Rialto Record 11/17/22

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C S U S B s t u d e n t d e t e r m i n e d t o r e v i v e a n d p r e s e r v e C A ’ s

I n d i g e n o u s l a n g u a g e s

Wfirst school in


a l i t i o n ,

joining an elite company in this state wide educa tion honor

L e d b y P r i n c i p a l C a r o l y n E i d e , “ t h e Jaguars” were honored for their commitment to c r e a t i n g a s a f e , e q u i table, and positive cli mate and social culture at the school at the PBIS Showcase ceremony on November 8, 2022 The

event, which was held at t h e Vi c t o r i a G a r d e n s C u l t u r a l C e n t e r i n R a n c h o C u c a m o n g a , was hosted by the San B e r n a r d i n o C o u n t y S u p e r i n t e n d e n t o f S c h o o l s O ff i c e , a n d more than 200 schools in San Bernardino County were recognized at the 7th Annual Edition of the awards ceremony

J e h u e M i d d l e S c h o o l wasn’t alone in earning P B I S h o n o r s R e m a r k a b l y, e v e r y school site in the District earned a PBIS recogni tion for the 2021 2022 school year California P B I S C o a l i t i o n r e c o g n i z e s s c h o o l s a t t h e Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze levels

“I am so excited for our

students, staff and com munity to be recognized for their hard work and dedication in creating a school culture that val ues safety, respect and r e s p o n s i b i l i t y, ” E i d e stated “Being the first school in the District to r e c e i v e t h e h i g h e s t a w a r d g i v e n i n t h e

n d E m p i r e

C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s

O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 9 8 9 8

E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m

A d v e r t i s i n g : s a l e s @ i e c n c o m

L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ h o t m a i l c o m

Vo l 2 1 , N O 0 8 R I A L T O R E C O R D N o v e m b e r 1 7 , 2 0 2 2 WWe e eekkllyy J e h u e M i d d l e S c h o o l m a k e s h i s t o r y w i t h P l a t i n u m P B I S R e c o g n i t i o n
H u n d r e d s o f t h o u s a n d s o f d o l l a r s t o b e g r a n t e d t o L a t i n o s e r v i n g o r g a n i z a t i o n s v i
Jehue Middle School made history by becoming the first school in the Rialto Unified School District to earn Platinum Level honors from the California PBIS Coalition The school was recognized for the honor at the PBIS Showcase ceremony on November 8 Jehue Middle School Principal Carolyn Eide (third from the right) was joined by Angela Brantley (second from left) RUSD Lead Student Services Agent Yolanda Smith (third from left), Jehue Middle School Educational Specialist, Dr Rhea McIver Gibbs (fifth from left), RUSD Lead Strategic Agent, and Michaeline Kellmer (second from right), Jehue Middle School teacher, alongside San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools represen tatives
a I E C F
Community News
t e r v e
S u p p o r t s
i l l i a m G Jehue Middle S c h o o l h a s made history by becom ing the
the R i a l t o U n i f i e d S c h o o l District to earn Platinum Level honors
the C a l i f o r n i a P B I S ( P o s i t i v e B e h a v i o r a l I n
n t i o n s a n d
) C o
Th e I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y
Latino led and serving non profit organi zations from across the Inland Empire The fund accepts applications through December 5th, 2022 and will fund up to $15,000 At the CIELO Fund Launch Party in September, the CIELO IECF, cont on next pg
Foundation (IECF) has launched its Cielo Fund and opened its first grant cycle, where an estimated $200,000
be granted to
H O W T O R E A C H U S H O W T O R E A C H U S I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s O f f i c e : ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 9 8 9 8 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t
s i n g : s a l e s @ i e c n c o m L e g
c o m w w w i e c n c o m H O W T O R E A C H U S H O W T O R E A C H U S I n l a
cont on next pg
a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ h o t m a i l
N o v e m b e r i s N a t i o n a l N a t i v e A m e r i c a n H e r i t a g e M o n t h
g . 4


implementation of an evi denced based and culturally relevant multi tiered system is something that we can all cel ebrate ”

The award is an impressive accomplishment for the Jaguars Only 282 schools in all of California and 26 schools in San Bernardino County earned Platinum Level recog nition

“Jehue Middle School is a place where students not only learn from their teachers but their peers as well,” Jizelle Lopez, an eighth grade student at Jehue Middle School, said, proudly, while talking about the honor “Jehue fosters broader dimensions of learning critical to students' overall suc cess School climate, a caring staff, community involvement, strong leaders, and a rigorous curriculum are the key factors that determine Jehue’s great ness ”

Ten RUSD Schools earned Gold Level honors, which in clude: Boyd Elementary School, Casey Elementary School, Curtis Elementary School, Henry Elementary School, Kelley Elementary School, Kolb Middle School,

Morris Elementary School, Myers Elementary School, Trapp Elementary School and Werner Elementary School Sixteen RUSD schools earned Silver Level honors: Bemis El ementary School, Carter High School, Dunn Elementary School, Dollahan Elementary School, Garcia Elementary School, Frisbie Middle School, Fitzgerald Elementary School, Hughbanks Elementary School, Kucera Middle School, Kordyak Elementary School, Milor High School, Morgan Elementary School, Preston Elementary School, Rialto High School, Rialto Middle School and Simpson Elementary School Eisen hower High School earned a Platinum Level honor to round out a big evening for the RUSD at the PBIS Showcase

The California PBIS Coali tion is a collaborative organi zation using evidence based, culturally relevant practices to build the capacity for all stake holders in the implementation of PBIS as a multi tiered sys tem following the National PBIS Blueprints for profes sional development, imple mentation, and evaluation The California PBIS Coalition ini tiated its first statewide effort in 2015 to implement a recog nition system to acknowledge

schools for implementing PBIS

RUSD Superintendent Dr Cuauhtémoc Avila stated that he and the RUSD Board of Ed ucation are extremely pleased with the success of the RUSD schools, earning State honors for providing supports for stu dents through positive prac tices and intervention Under the leadership of the Board of Education, Dr Avila has estab lished a strong PBIS program in the RUSD by focusing on restorative measures rather than punitive ones, which lead to better outcomes for students

Additionally, Teresa Robin son, PBIS Internal Coach/teacher at Jehue Middle School was excited to be a part of the PBIS success, along with Jehue students Robinson said the team at Jehue Middle School is already hard at work to earn the honor again for the 2022 2023 school year

"All of the staff at Jehue has worked hard to bring about Platinum success,” Robinson commented “As a team, we are excited about this recogni tion and we remain steadfast in our work to maintain that posi tion "


Fund Chair Jesse Melgar stated that IECF’s goal was to raise $80,000 Still, the organization raised $300,000 to disseminate to organizations that will elevate the quality of life for Latinos in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties

“We invite all Latino led and serving organizations in River side and San Bernardino Coun ties to apply for the CIELO fund by December 5th We’ve simpli fied the application process and plan to announce the grantees on January 20th, 2023,” said Mel gar

The application process con sists of essential organizational background, data, history, and five questions

“Another opportunity organiza tions have is to attend our forth coming Technical Assistance Workshop, where you can get your questions answered and get assistance with applying The

workshop is scheduled for No vember 16th at 5 PM If you can’t attend, the session will be recorded and uploaded on IECF’s website,” concluded Melgar

According to IECF, Latinos are now the majority of the Inland Empire, making up 51 5% of the population With multiple organ izations throughout the region, the new program will assist non profits with resources to strengthen operations, create a pipeline of leadership, and im plement programs or initiatives that advance the CIELO Fund’s critical areas of focus: economic mobility, education, civic en gagement, health equity, and im migration services

To view grant guidelines, deter mine eligibility, and download a grant application, please visit https://www iegives org/funds/ci elogrant/ In addition, organiza tions may submit questions by email to cielo@iegives org

Rialto Police Depar tment Awarded $375,000

to Deter Unsafe Behavior s and Incr ease Safety on the Roads

Motorcycle Safety

This November, Cal State San Bernardino cele brates Native American Heritage Month with a series of events to honor Native American culture, traditions and contribu tions This year ’s theme echoes last year ’s: “Decolonizing Across Communities ”

One of the highlights in a long list of exciting events includes a closing ceremony on Tuesday, Nov 29, featuring state Assem blymember James Ramos, D Highland, a CSUSB alumnus and the first California born Na tive American elected to the Cal ifornia Assembly, along with bird singers and words of wis dom from CSUSB Indigenous leaders

The 2022 Native American Heritage Month (NAHM) events include:

Nov 16 Wisdom Wednesday with Molly Springer | FPC | noon 1 p m | Come have a relax ing afternoon in the First Peo ples’ Center as we soak in words of wisdom from our CSUSB In digenous leader Molly Springer (Cherokee Nation/Osage), asso ciate vice president of student success and educational equity in the Division of Student Affairs Meet with mentors Springer, Daisy Ocampo (Caz’Ahmo In digenous Nation of Zacatecas), assistant professor of history, and Robert Levi Jr (Torres Martinez

Desert Cahuilla Indians), elder/culture bearer in residence, who provide over 80+ years of combined knowledge and expe rience in education as Indigenous people

Nov 18 Thanks taking Gath ering | Obershaw Dining Hall (SMSU East) | noon 2 p m | Stu dents and the community will get together to celebrate the re silience and survival of our peo ple and cultures, as well as celebrate the harvest season for some Indian tribes We will gain perspectives from Indian people from different regions about how Thanksgiving has affected peo ple in these regions We will also highlight the irony in the term “Thanksgiving,” exposing the United States for “giving” noth ing while “taking” everything

Nov 18 Truth and Healing Commission | Yasuda Center | 9 a m 4:30 p m | The California Truth & Healing Council, cre ated by Governor Newsom via Executive Order N 15 19, bears witness to, records, examines ex isting documentation of, and re ceives California Native American narratives regarding the historical relationship be tween the State of California and California Native Americans in order to clarify the historical record of such relationship in the spirit of truth and healing The council is led and convened by the Governor ’s Tribal Advisor and governed by a Governing Council of California Native

American leaders, and may in clude additional non voting rep resentatives from California Native American tribes, relevant state and local agencies, and other relevant non governmental stakeholders Registration and additional details will be updated here as they become available

Nov 29 Closing with Assem blymember Ramos and Bird Singing | SMSU North Court Patio | 2 3 p m |Assemblymem ber James Ramos, D Highland, is a member of the Serrano & Cahuilla tribes and a CSUSB alumnus He is the first Califor nia born Native American elected to the state Assembly On Nov 6, 2018, he was elected to represent the 40th District, which includes the cities of Highland, Loma Linda, Rancho Cuca monga, Redlands and San Bernardino

Nov 30 Wisdom Wednesday with Elder Robert Levi Jr | FPC | noon 1 p m (snacks provided) | Come have a relaxing afternoon in the First Peoples’ Center as we soak in words of wisdom from our Indigenous leader Robert Levi Jr (Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians), elder/culture bearer in residence

For more information and up dates, visit the CSUSB Native American Heritage Month web site and follow the First Peoples’ Center on Instagram, @firstpeo plescenter csusb

The Rialto Police De partment will use grant funding to increase pa trols throughout the commu nity and provide other traffic safety programs to help reduce the number of serious injuries and deaths on roads

“This grant funding allows us to support our ongoing traffic safety efforts in the commu nity,” Chief Mark P Kling said “Our intent is to stop the most unlawful and dangerous behaviors that put people at risk and create an environment where everyone feels safe trav eling ”

The grant will provide addi tional programs and resources, including:

DUI checkpoints and patrols focused on stopping suspected impaired drivers

High visibility distracted driving enforcement opera tions targeting drivers in viola tion of California’s hands free cell phone law

Street Racing and Sideshow Enforcement Operations

Enforcement operations fo cused on the most dangerous driver behaviors that put the safety of people biking or walking at risk

Enforcement operations fo cused on top violations that cause crashes: speeding, fail ure to yield, stop sign and/or red light running, and im proper turning or lane changes

Community presentations on traffic safety issues such as, distracted driving, impaired driving, speeding, bicycle and pedestrian safety

Collaborative enforcement efforts with neighboring agen cies

Officer training and/or recer tification: Standard Field So briety Test (SFST), Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) and Drug Recognition Expert (DRE)

The grant program will run through September 2023 Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Ad ministration

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • November 17, 2022 • Page A2
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Community News

C a d e n C e n t e r

USC vs UCLA to r e new football rivalr y this weekend

The USC vs UCLA crosstown ri valry has been rather dull the past few seasons, as one of or both teams involved have either been struggling or on the decline at the time of the game

But this year, the stakes are raised With a PAC12 championship berth on the line and maybe even, for USC, a col lege football playoff spot on the line, this rivalry is sure to give us plenty of action this Saturday, so let’s preview the matchups and predict who will come out on top

Starting with UCLA, they have sur prised a lot of people this season, even despite their upset loss last week to Ari zona Led by QB Dorian Thompson Robinson, better known as DTR, the Bruins offense has sliced up defenses all season, and will surely still be ranked in

the top 20 at the time of the rivalry game However, all of this comes down to the game vs USC If the Bruins lose, they will be eliminated from PAC12 championship contention, and their hopes of a big time bowl game may also drop significantly

For UCLA to win, they will need to ei ther stop USC’s highly talented offense, or win a shootout against the Trojans, meaning DTR will have to lead the Bru ins to a similar performance as last year, when he led his team to put up 62 points in a blowout win vs the Trojans But, both of these scenarios are easier said than done, because USC has business to take care of

Outside of their heartbreaking 1 point loss on a last second 2 point conversion to Utah, Lincoln Riley’s first year coaching USC has been perfect Led by QB Caleb Williams and WR Jordan Ad dison, the Trojans rank top 10 in all of college football in just about every sta

tistical offensive category, including their streak of 4 straight games with 40 or more points As for the defensive side of the ball, it hasn’t been as good for USC The run defense has been disap pointing but they do seem to have built up some momentum over the past cou ple of weeks If USC manages to win the game, they will be headed to the PAC12 conference championship game and possibly be just 2 wins away from a college football playoff appearance However, if USC wants to really make a statement to the CFP committee that they deserve a playoff spot, the defense will need to show up with the offense, and put UCLA to bed early

With the preview of both teams out of the way, it’s prediction time While I did say if USC really wanted to make a statement they’d blow the Bruins out, I think UCLA is just too talented for that to happen However, I do see the Tro jans still winning by a score of 48 38 in a game that proves to be an offensive shootout like many expect

No matter how the game goes though, at the end of the day it’s USC vs UCLA with championship aspira tions on the line, and it doesn’t get much better than that Tune into the battle of LA this Saturday at 8 PM EST/5 PM PST on Fox to see all of the action go down

Community News

The San Bernardino County Probation De partment received funds for an intensive proba tion supervision program for high risk DUI offenders with multiple DUI convictions

The $620,000 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), approved by the Board of Supervisors, will go toward additional proactive home contacts with probation ers to make sure they are fol lowing court ordered terms of their probation and prevent probationers from re offend ing

“The grant provides critical resources and services, which will hopefully help individuals get back on track and reduce the number of alcohol and drug involved traffic colli sions,” Chief Probation Officer Tracy Reece said “Without funding from the OTS, the su pervision program would be adversely impacted ”

This year, funding will allow for an additional officer to pro vide supervision to high risk offenders in underserved com munities

“The safety of our communi ties is a top priority and inten sive supervision programs hold DUI offenders accountable for their actions,” OTS Director

“This concerted effort im proves the safety of our road ways by addressing the devastating impacts impaired driving has on our communi ties ”

The probation grant will also pay for warrant operations tar geting probation violations and/or DUI suspects who do not appear in court, alcohol testing, treatment compliance, DMV restrictions, and special weekend, evening and holiday operations to enforce terms of probation

The grant program runs through September 2023

Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • November 17, 2022 • Page A3
Submit op-eds, story ideas, birthday shoutouts, anniversaries andpress releases to iecn1@mac.com. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @iecnweekly
SB County Pr obation awarded g rant to super vise people with multiple DUI convictions
Barbara Rooney said

Community News

“Hakup ye'aye'a'n taamit ya'ki' nepuuyum?” says Araujo Levinson in Ser rano “Beautiful day isn’t it, my friends?”

“Werre’! Haminat!” the stu dents reply in unison “Yes! Hello!”

Twice a week, Araujo Levin son sets out from Riverside to make the 60 mile roundtrip drive to the Morongo Indian Reservation, home to the Mo rongo Band of Mission Indians, to teach Serrano language classes to approximately 100 pre school through eighth grade students Serrano, a subset of the Uto Aztecan language, is an In digenous California language thought to be more than 2,500 years old

“It is said that the Serrano lan guage is ancient, that the Creator gave the people their language,” said Araujo Levinson Sadly, it is a language that faces extinc tion

But Araujo Levinson is deter mined to change that A lan guage preservation specialist with the Morongo Cultural Her itage Department, he has learned at least 15 Indigenous California languages, all of which face ex tinction

“I think it is important to pre serve these languages because the history, perspective of the

people, culture, and anything similar is engraved into the lan guage,” he said “Once it is gone, you lose so much ”

His goal: to help his students understand how important learn ing a native language is to their identities, and to ignite in them “a fire and a spark to want to be the best speaker,” he said

For more than half his life, the 26 year old math major has him self been infused with a spark and fascination for other lan guages As a high school stu dent, he challenged himself to learn 10 languages, which had the unintended and therapeutic consequences of lifting him out of depression, a condition he still experiences Today, he said, “Languages and mathematics are my therapy ” A personal essay recounting his multilin gualism was included in a 2016 book titled “The Bible of Lan guage Learners and Polyglots” by Jimmy Mello

In 2017, his curiosity about California’s Indigenous lan guages led him to Ernest Siva, an elder, tribal historian and cul tural advisor with the Morongo Band of Mission Indians Siva’s aunt, Dorothy Ramon, who died in 2002 at age 93, was the last “pure” speaker of Serrano, meaning it was her first lan guage as she grew up Siva and his wife founded the Dorothy Ramon Learning Center in Ban ning to inspire and advance dis covery, understanding and

continuance of tribal cultures

In November of 2017, Siva and Araujo Levinson began to meet weekly, and over the course of the next 13 months, the elder be came Araujo Levinson’s mentor, teaching him the Serrano lan guage during their one on one sessions The lessons included much more than language in struction

“During the first meeting, I re alized Mr Siva knew more of the language than I anticipated,” Araujo Levinson recalled “Whether it was the language or songs or history, I learned some thing new at every meeting ”

During those meetings, Siva also passed along a philosophy that Araujo Levinson has adopted, and “holds near and dear ” That is, “You teach [the language] to whoever wants to know Of course, there are boundaries ” For example, he explained, he would never ask Siva about topics that are sacred to the culture “But if somebody wants to learn how to say hi, how to say the color blue, you tell them I think Mr Siva fol lows the example of his aunt and his elders, who shared what they knew and what they learned to keep the language alive ”

Araujo Levinson learned the language quickly, and at Siva’s recommendation, he was hired as a language preservation spe cialist in March 2019 and began teaching Serrano at the Morongo

School, where it is a required class for all students

Stories about Siva and Araujo Levinson’s unique relationship and their efforts to revitalize California’s Indigenous lan guages have been featured in the L A Times, on KCRW radio and on the Dorothy Ramon Learning Center web site And in an op ed for the L A Times, Araujo Levinson makes a compelling case for the importance of keeping Califor nia’s Indigenous languages alive

Looking toward the future, Araujo Levinson plans to grad uate in December and pursue a

Ph D in math in the field of mirror symmetry

Where does language fit in?

“It’s always going to be a hobby of mine, regardless,” he said “As I mentioned earlier about the philosophy I learned from Mr Siva, I’m always will ing to help teach whoever wants to know ”

And, after researching his own family history and discovering the story of his great grandfa ther, Carmen Cisneros, a de scendant of the Mixtec, a Mexican Indigenous group, he plans to study, and eventually speak, the language of his own ancestors

Page A4 • November 17, 2022 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers
CSUSB student deter mined to r evive and pr eser ve Calif or nia’s Indigenous langua ges

San Ber nardino Animal Shelter of fering fr ee pet micr ochipping in November and December


In an effort to ensure lost pets are reunited with their owners during the holidays, the City of San Bernardino Animal Services Depart ment will be offering residents of San Bernardino and Loma Linda the chance to microchip their pets for free through December 31 Grant funding from the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians and the California Animal Welfare Fun ders Collaborative is making this op portunity possible

Microchipping is available Tuesday through Saturday between 10:00 am

and 4:00 pm at the Shelter, located at 333 Chandler Place in San Bernardino No appointment is necessary The mi crochipping and registration into the pet ID database only take a few minutes

“Microchipping is far and away the best way to quickly get lost or stolen pets back to their families,” said San Bernardino Animal Services Director Kris Watson “Thanks to scanning, our Animal Control officers are often able to immediately return lost pets to their homes without ever bringing the ani mals into the Shelter ”

A study by Ohio State University found that microchipped cats were 20

times more likely to be reunited with their families than non microchipped cats and microchipped dogs were re united at a rate 2 5 times more often than dogs that weren’t microchipped

Pet microchips are implantable com puter chips that encode a unique iden tification number to help reunite owners with their lost pet They are no bigger than a grain of rice and they are placed under a pet’s skin The proce dure is quick and painless for the ani mal Unlike collars and ID tags, they can never break or fall off When the chip is scanned, the pet’s encoded chip identification is recognized by the scan ner With the chip identification number

in hand, reuniting a pet with their fam ily is only a phone call away

San Bernardino Animal Services re minds current pet owners with mi crochips if any of your contact information (phone number, address, email) has changed, to be sure you up date your microchip registration online in the database

The free microchipping promotion is limited to residents of San Bernardino and Loma Linda For more information, contact San Bernardino Animal Serv ices at (909) 384 1304

Superher o-Me Halloween Dr ug Fr ee Concer t at the Uptown San Ber nardino Urban Garden

More than 400 youth and fam ilies from the Inland Empire celebrated a drug free con cert, costume and pumpkin decorating contest at the first annual Superhero Me Halloween event this past Sunday evening at the San Bernardino County Urban Garden

Music Changing Lives (MCL), the In stitute for Public Strategies (IPS), and Mental Health Systems (TURN BHS) hosted the free event in the garden which provides a safe, drug and alco hol free space to empower individuals to live vibrant, healthy, and productive lifestyles

During the event, local aerosol artists Lefty, Rondeezyyy, and Vibrantinflux guided the youth in creating a series of murals with themes that support and en courage young people to choose drug free lifestyles Local artist Christine White also collaborated with dozens of children to paint pumpkins

“The use of art and art therapy to treat

substance use disorders dates back to the 1950s I believe we can also utilize art to prevent youth from getting in volved in drugs and alcohol by giving them creative outlets to express them selves,” said Lupita Martinez, who manages the East Valley Community Change Project for IPS

The concert featured live perform ances from rapper Suga T and the San tana cover band, Europa Parents and youth also received action focused in formation on the positive effects of avoiding drugs and alcohol

“In this day and age kids are inundated with negative images and influences, but we can also arm parents with good data and research If parents talk to their children early and often about these substances, we can protect our youth from many of the high risk behaviors associated with these drugs,” said Vania Ramirez, who is a Prevention Specialist for the Central Valley Prevention Pro gram, a project of TURN BHS

The urban garden is the brainchild of Josiah Bruny, the Chief Executive Of ficer of Music Changing Lives, an or

ganization that aims to inspire and em power youth with a holistic approach that includes music, art, financial liter acy, civic engagement, food stability, and gardening based programs

Last year, Bruny created the Urban Garden Initiative, a public private part nership that hopes to raise a half million dollars to build a welcome center, am phitheater, and a learning center on the acre of land located on the corner of Electric Avenue and North 40th Street

Local nonprofits including the IPS and TURN BHS have joined the Inland Empire Health Plan and the Inland Em pire Resource Conservation District in providing resources to help fulfill Bruny’s vision

“I am humbled to finally have partners that work together and not against one another It’s a breath of fresh air We are in our communities and on the ground day in and day out It’s hard for me to express in words how important it is to finally have partners that under stand your worth and value,” Bruny said

Shab Elawar, who has lived in San Bernadino for more than two decades, donated the land for the garden with the goal of creating a local food sustainabil ity program

“We can utilize nature to become more independent,” Elawar said “When all the agencies and resources come to gether to support the garden and hold activities here like the concert, it be comes more impactful for the commu nity It shows the community cares about them, they are not living on the side anymore ”

The garden is also home to Soulful Sundays: held on the fourth Sunday of every month, local residents are invited to visit the garden for gardening work shops and various volunteer opportuni ties, while enjoying music, food, and more

More information on Soulful Sunday events can be found on MCL's Face book page To learn how to contribute to the Urban Garden Initiative, please contact: Josiah Bruny at 951 992 0721

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • November 17, 2022 • Page A5
Community News

S CHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT or other form of payment authorized by 2924h(b), (payable at time of sale

lawfu money of the Un

States) Chino Mun cipa Court 13260 Central Avenue Chino CA 91710 A l right t tle and interest conveyed to and now held by t under said Deed of Trust n the property situated in said County and State descr bed as: FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE DEED OF TRUST APN 0133 162 10 0 000 The street address and other common designation, f any of the real property descr bed above is purported to be: 444 N Marcel a Avenue R alto CA 92376 The under signed Trustee disclaims any lia bil ty for any incorrectness of the street address and other com mon designat on if any shown herein Said sale wil be made but without covenant or warranty expressed or imp ied regarding t t e, possession, or encum brances to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by sa d Deed of Trust w th nterest thereon as provided in said note(s) advances if any under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expens es of the Trustee and of the trusts created by sa d Deed of Trust The tota amount of the unpaid ba ance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is: $408 474 44 If the Trustee s unable to convey title for any rea son, the successful b dder s sole and exclusive remedy shal be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bid der shall have no further recourse The benef ciary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and del vered to the undersigned a written Declarat on of Defau t and Demand for Sa e and written Notice of Defau t and Election to Sell The unders gned caused a Notice of Defau t and Election to Sell to be recorded n the county where the rea property is ocat ed Dated: 10/26/2022 THE

MORTGAGE LAW FIRM PLC The Mortgage Law Firm PLC may be attempt ng to collect a debt Any nformation obtained may be used for that purpose 27455 T erra A ta Way Ste B Temecu a CA 92590 (619) 465 8200 FOR TRUSTEE S SALE


BIDDERS: If you are cons dering bidd ng on this property ien you shou d understand that there are r sks involved in bidding at a trustee auction You wil be bid ding on a lien, not on the proper ty itse f P acing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not auto matica ly ent tle you to free and clear ownersh p of the property You shou d a so be aware that the ien being auctioned off may be a junior lien If you are the highest bidder at the auction you are or may be responsible for paying off a l liens senior to the lien being auctioned off before you can receive clear title to the property You are encouraged to investigate the existence pr ority and size of outstanding l ens that may ex st on this property by contact ng the county recorder s off ce or a t tle nsurance compa ny either of which may charge you a fee for th s informat on If you consult either of these resources you should be aware that the same ender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on th s notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee benefic ary trustee or a court pursuant to Section 2924g of the Cal fornia C vil Code The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made ava lab e to you and to the publ c as a courtesy to those not present at the sa e If you wish to learn whether your sa e date has been postponed and if applica ble the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property you may ca l (800) 280 2832 for information regarding the trustee's sale or visit this Internet Web site www Auction com for informat on regarding the sale of

IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written ob ections with the court before the hearing Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney

IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under sec tion 9052 of the California Probate Code Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a credi tor You may want to consult with an attorney knowledge able in California law YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE 154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250 A Request for Special Notice form is avail able from the court clerk Attorney for Petitioner



UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 09/04/2014 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANA TION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CON TACT A LAWYER A public auc tion sa e to the h ghest bidder for cash, (cashier s check(s) must be made payable to National Default Servic ng Corporation), drawn on a state or national bank a check drawn by a state or federal credit un on or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association or savings bank specif ed in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in th s state; w ll be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown be ow of all right title and interest con veyed to and now he d by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described below The sa e w ll be made in an as is cond tion but without covenant or warran ty expressed or implied regarding t tle, possession, or encumbrances to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust with nterest and ate charges thereon as provided n the note(s) advances under the terms of the Deed of Trust interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the nitial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably esti mated to be set forth below The amount may be greater on the day of sa e Trustor: Valer e S Vazquez, a married woman as her sole and separate prop erty and Ramiro Maldonado a married man as his sole and separate property as joint ten ants Duly Appointed Trustee: National Default Servic ng Corporat on Recorded 09/16/2014 as Instrument No 2014 0341411 (or Book Page) of the Off c al Records of San Bernardino County, CA Date of Sale: 12/22/2022 at 12:00 PM

P ace of Sale: At the North Arrowhead Avenue entrance to the County Courthouse 351 North Arrowhead Avenue San Bernard no CA 92401

this court as follows: 12/19/22 at 9:00AM in Dept S35 located at 247 W THIRD STREET, SAN BERNARDINO CA 92415 0210

Petit oner or Attorney: Stephan e Ad yla Marin, 17558 Vine Street, Fontana CA 92335 Super or Court of California County of San Bernard no 247 West Third St San Bernardino CA 92415 San Bernardino Justice Center


AMENDED ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case Number: CIV SB 2216379 TO ALL INTERESTED PER SONS: Petitioner: Stephanie Ad yla Mar n has filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as fo lows: Present name: Stephanie Adiy a Mar n to Proposed name: Adiy a Stephanie Marin

THE COURT ORDERS that al persons interested n th s matter appear before this court at the hear ng nd cated below to show cause if any why the petition for change of name should not be granted Any person ob ecting to the name changes descr bed above must file a written objec tion that inc udes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter s sched u ed to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition shou d not be granted If no wr tten object on is timely filed the court may grant the pet t on without a hear ng

NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 01/09/2023 Time: 8:30 am Dept: S16 The address of the court s: same as noted above A copy of this Order to Show Cause sha l be published at least once each week for four succes sive weeks pr or to the date set for hearing on the petition in the fo lowing newspaper of genera circulat on printed n this county: Rialto Record P O Box 110 Colton CA 92324 Dated: NOV 09 2022 JOHN M PACHECO Judge of the Super or Court Publ shed R a to Record 11/17,11/24,12/1,12/8/22 R 3645

Estimated amount of unpa d ba ance and other charges: $272 256 78 Street Address or other common designation of rea property: 9543 Tangelo Avenue Fontana CA 92335 A P N : 0194 173 50 0 000 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liabil ty for any incorrect ness of the street address or other common designat on if any shown above If no street address or other common des ignation is shown directions to the ocation of the property may be obtained by send ng a writ ten request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder ’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of mon es paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse The requirements of Ca ifornia Civil Code Section 2923 5(b)/2923 55(c) were ful filled when the Notice of Default was recorded NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auct on You w ll be bidding on a lien not on the property itse f P acing the highest b d at a trustee auction does not auto matically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property You should also be aware that the ien being auct oned off may be a junior l en If you are the highest bidder at the auc tion you are or may be respon sib e for paying off all liens sen ior to the lien being auctioned off before you can receive clear title to the property You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding iens that may exist on this property by con tacting the county recorder s office or a title insurance com pany either of which may charge you a fee for this infor mation If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mort gage or deed of trust on the property NOTICE TO PROP ERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on th s notice of sa e

may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee bene ficiary, trustee, or a court, pur suant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code The aw requires that nformation about trustee sa e postponements be made avai ab e to you and to the pub ic as a courtesy to those not present at the sale If you wish to learn whether your sa e date has been postponed and if applicable the resched u ed t me and date for the sale of this property you may ca l or vis t th s Internet Web site www ndscorp com/sa es using the file number assigned to this case 22 00915 DM CA Informat on about postpone ments that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sa e may not immediately be ref ected in the te ephone information or on the Internet Web site The best way to ver fy postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale NOTICE TO TENANT*: You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction pur suant to Section 2924m of the California Civil Code If you are an eligible tenant buyer, you can purchase the property if you match the last and highest b d placed at the trustee auc tion If you are an “eligible bid der you may be able to pur chase the property if you exceed the last and h ghest bid p aced at the trustee auct on There are three steps to exer cising this right of purchase First, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sa e you can call 888 264 4010 or visit this internet website www ndscorp com using the file number ass gned to this case 22 00915 DM CA to find the date on which the trustee s sa e was held, the amount of the last and highest bid and the address of the trustee Second you must send a writ ten not ce of intent to place a b d so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee s sale Third you must subm t a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 45 days after the trustee s sale If you think you may qualify as an eligible tenant buyer or e gible bidder, you should consider contact ng an attorney or appropriate real estate pro fessional immed ate y for advice regarding this potent al right to purchase Pursuant to Section 2924m of the Ca ifornia Civi Code the potential rights described herein shall apply only to pub ic auctions taking p ace on or after January 1 2021, through December 31, 2025 unless later extended Date: 10/27/2022 National Default Servicing Corporation c/o Tiffany & Bosco P A ts agent, 1455 Frazee Road, Suite 820 San Diego CA 92108 Toll Free Phone: 888 264 4010 Sales L ne 855 219 8501; Sales Website: www ndscorp com By: Gabriela Sanchez, Trustee Sales Representative CPP353505 Pub ished Rialto Record 11/10/2022 11/17/2022 11/24/2022 R 3639

O f f i c e ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 9 8 9 8 • R I A L T O R E C O R D L E G A L A D V E R T I S I N G • F a x ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 4 0 4 0 6 Page A6 November 17, 2022 RR IECN NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: ANTHONY GLENN CASE NO PROSB2201542 To all he rs beneficiaries creditors contingent credi tors and persons who may otherw se be interested in the WILL or estate or both of ANTHONY GLENN A PETITION FOR PRO BATE has been filed by JOYCE MILES GLENN in the Superior Court of California County of SAN BERNARDINO THE PETITION FOR PRO BATE requests that JOYCE MILES GLENN be appoint ed as personal representa tive to administer the estate of the decedent THE PETITION requests authority to admin ster the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act with limited authority (This authority will allow the personal represen tative to take many actions without obtaining court approval Before taking cer tain very important actions however the personal rep resentative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action ) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person f les an object on to the peti t on and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority A HEARING on the petition will be held in
at 9:00 AM The Mortgage Law Firm PLC as duly appo nted Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust record ed
as Instrument No 2007 0379787 and Modified by Mod f cation Recorded on 12/04/17 by Instrument No 2017
in book xx page xx of Offic a Records in the off ce of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County State of Californ a, executed by W lie Ruiz A Single Man WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGH EST BIDDER FOR CASH
th s property using the f le num ber ass gned to this case: 153494 Informat on about post ponements that are very short n durat on or that occur close n time to the scheduled sa e may not immed ately be reflected n the te ephone informat on or on the Internet Web s te The best way to ver fy postponement infor mation is to attend the scheduled sale NOTICE TO TENANT: You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction pursuant to Section 2924m of the Cal fornia Civ l Code If you are an e igible tenant buyer you can purchase the property f you match the last and highest b d p aced at the trustee auction If you are an elig b e bidder you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the ast and highest bid p aced at the trustee auction There are three steps to exercis ng this right of purchase F rst 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can cal (800) 280 2832 for infor mation regarding the trustee s sale or visit this internet website www auct on com or https://track er auction com/sb1079/ for infor mation regard ng the sale of this property, using the f le number assigned to this case Ts# 153494 to f nd the date on which the trustee s sa e was held the amount of the last and highest b d and the address of the trustee Second, you must send a written notice of intent to p ace a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee s sale Third you must submit a b d so that the trustee receives it no more than 45 days after the trustee s sale If you th nk you may qualify as an e igi b e tenant buyer or el gible bid der you should cons der con tact ng an attorney or appropriate real estate professional immedi ately for adv ce regarding this potential r ght to purchase A FN4763390 Pub ished Rialto Record 11/03/2022 11/10/2022 11/17/2022 R 3634 T S No 22
DM CA Tit e No 2139519 A P N 0194 173 50 0 000 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S
Ca 92335 on November 29 2022 at 10:00 am Yo anda Martinez: Unit Appears to Contain: Boxes c othes fi es totes hand tools tool box printer car ramps m sc tems; Enrigue Munoz: Unit Appears to Conta n: General house ho d items m sc items; Andrea Garcia: Un t Appears to Contain ;Mattress, Boxes, c othes totes luggage The auc tion wil be isted and advertised on www storagetreasures com Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced faci ity
bid and may resc nd any pur chase up until
winning bidder takes possession of the personal
NOTICE Extra Space Storage wi l ho d a pub ic auction to se l personal property descr bed be ow be longing to those individua s listed below at the ocat on ndicated: Fac lity Address 13475 Baseline Rd Fontana CA 92336 Date November 29, 2022 Time of Sale 10:30 AM Bryant Moore Unit appears to conta n: Chair Table Bicycle Boxes TV misc Items Lashawnee Sharp Unit appears to contain: Bags Boxes Pictures Luggage misc tems Micheal Abbott, Un t appears to contain: Chair Table Bike boxes Totes Excercise equip Wheelcha r misc items The auc tion w ll be l sted and advertised on www storagetreasures com Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facil ty in order to comp ete the transact on Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may resc nd any pur chase up unt l the w nn ng bidder takes possession of the personal property CN991431 11 29 2022 Published Ria to Record Nov 10 17 2022 R 3641
Extra Space Storage w ll ho d a public auction to sell personal property descr bed be ow be onging to those nd vidua s listed below at the location ind cated: 14750 Footh ll Blvd Fontana
n order to complete the transact on Extra
Storage may refuse any
property CN991433 11 29 2022
shed R alto Record Nov 10 17 2022 R 3642
NOTICE Extra Space Storage wi l ho d a pub ic auction to se l personal property descr bed be ow be longing to those ndividua s listed below at the location nd cated: 3285 N Locust Ave Rialto CA 92377 on December 7 2022 at 9:30am Sylvia Guerrero Household Goods; Marcos Torres Househo d Goods; James Ramson Household Goods; E i Arce Household Goods; Bianca Agu lar Household Goods The auction wil be listed and advertised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced faci ty n order to complete the transact on Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may resc nd any pur chase up unt l the winn ng bidder takes possession of the personal property CN991572 12 07 2022 Publ shed R a to Record Nov 17 24 2022 R 3648 NOTICE Extra Space Storage w ll ho d a public auction to sell personal property described below be onging to those nd vidua s listed below at the location ind cated: 18777 Bloomington Ave Bloom ngton CA 92316 November 23 2022 at 9:45 AM Allan Ra moscouch, bed, wash, dryer, stove and boxes; Romika Corpuz boxes and luggage The auction wi l be isted and adver tised on w w w s t o r a g e t r e a s u r e s c o m Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced fac ity n order to complete the transact on Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may resc nd any pur chase up until the winning bidder takes possession of the personal property CN991455 12 09 2022 Publ shed R alto Record Nov 17 24 2022 R 3650 Inland Empire Community Newspapers We are now online! Check us out for all your community news. Visit us on the web at: www.iecn.com PUBLISH YOUR FBN ONLY $45! e-Mail your form to: iecnlegals @hotmail.com Mail to: P.O. Box 110 Colton, CA 92324 Or call (909) 381-9898 for more info
Page A8 • November 17, 2022 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

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