Decembe r 03, 2020
Vol 19, NO. 12
Community mour ns loss of exceptional educator Char les W. Grande
n behalf of the Rialto Unified School District Board of Education and Superintendent Dr. Avila, it is with considerable sadness that we announce the passing of longtime educator, and Eisenhower High School teaching legend, Mr. Charles Wesley Grande. Mr. Grande passed on November 23, 2020, in Bryan, Texas, at the age of 89. He was considered by thousands of former students and colleagues as one of the most passionate and impactful high school classroom educators/coaches in RUSD history.
2,000 families ser ved during annual tur key g ive away Pg. 5
Mr. Grande was born on July 21, 1931, in the city of Riverside. He attended Whittier College and earned his BA in Religion from PHOTO RUSD Boston University, where one of In 2018, Eisenhower High School Principal, Mr. Frank Camacho, on left, stood proudly with the his theology classmates was the late Eisenhower High School teacher and coach, Mr. Charles Wesley Grande. The respected late Reverend Dr. Martin Luther long term classroom educator had the EHS quad dedicated in his name in 2011. He was an King, Jr. impeccable dresser, and showed profound respect towards his students. Mr. Camacho, who was “Our father was exceptional. He also one of Grande’s students said, “Not only Eisenhower High School, but our entire education community in the District lost a very loving child advocate. We will miss him, dearly.”
Grande , cont. on next pg.
Telling jokes for laughs and a good cause By John Kevari
years ago the church that Laniea Dominguez belonged to needed money for their Annual Mexican house build. A charity in which church members go down to Mexico and help build houses for the poor.
Tyrone traded football for academics Pg. 6
H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com
At that moment Laniea realized that her love for doing standup comedy could help in doing something good. A resident of the Inland Empire; Laniea saw this as a chance to not only use her talents as a comedian; but her skills in marketing, graphics and promotion and to use these skills in a positive manner. “I knew “Comedy For Causes” would be successful because it was about giving back,” Laniea says of the non-profit organization she started in 2011. “Comedy For Causes” puts on shows to raise money not only for other non-profit companies but to Comedy, cont. on next pg.
Comedy for Causes founder Laniea Dominguez produces shows to raise money for nonprofit organizations and individuals suffering from cancer and other life calamities.