t h w e s t P r o j e c t A r e a C o m m i t t e e ( N W PA C ) h e l d a M e e t a n d G r e e t f o r C i t y o f S a n
Council cont on next pg PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL
SBVC Film Students pr oduce TV show “Rhythm Lounge” and it air s ever y Sunday on KVCR Channel 24 w w w i e c n c o m H O W T O R E A C H U S H O W T O R E A C H U S I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s Office: (909) 381-9898 Ed itoria l: iec n1@mac com Ad ver tising : sal es@iecn com Lega ls : iecn lega ls@hotmail com C A P S B C R e c e i v e s $ 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 G r a n t f r o m K a i s e r P e r m a n e n t e Cong ress passes Omnibus Appropriations Bill to fund the Fifth District’s Little Third Community Gutter s P g 4 P g . 5 TV show cont on next page
Councilwoman Kimberly Calvin, Mayor Helen Tran, and San Bernardino Constituents warmly welcome one another, after Calvin and Tran assure residents that one of the greatest changes coming to the city under its new leadership is transparency

City Council

you against logistics,” asked Third Ward Resident Luis Ojeda

Calvin was quick to answer, “Against the logistics industry?

No sir But, since its existence, Ward 6 has had the worst air quality; read the data Where is the concern for our children? It’s time for our Ward to have more than just trucking and logistics The sixth Ward will not continue to be the only Ward to produce logistics like it’s done since 1966 ”

Calvin’s sentiment was met

TV Show

which has toured breweries and regional events across the Inland Empire In the episode, the Inland natives performed two of their hits and delved deep into the hardships of being a local musician

But aside from the programming, what is astounding is that the dozen and a half students enrolled in the two courses, some with no prior TV production experience, entirely produced the

with applause and resulted in residents from the sixth Ward getting on their feet and taking the floor

One resident expressed that they do not wish to see any more trucking in the sixth Ward since many in their family suffer from asthma and allergies and want the same quality of life as those in the Third Ward

Tran and Calvin assured constituents at the meeting that a strategic plan is currently in the works

Other items discussed include the plan to revitalize downtown,

6-episode show in just 58 lab hours

"This first take of Rhythm Lounge was a good model, and we're going to do it again this semester It's resulting in elevating our student's critical thinking skills as they are project managing, coordinating with bands and musicians, shooting and editing the show - but pivoting when things go wrong, like a band canceling last minute, which happened - it's all part of the game and reflective

the San Bernardino International Airport, Burrtec trash collection fee increases and affordable housing

Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gomez Reyes’ Field Representative Michael Townsend, Planning Commissioner Dolores Armstead, and Neighborhood Housing Services of the Inland Empire Deputy Director Kailin Scott were also in attendance Monday night

The NWPAC meets on the second Monday of every month, at 6 PM, at New Hope Family Life Church

It’s a new dawn, it's a new year and after election results were certified on December 8th, 2022 - a handful of newly electeds in San Bernardino County are resuming office this month

50th Assembly District Eloise Gomez Reyes (D)

53rd Assembly District Freddie Rodriguez (D)

San Bernardino County

of a high budget TV production," concluded Lyons

Rhythm Lounge airs every Sunday at 4 PM on KVCRChannel 24

To learn more about SBVC's Film, Television, and Media Department, visit

www valleycollege edu/academ i c - c a r e e r- p r o g r a m s / d e g r e e scertificates/film-television-medi a/

Late last year, the San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters reported that out of the 1 138 million registered voters in the County, only 458,946 residents casted their votes, resulting in a measly 40 3 percent voter turnout

Here is a succinct list of election results for the cities of San Bernardino, Colton, Rialto, and the County of San Bernardino: Congress

23rd Congressional District Jay Obernolte (R)

25th Congressional District Raul Ruiz (D)

33rd Congressional District Pete Aguilar (D)

35th Congressional District Norma J Torres (D) Assembly

34th Assembly District Tom Lackey (R)

45th Assembly District James C Ramos (D)

San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, District 2 Jesse Armendarez


Colton City Council, Mayor Frank J Navarro

Colton City Council, District 2 Kelly J Chastain

Colton City Council, District 3 Luis S Gonzalez

Colton City Council, District 4 John R Echevarria

Rialto City Council, vote for two Joe Baca Sr Ed Scott

San Bernardino City Council, Mayor Helen Tran

For more information, visit the San Bernardino County Registrar of voters at r e s u l t s r o v s b c o u n t y g o v / R esults/20221108/

Omnitrans event to combine community ar t with inf or mation, feedback

Community News

On Saturday, January 14, Omnitrans will host an event at its San Bernardino Transit Center to collect community feedback on regional transit-related needs while inviting attendees to enjoy local artists at work, painting original work on bus stop benches to beautify local stops

The agency is seeking feedback on its service offerings, communication and technology as part of its ConnecTransit plan, in which Omnitrans partners with community organizations to conduct outreach and develop a sustainable transportation equity plan

The plan will define community-identified transit needs and prioritizes projects that enhance transportation equity and sustainability in the San Bernardino Valley

“The ConnecTransit plan is an important element in Omnitrans’

planning for the future of transportation in our region, and community input is a critical piece of that plan,” said CEO/General Manager Erin Rogers “Combining this feedback opportunity with a demonstration of our bus bench painting project featuring local community artists seems ideal ”

Omnitrans staff will be on hand between 9 am – 1 pm to demonstrate technology, discuss issues and answer questions Community members also are invited to visit with 10 local artists selected by committee to paint bus benches that will be transported throughout Omnitrans’ service area as part of the agency’s popular beautification program A kids’ bench decorating area and refreshments also will be provided

For more information on the event or ConnecTransit plan, please visit omnitrans org

Page A2 • January 12, 2022 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers • El Chicano
S u b m i t y o u r p h o t o s f o r p u b l i c a t i o n - s p o r t s , b i r t h d a y s , a n n i v e r s a r i e s , e v e n t s , e t c . t o i e c n 1 @ m a c . c o m
photo CoURtESY oF MANNY SANDoVAL IECN News Editor Manny Sandoval serves as the host of all six episodes of the music show, where each musical guest performs two songs and gives an interview behind the music
Newl y Electeds taking of fice in 2023, fr om San Ber nardino, to Colton, Rialto, and the County

The winter season has officially arrived and that usually means holiday lights, pumpkins, turkeys, and more!

But what also comes around this time of the year is the annual flu shot What’s more is the latest COVID-19 booster that just became available in September

With all these flu and COVID-19 vaccines, it can get a little confusing about what they are and why we need them Luckily, we’re here to shed some light on these vaccines

What is the COVID vaccine and its booster?

In general, vaccines activate one’s immune system so the body can recognize a specific virus Once the body encounters the virus in the environment, it will know how to fight against it

However, viruses can change over time and create a different version from the original Boosters help fight these mutated viruses

For COVID, a booster is given once an individual completes their primary vaccine series Pfizer and Moderna have recently introduced a “COVID-19 mRNA bivalent booster” to work against the Omicron variant of COVID19

“Bivalent” refers to the booster ’s abil-

O p - E D

C O V I D - 1 9 a n d F l u Va c c i n e s

ity to protect someone from both the original COVID-19 as well as the Omicron variants BA 4 and BA 5

Even if someone may have already recovered from COVID-19, we still recommend getting the vaccine and its boosters to provide additional protection should reinfection occur

Who is eligible for the booster and when should you get it?

These bivalent COVID boosters became available on September 2, 2022 for patients 5 years of age and older

The CDC suggests getting a bivalent booster 2 months after your last primary series dose, original booster, or any other COVID-19 booster1

If you recently had COVID-19, we recommend you wait about 3 months after symptom onset or first positive test result to receive the primary dose or booster

Once someone completes their primary series of COVID-19 vaccines and gets the most recent booster, they are considered up-to-date

As of January 2022, only 54 5% of all eligible San Bernardino residents are fully vaccinated

Approximately 64% of all eligible San Bernardino residents have received any kind of COVID-19 vaccine This falls short of California’s vaccination goal set at 75%2

What are the side effects from the COVID-19 booster?

Some common side effects include mild to moderate fever, headaches, fatigue, and pain at the injection site3 To alleviate any pain or swelling, apply a cool, clean washcloth on the injection site

You may use or rest your arm depending on what helps more For fevers, make sure to stay hydrated and dress in comfortable clothes

Consult with a physician if you are considering taking any over-thecounter pain relievers like ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen4

What about the flu vaccine?

The flu vaccine specifically combats the influenza virus that causes the common flu Since this virus mutates very frequently, a flu shot is created and distributed annually

We recommend patients get the flu vaccine as soon as possible

Flu season commonly peaks in late fall or early winter, so getting the vaccine earlier can provide extra protection against the virus when it is strongest

The flu season in the Southern Hemisphere has reportedly been worse this year As of October 9, 2022, there have been 225,332 laboratory-confirmed influenza cases in Australia, which is a lot

more than in previous years5

Although the number of flu cases has been lower over the past 2 years, this is likely due to quarantine and fewer social activities

As we return to frequent socializations, flu activity is expected to be higher

Can I get both the COVID-19 booster and flu shot at the same time?

Yes, it is safe to get both simultaneously However, the side effects of each vaccine could add up together

If possible, it may be more beneficial to give yourself some time in between the two so you do not feel too sick Many pharmacies also offer the flu and Covid vaccines

Check with your local neighborhood pharmacy to see if they have them in stock as this may offer more convenience than waiting for an appointment

Hopefully this clears up any confusion regarding the COVID-19 booster and the flu vaccine As always, we encourage you to reach out to your primary care provider for any other questions or explanations needed!

*These are not the views of Inland Empire Community News

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • January 12, 2022 • Page A3

CAPSBC Receives $250,000 Grant fr om K aiser Per manente

Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County (CAPSBC) has been awarded a $250,000 grant from Kaiser Permanente as part of the non-profit health organization’s Thrive Local Initiative Capacity Development Program

The funding will support CAPSBC’s Mobile Offices that are designed to increase access to CAPSBC’s services for low-income residents in rural and remote areas of San Bernardino County The goal of the program is to close service gaps and improve health outcomes for vulnerable individuals in our communities

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, CAPSBC began mobilizing its existing programs to enable individuals and families experiencing transportation barriers to access key services by designing mobile units that can bring the services to the people The agency launched a Mobile Shower/Laundry Unit and a Mobile Food Pantry in 2022, and both units have been deployed throughout San Bernardino County

“We are excited to be the recipient of the Kaiser Permanente Thrive Local Initiative Capacity Development grant that will allow us to serve more individuals and families through our Mobile Offices,” said Patricia Nickols-Butler, Chief Executive Officer for Community Action Partnership of

San Bernardino County “In 2023, we will roll out our mobile fleet to create better access to services for all communities in our county CAPSBC’s mission of serving low-income individuals and families across San Bernardino County is aligned with Kaiser Permanente’s Common Areas of Focus that include housing, food security and economic opportunity We are extremely grateful for our long standing partnership and their financial support to help us sustain critical programs and services ”

“Kaiser Permanente strives to help eliminate health disparities and build healthier communities,” said Georgina Garcia, Senior Vice President and Area Manager, Kaiser Permanente San Bernardino County Area “This grant to Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County along with these innovative mobile units will provide much-needed services to under-served populations in San Bernardino County ”

In 2022, CAPSBC was able to secure funding to purchase two RVs that were converted into mobile offices to provide better access to services such as food, transportation, rental/mortgage and motel assistance, free tax preparation services and utility (gas, electric, water) assistance The CAPSBC Mobile Offices will be deployed to vulnerable communities where residents lack the resources to travel to the agency’s main office located in San Bernardino, or those who do not have access to technology to complete online applications for assistance

Page A4 • January 12, 2022 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers Fo l l o w u s o n Fa c e b o o k , Tw i t t e r, a n d I n s t a g r a m @ I E C N We e k l y
San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Transforming lives through education Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


C a d e n C e n t e r


Adrama filled week 18 has concluded, and the bracket for the 2023 NFL playoffs is set There are some new and old faces in the playoffs this year, and there are sure to be many memorable moments Here are my predictions for the entire playoffs, and who I think will end the season raising the Lombardi trophy

AFC Wild Card Round

2 Bills vs 7 Dolphins

The Dolphins fought off multiple injuries and a huge losing streak at the end of the season to secure the final playoff spot on a last minute field goal vs the Jets At the time I’m writing this, starting QB Tua Tagovailoa’s status is unknown for the game as he has a concussion that also caused him to mis the teams week 18 game Considering this, how hot the Bills look, and the Bills playing inspired football for their injured teammate Damar Hamlin, I see them winning this game easily by a score of 38 to 21

3 Bengals vs 6 Ravens

The Ravens story is very similar to the Dolphins, as their starting QB Lamar Jackson has also missed multiple games due to injury As for the Bengals, they’re probably the hottest team in the AFC, and QB Joe Burrow looks poised to lead his team back to the Super Bowl That path I believe will start with a win against the Ravens, 35 to 17

4 Jaguars vs 5 Chargers

The Jaguars may be the higher seed and have home field advantage as the AFC South champions, but the Chargers have the better record going into this matchup Both teams are on absolute fire coming into this game, and a shootout on offense should be expected However, I ultimately believe the Chargers have more talent and will stay more composed, as QB Justin Herbert gets his first playoff win in a 38 to 31 victory

AFC Divisional:

1 Chiefs vs 5 Chargers

The 3rd matchup of the season between these teams will be in the divisional round The Chiefs took the first two meetings in the regular season, but both matchups came down to the final couple possessions While the Chargers will be riding high into this game, I just don’t think Brandon Staley and company are ready to outcoach Andy Reid, as the Chiefs win 35 to 31 in another

the entir e 2023 NFL Playof fs

2 Bills vs 3 Bengals

A rematch of the game that was cancelled due to the Damar Hamlin injury would surely be one of the most anticipated matchups of the playoffs The Bengals looked very good before the regular season game was canceled, but the playoffs are obviously a different story In another tight game these playoffs, I see QB Josh Allen and WR Stefon Diggs connecting late in the game to lead the Bills to the AFC championship once again, winning 28 to 27

AFC Championship:

1 Chiefs vs 2 Bills

It’s time for yet another rematch between the Chiefs and Bills, in a game that would be played at a neutral site as a result of the cancellation of the aforementioned Bills-Bengals game I see this game going into overtime, where we would see the new adjusted OT rules in play In the end, I see Patrick Mahomes out slinging Josh Allen, and sending the Chiefs to the Super Bowl in a 4942 instant classic

NFC Wild Card Round:

2 49ers vs 7 Seahawks

The Seahawks bent but didn’t break towards the end of the season, and earned the final NFC playoff spot thanks to their win in week 18 and the Packers loss during the last game of the regular season The 49ers meanwhile are arguably the hottest team in the NFL Led by rookie phenom QB Brock Purdy, they look poised to return to the Super Bowl While the story of the Seahawks has been special this season, I don’t see a scenario where they keep up with the 9ers as their season ends by a score of 24-13

3 Vikings vs 6 Giants

Two franchises as optimistic as ever will face off in the first round Led by OPOTY and MVP candidate WR Justin Jefferson, the Vikings won close game after close game in the regular season, and it earned them the 3 seed The Giants meanwhile shocked many this season en route to the 6 seed, mainly thanks to RB Saquon Barkley, who returned to top shape after battling injuries the last couple years This game will certainly be a close one given how both teams operate, and the team with more talent, the Vikings, are the ones I think will come out on top The final score; 31-28

Seemingly only Tom Brady would be able to go 8-9 and have a playoff home game, and he’s done exactly that The Bucs never really got a rhythm together this season, but somehow are here As for the Cowboys, they’ve looked sharp all year, outside of their week 18 performance While, on paper, the Cowboys look like the favorites, it’s Tom Brady vs the Cowboys We know how this will go Buccaneers win 21-17

NFC Divisional Round:

1 Eagles vs 4 Buccaneers

A QB unproven in the playoffs in Jalen Hurts will have the city of brotherly love on his shoulders as he faces a would-be confident Bucs team The Eagles stumbled to the 1 seed at the end, but that was due to major injuries that will be healed by the time this game comes around Again, the Eagles would look like favorites, but I can’t bet against Brady just yet Bucs win another thriller, 3127

2 49ers vs 3 Vikings

Eventually, the lights will shine too bright for Vikings QB Kirk Cousins, and this is where it will The 49ers defense will shutdown the Vikings in a blowout, 27-9

NFC Championship: 2 49ers vs 4 Buccaneers

It’ll finally be time to bet against Brady, as the 49ers offensive and defensive weapons will simply be too strong for the unreliable Bucs to overcome, as Brock Purdy takes down football’s best to ever do it, 30-14

Super Bowl: Chiefs vs 49ers

It’s a rematch of the Super Bowl that saw Patrick Mahomes rise to the top, but this time the 49ers are led by a different QB and are seeking revenge While the story of Brock Purdy will be of legend by the time this game takes place, Patrick Mahomes MVP-caliber season is destined to end with his second ring The Chiefs will win 35-24, and hoist the Lombardi trophy

The NFL playoffs begin Saturday night and are sure to be must watch Who will rise to the occasion, and who will disappoint? We’ll find out very soon

Congress has recently passed a bill which has given our San Bernardino County more funding to complete local projects and improve our cities $2,560,00 00 has been secured for the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development: Highway Infrastructure Programs that will go di-

rectly to our Fifth District U S Rep Pete Aguilar has listed Fifth Districts Little Third, street gutters and sidewalk project as one of the projects to be funded

“I am proud to have secured over $2 million for the Little 3rd Street Project,” said Rep Pete Aguilar “This investment will expand access to public transit and

create safer roads for San Bernardino residents In order to reduce commute times and alleviate traffic, I will continue to prioritize local infrastructure projects and work hard to keep delivering for our region ”

“With the help of U S Rep Pete Aguilar, we are going to be able to expand our infrastructure developments in

our unincorporated and disadvantaged, Little Third community These funds will go towards making routes to school safer for our children and paving roads to assure safety for our pedestrians and motorists We look forward to the start of this project and cannot wait to update the public on the results,” said Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • January 12, 2022 • Page A5
Community News instant classic game between the two AFC West sides 4 Buccaneers vs 5 Cowboys
Cong r ess has passed Omnibus Appr opriations Bill that will fund the Fifth Districts Little T hird Community Gutter s and Sidewalks Pr oject

Lytle Creek


submit sealed bids on or before 2:00 p m Thursday February 9 2023 at the District Office – Bid Box, located at 777 North F Street San Bernardino California 92410 at or after which t me the District will open the b ds and pub icly read them aloud Any claim by a Bidder of error in its bid must be made in comp iance with Public Contract Code § 5100 et seq Any b d that is submitted after this time shall be non-responsive and returned to the Bidder The District is not responsible for Bids that are received after the deadline noted above The Project consists of, but not lim ted to the fol owing scope: Exterior Pa nt at 3 Sites: Belvedere H ls de & Lytle Creek E ementary Schools

All b ds shall be on the form provided by the District Each b d must conform and be responsive to all pertinent Contract Documents ncluding but not limited to the Instructions to Bidders To bid on this Project, the Bidder is required to possess one or more of the following State of California Contractor L censes: Class C-33 or Class B

The Bidder s license(s) must be active and in good standing at the time of the bid opening and must remain so throughout the term of the Contract As security for its Bid, each Bidder shall provide with its Bid form a bid bond issued by an admitted surety nsurer on the form provided by the District, cash or a cashier s check or a certified check, drawn to the order of the San Bernardino City Unified School District n the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total b d price This bid security shall be a guarantee that the Bidder shall within seven (7) calendar days after the date of the Not ce of Award enter into a contract with the District for the performance of the services as stipulated n the bid The successful Bidder shall be requ red to furnish a 100% Performance Bond and a 100% Payment Bond if it is awarded the contract for the Pro ect

The successfu Bidder may substitute secur ties for any monies w thheld by the District to ensure performance under the Contract in accordance with the provisions of Public Contract Code § 22300 The successful Bidder and its subcontractors shall pay all workers on the Project not less than the genera prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for ho iday and overtime work as determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, State of Ca ifornia, for the type of work performed and the locality in wh ch the work is to be performed with n the boundaries of the D str ct pursuant to Labor Code § 1770 et seq Prevailing wage rates are on file w th the District and are avai able to any interested party on request or at www dir ca gov/oprl/statist i c s a n d d a t a b a s e s h t m l Bidders and Bidders subcontractors shall comp y with the registration and qua fication requirements pursuant to Labor Code §§ 1725 5 & 1771 1 A non-mandatory pre-bid conference and site vis t w ll be held on Tuesday January 17 2023 at 9:30 a m starting at Belvedere ES 2501 Marshall B vd, H gh and, CA 92346 and continue to Hillside ES and Lytle Creek ES All part cipants are required to sign in at the Main Office Contract Documents are ava lable on Thursday January 5 2023 and may be viewed and ordered through Crisp Imaging P anwell Service online by clicking on PUBLIC PLANROOM' at www crispimg com Contract Documents are a so available for purchase for one hundred dollars ($100 00) Th s fee is refundab e if the Contract Documents are returned in clean condit on to

Addendum Due Friday January 27, 2023 Bid Opening Thursday February 9 2023 at 2:00PM Tentative Board Meeting March 21 2023 NOA Issued (Tentative) March 22, 2023 CNS-3651946# PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 1/5 1/12/23 E-8442


Ti den-Coil Constructors s the awarded Lease-Leaseback General Contractor for the followng project:

San Bernardino City Unified School District San Bernardino High School –Cardinal Child

N E Street San Bernard no CA 92405

Requests for Information (RFI s):

for nformation for this project is due by 4:00 pm January 20 2023 B dders are required to nd cate the project name n the tit e of your request

on Submit a l requests for nformation to Mathew Sh eh mshieh@ti den-coil com

Pre-Qualification: The San Bernard no City Unified School District ( District ) has determined that contractors on future projects ( Contractor(s) or Firm(s) ) must be prequalif ed prior to subm tting a bid or proposal on a pro ect This form must be comp eted by:

* Contractors that ntend to bid or propose to perform work under a C-4 C-7 C-10 C-16 C-20 C34 C-36 C-38 C-42 C-43 and/or C-46 l cense (s) and that ntend to bid or submit a proposal

Skilled and Trained Workforce: Respondents are adv sed that this pro ect must conform to the rev s ons of the Californ a Education Code Section 17407 5 mandated by AB 418 As such a subcontractors are required to prov de a "Sk lled and Tra ned Workforce" Published El Chicano January 5 12 2023 E-8443

SAN BERNARDINO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (SBIAA) REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (SOQs) FOR AOA ACCESS ROAD PROJECT & RUNWAY 24 STOPWAY DESIGN PROJECT SBIAA is soliciting SOQs from qualified firms seek ng to provide engineering des gn services for the Runway 24 Stopway Design Pro ect and eng neering design and construction management serv ces for the AOA Access Road Project "the Projects SBIAA will utilize the qualifications-based selection process described in the Request for SOQs to determine the most qua if ed firm to provide professiona serv ces for the Pro ects in accordance with Federal Av ation Admin stration (FAA) requirements P ease subm t six (6) copies of your firm s response to the SOQ to 1601 E Third Street Suite #100 San Bernard no, California 92408, attention Ms Jennifer Farris Assistant Secretary of the Commission The packages containing the original response to the SOQ must be marked with the firm s name and "SOQ FOR AOA Access Road Project and Runway 24 Stopway Design Project in bold letters Responses to this SOQ will be received unt l 2:00 P M on Monday, February 13 2023 Copies of the SOQ packet may be obtained from the Owner s Office located at 1601 E Third Street Suite 100 San Bernard no CA 92408 or at the SBIAA s website at www sbiaa org under RFPs/B ds A non¬mandatory meeting in the main auditorium of the Norton Regional Event Center located at 1601 E 3rd Street San Bernardino CA wil be he d at 1:00 pm on January 26 2023 All inquir es shall be directed in wr ting via email to Mr Jeff Barrow Director of Deve opment with the words ”SOQ FOR: AOA Access Road Project and Runway 24 Stopway Design Project entered in the e-ma l subject line at j b a r r o w @ s b d a i r p o r t c o m Questions will be received unt l February

NOTICE Extra Space Storage w ll ho d a public auction to sell personal property described below beonging to those nd vidua s listed below at the location ind cated: 10192 Linden Ave, B oomington, CA 92316, January 24, 2023 @ 11:30 am A fredo Sa azar: Couch Mini fr dge auto head ights Car bumber and car seats; Carlos Mendoza: Matresses boxes; Angela Founta n: boxes The auction will be isted and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m

Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced fac ity n order to complete the transact on Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may resc nd any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property CN992335 01-24-2023 Publ shed R alto Record Jan 5 12 2023 R-3699

NOTICE Extra Space Storage w ll ho d a public auction to sell personal property descr bed be ow belonging to those nd vidua s listed below at the location nd cated: 313 S R verside Ave Rialto CA 92376 January 24th 2023 11:30 AM Monique Ramirez Boxes ant ques mattres; Hal M Ector Househo d tems; Enr que Regalado Miscellaneous tems; Andrew Vicent Ayon King mattres, smal couches, small tables, photography equipment; Pearla Rubio Bed set; A an Gamez Sect ona m crowave boxes; Richard Si as 2 Bedroom furnture refrigerator TV household items boxes c othes The auction wil be isted and advertised on www storagetreasures com Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced faci ity n order to complete the transact on Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may resc nd any purchase up unt l the winn ng bidder takes possession of the personal property CN992336 01-24-2023 Publ shed R alto Record Jan 5 12 2023 R-3700

NOTICE Extra Space Storage w ll hold a public auct on to

personal property described below beonging to those ind viduals l

below at the location indicated: Facil ty Address, 13473 Footh ll B vd Fontana CA 92335 Date January 25 2023 Time of Sale 10:45 AM Victor a Banks Unit appears to contain: Bed cha rs table holiday decor and mechanc items The auction w ll be l sted and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made w th cash only and paid at the above referenced fac lity in order to complete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property CN992908 01-25-2023 Pub ished Rialto

NOTICE Extra Space Storage wi l ho d a public auction to sell personal property described below beonging to those individuals l sted below at the location indicated:

O f f i c e ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 • E L C H I C A N O - R I A L T O R E C O R D L E G A L A D V E R T I S I N G • F a x ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 4 - 0 4 0 6
3285 N Locust Ave R a to CA 92377 on January 25 2023 at 10:30 am Marcos Torres Househo d Goods; Teareatha Johnson, Household Goods; Jonathan Suarez, Househo d Goods; Susana Cervantes, Household Goods; Jimm e Johnson, Household Goods The auction wi l be listed and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made w th cash only and paid at the above referenced fac lity in order to complete the transact on Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the winning b dder takes possession of the personal property
01-25-2023 Pub ished Rialto Record Jan 5 12 2023 R-3695 PUBLIC NOTICE Willow Village Apartments Waitlist will re-open 02/29/2023-03/29/2023 Applications will be accepted Mon-Fri 1p-4p 1150 N Willow Ave Rialto CA 92376 Ph: 909-874-3430 Published Rialto Record 12/29/22 1/5 1/12 1/19 1/26 2/2 2/9 2/16 2/23 3/2 3/9 3/16
NOTICE TO BIDDERS / INVITATION TO BID Not ce s hereby given that the governing board (“Board”) of the
District (“District”) will receive sealed bids to construct the following
3/23/23 R-3692
San Bernardino City Unified School
project: F23-01 Exterior Paint – Belvedere Hillside &
Elementary Schools (“Project” or
Contractors must
Crisp Imaging no later than five (5) calendar days after the date of the bid opening Crisp Imaging, 3180 Pullman Street Costa Mesa CA 92626 Phone: (866) 6328329 Public Plan Room: www crisp mg com F W Dodge McGraw-Hil , Inc Public P an Room; www construct on com 4300 Beltway Place Su te 180 Arl ngton TX 76081 D ana Boy es Dodge document we@mhfl com Phone: 1-800-393-6343 Fax: 1-877-836-7711 The Blue Book Building & Construction Network Public Plan Room: www thebluebook com 800 E Main St P O Box 500 Jefferson Valley, NY 10535 TJ Downey tdowney@thebluebook com Phone: (800) 431-2584 Ext 3177 Fax: (914) 243-4936 CMD GROUP Public Plan Room: www cmdgroup com 30 Technology Pkwy S Ste 100 Norcross, GA 30092 M chael Lunan mike lunan@cmdgroup com Architectural Source Relat ons Specia ist Reed Construction Data (770) 209-3414 In addition Contract Documents are avai able for rev ew at the fo owing bui ders exchange The District s Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and/or waive any irreguarity in any bid received If the D strict awards the Contract the security of unsuccessful Bidder(s) shall be returned w thin sixty (60) days from the time the award is made Unless otherwise required by aw no Bidder may withdraw ts bid for ninety (90) days after the date of the bid opening The District sha l award the Contract if it awards it at al to the lowest responsive responsible B dder based on: The base bid amount only IMPORTANT DATES: First Publicat on Thursday, January 5 2023 Second Publ cation Thursday, January 12 2023 Pre-B d Conference and Job Walk Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 9:30AM RFI Due Tuesday January 24 2023 at 4:00PM
Development Center Bid Submissions: B ds must be submitted on or before 2:00 pm on
2023 P ease submit your proposal to Tilden-Coil Constructors using the SmartB d submit proposal feature through your secure proect link To become a plan ho der and obtain a secure project link please contact Melan e Lopez mlopez@ti den-coil com or 951-
x231 Subcontractor / Trade Descriptions: B ds are being requested for the fol owing trades: Surveying Acoustica Ceil ng & Treatment Earthwork Demolition & Pav ng Flooring Concrete Pol shed Concrete Masonry Painting Steel: Structural & Misc S gnage Rough Carpentry To let Part tions & Accessor es Casework Tack & Markerboards Insulation P ayf eld Equipment Sheet Meta Window Covering Roof ng Fire Sprink er Doors Frames & Hardware P umbing A uminum & Glaz ng HVAC Drywall & Plaster E ectrica & Low Voltage Ceramic Tile Landscap ng & Irr gat on Fences & Gates Pre-Bid Conference: A non-mandatory pre-b d conference
February 2,
wi l be held at 10:00 am on Tuesday January 10 2023 at:
Extra Space Storage wi l ho d a pub ic auction to se l persona property descr bed be ow belonging to those indiv duals isted be ow at the ocat on ndicated: Fac lity Address 13475 Baseline Rd Fontana CA 92336 Date Janaury 24 2023 Time of Sale 10:30 AM Jessie Hubbard General Descr pt on of PropertyOffice items and personal paperwork; T mothy Wilford Kamotto General Description of PropertBoxes; Brian Icamen Genera Description of Property-Boxes insurments and personal Items ; Brittany Powell Genera Descr ption of Property-Bags boxes and tots The auction wil be listed and advert sed on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced
facil ty in order to comp ete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may resc nd any purchase up unt l the w nn ng bidder takes possession of the persona property CN992907 01-24-2023 Published Ria to Record Jan 5 12 2023 R-3696
Record Jan 5 12 2023 R-3697 NOTICE Extra Space Storage wil hold a publ c auction to sel persona property described below belong ng to those indiv duals isted be ow at the location indicated: 18777 B oomington Ave Bloomington, CA 92316, January 25, 2023 at 9:45 AM Humberto Espinoza Bed and a couple bedroom boxes with clothes and bedroom furn ture; D amond Smith household goods The auct on wil be listed and advert sed on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made with cash on y and pa d at the above referenced facility in order to comp ete the transaction Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up unti the winning b dder takes possession of the persona property CN992918 01-25-2023 Published Rialto Record Jan 5 12 2023 R-3698 Page A6 January 12, 2023 EC RR IECN LIEN SALE Notice is hereby given pursuant to sections 3071 and 3072 of the Civil Code of the State of California the undersigned will sell thefollowing vehicles at l en sale at said address(s) at said time(s) on: Monday January 23 2023 to wit: YEAR MAKE VIN LICENSE STATE 18 FORD 2FMPK4K84JBC02144 To be sold by: Kustoms Auto Body 4081 Holt Boulevard Montclair, San Bernardino County CA 91763 (10:00 AM) YEAR MAKE VIN LICENSE STATE 14 HYUN K M H D H 4 A E 3 E U 1 9 9 3 0 9 BK15985 CA To be sold by: Barstow Automotive & Tow ng 1741 W Main Street, Barstow, San Bernardino County CA 92311 (10:00 AM) YEAR MAKE VIN LICENSE STATE 16 CHEV 1 G 1 Z E 5 S T 7 G F 2 4 1 2 5 8 7SJE007 CA 16 TOYT 3 T M E Z 5 C N X G M 0 1 9 3 5 5 58551Y1 CA To be sold by: V ctor Val ey Towing, 13625 Manhasset Rd App e Valley San Bernardino County, CA 92308 (10:00 AM) Sa d sale is for the purpose of satisfying l en of the above signed for tow ng storage labor, materials and ien charges together with costs of advertising, and expenses of sale LienTek Solutions Inc P O Box 443 Bonita CA 91908 CNS-3658235# PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 1/12/23 E-8445 NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP-SDD23-32 Omnitrans is accepting Bids for: Grant Services Bids are due prior to 3:00 p m PST February 06 2023 Bids must be submitted e ectron cally using Omnitrans Procurement online bidding system at www omnitrans org The RFP documents can be obtained via download at Omnitrans' Procurement online bidding system at www omnitrans org Omnitrans affirmatively ensures that Small and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises wi l be afforded full opportunity to subm t bids and wi l not be discr minated aga nst on the grounds of race, color, or nat onal origin Omnitrans 1700 West Fifth Street San Bernardino CA 92411 Contract Adm nistrator: Jenny Sebero Phone: (909)
379-7122 Email:
Sebero@omnitrans org CNS-3658654# PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 1/12/23 E-8446
pm If modification or c arifica-
and/or to waive any
or irregularities in any response Award of contract is subject to SBIAA
Date:1/5/23 By:\s\ Jennifer Farris Assistant Secretary
PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 1/12, 1/19/23 E-8444 Inland Empire Community Newspapers We are now online! Check us out for all your community news. Visit us on the web at: www.iecn.com PUBLISH YOUR FBN ONLY $45! e-Mail your form to: iecnlegals @hotmail.com Mail to: P.O. Box 110 Colton, CA 92324 Or call (909) 381-9898 for more info
tion to the so icitation document becomes necessary a written addendum wi l be posted to the SBIAA's website www sbiaa org It is the respons bil ty of a l potential respondents to monitor the SBIAA s webs te for any such addendums The SBIAA reserves the right
reject any or al
to this SOQ
Commission approval San Bernardino International Airport Authority San Bernardino Ca forn a
Page A8 • January 12, 2022 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

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