IEEMA Journal June 2019

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the leading electrical & electronics monthly

VOLUME 10 z ISSUE NO. 10 z JUNE 2019 z PGS. 112

ISSN 0970-2946 z Rs. 100/-

Rebuilding Power Infra post Fani

IEEMA’S timely intervention helps restoration of power supply in cyclone ravaged Odisha

Face 2 Face Mr AK Verma Verma, Joint Secreta Secretary, Ministry of Power wer

Interaction Mr Anil Saboo, Chairman, ELECRAMA 2020

SME Clinique

June 2019


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Substation Thermal Image

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June 2019

Images for illustration purpose only.

Transformer Thermal Image

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June 2019


From the President’s Desk

Dear Friends, This month saw an event that can potentially be a precursor to cataclysmic changes in the socio-politico-economic course of the country. The incumbent government led by prime minister defying anti incumbency returned to power with enhanced mandate not only in terms of number of seats and vote share but also substantially augmented foot print in the states where they were conspicuous by their absence. Like other segments of society, business community is also agog with expectations and the mood is distinctly upbeat. As we are all aware, lately economy is facing slowdown, cash crunch and tepid job growth. Competitive populism was assuming frightening proportions with some of the leading economists busy endorsing “ghor anyayâ€? on hardworking masses as “nyayâ€?. As explained in SUHYLRXV PRQWK HGLWLRQ WKLV ZRXOG KDYH OHG WR XQPDQDJHDEOH GHĂ€FLW RU KLJKHU WD[HV or a combination of both. The Government should capitalise on this resounding mandate to implement transformative reforms to awaken the animal spirits and investments in the economy which has been drifting into somnolence. As suggested by Deepak Parekh, highly respected Chairman of HDFC, there is desperate need for an impetus to liquidity and funding of projects stuck at the last mile. Government would need to reinforce its programme of skill enhancement, digitisation and technology penetration. Infrastructure building efforts, we are sure, will continue unbated. ,QGLD FOHDUO\ QHHGV D QHZ URXQG RI Ă€VFDO DQG PRQHWDU\ VWLPXOXV DQG WKH QHHG IRU WKH WZR SROLFLHV WR EH LQ cohesion. Nobody can question the need for the independence of a institution like RBI but at the same WLPH Ă€QDQFH PLQLVWU\ DQG 5%, DW ORJJHU KHDGV LV UHFLSH IRU SUREOHPV :H KDYH WKH H[DPSOH RI Ă€VFDO DQG monetary stimulus in china in recent months running into trillions of yuan to prevent slowing down. As QE reversal was reversed in USA, we have seen lowest unemployment rate and one of the highest economic growth LQ GHFDGHV $OWKRXJK LQWHQVLĂ€FDWLRQ RI WUDGH ZDUV FRQWLQXH WR VWRNH ´VORZEDOLVDWLRQÂľ IHDU HYHQ (8 ]RQH LV VKRZLQJ increased growth. )LQDOO\ WKH 30 DIWHU WKH HOHFWLRQ PDGH D SRLQW ZKLFK FDQ UHGHĂ€QH ,QGLD¡V SROLWLFDO DQG VRFLDO VSKHUHV DV DOVR WKH HFRQRPLF +H FODVVLĂ€HG ,QGLDQV LQWR ´SRRUÂľ DQG WKRVH ´ZKR FDQ PDNH WKHP FRPH RXW RI SRYHUW\Âľ $V VRPHERG\ blessed with limited ability to read between the lines, would like to think that the latter category would comprise of wealth creating organs of the society. For wealth to be redistributed it needs to be created. It can be created DW VFDOH ZKLFK FDQ GRXEOH ,QGLD¡V *'3 LQ VL[ \HDUV RQO\ LI WKHUH LV WUXVW LQ VXFK RUJDQ RI WKH VRFLHW\ DQG HIIHFWLYH steps are taken to make doing business far easier than what it is today. Since student days we have been hearing different terminology like underdeveloped, developing, less developed RU HPHUJLQJ HFRQRP\ XVHG WR GHVFULEH ,QGLD (VVHQWLDOO\ DQG EURDGO\ WKH\ KDYH DOO PHDQW WKH VDPH :H DUH RQ the cusp of a growth which can see India as a true global superpower in our life time. :H RZH WKLV WR WKH 1H[W *HQ ,QGLDQV

Harish Agarwal


June 2019


Dear Members, IEEMA has endeavoured to increasingly engage with our stakeholders in .DVKPLU DV D ÀUVW VWHS ZH DSSRLQWHG D UHVLGHQW UHSUHVHQWDWLYH ZKLFK UHVXOWHG LQ UHJXODU HQJDJHPHQW ZLWK 8WLOLWLHV SDUWLFLSDWLRQ RI 8WLOLW\ RIÀFLDOV LQ ,((0$ Conferences and Exhibitions and Electrical Industry taking IEEMA Membership. In April Members of IEEMA in Kashmir joined the Northern Region meeting via ZHE FRQIHUHQFH IRU WKH ÀUVW WLPH The desire to reach out and connect was evident both amongst members from Kashmir and the Northern Regional leadership. This meeting was followed up by a meeting at the Federation Chamber of Industries Kashmir at Srinagar on 18 May, 2019. Issues and challenges of the Electrical Equipment Industry were discussed. IEEMA will support its members based in Kashmir to reach out to the government ERWK DW &HQWUH DQG 6WDWH UHJDUGLQJ VSHFLÀF LVVXHV IDFHG E\ WKHP IEEMA has been working closely with the Power Sector Skill Council as its Founder promotor, along with Ministry of Power and Ministry of New and Renewable Enterprises. IEEMA has now started in collaboration with PSSC a Skill Development programme for domestic electricians aimed at youth and such electricians who ODFN IRUPDO WUDLQLQJ DQG FHUWLÀFDWLRQ This programme is being run at the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra very close WR ,((0$ FRUSRUDWH RIÀFH LQ 1HZ 'HOKL 7KH ORFDWLRQ RI WKLV WUDLQLQJ FHQWUH LV ideal and in proximity to our Stakeholders. This initiative is expected to act as a nucleus for our Member Companies to join the movement. 7KLV ZLOO DGGUHVV HIIHFWLYH &65 VSHQG DQG PDNH DYDLODEOH VNLOOHG DQG FHUWLÀHG electricians, while generating self and wage employment. This month a devastating news came from Odisha where Cyclone Fani ravaged the state with wind velocity at a speed of 200 KMPH on May 3, 2019. Sensing the intensity of the disaster caused by Fani, Mr Harish Agarwal President IEEMA visited Cuttack and Bhubaneswar followed by IEEMA Director General writing to Odisha Chief Minister Shri Naveen Patnaik and offering all possible help in terms of making available electrical equipment on a war footing to the disaster hit State. IEEMA and its membership is contributing its bit towards bringing back lives on track in the state. In this situation of dire need, all members of IEEMA stand with people of Odisha with a commitment to take up on priority any assistance which the State Government and Power Utilities may need for faster restoration of the electrical infrastructure.

Sunil Misra

June 2019



June 2019

June 2019



the leading electrical & electronics monthly

Volume 10 Issue No. 10 June 2019 CIN U99999MH1970GAP014629 2IÀFLDO 2UJDQ RI ,QGLDQ (OHFWULFDO (OHFWURQLFV 0DQXIDFWXUHUV· $VVRFLDWLRQ Member: Audit Bureau of Circulation & The Indian Newspaper Society



From the President’s Desk

IEEMA's timely intervention helps restoration of power supply in cyclone ravaged Odisha


Samvaad 16

Face to Face Achieving Targets in WLPH UHÁHFWV Government commitment: DR AK Verma With over 29 years of administrative and management experience, Dr. AK Verma is an ,QGLDQ )RUHVW 6HUYLFH ,)6 RIÀFHU of 1986 Gujarat Batch and currently serving as Joint Secretary, Ministry of Power.


Interaction India is becoming global choice for every Investor & Stockholders to be part of its Growth: Mr Anil Saboo Mr Anil Saboo, Chairman, ELECRAMA 2020 speaks about the tremendous record breaking response received during the few hours of opening the space booking for ELECRAMA 2020.




Cover Story

International Presence

IEEMA timely intervention helps restoration of power supply in cyclone ravaged Odisha

Elecrama 2020 : Promotion at HANNOVER MESSE 2019

Around 10 million people in Odisha were grappling with the inconvenience of disruption in power supply in the aftermath of the Cyclone Fani which ravaged the state with wind velocity at a speed of 200 KMPH on May 3, 2019. As per Government estimate, most of coastal Odisha, including the state capital Bhubaneswar have witnessed uprooting of 100,000 electricity poles. Several substations and low transmission lines have been completely damaged.

HANNOVER MESSE 2019 is important platform for all technologies related to industrial transformation and tradeshow for industrial technology. More than 215,000 trade visitors used HANNOVER MESSE to invest in new technologies and prepare their businesses for the future.

Bangladesh Bangladesh Clean Energy Summit & Elecrama 2020 Promotion at Dhaka, Bangladesh

African Utility Week IEEMA Participation in India Pavilion at African Utility Week 2019, Cape Town, 14-16 May 2019

June 2019



Guest article Dielectric Evaluation of Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) Modules

48 Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) RIIHUV VLJQLÀFDQW DGYDQWDJHV over conventional Air Insulated Switchgear (AIS) on account of reduced space and operational HIÀFLHQF\ +LJK YROWDJH SRZHU frequency (AC) test and partial discharge (PD) test are very important routine tests for evaluation of GIS.


Opinion Improving the Distribution efficiency by Real time Monitoring and Analysis of Transformers India has one of the largest electrical power distribution network in the world connecting the consumer base of around 200 million having 400 GW connected load. The Power network in India distributed 1142 billion units generated in 2018-19



Case study

Tech Space

Condenser bushings – Concept to condition monitoring.

Power Management Systems in Oil and Gas Plants (Part 2)

A true case history of failure of 245kV Oil impregnated paper bushing of 160 MVA Transformer and a sample realistic cost benefit analysis, HPSKDVL]LQJ WKH XVH RI RQOLQH WDQİ monitoring system A brief description of on-line monitoring system highlighting its superiority over the conventional offline monitoring practices have been depicted with a true case study and D VSHFLPHQ FRVW EHQHÀW DQDO\VLV pertaining to failure 160 MVA, 220/132/33kV Transformer due to a HV -OIP bushing failure and itsassumed down time of 72 Hrs. at a sub- station 150 Kms away from the HQ of the controlling authority of the Transmission Utility in the state of Madhya Pradesh (India).

There have been instances in working plants where one generator has tripped, load shedding equivalent to the spinning UHVHUYH GHÀFLW KDV EHHQ HIIHFWHG E\ the PMS within 200ms (Fast load shedding), but the frequency dip has caused cascade tripping. This has prompted the customer to opt for conservative Fast Load shedding based on sudden load change. The PMS has been called upon to trip load equivalent to current load on the tripped generator minus the sudden load change available.


Power Scenario Global Scenario Indian Scenario


IEEMA Database


Basic Prices & Indices Production Statistics

June 2019




International News 6WHUOLWH 3RZHU FRPPLVVLRQV ÀUVW project in Brazil France’s Voltalia in exclusive talks to buy Helexia

ERDA News 96

IEEMA Activities

US faces hurdles in push to build electric vehicle supply chain


Three-wheelers may have to go electric from FY24

Product Showcase

58% increase in power transmission capacity of UP in past three years


Nuclear power can reduce greenhouse gases: M Venkaiah Naidu, Vice-President


Corporate News ADB to provide $750-mn loan to IXQG UDLOZD\ WUDFN HOHFWULĂ€FDWLRQ in India Schneider Electric strengthens its portfolio of wiring devices; launches customisable and IoT enabled smart switches in India


Advisory Committee Founder Chairman Mr R G Keswani Members Mr Sunil Misra Mr Naveen Kumar Mr. Vikram Gandotra Mr. Mustafa Wajid Mr. Purnendu Chaubey Mr. Mithul Thakkar Mr. A.S. Subramaniyan Advertisements Incharge Mr Gautam Sakhalkar Statistics & Data Incharge Mr Ninad Ranade


National News

Editorial Board


Initiative SME Clinique Small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs have become the backbone for developing economies across the globe. India’s ambitious growth targets and economic goals can be achieved by providing.


Index to Advertisers 110

Sparks Sans Shocks

Chairman Mr Harish Agarwal

Sub Editor Ms Shalini Singh

Circulation Incharge Ms Chitra Tamhankar Designed by: 5HĂ HFWLRQV Processed at: India Printing Works

5HJG 2IĂ€FH 0XPEDL 501, Kakad Chambers, 132, Dr A Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018. Phones: +91(0) 22 24930532 / 6528 Fax: +91(0) 22 2493 2705 Email: &RUSRUDWH 2IĂ€FH 1HZ 'HOKL 5LVK\DPRRN %XLOGLQJ )LUVW Ă RRU 85 A, Panchkuian Road, New Delhi 110001.Phones: +91 (0) 11-23363013, 14, 16 Fax: +91 (0) 11-23363015 Email: %UDQFK 2IĂ€FH %HQJDOXUX 204, Swiss Complex, 33, Race Course Road, Bengaluru 560 001. Phones: +91 (0) 80 2220 1316 / 1318 Fax: +91 (0) 80 220 1317 Email: %UDQFK 2IĂ€FH .RONDWD 503 A, Oswal Chambers, 2, Church Lane, Kolkata 700 001. Phones: +91 (0) 33 2213 1326 Fax: +91 (0) 33 2213 1326 Email: Website: Articles: Technical data presented and views expressed by authors of articles are their own and IEEMA does not assume any responsibility for the same. IEEMA Journal owns copyright for original articles published in IEEMA Journal. Representatives: Guwahati (Assam) - Nilankha Chaliha Email: Mobile: +91 9706389965 Lucknow (U.P. and Uttarakhand) Ajuj Kumar Chaturvedi Email: Mobile: +91 9839603195 Chandigarh (Punjab & Haryana) Bharti Bisht Email: Mobile: +91 9888208880 Jaipur (Rajasthan) Devesh Vyas Email: Mobile: +91 8955093854 Bhubaneshwar (Odisha) Smruti Ranjan Samantaray Email: Mobile: +91 9437189920 Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh) Jesse A Inaparthi Email: Mobile: +91 9949235153 6ULQDJDU -DPPX .DVKPLU

Mohammad Irfan Parray Email: Mobile: +91 9858455509

For subscription queries write to: Edited, Printed and published by Mr Sunil Kumar Misra on behalf of Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers’ Association, and Printed at India Printing Works, India Printing House, 42, G. D. Ambekar Road, Wadala, Mumbai 400 031 and Published at 501, Kakad Chambers,132, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018.


June 2019

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